
Sith Anon

Mar 10th, 2015
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  1. >You are Anon
  2. >A Mandolorian 18 year old that until a few days ago thought your life would be normal.
  3. >You found about about your sensitivity to the force when you were just out on the town, doing regular teenager stuff.
  4. >By regular teenager stuff you mean stealing speeders.
  5. >Because of you the night sky was filled with lights and sirens.
  6. >Racing through the streets, you find yourself in a bit of a predicament.
  7. >The area you were in was not at all familiar to you, but still kept turning randomly into new corridors until faced with a wall.
  8. "Oh shit"
  9. >You were surrounded.
  10. "Hey, hows it goin' officers?"
  11. >To that they raised their blasters, and you in response reach for your blaster pistol, but before you could completely draw, it gets shot out of your hand.
  12. >Damn good marksmen if you ask me.
  13. >It was at that moment that you felt emotions, like anger, anxiety, confusion, and just plain old pissed off build up inside you.
  15. >You screamed some unintelligible chant and when you opened your eyes, half of the officers where on the ground, the others just stared with a look of shock.
  16. >Then you started to feel light headed and fell to the cold ground, the last thing you saw was the officers beginning to get up.
  17. >You later were awoken in a prison cell with a dark looming figure standing over you.
  18. >"You will do great things my child."
  19. >That was all she said, no name, or telling you where you were going, but the last thing you remember of Mandilore was being boarded into the transport you're on now.
  20. >But now you find yourself about to land on a planet called Korriban.
  21. >From what you have heard all that happens there is death and training.
  22. >Training to become some of the most feared beings in the galaxy.
  23. >You think of what will become of you, will you be a crazed killer?
  24. >No, you aren't like that, but if you someday are put into a situation that requires you to those life or death you would always choose life.
  25. >You're pulled out of your imagination be a voice going over the speakers, "We will be landing in approximately two minutes."
  26. >You finally take a good look around the ship and find eight others about your age: two Humans,two Zeltrons, a Twi'lek, a Devaronian, a Yaka, and a Zabrak.
  27. >The transport hit the landing pad with a metallic thud.
  28. >The door hisses open.
  30. >Following the pilot, you and the eight others that were in the transport with you, are lead into the hanger where you are met with four aliens, one of which you recognize, the one from your cell.
  31. >You and the others line up in front of the four aliens.
  32. >Starting with the one form your cell, a Geonosian by the looks of it but with more of a built up exoskeleton, they introduce themselves.
  33. >"I am Darth Chrysalis and the head master of this fine academy. Here you will be taught in the ways of lightsaber combat, the dark side of the force, and how to be Sith."
  34. >She could speak pretty clearly for a Geonosian.
  35. >"You will be trained by my three accomplices: Adagio, Aria, and Sonata. They are former Nightsisters and each have a few Jedi kills behind their belts, even Sonata."
  36. >That even Sonata part at the end made you wonder how capable she really was.
  37. >"you will be split into three groups, Anonymous, Flim, and Sunset Shimmer are with Adagio. Suri Polomare, Iron Will, and Bulk Biceps are with Aria. Flam, Diamond Tiara, and Silver Spoon are with Sonata."
  38. >So in your group you have a Human and the Zabrak, not bad, maybe they can give you a competition.
  39. >As the groups go their separate ways you wonder what your first assignment will be but before you even finish that thought the group is brought into a room.
  40. >"Your first lesson will be a test of what you already know," Adagio hands out three metal cylinders, "These are training sabers, they will not cause fatal injuries unless you go for the eyes, but please try not to kill someone on your first day. there's plenty of time for that later, first match Anonymous versus Flim."
  41. >You the search the training saber eventually finding the button, when you press it, a bright red beam ignites and sets an erie red glow over your body. As does your partner.
  42. "Lets get started then"
  43. >Only been in this planet for ten minutes and you already get to fight, you could get used to this.
  45. >Before you even knew what was really happening, Flim had started running towards you with his saber leading to the center of your chest.
  46. >Quickly and kind of recklessly you bring your blade down across your chest just barely parrying the would-be stab.
