
Steph & Bry vs. Joie

Apr 24th, 2014
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  1. UnlitMoonlight: -Pulling the nearest waitress she ordered herself a double shot of vodka and then a more softer jack and coke. She figured hey if she was going to get drunked why not have some fucking fun. Shit she knew trouble was slowly seepin in anyway so what was she to loose?-
  2. Musik: -She jumped up on a stool and crossed one leg over the other. Smoothing out her skirt as she took a drink of her beer.- // "You don't dance?" -He said looking at her.- // "I'm not drunk enough yet." -She scrunched her nose.- // -he laughed nodding- "We'll have to change that." // "Don't do that." // "Do what?" // "Try to get me drunk." // "Why?" // "Nothing will happen with me and you. you're my bestfriends brother. And you're acting like a sterotypical guy in a bar. Stop it."
  3. Covet: -Cadence smiled as she felt Adi's hand wrapped around her waist.- Hey luv, bout time you showed up. -she gave him a quick kiss and finished off her beer, slamming it lightly down until the bartender showed up with another. When she got there Cadence told her to grab Adi's drink as well- Sooo...typical normal portland craziness then? -she looked to everyone else for reassurance-
  4. Alexithymiaa: Justin followed Brylie out onto the dance floor, doing his best to keep himself from looking like a complete moron as he wrapped his arms around her waist, moving along to the beat. // She shook her head, patting him on the chest with her free hand and taking a long drink of her beer and setting it down on the bar. "Nothing, Adi." She moved out of their small group, crossing the bar to the booth where Joie sat in the corner. She hovered over the table for a moment, staring down at her with her arms laid across her chest. "You look like shit..."
  5. UnlitMoonlight: -Johanna just had gotten and paid for her drinks with the bit of cash she had left before seeing a shadow dance over her table. She internally made a face and picked up the double shot and down it; suprisingly enjoing the burn of her throat as it slid down. She smashed it on the table and looked up at Steph and shook her head- "Oh you have no idea, what are you doing over here? I wouldn't stay around or your friends may start thinking your flirting with the enemy."
  6. Brylie: -Brylie turned her self around, her back to Justin. She took a sip of her drink as she grinded her body against his, watching Jaxon and Aubrey. "She does dance bro. Trust me." // Wes spun around on his stool, watching Steph before turning back around, ordering another drink
  7. Musik: "Nope. Don't let her lie to you." -She shook her head- // -He laughed.- "She won't dance with me because I'm your brother." -He looked at Brylie as he took a drink of his beer- // "Exactllyyy! You catch on so fast." -She smiled and took a drink of her beer-
  8. Alexithymiaa: -He laughed, taking a sip of his beer and calling over the music. "Oh come on Aubs, just dance with the guy. It wouldn't kill you." He looked back to Brylie, resting his hand on her hip. // She raised a brow, resting her palm down on the table in front of her. "Well I guess that's just one of the many differences between you and I. I'm really not concerned with what anyone thinks, whereas you seem to be not only concerned with what people think of you, but what people think of others as well. That's a pretty toxic way to think, Joie."-
  9. UnlitMoonlight: "'s just how it's been going on since that chick's lil boyfriend though he knew me. Before I can even introdouce myself everyone's starting to think I'm slutting my way into Justin's heart beacause we like to make jabs at eachother because we play two diffrent Ice Sports"
  10. Brylie: "Who cares that he's my brother?" She laughed, turning back around. "Poor Jax."
  11. LionKnows: - cocking his head back, ordering a beer, leaning with his back against the bar. He watched steph going over to the other group. He noticed a few familar faces , craining his head a bit to figure out who they are. taking a swig as he took things in -
  12. Covet: -Cadence grabbed Adi's face and gave him another kiss- Whatcha gawkin about for?
  13. Alexithymiaa: -He laughed continuing to dance with Brylie as he glanced back to Aubrey and Jaxon. "It's not like he's YOUR brother." // She rolled her eyes, staring down at her. "Oh please. No one jokes and makes digs at someone like that unless they actually know them. And you didn't seem to have any issues remembering his number to text him from my phone. So clearly there's a whole hell of a lot you're keeping to yourself. Are you just worried that if it comes out that you're actually new girl slut that everyone's just going to write you off as such? Cause I assure you, being a slut around isn't as looked down upon as you might've thought."-
  14. Covet: [ROFL]
  15. Musik: "Could as well be. She's like my damn sister." -She said shaking her head- // "But she's not. And I'm not. A.." // -She held her hand up shaking her head again- "No."
