
Magical Storyline Idea

Apr 19th, 2013
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  1. Possibly Storyline
  3. Year 1041 - A great light is seen falling from the sky in the north, over the next 20 years magic fills the world but lies undiscovered for a long time.
  5. Year 1062 - The first recorded use of Magic, a Priest successfully heals a dying man. It is proclaimed a miracle, an act of God.
  7. Year 1065 - Similar events are recorded during the following years and Magic is properly discovered.
  9. Year 1091 - The Age of Magic begins, magic is harnessed by almost everyone radically changing the world and
  10. the schools of Magic are built and opened to the general public allowing anyone to learn magic.
  12. Year 1099 - The First Great Magic War begins between 2 kingdoms of the Great Nation.
  14. Year 1102 - The War escalates with the War of the Burnt Plains. Both armies are destroyed by a huge burst of magic flame which devastates the entire plain, leaving it barren and filled with corpses. Both sides blame the other for the attack but nobody is sure where the magic came from.
  16. Year 1104 - The use of magic grows out of control and the 2 warring kingdoms are forced to form an uneasy truce to stop magic becoming an unstoppable force.
  18. Year 1105 - The laws of Magic are implemented and restrictions are put into place about the learning and practice of magic. Magic is slowly brought under the control of the ruling upper classes.
  20. Year 1106 - The strict regulations on Magic mean that only the ruling classes and specific wziarding guilds are allowed to use magic and the divide between upper and lower classes begin to grow.
  22. Year 1112 - After a hard winter, a great famine sweeps the land, the lower classes appeal to the upper classes to use their magic to stop them starving. The magic users refuse, unwilling to risk the use of magic on such a wide scale. This pushes tensions between the class divide even further.
  24. Year 1114 - A few wizards take pity on the struggling lower classes and begin to teach magic in secret.
  26. Year 1119 - Magic slowly grows within the lower classes and talk of revolution begins.
  28. Year 1121 - The first use of magic by a member of the lower classes in over 15 years sparks the beginning of
  29. the lower classes uprising.
  31. Year 1122 - The player's character is born to a lower class family in the midst of the magical revolution.
  33. Year 1123 - It becomes clear that the lower classes have radically underestimated the power of the ruling classes who soon crush the rebellion.
  35. Year 1124 - Magical use by the lower classes is outlawed and punishable by death. Many are slain by the ruling classes as they refuse to give up their magic.
  37. Year 1127 - The Player's father is wrongly accused of magic use and executed. Leaving the player's mother to raise the player's character on her own.
  39. Year 1135 - The player character begins to show signs of hidden magical abilites, his mother doing her best to keep them hidden from anyone outside of the village
  41. Year 1137 - Plague begins to sweep through the lower classes, they once again appeal to the upper classes who refuse to do anything as punishment for the previous revolution.
  43. Year 1138 - The Player character's mother falls ill with the plague and player begins to look for any possible cure to save her.
  45. Year 1141 - Another great light is seen falling in the north, magical prophets begin to suggest that another great change to magic is about to take place.
  47. Year 1142 - With his Mother in a critical state, the player makes a desperate plea to a nearby lord to use his magic to save her. The corrupt lord refuses unless the player pays a ridiculous amount of gold which the player cannot afford.
  49. - The Player tries to use his magic to save his mother but is not powerful enough to do so, she dies and this large use of magic forces the player to leave his village in order to escape execution.
  51. Year 1143 - Magic begins to weaken throughout the land, many lords and wizards find their powers starting to fade. The ruling classes begin to round up lower classes blaming them for the changes in magic.
  53. Year 1144 - Lower class people with signs of magical ability (including the player) are forced to move into the northern wildness to escape persecution by the upper classes.
  55. Year 1145 - The player is met by another character who has forseen the meeting in a dream, they become friends and allies after the character has a vision which saves the travelling group from an ambush by the Great Nations.
  57. Year 1146 - The player's friend awakes from a terrible dream in which something deep into the Northern Wilderness unleashes powerful and dark magic onto the world. The Player and friend take it upon themselves to journey to the north and attempt to stop whatever evil lies there...
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