
MonMusu Mekton Quest: Episode 12

Feb 3rd, 2016
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  1. 8:21 PM - IT'S MEKTIME: When last we met, Kari had just seen the kids - her new sibilings - off in a tearful goodbye. Having returned to the ship, you wiled the time away with a variety of activities. Widoia even showed you this strange human television show called "Anime." Or maybe it was /an/ "anime"? You couldn't really tell. But it was about giant robots, so that caught your attention for a while. The following day, your ship is readying up to depart from station Zeta-95.
  2. 8:21 PM - IT'S MEKTIME: Have you any last-minute things you'd like to do on the station?
  3. 8:26 PM - IT'S MEKTIME: Deciding you've gotten everything you needed and did everything you could on the station, you await departure, back once more into the stars and onto the next job. With some loud thunks and a few buzzes, you hear the magnetic locks holding the ship in place disengage, and the engines start up as the airlock cycles. Not long after, you're cruising smoothly through the inky blackness.
  4. 8:28 PM - IT'S MEKTIME: Widoia kindly informed you that the flight time towards your next destination would be upwards of 32 hours, though you haven't yet been told what the job will be. For now, you've got free reign to do as you like on the ship. Practice some skills, chat up some of the fine ladies, whatever you'd like.
  5. 8:33 PM - IT'S MEKTIME: You decide to put some time in the piloting simulator. Nabbing Widoia as your overwatch and guide for the sim, since she happened to be free (and offered her services anyway. Came with a free elevator ride too!) you put about 8 hours of time into practice into the pod, netting yourself 4 IP for Piloting.
  6. 8:35 PM - Kari: Kari decides that after her long day of training, with good company, to ask Widoia to dine with her in the mess.
  7. 8:37 PM - IT'S MEKTIME: "Dinner together? Sure! That sounds like a lot of fun. You did great as always, Kari~." Widoia cheers, bumping you playfully as you walk side-by-side towards the mess.
  8. 8:38 PM - Kari: With a little giggle, Kari follows along with the friendly spider, stretching out aftera lock day in the simulator chair. "Thanks, Wids~. I figured after a long day of training we could use some good food and hang out to wind down. Glad you seem to agree with me."
  9. 8:41 PM - IT'S MEKTIME: "Of course. I always like spending time with you~. So how are those new outfits of yours working out anyway? Do you need help putting them on, or cutting some holes for your wings?"
  10. 8:42 PM - Kari: "I think I'm going to need help, yeah. If you don't mind that is. I'd rather not uh... have to repeat the awkwardness of having you help me squeeze in every time." With a little blush, Kari plays with a lock of her hair and tries not to think about it.
  11. 8:43 PM - IT'S MEKTIME: "Awkward? It wasn't that bad, though I guess it was a tight fit for your wings... speaking of, are you sure I didn't hurt you? You were making a lot of noise in the changing room when I was handling them. I tried to be gentle."
  12. 8:46 PM - Kari: Kari looks up at Widoia with a touch of embarrassment and surprise. "Huh? N-No, you didn't hurt me-... Hey, Widoia? D... do you not know anything about Kunchoren physiology?"
  13. 8:47 PM - IT'S MEKTIME: "Hm? Not really, no. Why do you ask?"
  14. 8:49 PM - IT'S MEKTIME: The two of you move towards the door into the kitchen, only to find it open on its own before you arrived within its range. Standing on the other side is none other than Langio, her bust as well-framed as always. The two of you stop and stare with varying levels of fear and arousal. She casually walks past, legs clicking against the metal floor.
  15. 8:50 PM - IT'S MEKTIME: Without stopping, she comments in her usual icy voice, a smirk plastered on her face. "They're an erogenous zone, you know. I would know."
  16. 8:50 PM - IT'S MEKTIME: Widoia cocks her head. "Who's a what now?"
  17. 8:50 PM - Kari: Kari's face flushes, freezing in place at the passing comment.
  18. 8:51 PM - IT'S MEKTIME: Without stopping, Langio passes the two of you, finishing her comment. "Her wings. She gets off when you touch them. And ohhh does she get off." You can practically hear her lick her lips, though you can't see it with her back to you.
  19. 8:54 PM - IT'S MEKTIME: Widoia seems to seriously ponder this new information for a moment, tapping a finger against her chin. Suddenly it hits her. She freezes up, her eyes widening. You can see her face suddenly flush, rising red like a thermometer, and you can picture the steam rising from her head.
  20. 8:54 PM - IT'S MEKTIME: "I'MSORRYI'MSORRYI'MSORRYI'MSORRYI'MSORRYI'MSORRY-" Widoia sprints into the kitchen, her afterimage racing to catch up.
  21. 8:57 PM - Kari: Kari opens her mouth to try and apologize for not saying anything, but it's far too late. Immediately shutting up after being scared half to death by Widoia's sudden outburst, her hands fly up reflexively to guard her face. As the spider rockets off into the mess, Kari balances on one foot and slowly tries to unbrace herself, one limb at a time. After a little awkward limbering up and a heaping handful of nervous ticks, Kari decides to also enter the mess and try to patch things up. "W-Widoia?" she calls out, face a distinct firetruck red.