  16. Covet: [Cadence gets called it on a daily basis...XD]
  17. Alexithymiaa: ( <3 )
  18. Brylie: -She finished her beer and looked up at Justin. "Hold on. I need another." She kissed his lips softly, making her way through the crowd to the bar. She ordered herself another beer. "Bro, we will find you someone. There was a pretty gorgeous blonde here earlier. She's new. You should come by the house tomorrow."
  19. UnlitMoonlight: "I remembered his number because I have a rather good memory and because I thought I could trust him to pick him up because outside fucking him everyone wants to write me off as a boyfriend stealer because if you haven't realized everyone has been doing that lately. I learned his number because we thought about going running together at one point because he was going to take me out to the trails that were safe because oh wait I'm competely forigen to the fucking layout of this shithole. And people can make jabs like that easily if both play the sports well. it's actually pretty common for teams at a compeition who not one met eachother do that. it's a way we bond...become friendly. It dosn't mean I'm off to pull him to the side and snogg him. and no what I worry about? is fucking bitches setting me up to get fucking attacked by the student body because she thinks the moment a person with breasts talk to her boyfriend she's gunning for his pants. It's not my fault she feels hella insiqure that we have things in common and I'm guessin she dosn't"
  20. Musik: "I gotta head out sis, but I will definitely come by the house tomorrow." -he kissed her head and hugged her.- "I'll see you later Justin, Aubrey. Good seeing you guys." -He waved to them as he walked out.- // "You too bud." -She waved to him, finishing off her beer. Paying off her tab- "I gotta head out soon too."
  21. Alexithymiaa: -He followed her over to the bar, grabbing his beer and taking a long drink. "Yeah man, there's always girls swarming around over there." // She glared down at her, raising a brow as she repeated the girls words with disdain. "Snog him? Really? You just said that? Clearly you spend way too much time with your head buried in Harry Potter." She clenched her jaw, the heat creeping down the back of her neck as she raised her voice above a normal level for their setting. "And rest fucking assured, Brylie isn't sending anyone after you because she doesn't even care about you. Unfortunately I have far less restraint than she does when it comes to people that talk without using that magical thing located on their shoulders."-
  22. UnlitMoonlight: "Oh are you sayin you wanna have a fucking go? because god damn go for it at this rate. I have no shit to give.none" -she spat and moved to jump on the table. She walked acrossed it and jumped down and held her arms out- "Then come the fuck on little girl come swing at me. See if I give a shit. Your move first. Hit me comeo n I know you wanna. been wanting to probably since she sat there saying I was trying to steal her man..because you still have fucking problems that he cheated on your tiny ass in the first place and taking it on the fucking new kid because she so happened to like the ice too "
  23. LionKnows has left the chat
  24. Brylie: -Brylie took another sip of her bar, Joie's jumping around catching her attention. She slammed her beer down on the bar, walking over to her and Steph, hearing the end of the conversation. "When are you going to get it through our nappy head that noone cares? You're irrelivent. You like the ice too? Oh, let's give you a cookie because that's just way amazing. I don't think you were trying to steal my man. I think you were just trying to play in a sandbox that didn't belong to you. I tried to drop the shit last night, you on the other hand had to sucker punch me. While I was walking away. So get over yourself and stop playing the pitty card." // Wes turned around in his seat, ready to move towards the girls if he needed to
  25. Musik: -She turned around looking at the girls- "And to think I was about to leave." -She sighed and stood up standing by Wes- "Who do you thinks gonna get bitch slapped first?"
