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Nov 16th, 2019
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  1. Game 1
  2. Pre-Game
  3. Crucile: ban zac
  4. Crucile: i just had
  5. Crucile: a super fun and interactive match myself
  6. Crucile:
  7. Crucile: 1k games on vlad player gets filled
  8. Crucile: doesnt dodge, plays like tha
  9. Crucile: :D
  10. In-Game
  11. Crucile: zz
  12. Crucile: ive played 6 games today
  13. Crucile: ive played extremely well in 4
  14. Crucile: and okay in 2
  15. Crucile: im 2 and 4
  16. Crucile: w/l
  17. Crucile: just
  18. Crucile: fucking
  19. Crucile: gank
  20. Crucile: vi
  21. Crucile: mute me
  22. Crucile: so i can type
  23. Crucile: without tilting you
  24. Crucile: fucking
  25. Crucile: dogshit jg
  26. Crucile: actually retarded pathing
  27. Crucile: refuses
  28. Crucile: to fucking
  29. Crucile: ganikk
  30. Crucile: neewds
  31. Crucile: to
  32. Crucile: do things i cant type
  33. Crucile: irl
  34. Crucile: :
  35. Crucile: XD
  36. Crucile: fucking degen palyer
  37. Crucile: better jg fucking wins
  38. Crucile: he needs to get lynched
  39. Crucile: i love losing
  40. Crucile: because a player
  41. Crucile: doesnt know
  42. Crucile: to stop fucking farming
  43. Crucile: and go gank the lane winning so hard
  44. Crucile: that he had a 500g lead at 2 minutes !
  45. Crucile: :D
  46. Crucile: our jg
  47. Crucile: needs to switch
  48. Crucile: to lifes upport
  49. Crucile: :D
  50. Crucile: i have yet
  51. Crucile: to have illaoi
  52. Crucile: do a single thing
  53. Crucile: even .1% correct
  54. Crucile: :D
  55. Crucile: yet he is only down
  56. Crucile: 18 cs
  57. Crucile: !
  58. Crucile: ME
  59. Crucile: negative dmg
  60. Crucile: idk how lee can walk top and press q and be more useful than vi
  61. Crucile: XD
  62. Crucile: ye let sjust
  63. Crucile: v
  64. Crucile: vi ult
  65. Crucile: the fucking illaoi
  66. Crucile: 1v2
  67. Crucile: lets see
  68. Crucile: how that plays out
  69. Crucile: 330g from klepto
  70. Crucile: down 5cs
  71. Crucile: XD
  72. Crucile: 66 hp
  73. Crucile: better top wins
  74. Crucile: for sure
  75. Crucile: jg
  76. Crucile: so fucking blind
  77. Crucile: sees lee top
  78. Crucile: doesnt go in
  79. Crucile: nah dude
  80. Crucile: he has to sit in the bush
  81. Crucile: i just wish
  82. Crucile: i get a jg that can get a lead
  83. Crucile: and then a botlane that doesnt int while it happens
  84. Crucile: so when i solokill enemy top 7 times over
  85. Crucile: it actually matters
  86. Crucile: sorry 8
  87. Crucile: :D
  88. Crucile: :D
  89. Crucile: ok
  90. Crucile: he wants
  91. Crucile: to lose
  92. Crucile: no one
  93. Crucile: is playing
  94. Crucile: to win
  95. Crucile: except maybe luc
  96. Crucile: i wish our jg went locket
  97. Crucile: first item
  98. Crucile: no warrior
  99. Crucile: he'd be more useful
  100. Crucile: what more do you want
  101. Crucile: from me ingame?
  102. Post-Game
  103. Crucile: idk
  104. Crucile: what
  105. Crucile: more
  106. Crucile: i
  107. Crucile: can
  108. Crucile: do
  109. Crucile: to
  110. Crucile: win
  111. Crucile: games
  112. Crucile: 33k dmg dealt
  113. Crucile: i solokilled illaoi 8 times
  114. Crucile: 8
  115. Crucile: fucking
  116. Crucile: times
  117. Crucile: and my jg cant listen to a single fucking ping
  118. Crucile: he HAS to full clear as
  119. Crucile: aftershock vi
  120. Crucile: before ganking
  121. Game 2
  122. Pre-Game
  123. Crucile: jama
  124. Crucile: ima need you to play better early than you did last game
  125. Crucile: can u do that for me
  126. Crucile: also lemme top
  127. Crucile: i am only
  128. Crucile: 26 wins from chally
  129. Crucile: but im very upset because if i didnt get stuck in d1 for 40 games i'd have +35 rn
  130. Crucile: ryze is open if you play it
  131. Crucile: and even if you dont tbh not very hard
