Guest User

console file

a guest
Sep 9th, 2018
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text 121.91 KB | None | 0 0
  1. [Amethyst] Loading Material: 17.png
  2. [Amethyst] Loading Material: 18.png
  3. [Amethyst] Loading Material: 19.png
  4. [Amethyst] Loading Material: 2.png
  5. [Amethyst] Loading Material: 20.png
  6. [Amethyst] Loading Material: 21.png
  7. [Amethyst] Loading Material: 22.png
  8. [Amethyst] Loading Material: 23.png
  9. [Amethyst] Loading Material: 24.png
  10. [Amethyst] Loading Material: 25.png
  11. [Amethyst] Loading Material: 26.png
  12. [Amethyst] Loading Material: 27.png
  13. [Amethyst] Loading Material: 28.png
  14. [Amethyst] Loading Material: 29.png
  15. [Amethyst] Loading Material: 3.png
  16. [Amethyst] Loading Material: 4.png
  17. [Amethyst] Loading Material: 5.png
  18. [Amethyst] Loading Material: 6.png
  19. [Amethyst] Loading Material: 7.png
  20. [Amethyst] Loading Material: 8.png
  21. [Amethyst] Loading Material: 9.png
  22. [Amethyst] Loading Material: amethyst_ffx_circles.png
  23. [Amethyst] Loading Material: amethyst_ffx_gradients.png
  24. [Amethyst] Loading Material: amethyst_ffx_outlines.png
  25. [Amethyst] Loading Material: amethyst_plugin_achievements.png
  26. [Amethyst] Loading Material: amethyst_plugin_documentation.png
  27. [Amethyst] Loading Material: amethyst_plugin_pointshop.png
  28. [Amethyst] Loading Material: streamer_iamrichardt.png
  29. [Amethyst] Loading Material: streamer_nymphie.png
  30. [Amethyst] Loading Font: oswald_light.ttf
  31. [Amethyst] Loading Font: robotocondensedlight.ttf
  32. [Amethyst] Loading Font: teko_light.ttf
  33. [Amethyst] Loading Font: titillium_web.light.ttf
  34. [Amethyst] Loading Font: titillium_web.thin.ttf
  35. [Amethyst] Loading Font: venus_rising.regular.ttf
  36. [Amethyst] Mounting Workshop: 413864640
  37. ###########################################################
  38. _ _
  39. | | | |
  40. | |__ | | ___ __ _ ___
  41. | '_ \| | / _ \ / _` / __|
  42. | |_) | |___| (_) | (_| \__ \
  43. |_.__/|______\___/ \__, |___/
  44. __/ |
  45. |___/
  46. Remastered-20
  47. Licensed to 76561198059527522
  48. ###########################################################
  49. [bLogs] Loading modules...
  50. [bLogs] Waiting for gamemode initalization...
  51. [bLogs] Waiting for a player to join the server...
  52. [bLogs] If nothing happens after this, another addon is interfering.
  53. ....................................................................
  54. [title]........... HUDHive
  55. [build]........... v1.3.6
  56. [released]........ July 25, 2016
  57. [author].......... Richard
  58. [website].........
  59. [documentation]...
  60. [owner]........... 76561198059527522
  61. [server ip].......
  62. ....................................................................
  63. [LibK] Loading SHARED file: 0_sh_middleclass.lua
  64. [LibK] Loading SHARED file: 1_sh_promises.lua
  65. [LibK] Loading SHARED file: 2_sh_libk.lua
  66. [LibK] Loading SHARED file: sh_KPlayer.lua
  67. [LibK] Loading SHARED file: sh_Singleton.lua
  68. [LibK] Loading SHARED file: sh_addonloader.lua
  69. [LibK] Loading SHARED file: sh_debug.lua
  70. [LibK] Loading SHARED file: sh_easing.lua
  71. [LibK] Loading SHARED file: sh_logger.lua
  72. [LibK] Loading SHARED file: sh_permissionInterface.lua
  73. [LibK] Loading SHARED file: sh_thirdparty.lua
  74. GLib : Adding glib/* to virtual lua pack... done (228 total files, 1.98 s)
  75. LibK uses vnet by vercas (Copyright 2014 Alexandru-Mihai Maftei), MIT licensed
  76. [LibK] Loading SHARED file: sh_underscore.lua
  77. [LibK] Loading SHARED file: sh_util.lua
  78. [LibK] Loading SERVER file: sv_database_transaction.lua
  79. [LibK] Loading SERVER file: sv_libk_BaseController.lua
  80. [LibK] Loading SERVER file: sv_libk_config.lua
  81. [LibK] Loading SERVER file: sv_libk_database.lua
  82. [LibK] Loading SERVER file: sv_libk_model.lua
  83. [LibK] Loading SERVER file: sv_libk_player.lua
  84. [LibK] Loading SERVER file: sv_libk_server.lua
  85. [LibK] Loading SERVER file: sv_libk_util.lua
  86. [LibK] Loading SERVER file: sv_permissionInterface.lua
  87. [LibK] Loading SERVER file: sv_versioning.lua
  88. [LibK] MANUAL: Loading file: libk/shared/sh_KPlayer.lua
  89. LibK by Kamshak loaded
  90. [AddCSLuaFile] Couldn't find 'autorun/addwheelstolistbasic.lua' (@lua/autorun/addwheelstolist_tdm.lua (line 1))
  91. Atlas chat version 2.4.2 has loaded!
  92. Couldn't include file 'includes/modules/tmysql4.lua' (File not found) (@addons/sh_accessory_system/lua/accessory/sv_database.lua (line 14))
  93. [IDInv] Verifying language en - English:
  94. [IDInv] Finished verifying language en - English!
  95. [IDInv] Verifying language fr - French:
  96. [IDInv] Finished verifying language fr - French!
  97. [IDInv] Verifying language cn - 中文 (Chinese):
  98. [IDInv] Invalid/non-existent translator key: enterdepwith
  99. [IDInv] Invalid/non-existent translator key: openbank
  100. [IDInv] Invalid/non-existent translator key: inventory
  101. [IDInv] Invalid/non-existent translator: options
  102. [IDInv] Invalid/non-existent translator: shop
  103. [IDInv] Invalid/non-existent translator key: endimerge
  104. [IDInv] Invalid/non-existent translator key: selectcolorscheme
  105. [IDInv] Invalid/non-existent translator key: selectlanguage
  106. [IDInv] Invalid/non-existent translator key: selectmenukey
  107. [IDInv] Invalid/non-existent translator key: endinotifs
  108. [IDInv] Invalid/non-existent translator key: endirmodels
  109. [IDInv] Invalid/non-existent translator key: notenoughtodeposit
  110. [IDInv] Invalid/non-existent translator key: swapped
  111. [IDInv] Invalid/non-existent translator key: wasgivena
  112. [IDInv] Invalid/non-existent translator key: increaseinventoryspace
  113. [IDInv] Invalid/non-existent translator key: no
  114. [IDInv] Invalid/non-existent translator key: toslot
  115. [IDInv] Invalid/non-existent translator key: notenoughcash
  116. [IDInv] Invalid/non-existent translator key: yes
  117. [IDInv] Invalid/non-existent translator key: pickedupitem
  118. [IDInv] Invalid/non-existent translator key: destroyitem_undoable
  119. [IDInv] Invalid/non-existent translator key: tostack
  120. [IDInv] Invalid/non-existent translator key: merged
  121. [IDInv] Invalid/non-existent translator key: youpurchasedamount
  122. [IDInv] Invalid/non-existent translator key: afkinterest
  123. [IDInv] Invalid/non-existent translator key: notenoughtowithdraw
  124. [IDInv] Invalid/non-existent translator key: destroyed
  125. [IDInv] Invalid/non-existent translator key: pickedupa
  126. [IDInv] Invalid/non-existent translator key: interestnotif
  127. [IDInv] Invalid/non-existent translator key: toastackof
  128. [IDInv] Invalid/non-existent translator key: notenoughpoints
  129. [IDInv] Invalid/non-existent translator key: needvalidnumber
  130. [IDInv] Invalid/non-existent translator key: cantdestroy
  131. [IDInv] Invalid/non-existent translator key: cantdropadmin
  132. [IDInv] Invalid/non-existent translator key: cantuse
  133. [IDInv] Invalid/non-existent translator key: mergeitems
  134. [IDInv] Invalid/non-existent translator key: notallowedpickup
  135. [IDInv] Invalid/non-existent translator key: youpurchased
  136. [IDInv] Invalid/non-existent translator key: nospace
  137. [IDInv] Invalid/non-existent translator key: slotsfilled
  138. [IDInv] Finished verifying language cn - 中文 (Chinese)!
  139. [IDInv] Verifying language de - German:
  140. [IDInv] Invalid/non-existent translator key: notallowedpickup
  141. [IDInv] Finished verifying language de - German!
  142. [IDInv] Reloaded and verified all languages!
  143. [IDInv] Server SQL Table (IDInv_Data) exists, continuing.
  144. Couldn't include file 'includes/modules/cryptrandom.lua' (File not found) (<nowhere>)
  145. ######################
  146. # WARNING
  147. # Currently using insecure method of random number generation.
  148. # This makes it trivial for a malicious actor to cheat the system
  149. # (for example accurately guess the contents of a shuffled deck)
  150. # This allows said person to cheat the system without trace!
  151. # Games will continue working normally, but it is VERY highly advised
  152. # to install the secure random number generation module.
  153. # Type 'casinokit_cryptohelp' in RCON (the console you're reading right
  154. # now) for installation instructions.
  155. ######################
  156. [CB-LIB][INFO] Finished loading CB-LIB server-side
  157. |----------|
  158. [FPLib_SV]: Intializing serverside:
  159. |----------|
  160. [FPLib_SV]: Adding clientside files...
  161. [FPLib_SV]: fplib_config.lua added.
  162. [FPLib_SV]: fplib/notification.lua added.
  163. [FPLib_SV]: fplib/cl_fonts.lua added.
  164. [FPLib_SV]: smartchat/cl_smartchat.lua added.
  165. [FPLib_SV]: Adding serverside files...
  166. [FPLib_SV]: fplib_config.lua added.
  167. [FPLib_SV]: fplib/notification.lua added.
  168. [FPLib_SV]: fplib/remotelua.lua added.
  169. [FPLib_SV]: fplib/json.lua added.
  170. [FPLib_SV]: smartchat/smartchat.lua added.
  171. |----------|
  172. [FPLib_SV]: Serverside intialization complete!
  173. |----------|
  174. |----------|
  175. [FPLib_SV]: Initalizing FPVGUI:
  176. |----------|
  177. [FPVGUI_SV]: Intializing serverside:
  178. [FPVGUI_SV]: Adding clientside files...
  179. [FPVGUI_SV]: base.lua added.
  180. [FPVGUI_SV]: closeButton.lua added.
  181. [FPVGUI_SV]: frame.lua added.
  182. [FPVGUI_SV]: button.lua added.
  183. [FPVGUI_SV]: label.lua added.
  184. [FPVGUI_SV]: panel.lua added.
  185. [FPVGUI_SV]: scrollPanel.lua added.
  186. [FPVGUI_SV]: legacy_frame.lua added.
  187. [FPVGUI_SV]: legacy_button.lua added.
  188. [FPVGUI_SV]: legacy_label.lua added.
  189. [FPVGUI_SV]: Serverside intialization complete!
  190. |----------|
  191. [FPLib_SV]: Initialization complete!
  192. |----------|
  193. [1964 Chevrolet Impala SS] lua/autorun/impala.lua:54: attempt to call global 'VC_MakeScripts' (a nil value)
  194. 1. unknown - lua/autorun/impala.lua:54
  195. [Lean Procuction] Serverside loaded successfully
  196. [Lean Procuction] Full Loaded
  197. Weapon Strip con var created
  198. Penetration/ricochet con var created
  199. Recoil con var created
  200. Ammo crate detonation con var created
  201. Damage Multiplier con var created
  202. Default Clip con var created
  203. Unique Slots con var created
  204. Explosive Nerve Gas con var created
  205. Davy Crockett timer created
  206. Loading 'mediaplayer' addon...
  207. [PAC3] Loaded total 23 particle systems
  208. /====================================\
  209. || PlayX ||
  210. ||----------------------------------||
  211. || Version 2.8.23 ||
  212. || Updated on 2017-05-26 06:00 PM ||
  213. \====================================/
  214. Pointshop2 Version 596 : 76561198059527522 loaded
  215. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
  216. || ||
  217. || Loading Prometheus ||
  218. || ||
  219. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
  220. || ||
  221. || MySQLoo 9 loaded ||
  222. || ||
  223. || loaded succesfully ||
  224. || ||
  225. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
  226. GLib.Resources : Compressing resource Pointshop2/modelCache took 17.05 ms (116.70 KiB to 17.55 KiB).
  227. Loading perfectVault
  228. Loading folder: derma
  229. Loading file: cl_menu.lua
  230. Loading file: cl_fonts.lua
  231. Loading folder: core
  232. Loading file: sh_mask.lua
  233. Loading file: sh_core.lua
  234. Loading file: cl_core.lua
  235. Loading folder: config
  236. Loading file: sh_language.lua
  237. Loading file: sh_config.lua
  238. Loaded perfectVault
  239. [Spraypaint SWEP] lua/autorun/sh_mistasspraypaint.lua:45: attempt to concatenate field 'length' (a nil value)
  240. 1. unknown - lua/autorun/sh_mistasspraypaint.lua:45
  241. KoZ's Food Mod has been initialized.///////////////////////////////
  242. // Ulysses Library //
  243. ///////////////////////////////
  244. // Loading... //
  245. // shared/defines.lua //
  246. // shared/misc.lua //
  247. // shared/util.lua //
  248. // shared/hook.lua //
  249. // shared/table.lua //
  250. // shared/player.lua //
  251. // server/player.lua //
  252. // server/bans.lua //
  253. // shared/messages.lua //
  254. // shared/commands.lua //
  255. // server/concommand.lua //
  256. // server/util.lua //
  257. // shared/sh_ucl.lua //
  258. // server/ucl.lua //
  259. // server/phys.lua //
  260. // server/player_ext.lua //
  261. // server/entity_ext.lua //
  262. // shared/plugin.lua //
  263. // shared/cami_global.lua //
  264. // shared/cami_ulib.lua //
  265. // Load Complete! //
  266. ///////////////////////////////
  267. [ULIB] Loading SHARED module: playx_ulib_group_manager.lua
  268. [ULIB] Loading SHARED module: ulx_init.lua
  269. ///////////////////////////////
  270. // ULX Admin Mod //
  271. ///////////////////////////////
  272. // Loading... //
  273. // sh_defines.lua //
  274. // lib.lua //
  275. // base.lua //
  276. // sh_base.lua //
  277. // log.lua //
  278. // MODULE: sh_ulx_inventory.lua//
  279. // MODULE: slots.lua //
  280. // MODULE: uteam.lua //
  281. // MODULE: votemap.lua //
  282. // MODULE: xgui_server.lua //
  283. ///////////////////////////////
  284. // ULX GUI -- by Stickly Man //
  285. ///////////////////////////////
  286. // Adding Main Modules.. //
  287. // bans.lua //
  288. // commands.lua //
  289. // groups.lua //
  290. // maps.lua //
  291. // settings.lua //
  292. // Adding Setting Modules.. //
  293. // client.lua //
  294. // server.lua //
  295. // Adding Gamemode Modules.. //
  296. // sandbox.lua //
  297. // Loading Server Modules.. //
  298. // sv_bans.lua //
  299. // sv_groups.lua //
  300. // sv_maps.lua //
  301. // sv_sandbox.lua //
  302. // sv_settings.lua //
  303. // XGUI modules added! //
  304. ///////////////////////////////
  305. // MODULE: cc_chat.lua //
  306. // MODULE: cc_commandtable.lua//
  307. // MODULE: cc_cvars.lua //
  308. // MODULE: cc_effects.lua //
  309. // MODULE: cc_fun.lua //
  310. // MODULE: cc_hook.lua //
  311. // MODULE: cc_menus.lua //
  312. // MODULE: cc_notepad.lua //
  313. // MODULE: cc_pgag.lua //
  314. // MODULE: cc_rcon.lua //
  315. // MODULE: cc_soundlist.lua //
  316. // MODULE: cc_teleport.lua //
  317. // MODULE: cc_util.lua //
  318. // MODULE: cc_voting.lua //
  319. // MODULE: chat.lua //
  320. // MODULE: fun.lua //
  321. // MODULE: menus.lua //
  322. // MODULE: rcon.lua //
  323. // MODULE: sh_overtheshoulder.lua//
  324. [ULX Third Person Command] lua/ulx/modules/sh/sh_overtheshoulder.lua:12: unexpected symbol near '='
  325. 1. unknown - lua/ulx/modules/sh/sh_overtheshoulder.lua:0
  326. // MODULE: sh_pointshop2.lua//
  327. // MODULE: teleport.lua //
  328. // MODULE: user.lua //
  329. // MODULE: userhelp.lua //
  330. // MODULE: util.lua //
  331. // MODULE: vote.lua //
  332. // end.lua //
  333. // Load Complete! //
  334. ///////////////////////////////
  335. ServerLog: Successfully Loaded Unisec!
  336. Successfully loaded Unisec!
  337. Loading UWeed
  338. Loading folder: derma
  339. Loading file: cl_fonts.lua
  340. Loading folder: core
  341. Loading file: sv_netmsg.lua
  342. Loading file: sv_core.lua
  343. Loading file: cl_core.lua
  344. Loading folder: config
  345. Loading file: sh_language.lua
  346. Loading file: sh_config.lua
  347. Loaded UWeed
  348. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  349. VCMod: Welcome to VCMod Auto-Updater version 9.5.
  350. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  351. VCMod: Pre-initialization complete, preparing to load addon data.
  352. VCMod: Addons found: VCMod ELS, VCMod Handling Editor, VCMod Main.
  353. VCMod: Handling editor does not work on Multiplayer, stopping.
  354. Wiremod Version 'Workshop' loaded
  355. [ACD] Successfully initialize.
