

Dec 19th, 2020
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  1. Mamy Restau­rant re­stores op­er­a­tions, prob­a­bly was the Chaos City foodie hap­pi­est mat­ter.
  2. But re­cently be­sides the Chaos City local guest, many diner who comes with ad­mi­ra­tion from each re­gion, for a on the clouds by the major gourmet food mag­a­zines Mamy Restau­rant gourmet food.
  3. Ar­rives in high spir­its, en­joys one­self to the full to turn over, this is the feel­ing of most din­ers.
  4. No one can eas­ily ar­rive at Chaos City, for ex­am­ple Vanessa in Roe City im­pe­r­ial palace, sees the Royal Mother who cries, is red eyes, re­ally could not say the words that any­thing com­forted.
  5. The first sev­eral days front­line spread the news of vic­tory, an­other news that may pass on si­mul­ta­ne­ously, if ac­tu­ally bolt from the blue in gen­eral lets her and Royal Mother pro­found heart.
  6. Josh died.
  7. Her Sec­ond Brother died.
  8. Al­though they said that he is a bas­tard, be­trayed the spirit fool to the devil, al­most ruins the mix­ing ball of this world.
  9. Under seeks help, 【App】 Can like steal­ing veg­etable/dish the book ticket se­cretly, steals the book ticket of good friend to throw to my book quickly.
  10. May in her mem­ory, more often, he be the gen­tle Elder Brother, will lead the de­li­cious Sec­ond Brother to her se­cretly, when oth­ers ridicule her stands to pro­tect her elder brother.
  11. She re­joiced that the al­lied armies de­feated the dead spirit reg­i­ment, Nolan con­ti­nent avoid the plung­ing the peo­ple into dis­as­ter, may hear Josh died the news, ac­tu­ally how also happy.
  12. The mother most loves the Sec­ond Brother, will soon hear he turns into the devil pup­pet the time is day and night ner­vous dif­fi­cult se­cure, is un­able to go to sleep, this sev­eral days cries daily, can­not eat up the thing, day after day is thin, the com­plex­ion green and yel­low, look at her par­tic­u­larly to love dearly.
  13. „Royal Mother, you eat a gruel, I feed you to drink.” Vanessa re­ceived one bowl of warm red bean gruel from nearby palace maid hand, this is the dessert that the em­press usu­ally most likes.
  14. How­ever the red bean gruel just fed the mouth of em­press, she smells the steam, ac­tu­ally turned head to retch sud­denly, spat sev­eral yel­low­ing acid water, com­plex­ion grieved beck­on­ing with the hand.
  15. Vanessa gives the palace maid the gruel, took the silk hand­ker­chief to clean her cor­ners of the mouth, the im­pe­r­ial physi­cian was say­ing, Royal Mother this was sad ex­ces­sively, de­pressed in heart, if un­able to eat food, pos­si­bly was very dif­fi­cult to sup­port, these two days de­pended en­tirely on sev­eral magic medica­ment that swal­lowed re­luc­tantly to sup­port.
  16. „Royal Mother, the Royal Mother......” Vanessa is hug­ging the em­press gen­tly, could not bear sob.
  17. „Your im­pe­r­ial fa­ther was too cruel-hearted, dur­ing that time he, if chose Shawn, when Crown Prince, broke read­ing of Josh to think how he will lose the life for this throne. Two chil­dren, a throne, this was must make me lose a child......” queen wah spits a blood to come out, the lip angle wiped bright red, the re­flected that face was even more pale.
  18. Low­er­ing the head that the palace maids shrink, does not dare to speak.
  19. „Royal Mother, I lead you to go out for a walk, goes to Chaos City, goes to Mamy Restau­rant, I lead you to eat the de­li­cious thing, we relax.” One side Vanessa took up the thick coat to ap­prove on the body of em­press, then told: „Pre­pares fly­ing mount, I must lead the Royal Mother to go to Chaos City at the same night.”
  20. „Princess, now night, more­over queen em­press body is weak, at this time leaves the palace, per­haps your majesty will not con­sent.” The chief palace maid hes­i­tates was say­ing, the Princess con­duct, some­what was un­avoid­ably will­ful, they may be un­able to take on this re­spon­si­bil­ity.
  21. „You......” Vanessa knit the brows, ac­tu­ally also knows per­haps one­self do not have this right.
  22. „I must walk.” At this time, the queen who the vi­sion has drifted away sat straight the body sud­denly, looks that palace maid said: „Re­ported re­ports your majesty, I must leave the palace.”
  23. „Yes.” The palace maids com­ply to say hastily, de­parts in a hurry.
  24. „Royal Mother......” Vanessa looks re­stored sev­eral points of en­er­getic Royal Mother sud­denly, looks the happy ex­pres­sion.
  25. „Changes clothes for me.” The queen look is dif­fi­cult to cover ex­haust­edly, but the sound is firm.
