

Jun 21st, 2013
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  1. 03[23:57] * Joins: Notch (
  2. [23:57] <Notch> Helo...
  3. [23:57] <@CraftlandBot> (Wizard): -_-
  4. [23:57] <@CraftlandBot> (MDJ101): Lol
  5. [23:57] <@CraftlandBot> (flyfoxt): :D
  6. [23:57] <@CraftlandBot> (4SwordsIdal): XD
  7. 03[23:57] * Notch is now known as Guest71389
  8. [23:58] <@CraftlandBot> (MDJ101): Love the trouble makers!
  9. [23:58] <Guest71389> yet
  10. [23:58] <Guest71389> admins >_>
  11. [23:58] <@CraftlandBot> TheExtingWisher left craftland
  12. [23:58] <Guest71389> super fucky
  13. [23:58] <@CraftlandBot> (flyfoxt): lol
  14. [23:58] <@CraftlandBot> (MDJ101): Hey watch it!
  15. [23:58] <@CraftlandBot> (MDJ101): There are little ones you know
  16. [23:59] <Guest71389> um what?
  17. [23:59] <@CraftlandBot> Crack10629 joined craftland
  18. [23:59] <@CraftlandBot> (MDJ101): Cursing
  19. Session Time: Sat Mar 02 00:00:00 2013
  20. [00:00] <Guest71389> a crappy mojanster[not in the list or has a cape yet he hasnt asked..]is checking out this aeither modpack
  21. [00:00] <@CraftlandBot> Bakamenashi joined craftland
  22. [00:01] <@CraftlandBot> (shadowC111): hi
  23. [00:01] <@CraftlandBot> (Wizard): hi
  24. [00:01] <Guest71389> his name is epicmann99 >_>
  25. [00:01] <@CraftlandBot> jud9999 left craftland
  26. [00:01] <@CraftlandBot> [Achievements] Bakamenashi has been awarded Welcome Visit!
  27. [00:02] <@CraftlandBot> (MDJ101): Welcome Bakamenashi!
  28. [00:03] <Guest71389> omg he said the craftland launcher is being a b**ch
  29. [00:03] <Guest71389> were in skype :D
  30. [00:03] <@CraftlandBot> (theo97490): un français?
  31. [00:03] <Guest71389> no.
  32. [00:04] <@CraftlandBot> (MDJ101): un english?
  33. [00:04] <@CraftlandBot> (theo97490): lol
  34. [00:04] <Guest71389> yes im english LOL
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