
Haunting story back up

Feb 24th, 2020
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  2. What is haunting me?
  4. So I moved into this house last month, January. Yeah, pretty chilly time of year to be moving out and into a new place; but let's just say there were mitigating circumstances involving individuals in my persona life I won't get into here. The place was a little bit of a "fixer upper" as it had been left empty for almost three years. Which pretty much meant having to inspect for mold, replace some bad pipes under the kitchen sink, the insulation in the walls had fallen making the upstairs uninhabital when the temperature dropped to freezing. So I ended up setting up my bedroom where the living room facing the street would be. Prior to this I only had the one apartment room so...I honestly had no idea what to do with the rest of the space. Set up my bed, tv, and computer desk all in the one room. The rest of the house had another sort of living room downstairs, not sure what that is, that comes right off the front door, connected to a dining room with kitchen via a swinging old western looking type of quasi-door. To the left of this main entrance room was a wall, so you'd enter the dining room and to your right would be the swing door and kitchen, make a sharp left and you see two doors, one to the garage and making an almost U-turn there was a door to this other living room with a window in it. It sort of felt like it used to be a garage but then they expanded the house or something going by the shape and placement of it.
  6. So anyway back in the main entrance living room if you turn right there was a short hallway, linen closet, downstairs bathroom with a shower only, and a spiral staircase of all things going upstairs. I swear it looked like a house someone designed in the SIMS; one reason I bought it; the other being it was surprisingly cheap. 300 dollar a month mortgage is hard to beat, 23,000 dollar total price tag on house. Anyway, upstairs isn't much to talk about you'd go up the stair case and find a pointed roofed, low cielings by the sides space with drywall and wood boards not matching the rest of the house set up to support the drywall dividers. It made three small rooms. The whole thing looked like this used to be an attic that someone converred into three rooms. I wouldn't be surprised to find out the out of place spiral stair case had been put in to replace one of those pull down ladders so someone couldn't trap themselves up there in the event of a fire or whatever. Like I said though it was freezing up there, and really thinking about it...where else was there supposed to be bedrooms? The house has a weird set up. Although there is one other option, the full basement.
  8. Now this is weireder, see if you turned right into the short hallway, straight ahead would the spiral staircase, to your left a closet for towels, linen closet in other words, then the bathroom beside it. But on the right side was a single door, inside was the carpeted steps going back the other direction into a basement. The basement was almost the size of the house, carpeted, concrete walls, ceiling fan with lights, a large folding doors closet, washer and dryer hook up was down here and a little bitty window to ground level. Now I say the walls were concrete, and they were, but they also had that wood paneling overing them with a thin layer of insulation behind them. Honestly I could have set up my room down there if not for the fact the phone line and cable outlets were all upstairs in that one room; which admittetly was a major factor in choosing it for my beddroom.
  10. So a month goes by, I'm all moved in, my job has me working early mid-shift, so like 8am to 4pm shifts. Not bad, descent pay I guess; able to pay the mortgage and utilities and a little extra to buy the things that keep life from being an existential horror show; ya'know video games and movies and stuff like that. Well it was early in February when weird things started to happen. I'd get this feeling of being watched, and hear strange sounds coming from the basement. I thought maybe there was a pest infestation, like rodents in the walls and stuff. I'd hear scratching sounds in the walls, small things would go missing only to reappear out in the open. To be fair aside from possibly being rodents I thought maybe I was just losing it as I was pretty much living in a big empty house, I had my room, my stuff from storage was now in the attic here. But aside from the food in my fridge the kitchen was pretty bare, I didn't own any real utensils, a cheap toaster and microwave sitting on the kitchen bar. No dining room table or chairs, nothing out the back door (connected to dining room also) on the patio, nothing in the living room One towel kept in the bathroom its self, just a few suitcases of old junk cleaned out of the storage locker I was renting and didn't need anymore shoved upstairs; and I only went down stairs to do laundry...which at this time had only been twice (hey, one guy here okay).
  12. So yeah, I was feeling like I might just be going crazy, feeling like I was living alone in an empty house. I thought maybe if I took up a hobby or bought furniture at least. So I set about getting a couch and a little coffee table; both from the local Goodwill, then a dining room table and chairs; also from the local Goodwill. Honestly made it a little worse as now I heard what sounded like the chairs and tables being moved around at night. I'd get up to find the chairs a little pushed out or pushed in further, or random things from my storage space finding their way downstairs; and I do mean downstairs. I woke up in the middle of the night to the sound of loud banging coming from the basement, I flew down there with a hammer in hand (as I refuse to own a gun), only to find my basketball from when I was in highschool sitting in the middle of the basement floor, somehow having migrated from the upstairs, down to the basement. I put it back upstairs, only for it to happen two nights later and found several other items in the basement. As irrational is this is going to sound I decided to just say "fuck it" and moved all my shit from the upstairs/attic and dumped it all in a corner of the basement and the closet down there.
