
HoF6 Shigure_Anankos

Sep 23rd, 2016
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  1. Anankos:
  2. Welcome, child, to my throne.
  3. Shigure:
  4. Hello, Anankos.
  5. Anankos:
  6. I've been waiting a long time.
  7. Every other version of you died before
  8. piercing the barrier.
  9. But your spirit remained true... Cadros,
  10. First King of Valla.
  11. Shigure:
  12. You are mistaken. I am not Cadros.
  13. That man passed away long, long ago.
  14. You yourself are scarcely the Anankos
  15. you once were... You're mad now.
  16. Anankos:
  17. I? Gone mad? It is humans who have taken
  18. leave of their senses.
  19. I granted them my power, my trust, and
  20. what do they grant me in return?
  21. A lifetime of scorn and derision based on
  22. a single mistake of mine.
  23. Rather than forgiveness, they offer
  24. persecution, exile...even eradication.
  25. Shigure:
  26. Is that true? There wasn't a single human
  27. who trusted in you to the end?
  28. Anankos:
  29. If there was, I...don't remember. Only their
  30. hatred fills my memories.
  31. My heart was heavy enough to sink into the
  32. abyss. How could humans forget me so?
  33. I granted them their prosperity—why must
  34. I be the one who suffers?
  35. Shigure:
  36. That still doesn't excuse treating so many
  37. worlds as your playthings.
  38. Anankos:
  39. Who decides what is wrong, impudent
  40. boy? You?
  41. Humans are chattel who forget what they
  42. owe when it suits them.
  43. Without dragons, humans would have no
  44. agency. No sentience.
  45. We gave them everything!
  46. Why must it be I who faces death, alone
  47. in exile?
  48. Why must I look upon my tormentors as
  49. they thrive? WHY?!
  50. Shigure:
  51. Anankos...
  52. Anankos:
  53. But I have a solution, Cadros. We shall
  54. build a new kingdom, you and I.
  55. As soon as we have found the ideal
  56. land for it...
  57. Shigure:
  58. Why can you not build here? What is so
  59. "ideal" about this land you seek?
  60. Anankos:
  61. This world is already tainted by the humans
  62. and their dominance.
  63. I have been searching the astral plane for
  64. realms in which things did not go awry.
  65. But none of the realms are right. None of
  66. them have MY Kingdom of Valla...
  67. Shigure:
  68. No... This was all to find your ideal
  69. kingdom from before it was destroyed?
  70. That's why you invaded so many
  71. Deeprealms all at once?
  72. Anankos:
  73. The contemptible vermin of this realm
  74. betrayed me.
  75. But among the endless possibilities across
  76. the astral plane...
  77. There must be one realm in which they
  78. did not.
  79. One realm where I was not defied; not
  80. rejected; not driven away by the sword...
  81. Shigure:
  82. Yet you found no such realm.
  83. Anankos:
  84. Correct. Every realm is worthless. Even if
  85. I wipe out all the vermin there...
  86. As soon as I move to the next realm,
  87. it is wrong too.
  88. I cannot find my perfect Valla! They are all
  89. wrong! ALL!
  90. Shigure:
  91. Of course they are.
  92. You can repeat your search a thousand
  93. times over and never find it.
  94. Your ideal kingdom of Valla is no more.
  95. Anankos:
  96. But that can't be! If you and I, working
  97. together, can find an unspoiled realm...
  98. We can build a new kingdom where human
  99. and dragon live in harmony!
  100. Shigure:
  101. It's too late for that, Anankos.
  102. You're beyond redemption. Your mind has
  103. snapped already.
  104. This will be the last realm. For you...and
  105. for me.
  106. Anankos:
  107. Cadros! Don't...
  108. Shigure:
  109. I will use the song you passed down to
  110. restore things to the way they should be.
  111. Even if death, or worse, awaits me, I will
  112. save my friends. And you.
  113. Anankos:
  114. You will not! You know full well that there
  115. are consequences to singing that song.
  116. It will curse you to wander in agony for all
  117. eternity, just as that woman Azura does.
  118. Shigure:
  119. That doesn't matter to me anymore.
  120. I am prepared to face my fate, however
  121. terrible it may be.
  122. Anankos:
  123. Cadros, no...I'm not ready!
  124. Shigure:
  125. Enough, Anankos. If it takes my life to end
  126. this travesty now, I give it freely.
  127. Let the show begin.
  128. You are the ocean's gray waves... ♪
  129. Kana_M:
  131. Shigure:
  132. What—?!
  133. Kana_F:
  134. Don't do it, Shigure! You don't have to die
  135. here all alone!
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