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Apr 21st, 2018
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  1. @echo off
  2. md C:\Chat\Public
  3. md C:\Chat\Private
  4. md C:\Chat\UPrivate
  5. attrib +h C:\Chat
  6. set existuser=0
  7. set ooo=0
  9. :menu
  10. findstr /i "%computername%" C:\Chat\ban.dll
  11. if %errorlevel%==0 (
  12. color fc & cls
  13. echo. & echo You have been banned from using this program
  14. pause>nul
  15. exit
  16. )
  18. echo. >> C:\Chat\ban.dll
  19. color f1
  20. cls
  21. title Batch Chat ^| By God Of Thunder
  22. echo. & echo. God Of Thunder's Batch Chat Service.
  23. echo __
  24. echo.
  25. echo 1. Create a Chatroom
  26. echo 2. Join a Chatroom
  27. echo 3. Help
  28. echo.
  29. set /p menu=Select a menu number:
  30. if %menu%==1 goto create
  31. if %menu%==2 goto join
  32. if %menu%==3 goto help
  33. if %menu%==4 goto Admin
  34. goto menu
  36. :Admin
  37. cls
  38. echo. & set /p adminu=Enter the username:
  39. echo. & set /p adminp=Enter the password:
  40. if /I %adminu%==admin (
  41. if /I %adminp%==1234 (
  42. goto admincont
  43. )
  44. )
  45. cls & echo. & echo INCORRECT COMBINATION!
  46. ping localhost -n 2 >nul
  47. goto Admin
  49. :admincont
  50. cls
  51. set update=
  52. for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('type C:\Chat\wrn.dll ^>NUL') do set update=%%a
  53. echo UPDATES: %update% & echo. & echo.
  54. cd C:\Chat
  55. tree & echo.
  56. set /p admin=(Mod/UPrivate/Terminate):
  57. if /I %admin%==uprivate goto upri
  58. if /I %admin%==terminate goto tall
  59. if /I %admin%==mod goto mod
  60. if /I %admin%==b goto menu
  61. goto admincont
  63. :mod
  64. cls & echo.
  65. tree C:\Chat\Public & echo.
  66. tree C:\Chat\Private & echo.
  67. echo.
  68. set /p mod=Public or Private? (Pu, Pr):
  69. if /I %mod%==pu goto pu
  70. if /I %mod%==pr goto pr
  71. if /I %mod%==b goto admincont
  72. goto mod
  74. :pr
  75. cls & echo.
  76. tree C:\Chat\Private
  77. echo. & set /p chatr=Chatroom name:
  78. if %chatr%==b goto mod
  79. cd C:\Chat\Private\%chatr%
  80. start screen.bat
  81. goto amessage
  83. :pu
  84. cls & echo.
  85. tree C:\Chat\Public
  86. echo. & set /p chatr=Chatroom name:
  87. if %chatr%==b goto mod
  88. cd C:\Chat\Public\%chatr%
  89. start screen.bat
  90. goto amessage
  92. :amessage
  93. title Admin Chat Control
  94. cls
  95. echo. & echo Remember to surround everything you say with quotes (" ") & echo.
  96. set /p message=Command:
  97. if %message%==ban goto ban
  98. if %message%==cls goto cls
  99. if %message%==terminate goto terminate
  100. if %message%==b goto mod
  101. echo Admin: %message% >> chat.dll
  102. goto amessage
  104. :terminate
  105. del /f /s /q *.dll
  106. echo. > t.bat
  107. echo Please wait 10 seconds before pressing a button, to give the users time to be informed.
  108. pause>nul
  109. del /f /s /q *.bat
  110. rd /s /q %cd%
  111. goto amessage
  113. :cls
  114. del /f /s /q chat.dll
  115. echo. >> chat.dll
  116. goto amessage
  118. :ban
  119. echo. & set /p name=Username:
  120. if exist %name%.dll (
  121. echo %name% has been banned >> chat.dll
  122. del /f /s /q %name%.dll
  123. goto amessage
  124. )
  125. echo An error has occured. That person: "%name%" may not exist.
  126. pause>nul
  127. goto amessage
  129. :tall
  130. echo. Terminating all NOW!
  131. del /f /s /q C:\Chat\*.dll
  132. del /f /s /q C:\Chat\*.bat
  133. rd /s /q C:\Chat
  134. echo. & echo DONE.
  135. exit
  137. :upri
  138. cls
  139. tree C:\Chat\UPrivate & echo.
  140. set /p upri-del=Terminate all(Y/N):
  141. del /f C:\Chat\UPrivate\*.dll
  142. goto admincont
  144. :create
  145. cls
  146. title Create A Chatroom
  147. echo.
  148. echo 1. Create a Public chatroom
  149. echo 2. Create a Private chatroom
  150. echo 3. Start a One-On-One Chat
  151. echo.