  47. >Your opponent then jumps over you leaving you defenseless and in awe.
  48. >You somehow forget to turn around he kicks in your knees, gets an arm around your throat, then replaces his arm with his saber.
  49. >All that time using a blaster pistol finally did absolutely nothing.
  50. >You feel humiliated that you lost so quickly but also learned some valuable lessons.
  51. >you must be able to learn your opponents patterns and adapt to them, or in your case just be aware of your surroundings.
  52. >As well as that you are much worse at fighting than you expected, but that's why you are here, to learn and master the art of lightsaber and force based combat.
  53. >"That was good for an initiate that has just arrived, but it will take more than a few fancy moves to become Sith."
  54. >Adagio then punches Flim in the stomach.
  55. >He gags and hunches over holding his abdomen.
  56. >"You need to channel your hatred into every attack if you want to become successful, and to do that I'll have to give you something to hate."
  57. >Your 'trainer' then walks over to you and looks you in the eyes.
  58. >Without warning she shoots out an uppercut, that you wouldn't have even seen coming if you blinked at the wrong time, and knocks you to the ground.
  59. >"Get up and see what a real dual should look like, Flim, your next opponent is Sunset Shimmer."
  60. >You obey, brushing dust off your pants, remaining silent.
  61. >Both the human and the Zabrak ignite their sabers and charge at each other.
  63. >The blades clash is a series of bright flashes, you notice how aggressive they are, like they're out for blood.
  64. >"This is how it should have been! Strike after strike, allow your anger to build up!"
  65. >The next minute or so is filled with the sparking sound of their blades hitting each other with the similar pattern of attack then parry.
  66. >Until, Flim starts to slow down with his attacks.
  67. >Note to self, train your endurance, without it you would never last an entire fight.
  68. >This allows sunset to get in two direct hits leaving an X mark on Flim's shirt.
  69. >"That is enough, and it was also handled quite nicely by you Sunset."
  70. >"Thank you, I did what you told us to do to succeed."
  71. >"I can tell, but once again it will take more than that to kill a Jedi. Since this is all of your first days that is all we will do training wise. I want you to go around the academy, learn the lay of the land. You are dismissed.
  72. >You and Flim walk out together while the Zabrak takes her own way.
  73. "That was a pretty good hold you got on me back there."
  74. >"Thanks, being able to affect my movement and muscles was actually how I learned I could use the force. What was that like for you?"
  75. >You end up telling the story of how you were cornered and, emphasis on almost, screamed your way out of it.
  76. >"Wow, that's actually pretty cool, kind of sucks that you didn't get away with it though."
  77. "If I did get away with it, I wouldn't have gotten put in the cell, and I wouldn't be here talking to you right now."
  78. >"Good point, but you could have told someone and come here on your own accord."
  79. "That's the thing, I'm not sure I could have brought myself to do that."
  81. >He walks in front of you and is now speaking directly to you as if to bring more meaning to his words.
  82. >"Well why not?"
  83. "For starters, Mandalorians have, as long as I've known hated Jedi, and we haven't had very good relations with the Sith either.
  84. >"Damn, I had no clue you had such relations with force users."
  85. "Well Mandalore is a pretty interesting place to live."
  86. >You look off to the red mountains of Korriban, such a different environment than what you're used to.
  87. >As you do this you also notice that the sun is setting and you should probably find something to eat.
  88. "It's getting late, lets go find the mess hall or whatever it's called."
  89. >"I like the way you think Anonymous."
  90. "My friends used to call me Anon."
  91. >"Alright then, Anon."
  92. >The two of you end up finding the mess hall after passing by the same guard multiple times and he finally asked what you were doing.
  93. >They have this weird kind of slop and meat that felt like rubber but it didn't taste all that bad.
  94. >You were so stuffed after that you decided to head off to bed.
  95. >while lying in bed you reflect on your first day in the Sith academy.
  96. >You got embarrassed in front of two other initiates, one of which is now your friend, and you pretty much ate an uppercut that Adagio threw at you.
  97. >Not bad for your first day, but there's always room for improvement.
  98. >You hope that comes sooner rather than later.
  100. I fucking give up
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