
ankyri post

Mar 17th, 2011
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  1. First up, there's been a small, superficial change to the structure of the Cabal- that being, we're renaming "Neophyte" to "Scholar". The reason for this is simple; 'neophyte' usually means newborn or something similarly fresh and defenceless, which is not what you should be after completing your requirements as a Disciple.
  3. I am well aware, yes, that those in the Old Cabal- the Ankyrean one, that is- used the term 'neophyte' to refer to their younger ones as well, but in this context it's a term of contempt, much like 'rellyw' was, when the Ankyri referred to other mortals around the place.
  5. This actually leads me quite neatly into my second topic, which is the Ankyreans. If you'd rather not read about this largely historical topic, feel free to skip to the end of what I'm saying.
  7. I had a conversation fairly recently wherein I disagreed with the opinions of a fellow Cabalist. There's nothing wrong with this, mind you, everyone's entitled to their opinions and debate is healthy. I thought, though, for interest's sake, I might post up my thoughts on the matter for your perusal.
  9. The Ankyreans, by and large, were gits. Pretty much every piece of information we have on them affirms this. They may have been a -smart- bunch of egotistical gits, but when it comes down to it, they were arrogant and various shades of foolish, and in the end were defeated by their own hubris. This can be seen on a large scale, in terms of the entire citadel, but it can also be seen in the history of the Old Cabal itself- if you've never been down to read through the scrolls on the topic, I highly recommend doing so.
  11. This, obviously, is the first and foremost reason why the old 'follow the Ankyrean legacy' line is something that should be forgotten. I don't know about you, but I don't really see following their legacy- arrogance and self-engineered demise- as a very good goal.
  13. The second reason not to consider ourselves 'following on' from them is this: There is absolutely no proof that we, the New Cabal, haven't surpassed the achievements of the Old Cabal. There, I said it. I'm well aware that we mortal folk tend to hold the memory of the Ankyri to a legendary status, making them out to be these amazingly intelligent and powerful beings that achieved incredible things. I also think, however, that we're selling ourselves awful short if we believe that they so far outstripped us just because we've been told they did.
  15. In the short and tumultuous history of the Old Cabal (again, documented in the scrolls I mentioned), it can't be said that they achieved a great deal. They had a lot of arguments, mostly, and caused some freak accidents which had longreaching and admittedly interesting effects, but they were still accidents all the same. Perhaps they achieved some great things that just weren't documented, but I don't think it's at all sensible to just assume they did because there's no proof they didn't.
  17. Let me tell you about a few of the achievements of the New Cabal. We 'rellyw' have done such things as force our way into the halls of the underking, to dredge up ghosts and converse with the long-dead. We 'rellyw' have faced the last of the Old Cabal, grown powerful and spiteful over centuries, and killed it with our brains. We 'rellyw' have raised the dead, have created means of replacing limbs with metal and essence, have shaken the very earth, have re-formed our surroundings as we see fit. We, the 'rellyw', have- by our own hands- created an Azudim, a task usually the work of the Gods themselves.
  19. Yeah, they were the pioneers of Numerology. I'll admit, we have them to thank for that. I also think, however, that we have contributed more to Numerological theory than they ever managed in between bouts of infighting and various fits of madness. Unless there is a great deal of theory and work somewhere, written down and just waiting to be discovered, there is nothing to say that we haven't achieved more than they ever did.
  21. I think that instead of assuming that they were so much better than us until proven otherwise is doing it backward- until we find something that tops making an Azudim by mortal hands, I will remain unconvinced that their 'legacy' is anything worth following. We, the New Cabal, can carve our own path through reality. We have at our fingertips all the power we could ever want, and within our halls all the sharp minds and inspiration we could ever need to achieve any bloody thing we want to. We don't need a handful of ghosts to look up to.
  23. So, yes. That's where I stand on the matter. Neophyte will be replaced by Scholar- if you are titled as the former currently, find someone who can adjust it for you.
  25. In service,
  26. E JL
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