  26. UnlitMoonlight: (( dude. All I picture is the song Girlfight by brooke Valintine ))
  27. Musik: (Lmfao.)
  28. UnlitMoonlight: (( -slips it on because this shit is about to turn into a 2 Vs 1 fight here xD ))
  29. Musik has left the chat
  30. Alexithymiaa: -Justin reached for Brylie's hand as she walked toward the girls, catching only air as he kept his eyes on the three girls in the corner. // Her hands balled into fists at her sides, staring Joie in the eyes as her blood boiled under her skin, her heart thumping in her chest wildly. She let her eyes drop down to her skirt. "I really liked this skirt..." Her eyes darted upward, moving her right fisted hand upward toward the left side of Joie's jaw. Anticipating she would raise her arms to block her face, she lifted her right knee, leaning into the girl and shoving it at her stomach if she did indeed block Steph's initial punch.-
  31. UnlitMoonlight: -The moment Brylie's voice hit her ears. Johanna was ready to snap. Anger violently morphed into Fury as she watched the girl in question come into rear view. She tuned out half of what the girl was saying, her body itching to move...hit...and break that god damn nose all over again. Because damn this girl deserved it with all the shit she caused on her shoulders. She was about to do just that....only to feel her own face hit and a knee to her stomach. She pitched forward, but quickly threw her hands up to block anythin that could hit it. She quickly stumbled back and looked at the crazed red-head and snarled spiting in her direction- “Oh.. I see how the fuck it is” -she spat darkly and with that it was on. Bitchfight at the Bar everyone. She grabbed for red hair hair, pulling back her braced arm to smack into her face. To cause some serious damage even though it would bring pain on her own end just a bit. A low growl errupted from her throat-
  32. Brylie: Seeing Joie smack Steph in the face with her braced arm, she firmly gripped the girls hair into her hand, twirling her hand so that the hair was wrapped around her hand and yanked Joie back causing her to let go of Steph. "Can't you ever fight fair? If you're going to fight, take off the brace and whatever else you can use as a weapon." Brylie pulled her free hand back, ready to connect it with Joie's face until she felt Wes wrap his arms around her, lifting her up and away, pushing her towards Justin. // After he pushed Brylie towards Justin he looked back at Steph and Joie, doing his best to break the two up-
  33. Alexithymiaa: -Justin jumped forward, leaving his beer on the bar as he tore across the floor to the girls in the corner. He caught the stumbling Brylie in his arms, locking them around her snuggly as he walked backwards with her, keeping a firm grip on her to be sure she couldn't jump back towards the fight. "I thought you said you weren't fighting!" // She reached her hands up to grab at her own hair, her head throbbing from the abrupt yanking of her hair until she felt the girl's hand release. She dropped to the floor in a crouched position, sweeping her right leg upward hard and aiming for the backs of Joie's knees, intending to knock her off her feet.-
  34. Covet has left the chat
  35. UnlitMoonlight: -One moment she was standing straight beating into Steph only to be yanked down by Brylie by her own hair. She hissed violently, and the moment the girl let go she turned to lash out; only to narrowly miss punching Wes as he had pulled Brylie off her. With her back turned She felt a leg bash into her own and sent her for the floor again. She moved to try and catch herslef, only to hit wood hard. She cried out, feeling something crack in her left knee, as her body rested most of it's weight ontop; her right knee crushing into it. Her arm throbbed and she wondered if she just went ahead and broke it. She split her own lip form bitting donw on it and the coppery taste was noticble. She turned on her back and pulled herself up and went straght into tackling her. to smash her into the floor and gain the upperhand in being above her. THe pain much numbber due to the adrinline rushin through her veins-
  36. spaghetticonfetti has joined the chat
  37. Brylie: -She pulled at Justin's hands trying to pry them away from her. "That was before she decided to fight dirty! Now let me go!" She squirmed, trying to get out of his grip more. // Wes moved closer to the two girls, bending down to wrap his arms arouns Joie's waist, pulling her up and off of Steph. "Alright. That's enough!"
