
Fight Fire With Fire; Fight Dark Times With Dark Matter & D

Feb 21st, 2017
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  1. Fight Fire With Fire;
  2. Fight Dark Times With
  3. Dark Matter & Dark Energy
  5. My current hypothesis is, to quote Duncan Trussell: “DEEP in the ‘What If?’ drawer.”
  7. TL;DR- I have a hypothesis linking the:
  9. increasing Schumann frequency
  10. the increasingly chaotic battle between the white hats and the Cabal
  11. the increasing public awareness of said battle
  12. Possible role of dark matter and/or energy in all of this*
  14. *not dark like dark magic, but the literal astrophysical new kid on the block
  16. Dark matter connects all humans, dark energy sends messages, and that's how our minds create reality.
  18. If you like it, keep reading! If not, remember it's completely theoretical. There's obviously confirmation bias
  19. --------------------------------------------------------
  21. So I've been brainstorming some random and admittedly way-out-there ideas and theories, but hey, I figure a lot of foundations of our current collective knowledge started as ridiculous postulations:
  23. earth not being the center of the universe
  24. the world being a sphere
  25. humans forming from zygotes and not homunculus (literally little cell-sized people inside of a women, clothes and all)
  26. -main stream media is biased, etc
  28. I made a post last week about something feel different - and not just the typical ups and downs of my own life, but that it really does seem like the Cabal is being picked apart. They're doing a really good job of saving face and keeping up appearances, but I believe it's an illusion. However, this is ultimately an opinion, and it's my feelings verse yours.
  30. Then I saw a post about the Schumann frequency jumping drastically (thank you /u/aloxotl_peyotl for the enlightening comment) from its usual 7.83 frequency to 36+
  32. From my incredibly crude understanding, and directly citing the article, here are two points that help my theory
  34. (1) “It has long been suspected that human consciousness can impact the magnetic field and create disturbances in it, particularly during moments of high anxiety, tension and passion.”
  36. (2) “Hopefully, we can learn to understand both our emergence from an essentially electromagnetic environment and facilitate our potential for healing, growth and non-local communication." (Emphasis mine)
  38. So let's dive in
  39. --------------------------------------------------------
  40. My Ideas
  42. Alright. So I was thinking maybe the Cabal has classified (like above top secret) the purpose of dark matter and dark energy.
  44. So we really don't know what the fuck dark matter does, what it's made up of, and how to detect it. Obviously I'm skilled in the subject. I know it's responsible for a large portion of the universe, and the detectable mass of the galaxy isn't enough to adequately explain its structure/ability to stay together/move and spin at the speed it does. So we know some of what it does and can detect it in massive amounts, but it's still very much so a head scratcher
  46. What they've found is scientific proof of the universal themes of religion:
  47. We are all one
  48. Karma
  49. Your mind creates reality
  51. Dark Matter Fog
  53. What if they've managed to figure out what it does and where it is on much smaller scales. Like flipping on a black light illuminates all the cum stains in a motel room that were previously invisible, let's pretend you could put some glasses and see dark matter in the world.
  55. What if you saw a cloud of it around everyone? Maybe it's large, maybe it's a small smattering that is barely larger than our silhouettes. Whatever.
  57. But then you fly up to like 50 feet (we’re in hypothetical fairyland, so suspend logic you asshole), and there's a uniform layer of it, like fog as far as you can see, but it's base hovers 50 ft off the ground. We’ll say the fog is a mile high (from its +50ft base). Nothing interacts with it - from raindrops to an Airbus a380, and as we know, we can't detect it. It also doesn't have to be 50ft, it can be any fucking height.
  59. So once up at 50ft, you can see a column of the dark matter fog that forms on a person's head and connects to the massive sky-fog. Again, it interacts with nothing, so a person can walk into their house, go under a bridge, etc, and it doesn't rip their head off their shoulders.
  61. Every human on Earth is connected to the fog. Everything's easier in the iFog™. The fog is the brain of humanity. Our columns of fog have a main connection to the sky-fog, like a spinal cord. And although the majority of our fog connects to the skyfog, we also have billions of fog tendrils within the skyfog (fogception). Those are nerves of the global mind.
  63. They mainly connect to people we know and love, people we're around a lot, people whose lives we influence and vice versa.
  65. Much thinner (and less numerous) tendrils connect to the people we're around at any given moment, whether at home or on a plane at cruising altitude going to Mumbai. You'd connect to the people on the plane and also (very) temporarily connect to people on islands 35,000 feet below you.
  67. Tendrils also connect through electronics: cell phones, tablets, even you reading this right now. You'd also have tendrils going to individuals on the evening news or spaghetti westerns from 50 years ago.
  69. Anytime consciousness is near other consciousness, communicating with other consciousness, or simply associated (despite distance between time and space), tendrils of varying degree form. And they never break.
  71. When looked at from space, it's similar to the atmosphere: just a hair thin wisp clinging to our rock. And our rock (and every other planet) has a column going to a disk-fog on the planetary plane. All planets connect to the fog, to each other, but mainly to the sun.