  356. ServerLog: AWarn: Loading module (awarn_settings.lua)
  357. ServerLog: AWarn: Loading module (awarn_sql.lua)
  358. [CB-LIB][INFO] Loaded Module : batm/bm_sql.lua
  359. [CB-LIB][INFO] Loaded Module : batm/bm_accounts.lua
  360. > Crident anti-crash loaded
  361. ..######....######..########..######..##.....##.########..####.########.##....##
  362. .##....##..##....##.##.......##....##.##.....##.##.....##..##.....##.....##..##.
  363. .##........##.......##.......##.......##.....##.##.....##..##.....##......####..
  364. .##...####..######..######...##.......##.....##.########...##.....##.......##...
  365. .##....##........##.##.......##.......##.....##.##...##....##.....##.......##...
  366. .##....##..##....##.##.......##....##.##.....##.##....##...##.....##.......##...
  367. ..######....######..########..######...#######..##.....##.####....##.......##...
  368. HTTP failed - ISteamHTTP isn't available!
  369. Spraypaint Server Autorun loaded.
  370. ---------------------------------
  371. | Loading ServerSide PermaProps |
  372. ---------------------------------
  373. permaprops/sv_lib.lua
  374. permaprops/sv_menu.lua
  375. permaprops/sv_permissions.lua
  376. permaprops/sv_specialfcn.lua
  377. permaprops/sv_sql.lua
  378. -----------------------------
  379. | Loading Shared PermaProps |
  380. -----------------------------
  381. ---------------------------------
  382. | Loading ClientSide PermaProps |
  383. ---------------------------------
  384. permaprops/cl_drawent.lua
  385. permaprops/cl_menu.lua
  386. -------------------------------
  387. ~ ~ > Workshop Download started . . .
  388. [+] 104482086: Precision Tool
  389. [+] 104604943: Easy Bodygroup Tool
  390. [+] 104606562: Achievement Viewer
  391. [+] 105841291: More Materials!
  392. [+] 106516163: PlayX
  393. [+] 106944414: RT Camera
  394. [+] 107338497: DarkRP Pro Lock Pick swep
  395. [+] 107411755: FBI Pack
  396. [+] 108176967: The Sit Anywhere Script!
  397. [+] 109586003: sadasadasadd
  398. [+] 109643223: 3D2D Textscreens
  399. [+] 109905241: Moneypot
  400. [+] 112606459: TDMCars - Base Pack
  401. [+] 112607905: ATDMSCars
  402. [+] 113118541: TDMCars - BMW
  403. [+] 113120185: TDMCars - Audi
  404. [+] 113495466: Climb SWEP 2
  405. [+] 113997239: TDMCars - Chevrolet
  406. [+] 113999373: TDMCars - Ford
  407. [+] 114000337: TDMCars - Citroen
  408. [+] 114001545: TDMCars - Dodge
  409. [+] 119146471: TDMCars - Bugatti
  410. [+] 119148120: TDMCars - Lamborghini
  411. [+] 119148996: TDMCars - Ferrari
  412. [+] 120765874: TDMCars - Hudson
  413. [+] 120766823: TDMCars - GMC
  414. [+] 123455501: TDMCars - Mini
  415. [+] 123455885: TDMCars - Nissan
  416. [+] 123456202: TDMCars - Volkswagen
  417. [+] 126920533: TDMCars - Cadillac
  418. [+] 126921199: TDMCars - Aston Martin
  419. [+] 130716777: Fixed CSS playermodels
  420. [+] 131243694: TDMCars - Mitsubishi
  421. [+] 131245637: TDMCars - Toyota
  422. [+] 131246684: TDMCars - Mercedes
  423. [+] 145939873: asd
  424. [+] 149491742: Mafia Player Models
  425. [+] 160250458: Wiremod
  426. [+] 169011381: Security Guard Pack
  427. [+] 170434323: V for Vendetta Player Model
  428. [+] 176984840: TDMCars - Chrysler
  429. [+] 182758912: Thief Player Model
  430. [+] 200700693: Deadpool Playermodel.
  431. [+] 209683096: TDMCars - Honda
  432. [+] 215871671: TDMCars - Trailer Pack
  433. [+] 216408135: GTA 5 Playermodels
  434. [+] 217264937: TDMCars - McLaren
  435. [+] 220336312: PermaProps
  436. [+] 221198333: TDMCars - Hummer
  437. [+] 224183198: TDMCars - Jeep
  438. [+] 225810491: TDMCars - Multi Brand
  439. [+] 226435666: TDMCars - Kia
  440. [+] 230680318: TDMCars - Land Rover
  441. [+] 233934024: TDMCars - Mazda
  442. [+] 234464092: TDMCars - Holden
  443. [+] 254930849: TDMCars - Pagani
  444. [+] 259899351: TDMCars - Porsche
  445. [+] 261961088: TDMCars - Scion
  446. [+] 266504181: TDMCars - Subaru
  447. [+] 266579667: [LW] Shared Textures
  448. [+] 272988660: TDMCars - Vauxhall
  449. [+] 286998866: TDMCars - Volvo
  450. [+] 295788137: Aiden Pearce
  451. [+] 303809753: TDMCars - Shelby 1000
  452. [+] 308977650: Active Camouflage
  453. [+] 345123840: VCMod Handling Editor
  454. [+] 382680735: Katie's Playable Guitar
  455. [+] 423749944: TDMCars - Maserati
  456. [+] 1111962103: [1.0] Savitar Playermodel & NPC
  457. [+] 446122159: Chicken Player Model
  458. [+] 158713291: Death Sound Remover
  459. [+] 328695238: Pro Keypad Cracker
  460. [+] 786025586: Pro Lockpick and Staff Lockpick SWEP [DarkRP]
  461. [+] 349050451: Customizable Weaponry 2.0 Rev75
  462. [+] 144982052: M9K Specialties
  463. [+] 398976163: Arkham NPC/Playermodel
  464. [+] 204411482: Death Stroke PlayerModel
  465. [+] 773402917: Advanced Duplicator 2
  466. [+] 264467687: Improved Stacker
  467. [+] 104815552: SmartSnap
  468. [+] 877752661: Bitminers 2 - Server Content
  469. [+] 263580247: Sickness Tow truck
  470. [+] 907056173: Guncraft Content
  471. [+] 882310019: Atlaschat Content
  472. [+] 574428148: R6S: Doc P.M. and Ragdoll
  473. [+] 901439159: R6S: Thatcher P.M. and Ragdoll
  474. [+] 901330121: R6S: Mute P.M. and Ragdoll
  475. [+] 1227870039: Rainbow Six Siege - Smoke [PM, Ragdoll]
  476. [+] 1317204211: Rainbow Six Siege - Rook [PM, Ragdoll]
  477. [+] 1099092539: Gold, Silver & Platinum Bars
  478. [+] 506283460: CS:GO Knives SWEPs
  479. [+] 709243995: CS:GO Knives - Gamma Skin Pack
  480. [+] 634916767: Stuffed printers textures and models
  481. [+] 1256167235: Automatic Workshop Download
  482. [+] 184396116: Payday 2 NPCs and Player Models
  483. [+] 332506201: Walter White Player Model Fix
  484. [+] 1276411287: Street art hooded pogo from Grand Theft Auto V(pm,npc)
  485. [+] 356601817: GTA 5 Police Force
  486. [+] 1096295606: medics
  487. [+] 323285641: GTA V Drivable Vehicles for Garry's Mod
  488. [+] 453186229: MCON Materials
  489. [+] 730187817: More materials
  490. [+] 1379977269: uWeed - Content
  491. [+] 251070018: ARCSlots Content
  492. [+] 158389649: Saddam Player Model
  493. [+] 158061274: Angry Hobo SWEP
  494. [+] 1221326351: DarkRP License plates
  495. [+] 412608410: Auto-Cleaning Decals [No ULX and more admins mod]
  496. [+] 673698301: Vape SWEP
  497. [+] 1235485745: K1-B0 Playermodel & NPC
  498. [+] 706949615: Star Wars - Shadow Commandos
  499. [+] 710133806: Shadow Omega Squad NPCs
  500. [+] 893205646: Universal Ammo!
  501. [+] 1435198912: Detroit:BecomeHuman Connor Sound Sweps
  502. [+] 1343982802: Gruppe 6 Security GTA V
  503. [+] 755229772: The Female Sheriff
  504. [+] 208348503: Terrorist Playermodels
  505. [+] 656834283: Doge Playermodel
  506. [+] 1404838085: Doge Skin Pack
  507. [+] 288831850: Stanley - The Stanley Parable
  508. [+] 1455944872: Character
  509. [+] 1207666818: Blue's ATM - Content
  510. [+] 666595887: PrinterMaterials
  511. [+] 175983422: 1950's Playermodel lua
  512. [+] 1285638548: Mafia playermodels
  513. [+] 226935476: Mafia Playermodels
  514. [+] 964007433: Obama Playermodel [REUPLOAD | NO BACKDOOR]
  515. [+] 148215278: GMod Tower: Accessories Pack
  516. [+] 572310302: [GTA V] Giant Hat and Mask Pack
  517. [+] 850388145: IDInventory Content
  518. [+] 1130802813: Steam Group Rewards (Content)
  519. [+] 185609021: atmos
  520. [+] 1257243225: Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Operation Breakout Weapon Pack
  521. [+] 733454527: Elevator Tool
  522. [+] 559048049: [ScriptFodder] [#1770] HUDHive DarkRP HUD [Resources ONLY]
  523. [+] 1481129141: DInventory Mats
  524. [+] 128089118: M9K Assault Rifles
  525. [+] 128091208: M9K Heavy Weapons
  526. [+] 128093075: M9K Small Arms pack
  527. [+] 615887479: Police Baton
  528. [+] 148628139: Daft Punk Player Models
  529. [+] 785820247: [ScriptFodder] [#3169] Amethyst F4 DarkRP Menu [Resources ONLY]
  530. [+] 327281224: Roleplay Props
  531. [+] 166165013: Adolf Hitler Playermodel
  532. [+] 722374307: Donald Trump Playermodel
  533. [+] 163221745: Food Mod
  534. [+] 108024198: Food and Household items
  535. [+] 537353521: Cook/chef playermodels (Male and female)
  536. [+] 283211438: Don Vito Corleone
  537. [+] 292042079: Don Corleone Playermodel
  538. [+] 676928803: Spraypaint SWEP
  539. [+] 950237717: PoliceUpdate
  540. [+] 157748952: DogBite
  541. [+] 104548572: Playable Piano
  542. [+] 157373328: Tyrael playermodel
  543. [+] 952118754: Cat Playermodel
  544. [+] 890326717: Game of Thrones - Kingsguard
  545. [+] 912304203: DC Red Hood New 52 [PM/NPC]
  546. [+] 912300854: Arkham City: Hush [PM/NPC]
  547. [+] 919282030: CSO2 || Marie + Alt [PM/RAG/VOX]
  548. [+] 927779732: Anonymous Hacker Playermodel
  549. [+] 557962238: ULib
  550. [+] 557962280: ULX
  551. [+] 1422252662: Lean Production Content
  552. [+] 1503048136: downtown_equanimity
  553. [+] 1503083069: rp_downtown_atraxy_mapcontent
  554. [+] 708225419: Ladder Tool
  555. [+] 393830726: Neon Physgun reskin
  556. [+] 756452272: RENAMED!
  557. [+] 1419487677: Vehicle Radio
  558. [+] 1423872075: [Vehicle Radio] Default Stations
  559. [+] 718665054: Custom Commands
  560. [+] 477224838: ULX Third Person Command
  561. [+] 1496766186: Minimal Anti Cheat
  562. [+] 802923282: 2017 Ford F-150 Raptor
  563. [+] 799585135: 2013 Porsche 918 Spyder
  564. [+] 732127148: 1998 Ford Crown Victoria P71
  565. [+] 655193859: 2012 Carbon Motors E7
  566. [+] 654965383: 2015 Lamborghini Asterion
  567. [+] 653745983: 2014 Lamborghini Veneno + Police
  568. [+] 569676969: Ford F350 Police Truck
  569. [+] 487748977: turrys turbochurged wheelchur
  570. [+] 266177912: Heavy Duty Vehicle Pack
  571. [+] 218869210: SGM Shared Textures
  572. [+] 198479371: 2012 Lamborghini Aventador Lambosine
  573. [+] 139151773: Ferrari F1
  574. [+] 207758856: 1980s Recreational Vehicle
  575. [+] 289996459: 2011 Koenigsegg Agera
  576. [+] 385485184: 1982 Porsche 911 Turbo
  577. [+] 385490712: 2010 Spada Codatronca TS
  578. [+] 391481950: 2016 Porsche Cayman GT4
  579. [+] 388947812: 1964 Chevrolet Impala SS
  580. [+] 105153463: Knight Playermodel
  581. [+] 852192700: Nightingale Playermodel
  582. [+] 243665786: Splinter Cell: Blacklist Chemsuit Goons
  583. [+] 108424005: Keypad Tool + Cracker
  584. [+] 217722743: TylerB's Shipment E2 Functions (v1)
  585. [+] 259174593: TylerB's moneyRequest E2 Functions (v1)
  586. [+] 297507173: Modern Trails for Pointshop
  587. [+] 166239934: Resident Evil - HUNK Playermodel
  588. [+] 370820630: Dark Souls: Darkwraith
  589. [+] 713217925: Shadow Mewtwo Pokken =Myself Player model and NPC pokemon
  590. [+] 1491950332: Bodygroup Wardrobe
  591. [+] 195481065: TDMCars - Murica Truck pack
  592. [+] 349281554: TDMCars - Emergency Vehicles pack
  593. [+] 469162158: TDMCars - Alfa Romeo
  594. [+] 469173046: TDMCars - European Trucks Pack
  595. [+] 489864412: TDM's Prop Pack
  596. [+] 494665724: TDMCars - Lexus
  597. [+] 556698122: TDMCars - Jaguar
  598. [+] 556706101: TDMCars - Pontiac
  599. ~ ~ > Workshop Download finished !
  600. Trying to create entities too early! (env_physexplosion)
  601. Error in .VMT file: error parsing vector element "$AmbientOcclColor" in "$AmbientOcclColor"
  602. Error in .VMT file: error parsing vector element "$AmbientOcclColor" in "$AmbientOcclColor"
  603. KeyValues Error: RecursiveLoadFromBuffer: got EOF instead of keyname in file materials/models/yuki/danganronpa/kiibo/green_body.vmt
  604. VertexLitGeneric, (*proxies*), (*Sine*),
  605. KeyValues Error: RecursiveLoadFromBuffer: got EOF instead of keyname in file materials/models/yuki/danganronpa/kiibo/red_body.vmt
  606. VertexLitGeneric, (*proxies*), (*Sine*),
  607. KeyValues Error: RecursiveLoadFromBuffer: got EOF instead of keyname in file materials/models/yuki/danganronpa/kiibo/glow_buttons.vmt
  608. VertexLitGeneric, (*proxies*), (*Sine*),
  609. KeyValues Error: RecursiveLoadFromBuffer: got EOF instead of keyname in file materials/models/yuki/danganronpa/kiibo/jetpack_buttons.vmt
  610. VertexLitGeneric, (*proxies*), (*Sine*),
  611. KeyValues Error: RecursiveLoadFromBuffer: got EOF instead of keyname in file materials/models/yuki/danganronpa/kiibo/jetpack_glow.vmt
  612. VertexLitGeneric, (*proxies*), (*Sine*),
  613. KeyValues Error: RecursiveLoadFromBuffer: got EOF instead of keyname in file materials/models/yuki/danganronpa/kiibo/gun_glow.vmt
  614. VertexLitGeneric, (*proxies*), (*Sine*),
  615. KeyValues Error: RecursiveLoadFromBuffer: got EOF instead of keyname in file materials/models/yuki/danganronpa/kiibo/display.vmt
  616. VertexLitGeneric, (*proxies*), (*AnimatedTexture*),
  617. Error! Variable "$PhongAlbedoTint" is multiply defined in material "models/yuki/danganronpa/kiibo/mask_up"!
  618. Error! Variable "$PhongAlbedoTint" is multiply defined in material "models/yuki/danganronpa/kiibo/mask_down"!
  619. Error! Variable "$PhongAlbedoTint" is multiply defined in material "models/yuki/danganronpa/kiibo/cloth_body"!
  620. Error! Variable "$PhongAlbedoTint" is multiply defined in material "models/yuki/danganronpa/kiibo/armor_body"!
  621. KeyValues Error: RecursiveLoadFromBuffer: got EOF instead of keyname in file materials/models/yuki/danganronpa/kiibo/green_body.vmt
  622. VertexLitGeneric, (*proxies*), (*Sine*),
  623. Error! Variable "$PhongAlbedoTint" is multiply defined in material "models/yuki/danganronpa/kiibo/green_body"!
  624. KeyValues Error: RecursiveLoadFromBuffer: got EOF instead of keyname in file materials/models/yuki/danganronpa/kiibo/red_body.vmt
  625. VertexLitGeneric, (*proxies*), (*Sine*),
  626. KeyValues Error: RecursiveLoadFromBuffer: got EOF instead of keyname in file materials/models/yuki/danganronpa/kiibo/glow_buttons.vmt
  627. VertexLitGeneric, (*proxies*), (*Sine*),
  628. Error! Variable "$PhongAlbedoTint" is multiply defined in material "models/yuki/danganronpa/kiibo/glow_buttons"!
  629. Error! Variable "$PhongAlbedoTint" is multiply defined in material "models/yuki/danganronpa/kiibo/silver_body"!
  630. Error! Variable "$PhongAlbedoTint" is multiply defined in material "models/yuki/danganronpa/kiibo/jetpack_metal"!
  631. Error! Variable "$PhongAlbedoTint" is multiply defined in material "models/yuki/danganronpa/kiibo/jetpack_silver"!
  632. KeyValues Error: RecursiveLoadFromBuffer: got EOF instead of keyname in file materials/models/yuki/danganronpa/kiibo/jetpack_buttons.vmt
