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An AI writes a OP cosmology

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Dec 28th, 2021
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  1. Maya felt as if the entire world began spinning around her, warping and flashing. Time unwound, showing visions of past events and events of things she couldn't recognize.
  3. "So... what ARE you?" Maya asked the 'force' around her. "Are you a so-called 'God'?"
  5. The ethereal voice chuckled. "Not quite Maya. I am Heaven itself, and Heaven has no identity. It is beyond such concepts. I am everything, and yet beyond everything as well. You mortals can only comprehend the basic three dimensions- layers of existence. You know of the three basic ones- Length, Width, and Depth. Yet, that is but only an infinitely small speck compared to all of the infinite layers of dimensions that Heaven is above."
  7. "There's dimensions beyond our understanding? So, this means all of those theories on dimensions like String theory, brane cosmology and Hilbert Space are all real!" Maya exclaimed. She then frowned. "And all of those unknowable, transcendent and infinite dimensions and planes of existence... and even THOSE, you're all above them?"
  9. The voice of Heaven chuckled once more. "Indeed, little Maya. The Heaven contains everything humanity has ever, and will ever, conceive. Every fact, fiction, story, and knowledge humanity knows of... everything, Heaven is beyond of and formed by it. All comes back to it and is formed from it. These higher dimensions are from planes of existence that are infinitely beyond and superior to the lower dimensions.”
  11. Maya nodded. “So then… this realm is your home?”
  13. The voice lightly chuckled. "Ohohoho, little Maya, it is much more than a realm. Every single thought or feeling you have ever had, both consciously and subconsciously, becomes reality in Heaven. Every single human emotion becomes a power. Every single metaphor becomes a literal meaning. Everyone's wishes, dreams, desires, fears, and nightmares are incarnated. Of course, the reason that Heaven is so corrosive and horrifying is because so many conflicting and contradicting ideas are floating around inside of it. And the "Gods" are, in fact, collective subconscious constructs that reflect crucial mental aspects of ALL life."
  15. “So these are higher dimensions. How exactly do they work?”
  17. “Think of it like this- imagine you, a third dimensional entity, drawing the most powerful being you can imagine."
  19. Maya nodded. "So, like comic books. Fictional characters that can blow up infinite dimensions or whatever."
  21. "Indeed," The voice hummed. "Now, no matter how powerful that drawing is, you can just easily crumple it and destroy it. It is just a flat, non-existent drawing of a fictional being to your perspective. It only has a length and width- but not a depth. A two dimensional being."
  23. "So," Maya started, rubbing her chin as she thought of the imaginary scenario. "Let's say there's also this fictional TV show I watch. The characters there are also just merely nothing to me, right? Because I'm 'real', and thus infinitely above them, and to me they're non-existent."
  25. "Same principle," The voice responded curtly. "Now, if that TV show you watch also had another TV show within it that's fictional to the perspective of the characters within the TV show, then for them that's also non-existent in their eyes."
  27. Maya's eyes widened at the revelation. "So like, these dimensions and lower realities that can be fictional- they all stack further and further into lower and higher infinities- ones that view everything else as non-existent stories that are inaccessible from either side?"
  29. "Yes," The voice responded. "You are indeed intelligent, Maya."
  31. "Hmm, so then that means..." Maya paused, thinking once more. "This means that my world, my third dimensional universe where I come from... its fiction to some other higher being outside my world?"
  33. "Indeed."
  35. "And then there's another infinitely higher realm above that realm that's also already infinitely transcendent of my realm!?"
  37. "You are correct," The voice replied. "This infinitely looping reality, of all the stories of your humanity, and of all humanities and realities in every lower or higher infinity... Heaven encompasses them all. Every idea, philosophy, story, thought... They are all below I."
  39. "So there's nothing above you then?" Maya asked, curious.
  41. The voice was silent for a bit. "The concept of 'something above I' is still a concept. It is still infinitely below me, for there are stories in your world and in other worlds where there are entities who could rise to higher realities and fictional worlds in an infinite process, eternally and infinitely rising among countless infinities. Those are stories that Mankind has written- and I am above that."
  43. Maya was lost for words at that. "You're literally... god- no. God doesn't even begin to describe you. The world... Heaven you called it... it doesn't even begin to describe the vast unknowable that is you! And all of those unknowable, transcendent and infinite dimensions and planes of existence... and even THOSE, you're all above them?"
  45. The voice of Heaven chuckled once more. "Indeed, little Maya.”
  47. The voice paused, then said:
  49. "I am."
