

Jun 13th, 2014
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  1. >Name: Teclu
  2. >Gender: Male
  3. >Race: Pegasus
  4. >Alignment: CG
  6. >Class: Inventor (Alchemist+Smith)
  7. >Non-combat talent: Street Rat (navigating cities is Easy)
  8. >Talent: Urban Warfare (Gains ability to create improvised weapons, each with their own effects)
  9. >Skills: Flamethrower (cross class)
  10. Pegasus Flight (racial)
  11. Bounce (extra racial)
  12. Tinker (1)
  13. Sharpen (1)
  14. Appraise (1)
  16. >Inventory: Faded orange hoodie
  17. Green bandanna
  18. Goggles
  19. Bag of Holding:
  20. Bottle of gasoline
  21. Bottle of thermite
  22. Impact smoke bombs
  23. Pipe bombs
  24. Rags
  25. Glass shard
  26. Utility knife
  27. Needle & roll of thread
  28. Various ingredients
  29. Wax paper
  30. Duct tape
  31. Matchboxes
  32. Glue
  33. Magnesium strips
  34. Empty cans
  35. Small weight scale
  36. Notebook with various recipes
  37. Pens
  38. Spare ink
  39. Carton of cigarettes
  40. Lighter
  41. Small tape recorder
  42. Tapes w/ audio diaries
  43. Tapes w/music
  44. Empty tapes
  45. Mixtapes
  47. >Description: Teclu is a chemist and self-proclaimed engineer and pyrotechnician, who focuses on experimenting with dangerous chemicals, usually resulting with explosive results. Torch has a dark orange and red mane, with charcoal fur. Teclu's absolute favorite pastime is creating new and explosive chemicals to cause havoc when he absolutely needs to, and is often very creative in his methods as he tends to use improvised weapons to their fullest. He often finds joy in libraries, researching new recipes and reading about new ideas when it comes to pyrotechnics and the like. Teclu often immerses himself in odd mannerisms, such as his tendencies to keep an audio diary, as well as listen to many genres of rock and metal, or his habit of speaking to himself about his recipes, and going over his mental shopping list. His ideals are often focused on himself, desiring to know more about explosives, and will not hesitate to use his concoctions for his brand of justice. He can be very brutal in dealing with criminals, and will not always give them light punishments.
  49. >H/W: 5/5
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