

Jul 11th, 2015
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  1. I'll have you know- that the book of Revelations says that 2 billion people are going to die before our generation passes.
  2. [10:33:37 PM] Rook E. Vanguard:
  3. [10:34:46 PM] Rook E. Vanguard: (rainbow)
  5. [10:35:05 PM] Tyler Eldridge: I'm an atheist
  6. [10:35:06 PM] Tyler Eldridge: xD
  8. [10:36:31 PM] Rook E. Vanguard: Do atheists believe in evolution er-
  10. [10:38:01 PM] Tyler Eldridge: yes
  11. [10:38:04 PM] Tyler Eldridge: well I'm an agnostic atheist
  12. [10:38:13 PM] Tyler Eldridge: specifically, I'm not saying there is or there isn't a higher deity.
  13. [10:38:51 PM] Tyler Eldridge: I only know I'm a skeptical and I won't ever believe words written in a book deemed to be written by god
  15. [10:39:52 PM | Edited 10:40:14 PM] Tyler Eldridge: I only believe what I see or what has hard validating data, and Allah seems just as plausible to exist as God or Buddah. I won't believe words written by man and stories passed down through generations of deceitful men telling tales of the tongues of gods and higher powers. I only hear stories. And that's all I'll ever hear until something convinces me otherwise.
  17. [10:42:42 PM] Rook E. Vanguard: Proof:
  18. [10:42:59 PM] Rook E. Vanguard: They also apparently found Noah's ark.
  20. [10:46:06 PM] Tyler Eldridge: The reason for that can also fall on the natural human need to confirm their hypothesis, it's something in psychology called the confirmation bias. People will always look for what they want to see, if something helps confirm their ideas or hypotheses, it's extremely powerful and not only does it help keep their faith but it strengthens it enormously. Such to the point that they never try to disprove them.
  22. [10:47:07 PM] Tyler Eldridge: And who's to say the passages written in "books by god" weren't written after those events happened, in order for deceitful men to fool people into believing the words of "god" are true, in order to convert people into their religion by providing convincing "proof".
  24. [10:47:37 PM] Tyler Eldridge: Converting people into your religion was a very prominent thing back then, as religion was taken much more seriously and strictly.
  26. [10:51:16 PM] Rook E. Vanguard: Try to disprove them. Your counter-argument that the passages were written after the fullfillment of the prohecies implies that someone would have changed about a billion people's knowledge of the Bible within the past 50 years. (Seeing as though some of those were fullfilled within the past 50 years.)
  28. [10:52:04 PM] Tyler Eldridge: I'm not trying to disprove anything, I'm just accepting the fact that there is no proof whatsoever. Just people with hard opinions on what they believe is true.
  29. [10:52:14 PM] Tyler Eldridge: There is no proof that there is a god, and there is no proof that there isn't.
  30. [10:52:27 PM] Tyler Eldridge: I'm taking the safer route by believing that there isn't.
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