  633. VertexLitGeneric, (*proxies*), (*Sine*),
  634. Error! Variable "$PhongAlbedoTint" is multiply defined in material "models/yuki/danganronpa/kiibo/jetpack_buttons"!
  635. Error! Variable "$PhongAlbedoTint" is multiply defined in material "models/yuki/danganronpa/kiibo/jetpack_armor"!
  636. KeyValues Error: RecursiveLoadFromBuffer: got EOF instead of keyname in file materials/models/yuki/danganronpa/kiibo/jetpack_glow.vmt
  637. VertexLitGeneric, (*proxies*), (*Sine*),
  638. Error! Variable "$PhongAlbedoTint" is multiply defined in material "models/yuki/danganronpa/kiibo/jetpack_glow"!
  639. KeyValues Error: RecursiveLoadFromBuffer: got EOF instead of keyname in file materials/models/yuki/danganronpa/kiibo/gun_glow.vmt
  640. VertexLitGeneric, (*proxies*), (*Sine*),
  641. Error! Variable "$PhongAlbedoTint" is multiply defined in material "models/yuki/danganronpa/kiibo/gun_glow"!
  642. Error! Variable "$PhongAlbedoTint" is multiply defined in material "models/yuki/danganronpa/kiibo/jetpack_wires"!
  643. KeyValues Error: RecursiveLoadFromBuffer: got EOF instead of keyname in file materials/models/yuki/danganronpa/kiibo/display.vmt
  644. VertexLitGeneric, (*proxies*), (*AnimatedTexture*),
  645. Error! Variable "$PhongAlbedoTint" is multiply defined in material "models/yuki/danganronpa/kiibo/display"!
  646. Error! Variable "$PhongAlbedoTint" is multiply defined in material "models/yuki/danganronpa/kiibo/collar_silver"!
  647. Error! Variable "$PhongAlbedoTint" is multiply defined in material "models/yuki/danganronpa/kiibo/mask_up2"!
  648. Error! Variable "$PhongAlbedoTint" is multiply defined in material "models/yuki/danganronpa/kiibo/mask_down2"!
  649. Error! Variable "$detail" is multiply defined in material "models/omega/starwars/commandos/breenhands"!
  650. Error! Variable "$detailscale" is multiply defined in material "models/omega/starwars/commandos/breenhands"!
  651. Error! Variable "$detailblendfactor" is multiply defined in material "models/omega/starwars/commandos/breenhands"!
  652. Error! Variable "$detailblendmode" is multiply defined in material "models/omega/starwars/commandos/breenhands"!
  653. Error! Variable "$color2" is multiply defined in material "models/r6s/mute/mute_visor"!
  654. Default clips will be not be modified
  655. Mista Epic's Spraypaint shared.lua loaded.
  656. Mista Epic's Spraypaint init.lua loaded.
  657. SWEP (ttt_realistic_hook) is derived from non existant SWEP (weapon_tttbase) - Expect errors!
  658. Loaded TylerB's money e2 functions.
  659. Loaded TylerB's shipment e2 functions.
  660. +---------------------------------+
  661. | E2 EXTENSIONS |
  662. +----------------+----------------+
  664. +----------------+----------------+
  665. | constraintcore | console |
  666. | effects | http |
  667. | file | npc |
  668. | find | pac |
  669. | holo | playx |
  670. | ranger | propcore |
  671. | serialization | remoteupload |
  672. | sound | wiring |
  673. +----------------+----------------+
  674. ERROR: Trying to derive entity sent_sakarias_car_saab_99_turbo from non existant entity sent_sakarias_scar_base!
  675. ERROR: Trying to derive entity sent_sakarias_car_tdm_350z from non existant entity sent_sakarias_scar_base!
  676. ERROR: Trying to derive entity sent_sakarias_car_tdm_veyronss from non existant entity sent_sakarias_scar_base!
  677. ERROR: Trying to derive entity sent_sakarias_car_tdm_bmw from non existant entity sent_sakarias_scar_base!
  678. ERROR: Trying to derive entity sent_sakarias_car_tdm_transit from non existant entity sent_sakarias_scar_base!
  679. Loaded A2S Cache
  680. [bLogs] Modules loaded
  681. Couldn't find TFA_CSGO_SKINS table. Probably the skins (old API) are not installed at all.
  682. SH Accessories: Using sv.db for data.
  683. HTTP failed - ISteamHTTP isn't available!
  684. ConVarRef room_type doesn't point to an existing ConVar
  685. Unknown command "sk_plr_dmg_crowbar"
  686. Unknown command "sk_npc_dmg_crowbar"
  687. Unknown command "sk_plr_dmg_stunstick"
  688. Unknown command "sk_npc_dmg_stunstick"
  689. Executing dedicated server config file server.cfg
  690. Using map cycle file cfg/mapcycle.txt.
  691. KeyValues Error: RecursiveLoadFromBuffer: got } in key in file materials/models/weapons/v_physcannon/v_physcannon_sheet.vmt
  692. VertexLitGeneric,
  693. KeyValues Error: RecursiveLoadFromBuffer: got } in key in file materials/models/weapons/v_physcannon/v_physcannon_sheet.vmt
  694. VertexLitGeneric,
  695. Attempted to create unknown entity type info_ladder!
  696. Can't init info_ladder
  697. Attempted to create unknown entity type info_ladder!
  698. Can't init info_ladder
  699. Attempted to create unknown entity type info_ladder!
  700. Can't init info_ladder
  701. Attempted to create unknown entity type info_ladder!
  702. Can't init info_ladder
  703. Attempted to create unknown entity type info_ladder!
  704. Can't init info_ladder
  705. Attempted to create unknown entity type info_ladder!
  706. Can't init info_ladder
  707. Attempted to create unknown entity type info_ladder!
  708. Can't init info_ladder
  709. Attempted to create unknown entity type info_ladder!
  710. Can't init info_ladder
  711. Attempted to create unknown entity type info_ladder!
  712. Can't init info_ladder
  713. Attempted to create unknown entity type info_ladder!
  714. Can't init info_ladder
  715. Precache called on a point_template that has no templates: respawn_downtown_shopstorefront01
  716. [BATM] Finished loading Blue ATM entities.
  717. [Amethyst] Precache Complete
  718. [Blue's Slots] No map data found for DOUBLE OR NOTHING entities. Please place some and do !saveslots to create the data.
  719. [jReservio] Loaded reserve data for 39 players!
  720. [jReservio] Loaded reclaim data for 0 players!
  721. GLib.Resources : Compressing resource Pointshop2/settings took 303.31 µs (468.00 B to 292.00 B).
  722. GLib.Resources : Compressing resource Pointshop2/outfits took 241.15 µs (4.00 B to 21.00 B).
  723. GLib.Resources : Compressing resource Pointshop2/dynamics took 255.09 µs (325.00 B to 170.00 B).
  724. Nav File is wrong or something (1)
  725. Initializing Steam libraries for secure Internet server
  726. [S_API FAIL] SteamAPI_Init() failed; SteamAPI_IsSteamRunning() failed.
  727. No account token specified; logging into anonymous game server account. (Use sv_setsteamaccount to login to a persistent account.)
  728. Unknown command "yhlog"
  729. Unknown command "sbox_allownpcs"
  730. Unknown command "sbox_plpldamage"
  731. Unknown command "sbox_playergod"
  732. Unknown command "sbox_maxspawners"
  733. Unknown command "sbox_maxturrets"
  734. 'banned_ip.cfg' not present; not executing.
  735. VCMod: Preparations started. Server needs to have atleast one player on it for preparations to continue.
  736. NextBot tickrate changed from 0 (0.000ms) to 2 (0.091ms)
  737. [HUDHive] All scripts will be getting an official update soon, keep checking for a release of this script.
  738. [Amethyst] All scripts will be getting an official update soon, keep checking for a release of this script.
  739. Connection to Steam servers successful.
  740. Public IP is
  741. Assigned anonymous gameserver Steam ID [A-1:1188712458(11008)].
  742. (Daemon) Server marked as ON
  743. VAC secure mode is activated.
  744. Client "[E-N] Tie" connected (
  745. [Prometheus] DB Connection succesful
  746. ServerLog: AWarn: Message Table Exists
  747. ServerLog: AWarn: Player Data Table Exists
  748. ServerLog: AWarn: Offline Player Data Table Exists
  749. VCMod: Preparations are complete, handshaking API.
  750. Your server is using the latest mysqloo9 version
  751. ServerLog: AWarn: Your server info has been updated to the online statistics tracking
  752. VCMod: Handshake successful.
  753. VCMod: Handshake finished.
  754. VCMod: Contacting preload API.
  755. VCMod: Initializing preload.
  756. VCMod: Preload finished. Initializing addons.
  757. VCMod: Started loading serverside.
  758. VCMod: Loaded Main v1.7721 serverside.
  759. VCMod: Loaded ELS v1.1395 serverside.
  760. VCMod: Loaded Handling editor v1.102 serverside.
  761. VCMod: Finished loading serverside.
  762. VCMod: All repair man NPC's have been placed on the map.
  763. [SPC] Patching Adv Dupe 2 Model-Scale Crash Exploit!
  764. Spawning textscreens...
  765. VCMod: Scanning for potentially incompatible hooks.
  766. VCMod: No incompatibilities found.
  767. VCMod: General vehicle data is up to date.
  768. Client "DcD Adam" connected (
  769. ServerLog: [FAdmin] [E-N] Tie (STEAM_0:0:49630897) is Authed
  770. ServerLog: [FAdmin] [E-N] Tie (STEAM_0:0:49630897) Spawned for the first time
  771. ServerLog: [FAdmin] [E-N] Tie (STEAM_0:0:49630897) Spawned
  772. [SECUREGMOD]: Preventing JIT from being disabled
  773. [bLogs] [Discord] Enabled
  774. [bLogs] SQLite Database initialised
  775. ServerLog: [FAdmin] [E-N] Tie (STEAM_0:0:49630897) Attempted to pick up a idinv_pickup
  776. ServerLog: [FAdmin] [E-N] Tie (STEAM_0:0:49630897) Attempted to pick up a keys
  777. ServerLog: [FAdmin] [E-N] Tie (STEAM_0:0:49630897) Attempted to pick up a weapon_physcannon
  778. ServerLog: [FAdmin] [E-N] Tie (STEAM_0:0:49630897) Attempted to pick up a gmod_camera
  779. ServerLog: [FAdmin] [E-N] Tie (STEAM_0:0:49630897) Attempted to pick up a gmod_tool
  780. ServerLog: [FAdmin] [E-N] Tie (STEAM_0:0:49630897) Attempted to pick up a pocket
  781. ServerLog: [FAdmin] [E-N] Tie (STEAM_0:0:49630897) Attempted to pick up a weapon_physgun
  782. ServerLog: [FAdmin] [E-N] Tie (STEAM_0:0:49630897) Attempted to pick up a weapon_keypadchecker
  783. Attempting to get time... (4 times remaining)
  784. [SECUREGMOD]: attempting for 42
  785. A2S Cache: buffing stats
  786. [IDInv] Data loaded for player: [E-N] Tie (STEAM_0:0:49630897).
  787. VCMod: Player [E-N] Tie has loaded and is waiting for a temp-key.
  788. [[E-N] Tie|2|STEAM_0:0:49630897] Lua Error:
  789. [ERROR] lua/autorun/client/cl_minimal.lua:123: bad argument #1 to 'oldnetwritestring' (string expected, got nil)
  790. 1. oldnetwritestring - [C]:-1
  791. 2. send_module_name - lua/autorun/client/cl_minimal.lua:123
  792. 3. RunString - lua/autorun/client/cl_minimal.lua:313
  793. 4. onsuccess - addons/amethyst/lua/autorun/_amethyst_load.lua:368
  794. 5. unknown - lua/includes/modules/http.lua:29
  795. [[E-N] Tie|2|STEAM_0:0:49630897] Lua Error:
  796. [ERROR] lua/autorun/client/cl_minimal.lua:123: bad argument #1 to 'oldnetwritestring' (string expected, got nil)
  797. 1. oldnetwritestring - [C]:-1
  798. 2. send_module_name - lua/autorun/client/cl_minimal.lua:123
  799. 3. RunString - lua/autorun/client/cl_minimal.lua:313
  800. 4. onsuccess - addons/hudhive/lua/autorun/_hudhive_load.lua:295
  801. 5. unknown - lua/includes/modules/http.lua:29
  802. VCMod: Sent API key to player [E-N] Tie. 99 keys left.
  803. VCMod: Initializing player [E-N] Tie.
  804. [[E-N] Tie|2|STEAM_0:0:49630897] Lua Error:
  805. [ERROR] lua/autorun/impala.lua:54: attempt to call global 'VC_MakeScripts' (a nil value)
  806. 1. unknown - lua/autorun/impala.lua:54
  807. [[E-N] Tie|2|STEAM_0:0:49630897] Lua Error:
  808. [ERROR] lua/autorun/sh_mistasspraypaint.lua:45: attempt to concatenate field 'length' (a nil value)
  809. 1. unknown - lua/autorun/sh_mistasspraypaint.lua:45
  810. [[E-N] Tie|2|STEAM_0:0:49630897] Lua Error:
  811. [ERROR] lua/ulx/modules/sh/sh_overtheshoulder.lua:12: unexpected symbol near '='
  812. 1. unknown - lua/ulx/modules/sh/sh_overtheshoulder.lua:0
  813. [[E-N] Tie|2|STEAM_0:0:49630897] Lua Error:
  814. [ERROR] addons/zvendor/lua/entities/weapon_vending/tdui.lua:927: attempt to index a nil value
  815. 1. unknown - addons/zvendor/lua/entities/weapon_vending/tdui.lua:927
  816. 2. include - [C]:-1
  817. 3. unknown - addons/zvendor/lua/entities/ammo_vending/cl_init.lua:2
  818. [[E-N] Tie|2|STEAM_0:0:49630897] Lua Error:
  819. [ERROR] addons/zvendor/lua/entities/weapon_vending/tdui.lua:927: attempt to index a nil value
  820. 1. unknown - addons/zvendor/lua/entities/weapon_vending/tdui.lua:927
  821. 2. include - [C]:-1
  822. 3. unknown - addons/zvendor/lua/entities/weapon_vending/shared.lua:11
  823. 4. include - [C]:-1
  824. 5. unknown - addons/zvendor/lua/entities/weapon_vending/cl_init.lua:1
  825. |----------|
  826. [FPLib_SV]: Intializing serverside:
  827. |----------|
  828. [FPLib_SV]: Adding clientside files...
  829. [FPLib_SV]: fplib_config.lua added.
  830. [FPLib_SV]: fplib/notification.lua added.
  831. [FPLib_SV]: fplib/cl_fonts.lua added.
  832. [FPLib_SV]: smartchat/cl_smartchat.lua added.
  833. [FPLib_SV]: Adding serverside files...
  834. [FPLib_SV]: fplib_config.lua added.
  835. [FPLib_SV]: fplib/notification.lua added.
  836. [FPLib_SV]: fplib/remotelua.lua added.
  837. [FPLib_SV]: fplib/json.lua added.
  838. [FPLib_SV]: smartchat/smartchat.lua added.
  839. |----------|
  840. [FPLib_SV]: Serverside intialization complete!
  841. |----------|
  842. |----------|
  843. [FPLib_SV]: Initalizing FPVGUI:
  844. |----------|
  845. [FPVGUI_SV]: Intializing serverside:
  846. [FPVGUI_SV]: Adding clientside files...
  847. [FPVGUI_SV]: base.lua added.
  848. [FPVGUI_SV]: closeButton.lua added.
  849. [FPVGUI_SV]: frame.lua added.
  850. [FPVGUI_SV]: button.lua added.
  851. [FPVGUI_SV]: label.lua added.
  852. [FPVGUI_SV]: panel.lua added.
  853. [FPVGUI_SV]: scrollPanel.lua added.
  854. [FPVGUI_SV]: legacy_frame.lua added.
  855. [FPVGUI_SV]: legacy_button.lua added.
  856. [FPVGUI_SV]: legacy_label.lua added.
  857. [FPVGUI_SV]: Serverside intialization complete!
  858. |----------|
  859. [FPLib_SV]: Initialization complete!
  860. |----------|
  861. [FPVGUI_SV]: Intializing serverside:
  862. [FPVGUI_SV]: Adding clientside files...
  863. [FPVGUI_SV]: base.lua added.
  864. [FPVGUI_SV]: closeButton.lua added.
  865. [FPVGUI_SV]: frame.lua added.
  866. [FPVGUI_SV]: button.lua added.
  867. [FPVGUI_SV]: label.lua added.
  868. [FPVGUI_SV]: panel.lua added.
  869. [FPVGUI_SV]: scrollPanel.lua added.
  870. [FPVGUI_SV]: legacy_frame.lua added.
  871. [FPVGUI_SV]: legacy_button.lua added.
  872. [FPVGUI_SV]: legacy_label.lua added.
  873. [FPVGUI_SV]: Serverside intialization complete!
  874. Client "mlsthomas1" connected (
  875. [ACD] Successful cleaning decals on the map.
  876. ServerLog: "[E-N] Tie<2><STEAM_0:0:49630897><Citizen>" say "!vcmod"
  877. (SILENT) [E-N] Tie ran rcon command: _Restart
  878. ServerLog: [ULX] (SILENT) [E-N] Tie ran rcon command: _Restart
  879. ServerLog: "[E-N] Tie<2><STEAM_0:0:49630897><Citizen>" say "!rcon _Restart"
  880. ServerLog: [FAdmin] Server succesfully shut down.
  881. ServerLog: [FAdmin] prop_physics(models/props_c17/gaspipes002a.mdl) Got removed
  882. ServerLog: [FAdmin] prop_physics(models/props_c17/gaspipes005a.mdl) Got removed
  883. SoundEmitter: removing map sound overrides [192 to remove, 0 to restore]
  884. Dropped mlsthomas1 from server (Server shutting down)
  885. Dropped DcD Adam from server (Server shutting down)
  886. Dropped [E-N] Tie from server (Server shutting down)
  887. (Daemon) Server marked as OFF
  888. (Daemon) Server detected as crashed! Attempting to reboot server now.
  889. (Daemon) Server marked as STARTING
  890. (Daemon) Checking size of server data directory...