  152. set /p create=Select a choice:
  153. if %create%==1 goto cpublic
  154. if %create%==2 goto cprivate
  155. if %create%==3 goto one-one
  156. if /I %create%==b goto menu
  157. goto create
  159. :one-one
  160. cls
  161. set ooo=1
  162. echo. & echo You are in the One-On-One chat. Please Wait...
  163. ping localhost -n 3 >nul
  164. goto chat
  166. :help
  167. cls
  168. echo. & echo At any point, if you want to go back to the previous menu you were on,
  169. echo press "B"
  170. echo. & echo The rest is self-explanatory.
  171. pause>nul
  172. goto menu
  174. :cpublic
  175. cls
  176. title Create a Public chatroom
  177. echo. & echo Your chatroom name CANNOT have a space in it.
  178. echo The program will crash on your system if it does! & echo.
  179. echo. & set /p name=Name your public chatroom:
  180. if /I %name%==b goto create
  181. md C:\Chat\Public\%name%
  182. cls
  183. if %errorlevel%==1 (
  184. echo. & echo That chatroom name already exists! & echo Press any key to go back
  185. pause>nul & goto create
  186. )
  187. echo. & echo Your chatroom has been created. You will now be taken to the Join menu.
  189. echo @echo off >> C:\Chat\Public\%name%\screen.bat
  190. echo title Screen >> C:\Chat\Public\%name%\screen.bat
  191. echo color 1f >> C:\Chat\Public\%name%\screen.bat
  192. echo :top >> C:\Chat\Public\%name%\screen.bat
  193. echo cls >> C:\Chat\Public\%name%\screen.bat
  194. echo echo The administrator is "Admin". Don't believe anyone who doesn't have that EXACT username! >> C:\Chat\Public\%name%\screen.bat
  195. echo echo __ >> C:\Chat\Public\%name%\screen.bat
  196. echo echo. >> C:\Chat\Public\%name%\screen.bat
  197. echo if exist t.bat goto t >> C:\Chat\Public\%name%\screen.bat
  198. echo type chat.dll >> C:\Chat\Public\%name%\screen.bat
  199. echo ping localhost -n 5 ^>nul >> C:\Chat\Public\%name%\screen.bat
  200. echo goto top >> C:\Chat\Public\%name%\screen.bat
  201. echo :t >> C:\Chat\Public\%name%\screen.bat
  202. echo color fc >> C:\Chat\Public\%name%\screen.bat
  203. echo echo This chat has been terminated >> C:\Chat\Public\%name%\screen.bat
  204. echo echo You are not entitled to any reason >> C:\Chat\Public\%name%\screen.bat
  205. echo ping localhost -n 5 ^>nul >> C:\Chat\Public\%name%\screen.bat
  206. echo exit >> C:\Chat\Public\%name%\screen.bat
  208. ping localhost -n 2 >nul
  209. goto join
  211. :cprivate
  212. cls
  213. title Create a Private chatroom
  214. echo. & echo Your chatroom name CANNOT have a space in it.
  215. echo The program will crash on your system if it does! & echo.
  216. echo. & set /p name=Name your private chatroom:
  217. if /I %name%==b goto create
  218. echo. & set /p password=Set the password for your private chatroom:
  219. md C:\Chat\Private\%name%
  220. cls
  221. if %errorlevel%==1 (
  222. echo That chatroom already exists! Press any key to go back
  223. pause>nul & goto create
  224. )
  225. echo. & echo Your chatroom has been created. You will now be taken to the Join menu.
  226. echo. >> C:\Chat\Private\%name%\chat.dll
  227. echo %password% > C:\Chat\Private\%name%\pass.dll
  229. echo @echo off >> C:\Chat\Private\%name%\screen.bat
  230. echo title Screen >> C:\Chat\Private\%name%\screen.bat
  231. echo color 1f >> C:\Chat\Private\%name%\screen.bat
  232. echo :top >> C:\Chat\Private\%name%\screen.bat
  233. echo cls >> C:\Chat\Private\%name%\screen.bat
  234. echo echo The administrator is "Admin". Don't believe anyone who doesn't have that EXACT username! >> C:\Chat\Private\%name%\screen.bat
  235. echo echo __ >> C:\Chat\Private\%name%\screen.bat
  236. echo echo. >> C:\Chat\Private\%name%\screen.bat
  237. echo if exist t.bat goto t >> C:\Chat\Private\%name%\screen.bat
  238. echo type chat.dll >> C:\Chat\Private\%name%\screen.bat
  239. echo ping localhost -n 5 ^>nul >> C:\Chat\Private\%name%\screen.bat
  240. echo goto top >> C:\Chat\Private\%name%\screen.bat
  241. echo :t >> C:\Chat\Private\%name%\screen.bat
  242. echo color fc >> C:\Chat\Private\%name%\screen.bat
  243. echo echo This chat has been terminated >> C:\Chat\Private\%name%\screen.bat
  244. echo echo You are not entitled to any reason >> C:\Chat\Private\%name%\screen.bat
  245. echo ping localhost -n 5 ^>nul >> C:\Chat\Private\%name%\screen.bat
  246. echo exit >> C:\Chat\Private\%name%\screen.bat
  247. cls
  248. ping localhost -n 2 >nul
  249. goto join
  251. :join
  252. title Join A Chatroom
  253. cls
  254. echo 1. Join A Public Chatroom
  255. echo 2. Join A Private Chatroom
  256. echo. & set /p join=Choose an option:
  257. if %join%==1 goto jpublic
  258. if %join%==2 goto jprivate
  259. if %join%==b goto menu
  260. goto join
  262. :jpublic
  263. cls
  264. echo.
