

Mar 3rd, 2014
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  1. [14:44:34] <MarisaKirisame> apparently people already hate me on the /vr/ Doom thread
  2. [14:45:01] <MarisaKirisame> a lot of people seem to hate fun, though
  3. [14:45:22] <Bloax> are you sure it;s not just a shitposter
  4. [14:45:39] <MarisaKirisame> everyone is a shitposter?
  5. [14:45:46] <wintermute> hey im the alpha supreme when it comes to shitposting
  6. [14:46:00] <MarisaKirisame> everywhere I go everyone treats me like shit just for reasons related to not being anonymous
  7. [14:46:23] <wintermute> wait are we talking about 4chan?
  8. [14:46:29] <wintermute> i dont go there, mainly because of how they doxx people they dont like
  9. [14:46:32] <wintermute> and that stuff freaks me out
  10. [14:46:49] <MarisaKirisame> heh
  11. [14:47:01] <MarisaKirisame> I think you're mistaking 4chan with 4chon
  12. [14:47:13] <wintermute> maybe :P
  13. [14:47:22] <Dusk`> what is a 4chon?
  14. [14:47:26] <Eric> or all of 4chan with 2008 /b/
  15. [14:47:26] <Mike12> I think you're confusing 4chan with Fox New's version of 4chan
  16. [14:47:36] <TerminusEst13> <MarisaKirisame> apparently people already hate me on the /vr/ Doom thread
  17. [14:47:37] <Mike12> Fox News*
  18. [14:47:44] <TerminusEst13> one post calling you on something you did = EVERYONE HATES YOU?
  19. [14:48:15] <MarisaKirisame> I didn't explicitly say "everyone"
  20. [14:48:17] <torridGristle> Eh, it's 4chan. They like anime girls too.
  21. [14:48:38] <TerminusEst13> one post calling you on something you did = PEOPLE HATE YOU?
  22. [14:49:35] <MarisaKirisame> TerminusEst13: you haven't seen how things are in /g/ or /v/
  23. [14:49:42] <MarisaKirisame> or /vg/
  24. [14:49:52] <Mike12> I have.
  25. [14:49:54] <Dynamo> if people hate you
  26. [14:49:55] <TerminusEst13> I have.
  27. [14:49:56] <Mike12> Not /g/
  28. [14:49:58] <Dynamo> may I ask why do you go there?
  29. [14:50:00] <Mike12> but /v/ and /vg/
  30. [14:50:19] <MarisaKirisame> it seems everywhere I go there will always be one or more retards complaining about me using a tripcode
  31. [14:50:28] <Dynamo> I heard a saying once
  32. [14:50:30] <Mike12> Oh.
  33. [14:50:33] <Dynamo> not necessarily applies in your case but....
  34. [14:50:33] <ijon> because it's 4chan
  35. [14:50:35] <MarisaKirisame> that or something about animu grills
  36. [14:50:37] <ijon> anonymity's kind of a big thing
  37. [14:50:40] <Mike12> yeah
  38. [14:50:41] <Dynamo> "you meet an asshole one day, you've met an asshole. you meet assholes every day, you're th asshole"
  39. [14:50:42] <Mike12> honestly
  40. [14:50:55] <Mike12> using a tripcode is kinda really stupid if it's just there for whenever you'rep osting.
  41. [14:51:08] <Mike12> Tripcodes are for identification when you're posting work or something you've done
  42. [14:51:10] <MarisaKirisame> I mostly go there for grabbing random images
  43. [14:51:19] <ijon> channers don't like tripcodes unless it's for something like confirming that you're the dude working on a project or whatnot
  44. [14:51:19] <Mike12> or want to verify your identity or something
  45. [14:51:23] <Dynamo> grabbing images is not something that spreads hatred
  46. [14:51:24] <Mike12> yeah, what Ijon said
  47. [14:51:32] <Dynamo> clearly you don't go there /just/ for grabbing images but also for posting
  48. [14:51:35] <TerminusEst13> In /doom/, if you're tripping, you're a modder or a contributor. People just asked you to not trip unless you're a modder or contributor.
  49. [14:51:38] <MarisaKirisame> I sometimes participate in threads that catch my interest, meanwhile
  50. [14:51:44] <Mike12> People see people using tripcodes just for general posting as obnoxious
  51. [14:51:56] <MarisaKirisame> I still consider myself a modder
  52. [14:51:58] <MarisaKirisame> ;_;
  53. [14:52:09] <ijon> but are you working on a project for /doom/
  54. [14:52:11] <MarisaKirisame> even if I haven't been active lately because of reasons
  55. [14:52:12] <ijon> because if not
  56. [14:52:14] <MarisaKirisame> for them?