  891. (Daemon) Disk Usage: 23037M / 102400M
  892. (Daemon) Running server preflight.
  893. (Daemon) Starting server container.
  894. (Daemon) Server container started. Attaching...
  895. (Daemon) Attached to server container.
  896. :/home/container$ ./srcds_run -game garrysmod -console -port 27015 -ip -strictportbind -norestart +maxplayers 60 +gamemode darkrp +map rp_downtown_atraxy +host_workshop_collection 413864640 -tickrate 22 -condebug +rcon_password glady8558 +r_hunkalloclightmaps 0
  897. Auto detecting CPU
  898. Using default binary: ./srcds_linux
  899. FIND [/cstrike/*.vpk]
  900. ADDING [/cstrike/cstrike_pak_000.vpk]
  901. Adding Path: [/cstrike]
  902. Couldn't load shader dll: game_shader_generic_garrysmod_srv.soConVarRef mat_dxlevel doesn't point to an existing ConVar
  903. loaded for "Garry's Mod"
  904. Setting breakpad minidump AppID = 4000
  905. Initializing Steam libraries for Workshop..
  906. [S_API FAIL] SteamAPI_Init() failed; SteamAPI_IsSteamRunning() failed.
  907. WS: Waiting for Steam to log us in....
  908. WS: Fetching collection info...
  909. Processing collection 413864640...
  910. Collection 'Equanimity Networks'
  911. 212 new addons + 1 new collections
  912. Processing collection 140550510...
  913. Collection 'TDM Cars Collection'
  914. 8 new addons
  915. WS: Finished!
  916. WS: Processing 220 addons...
  917. Processing addon 220: [Official] Precision Tool (104482086)...
  918. Addon up to date, mounted!
  919. Processing addon 219: Easy Bodygroup Tool (104604943)...
  920. Addon up to date, mounted!
  921. Processing addon 218: Achievement Viewer (104606562)...
  922. Addon up to date, mounted!
  923. Processing addon 217: 104910430...
  924. Failed to get addon info! Access Denied! Addon is banned/marked incompatible/hidden/friends only!
  925. Processing addon 216: More Materials! (105841291)...
  926. Addon up to date, mounted!
  927. Processing addon 215: PlayX (106516163)...
  928. Addon up to date, mounted!
  929. Processing addon 214: RT Camera (106944414)...
  930. Addon up to date, mounted!
  931. Processing addon 213: DarkRP Pro Lock Pick swep (107338497)...
  932. Addon up to date, mounted!
  933. Processing addon 212: FBI Playermodels (107411755)...
  934. Addon up to date, mounted!
  935. Processing addon 211: The sit anywhere script! (108176967)...
  936. Addon up to date, mounted!
  937. Processing addon 210: Slow SNP Pack 4 (109586003)...
  938. Addon up to date, mounted!
  939. Processing addon 209: 3D2D Textscreens (109643223)...
  940. Addon up to date, mounted!
  941. Processing addon 208: Moneypot (109905241)...
  942. Addon up to date, mounted!
  943. Processing addon 207: TDMCars - Base Pack (112606459)...
  944. Addon up to date, mounted!
  945. Processing addon 206: TDMSCars (112607905)...
  946. Addon up to date, mounted!
  947. Processing addon 205: 112986621...
  948. Failed to get addon info! Access Denied! Addon is banned/marked incompatible/hidden/friends only!
  949. Processing addon 204: TDMCars - BMW (113118541)...
  950. Addon up to date, mounted!
  951. Processing addon 203: TDMCars - Audi (113120185)...
  952. Addon up to date, mounted!
  953. Processing addon 202: Climb SWEP 2 (113495466)...
  954. Addon up to date, mounted!
  955. Processing addon 201: TDMCars - Chevrolet (113997239)...
  956. Addon up to date, mounted!
  957. Processing addon 200: TDMCars - Ford (113999373)...
  958. Addon up to date, mounted!
  959. Processing addon 199: TDMCars - Citroen (114000337)...
  960. Addon up to date, mounted!
  961. Processing addon 198: TDMCars - Dodge (114001545)...
  962. Addon up to date, mounted!
  963. Processing addon 197: TDMCars - Bugatti (119146471)...
  964. Addon up to date, mounted!
  965. Processing addon 196: TDMCars - Lamborghini (119148120)...
  966. Addon up to date, mounted!
  967. Processing addon 195: TDMCars - Ferrari (119148996)...
  968. Addon up to date, mounted!
  969. Processing addon 194: TDMCars - Hudson (120765874)...
  970. Addon up to date, mounted!
  971. Processing addon 193: TDMCars - GMC (120766823)...
  972. Addon up to date, mounted!
  973. Processing addon 192: TDMCars - Mini (123455501)...
  974. Addon up to date, mounted!
  975. Processing addon 191: TDMCars - Nissan (123455885)...
  976. Addon up to date, mounted!
  977. Processing addon 190: TDMCars - Volkswagen (123456202)...
  978. Addon up to date, mounted!
  979. Processing addon 189: TDMCars - Cadillac (126920533)...
  980. Addon up to date, mounted!
  981. Processing addon 188: TDMCars - Aston Martin (126921199)...
  982. Addon up to date, mounted!
  983. Processing addon 187: Fixed CSS playermodels (130716777)...
  984. Addon up to date, mounted!
  985. Processing addon 186: TDMCars - Mitsubishi (131243694)...
  986. Addon up to date, mounted!
  987. Processing addon 185: TDMCars - Toyota (131245637)...
  988. Addon up to date, mounted!
  989. Processing addon 184: TDMCars - Mercedes (131246684)...
  990. Addon up to date, mounted!
  991. Processing addon 183: Gesture Menu & Commands (145939873)...
  992. Addon up to date, mounted!
  993. Processing addon 182: Mafia Player Models (149491742)...
  994. Addon up to date, mounted!
  995. Processing addon 181: Wiremod (160250458)...
  996. Addon up to date, mounted!
  997. Processing addon 180: Security Guard Playermodels (169011381)...
  998. Addon up to date, mounted!
  999. Processing addon 179: Vendetta Player Model (170434323)...
  1000. Addon up to date, mounted!
  1001. Processing addon 178: TDMCars - Chrysler (176984840)...
  1002. Addon up to date, mounted!
  1003. Processing addon 177: Thief Player Model (182758912)...
  1004. Addon up to date, mounted!
  1005. Processing addon 176: Deadpool Playermodel (200700693)...
  1006. Addon up to date, mounted!
  1007. Processing addon 175: TDMCars - Honda (209683096)...
  1008. Addon up to date, mounted!
  1009. Processing addon 174: TDMCars - Trailer Pack (215871671)...
  1010. Addon up to date, mounted!
  1011. Processing addon 173: GTA 5 Playermodels (216408135)...
  1012. Addon up to date, mounted!
  1013. Processing addon 172: TDMCars - McLaren (217264937)...
  1014. Addon up to date, mounted!
  1015. Processing addon 171: PermaProps (220336312)...
  1016. Addon up to date, mounted!
  1017. Processing addon 170: TDMCars - Hummer (221198333)...
  1018. Addon up to date, mounted!
  1019. Processing addon 169: TDMCars - Jeep (224183198)...
  1020. Addon up to date, mounted!
  1021. Processing addon 168: TDMCars - Multi Brand (225810491)...
  1022. Addon up to date, mounted!
  1023. Processing addon 167: TDMCars - Kia (226435666)...
  1024. Addon up to date, mounted!
  1025. Processing addon 166: TDMCars - Land Rover (230680318)...
  1026. Addon up to date, mounted!
  1027. Processing addon 165: TDMCars - Mazda (233934024)...
  1028. Addon up to date, mounted!
  1029. Processing addon 164: TDMCars - Holden (234464092)...
  1030. Addon up to date, mounted!
  1031. Processing addon 163: 238855334...
  1032. Failed to get addon info! Access Denied! Addon is banned/marked incompatible/hidden/friends only!
  1033. Processing addon 162: TDMCars - Pagani (254930849)...
  1034. Addon up to date, mounted!
  1035. Processing addon 161: TDMCars - Porsche (259899351)...
  1036. Addon up to date, mounted!
  1037. Processing addon 160: TDMCars - Scion (261961088)...
  1038. Addon up to date, mounted!
  1039. Processing addon 159: TDMCars - Subaru (266504181)...
  1040. Addon up to date, mounted!
  1041. Processing addon 158: [LW] Shared Textures (266579667)...
  1042. Addon up to date, mounted!
  1043. Processing addon 157: TDMCars - Vauxhall (272988660)...
  1044. Addon up to date, mounted!
  1045. Processing addon 156: TDMCars - Volvo (286998866)...
  1046. Addon up to date, mounted!
  1047. Processing addon 155: WATCH_DOGS: Aiden Pearce Playermodel (295788137)...
  1048. Addon up to date, mounted!
  1049. Processing addon 154: TDMCars - Shelby 1000 (303809753)...
  1050. Addon up to date, mounted!
  1051. Processing addon 153: Active Camouflage (308977650)...
  1052. Addon up to date, mounted!
  1053. Processing addon 152: 332400957...
  1054. Failed to get addon info! Access Denied! Addon is banned/marked incompatible/hidden/friends only!
  1055. Processing addon 151: VCMod Handling Editor (345123840)...
  1056. Addon up to date, mounted!
  1057. Processing addon 150: Blue's Playable Guitar (382680735)...
  1058. Addon up to date, mounted!
  1059. Processing addon 149: 420500581...
  1060. Failed to get addon info! Access Denied! Addon is banned/marked incompatible/hidden/friends only!
  1061. Processing addon 148: TDMCars - Maserati (423749944)...
  1062. Addon up to date, mounted!
  1063. Processing addon 147: [1.0] Savitar Playermodel & NPC (1111962103)...
  1064. Addon up to date, mounted!
  1065. Processing addon 146: Chicken Player Model (446122159)...
  1066. Addon up to date, mounted!
  1067. Processing addon 145: Death Sound Remover (158713291)...
  1068. Addon up to date, mounted!
  1069. Processing addon 144: Pro Keypad Cracker (328695238)...
  1070. Addon up to date, mounted!
  1071. Processing addon 143: DarkRP Pro Lockpick and Staff Lockpick (786025586)...
  1072. Addon up to date, mounted!
  1073. Processing addon 142: Customizable Weaponry 2.0 (349050451)...
  1074. Addon up to date, mounted!
  1075. Processing addon 141: M9K Specialties (144982052)...
  1076. Addon up to date, mounted!
  1077. Processing addon 140: Arkham Origins Deadshot NPC/playermodel (398976163)...
  1078. Addon up to date, mounted!
  1079. Processing addon 139: DeathStroke PlayerModel (204411482)...
  1080. Addon up to date, mounted!
  1081. Processing addon 138: Advanced Duplicator 2 (773402917)...
  1082. Addon up to date, mounted!
  1083. Processing addon 137: Improved Stacker (264467687)...
  1084. Addon up to date, mounted!
  1085. Processing addon 136: SmartSnap (104815552)...
  1086. Addon up to date, mounted!
  1087. Processing addon 135: Bitminers 2 - Server Content (877752661)...
  1088. Addon up to date, mounted!
  1089. Processing addon 134: Sickness Tow truck (263580247)...
  1090. Addon up to date, mounted!
  1091. Processing addon 133: Guncraft Content (907056173)...
  1092. Addon up to date, mounted!
  1093. Processing addon 132: Atlas Chat - Content (882310019)...
  1094. Addon up to date, mounted!
  1095. Processing addon 131: R6S: Doc P.M. and Ragdoll (574428148)...
  1096. Addon up to date, mounted!
  1097. Processing addon 130: R6S: Thatcher P.M. and Ragdoll (901439159)...
  1098. Addon up to date, mounted!
  1099. Processing addon 129: R6S: Mute P.M. and Ragdoll (901330121)...
  1100. Addon up to date, mounted!
  1101. Processing addon 128: Rainbow Six Siege - Smoke [PM, Ragdoll] (1227870039)...
  1102. Addon up to date, mounted!
  1103. Processing addon 127: Rainbow Six Siege - Rook [PM, Ragdoll] (1317204211)...
  1104. Addon up to date, mounted!
  1105. Processing addon 126: Gold, Silver & Platinum Bars (1099092539)...
  1106. Addon up to date, mounted!
  1107. Processing addon 125: CS:GO Knives SWEPs (506283460)...
  1108. Addon up to date, mounted!
  1109. Processing addon 124: CS:GO Knives - Gamma Skin Pack (709243995)...
  1110. Addon up to date, mounted!
  1111. Processing addon 123: Stuffed printers textures and models (634916767)...
  1112. Addon up to date, mounted!
  1113. Processing addon 122: Automatic Workshop Download (1256167235)...
  1114. Addon up to date, mounted!
  1115. Processing addon 121: Payday 2 NPCs and Player Models (184396116)...
  1116. Addon up to date, mounted!
  1117. Processing addon 120: Walter White Player Model Fix (332506201)...
  1118. Addon up to date, mounted!
  1119. Processing addon 119: Street art hooded pogo from Grand Theft Auto V(pm,npc) (1276411287)...
  1120. Addon up to date, mounted!
  1121. Processing addon 118: 1122991632...
  1122. Failed to get addon info! File Not Found!
  1123. Processing addon 117: GTA V/5 Police Force (356601817)...
  1124. Addon up to date, mounted!
  1125. Processing addon 116: Emergency Medical Technician (1096295606)...
  1126. Addon up to date, mounted!
  1127. Processing addon 115: GTA V Drivable Vehicles for Garry's Mod (323285641)...
  1128. Addon up to date, mounted!
  1129. Processing addon 114: MCON Materials (453186229)...
  1130. Addon up to date, mounted!
  1131. Processing addon 113: More materials (730187817)...
  1132. Addon up to date, mounted!
  1133. Processing addon 112: uWeed - Content (1379977269)...
  1134. Addon up to date, mounted!
  1135. Processing addon 111: ARCSlots Content (251070018)...
  1136. Addon up to date, mounted!
  1137. Processing addon 110: Saddam Player Model (158389649)...
  1138. Addon up to date, mounted!
  1139. Processing addon 109: Angry Hobo SWEP (158061274)...
  1140. Addon up to date, mounted!
  1141. Processing addon 108: DarkRP License plates(Models) (1221326351)...
  1142. Addon up to date, mounted!
  1143. Processing addon 107: Auto-Cleaning Decals [No ULX and more admins mod] (412608410)...
  1144. Addon up to date, mounted!
  1145. Processing addon 106: Vape SWEP (673698301)...
  1146. Addon up to date, mounted!
  1147. Processing addon 105: K1-B0 Playermodel & NPC (1235485745)...
  1148. Addon up to date, mounted!
  1149. Processing addon 104: Shadow Omega Squad Playermodels (706949615)...
  1150. Addon up to date, mounted!
  1151. Processing addon 103: Shadow Omega Squad NPCs (710133806)...
  1152. Addon up to date, mounted!
  1153. Processing addon 102: Universal Ammo! (893205646)...
  1154. Addon up to date, mounted!
  1155. Processing addon 101: Detroit:BecomeHuman Connor Sound Swep (1435198912)...
  1156. Addon up to date, mounted!
  1157. Processing addon 100: Gruppe 6 Security GTA V (1343982802)...
  1158. Addon up to date, mounted!
  1159. Processing addon 99: The Female Police (755229772)...
  1160. Addon up to date, mounted!
  1161. Processing addon 98: Terrorist Playermodels (208348503)...
  1162. Addon up to date, mounted!
  1163. Processing addon 97: Doge Playermodel (656834283)...
  1164. Addon up to date, mounted!
  1165. Processing addon 96: Doge Skin Pack (1404838085)...
  1166. Addon up to date, mounted!
  1167. Processing addon 95: Male_07 as Stanley - The Stanley Parable (288831850)...
  1168. Addon up to date, mounted!
  1169. Processing addon 94: Character & Clothes (1455944872)...
  1170. Addon up to date, mounted!
  1171. Processing addon 93: Blue's ATM - Content (1207666818)...
  1172. Addon up to date, mounted!
  1173. Processing addon 92: Xanath Printer Materials (666595887)...
  1174. Addon up to date, mounted!
  1175. Processing addon 91: Working Cinema Chairs (1445428774)...
  1176. Legacy addon downloaded, up to date, needs extracting...
  1177. Extracting...
  1178. Error! Item is not an addon!
  1179. Processing addon 90: 1950's Playermodel lua (175983422)...
  1180. Addon up to date, mounted!
  1181. Processing addon 89: Mafia playermodels (1285638548)...
  1182. Addon up to date, mounted!
  1183. Processing addon 88: Mafia Playermodels (226935476)...
  1184. Addon up to date, mounted!
  1185. Processing addon 87: Obama Playermodel [REUPLOAD | NO BACKDOOR] (964007433)...
  1186. Addon up to date, mounted!
  1187. Processing addon 86: GMod Tower: Accessories Pack (148215278)...
  1188. Addon up to date, mounted!
  1189. Processing addon 85: [GTA V] Giant Accessories Pack (572310302)...
  1190. Addon up to date, mounted!
  1191. Processing addon 84: 1471692105...
  1192. Failed to get addon info! File Not Found!
  1193. Processing addon 83: IDInventory Content (850388145)...
  1194. Addon up to date, mounted!
  1195. Processing addon 82: Steam Group Rewards (Content) (1130802813)...
  1196. Addon up to date, mounted!
  1197. Processing addon 81: Atmos - Day / Night and Weather Modification (185609021)...
  1198. Addon up to date, mounted!
  1199. Processing addon 80: Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Operation Breakout Weapon Pack (1257243225)...