  14. Things quieted down for about a month, mid-March however things got weirder. By weirder I mean I was starting to see, something. I wouldn't call it an apparition, or a shadow person, more like a vague glob of something taking up space. Like how you see the couch or a chair in a dark room as your eyes are adjusting, you can tell there is something large there, but no detail. So not a 3-D shadow or anything see through, but like a black blur taking up a corner, or across the room, sometimes on the ceiling as a I slept. I thought something was wrong with my eyes until I saw it moving on its own and something like green eyes appearing inside it briefly; briefly that time that is; later however the eyes were more common and the blur became more upright and human-ish shaped, still a black blur in the dark like a fuzzy area refusing to focus except for two points of light where the head should be. It normally only appeared for a second and was gone when I turned my head directly at it, or would appear in the corner of my room but as soon as I sat up and blinked it would just be gone. I hadn't yet assumed anything paranormal was going on, as I was also getting some stress from work and family, along with not being used to living alone just yet.
  16. *I sat this down, I thought to upload this to like Reddit or Tumblr, maybe get some video to prove I'm not insane but. Well its April now and as of a few weeks ago I started to hear "voices", like a whispering sound coming from far away. So faint that you can tell they are saying something, but not what they are saying. Any way, back to the pictures thing, as it turns out my little cheapy camera from Wal-mart is a total piece of shit that can't take any pictures in low lighting. Seriously, I tested it, the fucking thing can't even pick up a glow in the dark Halloween mask. Its full light or nothing pretty much. Can't get a photo of the dark blur or the eyes, I tried the flash; and I think that might have started up the voices because the picture on the camera had a really bright reflection from the corner the blur was in; and the next night I started to hear the whispering sound. At first i thought it was people on the street, I mean it didn't even register with me at first because I lived in an apartment with "room mates" and you could usually hear that muffled voices thing through the walls, the cieling, the floor; it was a poorly insulated apartment complex.
  18. One night about two weeks ago while I was playing a video game I heard the whispering, I was trying to ignore it but during a quiet moment of the game the whispering distinctly said the name of a character in the game. I tried to ignore it and not long after turned the game off and went to bed. While I was sleeping I could hear the whispering again, louder than usual. So I got my phone and tried to record me following the sound as I slowly crept though my house not turning on any lights and moving slowly along the wall. Something I hadn't realized before was the sound was louder at floor level, putting my ear to the floor it was clear it was coming from the basement. Despite every single descended from a prey species sense in my brain I crept down to the basement, and moving along the wall realized it was coming from behind one specific part of the wall. It stopped abruptly when I turned the light on. It was late and I was tired but I had to figure this out, so I tapped on different parts of the wall, the one panel sounded hollow; and something tapped back from the other side. I ran up the stairs and turned all the lights on, as well as locking the basement door. As weird as this is going to sound I then went back to bed. Hey, its my house and I had no where else to go. Not about to waste money on a motel at like 1am or whatever because as far as my then rataionalizing it so i don't do exactly that, brain was concerned, maybe there was some burrowing animal behind the wall, like a part of the wall that was dirt instead of concrete. Another idea was a boarded off room; like a hidden secret room, but that brought me back to ghost town and the spirit of a kidnapping victim sealed in a wall or some shit; so I shook it off and got some sleep.
  20. The next day I nearly forgot about it till middle of the day I heard something moving around in the basement. That sort of, foot steps sound, but also like the sound a guitar makes when dropped.
  22. Now before I go on, to be clear on a few things. One I don't take drugs, two I am lying, and three I actually do have a buddy of mine into all this ghost stuff. Watches videos on youtube, constantly puts them on his Facebook page, talks about those paranormal investigation shows. I told him about some of the spook stuff and it was his idea to try and get it on tape. But I cannot invest in a bunch of house cameras, seriously, price those things, I work minimum wage for crying out loud. So I tried to use my phone's camera. Anyway after, well, three weeks of whispering sounds, more black blurs, and oddly the things moving around thing was getting weirder as I was finding things like my car keys by the basement door, I decided to get up the courage, and pry the wall panel loose in the basement; recording the whole thing as best I could.
