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All Classic Elders

a guest
Jan 25th, 2020
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  1. Guide:
  2. -Have Scepter of Celebras in your inventory
  5. ########################################################
  6. Winterspring
  7. Everlook
  8. Frozen Lake (South Side)
  9. Teldrassil
  10. Darnassus (Cenarion Enclave)
  11. Dolanaar
  12. Darkshore
  14. Felwood
  15. North of Jeadenar
  16. Azshara
  17. Ravencrest Monument
  18. Ashenvale
  19. Astranaar
  20. Barrens
  21. Ratchet
  22. Crossroads
  23. Durotar
  24. Razor Hill
  25. Orgrimmar (In Front of Thralls Hut)
  26. Camp Taujaro
  27. Mulgore
  28. Bloodhoof Village
  29. Thunder Bluff (Elder Rise Duh)
  30. Thousand Needles
  31. Mirage Raceway
  32. Freewind Post
  33. Tanaris
  34. Gadgetzan
  35. Uldum (Valley of the Watchers)
  36. Zul Farrak (Gazhrilla's Pool)
  37. Feralas
  38. Dire Maul (Middle Of the Arena)
  39. Lariss Pavillion
  40. Desolace
  41. Maraudan (path leading up from Princess Pool)
  42. Ungoro Crater
  43. Slithering Scar
  44. Silithus
  45. Cenarian Hold
  46. Crystal Vale
  49. ########################################################
  50. Eastern Plaguelands
  51. Lights Hope Chapel
  52. Crown Guard Tower
  53. Stratholme (Festival Row, Right before Unforgiven)
  54. Western Plaguelands
  55. Scholomance (Not in the instance, on the top of the castle)
  56. The Weeping Cave (South of the cave)
  57. Tirisfal Glades
  58. Brill
  59. Undercity (Throne Room)
  60. Silverpine Forest
  61. The Sepulcher
  62. Hinterlands
  63. North of The Creeping Ruin
  64. Loch Modan
  65. Thelsamar
  66. Dun Morogh
  67. Ironforge (Mystic Ward)
  68. Kharanos
  69. Searing Gorge
  70. Blackchar Cave (West of brm ramp)
  71. Blackrock Spire
  72. Lbrs (across the wooden Bridge)
  73. BRD Ring of Law
  74. Elwynn Forest
  75. Stormwind (The Park)
  76. Goldshire
  77. Westfall
  78. Sentinel Hill Tower
  79. Burning Steppes
  80. DreadMaul Rock
  81. Flames Crest
  82. Stranglethorn Vale
  83. Booty Bay
  84. ZG Entrance
  85. Swamp of Sorrows
  86. Temple of Atal'Hakkar (Dragon Floor NE)
  87. Blasted Lands
  88. Dark Portal
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