  1200. Addon up to date, mounted!
  1201. Processing addon 79: Elevator Tool (733454527)...
  1202. Addon up to date, mounted!
  1203. Processing addon 78: [ScriptFodder] [#1770] HUDHive DarkRP HUD [Resources ONLY] (559048049)...
  1204. Addon up to date, mounted!
  1205. Processing addon 77: DInventory Mats (1481129141)...
  1206. Addon up to date, mounted!
  1207. Processing addon 76: M9K Assault Rifles (128089118)...
  1208. Addon up to date, mounted!
  1209. Processing addon 75: M9K Heavy Weapons (128091208)...
  1210. Addon up to date, mounted!
  1211. Processing addon 74: M9K Small Arms pack (128093075)...
  1212. Addon up to date, mounted!
  1213. Processing addon 73: Police Baton (615887479)...
  1214. Addon up to date, mounted!
  1215. Processing addon 72: Daft Punk Player Models (148628139)...
  1216. Addon up to date, mounted!
  1217. Processing addon 71: [ScriptFodder] [#3169] Amethyst F4 DarkRP Menu [Resources ONLY] (785820247)...
  1218. Addon up to date, mounted!
  1219. Processing addon 70: Roleplay Props (327281224)...
  1220. Addon up to date, mounted!
  1221. Processing addon 69: Adolf Hitler Playermodel (166165013)...
  1222. Addon up to date, mounted!
  1223. Processing addon 68: Donald Trump Playermodel (722374307)...
  1224. Addon up to date, mounted!
  1225. Processing addon 67: Food Mod (163221745)...
  1226. Addon up to date, mounted!
  1227. Processing addon 66: Food and Household items (108024198)...
  1228. Addon up to date, mounted!
  1229. Processing addon 65: Cook/chef playermodels (Male and female) (537353521)...
  1230. Addon up to date, mounted!
  1231. Processing addon 64: Don Vito Corleone (283211438)...
  1232. Addon up to date, mounted!
  1233. Processing addon 63: Don Corleone Playermodel (292042079)...
  1234. Addon up to date, mounted!
  1235. Processing addon 62: Spraypaint SWEP (676928803)...
  1236. Addon up to date, mounted!
  1237. Processing addon 61: Zar Police K9 -Playermodel | UPDATED Jul 29 (950237717)...
  1238. Addon up to date, mounted!
  1239. Processing addon 60: DogBite (157748952)...
  1240. Addon up to date, mounted!
  1241. Processing addon 59: Playable Piano (104548572)...
  1242. Addon up to date, mounted!
  1243. Processing addon 58: Tyrael playermodel (157373328)...
  1244. Addon up to date, mounted!
  1245. Processing addon 57: Cat Playermodel & Ragdoll (952118754)...
  1246. Addon up to date, mounted!
  1247. Processing addon 56: Game of Thrones - Kingsguard (890326717)...
  1248. Addon up to date, mounted!
  1249. Processing addon 55: DC Red Hood New 52 [PM/NPC] (912304203)...
  1250. Addon up to date, mounted!
  1251. Processing addon 54: Arkham City: Hush [PM/NPC] (912300854)...
  1252. Addon up to date, mounted!
  1253. Processing addon 53: CSO2 || Marie + Alt [PM/RAG/VOX] (919282030)...
  1254. Addon up to date, mounted!
  1255. Processing addon 52: Anonymous Hacker Playermodel (927779732)...
  1256. Addon up to date, mounted!
  1257. Processing addon 51: ULib (557962238)...
  1258. Addon up to date, mounted!
  1259. Processing addon 50: ULX (557962280)...
  1260. Addon up to date, mounted!
  1261. Processing addon 49: Lean Production Content (1422252662)...
  1262. Addon up to date, mounted!
  1263. Processing addon 48: rp_downtown_atraxy (1503048136)...
  1264. Addon up to date, mounted!
  1265. Processing addon 47: 1503063788...
  1266. Failed to get addon info! File Not Found!
  1267. Processing addon 46: rp_downtown_atraxy_mapcontent (1503083069)...
  1268. Addon up to date, mounted!
  1269. Processing addon 45: Ladder Tool (708225419)...
  1270. Addon up to date, mounted!
  1271. Processing addon 44: Neon physguns reskin (393830726)...
  1272. Addon up to date, mounted!
  1273. Processing addon 43: Rainbow Physgun l FAST l ULX Support (756452272)...
  1274. Addon up to date, mounted!
  1275. Processing addon 42: Vehicle Radio (1419487677)...
  1276. Addon up to date, mounted!
  1277. Processing addon 41: [Vehicle Radio] Default Stations (1423872075)...
  1278. Addon up to date, mounted!
  1279. Processing addon 40: Custom ULX Commands (718665054)...
  1280. Addon up to date, mounted!
  1281. Processing addon 39: Third Person - ULX (477224838)...
  1282. Addon up to date, mounted!
  1283. Processing addon 38: Minimal Anti Cheat (1496766186)...
  1284. Addon up to date, mounted!
  1285. Processing addon 37: 2017 Ford F-150 Raptor (802923282)...
  1286. Addon up to date, mounted!
  1287. Processing addon 36: 2013 Porsche 918 Spyder (799585135)...
  1288. Addon up to date, mounted!
  1289. Processing addon 35: 1998 Ford Crown Victoria P71 (732127148)...
  1290. Addon up to date, mounted!
  1291. Processing addon 34: 2012 Carbon Motors E7 (655193859)...
  1292. Addon up to date, mounted!
  1293. Processing addon 33: 2015 Lamborghini Asterion (654965383)...
  1294. Addon up to date, mounted!
  1295. Processing addon 32: 2014 Lamborghini Veneno + Police (653745983)...
  1296. Addon up to date, mounted!
  1297. Processing addon 31: Ford F350 Police Truck (569676969)...
  1298. Addon up to date, mounted!
  1299. Processing addon 30: turrys turbochurged wheelchur (487748977)...
  1300. Addon up to date, mounted!
  1301. Processing addon 29: Heavy Duty Vehicle Pack (266177912)...
  1302. Addon up to date, mounted!
  1303. Processing addon 28: SGM Shared Textures (218869210)...
  1304. Addon up to date, mounted!
  1305. Processing addon 27: 2012 Lamborghini Aventador Lambosine (198479371)...
  1306. Addon up to date, mounted!
  1307. Processing addon 26: Ferrari F1 (139151773)...
  1308. Addon up to date, mounted!
  1309. Processing addon 25: 1980s Recreational Vehicle (207758856)...
  1310. Addon up to date, mounted!
  1311. Processing addon 24: 2011 Koenigsegg Agera (289996459)...
  1312. Addon up to date, mounted!
  1313. Processing addon 23: 1982 Porsche 911 Turbo (385485184)...
  1314. Addon up to date, mounted!
  1315. Processing addon 22: 2010 Spada Codatronca TS (385490712)...
  1316. Addon up to date, mounted!
  1317. Processing addon 21: 2016 Porsche Cayman GT4 (391481950)...
  1318. Addon up to date, mounted!
  1319. Processing addon 20: 1964 Chevrolet Impala SS (388947812)...
  1320. Addon up to date, mounted!
  1321. Processing addon 19: Knight Playermodel (105153463)...
  1322. Addon up to date, mounted!
  1323. Processing addon 18: [Skyrim] Nightingale Playermodel & Ragdoll (852192700)...
  1324. Addon up to date, mounted!
  1325. Processing addon 17: Splinter Cell: Blacklist Chemsuit Goons (243665786)...
  1326. Addon up to date, mounted!
  1327. Processing addon 16: Keypad Tool and Cracker with Wire Support (108424005)...
  1328. Addon up to date, mounted!
  1329. Processing addon 15: TylerB's Shipment E2 Functions (v1) (217722743)...
  1330. Addon up to date, mounted!
  1331. Processing addon 14: TylerB's moneyRequest E2 Functions (v1) (259174593)...
  1332. Addon up to date, mounted!
  1333. Processing addon 13: Modern Trails for Pointshop (297507173)...
  1334. Addon up to date, mounted!
  1335. Processing addon 12: Resident Evil - HUNK Playermodel (166239934)...
  1336. Addon up to date, mounted!
  1337. Processing addon 11: Dark Souls: Darkwraith (370820630)...
  1338. Addon up to date, mounted!
  1339. Processing addon 10: Shadow Mewtwo Pokken =Myself Player model and NPC pokemon (713217925)...
  1340. Addon up to date, mounted!
  1341. Processing addon 9: Bodygroup Wardrobe (1491950332)...
  1342. Addon up to date, mounted!
  1343. Processing addon 8: TDMCars - Murica Truck pack (195481065)...
  1344. Addon up to date, mounted!
  1345. Processing addon 7: TDMCars - Emergency Vehicles pack (349281554)...
  1346. Addon up to date, mounted!
  1347. Processing addon 6: TDMCars - Alfa Romeo (469162158)...
  1348. Addon up to date, mounted!
  1349. Processing addon 5: TDMCars - European Trucks Pack (469173046)...
  1350. Addon up to date, mounted!
  1351. Processing addon 4: TDM's Prop Pack (489864412)...
  1352. Addon up to date, mounted!
  1353. Processing addon 3: TDMCars - Lexus (494665724)...
  1354. Addon up to date, mounted!
  1355. Processing addon 2: TDMCars - Jaguar (556698122)...
  1356. Addon up to date, mounted!
  1357. Processing addon 1: TDMCars - Pontiac (556706101)...
  1358. Addon up to date, mounted!
  1359. WS: Finished!
  1360. Adding Filesystem Addon '/home/container/garrysmod/addons/!!!cb-lib'
  1361. Adding Filesystem Addon '/home/container/garrysmod/addons/__blib'
  1362. Adding Filesystem Addon '/home/container/garrysmod/addons/_blogs-remastered-20'
  1363. Adding Filesystem Addon '/home/container/garrysmod/addons/acrashscreen'
  1364. Adding Filesystem Addon '/home/container/garrysmod/addons/adminpopups'
  1365. Adding Filesystem Addon '/home/container/garrysmod/addons/advdupe2'
  1366. Adding Filesystem Addon '/home/container/garrysmod/addons/advertfix'
  1367. Adding Filesystem Addon '/home/container/garrysmod/addons/amethyst'
  1368. Adding Filesystem Addon '/home/container/garrysmod/addons/aniqload'
  1369. Adding Filesystem Addon '/home/container/garrysmod/addons/ascoreboard'
  1370. Adding Filesystem Addon '/home/container/garrysmod/addons/atlaschat'
  1371. Adding Filesystem Addon '/home/container/garrysmod/addons/awarn2'
  1372. Adding Filesystem Addon '/home/container/garrysmod/addons/bitminers2'
  1373. Adding Filesystem Addon '/home/container/garrysmod/addons/blues-atm'
  1374. Adding Filesystem Addon '/home/container/garrysmod/addons/blues-double-or-nothing'
  1375. Adding Filesystem Addon '/home/container/garrysmod/addons/casinokit'
  1376. Adding Filesystem Addon '/home/container/garrysmod/addons/casinokit-holdem'
  1377. Adding Filesystem Addon '/home/container/garrysmod/addons/casinokit-roulette'
  1378. Adding Filesystem Addon '/home/container/garrysmod/addons/coin_flips'
  1379. Adding Filesystem Addon '/home/container/garrysmod/addons/crident-anticrash'
  1380. Adding Filesystem Addon '/home/container/garrysmod/addons/darkrpmodification'
  1381. Adding Filesystem Addon '/home/container/garrysmod/addons/darkrptowtruckdriverjob'
  1382. Adding Filesystem Addon '/home/container/garrysmod/addons/door_display'
  1383. Adding Filesystem Addon '/home/container/garrysmod/addons/executioner'
  1384. Adding Filesystem Addon '/home/container/garrysmod/addons/fplib'
  1385. Adding Filesystem Addon '/home/container/garrysmod/addons/garrysmod-nlr-zone'
  1386. Adding Filesystem Addon '/home/container/garrysmod/addons/guncraft'
  1387. Adding Filesystem Addon '/home/container/garrysmod/addons/hats_hook'
  1388. Adding Filesystem Addon '/home/container/garrysmod/addons/hudhive'
  1389. Adding Filesystem Addon '/home/container/garrysmod/addons/idinventory'
  1390. Adding Filesystem Addon '/home/container/garrysmod/addons/jreservio'
  1391. Adding Filesystem Addon '/home/container/garrysmod/addons/keypad cracker'
  1392. Adding Filesystem Addon '/home/container/garrysmod/addons/kidnapping_mod'
  1393. Adding Filesystem Addon '/home/container/garrysmod/addons/lean_prod'
  1394. Adding Filesystem Addon '/home/container/garrysmod/addons/libk'
  1395. Adding Filesystem Addon '/home/container/garrysmod/addons/license_plates'
  1396. Adding Filesystem Addon '/home/container/garrysmod/addons/media_player_546392647'
  1397. Adding Filesystem Addon '/home/container/garrysmod/addons/michael_color_printer'
  1398. Adding Filesystem Addon '/home/container/garrysmod/addons/pac3-master'
  1399. Adding Filesystem Addon '/home/container/garrysmod/addons/perfect_vault'
  1400. Adding Filesystem Addon '/home/container/garrysmod/addons/pointshop2'
  1401. Adding Filesystem Addon '/home/container/garrysmod/addons/policebaton'
  1402. Adding Filesystem Addon '/home/container/garrysmod/addons/prometheus'
  1403. Adding Filesystem Addon '/home/container/garrysmod/addons/ps2-boosters'
  1404. Adding Filesystem Addon '/home/container/garrysmod/addons/ps2-permaweaps'
  1405. Adding Filesystem Addon '/home/container/garrysmod/addons/ps2-rewards'
  1406. Adding Filesystem Addon '/home/container/garrysmod/addons/rainbowphys'
  1407. Adding Filesystem Addon '/home/container/garrysmod/addons/sh_accessory_system'
  1408. Adding Filesystem Addon '/home/container/garrysmod/addons/smartpropcontrol'
  1409. Adding Filesystem Addon '/home/container/garrysmod/addons/stacker'
  1410. Adding Filesystem Addon '/home/container/garrysmod/addons/steamgroup_rewards'
  1411. Adding Filesystem Addon '/home/container/garrysmod/addons/ulib'
  1412. Adding Filesystem Addon '/home/container/garrysmod/addons/ulx'
  1413. Adding Filesystem Addon '/home/container/garrysmod/addons/und-ulx-20170213'
  1414. Adding Filesystem Addon '/home/container/garrysmod/addons/unisec'
  1415. Adding Filesystem Addon '/home/container/garrysmod/addons/uweed'
  1416. Adding Filesystem Addon '/home/container/garrysmod/addons/vcmod_els_autoupdate'
  1417. Adding Filesystem Addon '/home/container/garrysmod/addons/vcmod_main_autoupdate'
  1418. Adding Filesystem Addon '/home/container/garrysmod/addons/zvendor'
  1419. Unknown command "cl_cmdrate"
  1420. Unknown command "cl_updaterate"
  1421. Unknown command "rate"
  1422. Changing gamemode to DarkRP (darkrp)
  1423. Network: IP, mode MP, dedicated Yes, ports 27015 SV / 27005 CL
  1424. PREP OK
  1425. SOLID_VPHYSICS static prop with no vphysics model! (models/props_foliage/hedgerow01_small-bushy.mdl)
  1426. SOLID_VPHYSICS static prop with no vphysics model! (models/props_foliage/tree_deciduous_card_01_skybox.mdl)
  1427. SOLID_VPHYSICS static prop with no vphysics model! (models/props/de_dust/du_antenna_a_skybox.mdl)
  1428. SOLID_VPHYSICS static prop with no vphysics model! (models/props_foliage/tree_pine_card_cluster_02_skybox.mdl)
  1429. SOLID_VPHYSICS static prop with no vphysics model! (models/props_radiostation/radio_antenna01_skybox.mdl)
  1430. SOLID_VPHYSICS static prop with no vphysics model! (models/props_foliage/hedgerow01_large-bushy.mdl)
  1431. SOLID_VPHYSICS static prop with no vphysics model! (models/props_foliage/hedgerow01_large-bushy.mdl)
  1432. SOLID_VPHYSICS static prop with no vphysics model! (models/props_foliage/hedgerow01_large-bushy.mdl)
  1433. SOLID_VPHYSICS static prop with no vphysics model! (models/props_foliage/mall_bush01.mdl)
  1434. SOLID_VPHYSICS static prop with no vphysics model! (models/props_foliage/mall_bush01.mdl)
  1435. SOLID_VPHYSICS static prop with no vphysics model! (models/props_foliage/mall_bush01.mdl)
  1436. SOLID_VPHYSICS static prop with no vphysics model! (models/props_foliage/mall_bush01.mdl)
  1437. SOLID_VPHYSICS static prop with no vphysics model! (models/props_foliage/mall_bush01.mdl)
  1438. SOLID_VPHYSICS static prop with no vphysics model! (models/props/de_train/railroadtrackslong.mdl)
  1439. SOLID_VPHYSICS static prop with no vphysics model! (models/props/de_train/railroadtrackslong.mdl)
  1440. SOLID_VPHYSICS static prop with no vphysics model! (models/props_foliage/hedgerow01_large-bushy.mdl)
  1441. ....................................................................
  1442. [title]........... Amethyst
  1443. [build]........... v1.4.0
  1444. [released]........ March 27, 2017
  1445. [author].......... Richard & Nymphie
  1446. [website].........
  1447. [documentation]...
  1448. [owner]........... 76561198059527522
  1449. [server ip].......
  1450. ....................................................................
  1451. [Amethyst] Loading Shared: sh_conf_themes.lua
  1452. [Amethyst] Loading Shared: sh_conf_tabs.lua
  1453. [Amethyst] Loading Shared: sh_conf_statistics.lua
  1454. [Amethyst] Loading Shared: sh_conf_plugins.lua
  1455. [Amethyst] Loading Shared: sh_conf_permissions.lua
  1456. [Amethyst] Loading Shared: sh_conf_motd.lua
  1457. [Amethyst] Loading Shared: sh_conf_main.lua
  1458. [Amethyst] Loading Shared: sh_conf_language.lua
  1459. [Amethyst] Loading Shared: sh_conf_entities.lua
  1460. [Amethyst] Loading Shared: sh_conf_community.lua
  1461. [Amethyst] Loading Shared: sh_conf_commandblocks.lua
  1462. [Amethyst] Loading Shared: sh_util.lua
  1463. [Amethyst] Loading Shared: sh_theme_failsafe.lua
  1464. [Amethyst] Loading Shared: sh_rlib.lua
  1465. [Amethyst] Loading Shared: sh_internal.lua
  1466. [Amethyst] Loading Shared: sh_init.lua
  1467. [Amethyst] Loading Shared: sh_helpers.lua
  1468. [Amethyst] Loading Shared: sh_glon.lua
  1469. [Amethyst]-> Plugin [Pointshop] detected.