  38. Alexithymiaa: -He tightened his grip on her, securing her arms down with his own as he continued to back away from the fight. He leaned back lifting her up off her feet so she had even less leverage as he moved back toward the opposite corner. // She fell backwards, sliding across the dirty bar floor as Joie's weight came down on top of her. He head fell back and hit the floor, the pain exploding through her head for an instant headache, instinctively reaching her hands out to shove the girl's shoulders back and throw off her equilibrium, bucking her hips hard to one side to attempt to toss her off. She scrambled up as Wesley lifted Joie off of her, breathing hard and lifting a hand to cradle the back of her head.-
  39. spaghetticonfetti: ~She pushed the doors open stepping inside the bar. She looked around seeing the comotion, a fight. Of course theres a fight, they may be old enough to drink now but most of the people here were children. but now they had alcohol to help fuel their hissy fits. Cyan plopped down at the bar motioning the waitress over~ gimme a White Russian ~She then turned her head towards the fight giggling under her breath at it~
  40. Alexithymiaa: (I like how visually, we're just calmly sitting in a booth next to each other. <3 )
  41. UnlitMoonlight: (( because it's reflecting our OOC-ness. ;) ))
  42. Alexithymiaa: (My OOC-ness could use a snack...)
  43. UnlitMoonlight: (( go get a snack yah food whore ))
  44. spaghetticonfetti: ((dammit...i hate when im making a post then i get distracted for a moment and forget what ive written and end up making a super small post. also im not sure if you guys are alright with me joining ^.^))
  45. Alexithymiaa: (By all means. The bars public in Portland, just so long as you follow us and shit. All students at NWSU.)
  46. Brylie: -She frowned, kicking her feet. "Let me go Justin!" // Wes put Joie down and positioned himself between the two girls. He looked at Steph. "You go to my car, now. I'm taking you to the hospital." He turned his attention to Joie. "You call a cab and get yourself taken to the hospital." He looked between all three girls. "Now this is getting to be too much. If everyone can't go out in public and behave, then you should stay home. Now you three have two options. Fix the shit or go your seperate ways. No more fighting."
  47. Alexithymiaa: (Fuck this corner, Im gonna dance while you post.)
  48. UnlitMoonlight: -Johanna fought harshly against Wes's hold until she was put on the ground. She snarled softly wanting to get back at Steph only to have Wes block them both. The second the fighting had stopped, the pain decided to set in as all the excitment from the two on one disappated. And damn did pain suddenly explode all across her body. She just sat in the shock and made no attempt to make nose; her body rigid and her mouth clamped shut to keep from yelling...more like screaming. She just griminced and said nothing working through the waves. She knew her left knee was absoulty fucked..her wrist probably fully broken now..She just zonned out..knowin better than to move.-
  49. spaghetticonfetti: ((are you all RPing as more than one person?))
  50. UnlitMoonlight: (( some of them ))
  51. Brylie: (2 of us are.)
  52. Alexithymiaa: -He shook his head, leaning back into the corner to rest against the wall, his arms still set firmly around her. "If I let you go, you're going to go tearing over there like a bat out of hell. You've already been to the hospital once this week, and I think that's plenty." // She took a deep breath, staring up at Wesley, squinting through the headache that was seaping to the front of her eyes. "I'm fine..." She glared at Joie, rolling her eyes. "You talk a big game for someone that only pulls hair." She lifted her hand to the back of her head, running her fingers gently over the sore spot where her head had connected with the floor.-
  53. Alexithymiaa: (Brylie- Brylie and Wes. Moony- Joie. I'm Steph and Justin.)
  54. Brylie: -She finally dropped her arms, giving up on getting away from him. "This isn't fair." // Wes looked at all three girls. "So what's it going to be?"