  24. So I tried the panel loose and found something that makes absolutely no fucking sense. I was expecting a hidden room, a door, instead it was a tunnel, like someone had torn a hole through the concrete wall, it looked like it had scrape marks all along the edge, like a giant mole i dug it out more so than anyone smashing it, and there was this tunnel in the dirt. Just a chest high rounded hole going into darkness, well darkness a few hints of light that had to way far back. Which, remember I live in town now, the suburbs, whatever this is called, and I have a road out front and neighbors across the street; although past their house is a cornfield and one of those little stretches of woods that criss-cross housing areas out here. So this tunnel had to go under the street. Flash light in hand, not just the phone's flash light but a little LED flash light I bought; I followed the tunnel, practically crawling in the dirt. I heard water above me, telling me I was below the drains for the street, it didn't occur to me till I turned around briefly after a good fifteen feet maybe that there was a steady decline as I was looking up a few few to my basement. I had this instant fear of seeing the black blur up there in the light, someone closing the panel trapping me down here. But of course, even if that panel was put back in place it was a cheap fake wood panel, I could punch through that, if not ram my self through it; I only had to crouch down here.
  26. All that said, I decided to keep going, going by how far back my basement light was looking, and much higher up the tunnel didn't level off till what seemed like hundred feet, easily past the neighbor's house, but probably under their back yard. Weirdly though there was light coming from somewhere up ahead. I almost feel down a straight vertical shaft as the dirt was slippery around the edge. There was a wide cylindrical shaft here, a concrete one with metal hand bars to climb up to a what looked to be a man hole; as well as straight down into darkness. The tunnel however was opposite these hand rails, I'd have had to lean over a good four feet to grab the rails, risking a fall. Naturally I noped on that. But I did shine my flash light down. The vertical shaft went down about fifteen to twenty feet before abruptly opening up into some kind of wide room and a drop down I couldn't measure, down to what looked like a giant white mesh, like a spider's web, or more like the one's you'd seen in a movie where the strands are as thick as your fingers, like spider man made the web. I recorded what I saw and backed out. Planning to show my buddy the video.
  29. * It is May now. I showed my buddy the footage I got. His theory is somone was either a moonshiner or a drug dealer and made an escape tunnel from my basement to some old sewer entrance. Very unnerving to think somewhere in the woods just past the cornfield behind the neighbors' house is some concrete drain with a metal lid that has a tunnerl in leading straight to my basement.
  31. My buddy also has a drone, a tiny little quadcopter thing he bought with his tax returns. He was planning on doing ghost hunts or big foot hunts or something with it after watching people on youtube using drones to find weird stuff in the woods. So flying over the field we found it, and apparently it was closer to 300 feet from my house. Hard to estimate distance crawling around in a dark tunnel. But we did find out the houses over there have fenced in yards a pretty good distance away. A quick walk around the neighborhood and we'd be able to find the tunnel. We discussed when to do this. On the one hand, the trees were just starting to get their leaves back so finding the shaft wouldn't too hard; on the other hand in the event this is trespassing on some farmer or the city's property or something we'd prefer to not be so visible as through dead trees. So we scheduled to meet up and make a trip of it in June. So report back when that is done.
  34. * Anyway, okay, first thing, it is June, like June 28th now. We did the shaft exploration two days ago. In the meantime I had replaced the wall panel and my buddy helped me carry the couch downstairs and put it in front of the wall panel just in case. Any way, so between the two of us and the drone we were able to find the shaft in the woods. Really creepy, just a concrete shaft sticking out of the ground by about a foot with grass and dirt all around it, almost missed it behind some bushes. The manhole cover had a few holes in it but was welded shut. There also looked like there used to be a little fence around it; and by looked like, I mean we found three metal poles rusted to hell and barb wire on the ground. Despite the condition of the fence the lid to the shaft was very secure. We decided to head back to my house to check it out; with two of us there and still daytime it didn't feel as ominous the second time, and he had a plan. We got a rope and the detachable camera from the drone and after heading down the tunnel from my house lowered the camera into the shaft.