  1470. [Amethyst] Loading Shared: sh_plugins_ps2.lua
  1471. [Amethyst] Loading Shared: sh_default.lua
  1472. [Amethyst] Loading Shared: sh_crimson.lua
  1473. [Amethyst] Loading Server: sv_init.lua
  1474. [Amethyst] Loading Client: cl_notification.lua
  1475. [Amethyst] Loading Client: cl_networking.lua
  1476. [Amethyst] Loading Client: cl_init.lua
  1477. [Amethyst] Loading Client: cl_helpers.lua
  1478. [Amethyst] Loading Client: cl_fonts_custom.lua
  1479. [Amethyst] Loading Client: cl_fonts.lua
  1480. [Amethyst] Loading Client: cl_stab_shop_c.lua
  1481. [Amethyst] Loading Client: cl_stab_shop.lua
  1482. [Amethyst] Loading Client: cl_stab_plugins.lua
  1483. [Amethyst] Loading Client: cl_stab_home.lua
  1484. [Amethyst] Loading Client: cl_stab_community.lua
  1485. [Amethyst] Loading Client: cl_stab_commands.lua
  1486. [Amethyst] Loading Client: cl_tab_weapons.lua
  1487. [Amethyst] Loading Client: cl_tab_vehicles.lua
  1488. [Amethyst] Loading Client: cl_tab_shipments.lua
  1489. [Amethyst] Loading Client: cl_tab_settings.lua
  1490. [Amethyst] Loading Client: cl_tab_logs.lua
  1491. [Amethyst] Loading Client: cl_tab_jobs.lua
  1492. [Amethyst] Loading Client: cl_tab_food.lua
  1493. [Amethyst] Loading Client: cl_tab_entities.lua
  1494. [Amethyst] Loading Client: cl_tab_dashboard.lua
  1495. [Amethyst] Loading Client: cl_tab_ammo.lua
  1496. [Amethyst] Loading Client: cl_ui_themeselect.lua
  1497. [Amethyst] Loading Client: cl_ui_slider.lua
  1498. [Amethyst] Loading Client: cl_ui_scrollbar.lua
  1499. [Amethyst] Loading Client: cl_ui_itemlist.lua
  1500. [Amethyst] Loading Client: cl_ui_header.lua
  1501. [Amethyst] Loading Client: cl_ui_categories.lua
  1502. [Amethyst] Loading Client: cl_ui_avatar.lua
  1503. [Amethyst] Loading Client: cl_ui_amodel.lua
  1504. [Amethyst] Loading Material: amethyst_button_announcements.png
  1505. [Amethyst] Loading Material: amethyst_button_console.png
  1506. [Amethyst] Loading Material: amethyst_button_disconnect.png
  1507. [Amethyst] Loading Material: amethyst_button_donate.png
  1508. [Amethyst] Loading Material: amethyst_button_forums.png
  1509. [Amethyst] Loading Material: amethyst_button_group.png
  1510. [Amethyst] Loading Material: amethyst_button_rules.png
  1511. [Amethyst] Loading Material: amethyst_button_staff.png
  1512. [Amethyst] Loading Material: amethyst_button_steam.png
  1513. [Amethyst] Loading Material: amethyst_button_streamers.png
  1514. [Amethyst] Loading Material: amethyst_button_website.png
  1515. [Amethyst] Loading Material: amethyst_button_workshop.png
  1516. [Amethyst] Loading Material: amethyst_gui_action_resetdefaults.png
  1517. [Amethyst] Loading Material: amethyst_gui_action_updatestats.png
  1518. [Amethyst] Loading Material: amethyst_gui_button_cart.png
  1519. [Amethyst] Loading Material: amethyst_gui_button_max.png
  1520. [Amethyst] Loading Material: amethyst_gui_button_noafford.png
  1521. [Amethyst] Loading Material: amethyst_gui_category_docollapse.png
  1522. [Amethyst] Loading Material: amethyst_gui_category_doexpand.png
  1523. [Amethyst] Loading Material: amethyst_gui_check.png
  1524. [Amethyst] Loading Material: amethyst_gui_complete.png
  1525. [Amethyst] Loading Material: amethyst_gui_datablocks_armor.png
  1526. [Amethyst] Loading Material: amethyst_gui_datablocks_health.png
  1527. [Amethyst] Loading Material: amethyst_gui_datablocks_healthalt.png
  1528. [Amethyst] Loading Material: amethyst_gui_datablocks_hunger.png
  1529. [Amethyst] Loading Material: amethyst_gui_datablocks_stamina.png
  1530. [Amethyst] Loading Material: amethyst_gui_datablocks_xp.png
  1531. [Amethyst] Loading Material: amethyst_gui_help.png
  1532. [Amethyst] Loading Material: amethyst_gui_ia_dashboard.png
  1533. [Amethyst] Loading Material: amethyst_gui_ia_exit.png
  1534. [Amethyst] Loading Material: amethyst_gui_ia_refreshui.png
  1535. [Amethyst] Loading Material: amethyst_gui_ia_settings.png
  1536. [Amethyst] Loading Material: amethyst_gui_incomplete.png
  1537. [Amethyst] Loading Material: amethyst_gui_jobstatus_become.png
  1538. [Amethyst] Loading Material: amethyst_gui_jobstatus_donate.png
  1539. [Amethyst] Loading Material: amethyst_gui_jobstatus_vote.png
  1540. [Amethyst] Loading Material: amethyst_gui_paneltexture.jpg
  1541. [Amethyst] Loading Material: amethyst_gui_pattern.png
  1542. [Amethyst] Loading Material: amethyst_gui_point.png
  1543. [Amethyst] Loading Material: amethyst_gui_qtip.png
  1544. [Amethyst] Loading Material: amethyst_gui_statistics_action_bulletsfired.png
  1545. [Amethyst] Loading Material: amethyst_gui_statistics_action_connections.png
  1546. [Amethyst] Loading Material: amethyst_gui_statistics_action_damageinf.png
  1547. [Amethyst] Loading Material: amethyst_gui_statistics_action_damagetaken.png
  1548. [Amethyst] Loading Material: amethyst_gui_statistics_action_deaths.png
  1549. [Amethyst] Loading Material: amethyst_gui_statistics_action_duck.png
  1550. [Amethyst] Loading Material: amethyst_gui_statistics_action_jobswitches.png
  1551. [Amethyst] Loading Material: amethyst_gui_statistics_action_jumps.png
  1552. [Amethyst] Loading Material: amethyst_gui_statistics_action_kills.png
  1553. [Amethyst] Loading Material: amethyst_gui_statistics_action_messages.png
  1554. [Amethyst] Loading Material: amethyst_gui_statistics_action_reloads.png
  1555. [Amethyst] Loading Material: amethyst_gui_statistics_action_steps.png
  1556. [Amethyst] Loading Material: amethyst_gui_statistics_action_use.png
  1557. [Amethyst] Loading Material: amethyst_gui_subinfo_funds.png
  1558. [Amethyst] Loading Material: amethyst_gui_subinfo_job.png
  1559. [Amethyst] Loading Material: amethyst_gui_subinfo_map.png
  1560. [Amethyst] Loading Material: amethyst_gui_subinfo_points.png
  1561. [Amethyst] Loading Material: amethyst_gui_subinfo_steam.png
  1562. [Amethyst] Loading Material: amethyst_gui_subinfo_utime.png
  1563. [Amethyst] Loading Material: amethyst_gui_subinfo_wallet.png
  1564. [Amethyst] Loading Material: amethyst_gui_theme.png
  1565. [Amethyst] Loading Material: amethyst_gui_x.png
  1566. [Amethyst] Loading Material: amethyst_mnu_ammo.png
  1567. [Amethyst] Loading Material: amethyst_mnu_entities.png
  1568. [Amethyst] Loading Material: amethyst_mnu_food.png
  1569. [Amethyst] Loading Material: amethyst_mnu_home.png
  1570. [Amethyst] Loading Material: amethyst_mnu_jobs.png
  1571. [Amethyst] Loading Material: amethyst_mnu_shipments.png
  1572. [Amethyst] Loading Material: amethyst_mnu_vehicles.png
  1573. [Amethyst] Loading Material: amethyst_mnu_weapons.png
  1574. [Amethyst] Loading Material: amethyst_stream_logo_twitch.png
  1575. [Amethyst] Loading Material: amethyst_ui_next.png
  1576. [Amethyst] Loading Material: amethyst_ui_prev.png
  1577. [Amethyst] Loading Material: 1.png
  1578. [Amethyst] Loading Material: 10.png
  1579. [Amethyst] Loading Material: 11.png
  1580. [Amethyst] Loading Material: 12.png
  1581. [Amethyst] Loading Material: 13.png
  1582. [Amethyst] Loading Material: 14.png
  1583. [Amethyst] Loading Material: 15.png
  1584. [Amethyst] Loading Material: 16.png
  1585. [Amethyst] Loading Material: 17.png
  1586. [Amethyst] Loading Material: 18.png
  1587. [Amethyst] Loading Material: 19.png
  1588. [Amethyst] Loading Material: 2.png
  1589. [Amethyst] Loading Material: 20.png
  1590. [Amethyst] Loading Material: 21.png
  1591. [Amethyst] Loading Material: 22.png
  1592. [Amethyst] Loading Material: 23.png
  1593. [Amethyst] Loading Material: 24.png
  1594. [Amethyst] Loading Material: 25.png
  1595. [Amethyst] Loading Material: 26.png
  1596. [Amethyst] Loading Material: 27.png
  1597. [Amethyst] Loading Material: 28.png
  1598. [Amethyst] Loading Material: 29.png
  1599. [Amethyst] Loading Material: 3.png
  1600. [Amethyst] Loading Material: 4.png
  1601. [Amethyst] Loading Material: 5.png
  1602. [Amethyst] Loading Material: 6.png
  1603. [Amethyst] Loading Material: 7.png
  1604. [Amethyst] Loading Material: 8.png
  1605. [Amethyst] Loading Material: 9.png
  1606. [Amethyst] Loading Material: amethyst_ffx_circles.png
  1607. [Amethyst] Loading Material: amethyst_ffx_gradients.png
  1608. [Amethyst] Loading Material: amethyst_ffx_outlines.png
  1609. [Amethyst] Loading Material: amethyst_plugin_achievements.png
  1610. [Amethyst] Loading Material: amethyst_plugin_documentation.png
  1611. [Amethyst] Loading Material: amethyst_plugin_pointshop.png
  1612. [Amethyst] Loading Material: streamer_iamrichardt.png
  1613. [Amethyst] Loading Material: streamer_nymphie.png
  1614. [Amethyst] Loading Font: oswald_light.ttf
  1615. [Amethyst] Loading Font: robotocondensedlight.ttf
  1616. [Amethyst] Loading Font: teko_light.ttf
  1617. [Amethyst] Loading Font: titillium_web.light.ttf
  1618. [Amethyst] Loading Font: titillium_web.thin.ttf
  1619. [Amethyst] Loading Font: venus_rising.regular.ttf
  1620. [Amethyst] Mounting Workshop: 413864640
  1621. ###########################################################
  1622. _ _
  1623. | | | |
  1624. | |__ | | ___ __ _ ___
  1625. | '_ \| | / _ \ / _` / __|
  1626. | |_) | |___| (_) | (_| \__ \
  1627. |_.__/|______\___/ \__, |___/
  1628. __/ |
  1629. |___/
  1630. Remastered-20
  1631. Licensed to 76561198059527522
  1632. ###########################################################
  1633. [bLogs] Loading modules...
  1634. [bLogs] Waiting for gamemode initalization...
  1635. [bLogs] Waiting for a player to join the server...
  1636. [bLogs] If nothing happens after this, another addon is interfering.
  1637. ....................................................................
  1638. [title]........... HUDHive
  1639. [build]........... v1.3.6
  1640. [released]........ July 25, 2016
  1641. [author].......... Richard
  1642. [website].........
  1643. [documentation]...
  1644. [owner]........... 76561198059527522
  1645. [server ip].......
  1646. ....................................................................
  1647. [LibK] Loading SHARED file: 0_sh_middleclass.lua
  1648. [LibK] Loading SHARED file: 1_sh_promises.lua
  1649. [LibK] Loading SHARED file: 2_sh_libk.lua
  1650. [LibK] Loading SHARED file: sh_KPlayer.lua
  1651. [LibK] Loading SHARED file: sh_Singleton.lua
  1652. [LibK] Loading SHARED file: sh_addonloader.lua
  1653. [LibK] Loading SHARED file: sh_debug.lua
  1654. [LibK] Loading SHARED file: sh_easing.lua
  1655. [LibK] Loading SHARED file: sh_logger.lua
  1656. [LibK] Loading SHARED file: sh_permissionInterface.lua
  1657. [LibK] Loading SHARED file: sh_thirdparty.lua
  1658. GLib : Adding glib/* to virtual lua pack... done (228 total files, 2.08 s)
  1659. LibK uses vnet by vercas (Copyright 2014 Alexandru-Mihai Maftei), MIT licensed
  1660. [LibK] Loading SHARED file: sh_underscore.lua
  1661. [LibK] Loading SHARED file: sh_util.lua
  1662. [LibK] Loading SERVER file: sv_database_transaction.lua
  1663. [LibK] Loading SERVER file: sv_libk_BaseController.lua
  1664. [LibK] Loading SERVER file: sv_libk_config.lua
  1665. [LibK] Loading SERVER file: sv_libk_database.lua
  1666. [LibK] Loading SERVER file: sv_libk_model.lua
  1667. [LibK] Loading SERVER file: sv_libk_player.lua
  1668. [LibK] Loading SERVER file: sv_libk_server.lua
  1669. [LibK] Loading SERVER file: sv_libk_util.lua
  1670. [LibK] Loading SERVER file: sv_permissionInterface.lua
  1671. [LibK] Loading SERVER file: sv_versioning.lua
  1672. [LibK] MANUAL: Loading file: libk/shared/sh_KPlayer.lua
  1673. LibK by Kamshak loaded
  1674. [AddCSLuaFile] Couldn't find 'autorun/addwheelstolistbasic.lua' (@lua/autorun/addwheelstolist_tdm.lua (line 1))
  1675. Atlas chat version 2.4.2 has loaded!
  1676. Couldn't include file 'includes/modules/tmysql4.lua' (File not found) (@addons/sh_accessory_system/lua/accessory/sv_database.lua (line 14))
  1677. [IDInv] Verifying language en - English:
  1678. [IDInv] Finished verifying language en - English!
  1679. [IDInv] Verifying language fr - French:
  1680. [IDInv] Finished verifying language fr - French!
  1681. [IDInv] Verifying language cn - 中文 (Chinese):
  1682. [IDInv] Invalid/non-existent translator key: enterdepwith
  1683. [IDInv] Invalid/non-existent translator key: openbank
  1684. [IDInv] Invalid/non-existent translator key: inventory
  1685. [IDInv] Invalid/non-existent translator: options
  1686. [IDInv] Invalid/non-existent translator: shop
  1687. [IDInv] Invalid/non-existent translator key: endimerge
  1688. [IDInv] Invalid/non-existent translator key: selectcolorscheme
  1689. [IDInv] Invalid/non-existent translator key: selectlanguage
  1690. [IDInv] Invalid/non-existent translator key: selectmenukey
  1691. [IDInv] Invalid/non-existent translator key: endinotifs
  1692. [IDInv] Invalid/non-existent translator key: endirmodels
  1693. [IDInv] Invalid/non-existent translator key: notenoughtodeposit
  1694. [IDInv] Invalid/non-existent translator key: swapped
  1695. [IDInv] Invalid/non-existent translator key: wasgivena
  1696. [IDInv] Invalid/non-existent translator key: increaseinventoryspace
  1697. [IDInv] Invalid/non-existent translator key: no
  1698. [IDInv] Invalid/non-existent translator key: toslot
  1699. [IDInv] Invalid/non-existent translator key: notenoughcash
  1700. [IDInv] Invalid/non-existent translator key: yes
  1701. [IDInv] Invalid/non-existent translator key: pickedupitem
  1702. [IDInv] Invalid/non-existent translator key: destroyitem_undoable
  1703. [IDInv] Invalid/non-existent translator key: tostack
  1704. [IDInv] Invalid/non-existent translator key: merged
  1705. [IDInv] Invalid/non-existent translator key: youpurchasedamount
  1706. [IDInv] Invalid/non-existent translator key: afkinterest
  1707. [IDInv] Invalid/non-existent translator key: notenoughtowithdraw
  1708. [IDInv] Invalid/non-existent translator key: destroyed
  1709. [IDInv] Invalid/non-existent translator key: pickedupa
  1710. [IDInv] Invalid/non-existent translator key: interestnotif
  1711. [IDInv] Invalid/non-existent translator key: toastackof
  1712. [IDInv] Invalid/non-existent translator key: notenoughpoints
  1713. [IDInv] Invalid/non-existent translator key: needvalidnumber
  1714. [IDInv] Invalid/non-existent translator key: cantdestroy
  1715. [IDInv] Invalid/non-existent translator key: cantdropadmin
  1716. [IDInv] Invalid/non-existent translator key: cantuse
  1717. [IDInv] Invalid/non-existent translator key: mergeitems
  1718. [IDInv] Invalid/non-existent translator key: notallowedpickup
  1719. [IDInv] Invalid/non-existent translator key: youpurchased
  1720. [IDInv] Invalid/non-existent translator key: nospace
  1721. [IDInv] Invalid/non-existent translator key: slotsfilled
  1722. [IDInv] Finished verifying language cn - 中文 (Chinese)!
  1723. [IDInv] Verifying language de - German:
  1724. [IDInv] Invalid/non-existent translator key: notallowedpickup
  1725. [IDInv] Finished verifying language de - German!