  55. spaghetticonfetti: ~She shook her head turning to the bartender as she placed the White Russian in front of her. Stirring the drink before taking a sip, she stood and headed to one of the stalls setting down her drink and opening up her notebook onto the table. Cyan pushed her Headphones into her ears and began doodling all over the page as she got lost in her music, completely forgetting about the fight before her.~
  56. UnlitMoonlight: "Don't make me get up and make you really need the hospital of that the fight wasn't far it was two against one" -she spat out, seething in pain before shutting back up again and closed her eyes trying to maintain compsure. The only thin she worried about was having another asthma attack from all the fighting and rough exposure. She could faintly feel her chest tighting up again and it bothered her. She knew it was risky fighting like that while getting sick but...damn...she slowly tried to pull her left knee up only to want to sob all over again. She softly moved it down. And sighed letting her chin hit her chest as she second guessed moving for the third time that day-
  57. Alexithymiaa: "Lifes not fair. I said I didn't want you fighting. And when the hell did it become me and Wes breaking up the fight instead of initiating it?" He sighed, loosening his grip around her arms to let his linked hands hang in front of her. // She dropped her arms to her arms, rolling her eyes and laughing Joie off as she turned on her heel and walked out of the bar. The second she turned the corner out of sight from the front doors, she reached a hand out to steady herself on the brick building, crouching down to lay her free hand over her right knee where the sharp shooting pain had increased after the kick she delivered to Joe's legs.-
  58. Alexithymiaa: (Joie's*)
  59. Brylie: -She bit the inside of her cheek, pulling away from him, stumbling a bit as she did so. "I just want to go home." She grabbed her phone off the bar and headed out the front door, giving Joie the bird finger as she did so. // Wes shook his head at Steph and Brylie. "There's my answer." He took a deep breath, walking towards the door behind Brylie, looking at Justin. "Who the hell are we dating? These girls are crazy."
  60. spaghetticonfetti: ((oh my lord there is so much to fill out O.O))
  61. Alexithymiaa: (Lol yeah. It's mostly so people dont half ass their stories. We want well throught out backgrounds and characters. Kinda discourages non serious people from enrolling)
  62. Alexithymiaa: thought*))
  63. spaghetticonfetti: ((Yeah i like it but i just havent put that much thought into my character XD))
  64. UnlitMoonlight: -She just kept sitting on the floor and bit the inside of her cheek watching the everyone slowly leave. She just groaned as she realized the situation she was truly in. She sighed tiredly and just inched over to the closest both and rested against the edge. Seriously she hadn't been this messed up since her younger years before being shipped off to Private School. But yet here she was bloodied bruised and half homeless all over again. She snarled at that and dropped her head once more- "Looks like you may fucking win after all dear mommy. look at me now all beaten all over again" -she spat against the floor in irration as thoughts of her own past came back to mind. Damn she rather not think about them. She shook her head, throwing her head back and sighed staring up into the celling-
  65. spaghetticonfetti: ((I dont have photoshop is there another way to do the Picture thing?
  66. spaghetticonfetti: ))
  67. spaghetticonfetti: ((oh nvm i got it))
  68. Alexithymiaa: -He just sighed, walking across the bar to where Wes stood. "I know, man. But in all fairness, I knew they were crazy and got involved anyway." He blew out a breath, reaching his hand up to run it over his hair. "Are you heading over to the hospital?" His eyes flicked over to Joie in the corner, frowning. // Seeing Brylie come out of the front doors of the bar, she reached up, digging her fingers into the brick and pulling herself to her feet, cursing herself for wearing heels, and white on top of that. She bit down hard on the inside of her cheek, trying her best to walk over to where Brylie was, a faint limp in her step.-
  69. Alexithymiaa: (You good?)
  70. Brylie: -Brylie walked over to Steph, noticing her limp. She grabbed Steph's arm, pulling it around her shoulder, walking her towards Wes' car. "You need to go get that looked at." // Wes nodded. "Yeah, if Steph thinks she should go. I know I can't force her to."