  26. The palace maids bus­tle about quickly, changes clothes for the queen, wears the cloth­ing that main­tained warmth thickly, out­side also threw over a fox fur big sable.
  27. The palace maid then came back quickly, said that is your majesty agreed lets the queen and Princess leaves the palace, fly­ing mount has arranged.
  28. Vanessa ac­ci­dent/sur­prise in well-il­lu­mi­nated of im­pe­r­ial fa­ther, but sup­ported by the arm the queen to mount huge fly­ing mount, broad con­duct­ing the back has a mag­nif­i­cent tem­po­rary palace, this was the gold/metal wing big vul­ture that the king jour­ney time can ride.
  29. „Goes to Chaos City!” Vanessa or­dered.
  30. Ten sev­eral fly­ing mount take off, flies to the moon­lit night, goes out of town to south.
  31. After going out of town hun­dred li (0.5 km), the queen who had not spo­ken said sud­denly: „North makes them turn around, goes.”
  32. „North goes? Royal Mother, we do not go to Chaos City?” The Vanessa star­tled say/way, she is think­ing the friend­ship of clos­ing right up against it­self and Boss Mag, even to Chaos City pos­si­bly is late at night, but re­quested that the Boss Mag help gives her Royal Mother to make food should not to have the issue, but the Royal Mother ac­tu­ally changed the idea at this mo­ment, must go to the north side.
  33. „I must have a look at Josh per­son­ally, oth­er­wise my life-long dif­fi­cult se­cure.” The queen is res­olute.
  34. „But......”
  35. „Wants me to go out to order?” The queen vis­its her.
  36. The Vanessa mood sinks, turns around say­ing: „Queen has the com­mand, turns around the di­rec­tion, goes to ex­tremely north the front.”
  37. Is­suance of order, fly­ing mount stops, some out­side small tu­mults, but fly­ing mount turns around the di­rec­tion quickly, flies to­ward north.
  38. ......
  39. „Xin Dela re­ally must have a look per­son­ally......”
  40. The sum­mit of im­pe­r­ial palace high tower, Andre looks at the north sky, the fa­cial ex­pres­sion is some­what com­plex.
  41. Short sev­eral days, his tem­ple is gray­ing, was seem­ingly older.
  42. ......
  43. Ten sev­eral fly­ing mount in­side and out­side ten de­scended in the devil seal slowly, guards the team their po­si­tion marks, above the ice­field has shone bunch of flames, the 10th Rank pro­tec­tor caught up in this di­rec­tion, sur­rounded them.
  44. „Here is the con­voy guard of Queen Roth Em­pire! Please do not at­tack!” Guard Cap­tain called out loudly.
  45. Guardians as be­fore pro­tec­tion vis­its them, in the hand the pointed weapons have not put down.
  46. 10th Rank knight rushes, sees that gold/metal wing big vul­ture slightly one star­tled, goes for­ward to say re­spect­fully: „End will pay a visit the queen, may I ask the queen mid­night visit, so-called what mat­ter?”
  47. This is the devil seal of var­i­ous races al­lied armies to­gether pro­tec­tion, even if he is Of­fi­cer Roth Em­pire’s, com­ing the per­son is the queen, he must ac­cord­ing to the rules and reg­u­la­tions in­quiry and con­duct.
  48. Xin Dela was sup­ported by the arm by Vanessa was going out of the tem­po­rary palace, looks that 10th Rank knight said: „Tonight sud­denly vis­its, the thank your for your hos­pi­tal­ity al­lied armies pro­tec­tor, I wants to come to see my son Josh.”
  49. The look of var­i­ous races pro­tec­tor be­comes some­what is im­me­di­ately bad, that 10th Rank knight is also the ex­pres­sion slightly stiff, human knight and Magic Caster in pro­tec­tor have leaned sim­i­larly the face.
  50. Son Josh of queen, died above this bat­tle­field.
  51. How­ever his death was not the hon­ored mat­ter, was tens of thou­sands of al­lied armies of­fi­cers trades with the life.
  52. The of­fi­cers blood has not done, but does this Queen Roth Em­pire’s ac­tu­ally run up to the front­line to hold a memo­r­ial ser­vice for his son?
  53. This is the ab­surd hate­ful mat­ter!
  54. The pro­tec­tors only feel fear­ful, looks that Xin Dela's vi­sion does not cover the anger.
  55. Where Vanessa has seen this type of weaponry, sub­con­scious grasped Xin Dela's arm, some fears.
  56. The guard team of queen also tight­ened the de­fense, vig­i­lant looks at pro­tec­tor all around.
  57. „I and you same hate the devil, but I now am only an or­di­nary mother, comes to see place that my child stands fi­nally, but thinks short dis­tance looks at one.” Xin Dela sup­presses sor­row­ful say­ing.
  58. Previous
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