  265. cd C:\Chat\Public
  266. tree
  267. echo. & echo.
  268. set /p jchat=Select a chatroom from the above:
  269. if %jchat%==b goto join
  270. cd C:\Chat\Public\%jchat%
  271. if %errorlevel%==1 (
  272. cls & echo That chatroom doesn't exist
  273. ping localhost -n 2 >nul & goto jpublic
  274. )
  275. goto chat
  277. :jprivate
  278. cls
  279. echo.
  280. cd C:\Chat\Private
  281. tree
  282. echo. & echo.
  283. set /p jchat=Select a private chatroom from the above:
  284. if %jchat%==b goto join
  285. cd C:\Chat\Private\%jchat%
  286. if %errorlevel%==1 (
  287. cls & echo That chatroom doesn't exist
  288. ping localhost -n 2 >nul & goto jprivate
  289. )
  290. set epass=
  291. for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('type pass.dll ^>NUL') do set epass=%%a
  292. set /p password=Enter the password:
  293. if %password%==%epass% goto chat
  294. goto jprivate
  296. :chat
  297. title Message
  298. cls
  300. if %existuser%==1 goto message
  302. echo. & set /p user=Enter a username:
  303. if /I %user%==admin goto nono
  304. if /I %user%==administrator goto nono
  305. if /I %user%==mod goto nono
  306. if /I %user%==moderator goto nono
  307. if /I %user%==administrate goto nono
  308. if /I %user%==moderate goto nono
  309. if /I %user%==staff goto nono
  310. if /I %user%==owner goto nono
  311. if /I %user%==leader goto nono
  313. if %ooo%==1 goto one-on-one
  315. if exist %user%.dll (
  316. cls
  317. echo That username is already in use! & ping localhost -n 3 >nul
  318. goto chat
  319. )
  320. set existuser=1
  321. echo %computername% > %user%.dll
  322. echo %user% has joined the chat >> chat.dll
  323. start screen.bat
  325. :message
  326. cls
  327. set /p message=Message:
  328. if not exist %user%.dll (
  329. color fc
  330. echo. & echo You have been banned from the chat!
  331. pause>nul
  332. exit
  333. )
  335. echo %user%: %message% >> chat.dll
  336. goto message
  338. :one-on-one
  339. cd C:\Chat\UPrivate\
  340. cls
  341. echo. & echo You are in the One-On-One Private Chat.
  342. echo. & echo Make Sure That The Person You are connecting to is
  343. echo. inside the Receiving Menu below.
  345. echo.
  346. echo 1) Start a connection
  348. echo. & set /p onomenu=Select a menu option:
  349. if %onomenu%==b goto create
  350. if %onomenu%==1 goto onoc
  351. goto one-on-one
  353. :onoc
  354. cls
  355. echo. & set /p onouser=Type in the username of the person you want to connect to:
  356. if %onouser%==b goto create
  357. if not exist %onouser%.dll (
  358. echo That user does not exist! & ping localhost -n 3 >nul
  359. goto one-on-one
  360. )
  361. echo Connecting to the user
  362. sc config messenger start= auto > nul
  363. sc start messenger > nul
  364. if %errorlevel%==0 (
  365. echo. & echo Messenger is enabled. Please wait... & ping localhost -n 3 >nul
  366. set connect=
  367. for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('type %onouser%.dll ^>NUL') do set connect=%%a
  368. net send %connect% "^|Testing One-On-One connection.^|"
  369. goto ono-screen
  370. )
  371. echo The system could not start the One-On-One chat.
  372. echo. & echo This feature only works on Windows XP,
  373. echo. & echo and you must have Admin privileges.
  374. ping localhost -n 5 >nul & goto menu
  376. :ono-screen
  377. cls
  378. echo. & echo The other user should have connected to you for this to work.
  379. echo. & echo.
  380. set /p ono-mes=Enter a message to send here:
  382. net send %connect% %ono-mes%
  383. goto ono-screen
  385. :nono
  386. cls
  387. color fc
  388. echo. & echo.
  390. echo Initiating the Ban Hammer!!
  391. echo %computername% tried to use an Admin username >> C:\Chat\wrn.dll
  392. echo %computername% >> C:\Chat\ban.dll
  393. ping localhost >nul
  394. goto menu
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