  57. [14:52:17] <MarisaKirisame> no
  58. [14:52:20] <ijon> then don't trip
  59. [14:52:25] <MarisaKirisame> gee whatever
  60. [14:52:26] <Mike12> since it's kinda like 'LOOK AT ME I HAVE A NAME/IDENTITY ON THIS ANONYMOUS SITE' - or at least, that's how it's percieved by most people
  61. [14:52:55] <ijon> the only time I don't post as an anon is when I'm making a retarded joke that only works if my nick is on it
  62. [14:53:06] <ijon> even then
  63. [14:53:09] <MarisaKirisame> :/
  64. [14:53:14] <Mike12> I've never even used a tripcode, honestly
  65. [14:53:30] <Mike12> it's more fun to have people identify your by your own merits and your work
  66. [14:53:51] <MarisaKirisame> I've been using tripcodes since I first participated on an imageboard
  67. [14:53:55] <MarisaKirisame> (uboachan, specifically)
  68. [14:54:26] <ijon> well it's kind of pointless since people on 4chan typically don't care who you are
  69. [14:54:31] <MarisaKirisame> then again, there people are more respectful towards you since it's just a small community and all regulars know each other
  70. [14:54:42] <Mike12> 4chan is a massive place
  71. [14:54:48] <MarisaKirisame> One day they will care
  72. [14:55:03] <TerminusEst13> <MarisaKirisame> One day they will care
  73. [14:55:03] <MarisaKirisame> just like there's some few people on /g/ deeply interested in my software projects
  74. [14:55:05] <ijon> well UNTIL THEN
  75. [14:55:12] <TerminusEst13> This is a budding mastermind's oath, I swear.
  76. [14:55:19] <Mike12> haha.
  77. [14:55:21] <TerminusEst13> "One day, they will care about one. ONE DAY...! Mwahahahahahaha!"
  78. [14:55:23] <Eric> one day, i'll MAKE them care
  79. [14:55:29] <Bloax> you could of course just
  80. [14:55:30] <Bloax> iunno
  81. [14:55:33] <Bloax> clear your name field
  82. [14:55:35] <MarisaKirisame> however it seems /v/ doesn't give two flying fucks about game developers
  83. [14:55:37] <Bloax> bam
  84. [14:55:38] <Mike12> seriously though, i'm always working on something doom related and i've never used a trip
  85. [14:55:40] <Mike12> there's no point
  86. [14:55:54] <Bloax> /v/ for not about /v/ideogames
  87. [14:56:02] <ijon> Mike12: and people can still easily figure out who you are
  88. [14:56:09] <Mike12> yeah
  89. [14:56:32] <Mike12> it's better to be identified by work and the like rather than 'hey guys look at my name'
  90. [14:56:32] <MarisaKirisame> there rarely are gamedev threads on /v/ that aren't actually shit compared to amateur gamedev generals on /vg/
  91. [14:56:51] <TerminusEst13> Yes, /v/ is a containment board.
  92. [14:57:59] <MarisaKirisame> Mike12: I certainly wouldn't like to be remembered as "that one girl who did <insert project name here>"
  93. [14:58:26] <TerminusEst13> What would you like to be remembered as, then?
  94. [14:58:37] <TerminusEst13> "That person who got upset when someone asked them not to trip?"
  95. [14:58:44] <Bloax> that's much better
  96. [14:58:46] <MarisaKirisame> that's even worse
  97. [14:58:53] <MarisaKirisame> oh well whatever fuck you all
  98. [14:58:55] *** Parts: MarisaKirisame ( (WeeChat 0.4.3)
  99. [14:59:00] <Bloax> lrn
  100. [14:59:01] <TerminusEst13> Thing is, that's exactly what's happening. Someone just asked you politely not to
  101. [14:59:02] <Bloax> 2 sarcasm
  102. [14:59:04] <TerminusEst13> WELL OKAY THEN
  103. [14:59:08] <Eric> wow rude
  104. [14:59:11] <ijon> well, um
  105. [14:59:15] <ijon> *okay*
  106. [14:59:42] <ijon> all this because some text on a thread told her that using a trip without a project associated with it isn't a good idea
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