  36. Down past the stopping point of the shaft, we realized it wasn't suspended in the dirt but connected to a concrete underground structure, had a dome or egg like shape to it with how the cieling curved. It was dark but the camera had a night vision mode; we guessed the drop was around fifteen feet or so, but the floor was covered in the white ropes crisscrossing in a spider web pattern and up along the sides; including one human sized cocoon of web. My buddy "noped" and pulled his camera up, we backed out of the tunnel and he said I should get bricks or stones and just block up the tunnel; or move. I wasn't going back to the apartment and this house was a rare find at its low mortgage despite its size; and also I had when having repairs done (and I see I forgot to mention that, whatever, wasn't the focus on every little detail of home repair); anyways, I got the county to fix damages to the roof and windows but had to sign a contract saying I wouldn't sell the house for five years. I did for the record suggest calling the cops, my buddy however felt that looked like something old and might be some government secret; or else the previous owner was into something really dark. I could be hearing the ghosts of his victims; he also suggested some conspiracy thing about low frequency sounds being used to keep people away from top secret areas. Like something could be down there emitting a weird audio that is messing with my head; among other theories because the other option is...giant cave spiders of doom like from a video game or fantasy anime based on video games. So I've gone from, dude my house be haunted, to dude the previous owner might have been a drug dealer with a secret tunnel, to dude there is an RPG dungeon connected to my house...he didn't keep the camera down there for very long so we didn't see the whole room; also a pain in the ass to control turning a camera dangling from a rope, so we didn't see if there was any exit.
  38. The next day my buddy helped be buy some bricks and cement and brick up the hole...mostly, still wanted to put the wood panel up again without looking weird; do plan to maybe resell the house at some point down the line most likely. So brick as deep as the broken concrete, we even painted over it, he wanted to paint like crosses and religious symbols to, but come on, if it was demonic it had another exit; besides what if someone finds that after I sell the house and I forgot it was there and have to explain the whole thing. I'd rather leave zero clues there is a creepy tunnel in the basement connecting to some weird concrete bomb shelter or whatever it was originally thing out in the woods near by. With any luck they might tear down that lot to build more house, find that themselves and fill it in. I was also rationalizing that what we saw may be old carpet decayed after decades mixed with possibly decades of dust and cob webs; the thing in the corner, well it was night vision on a drone's camera so maybe distortion of some kind, spider webs and old decaying sheets over something; who knows. The plan was to brick up, cover up, and forget about it. The haunting stuff in my house wasn't that bad anyway, and the whispering sound was probabaly wind going down the shaft and through the tunnel; I wandered if the neighbor above that tunnel could hear anything; of if it was too buried. That and it made me think, if my house has ghosts maybe they are unrelated to that tunnel as there is a house alot closer to that strange shaft, several houses in fact.
  40. ******
  42. *July 1st, but holy fuck. I have been having some seriously vivid nightmares. I have been dreaming of waking up in the middle of the night, surrounded by the black blur and being dragged to the basement and into the tunnel. In a few of the dreams I manage to start moving again only to find the wall bricked up so I can't escape the ever increasingly loud whispers behind me in the tunnel, ending as someting pounces on me. In another I am dragged clear down into the shaft and dropped into a giant circus trampoline like spider's web; kind of like the movie I am suddenly reminded of (Coraline), only either a giant tarantual or black widow gets me, or that cocoon thing turns out to be a giant egg sack and trillions of baby spiders swarm on me.
  44. *July 6th, a different dream, or maybe not a dream. I dreamed the dark blur was dragging me across the living room when a white streak of white light chased it off. It moved through the air like a snake or eel, swimming about, it divided into three smaller streaks, the exact length seemed to change from as long as the room to only as long as a person; they had a sort of air or windy quality to them, like mist mixed with light if that makes any sense. They circled around me, and I felt, at ease, gradually they gained more definition, looking like long sheets of material caught in a wind and giving off a glow, they had a feminine quality to them I can't put my finger on, but what was their heads took on a shape like a woman's face only...kind of uncanny valley like, more like masks or a mannequin's face painted solid white, including the eyes. Each of them had a pair of these flat things coming off their heads, like rabbit ears mixed with moth antenna, just flat pointed ended white cloth like material. As they circled me they got closer and closer till they were wrapping around me, between my legs, under my arms, around my abdomen and chest, and snuggling their faces against mine. It was strange, they were soft, warm, and had this aura of pure comfort about them. Although it was obvious they were also not just entangling each other and me but also intersecting each other, and intersecting me. It felt like my legs weren't just two legs but also a bunch of tentacles, and sheets like folds coming out of them and me to overlap and wrap around each other in a physics defying way, the only things staying unentangled being our heads which they just kept rubbing their cheeks against one another and me. For all the strangeness it was just too comfortable, and more than a bit arousing if I am being honest here. I woke up in my bed naturally, and I decided I'd buy three body pillows from Wal-mart.
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