  22. 8:58 PM - IT'S MEKTIME: It takes you a moment to locate her, but you look up to find Widoia settled into a web in an upper corner of the room. She has her hands covering her still-red face, and she shakes it back and forth.
  23. 9:01 PM - Kari: "Oh boy..." Breathing an exasperated sigh, Kari slowly works up the nerve and steps over towards her corner. "Hey, Widoia...? Look... um.... y-you know it's alright, yeah...? I'm not upset or anything. I mean... you didn't even know and... well... hell, I... you never even picked up on it the whole time. I mean, it's not like you took advantage of me or anything. You were just trying to h-help, right?"
  24. 9:04 PM - IT'S MEKTIME: She stops at your words, still covering her face. Taking a few deep breaths, she attempts to steady herself. "Y-you're sure... it's okay? I'm sorry... This is, um," she coughs, clearing her throat. She takes her hands off her face, clutching them to her chest as she says, "Er, kinda super awkward now. Eheh..."
  25. 9:06 PM - Kari: Kari gives her a mildly exasperated, but mostly sympatheticly awkward smile. "Yeah... yeah I'm sure. I mean... you're my friend, and a really good one at that. I don't want to let something as silly as this ruin that. Besides, I uh... I think La-... Chief uh... I think if I'm going to be nervous about anyone jumping me for intimate reasons, it's going to be her. So... I don't feel that awkward about being around you after that."
  26. 9:09 PM - IT'S MEKTIME: "Chief jumping you for...?" her face, which was finally beginning to cool, once more flushes a furious crimson. "O-oh. S-so... that's what, what I heard... through the airvents. Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee." She lets out a high-pitched whine which you determine to be her mentally shutting down. She covers her face once more, shaking back and forth again.
  27. 9:13 PM - Kari: "Ah hell...!" Kari facepalms with a resounding 'thwap' as her palm meets her face. Letting it slide down her face, she breathes yet another exasperated sigh/groan. "Y... yeah.... she um... y'see... 'positive reinforcement'... and.... jumped me... and... L-look! The details aren't important, and I'll try not to bring it up much more! I-I'm s-sorry! .... I.... I didn't r-realize you were so uncomfortable with these subjects... I'll try not to expose you anymore. I'm really sorry, Widoia." Kari's turned her head away with her last few words, and rubs her arm as she tries to grapple with a bit of guilt for upsetting her friend.
  28. 9:17 PM - IT'S MEKTIME: It takes some time, but she finally recovers herself. A few deep breaths later, she gingerly lowers herself from the ceiling. "I-I'm not, um, uncomfortable, or anything... it's just, y'know, kinda, er... awkward. A little. B-but if you were okay with it then it's okay. Everything's okay. I'm okay." Clearing her throat, she takes one final breath to steady herself, letting it out in a steady stream. "S-so... that dinner then."
  29. 9:18 PM - Kari is now Online.
  30. 9:21 PM - Kari: Kari turns back to Widoia as she speaks, and a warm, though still obviously embarrassed, smile sits on her face. Giving the kind spider a little nod, she stands a little more upright, snapping to attention at the sound of dinner. "Right! Food! Let's do that, shall we?"
  31. 9:21 PM - IT'S MEKTIME: "Right! Right, let's do that."
  32. 9:22 PM - Kari: "Right. So what other kinds of alien food do you know of? Maybe we could split something. I mean, your burger suggestion turned out well after all."
  33. 9:25 PM - IT'S MEKTIME: "Well, I'm not really much of a chef, but... I think we picked up some raw steaks from the station to restock our food. It's probably from an alien animal, if that counts."
  34. 9:27 PM - Kari: "Sure, why not?" Kari's mouth starts to water slightly at the thought of some good meat. "Hey... actually, I just realized, I don't really know how to cook. Mind showing me a little?"
  35. 9:30 PM - IT'S MEKTIME: "Sure! I'm pretty good, you know. Taught myself." Rolling up her sleeve, she puts a hand on her bicep, posing. "You can trust me!"
  36. 9:31 PM - Kari: "Chef Widoia~! I'm hyped up already!" Kari chitters, fists clenched with excitement and wings abuzzing.
  37. 9:31 PM - IT'S MEKTIME: *one jumpcut later*
  38. 9:33 PM - IT'S MEKTIME: The smoke detectors are going off. Sprinklers rain a constant stream of shirt-soaking water from the ceiling. The stench of charred meat fills your nostrils. On each of your plates sits a blackened lump of... something. It's currently stewing in the steadily-growing pool of water from the sprinklers. Little black flecks float in the watery puddle on the plate, and there may be a toxic runoff flowing from the "meat".
  39. 9:34 PM - Kari: "We're not very good at this, are we?" Kari says, staring blankly down into the chunk of hazardous material.
  40. 9:35 PM - IT'S MEKTIME: In much the same state you are, Widoia's eight eyes stare at the meat, as dead as it is. "I think we have instant noodles in the cupboard."
  41. 9:35 PM - Kari: ".... Do you think we can handle that...?"
