
ATX Prize ships

Jun 5th, 2012
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  1. [+] Cambion
  2. [+|n] eliteBonusAssaultShipLightMissileROF
  3. [+|n] eliteBonusAssaultShipRocketROF
  4. [+|n] massFactor
  5. [+|y] shipBonusHeatDamageATF1
  6. [+|n] shipBonusMissileKineticlATF2
  7. [+|y] shipShieldEMResistanceCF2
  8. [+|y] shipShieldExplosiveResistanceCF2
  9. [+|y] shipShieldKineticResistanceCF2
  10. [+|y] shipShieldThermalResistanceCF2
  11. [+] agility: 3.5
  12. [+] armorEmDamageResonance: 0.5
  13. [+] armorExplosiveDamageResonance: 0.9
  14. [+] armorHP: 375.0
  15. [+] armorKineticDamageResonance: 0.75
  16. [+] armorThermalDamageResonance: 0.55
  17. [+] armorUniformity: 0.75
  18. [+] baseWarpSpeed: 1.0
  19. [+] capacitorCapacity: 400.0
  20. [+] capacity: 150.0
  21. [+] cpuLoad: 0
  22. [+] cpuOutput: 225.0
  23. [+] damage: 0
  24. [+] droneBandwidth: 0
  25. [+] droneCapacity: 0
  26. [+] eliteBonusGunship1: -5.0
  27. [+] emDamageResonance: 1.0
  28. [+] explosiveDamageResonance: 1.0
  29. [+] fwLpKill: 25.0
  30. [+] gfxBoosterID: 395.0
  31. [+] heatAttenuationHi: 0.63
  32. [+] heatAttenuationLow: 0.25
  33. [+] heatAttenuationMed: 0.63
  34. [+] heatCapacityHi: 100.0
  35. [+] heatCapacityLow: 100.0
  36. [+] heatCapacityMed: 100.0
  37. [+] heatDissipationRateHi: 0.01
  38. [+] heatDissipationRateLow: 0.01
  39. [+] heatDissipationRateMed: 0.01
  40. [+] heatGenerationMultiplier: 1.0
  41. [+] hiSlots: 4.0
  42. [+] hp: 1010.0
  43. [+] kineticDamageResonance: 1.0
  44. [+] launcherSlotsLeft: 4.0
  45. [+] lowSlots: 3.0
  46. [+] mainColor: 16777215.0
  47. [+] mass: 997000.0
  48. [+] maxDirectionalVelocity: 3000.0
  49. [+] maxLockedTargets: 7.0
  50. [+] maxPassengers: 5.0
  51. [+] maxTargetRange: 40000.0
  52. [+] maxVelocity: 350.0
  53. [+] medSlots: 5.0
  54. [+] metaGroupID: 4.0
  55. [+] metaLevel: 5.0
  56. [+] minTargetVelDmgMultiplier: 0.05
  57. [+] powerLoad: 0
  58. [+] powerOutput: 63.0
  59. [+] powerToSpeed: 1.0
  60. [+] propulsionGraphicID: 395.0
  61. [+] rechargeRate: 150000.0
  62. [+] requiredSkill1: 3330.0
  63. [+] requiredSkill1Level: 3.0
  64. [+] rigSize: 1.0
  65. [+] rigSlots: 2.0
  66. [+] scanGravimetricStrength: 14.0
  67. [+] scanLadarStrength: 0
  68. [+] scanMagnetometricStrength: 0
  69. [+] scanRadarStrength: 0
  70. [+] scanResolution: 650.0
  71. [+] scanSpeed: 2000.0
  72. [+] shieldCapacity: 1200.0
  73. [+] shieldEmDamageResonance: 1.0
  74. [+] shieldExplosiveDamageResonance: 0.5
  75. [+] shieldKineticDamageResonance: 0.3
  76. [+] shieldRechargeRate: 625000.0
  77. [+] shieldThermalDamageResonance: 0.2
  78. [+] shieldUniformity: 0.75
  79. [+] shipBonusATF1: -50.0
  80. [+] shipBonusATF2: 115.0
  81. [+] shipBonusCF: -5.0
  82. [+] shipBonusCF2: 20.0
  83. [+] shipBonusPirateFaction: 200.0
  84. [+] shipScanResistance: 0
  85. [+] signatureRadius: 37.0
  86. [+] structureUniformity: 0.75
  87. [+] techLevel: 2.0
  88. [+] thermalDamageResonance: 1.0
  89. [+] turretSlotsLeft: 1.0
  90. [+] typeColorScheme: 11410.0
  91. [+] uniformity: 1.0
  92. [+] upgradeCapacity: 400.0
  93. [+] upgradeSlotsLeft: 2.0
  94. [+] volume: 16500.0
  95. [+] warpCapacitorNeed: 1.37e-06
  96. [+] warpFactor: 0
  97. [+] warpSpeedMultiplier: 2.0
  99. The Cambion is the result of Caldari State Executor Tibus Heth's insistence that modern weapons of war be able to continually outperform previous standardized versions. While that effort is rumored to have been hit-and-miss (resulting in great scientific advances at the cost of a stunning array of misfortunes), it is absolutely undeniable that the Cambion has been one of its great successes, a feat that likely could not have been achieved in a different political milieu.
