
Amy's Dream

Nov 29th, 2016
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  1. The stroll through the graveyard has taken the better part of the day, and as the sun reaches its peak in the sky Shiori asks you if she can take a moment to rest. It's been like that since you were kids, right? You always charging ahead while she lags behind. She never did quite keep up with you. You turn and smile, glad to oblige her on a little rest. The walk was easy enough, but the afternoon sun beats down on you. You wipe the sweat from your brow, bathing in the yellow glow of the light.
  2. As you take a seat beside your sister, she points out the headstones around you. Some the names of villagers you knew as a child. Some belonging to adventurers that had been carried back here by their grieving partners. Some to children who died of illness in the orphanage you had so often seen your sister spend her afternoons in. After she finishes recalling her favorite times with them while they were still healthy and playful, she moves her finger to the next tombstone. You trace the image of it to the name on it.
  3. 'Golios Hosotrom.' Your eyes widen in disbelief at the name on the grave. Before you can get a word out though, your sister points out the grave of 'Raphael Shaison,' followed by 'Rickert Oswald.' You feel your chest tighten and your breath grow shallow. As you open your mouth to protest whatever joke your sister is pulling on you, you turn to see she has vanished. Under the tree where she sat rests a headstone inscribed 'Shiori Brightfallen.' The golden sun darkens into a gray sky, and all the color of the world seems to give way at once. All but the yellow. The dreaded yellow creeps in, and as you fall upon your sisters grave, you feel it pull you downward. As you take your last breath before being dragged into the dirt, you wake up.
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