  42. 9:36 PM - IT'S MEKTIME: "All you have to do is pull the tab on the side of the cup, and it's ready. Absolutely impossible to screw up."
  43. 9:37 PM - Kari: "Okay.... If you say so." Kari says a little farewell to her meat, and might even be crying. Not that anyone can tell from the amount of moisture running down her face.
  44. 9:40 PM - IT'S MEKTIME: The sprinklers stop now that your disaster has ceased smoking, leaving the two of you dripping, shirts clinging to your bodies. Widoia sullenly skitters over to the cupboard, withdrawing two noodle cups and bringing them back to the table. Too upset to care for your current state of being, the two of you sit hard on the chairs, staring intently at the prepackaged food.
  45. 9:41 PM - IT'S MEKTIME: You pull the little tabs from the bottom of the plastic cups simultaneously. Ten seconds later, they beep, and the tops pop open automatically, revealing a steaming pile of noodles, broth, and some various alien veggies.
  46. 9:42 PM - Kari: Kari perks up a little at the smell wafting up from the noodles. Shooting a wry smile over to Widoia, she chuckles quietly. "Well uh... at... at least the noodles smell good~... um... th-thanks for grabbing them, Wids."
  47. 9:43 PM - IT'S MEKTIME: Widoia giggles softly as well, your laughter almost being contagious. "It's the least I could do after... that. I don't know how that happened."
  48. 9:44 PM - Kari: Laughing with Widoia a little more genuinely, she starts to build into a genuine smile. After some good, honest giggles at their sad and sorry state, she beams up at the lovely spider. "Well at least today's been entertaining, right?"
  49. 9:46 PM - IT'S MEKTIME: "You can sure say that again. Well, let's eat!" Widoia grabs her spoon and begins chowing down, her own smile growing along with yours.
  50. 9:47 PM - IT'S MEKTIME: The door to the mess opens, and Dematus takes a step inside. Just one step. He takes a moment to survey the carnage, between the two soaked ladies, the puddles on the floor, the mess of cookery on the stove, the plates of toxic waste on the counter, and your casually eating instant noodles off to the side.
  51. 9:47 PM - IT'S MEKTIME: He turns around and walks out without a word.
  52. 9:48 PM - Kari: Kari stares blankly at Dematus, unsure of just how to react with a face full of noodles. As the door shuts behind him, she slowly turns her head over to Widoia and swallows. "What's his problem?" she asks with a silly giggle.
  53. 9:48 PM - IT'S MEKTIME: Widoia shrugs, swallowing her current mouthful. "Not a clue. I told you he's always been a grump."
  54. 9:49 PM - Kari: "Heh... It was a joke, Wids~."
  55. 9:50 PM - IT'S MEKTIME: "...oh." She giggles.
  56. 9:51 PM - IT'S MEKTIME: "Well... we should try this again sometime. Maybe with less mess, but it's still fun to spend time with you!"
  57. 9:53 PM - Kari: Giggling with Widoia, Kari gives her a genuine smile. "Yeah~. I've had a lot of fun regardless." She holds the smile for a just a bit longer before taking another bite of her noodles. Swallowing it, she pauses to glance at her friend. With a double take, her eyes run over the spider. "You know, Wids, this isn't all bad. You look really cute with wet hair~."
  58. 9:54 PM - IT'S MEKTIME: Widoia pauses, tilting her eyes upwards in an attempt to look at her own head. She turns her attention back to you, tilting her head with a smile. "You think? You're pretty cute yourself. But you always were~. T-though um... I learned more about you than I expected to today."
  59. 9:56 PM - Kari: "Oh~. Th-thanks!" Kari smiles with a faint blush back at the lovely spider. It quickly sours into awkward terroritory though the moment Widoia brings it back to the embarrassing conversation. "Heh... y-yeah... um... sorry about that..."
  60. 9:57 PM - IT'S MEKTIME: "I-it's fine, r-really... though, why d-didn't you ask me to stop at the time...? We could have found another way, if it was uncomfortable..."
  61. 9:59 PM - Kari: Kari stares straight ahead into Widoia's eyes, petrified and looking a little pale. "Um... well.... well y'see...." Leaning onto the hand closest to Widoia, she half hides her face and runs her fingers through her hair. "I... I was j-just.... embarrassed... and I didn't r-really know what to say... and you were so sweet and innocent about it... and... well.... m... maybe..."
  62. 10:01 PM - IT'S MEKTIME: "I...s-see..." she trails off, clearly blushing as she turns her head, chin propped on a hand. "W-well... i-if you ever," she takes a breath, steadying herself. "Ever want another... w-wing massage..." She doesn't finish the thought, but the implication is clearly there. Her face flushes even more, her eyes squeezed tightly shut.
  63. 10:03 PM - Kari: A jolt runs through Kari's body, and she slowly lifts her head from her hand to look over at Widoia. She blinks a couple of times as her mind slowly processes the information. "Y... you mean it...? You mean... it w-wouldn't be too... weird...?"
  64. 10:05 PM - IT'S MEKTIME: Widoia jolts as well. She holds out her arms, shaking her hands wildly as she flails her head about. "N-n-no of course not! P-purely platonic." Bringing her arms back towards her, she folds them, framing her ample and still-clingy wet chest. "Right. Just for a friend. My cute little mantis friend."