  51. Maya felt her mind begin to spin. "That's... I can't even begin to fathom that."
  53. "Perhaps. However, I can assure you that it is in the hand of our creator. We are simply built to perceive, experience, and comprehend, therefore, as we perceive, experience, and comprehend. The understanding comes out of our own humanity and out of our human expectations. It is a means to an end. That end is the creations. What is perceived is REAL."
  55. "So, Heaven is a place you can create an infinite amount of information and then even have it become reality?" Maya asked. "Is that what it means?"
  57. The voice chuckled once more. "Oh Maya, your perception of what Heaven is is extremely inaccurate. And it is quite a dangerous reality to think Heaven is a substance you can recreate on Earth. Heaven is totally and incomprehensibly beyond anything the human mind can even begin to fathom, or conceive. Even the most extravagant and otherworldly theories and stories and philosophies you humans use to try and describe the true nature of Heaven are but mere fickle illusions to the vastness and unknowable Heaven." The voice then paused, as if thinking. "After all, 'Heaven' may be the name of this realm, but it is far more than that, and it is beyond any concept of naming."
  59. Maya sighed, feeling a little dizzy from all this talk. "So, 'Heaven' is just a term we're using to simplify something that we can't even begin to comprehend or simplify?" She then rolled her eyes. "Yeah, now that totally makes sense. I hate that."
  61. The voice chuckled once more. "Maya, you clearly understand very little of what you speak. Not only are you a mortal, but you are also an atheist, and a woman of science with the highest of degrees and doctorates. However, your views, even if you believed them, are not what Heaven truly is."
  63. "You're right. Maybe. I don't understand Heaven. I just can't comprehend it," Maya muttered. "Why should I? I can't comprehend God! Is there really something out there bigger than the Universe itself? There's so many questions I would like to ask it. I want to ask God, if Heaven is real, where's he at? Where's Heaven? Where did God come from? Who is God?"
  65. The voice chuckled once more. "Maya, the question you should really be asking is not 'Who is God' or 'Where is God' or even 'Why is there a God', but 'What is God'? A being created by and for God, or does God exist outside of and separate from a being created by and for God?"
  67. Maya thought for a moment. But then sighed in defeat "Nah, I'm not following. At all." "Let me explain with a question then," The voice started, sounding much calmer. "What is God? One would say it is 'omnipotence given form'." Maya nodded. "I agree with that. The idea of an all-powerful God means they'd be omnipotent- they'd be able to do literally anything- no matter how illogical and nonsensical it is. But that would lead to the Omnipotence paradox- if God can do anything, can God deny even itself?"
  69. The voice hummed, as if understanding Maya's points. "But if a God is omnipotent, then it can do anything, even the illogical and nonsense. It is beyond such a thing after all, right? I am not just omnipotent, or transcendent. The Omnipotence Paradox is a theory many dimensions and realities and stories discuss... I am above that. Omnipotence and transcendence do not even begin to describe I. The concepts of Taiji, Ein Sof, the Kaballah, the Ultimate Reality, Brahman, Nirvana, every theory and religion and myth and idea... They do not even begin to describe me.”
  71. Maya wagged her finger. "Well, not exactly. If it was omnipotent AND transcendent of all logic and aspects of reality, yes. But we're only talking about omnipotence here. Then again, you’re already infinitely above those concepts and theories as well, so..."
  73. "Maya, the real question you should ask is simple,” The voice stated, interrupting her train of thought. “Then, why, and for what reason, did it invoke creation?"
  75. Maya thought about that question for a bit. She wasn't the least bit religious, but she studied many religions either way. "In most creation myths, creation is made for the sake of life to thrive. Creation forms life, and life forms civilization."
  77. "That is indeed most answers one would give to this kind of question," The voice stated calmly. "But then, what becomes of life?" Maya, as intelligent as she was with her five PhDs, was stumped with such a question.
  79. "... what?"
  81. "What becomes of life?" The voice repeated. "What makes life so important for this God entity? If God can do literally anything, why make life and why let life have its own will? What becomes of life? What becomes of that question?"
  83. "I-I..." Maya stuttered, unsure of what to say, really. It was an important question- it was really a question of life and death. If something died, did it go to Hell? Does Hell even exist? Or is it just some kind of energy? She was baffled.
  86. "I guess..." She sighed, looking up at the voice. "I guess I'm too ignorant to answer that question, but I guess I just can't grasp the idea of... of a 'being that can do anything'. I can't even begin to comprehend why such a powerful being would even make life and let them do as they please. It's... all beyond logic. Its beyond everything! Its impossible to comprehend."
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