

Jan 29th, 2014
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  1. [X] 8 Ask your new pet what she knows of the crew she ran with. What are their habits, their personalities... And what would be the best way to bring them all to heel, if you were so inclined?
  5. Gently Kirche tousled the bandit girl's hair as she leaned back, the golden locks spilling messily across open legs as Kirche moaned in satisfaction. Again and again she rode the waves of ecstasy which her newly pledged toy provided, her mobile tongue adapting quickly to motions which she had been taught even while her arms remained behind her back, tied and restrained, just as her ankles too had been treated.
  7. It had been hours since they'd begun, her now exhasted lover had been given quite the extensive education throughout the night, at all the most fun things which her mistress enjoyed which didn't need the participation of a phallic insertion. Indeed thanks to her wide sexual experiences Kirche had encountered a multitude of pleasant ways in which creative partners had been able to make her cum with narry the touch of their tool, things which she always made it a point to remember as she entered into the next encounter and the next.
  9. Thing which apparently served superbly in the instruction of her female lover, despite her own technical inexperience in the realm of homosexual love. That trick with the tongue, taught to her by a surprisingly capable librarian, made the Zerbst heiress moan in orgasmic bliss.
  11. Her sexual fluids flooding the tongue of her lover not for the first or last time.
  13. "Oh, that was lovely." Kirche moaned even as she lifted the girl's up with cupped hands. It was painted slick with evidence of her new found skills, skills which Kirche intended to hone in the coming times. "Now that we are properly aqainted," she speaks her bound thrall looking up from between her legs, face cradled in silk-soft palms, "I find myself quite pleased with you. What is your name?"
  15. "I have been Abigail mistress." she speaks meekly her eyes blazing with awe. It is strange to see someone so captivated, even for one such as Kirche... but the brawny woman blushes pink at her frank stare... it is somewhat cute even on her, for while she is as muscled as a man... she somehow has managed to be quite attractive none the less. "I was Anthony while I ran with the group."
  17. "Hmmm..." The dark skinned noblewoman allowed her nimble fingers to roam her thrall surprisingly pretty face, tracing an outline of her lips with light soft motions. "Tell me your story. Why did you come to run with such a band of disreputable scum? A commoner girl like you... I've heard horrid stories of things such bandit groups would do to captured women."
  19. "It is true... even for this group mistress." the bandit girl speaks with some distress. "I've seen what they do when ever they chance to capture a common woman... Armarand deals with all things Noble himself. There isn't really much for me to say about myself Mistress... I'm a blacksmiths daughter, got tough from hauling around steel because father didn't have much in the way of sons, and mother died giving birth to me. When father died from shoeing a horse and getting kicked in the head... and then the forge exploded cause of somethings he'd left inside during the accident, I was just left with nothing to call my own but the clothes on my back and my father's hammer. I kinda drifted around after that and eventually ended up with this lot... it was always easier to pretend to be a man... commoner girls don't get any respect. At least as a man I wouldn't always have to look over my shoulder for someone testing me or ganging up to try to take me down. The chief is good at ferreting out routes and scores to set upon."
  21. "Hmm, quite the sad story, darling." Kirche speaks, caressing her cheek as it rests upon the noble girl's pubis. "It seems I should know more about your group though, just what did you get yourself into." Kirche commands, her words echoing with the very force of Authority stamped into her noble blood. "What has you're boss been doing?"
  23. "It is a quiet job we have been managing mistress... we've stayed ahead of the law, robbing mostly coaches with things which wouldn't be missed then erasing any trace of our involvement. I don't really know the details, but we've ended up with nobles on our hands more than once... but this was the first haul that the captain took without the usual cation... We thought more of you might have been beat up by the drop, so we risked it." She looks rather uncomfortable recounting, Kirche assessed as her bound captive wriggled in her bindings. "Normally though, when the chief captures a noble, he goes away for a week or two with Sven and Colridge, and comes back with a lot of extra gold to share around..."
  25. Kirche nodded in acceptance of the information. "And the men. How does your FORMER chief maintain them? A bunch of hardened brigands can't be easy to handle."
  27. "You would be surprised, mistress, what enough to eat, some wine and the occational kidnapped girl who won't be missed when she's gone does for bandit morale... Personally though I couldn't tell you anything more... I kept my distance so that they wouldn't figure out my secret."
  29. Kirche nodded. It made sense really, no sane woman would wish such a group of men to realize that she'd been hidden amoung them the entire time.
  31. "Only Aldray stood out from the rest, but he is back at base... he only participates during particular raids... but he's not a mage or a commoner either, Mistress. They've said he was from a distant land... he does something like magic... only with his body instead of a wand. I hear he is from beyond the lands of the elves... but he never admits to such talk."
  33. Kirche's eyes widen with interest... wand-less magic? Curiosity twitched though her body... or was that simply lust?
  35. "Alright... then tell me one more thing. What is the bounty on your group worth dead or alive?" She twitches at this question... clearly uncomfortable with the subject.
  37. "Standard bounty for any bandit group mistress, none of us are particularly famed... save maybe the... the former chief." Kirche smiles at the correction, her new toy truly was a quick learner. "One gold piece each... and if proof of further crimes are brought up an extra gold piece for bringing them in alive for an abject lesson on the evils of banditry... We would either be hung or beheaded mistress... and the Chief is worth nearly 100 gold coins alive."
  39. "Oh really." Kirche smiles, fingers playing against the surprisingly gentle curve of her ear even as the girl's chin is buried in her light ruff of flame red hair, looking up as morning breaks in all its glory... Kirche's face framed in the rising of the sun as the bandit woman looks on in raw lust.
  41. "I think i might have some planning to do."
  46. What will be your next move?
  47. [] Write in action for the day.
  50. Current Condition
  51. Will power: 100% [Regains 5% willpower per hour, treble when asleep, 10 times that in optimum emotional state]
  52. Current emotional state: Amorous, Refreshed
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