
Kirche Q

Mar 17th, 2015
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  1. [12:39] <@Xi|Wrk> Roll 1d20+15 3 vs 1
  2. [12:39] <+qqbot> Xi|Wrk rolled 1d20: 32 = [17] + 15
  4. [12:40] <@Xi|Wrk> Roll 1d20+11 Martial master in enclosed room
  5. [12:40] <+qqbot> Xi|Wrk rolled 1d20: 13 = [2] + 11
  10. The three of them rushed in, Franz and Hertz both as one, Kirche self slightly out of sync with their advance as they imposed themselves between her and the mountain of man who’d taken up combative stance against them. And yet, this man, looked as calm as a mountain weathering a passing storm, assured in his might. And despite this for all that she could see no wand, not proper implement of magical combat adorned him, merely the tattered vestments of a vagabond and the curiously large beads which strung about his neck.
  12. “Will you not surrender yourself sir?” She asked, not feeling right to pile in three mages against an unarmed commoner. “We have you at a slight disadvantage here. And by the tone of your words you aren’t a bandit yourself even if you are colluding with them.”
  14. The man simply shook his head without breaking stance, watching with care how her three moved, even as Franz and Hertz stepped wide to corner him. “I cannot accept such generosity young lady, promises demand that I make action so save my friend’s stray child out from the dangers he places himself in.”
  16. “You seem a man of some principle, is it not possible that we might be able to solve this without visiting violence upon you?” She could see his eyes shifting to accommodate the other two men, who were moving slowly but surely into his blind spots. It was almost disconcerting just how calm the man before her was, his shifting eyes never settling on any of his three targets, moving just fast enough to keep each of their actions well in view.
  18. She didn’t like the idea of what that calm demeanor might mean. He didn’t seem a stupid man, so unless he was completely deranged he clearly felt as though he had the threat of three mages well in hand. One did not do well within the ranks of the Zerbst by underestimating the potential of others. After all, as proud Germanians both she and her bodyguards recognized that mage craft alone did not make the world go round, nor did it mean that those without it could not be incredibly dangerous. There were men among her father’s service who were as common born as the dirt itself, but she would not put herself to the test against, hardened veterans who could win nine times out of ten in a duel against strong combat mages.
  20. And in but the flashing of a second, she was proven right.
  22. The man moved, almost all at once his body sprung into action, watching as Franz’ Dagger-wand moved. The action had been almost too fluid to be perceived, poetry in motion as he half skidded half flew towards the elder man of the group, forcing him instead to throw himself backwards against the wall then roll to the side. A wise decision it seemed, as the monk’s fist collided with the stone, ripping a solid chunk from it as he moved gracefully into his next motion. But by then she and Hertz had begun to spring into action a blast of electricity keeping him from pressing his attack as Franz recover, leaping forth in rebuttal as Kirche too joined in using conjured flames to pin him down as the others closed the gap.
  24. But for all that their teamwork was superb the man was still managing to use them against each other, almost uncanny sense of combat came to play as he dodge, and forced each of those involved to avoid hitting each other. Each twirling, beautiful motion was met with an attack and a counter attack by the three, but none the less they could not but press the pressure, each one instinctively realizing just what kind of a foe with which they were faced as the pushed and clashed. Sword, flame, lighting, and earth lashed out and yet as if solving some complex puzzle the man simply moved, invalidating each action towards a neutral conclusion as they all fought.
  26. It was a stalemate, and Kirche realized with all the casting which she’d been doing, she was beginning to feel the drain of willpower upon her mind, a seemingly inevitable slide into her turning from an asset into a liability to the group, as the man fought. And if she didn’t imagine it, flashes of light on his fists seemed to outright deflect their attacks. Baffling in that there was certainly no way in which the man could have been casting any spells to cover himself.
  28. But it would be an unexpected moment, a pained stumble breaking up the man’s near perfect stride as Kirche spotted a momentary flash of white lace. Without a moment’s hesitation the three sprang upon the opening created, almost instantly restraining the powerful man in bonds of steel and stone, leaving the man kneeling upon the ground as the three looked on, keeping careful watch upon him.
  30. “This man, I’ve fought many, but up until the end there...” Franz trailed off; Kirche too could feel the worry in his voice. “Keeping him alive might be a mistake we can’t afford to make.”
  32. “I can’t say that I’m particularly enthused at the idea either.” Kirche grimaced at the thought, after sparing the rest of the gang thus far she couldn’t really say she liked the idea of executing this one despite the danger he posed.
  34. “Then may make a suggestion.” The man’s voice drew their eyes towards him. “I am, at best a guardian. A man who owes a debt and my determination to keep that debt leaves me to keep my idiot charge from ruining himself totally. I would accept any conditions which you placed upon me in good faith so long as you promised that my charge is withheld from due process; I would swear and will uphold any oath you place upon me.”
  36. “Lies. You were running with bandit scum, you expect us to believe a word out of your mouth?” Hertz replied this time, he’d always had a beef with bandits thanks to run ins with such men over his years of service.
  38. “Well, keeping him prisoner will be difficult unless we put him to the sword and cripple him or execute him and be done. Yet I’m curious as to those things which he was doing. It was almost... magical.” She quirked her eyebrow sardonically at the solidly built monk.
  40. “Well, it’s your call Lady Zerbrst. We merely do your bidding in this.” Franz bowed his head. “You remind me much of your father.”
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