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Jan 27th, 2015
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  1. "The EU is not a collection of nation states; it is an institution of monopoly capital. Nothing is "possible" within the EU. Your perspective is in fact Syriza's own. But the EU is bound together not by its peoples, but by an extensive set of laws and regulations protecting capital against labor. KKE has extensively analyzed this framework since the 90s and warned where it would lead. Syriza voted for the Maastricht agreement, the foundation of the entire edifice. Those who wish to "change" Europe don't try to do so by perpetuating the complex superstructure of exploitation that is the EU, nor do they wait for the impossible, a "change of forces" without the active party leadership of the working class toward revolution. Lenin, who attacked the "United States of Europe", could not have dreamed of anything as nightmarish as the EU. And its history is very specific and damning for those who pretend not to know it. Read A.Lacroix-Riz, Aux origines du carcan européen (1900-1960), it's very enlightening; KKE research is extensive but regrettably only a small part is available in English through translation. Bottom line: WITH the peoples, the working classes of Europe (and of Africa, and Asia...), AGAINST the EU, without convenient delusions that what monopolies have built for their purposes can be changed for popular use. But also: Against fascism, against chauvinism, against parties like UKIP and bourgeois "euroskepticism." Which (bourgeois euroskepticism) incidentally is what ANEL, Syriza's collaborators, are all about.
  3. In English:
  11. They (these strictures of laws & regulations can’t be unmade) can't without popular power. Popular power is not "government". it is not the effect of a delegation of "salvation" to "saviors". It is the effect of revolution, change of state power. This is the abc of Leninism, and KKE is a Leninist party. We shall not go back to Kautsky and Bernstein and call that "neo-Marxism." It is very old Marxism, and reformist Marxism, relying on the egregious sleight-of-hand which confuses "government" and state power. It is a position KKE rejects as thoroughly opportunist, a blinder for people's real will for change.
  13. So, item 1: You CAN'T VOTE THE EU AWAY.
  15. Item 2: YOU CAN'T CHANGE THE EU. You can change Europe, which is a very different thing. Just as you can't "change" NATO into a socialist-pacifist group. These are ludicrous expectations.
  17. And laws and regulations are not made by any "people." They are made directly by capital, national and transnational, in our case European. We therefore hold totally incompatible perspectives with what you assert as a given. But a dialogue requires agreement on a "given." The balance of forces is extremely negative, and will not change until people get rid of fundamental delusions about state power, the legal superstructure and the nature of capital. They will certainly not get the least bit better as long as people expect a monopoly institution to kindly "democratize" itself via their vote. I believe Bertolt Brecht has sufficiently ridiculed such petit bourgeois delusions.
  19. Under capitalism, the state is the iron or velvet fist of capital. It was velvet in the 90s, iron today. But it's always the fundamental instrument of class domination. Not some kind of giveaway you win by having an attractive candidate, nice social media PR and cool slogans.
  21. If I understood you correctly (not sure): we state that a different monetary approach by European capital IS possible, it is even probable. But that's due to US pressures on Germany, for US interests (neo-Keynesianism, (finance minister) Varoufakis et al's game). We fail to see why a communist party should sell the working class to that. This by no means entails being indifferent to whatever leeway there is for improvement, and we both are involved in projects for alleviating popular suffering under existing conditions, and are committed to supporting any legislation that will support workers against capital gain. That we say this is highly unlikely doesn't mean we won't support it. It just means we don't like convenient lies and prefer difficult truths.
  23. Bottom line: It would be anything but negative for us if Syriza succeeded. In fact, it would far more easily bring people in our direction. We don't "gain" anything if it proves a hoax and a miserable failure. On the contrary, this will piss people off toward the "left" generally and help the authoritarian turn. But we can't lie about what the facts are, nor expose ourselves to an alliance with what we see as unprincipled demagogues. Our duty is to tell the workers the truth and to assist in their self- organization and self-emancipation. This is the duty of a communist party. Not being a cheerleader for whatever Public Opinion would like to believe in the next six months."
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