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- class BinarySearchTreeNode: CustomStringConvertible {
- public private(set) var value: Int
- var left: BinarySearchTreeNode?
- var right: BinarySearchTreeNode?
- var parent:BinarySearchTreeNode?
- var leftCount = 0
- var rightCount = 0
- var description: String {
- return "Value: \(value); leftCount: \(leftCount); rightCount: \(rightCount)"
- }
- init(value: Int) {
- self.value = value
- }
- }
- class BinarySearchTree {
- private var root: BinarySearchTreeNode?
- init(rootValue value: Int) {
- root = BinarySearchTreeNode(value: value)
- }
- public func insert(value: Int) {
- guard let tempRoot = self.root else {
- self.root = BinarySearchTreeNode(value: value)
- return
- }
- func recursiveInsert(root: BinarySearchTreeNode?) {
- guard let root = root else {
- return
- }
- if value <= root.value && root.left == nil {
- root.left = BinarySearchTreeNode(value: value)
- root.left?.parent = root
- }
- else if value > root.value && root.right == nil {
- root.right = BinarySearchTreeNode(value: value)
- root.right?.parent = root
- }
- else if value <= root.value {
- recursiveInsert(root: root.left)
- }
- else {
- recursiveInsert(root: root.right)
- }
- if let left = root.left {
- root.leftCount = left.leftCount + left.rightCount + 1
- }
- if let right = root.right {
- root.rightCount = right.leftCount + right.rightCount + 1
- }
- }
- recursiveInsert(root: tempRoot)
- }
- public func print() {
- func dfs(root: BinarySearchTreeNode?) {
- guard let root = root else {
- return
- }
- dfs(root: root.left)
- Swift.print(root)
- dfs(root: root.right)
- }
- dfs(root: root)
- }
- public func find(value: Int) -> Bool {
- return findNode(value: value) == nil ? false : true
- }
- public func delete(value: Int) {
- guard let nodeToDelete = findNode(value: value) else {
- return
- }
- if nodeToDelete.left == nil {
- transplant(node: nodeToDelete.right, over: nodeToDelete)
- }
- else if (nodeToDelete.right == nil) {
- transplant(node: nodeToDelete.left, over: nodeToDelete)
- }
- else {
- guard let successorNode = treeMinimum(node: nodeToDelete.right!) else {
- fatalError()
- }
- if let successorParent = successorNode.parent, successorParent !== nodeToDelete {
- transplant(node: successorNode.right, over: successorNode)
- successorNode.right = nodeToDelete.right
- successorNode.right?.parent = successorNode
- }
- transplant(node: successorNode, over: nodeToDelete)
- successorNode.left = nodeToDelete.left
- successorNode.left?.parent = successorNode
- }
- updateChildrenCount(for: root)
- }
- public func getRandomNode() -> Int? {
- guard let root = root else {
- return nil
- }
- return getRandomNode(from: root)
- }
- private func getRandomNode(from root: BinarySearchTreeNode?) -> Int? {
- guard let root = root else {
- return nil
- }
- let totalCount = root.leftCount + root.rightCount
- guard totalCount != 0 else {
- return root.value
- }
- let random = Int.random(in: 0..<totalCount)
- if random < root.leftCount {
- return getRandomNode(from: root.left)
- }
- else if random == root.leftCount {
- return root.value
- }
- else {
- return getRandomNode(from: root.right)
- }
- }
- private func findNode(value: Int) -> BinarySearchTreeNode? {
- guard let root = root else {
- return nil
- }
- var q = [BinarySearchTreeNode]()
- q.append(root)
- while !q.isEmpty {
- let first = q.remove(at: 0)
- if first.value == value {
- return first
- }
- if let left = first.left {
- q.append(left)
- }
- if let right = first.right {
- q.append(right)
- }
- }
- return nil
- }
- private func treeMinimum(node: BinarySearchTreeNode) -> BinarySearchTreeNode? {
- var temp = node
- while temp.left != nil {
- temp = temp.left!
- }
- return temp
- }
- private func transplant(node: BinarySearchTreeNode?, over nodeToDelete: BinarySearchTreeNode) {
- if nodeToDelete.parent == nil {
- self.root = node
- }
- else if nodeToDelete === nodeToDelete.parent?.left {
- nodeToDelete.parent?.left = node
- }
- else {
- nodeToDelete.parent?.right = node
- }
- if node != nil {
- node?.parent = nodeToDelete.parent
- }
- }
- private func updateChildrenCount(for root: BinarySearchTreeNode?) {
- guard let root = root else {
- return
- }
- if root.left == nil && root.right == nil {
- return
- }
- updateChildrenCount(for: root.left)
- updateChildrenCount(for: root.right)
- if let left = root.left {
- root.leftCount = left.leftCount + left.rightCount + 1
- }
- if let right = root.right {
- root.rightCount = right.leftCount + right.rightCount + 1
- }
- }
- }
- let tree = BinarySearchTree(rootValue: 5)
- tree.insert(value: 3)
- tree.insert(value: 2)
- tree.insert(value: 1)
- tree.insert(value: 4)
- tree.insert(value: 6)
- tree.insert(value: 7)
- //tree.print()
- //tree.find(value: 3)
- //tree.find(value: 0)
- //tree.delete(value: 3)
- //tree.print()
- tree.getRandomNode()
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