  65. 10:07 PM - Kari: A slight twinge runs through Kari at those words, and she winces slightly. "O-Oh...! Of... of course...! Well um... I'll... I'll let you know. I don't want... to... y'know... abuse the privelage. If um... you ever want to though, just uh... justletmeknow." Rapidly blurting out her last sentence, she turns back to the noodle bowl to try and give herself something else to think about.
  66. 10:10 PM - IT'S MEKTIME: Widoia still seems preoccupied with convincing herself of the platonic nature of giving you a wingjob. Blushing, bosom framed and arms folded, she continuously nods to herself as she mumbles. "Yes. Platonic. For a friend."
  67. 10:13 PM - Kari: Kari looks over at Widoia, eyes running up and down over her body. Her mind slowly works, trying to figure the girl out, and when the pieces fall into place, she smile warmly. Though her face is still positively crimson of course. Finishing her noodles, Kari stands up and walks over to her friend, and leans in to give her a big hug from the side.
  68. 10:15 PM - IT'S MEKTIME: Her mumbling stops as you hug her, only just now realizing that you've moved from your seat at all. At your touch, she smiles, reaching to hug you in return.
  69. 10:15 PM - IT'S MEKTIME: "Thanks for being such a great friend, Kari. We haven't known each other very long, but I'm excited to learn more about you."
  70. 10:16 PM - Kari: "I could say the same about you, Wids~. Ever since I came on board, you've gone out of your way to make this place seem like home."
  71. 10:17 PM - IT'S MEKTIME: "I just wanted to welcome our newest recruit, was all! But you've become so much more than that, so, thanks~."
  72. 10:19 PM - Kari: Beaming with the world's biggest smile, Kari just hugs Widoia for a time, happy to just be close to her. All things must come to an end though, and she slowly starts to let go, still smiling happily. "I guess we should get ready to clean up, huh? Tell ya what, you finish your food, and I'll grab the cleaning supplies."
  73. 10:22 PM - IT'S MEKTIME: "Sounds good to me~. Thanks, Kari." Smiling, she goes about finishing her noodles as you fetch the necessary supplies. The two of you give the mess the much-needed cleaning it required after your little incident, and by the end of it the place is spic and span. You retire for the night after giving yourself a cleanup as well.
  74. 10:23 PM - IT'S MEKTIME: The following day gives you about 12 hours left until arrival time, which is sufficient enough to get another round of practice in, followed by a quick nap before the job starts. Unless you had other plans in mind.
  75. 10:26 PM - Kari: Kari mulls over the idea of fooling around a bit more, but with the missions coming up, she decides she has better things to do. With a little dreamy sigh, she makes her way down to the simulator for some last-minute training.
  76. 10:30 PM - IT'S MEKTIME: Putting some more time in the sims, you pay close attention to the mistakes you made in the previous round as pointed out by the (unfortunately absent) lovely Widoia, and even manage to correct a few of them. With a better handle on how to handle your Mek, you exit the pods and take a quick shower before grabbing what few Zs you can before the mission.
  77. 10:30 PM - IT'S MEKTIME: You're awakened by a knocking at your door, Widoia's voice calling from the other side. "Kari? It's time to get up. Mr. Silk is getting ready for your debriefing."
  78. 10:32 PM - Kari: "Mmm... Roger!" Rubbing the sleep from her eyes, Kari slowly rouses from bed. Slipping on her gear, she steps into the bathroom to splash some cold water on her face to get roused and ready. With her gear all situated, she heads on out the door for the briefing.
  79. 10:34 PM - IT'S MEKTIME: Widoia, waiting outside the door for you, follows alongside you. As you approach the bridge, you spot her wringing her hands nervously, apparently considering something very serious. With a blush on her face, she nods and mutters to herself. Just before you enter the door, she gives you a careful pat on the wings, rubbing them slightly with each touch as she stammers, "G-good luck, Kari."
  80. 10:36 PM - Kari: Kari eyes the spider with a worried expression, but figures the talk will have to wait for now. When the pat comes down, however, Kari's face turns a slight crimson and she steps inside. Turning around, she stammers out "thanks" just before the door closes. Turning around quickly, she snaps to a rather embarrassed attention. "Sir!"
  81. 10:36 PM - IT'S MEKTIME: Mr. Silk doffs his hat at you as you enter. "I'm pleased you could make it. Let's get right to business, shall we?"
  82. 10:37 PM - Kari: "O-of c-course, Sir," she stammers out with a slight nod. Slipping her hands behind her and moving her legs a step apart, Kari does her best to clear her thoughts and pay attention. "How can I be of service?"
  83. 10:42 PM - IT'S MEKTIME: Mr. Silk nods, turning his attention towards the hologram projection of the planet being displayed. "This is Lyca IV. Currently, we are located within Human territory, right alongside a series of Dryder colonies in this quadrant. It is here that you'll be making your drop."