  71. spaghetticonfetti: (yeah, its just tough thinking about the whole family part now. I had not planned that much history XD))
  72. UnlitMoonlight: -she just sat there numbly whispering things to herself softly. Mostly it was scathing anger but it was unknown to the human ear but the host who said it. Mostly because half of it was in her head, mouth just mouthing it off from the anger. She was completely alone here, always would be at this rate that much was sure. She burned bridges, cut ropes nad slammed windows and doors. Was her own hand, she wouldn't be able to take it back so she accepted it. But damn right now was not the time to be completely by herself. Even back then where her mind kept trying ot take her too she had her brother to rely on. To take care of and tend to; to be sweet to her and remind her there is goodness. She was missin that the most now, missing him. She couldn't help but slowly begin to cry from the mixture of emotional and phsyical pain that rupptured inside-
  73. Alexithymiaa: -He laughed, patting Wes on the back. "Yeah, good luck with that." He moved around him, walking over to where Joie sat. He looked down at her awkwardly, uncomfortable around crying females. "Do you need a cab or something?" // She shook her head. "It's fine. Kicking dumb bitches just makes it flare up. It was stupid of me to think the knee brace wouldn't go well with the skirt." She smirked, reaching Wesley's car and laying a steadying hand on the hood. "...which is never going to be white again."-
  74. UnlitMoonlight: -Johanna felt herself stiffen as Justin's voice spoke directly at her. Watery eyes peered up to see the lanky man looking down at her. She could still feel the tears leaking and it annoyed her so much more. She wiped at them and let a ragged breath pass between her lips- "A .9mm sounds perfect right now..." -she deadpanned and shook her head moving to attempt getting up only to go right back down on her bottom and held back a cry- "Make it a shotgun...." -she felt a dry dead laugh curl the air around her- "I'd get out of here...or those two will go completely crazy on me....I'll just stay here. Maybe i can overdose on alcohol."
  75. Brylie: "What'd she say to make you go after her like that?" She laughed asking the question, stumbling a bit as the alcohol was still hitting her hard. "I need to go home." She looked around, watching as Wes came out the dooor. "Where's Justin? I want to go home." // Wes pushed through the doors, walking towards Brylie and Steph. "Oh, he had to go to the bathroom real quick. He'll be out soon." // Brylie nodded, using the hood of Wes' car to steady herself. // Wes looked at Steph. "So you want to go to the hospital?"
  76. spaghetticonfetti: ~she comtinued drawing, her page overflowing with doodles and patterns. She tapped her fingers to the beat of the song playing a mock piano on the table her eyes shut and her mind drifting elsewhere. It was stupid of her to think shed actually do any work here she was too lost to do anything of importance. She quickly peered up at the now dying down fight she saw the girl crying though she heard nothing but her music blasting in her ears. Her heart dropped feeling for the girl though she had no clue what was even happening, it didnt matter the circumstance Cyan wanted to go comfort the girl but was afraid to~
  77. Alexithymiaa: -He sighed, pulling his phone out of the pocket of his shorts, pulling up the number for the local downtown cab company and putting the phone to his ear, waiting as it rang. "I'm not just leaving you here to drink yourself dead." He heard someone answer on the other side, asking for a cab to the address of the bar before hanging up. "Cabs on its way, alright?" // She rolled her eyes, crossing her arms over her chest. "You mean besides literally begging me to punch her? She kept making digs about shit she doesn't have the first clue about. And I don't know, I just lost it." Her eyes jumped to Wesley as he walked out of the bar, shrugging. "What's the difference? The doctor already said he's not giving me another shot of cortizone. I already asked three times this week."-
  78. Brylie: "She's the type of perrson that's neverr going to learrn." She ran her hand through her hair, sitting down on the ground, leaning her back against the tire of Wes' car. // Wes nodded. "Then we will get you home and in bed with some tylenol or something."
  79. UnlitMoonlight: "Who says I'll still be living when it gets here..girl can die many ways in a building like this" -she told him bitterly before chuckling to herself- "Go on, or they'll get suspcious. Blame me for more shit that I didn't do then go and say how I'm making shit up after. It's almost as bad as dear old mummsy" -she chidded and rolled her eyes- "Get on outta here I know oyu don't wanna be anywhere near the plauge of Portland" -she grimced-
  80. Alexithymiaa: -He stared down at her, looking over his shoulder at the girl in the booth beside the door. He backed away from Joie, walking over to the girl at the table and leaning a hand down to rest on the table. "Hey, can you keep an eye on her until her cab comes?" // She sighed, covering her face with her hands. "Sure... fine." She stretched her leg out in front of her, bending her knee in slowly and wincing before placing her foot back down on the ground. "I need a nap..."-
  81. Brylie: -Brylie nodded. "Yeah.. me.." She closed her eyes, driting off to sleep sitting there on the ground. // Wes laughed. "Poor girls." He unlocked his car door, opening it for Steph-
  82. spaghetticonfetti: ~she jumped as the man snuck up on her. She quickly shut her notebook and looked up at him. pulling her headphones out~ umm w-what did you say?