  132. Crucile: if jax doesnt beat lee
  133. Crucile: then go lee
  134. Crucile: i expect you to hard smurf trixter
  135. Crucile: does akali ever beat ryze
  136. Crucile: at an even gold amount?
  137. Crucile: or is it just whoever has more gold wins trades
  138. In-Game
  139. Crucile: come
  140. Crucile: top
  141. Crucile: i farm grasp
  142. Crucile: need assist
  143. Crucile: worth
  144. Crucile: 26.66g
  145. Crucile: of hp
  146. Crucile: grasp does 4% max hp
  147. Crucile: dmg on proc
  148. Crucile: so its just overall really Pog
  149. Crucile: we take those
  150. Crucile: i need help
  151. Crucile: after u see 2nd tp
  152. Crucile: u need to run
  153. Crucile: really really good stuff
  154. Crucile: from me '
  155. Crucile: and really really fucking bad play from jax
  156. Crucile: if bot maintains their lead
  157. Crucile: ez game
  158. Crucile: care rek
  159. Crucile: ryze has r
  160. Crucile: come check pls
  161. Crucile: i cant 1v2
  162. Crucile: go camps
  163. Crucile: go camps dont help
  164. Crucile: that was
  165. Crucile: frame perf\ect
  166. Crucile: did u
  167. Crucile: fucking see that
  168. Crucile: i frame perfected
  169. Crucile: ye
  170. Crucile: just chill
  171. Crucile: he perma ganks
  172. Crucile: 61 cs
  173. Crucile: at 11 minutes
  174. Crucile: ah
  175. Crucile: fucking kms
  176. Crucile: why
  177. Crucile: didnt you guys
  178. Crucile: just fucking hit tower
  179. Crucile: stop fucking playing your shit version of the game
  180. Crucile: dumb fucking champ
  181. Crucile: gj mid
  182. Crucile: hey
  183. Crucile: blind yasuo players
  184. Crucile: go fucking mid
  185. Crucile: there are fucking people
  186. Crucile: coming to eat ur ass
  187. Crucile: he was missing
  188. Crucile: over 30 seconds
  189. Crucile: ye
  190. Crucile: and then
  191. Crucile: 3 0seconds later
  192. Crucile: i ping u
  193. Crucile: w/e
  194. Crucile: you guys
  195. Crucile: are too shit
  196. Crucile: to win
  197. Crucile: bot refuses to paly league
  198. Crucile: every single game i get with you guys
  199. Crucile: you hard int
  200. Crucile: he needs
  201. Crucile: to get eye surgery
  202. Crucile: or to quit the gam
  203. Crucile: or to do things i cant type
  204. Crucile: idk dude
  205. Crucile: nah
  206. Crucile: bot dif
  207. Crucile: you didnt win your team the game nearly as much
  208. Crucile: as my bot inted the game
  209. Crucile: yas ali refuse
  210. Crucile: to play smart
  211. Crucile: hit objectives
  212. Crucile: they're allergic to them
  213. Crucile: didnt think i needed to dodge a 4 on role game
  214. Crucile: 
  215. Game 3
  216. Pre-Game
  217. Crucile: i really dont know
  218. Crucile: what runes to take in fiora vs riven atm
  219. Crucile: if you fall behind with grasp
  220. Crucile: its doomed
  221. Crucile: since spot trading
  222. Crucile: loses to all in
  223. Crucile: and they always take conq
  224. Crucile: i think im against
  225. Crucile: knight the shen one trick
  226. Crucile: he went ashe adc yesterday and went 0/10 on my team
  227. Crucile: i would very much like us to tryhard this one friends
  228. In-Game
  229. Crucile: im trying ur dogshit runes
  230. Crucile: on gp
  231. Crucile: taking conditioning might actually be genius though
  232. Crucile: our jg didnt connect
  233. Crucile: u took it vs ryze
  234. Crucile: and it smurfs on ryze
  235. Crucile: drav
  236. Crucile: please DC
  237. Crucile: she procs q and then waits
  238. Crucile: can you please
  239. Crucile: not int me
  240. Crucile: jg trolling late to camp
  241. Crucile: and adc playing it out with smite
  242. Crucile: top dead
  243. Crucile: play for late ig
  244. Crucile: jax gp 2v8
  245. Crucile: ok theyre trolling
  246. Crucile: wonderful
  247. Crucile: sad days
  248. Crucile: well top is a fun lane for shen now