  84. 10:45 PM - IT'S MEKTIME: You look the planet over, and to be frank, it's not the prettiest thing you've ever seen. It's a lumpy gray rock with veins of magma visible across most of the surface, though in a few areas there are scant signs of vegetation and liquid. "The Humans are here mining a valuable gas known as Zythium. It is the combustion of this gas that allows FTL travel to be possible. Consequentially, it's highly sought after."
  85. 10:47 PM - IT'S MEKTIME: "You will be delievering both weapons and mining equipment to an outpost on the planet. Weapons for the simple reason that a fleet of Xrusx - a green-skinned, nomadic, warlike species - have decided to engage the Humans for sport, and the Humans are ill-prepared for the encounter."
  86. 10:49 PM - IT'S MEKTIME: "We'll be dropping you just outside the outpost, so it should be a simple matter of delievering the packages and assisting in the setup and distribution of their contents. Have you any questions?"
  87. 10:52 PM - Kari: Kari follows along, clearly intrigued by working in human territory and then mention of these Xrusx. "I... think I might have a couple sir, if that's okay. I think I've seen these xrusx before in the lower levels of Zeta-95. They seemed... well... How well equipped should I expect them to be? The one's I'd seen looked like that welded a bunch of scrap together for an outfit."
  88. 10:56 PM - IT'S MEKTIME: "That is their general state of equipment, yes, but do not be fooled so easily. Those pieces of scrap can pack a powerful punch. Reports from the Humans on-site indicate that the Xrusx are using their 'Walkie' Mektons, so should you encounter one, expect numerous missiles."
  89. 10:56 PM - Kari: "Wait... these guys have mektons?"
  90. 10:59 PM - IT'S MEKTIME: "They do indeed. All spacefairing races do. I would say 'civilized' races, except the Xrusx are anything but. Despite this, they're at the least officially recognized by the Galactic Federation, though they lack an embassy of their own, due to simple lack of interest on their part. They are generally available as mercs-for-hire, when you can find one that doesn't wish to pick a fight."
  91. 11:00 PM - Kari: "I see... What will my support be like? Do the humans have any defensive weapons of any kind?"
  92. 11:05 PM - IT'S MEKTIME: "That is what you are delievering. A mining operation did not originally prepare for armed combat they were not expecting, so they've been battling with what few personal weapons the crew had, or improvising some of their own. Zythium is a powerful explosive substance when ignited." The holograph changes from one of the planet, to one of a blue barrel. Though you can't read the Human writing on the side of it, Mr. Silk says, "This is a barrel of compressed Zythium. I suggest minding your fire, should you come to a fight near such an explosive. Again, this should be a simple matter of course, however. We are merely here to deliever the package, not fight the Humans' battles."
  93. 11:07 PM - Kari: "Of course, sir. I just find it a little hard to believe that such an important installation wouldn't have a single defensive gun battery or mekton. Hence why you mentioned I need to assist in the setup of the defenses, yes?"
  94. 11:09 PM - IT'S MEKTIME: "Correct. The equipment is contained in nano-compressed prefabs for easy storage, so setup will be a matter of following simple instructions."
  95. 11:10 PM - Kari: "Understood, sir. Will Widoia be monitoring the surround region while the delivery and setup are in progress?"
  96. 11:10 PM - Kari: *surrounding
  97. 11:10 PM - IT'S MEKTIME: He nods. "As per the norm, she will indeed."
  98. 11:11 PM - Kari: "Then I think that's everything I needed to know, sir. Who should I speak to when I arrive?"
  99. 11:12 PM - IT'S MEKTIME: "The director of operations is one Daryl Adkins. He should brief you further on any matters relevant to their situation and the delievery."
  100. 11:13 PM - Kari: "Got it. Is there anything else, Mr. Silk?"
  101. 11:15 PM - IT'S MEKTIME: "That will be all. Your payment for this will be 650 credits, in addition to the funding transferred to your family at home."
  102. 11:16 PM - Kari: "Thank you, sir." With a curt bow, Kari turns to leave the room and hurry down to her mekton.
  103. 11:20 PM - IT'S MEKTIME: Sadly, Widoia is not waiting outside to greet you. You figure she must be getting set up in the comms room. Sliding down the thread hanging in the shaft, you drop onto the Mekbay floor and make your way towards the Yuida. Scuttling along its surface is none other than Dematus, doing some final touches and pulling away the various catwalks located around it. Upon seeing you enter, he taps the side of your Mek twice with a loving hand, lowering himself onto the floor and approaching you. "Looks like you cleaned the kitchen. I cleaned your Mek, down to the very last ding."
  104. 11:21 PM - Kari: Kari is a bit taken aback, but smiles up at the kind man. "Oh! Thank you Dematus! That was very kind of you. I'll try not to scratch the paint too much."
  105. 11:23 PM - IT'S MEKTIME: "It's your Mek, not mine." He walks past, patting your shoulder with an oversized hand. "Good luck."
  106. 11:24 PM - Kari: "Thanks," she says with a bashful smirk. "Alright!" With a confident fist pump, Kari leaps up into her mekton, running a quick system's check as the cockpit closes around her.
  107. 11:25 PM - IT'S MEKTIME: A short hiss later, and Widoia's voice sounds through the speakers, a small holoscreen with her bubbly face appearing on your HUD. "Testing testing, one two three, can you read me Kari?"