  101. The Cambion an out-and-out brawler. Taking note from the Merlin – a versatile combat frigate in its own right – this ship is intended to rush in, overheat everything it runs, hit hard with everything it has and get out moments before death can find it.
  103. Caldari Frigate Skill Bonus: 5% bonus to shield resistances per skill level.
  104. Assault Ship Skill Bonus: 5% bonus to light missile and rocket rate of fire per skill level.
  105. Role Bonus: 115% bonus to light missile and rocket kinetic damage and 50% reduction in heat damage taken by modules.
  109. [+] Etana
  110. [+|y] covertOpsCpuBonus1
  111. [+|y] covertOpsStealthBomberTargettingDelayBonus
  112. [+|y] droneShieldBonusBonusEffect
  113. [+|y] eliteBonusLogisticEnergyTransferCapNeed2
  114. [+|y] eliteBonusLogisticShieldTransferCapNeed1
  115. [+|y] energyTransferPowerNeedBonusEffect
  116. [+|n] massFactor
  117. [+|y] shieldTransportCpuNeedBonusEffect
  118. [+|y] shipBonusHeatDamageATF1
  119. [+|y] shipEnergyTransferRange2
  120. [+|y] shipShieldTransferRange1
  121. [+] agility: 0.61
  122. [+] armorEmDamageResonance: 0.5
  123. [+] armorExplosiveDamageResonance: 0.9
  124. [+] armorHP: 1125.0
  125. [+] armorKineticDamageResonance: 0.375
  126. [+] armorThermalDamageResonance: 0.1375
  127. [+] armorUniformity: 0.75
  128. [+] baseWarpSpeed: 1.0
  129. [+] capacitorCapacity: 2004.0
  130. [+] capacity: 485.0
  131. [+] cloakingCpuNeedBonus: 0.01
  132. [+] covertOpsStealthBomberTargettingDelay: 5000.0
  133. [+] cpuLoad: 0
  134. [+] cpuOutput: 560.0
  135. [+] damage: 0
  136. [+] droneBandwidth: 25.0
  137. [+] droneCapacity: 25.0
  138. [+] droneShieldBonusBonus: 100.0
  139. [+] eliteBonusLogistics1: -17.0
  140. [+] eliteBonusLogistics2: -17.0
  141. [+] emDamageResonance: 1.0
  142. [+] explosiveDamageResonance: 1.0
  143. [+] fwLpKill: 200.0
  144. [+] gfxBoosterID: 395.0
  145. [+] heatAttenuationHi: 0.76
  146. [+] heatAttenuationLow: 0.25
  147. [+] heatAttenuationMed: 0.71
  148. [+] heatCapacityHi: 100.0
  149. [+] heatCapacityLow: 100.0
  150. [+] heatCapacityMed: 100.0
  151. [+] heatDissipationRateHi: 0.01
  152. [+] heatDissipationRateLow: 0.01
  153. [+] heatDissipationRateMed: 0.01
  154. [+] heatGenerationMultiplier: 0.75
  155. [+] hiSlots: 6.0
  156. [+] hp: 2012.0
  157. [+] jumpHarmonics: 5.0
  158. [+] kineticDamageResonance: 1.0
  159. [+] launcherSlotsLeft: 0
  160. [+] lowSlots: 3.0
  161. [+] mainColor: 16777215.0
  162. [+] mass: 13130000.0
  163. [+] maxLockedTargets: 10.0
  164. [+] maxPassengers: 580.0
  165. [+] maxTargetRange: 80000.0
  166. [+] maxVelocity: 200.0
  167. [+] medSlots: 6.0
  168. [+] metaGroupID: 4.0
  169. [+] metaLevel: 5.0
  170. [+] powerLoad: 0
  171. [+] powerOutput: 900.0
  172. [+] powerToSpeed: 1.0