  1726. [IDInv] Reloaded and verified all languages!
  1727. [IDInv] Server SQL Table (IDInv_Data) exists, continuing.
  1728. Couldn't include file 'includes/modules/cryptrandom.lua' (File not found) (<nowhere>)
  1729. ######################
  1730. # WARNING
  1731. # Currently using insecure method of random number generation.
  1732. # This makes it trivial for a malicious actor to cheat the system
  1733. # (for example accurately guess the contents of a shuffled deck)
  1734. # This allows said person to cheat the system without trace!
  1735. # Games will continue working normally, but it is VERY highly advised
  1736. # to install the secure random number generation module.
  1737. # Type 'casinokit_cryptohelp' in RCON (the console you're reading right
  1738. # now) for installation instructions.
  1739. ######################
  1740. [CB-LIB][INFO] Finished loading CB-LIB server-side
  1741. |----------|
  1742. [FPLib_SV]: Intializing serverside:
  1743. |----------|
  1744. [FPLib_SV]: Adding clientside files...
  1745. [FPLib_SV]: fplib_config.lua added.
  1746. [FPLib_SV]: fplib/notification.lua added.
  1747. [FPLib_SV]: fplib/cl_fonts.lua added.
  1748. [FPLib_SV]: smartchat/cl_smartchat.lua added.
  1749. [FPLib_SV]: Adding serverside files...
  1750. [FPLib_SV]: fplib_config.lua added.
  1751. [FPLib_SV]: fplib/notification.lua added.
  1752. [FPLib_SV]: fplib/remotelua.lua added.
  1753. [FPLib_SV]: fplib/json.lua added.
  1754. [FPLib_SV]: smartchat/smartchat.lua added.
  1755. |----------|
  1756. [FPLib_SV]: Serverside intialization complete!
  1757. |----------|
  1758. |----------|
  1759. [FPLib_SV]: Initalizing FPVGUI:
  1760. |----------|
  1761. [FPVGUI_SV]: Intializing serverside:
  1762. [FPVGUI_SV]: Adding clientside files...
  1763. [FPVGUI_SV]: base.lua added.
  1764. [FPVGUI_SV]: closeButton.lua added.
  1765. [FPVGUI_SV]: frame.lua added.
  1766. [FPVGUI_SV]: button.lua added.
  1767. [FPVGUI_SV]: label.lua added.
  1768. [FPVGUI_SV]: panel.lua added.
  1769. [FPVGUI_SV]: scrollPanel.lua added.
  1770. [FPVGUI_SV]: legacy_frame.lua added.
  1771. [FPVGUI_SV]: legacy_button.lua added.
  1772. [FPVGUI_SV]: legacy_label.lua added.
  1773. [FPVGUI_SV]: Serverside intialization complete!
  1774. |----------|
  1775. [FPLib_SV]: Initialization complete!
  1776. |----------|
  1777. |----------|
  1778. [GC_SV]: Intializing serverside:
  1779. |----------|
  1780. [GC_SV]: Adding clientside files...
  1781. [GC_SV]: guncraft_config.lua added.
  1782. [GC_SV]: guncraft/sh_weaponincluder.lua added.
  1783. [GC_SV]: guncraft_weapons.lua added.
  1784. [GC_SV]: guncraft/sh_base.lua added.
  1785. [GC_SV]: guncraft/cl_workbench.lua added.
  1786. [GC_SV]: guncraft/cl_npc.lua added.
  1787. [GC_SV]: guncraft/sh_darkrp.lua added.
  1788. [GC_SV]: Adding serverside files...
  1789. [GC_SV]: guncraft_config.lua added.
  1790. [GC_SV]: guncraft/sh_weaponincluder.lua added.
  1791. [GC_SV]: guncraft_weapons.lua added.
  1792. [GC_SV]: guncraft/database.lua added.
  1793. [GC_SV]: guncraft/sh_base.lua added.
  1794. [GC_SV]: guncraft/workbench.lua added.
  1795. [GC_SV]: guncraft/npc.lua added.
  1796. [GC_SV]: guncraft/dev.lua added.
  1797. [GC_SV]: guncraft/chat.lua added.
  1798. [GC_SV]: guncraft/sh_darkrp.lua added.
  1799. |----------|
  1800. [GC_SV]: Serverside intialization complete!
  1801. |----------|
  1802. |----------|
  1803. [GC_SV]: Initalizing FPVGUI:
  1804. |----------|
  1805. [FPVGUI_SV]: Intializing serverside:
  1806. [FPVGUI_SV]: Adding clientside files...
  1807. [FPVGUI_SV]: base.lua added.
  1808. [FPVGUI_SV]: closeButton.lua added.
  1809. [FPVGUI_SV]: frame.lua added.
  1810. [FPVGUI_SV]: button.lua added.
  1811. [FPVGUI_SV]: label.lua added.
  1812. [FPVGUI_SV]: panel.lua added.
  1813. [FPVGUI_SV]: scrollPanel.lua added.
  1814. [FPVGUI_SV]: legacy_frame.lua added.
  1815. [FPVGUI_SV]: legacy_button.lua added.
  1816. [FPVGUI_SV]: legacy_label.lua added.
  1817. [FPVGUI_SV]: Serverside intialization complete!
  1818. |----------|
  1819. [GC_SV]: Initialization complete!
  1820. |----------|
  1821. [1964 Chevrolet Impala SS] lua/autorun/impala.lua:54: attempt to call global 'VC_MakeScripts' (a nil value)
  1822. 1. unknown - lua/autorun/impala.lua:54
  1823. [Lean Procuction] Serverside loaded successfully
  1824. [Lean Procuction] Full Loaded
  1825. Weapon Strip con var created
  1826. Penetration/ricochet con var created
  1827. Recoil con var created
  1828. Ammo crate detonation con var created
  1829. Damage Multiplier con var created
  1830. Default Clip con var created
  1831. Unique Slots con var created
  1832. Explosive Nerve Gas con var created
  1833. Davy Crockett timer created
  1834. Loading 'mediaplayer' addon...
  1835. -------------------------------
  1836. - NLR Zones by thelastpenguin -
  1837. -------------------------------
  1838. [PAC3] Loaded total 23 particle systems
  1839. /====================================\
  1840. || PlayX ||
  1841. ||----------------------------------||
  1842. || Version 2.8.23 ||
  1843. || Updated on 2017-05-26 06:00 PM ||
  1844. \====================================/
  1845. Pointshop2 Version 596 : 76561198059527522 loaded
  1846. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
  1847. || ||
  1848. || Loading Prometheus ||
  1849. || ||
  1850. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
  1851. || ||
  1852. || MySQLoo 9 loaded ||
  1853. || ||
  1854. || loaded succesfully ||
  1855. || ||
  1856. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
  1857. GLib.Resources : Compressing resource Pointshop2/modelCache took 16.83 ms (116.70 KiB to 17.55 KiB).
  1858. Loading perfectVault
  1859. Loading folder: derma
  1860. Loading file: cl_menu.lua
  1861. Loading file: cl_fonts.lua
  1862. Loading folder: core
  1863. Loading file: sh_mask.lua
  1864. Loading file: sh_core.lua
  1865. Loading file: cl_core.lua
  1866. Loading folder: config
  1867. Loading file: sh_language.lua
  1868. Loading file: sh_config.lua
  1869. Loaded perfectVault
  1870. [Spraypaint SWEP] lua/autorun/sh_mistasspraypaint.lua:45: attempt to concatenate field 'length' (a nil value)
  1871. 1. unknown - lua/autorun/sh_mistasspraypaint.lua:45
  1872. KoZ's Food Mod has been initialized.///////////////////////////////
  1873. // Ulysses Library //
  1874. ///////////////////////////////
  1875. // Loading... //
  1876. // shared/defines.lua //
  1877. // shared/misc.lua //
  1878. // shared/util.lua //
  1879. // shared/hook.lua //
  1880. // shared/table.lua //
  1881. // shared/player.lua //
  1882. // server/player.lua //
  1883. // server/bans.lua //
  1884. // shared/messages.lua //
  1885. // shared/commands.lua //
  1886. // server/concommand.lua //
  1887. // server/util.lua //
  1888. // shared/sh_ucl.lua //
  1889. // server/ucl.lua //
  1890. // server/phys.lua //
  1891. // server/player_ext.lua //
  1892. // server/entity_ext.lua //
  1893. // shared/plugin.lua //
  1894. // shared/cami_global.lua //
  1895. // shared/cami_ulib.lua //
  1896. // Load Complete! //
  1897. ///////////////////////////////
  1898. [ULIB] Loading SHARED module: playx_ulib_group_manager.lua
  1899. [ULIB] Loading SHARED module: ulx_init.lua
  1900. ///////////////////////////////
  1901. // ULX Admin Mod //
  1902. ///////////////////////////////
  1903. // Loading... //
  1904. // sh_defines.lua //
  1905. // lib.lua //
  1906. // base.lua //
  1907. // sh_base.lua //
  1908. // log.lua //
  1909. // MODULE: sh_ulx_inventory.lua//
  1910. // MODULE: slots.lua //
  1911. // MODULE: uteam.lua //
  1912. // MODULE: votemap.lua //
  1913. // MODULE: xgui_server.lua //
  1914. ///////////////////////////////
  1915. // ULX GUI -- by Stickly Man //
  1916. ///////////////////////////////
  1917. // Adding Main Modules.. //
  1918. // bans.lua //
  1919. // commands.lua //
  1920. // groups.lua //
  1921. // maps.lua //
  1922. // settings.lua //
  1923. // Adding Setting Modules.. //
  1924. // client.lua //
  1925. // server.lua //
  1926. // Adding Gamemode Modules.. //
  1927. // sandbox.lua //
  1928. // Loading Server Modules.. //
  1929. // sv_bans.lua //
  1930. // sv_groups.lua //
  1931. // sv_maps.lua //
  1932. // sv_sandbox.lua //
  1933. // sv_settings.lua //
  1934. // XGUI modules added! //
  1935. ///////////////////////////////
  1936. // MODULE: cc_chat.lua //
  1937. // MODULE: cc_commandtable.lua//
  1938. // MODULE: cc_cvars.lua //
  1939. // MODULE: cc_effects.lua //
  1940. // MODULE: cc_fun.lua //
  1941. // MODULE: cc_hook.lua //
  1942. // MODULE: cc_menus.lua //
  1943. // MODULE: cc_notepad.lua //
  1944. // MODULE: cc_pgag.lua //
  1945. // MODULE: cc_rcon.lua //
  1946. // MODULE: cc_soundlist.lua //
  1947. // MODULE: cc_teleport.lua //
  1948. // MODULE: cc_util.lua //
  1949. // MODULE: cc_voting.lua //
  1950. // MODULE: chat.lua //
  1951. // MODULE: fun.lua //
  1952. // MODULE: menus.lua //
  1953. // MODULE: nlr_sh.lua //
  1954. // MODULE: rcon.lua //
  1955. // MODULE: sh_overtheshoulder.lua//
  1956. [ULX Third Person Command] lua/ulx/modules/sh/sh_overtheshoulder.lua:12: unexpected symbol near '='
  1957. 1. unknown - lua/ulx/modules/sh/sh_overtheshoulder.lua:0
  1958. // MODULE: sh_pointshop2.lua//
  1959. // MODULE: teleport.lua //
  1960. // MODULE: user.lua //
  1961. // MODULE: userhelp.lua //
  1962. // MODULE: util.lua //
  1963. // MODULE: vote.lua //
  1964. // end.lua //
  1965. // Load Complete! //
  1966. ///////////////////////////////
  1967. ServerLog: Successfully Loaded Unisec!
  1968. Successfully loaded Unisec!
  1969. Loading UWeed
  1970. Loading folder: derma
  1971. Loading file: cl_fonts.lua
  1972. Loading folder: core
  1973. Loading file: sv_netmsg.lua
  1974. Loading file: sv_core.lua
  1975. Loading file: cl_core.lua
  1976. Loading folder: config
  1977. Loading file: sh_language.lua
  1978. Loading file: sh_config.lua
  1979. Loaded UWeed
  1980. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1981. VCMod: Welcome to VCMod Auto-Updater version 9.5.
  1982. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1983. VCMod: Pre-initialization complete, preparing to load addon data.
  1984. VCMod: Addons found: VCMod ELS, VCMod Handling Editor, VCMod Main.
  1985. VCMod: Handling editor does not work on Multiplayer, stopping.
  1986. Wiremod Version 'Workshop' loaded
  1987. [ACD] Successfully initialize.
  1988. ServerLog: AWarn: Loading module (awarn_settings.lua)
  1989. ServerLog: AWarn: Loading module (awarn_sql.lua)
  1990. [CB-LIB][INFO] Loaded Module : batm/bm_sql.lua
  1991. [CB-LIB][INFO] Loaded Module : batm/bm_accounts.lua
  1992. > Crident anti-crash loaded
  1993. ..######....######..########..######..##.....##.########..####.########.##....##
  1994. .##....##..##....##.##.......##....##.##.....##.##.....##..##.....##.....##..##.
  1995. .##........##.......##.......##.......##.....##.##.....##..##.....##......####..
  1996. .##...####..######..######...##.......##.....##.########...##.....##.......##...
  1997. .##....##........##.##.......##.......##.....##.##...##....##.....##.......##...
  1998. .##....##..##....##.##.......##....##.##.....##.##....##...##.....##.......##...
  1999. ..######....######..########..######...#######..##.....##.####....##.......##...
  2000. HTTP failed - ISteamHTTP isn't available!
  2001. Spraypaint Server Autorun loaded.
  2002. ---------------------------------
  2003. | Loading ServerSide PermaProps |
  2004. ---------------------------------
  2005. permaprops/sv_lib.lua
  2006. permaprops/sv_menu.lua
  2007. permaprops/sv_permissions.lua
  2008. permaprops/sv_specialfcn.lua
  2009. permaprops/sv_sql.lua
  2010. -----------------------------
  2011. | Loading Shared PermaProps |
  2012. -----------------------------
  2013. ---------------------------------
  2014. | Loading ClientSide PermaProps |
  2015. ---------------------------------
  2016. permaprops/cl_drawent.lua
  2017. permaprops/cl_menu.lua
  2018. -------------------------------
  2019. ~ ~ > Workshop Download started . . .
  2020. [+] 104482086: Precision Tool
  2021. [+] 104604943: Easy Bodygroup Tool
  2022. [+] 104606562: Achievement Viewer
  2023. [+] 105841291: More Materials!
  2024. [+] 106516163: PlayX
  2025. [+] 106944414: RT Camera
  2026. [+] 107338497: DarkRP Pro Lock Pick swep
  2027. [+] 107411755: FBI Pack
  2028. [+] 108176967: The Sit Anywhere Script!
  2029. [+] 109586003: sadasadasadd
  2030. [+] 109643223: 3D2D Textscreens
  2031. [+] 109905241: Moneypot
  2032. [+] 112606459: TDMCars - Base Pack
  2033. [+] 112607905: ATDMSCars
  2034. [+] 113118541: TDMCars - BMW
  2035. [+] 113120185: TDMCars - Audi
  2036. [+] 113495466: Climb SWEP 2
  2037. [+] 113997239: TDMCars - Chevrolet
  2038. [+] 113999373: TDMCars - Ford
  2039. [+] 114000337: TDMCars - Citroen
  2040. [+] 114001545: TDMCars - Dodge
  2041. [+] 119146471: TDMCars - Bugatti
  2042. [+] 119148120: TDMCars - Lamborghini
  2043. [+] 119148996: TDMCars - Ferrari
  2044. [+] 120765874: TDMCars - Hudson
  2045. [+] 120766823: TDMCars - GMC
  2046. [+] 123455501: TDMCars - Mini
  2047. [+] 123455885: TDMCars - Nissan
  2048. [+] 123456202: TDMCars - Volkswagen
  2049. [+] 126920533: TDMCars - Cadillac
  2050. [+] 126921199: TDMCars - Aston Martin
  2051. [+] 130716777: Fixed CSS playermodels
  2052. [+] 131243694: TDMCars - Mitsubishi
  2053. [+] 131245637: TDMCars - Toyota
  2054. [+] 131246684: TDMCars - Mercedes
  2055. [+] 145939873: asd
  2056. [+] 149491742: Mafia Player Models
  2057. [+] 160250458: Wiremod
  2058. [+] 169011381: Security Guard Pack
  2059. [+] 170434323: V for Vendetta Player Model
  2060. [+] 176984840: TDMCars - Chrysler
  2061. [+] 182758912: Thief Player Model
  2062. [+] 200700693: Deadpool Playermodel.