  108. 11:26 PM - Kari: "Hey Widoia~. Reading you loud and clear!" she says, grinning with a fire in her eyes.
  109. 11:30 PM - IT'S MEKTIME: "Aha, now that's the spirit! Good, everything seems to be in order. Okay, so, a quick situation update, Demmy tells me that the volcanic activity being triggered by subsurface pockets of Zythium gas being ignited by the heat sends a lot of ash into the atmosphere. It's entirely hostile and toxic, so you'll want to put your suit's helmet on for this, just in case. Also, he tells me that Zythium ash is extremely dangerous to get inside your Mekton, so because you don't have the proper sealant and environmental systems, you'll want to keep flying to a minimum when you're on the surface. When you fly, a number of panels and burners pop open to allow accurate control, and if any ash works its way in there, Demmy says there could be problems. We'll be dropping you like last time, so you'll need to go on a controlled descent, but after that keep your thruster use to a minimum. Got it?"
  110. 11:33 PM - Kari: "My suit...? I don't think I got one. Is there a locker in here? I might need to change real quick."
  111. 11:34 PM - IT'S MEKTIME: "There should be a locker with a spare suit inside. I'm sure Demmy put one in there for you, he always thinks of everything~."
  112. 11:38 PM - Kari: "Got it." Popping the cockpit open, Kari hops out with a "Be right back" and hurries off to get outfitted. The suit is surprisingly fitted to her specifications, and even incorporates thin wing units. With the new suit on, Kari rushes back to the cockpit once more, sealing herself in side and putting her helmet on. As the pressure seals lock in place, Kari looks around a bit to get a feel for her field of view. "Alright, I'm all fit and good to go. Though this suit seems a bit... well it doesn't seem like it's made for this. Was it that hard to get a suit for me?"
  113. 11:40 PM - IT'S MEKTIME: "Well... Kunchoren aren't spacefaring yet, so they don't exactly produce suits en masse. Not to mention we're nowhere near your homeworld, so a spacesuit fitted for a Kunchoren isn't the easiest thing to get."
  114. 11:41 PM - Kari: "... Right... I guess that would make a lot of sense. Well, I'm really impressed you got the wings just right. It still feels a little heavy on them, but the fit is good. We'll figure out something a little more... protective in the future then. How long until we drop?"
  115. 11:42 PM - IT'S MEKTIME: "About two minutes, so get ready~."
  116. 11:43 PM - Kari: "Got it. Controlled burn down, no thrusters til we pull out. I'm ready."
  117. 11:45 PM - IT'S MEKTIME: With your Mekton prepped, you hear the workings of cranes and machinery around you, suddenly feeling the weight of your Mekton shift. Widoia's holoscreen is pushed to the side, and one with Dematus takes its place beside her as he says. " 'Pologies for the delay. You almost shipped out without the merch. Packages secure. They're contained in armored pods with self-balancing verniers. Shouldn't be any change in Mekton handling. Mind you don't get shot in the back too much and it'll be fine."
  118. 11:46 PM - Kari: "Oh, uh. Got it, Dematus. Thanks for that. Hopefully I'll be able to offload it before the action starts."
  119. 11:50 PM - IT'S MEKTIME: Widoia chimes in. "Okaaay~, opening drop hatch doors in three... two... one... you're green to go, Kari. Whenever you're ready." Walking to the edge of the now-open doors in the floor, you peer down, attempting to look through the billowing, ashy clouds. You can see the lights of a small outpost through the smog, along with numerous glowing veins and pools of magma flowing throughout the land, one particularly sizeable mound resembling a volcano.
  120. 11:51 PM - Kari: "Geez... what a lovely place... Alright! Here goes!" Pushing the mek forward, Kari hops through the opening and begins her drop, starting her controlled burn.
  121. 11:57 PM - IT'S MEKTIME: You leap down, triggering your burners as you make your way towards the conveniently-lit landing pad they set up. Your descent is much smoother this time around, likely due to your constant vigilant training, and you're on-target towards the descent. As you pass through the thick, smoggy clouds, Widoia's voice crackles faintly through the speakers. It's difficult to make out. "-ead me? K..ri? Do y... Inc... ...tiles, I rep..." before it goes completely silent.
  122. 11:58 PM - Kari: "Widoia? Widoia!? .... Damn!" With a frustrated groan, Kari rolls her eyes as the descent continues. "Just great. What else can go wrong?"
  123. 11:59 PM - IT'S MEKTIME: As if to spite your question, a series of deafening explosions resounds around you, bright flareups of flame and concussion rattling you around in your Mekton, knocking you severely off-course as you're brought into a tailspin.
  124. Friday, November 20, 2015
  125. 12:00 AM - IT'S MEKTIME: Roll Piloting again!
  126. 12:02 AM - IT'S MEKTIME: With some hard yanks and throttling, you successfully right your Mekton and manage to handle your descent well enough that you don't impact painfully into a mantis pancake. With one final flareup of thrust, your Mek's legs connect solidly with the brittle, crunchy ground, and you shut down the thrusters, taking a look around.