  249. Crucile: was taunted
  250. Crucile: ;c
  251. Crucile: just
  252. Crucile: wait for
  253. Crucile: me to 1v9
  254. Crucile: look at top
  255. Crucile: xd
  256. Crucile: one plate left
  257. Crucile: shen has f
  258. Crucile: eh
  259. Crucile: thats like
  260. Crucile: very low key worth
  261. Crucile: ye
  262. Crucile: oh
  263. Crucile: well
  264. Crucile: pog
  265. Crucile: im completely fine with that
  266. Crucile: i get first
  267. Crucile: gets me caulfields
  268. Crucile: oh what the fuck
  269. Crucile: thats just int
  270. Crucile: thats int of me then
  271. Crucile: unfortunately
  272. Crucile: so fucking late
  273. Crucile: on the ward
  274. Crucile: fucking inting me dude
  275. Crucile: it cant be that hard
  276. Crucile: drav got some nice gold out of that
  277. Crucile: 42 cs
  278. Crucile: shen
  279. Crucile: i refuse to believe game is lost
  280. Crucile: chill
  281. Crucile: 5 top
  282. Crucile: 5 top
  283. Crucile: i do so much dmg
  284. Crucile: just keep farming
  285. Crucile: hopefully
  286. Crucile: i can get
  287. Crucile: ER before infernal
  288. Crucile: i have er
  289. Crucile: its ok
  290. Crucile: i have er
  291. Crucile: someone
  292. Crucile: went top for me
  293. Crucile: LOL
  294. Crucile: no r
  295. Crucile: er
  296. Crucile: did she flash draven
  297. Crucile: looked like from minimap
  298. Crucile: hes coming in
  299. Crucile: to secure the objective
  300. Crucile: Poggers
  301. Crucile: hell yeah
  302. Crucile: once im 13
  303. Crucile: its gg
  304. Crucile: i think i have to go pd
  305. Crucile: steraks worse than pd
  306. Crucile: costs more
  307. Crucile: shields less
  308. Crucile: worse condition
  309. Crucile: but gives u tenacity
  310. Crucile: they have knockups
  311. Crucile: tenacity irrelevant
  312. Crucile: pog
  313. Crucile: 13
  314. Crucile: im 13
  315. Crucile: pog
  316. Crucile: did yas
  317. Crucile: even have ult
  318. Crucile: ah ok
  319. Crucile: im so fucking gigantic
  320. Crucile: i dont need
  321. Crucile: but ill taekt he gold
  322. Crucile: i fucked up
  323. Crucile: but rakan ran
  324. Crucile: so i lived
  325. Crucile: we just zone
  326. Crucile: her
  327. Crucile: need vis
  328. Crucile: i flame horizoned shen a wehile ago
  329. Crucile: but i still think its worth mentioning
  330. Crucile: this is what
  331. Crucile: kr gp looks like
  332. Crucile: not ur pussy shit
  333. Crucile: with maw
  334. Crucile: bot
  335. Crucile: better lane
  336. Crucile: for me
  337. Crucile: bot way better lane
  338. Crucile: for me
  339. Crucile: end
  340. Crucile: no bm
  341. Crucile: thats toxic
  342. Post-Game
  343. Crucile: fuck
  344. Crucile: my gains are so bad
  345. Crucile: 23lp
  346. Crucile: fucking
  347. Crucile: hell
  348. Crucile: he got solokilled level two
  349. Crucile: and then ganked
  350. Crucile: his mental boomed
  351. Crucile: after i shit on him too hard
  352. Crucile: we had
  353. Crucile: smite draven though
  354. Crucile: so its like
  355. Crucile: nah
  356. Crucile: u didnt come top
  357. Crucile: ever
  358. Crucile: lol
  359. Crucile: u snowballed xayah
  360. Crucile: and then she
  361. Crucile: just kinda died
  362. Crucile: to me
  363. Crucile: well
  364. Crucile: shen was fucked
  365. Crucile: regardless of jungle pathing
  366. Crucile: because he just got
  367. Crucile: lp
  368. Crucile: and u didnt
  369. Crucile: thats why hes typing
  370. Crucile: we had smite draven
  371. Crucile: ^
  372. Crucile: u camped bot
  373. Crucile: and bot inted
  374. Crucile: my jg camped top
  375. Crucile: and i hard smurf 1v9ed
  376. Crucile: yeehaw brother
  377. Crucile: 17 out of 25
  378. Crucile: 9.5k gold lead
  379. Crucile: btw
  380. Crucile: i had more gold over shen
  381. Crucile: than my jg had
  382. Crucile: total
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