  73. The sun is already in the fog of the Milky Way dark matter disk, but it has a massive column going straight to the supermassive black hole near Sagittarius A, at the center of the Milky Way. It has smaller tendrils going to nearby stars. And it has incredibly thin tendrils going to every other in the Milky Way - hundreds of billions in pointing outward in every direction, essentially forming a sphere. Only when tens of light years away can you see the sphere start to show separate tendrils.
  75. The galaxies connect to each other in similar manners. So do the local groups, clusters, superclusters, walls and filaments.
  77. We are all one.
  79. Dark Energy Impulses
  81. Whereas dark matter formed the planetary, solar system, galactic, and universal fog-brain, dark energy is actual message fired. However,it is not an electrical impulse fired like in a nervous system. It's not even light. It's not even faster than light. It's instantaneous.
  83. So if I hold the door for you, a blast of positive energy goes from my cloud to your cloud, following either a small tendril between us or first going to the skyfog. Visualize: it's like a lightning strike when *not* viewed in slow motion. Just a flash of blinding white and a momentary image of a bolt connecting the sky and earth.
  85. It could be positive energy or negative energy. I could hold the door for you or we could be on the phone across the planet and I insult your girlfriend: an instantaneous arc connects us.
  87. This can be between you and I, or 5 people, or entire nations.
  89. I can watch a documentary made in the 70s about the nazis in the 40s, and the painful emotions I feel from seeing the concentration camps sends an arc through time and space straight to me.
  91. You could see a picture of me and think, “I'm gonna give him a call, it's been forever.” That arc is instantaneous. I get a blip in my mind of you and then get the phone call a few seconds later. “Dude, I was JUST thinking of you.”
  93. It also helps create our realities. Dark matter fog isn't just around humans - it's all over everything. Dark Energy travels through it, affecting it.
  95. This explains momentum in sports games. Super 51, the Patriots came back from 28-3 in the 3rd quarter:
  97. One touchdown. “Okay we got one on the board” - Pats fan.
  98. Another touchdown. “Fuck, don't be stupid” - Falcons fan.
  99. A field goal. “C’mon baby let's go!” - Pats fan.
  100. Another touchdown. “FUCK it's tied. Oh man oh man oh man shit.” - Falcons fan
  101. OT coin toss. “Let's go let's go let's go, win the toss!” - Pats fan now actively affecting reality instead of passively cheering
  102. Patriots marching down the field. “They're gonna score, they're gonna score, they're gonna score. We're gonna lose the Super Bowl.” - Falcons fan now actively affecting reality
  104. We can now see the importance of the Cabal controlling the media:
  105. We need to be unaware of what they're doing (media blackout)
  106. If we do become aware, it must be distorted (media spin)
  107. If we see the whole truth, the Cabal responds with crushing force (Occupy Wall Street being demolished by hoards of riot control soldiers). Although we vastly outnumber them, this isolated incident makes it appear that we can't do anything, and thus we create that reality
  109. The notion of karma is also real. We'd need supercomputers to simulate the mathematical process and map out the networks, but what goes around does come around:
  110. Sometimes it's instantaneous: you cheat on your test and get expelled
  111. Sometimes it's delayed: you kill someone in a drunk hit and run. They're family is on vacation later that year at the Great Wall of China and has their picture taken, and can't help but break down in tears over the lost child. This saddens the random person taking the picture. She tells the story to a random cab driver, making him sad. He doesn't chat with the barber like he normally does. She cries while talking to her husband that night because that was the straw that broke the camel's back of her already bad day. He's upset that some dude made his wife upset, and snaps at his employee the next day. The employee is flustered and doesn't properly solder one of the computer chips in the iPhone assembly line. Some guy buys that phone. Months later, it starts fucking up, so much so that one evening the screen freezes while driving. He's trying to restart the phone, takes his eyes off the road, and runs over your nephew with his diesel pickup, turning him into a pile of hamburger meat and shredded children's clothes. You suck.
  113. The consciousness of our ancestors and loved ones could exist somewhere in the fog, visiting us in dreams.
  115. Psychedelic experiences in nature could be you literally communicating with Mother Earth.
  117. And the Cabal might've figured out how to fuck with this neural network:
  119. (1)Pedophilia, torture, sacrifice, and cannibalism sends out horrifically negative arcs into the skyfog that are so powerful, they affect everyone on Earth - despite no one even knowing about the incidents. It could keep us sad, angry, anxious, etc, making it so we have to use all our energy just to go to work and pay bills, and no extra energy to practice meditation and possibly learn about this network on our own.
  121. (2)Negative arcs could also be caused by war and the millions affected, through direct conflict, collateral damage, or PTSD years later.
  123. (3)Poor nutrition and genetically modified foods make us fatigued and unwilling and unable to discover our personal powers
  125. The neural network is why it's been so important to shed light on fake news, keep the world hungry for Wikileaks, and the president’s use of Twitter: we have to start vibing together and *knowing* we can vibe together. This could be the Schumann frequency jump to 36.
  127. In addition to enlightening the people, the white hats could be artificially jump starting the skyfog with different technology that Trump now controls or can use his power as POTUS to influence:
  128. HAARP
  129. Z-Machine
  130. CERN
  131. Fucking Twitter
  133. It could also be that Mother Earth herself is increasing the Schumann resonance as a biological feedback system: she doesn't take sides, but simply seeks balance.
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