

Sep 20th, 2017
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  1. aliases:
  2. clan-create:
  3. - scoreboard players tag @p add create
  4. - blockdata 14 4 82 {Command:"testfor @e[type=armor_stand,name=$$1,tag=!$$1$$2]",auto:1}
  5. - setblock 16 5 82 minecraft:chain_command_block 9 replace {Command:"scoreboard teams add c_$$1",auto:1}
  6. - setblock 16 6 82 minecraft:chain_command_block 9 replace {Command:"scoreboard teams option c_$$1 color $$3",auto:1}
  7. - setblock 16 7 82 minecraft:chain_command_block 9 replace {Command:"scoreboard teams option c_$$1 friendlyfire false",auto:1}
  8. - setblock 16 8 82 minecraft:chain_command_block 9 replace {Command:"scoreboard teams join c_$$1 @p",auto:1}
  9. - setblock 16 9 82 minecraft:chain_command_block 9 replace {Command:"summon armor_stand ~ ~ ~ {CustomName:\"$$1\",Tags:[\"spread\",\"c$$1$$2\"],CustomNameVisible:1,NoGravity:1,Small:1}",auto:1}
  10. - setblock 16 10 82 minecraft:chain_command_block 9 replace {Command:"pex user @a[tag=create] suffix \" &8[&c$$1&8]\"",auto:1}
  11. - setblock 16 14 82 minecraft:chain_command_block 9 replace {Command:"scoreboard players tag @a remove create",auto:1}
  12. - setblock 16 15 82 minecraft:chain_command_block 9 replace {Command:"fill 16 5 82 16 20 82 air",auto:1}
  13. - setblock 16 12 82 minecraft:chain_command_block 9 replace {Command:"scoreboard players reset @a timer",auto:1}
  14. - setblock 16 11 82 minecraft:chain_command_block 9 replace {Command:"scoreboard players tag @a[tag=create] add l$$1",auto:1}
  15. - setblock 16 13 82 minecraft:chain_command_block 9 replace {Command:"tellraw @a[tag=create] {\"text\":\"You have successfully created a clan named $$1!\",\"color\":\"green\"}",auto:1}
  16. clan-create-item:
  17. - replaceitem entity @p slot.weapon.mainhand diamond 1 0
  18. - menu script add /clan-create {the clan's name} {the clan's password} {the clan's color}
  19. - menu script hide
  20. - menu script title &7Create a clan
  21. clan-delete:
  22. - scoreboard players tag @p add delete
  23. - setblock 14 3 80 minecraft:repeating_command_block 1 replace {Command:"testfor @e[type=armor_stand,name=$$1]",auto:1}
  24. - setblock 14 4 80 minecraft:chain_command_block 9 replace {Command:"execute @a[tag=delete,tag=l$$1] ~ ~ ~ minecraft:kill @e[type=armor_stand,name=$$1]",auto:1}
  25. - setblock 14 6 80 minecraft:chain_command_block 9 replace {Command:"scoreboard teams remove c_$$1",auto:1}
  26. - setblock 14 5 80 minecraft:chain_command_block 9 replace {Command:"pex user @a[team=c_$$1] suffix &f",auto:1}
  27. - setblock 14 7 80 minecraft:chain_command_block 9 replace {Command:"scoreboard players tag @a remove l$$1",auto:1}
  28. - setblock 14 10 80 minecraft:chain_command_block 9 replace {Command:"fill 14 3 80 14 15 80 air",auto:1}
  29. - setblock 14 9 80 minecraft:chain_command_block 9 replace {Command:"scoreboard players tag @a remove delete",auto:1}
  30. - setblock 14 8 80 minecraft:chain_command_block 9 replace {Command:"tellraw @a[tag=delete] {\"text\":\"You've deleted your clan $$1!\",\"color\":\"red\"}",auto:1}
  31. - setblock 14 11 80 minecraft:chain_command_block 9 replace {Command:"scoreboard players reset @a timer2",auto:1}
  32. clan-delete-item:
  33. - replaceitem entity @p slot.weapon.mainhand tnt 1 0
  34. - menu script add /clan-delete {the clan's name}
  35. - menu script hide
  36. - menu script title &7Delete your clan
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