  173. [+] powerTransferPowerNeedBonus: -50.0
  174. [+] propulsionGraphicID: 395.0
  175. [+] rechargeRate: 278750.0
  176. [+] requiredSkill1: 3334.0
  177. [+] requiredSkill1Level: 5.0
  178. [+] requiredSkill2: 12096.0
  179. [+] requiredSkill2Level: 1.0
  180. [+] rigSize: 2.0
  181. [+] rigSlots: 2.0
  182. [+] scanGravimetricStrength: 16.0
  183. [+] scanLadarStrength: 0
  184. [+] scanMagnetometricStrength: 0
  185. [+] scanRadarStrength: 0
  186. [+] scanResolution: 400.0
  187. [+] scanSpeed: 4500.0
  188. [+] shieldCapacity: 2109.0
  189. [+] shieldEmDamageResonance: 1.0
  190. [+] shieldExplosiveDamageResonance: 0.5
  191. [+] shieldKineticDamageResonance: 0.3
  192. [+] shieldRechargeRate: 1250000.0
  193. [+] shieldThermalDamageResonance: 0.2
  194. [+] shieldTransportCpuNeedBonus: -50.0
  195. [+] shieldUniformity: 0.75
  196. [+] shipBonusATF1: -40.0
  197. [+] shipBonusCC: 155.0
  198. [+] shipBonusCC2: 155.0
  199. [+] signatureRadius: 75.0
  200. [+] structureUniformity: 0.75
  201. [+] techLevel: 2.0
  202. [+] thermalDamageResonance: 1.0
  203. [+] turretSlotsLeft: 1.0
  204. [+] typeColorScheme: 11410.0
  205. [+] uniformity: 1.0
  206. [+] upgradeCapacity: 400.0
  207. [+] upgradeSlotsLeft: 2.0
  208. [+] volume: 107000.0
  209. [+] warpCapacitorNeed: 8.13e-07
  210. [+] warpFactor: 0
  211. [+] warpSpeedMultiplier: 1.25
  213. The Etana came into existence as one of numerous secret projects under Tibus Heth's rule. As part of those revolutionary and paranoid times in the Caldari State, political emphasis on technological research was split between a need for inexpensive improvements in warfare and a need for advances in espionage and the arts of secrecy.
  215. One of the outcomes of that research was an improvement on the Osprey, whose versatility and low manufacturing cost made it a natural candidate for improvements. The resulting vessel maintained the shield defenses known among similar ships of its type, while adding an array of remarkable black ops capabilities. In fact, it is reputed that initial prototypes were employed to spy on interstellar activities near the recaptured Caldari Prime, as part of Tibus Heth's continually growing espionage initiative.
  217. Caldari Cruiser Skill Bonus: 155% bonus to Shield Transport and Energy Transfer Array range and 20% bonus to Shield Maintenance Bot transfer amount per level
  218. Logistics Skill Bonus: 17% reduction in Shield Transport and Energy Transfer Array capacitor use per level
  219. Role bonus: 40% reduction in the amount of heat damage absorbed by modules, in CPU need for Shield Transporters, and in power need for Energy Transfer Arrays
  220. 99% reduction in CPU need for cloaking devices, the Etana can be bridged by a Black Ops ship
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