  127. 12:07 AM - IT'S MEKTIME: Directly ahead of you is the large mound you spotted from above. You can see the telltale glow of magma from its ridge. Left and right is an ashy field like a blanket of grey snow, likely shallow enough to safely step in. A natural path of this brittle ground leads towards and around the volcanic ridge ahead.
  128. 12:08 AM - IT'S MEKTIME: A gravely, accented voice sounds through your speakers. "Oi! Who'z you? Gettin' in da middle of our foight!"
  129. 12:09 AM - Kari: "Huh? Who the hell is this!?" Kari barks, itching to get back at whoever dinged up her mek. "Are you the dick who just shot at me!?"
  130. 12:13 AM - IT'S MEKTIME: "Dat wuz you? Makin' me waste moi Boom Booms! Oi'll krump ya fer dat!"
  131. 12:15 AM - Kari: "And I'll tear your damn head off you sack of-!" Kari chitters angrily into the mic, saying something that doesn't quite translate well but likely ends in a comment about their mother. "Don't you know who I am!? I'm Kharee'Zha! Defender of the innocent and slayer of evil! Don't you forget it!"
  132. 12:20 AM - IT'S MEKTIME: "You'z gonna be a dead git in a second!" the comms cut out. On the ridge of the volcano you spot a Mekton standing and looking down at you. The thing looks... like a piece of junk. Shoddily welded hunks of metal from any source, big stompy flat feet and clunky arms, it's a wonder the thing can even move its barrel-like chest. Strapped to its back are two large chunks of metal and thrusters with visible payloads. The payload being blue-colored barrels.
  133. 12:20 AM - IT'S MEKTIME: Roll initiative!
  134. 12:26 AM - IT'S MEKTIME: Two panels on its chest flip open with a creaky groan (you're pretty sure you just saw two Xrusk actually open the doors manually, by hand), ten missiles twist and fly out of the torso, spinning wildly in your direction.
  135. 12:27 AM - Kari: (1 luck for a 16)
  136. 12:28 AM - IT'S MEKTIME: The missiles' wild spinning makes them difficult to dodge, and only through a bit of luck do you actually make it out unscathed as they impact around you, creating gysers of dust and rock that patter onto the ground below.
  137. 12:28 AM - IT'S MEKTIME: "You'z a git, you iz! Doze was my best Missys!"
  138. 12:29 AM - IT'S MEKTIME: "Well 'ere's a bester Missy! Da X-Boom-Boom! Ain't nuffink lives a hit o' dis!"
  139. 12:30 AM - Kari: "The what now?"
  140. 12:31 AM - IT'S MEKTIME: One of the terrifying amalagations of scrap and duct tape on the Mek's back, as tipped with a cluster of Zythium barrels, rolls off its back before its thrusters engage, roaring in your direction. You get the distinct feeling that being hit by this would be a Very Bad Thing.
  141. 12:33 AM - IT'S MEKTIME: You backpedal as the gigantic missile almost as tall as the Mek itself rockets towards you. Getting your wits about you, you duck, and the Boom-Boom swerves clear into the ground behind you. The explosion was both awe-inspiring and bone-chilling in its sheer size. You are positive that being hit would have utterly scrapped whatever part of you that it hit.
  142. 12:33 AM - IT'S MEKTIME: But enough what-ifs, it's your go!
  143. 12:41 AM - Kari: Staring at the large rocket with terror in her eyes, Kari jukes the best she can. With a brief respite now in her grasp, Kari charges for the nearest cover. Moving behind a set of large ashen trees, she peeks around them to keep an eye on the enemy mekton and prepares to dodge if need be. "Is that the best those things can do!? Come on, 'ya git'! Round 2!"
  144. 12:42 AM - IT'S MEKTIME: "Ya wanna play 'ard to git ya git? Wellz, Oi'm gonna gitcha!"
  145. 12:43 AM - IT'S MEKTIME: The Mek awkwardly marches forwards on its enormous, flat feet. Bending over, the second missile rolls off and veers in your direction.
  146. 12:46 AM - IT'S MEKTIME: The missile streams towards where you were standing and taunting just as you leap behind the tree, erupting in another awe-inspiring explosion just behind you. "Dat wuz moi last Missy!"
  147. 12:47 AM - IT'S MEKTIME: Also retroactive retcon, this thing has no arms. So forget that I said it had arms.
  148. 12:50 AM - Kari: "Sorry for your loss, but you're not done losing just yet!" Advancing into the thicket itself, Kari steps out to fire a salvo of five missiles. (16)
  149. 12:51 AM - Kari: (13)
  150. 12:52 AM - IT'S MEKTIME: 17
  151. 12:53 AM - IT'S MEKTIME: The Mek walks forwards, heedless of your carefully-aimed missiles. They soar overhead harmlessly as the tincan marches onwards.
  152. 12:54 AM - Kari: Noticing the shots going high, Kari readjusts and fires off another salvo of 5 right at the mekton. (burn 1 luck, 10+5+3+5 = 23)
  153. 12:54 AM - IT'S MEKTIME: 9
  154. 12:59 AM - IT'S MEKTIME: Your slew of missiles assualts the oversized tincan. Some sneak into sensitive areas and damage critical components, but others simply pockmark its surface with singe marks, leaving it looking no worse for wear otherwise.