  83. Alexithymiaa: -He laughed, jerking a thumb back in the direction of Joie. "Can you keep an eye on her until her cab comes?" // She lowered herself into the car, stroking her hands over her stained skirt as she frowned.-
  84. Brylie: -He shut her door, walkiing over to Brylie. "Hey Bry." He put his hands on her shoulders, shaking her a little bit. "Bry.." // She didn't budge. // Wes frowned, making his way to the front door, sticking his head inside looking at Justin. "I told Bry you were going to the bathroom. She's sitting against my tire passed out."
  85. spaghetticonfetti: ~She smiled awkwardly at the man~ uh yeah sure. ~she nodded to him staring at the girl to which he was talking about. Unsure of whyshe needed to watch her but she figured if she agreed hed leave her alone.~ Yeah ill keep my eye on her ~she said again reassuring him as she sipped her drink~
  86. UnlitMoonlight: -As Justin asked a stranger to babysit her; she slowly attempted to pull herself up. each movement brought stinging pain but she kept trying. She succeded into sitting in the cushin but damn the pain was causing bright light to splash across her vision. She bit her lip hard splitting it back open again. She just needed to get out of get away from everyone. to maybe indulge the voices that told her she should end it all at this rate. But in truth she really couldn't move from the cushion. She tried to pull herslef up but instead toppled over and smacked floor. She just yelled into the flooring at this annoyance-
  87. Alexithymiaa: -He nodded to her. "Thank you." He turned as Wes poked his head into the bar, nodding to him. "Yeah man, I'm coming." He took a deep breath, blowing it out as he looked over to Joie, shaking his head before following Wes out of the bar to his car where Brylie sat slumped against the car. He looked down at her, laughing slightly before he bent down and slid one arm behind her back and one underneath her knees, scooping her up into his grasp as he headed over to his car, turning and walking backwards to look at Wes. "I owe you." He stepped over to the jeep, shifting to open the back seat as he carefully slid Brylie inside, closing the door and climbing into the driver's seat to start the car. // Steph leaned to the side, resting her forehead against the window of his car as she stared out blankly.-
  88. Brylie: -Wes nodded at Justin before getting into his car, starting it up. He pulled his seatbelt around him and backed out, driving back to AGD-
  89. spaghetticonfetti: ~She stood and hurried over to the girl kneeling down beside her~ umm do you need some help? ~she asked wishing no one had even noticed her so that she could keep to herself, she sighed unsure of how to help the girl~
  90. UnlitMoonlight: -she just looked at the shaken girl and shook her head- "Nah...just go do your own thang. He wants to be the hero..." -she rolled her eyes-
  91. Alexithymiaa: -Justin pulled off out of the parking lot, turning down to head North toward the campus and out of the doomed downtown area of Portland that only seemed to get worse as the days went on.-
  92. Alexithymiaa: (Im not done listening to A Change of Pace <3 )
  93. spaghetticonfetti: ~she gently wrapped her arm around the girls helping her up slowly~ please i insist, im sure the cold ground feels nice but you gotta get up
  94. UnlitMoonlight: -She just shook her off- "I can tell you don't want to be I'm telling you that you can go. I'm out of here a trip to the hospital to go to" -she told her. rolling her eyes-
  95. spaghetticonfetti: ~She stopped, grinding her teeth a bit. she felt offended at this person for not accepting her help. even though she was completely right about her not wanting to be involved, but it was to late for that.~ quit being so stubborn and let me do my good deed for the day and at least let me help you to your feet ~She reached for her arm again to lift her~
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