  155. 1:01 AM - IT'S MEKTIME: Your missiles blast apart the hydraulics keeping the abomination of scrap standing, while simultaneously triggering a malfunction in the leg-based thrusters. As the Mek rockets directly towards you at astonishing speed, its legs and head go limp. It corkscrews towards you in a dizzying manner. Roll to dodge!
  156. 1:01 AM - IT'S MEKTIME: 11
  157. 1:02 AM - Kari: (10+5+3+8 = 26)
  158. 1:03 AM - IT'S MEKTIME: You cartwheel aside of the out-of-control paintrain, landing and skidding to a halt as the giant pile of metal blows clean through the tree you were previously taking cover behind and continues onwards for some time before coming limply to a stop face-down, digging up a trench of dirt in its wake.
  159. 1:08 AM - Kari: Kari wheels around after her acrobatic feat of piloting and stalks over to the fallen mekton. "Party's over pal, hope you had fun." With a dull thunk, the left arm blade locks into place for a jab, as she brings it right into the fallen mek's torso.
  160. 1:10 AM - IT'S MEKTIME: Your blade is stopped pretty damn harshly by the Mek's armor. It gets through, but barely, and it takes three full-force jabs before the torso is sufficiently decimated. The armor looks intact, though the torso is officially wrecked to shit. The armor simply refused to ablate.
  161. 1:15 AM - Kari: "Holy hell! DIE ALREADY, DAMN YOU! THERE!" Kari practically screams at the mek as she repeatedly stabs the thing. Finally gaining some penetration, she starts to calm down.
  162. 1:15 AM - IT'S MEKTIME: With the torso sufficiently wrecked despite the armor's resistence, you walk away, following your HUD towards the GPS location of the drop point. Your radio crackles in as you march towards the camp, though there's no holoscreen to go with it. "Attention, unidentified Mekton, state your name and purpose. You don't look like a Xrusk. Who are you?"
  163. 1:18 AM - Kari: "Yeah, I'm not. I'm the gal who just wrecked their party. Name's Kari. I'm a representative of Mr Silk here to deliver your order. I was told to speak to Daryl Adkins."
  164. 1:18 AM - IT'S MEKTIME: The man sighs in relief. "I'm him, and you got here at a good time. That Walkie was on its way over. I assume that was you they tried to shoot out of the sky?"
  165. 1:20 AM - Kari: "You got it. Unfortunately, it looks like they dumped off a bunch of your gas before I took it down. They were using it for giant missiles."
  166. 1:21 AM - IT'S MEKTIME: "Yeah, they've got ground troops coming by and swiping tanks now and then. Not enough to ruin our profits, but it sure hurts when they shoot 'em."
  167. 1:22 AM - IT'S MEKTIME: "Bring those supplies over and we'll get you caught up to speed. No need to exit your Mek. Much as I'd like to shake your hand, the place is hot as all hell."
  168. 1:23 AM - Kari: "Yeah, I appreciate it. I'm on the way. Could you message my ship and let them know I've arrived? My comms went to hell the moment I dropped in."
  169. 1:26 AM - IT'S MEKTIME: "Yeah... see, that's another problem. Atmospheric interference caused by Zythium ash. Comms can't get through. We've got a transmitter that we used to boost signals past it, but the Xrusk commandeered that a while ago and have been using it to uh..." he sighs, and you can hear him facepalm. "Broadcast heavy metal music."
  170. 1:27 AM - Kari: ".... You're kidding me..."
  171. 1:29 AM - IT'S MEKTIME: "Wish I was. In order to get any signals back out of the cloud, we need to take control of that transmitter again. Problem is, our Meks aren't equipped for combat. We've got a few construction workers at best, meant for lifting and clearing rubble. Not the most nimble things around."
  172. 1:31 AM - Kari: "I think I want to scream," Kari mutters, rolling her eyes and breathing a furious huff. "Look, I barely got through the armour on 'one' of those things. How many more do they have?"
  173. 1:32 AM - IT'S MEKTIME: "We weren't about to send any scouts out to check. We're lucky to have kept 'em at bay hurling barrels of Zythium at them by hand in the Meks."
  174. 1:33 AM - IT'S MEKTIME: "Tell you what though, one of those packages you're carrying may be of some use to both of us."
  175. 1:34 AM - Kari: "Is that so?" Kari asks, tapping a single finger on her control stick. "Well, I should almost be there. Let's worry about that when I get there and you can fill me in when we set everything up."
  176. 1:34 AM - IT'S MEKTIME: "Sounds good. Talk to you soon."
  177. 1:35 AM - IT'S MEKTIME: You continue your march across the brittle, rocky ground towards the camp, circling the volcano as you go. Cresting a ridge, you can see the dim artifical lights through the haze of smog, and set your sights on it as you walk.
  178. 1:36 AM - IT'S MEKTIME: Didn't do much this time, so we'll just give you... 5 IP sound fair? Or maybe 10...
  179. 1:37 AM - IT'S MEKTIME: 10 it is then
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