  2063. [+] 209683096: TDMCars - Honda
  2064. [+] 215871671: TDMCars - Trailer Pack
  2065. [+] 216408135: GTA 5 Playermodels
  2066. [+] 217264937: TDMCars - McLaren
  2067. [+] 220336312: PermaProps
  2068. [+] 221198333: TDMCars - Hummer
  2069. [+] 224183198: TDMCars - Jeep
  2070. [+] 225810491: TDMCars - Multi Brand
  2071. [+] 226435666: TDMCars - Kia
  2072. [+] 230680318: TDMCars - Land Rover
  2073. [+] 233934024: TDMCars - Mazda
  2074. [+] 234464092: TDMCars - Holden
  2075. [+] 254930849: TDMCars - Pagani
  2076. [+] 259899351: TDMCars - Porsche
  2077. [+] 261961088: TDMCars - Scion
  2078. [+] 266504181: TDMCars - Subaru
  2079. [+] 266579667: [LW] Shared Textures
  2080. [+] 272988660: TDMCars - Vauxhall
  2081. [+] 286998866: TDMCars - Volvo
  2082. [+] 295788137: Aiden Pearce
  2083. [+] 303809753: TDMCars - Shelby 1000
  2084. [+] 308977650: Active Camouflage
  2085. [+] 345123840: VCMod Handling Editor
  2086. [+] 382680735: Katie's Playable Guitar
  2087. [+] 423749944: TDMCars - Maserati
  2088. [+] 1111962103: [1.0] Savitar Playermodel & NPC
  2089. [+] 446122159: Chicken Player Model
  2090. [+] 158713291: Death Sound Remover
  2091. [+] 328695238: Pro Keypad Cracker
  2092. [+] 786025586: Pro Lockpick and Staff Lockpick SWEP [DarkRP]
  2093. [+] 349050451: Customizable Weaponry 2.0 Rev75
  2094. [+] 144982052: M9K Specialties
  2095. [+] 398976163: Arkham NPC/Playermodel
  2096. [+] 204411482: Death Stroke PlayerModel
  2097. [+] 773402917: Advanced Duplicator 2
  2098. [+] 264467687: Improved Stacker
  2099. [+] 104815552: SmartSnap
  2100. [+] 877752661: Bitminers 2 - Server Content
  2101. [+] 263580247: Sickness Tow truck
  2102. [+] 907056173: Guncraft Content
  2103. [+] 882310019: Atlaschat Content
  2104. [+] 574428148: R6S: Doc P.M. and Ragdoll
  2105. [+] 901439159: R6S: Thatcher P.M. and Ragdoll
  2106. [+] 901330121: R6S: Mute P.M. and Ragdoll
  2107. [+] 1227870039: Rainbow Six Siege - Smoke [PM, Ragdoll]
  2108. [+] 1317204211: Rainbow Six Siege - Rook [PM, Ragdoll]
  2109. [+] 1099092539: Gold, Silver & Platinum Bars
  2110. [+] 506283460: CS:GO Knives SWEPs
  2111. [+] 709243995: CS:GO Knives - Gamma Skin Pack
  2112. [+] 634916767: Stuffed printers textures and models
  2113. [+] 1256167235: Automatic Workshop Download
  2114. [+] 184396116: Payday 2 NPCs and Player Models
  2115. [+] 332506201: Walter White Player Model Fix
  2116. [+] 1276411287: Street art hooded pogo from Grand Theft Auto V(pm,npc)
  2117. [+] 356601817: GTA 5 Police Force
  2118. [+] 1096295606: medics
  2119. [+] 323285641: GTA V Drivable Vehicles for Garry's Mod
  2120. [+] 453186229: MCON Materials
  2121. [+] 730187817: More materials
  2122. [+] 1379977269: uWeed - Content
  2123. [+] 251070018: ARCSlots Content
  2124. [+] 158389649: Saddam Player Model
  2125. [+] 158061274: Angry Hobo SWEP
  2126. [+] 1221326351: DarkRP License plates
  2127. [+] 412608410: Auto-Cleaning Decals [No ULX and more admins mod]
  2128. [+] 673698301: Vape SWEP
  2129. [+] 1235485745: K1-B0 Playermodel & NPC
  2130. [+] 706949615: Star Wars - Shadow Commandos
  2131. [+] 710133806: Shadow Omega Squad NPCs
  2132. [+] 893205646: Universal Ammo!
  2133. [+] 1435198912: Detroit:BecomeHuman Connor Sound Sweps
  2134. [+] 1343982802: Gruppe 6 Security GTA V
  2135. [+] 755229772: The Female Sheriff
  2136. [+] 208348503: Terrorist Playermodels
  2137. [+] 656834283: Doge Playermodel
  2138. [+] 1404838085: Doge Skin Pack
  2139. [+] 288831850: Stanley - The Stanley Parable
  2140. [+] 1455944872: Character
  2141. [+] 1207666818: Blue's ATM - Content
  2142. [+] 666595887: PrinterMaterials
  2143. [+] 175983422: 1950's Playermodel lua
  2144. [+] 1285638548: Mafia playermodels
  2145. [+] 226935476: Mafia Playermodels
  2146. [+] 964007433: Obama Playermodel [REUPLOAD | NO BACKDOOR]
  2147. [+] 148215278: GMod Tower: Accessories Pack
  2148. [+] 572310302: [GTA V] Giant Hat and Mask Pack
  2149. [+] 850388145: IDInventory Content
  2150. [+] 1130802813: Steam Group Rewards (Content)
  2151. [+] 185609021: atmos
  2152. [+] 1257243225: Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Operation Breakout Weapon Pack
  2153. [+] 733454527: Elevator Tool
  2154. [+] 559048049: [ScriptFodder] [#1770] HUDHive DarkRP HUD [Resources ONLY]
  2155. [+] 1481129141: DInventory Mats
  2156. [+] 128089118: M9K Assault Rifles
  2157. [+] 128091208: M9K Heavy Weapons
  2158. [+] 128093075: M9K Small Arms pack
  2159. [+] 615887479: Police Baton
  2160. [+] 148628139: Daft Punk Player Models
  2161. [+] 785820247: [ScriptFodder] [#3169] Amethyst F4 DarkRP Menu [Resources ONLY]
  2162. [+] 327281224: Roleplay Props
  2163. [+] 166165013: Adolf Hitler Playermodel
  2164. [+] 722374307: Donald Trump Playermodel
  2165. [+] 163221745: Food Mod
  2166. [+] 108024198: Food and Household items
  2167. [+] 537353521: Cook/chef playermodels (Male and female)
  2168. [+] 283211438: Don Vito Corleone
  2169. [+] 292042079: Don Corleone Playermodel
  2170. [+] 676928803: Spraypaint SWEP
  2171. [+] 950237717: PoliceUpdate
  2172. [+] 157748952: DogBite
  2173. [+] 104548572: Playable Piano
  2174. [+] 157373328: Tyrael playermodel
  2175. [+] 952118754: Cat Playermodel
  2176. [+] 890326717: Game of Thrones - Kingsguard
  2177. [+] 912304203: DC Red Hood New 52 [PM/NPC]
  2178. [+] 912300854: Arkham City: Hush [PM/NPC]
  2179. [+] 919282030: CSO2 || Marie + Alt [PM/RAG/VOX]
  2180. [+] 927779732: Anonymous Hacker Playermodel
  2181. [+] 557962238: ULib
  2182. [+] 557962280: ULX
  2183. [+] 1422252662: Lean Production Content
  2184. [+] 1503048136: downtown_equanimity
  2185. [+] 1503083069: rp_downtown_atraxy_mapcontent
  2186. [+] 708225419: Ladder Tool
  2187. [+] 393830726: Neon Physgun reskin
  2188. [+] 756452272: RENAMED!
  2189. [+] 1419487677: Vehicle Radio
  2190. [+] 1423872075: [Vehicle Radio] Default Stations
  2191. [+] 718665054: Custom Commands
  2192. [+] 477224838: ULX Third Person Command
  2193. [+] 1496766186: Minimal Anti Cheat
  2194. [+] 802923282: 2017 Ford F-150 Raptor
  2195. [+] 799585135: 2013 Porsche 918 Spyder
  2196. [+] 732127148: 1998 Ford Crown Victoria P71
  2197. [+] 655193859: 2012 Carbon Motors E7
  2198. [+] 654965383: 2015 Lamborghini Asterion
  2199. [+] 653745983: 2014 Lamborghini Veneno + Police
  2200. [+] 569676969: Ford F350 Police Truck
  2201. [+] 487748977: turrys turbochurged wheelchur
  2202. [+] 266177912: Heavy Duty Vehicle Pack
  2203. [+] 218869210: SGM Shared Textures
  2204. [+] 198479371: 2012 Lamborghini Aventador Lambosine
  2205. [+] 139151773: Ferrari F1
  2206. [+] 207758856: 1980s Recreational Vehicle
  2207. [+] 289996459: 2011 Koenigsegg Agera
  2208. [+] 385485184: 1982 Porsche 911 Turbo
  2209. [+] 385490712: 2010 Spada Codatronca TS
  2210. [+] 391481950: 2016 Porsche Cayman GT4
  2211. [+] 388947812: 1964 Chevrolet Impala SS
  2212. [+] 105153463: Knight Playermodel
  2213. [+] 852192700: Nightingale Playermodel
  2214. [+] 243665786: Splinter Cell: Blacklist Chemsuit Goons
  2215. [+] 108424005: Keypad Tool + Cracker
  2216. [+] 217722743: TylerB's Shipment E2 Functions (v1)
  2217. [+] 259174593: TylerB's moneyRequest E2 Functions (v1)
  2218. [+] 297507173: Modern Trails for Pointshop
  2219. [+] 166239934: Resident Evil - HUNK Playermodel
  2220. [+] 370820630: Dark Souls: Darkwraith
  2221. [+] 713217925: Shadow Mewtwo Pokken =Myself Player model and NPC pokemon
  2222. [+] 1491950332: Bodygroup Wardrobe
  2223. [+] 195481065: TDMCars - Murica Truck pack
  2224. [+] 349281554: TDMCars - Emergency Vehicles pack
  2225. [+] 469162158: TDMCars - Alfa Romeo
  2226. [+] 469173046: TDMCars - European Trucks Pack
  2227. [+] 489864412: TDM's Prop Pack
  2228. [+] 494665724: TDMCars - Lexus
  2229. [+] 556698122: TDMCars - Jaguar
  2230. [+] 556706101: TDMCars - Pontiac
  2231. ~ ~ > Workshop Download finished !
  2232. Trying to create entities too early! (env_physexplosion)
  2233. Error in .VMT file: error parsing vector element "$AmbientOcclColor" in "$AmbientOcclColor"
  2234. Error in .VMT file: error parsing vector element "$AmbientOcclColor" in "$AmbientOcclColor"
  2235. KeyValues Error: RecursiveLoadFromBuffer: got EOF instead of keyname in file materials/models/yuki/danganronpa/kiibo/green_body.vmt
  2236. VertexLitGeneric, (*proxies*), (*Sine*),
  2237. KeyValues Error: RecursiveLoadFromBuffer: got EOF instead of keyname in file materials/models/yuki/danganronpa/kiibo/red_body.vmt
  2238. VertexLitGeneric, (*proxies*), (*Sine*),
  2239. KeyValues Error: RecursiveLoadFromBuffer: got EOF instead of keyname in file materials/models/yuki/danganronpa/kiibo/glow_buttons.vmt
  2240. VertexLitGeneric, (*proxies*), (*Sine*),
  2241. KeyValues Error: RecursiveLoadFromBuffer: got EOF instead of keyname in file materials/models/yuki/danganronpa/kiibo/jetpack_buttons.vmt
  2242. VertexLitGeneric, (*proxies*), (*Sine*),
  2243. KeyValues Error: RecursiveLoadFromBuffer: got EOF instead of keyname in file materials/models/yuki/danganronpa/kiibo/jetpack_glow.vmt
  2244. VertexLitGeneric, (*proxies*), (*Sine*),
  2245. KeyValues Error: RecursiveLoadFromBuffer: got EOF instead of keyname in file materials/models/yuki/danganronpa/kiibo/gun_glow.vmt
  2246. VertexLitGeneric, (*proxies*), (*Sine*),
  2247. KeyValues Error: RecursiveLoadFromBuffer: got EOF instead of keyname in file materials/models/yuki/danganronpa/kiibo/display.vmt
  2248. VertexLitGeneric, (*proxies*), (*AnimatedTexture*),
  2249. Error! Variable "$PhongAlbedoTint" is multiply defined in material "models/yuki/danganronpa/kiibo/mask_up"!
  2250. Error! Variable "$PhongAlbedoTint" is multiply defined in material "models/yuki/danganronpa/kiibo/mask_down"!
  2251. Error! Variable "$PhongAlbedoTint" is multiply defined in material "models/yuki/danganronpa/kiibo/cloth_body"!
  2252. Error! Variable "$PhongAlbedoTint" is multiply defined in material "models/yuki/danganronpa/kiibo/armor_body"!
  2253. KeyValues Error: RecursiveLoadFromBuffer: got EOF instead of keyname in file materials/models/yuki/danganronpa/kiibo/green_body.vmt
  2254. VertexLitGeneric, (*proxies*), (*Sine*),
  2255. Error! Variable "$PhongAlbedoTint" is multiply defined in material "models/yuki/danganronpa/kiibo/green_body"!
  2256. KeyValues Error: RecursiveLoadFromBuffer: got EOF instead of keyname in file materials/models/yuki/danganronpa/kiibo/red_body.vmt
  2257. VertexLitGeneric, (*proxies*), (*Sine*),
  2258. KeyValues Error: RecursiveLoadFromBuffer: got EOF instead of keyname in file materials/models/yuki/danganronpa/kiibo/glow_buttons.vmt
  2259. VertexLitGeneric, (*proxies*), (*Sine*),
  2260. Error! Variable "$PhongAlbedoTint" is multiply defined in material "models/yuki/danganronpa/kiibo/glow_buttons"!
  2261. Error! Variable "$PhongAlbedoTint" is multiply defined in material "models/yuki/danganronpa/kiibo/silver_body"!
  2262. Error! Variable "$PhongAlbedoTint" is multiply defined in material "models/yuki/danganronpa/kiibo/jetpack_metal"!
  2263. Error! Variable "$PhongAlbedoTint" is multiply defined in material "models/yuki/danganronpa/kiibo/jetpack_silver"!
  2264. KeyValues Error: RecursiveLoadFromBuffer: got EOF instead of keyname in file materials/models/yuki/danganronpa/kiibo/jetpack_buttons.vmt
  2265. VertexLitGeneric, (*proxies*), (*Sine*),
  2266. Error! Variable "$PhongAlbedoTint" is multiply defined in material "models/yuki/danganronpa/kiibo/jetpack_buttons"!
  2267. Error! Variable "$PhongAlbedoTint" is multiply defined in material "models/yuki/danganronpa/kiibo/jetpack_armor"!
  2268. KeyValues Error: RecursiveLoadFromBuffer: got EOF instead of keyname in file materials/models/yuki/danganronpa/kiibo/jetpack_glow.vmt
  2269. VertexLitGeneric, (*proxies*), (*Sine*),
  2270. Error! Variable "$PhongAlbedoTint" is multiply defined in material "models/yuki/danganronpa/kiibo/jetpack_glow"!
  2271. KeyValues Error: RecursiveLoadFromBuffer: got EOF instead of keyname in file materials/models/yuki/danganronpa/kiibo/gun_glow.vmt
  2272. VertexLitGeneric, (*proxies*), (*Sine*),
  2273. Error! Variable "$PhongAlbedoTint" is multiply defined in material "models/yuki/danganronpa/kiibo/gun_glow"!
  2274. Error! Variable "$PhongAlbedoTint" is multiply defined in material "models/yuki/danganronpa/kiibo/jetpack_wires"!
  2275. KeyValues Error: RecursiveLoadFromBuffer: got EOF instead of keyname in file materials/models/yuki/danganronpa/kiibo/display.vmt
  2276. VertexLitGeneric, (*proxies*), (*AnimatedTexture*),
  2277. Error! Variable "$PhongAlbedoTint" is multiply defined in material "models/yuki/danganronpa/kiibo/display"!
  2278. Error! Variable "$PhongAlbedoTint" is multiply defined in material "models/yuki/danganronpa/kiibo/collar_silver"!
  2279. Error! Variable "$PhongAlbedoTint" is multiply defined in material "models/yuki/danganronpa/kiibo/mask_up2"!
  2280. Error! Variable "$PhongAlbedoTint" is multiply defined in material "models/yuki/danganronpa/kiibo/mask_down2"!
  2281. Error! Variable "$detail" is multiply defined in material "models/omega/starwars/commandos/breenhands"!
  2282. Error! Variable "$detailscale" is multiply defined in material "models/omega/starwars/commandos/breenhands"!
  2283. Error! Variable "$detailblendfactor" is multiply defined in material "models/omega/starwars/commandos/breenhands"!
  2284. Error! Variable "$detailblendmode" is multiply defined in material "models/omega/starwars/commandos/breenhands"!
  2285. Error! Variable "$color2" is multiply defined in material "models/r6s/mute/mute_visor"!
  2286. Default clips will be not be modified
  2287. Mista Epic's Spraypaint shared.lua loaded.
  2288. Mista Epic's Spraypaint init.lua loaded.
  2289. SWEP (ttt_realistic_hook) is derived from non existant SWEP (weapon_tttbase) - Expect errors!
  2290. Loaded TylerB's money e2 functions.
  2291. Loaded TylerB's shipment e2 functions.
  2292. +---------------------------------+
  2293. | E2 EXTENSIONS |
  2294. +----------------+----------------+
  2295. | ENABLED | DISABLED |
  2296. +----------------+----------------+
  2297. | constraintcore | console |
  2298. | effects | http |
  2299. | file | npc |
  2300. | find | pac |
  2301. | holo | playx |
  2302. | ranger | propcore |
  2303. | serialization | remoteupload |
  2304. | sound | wiring |
  2305. +----------------+----------------+
  2306. ERROR: Trying to derive entity sent_sakarias_car_saab_99_turbo from non existant entity sent_sakarias_scar_base!
  2307. ERROR: Trying to derive entity sent_sakarias_car_tdm_350z from non existant entity sent_sakarias_scar_base!
  2308. ERROR: Trying to derive entity sent_sakarias_car_tdm_veyronss from non existant entity sent_sakarias_scar_base!
  2309. ERROR: Trying to derive entity sent_sakarias_car_tdm_bmw from non existant entity sent_sakarias_scar_base!
  2310. ERROR: Trying to derive entity sent_sakarias_car_tdm_transit from non existant entity sent_sakarias_scar_base!
  2311. - NLR injecting extra hooks for DarkRP -
  2312. * jailpos protection
  2313. * teamspawn protection
  2314. Loaded A2S Cache
  2315. [bLogs] Modules loaded
  2316. Couldn't find TFA_CSGO_SKINS table. Probably the skins (old API) are not installed at all.
  2317. SH Accessories: Using sv.db for data.
  2318. HTTP failed - ISteamHTTP isn't available!
  2319. ConVarRef room_type doesn't point to an existing ConVar
  2320. Unknown command "sk_plr_dmg_crowbar"
  2321. Unknown command "sk_npc_dmg_crowbar"
  2322. Unknown command "sk_plr_dmg_stunstick"
  2323. Unknown command "sk_npc_dmg_stunstick"
  2324. Executing dedicated server config file server.cfg
  2325. Using map cycle file cfg/mapcycle.txt.
  2326. KeyValues Error: RecursiveLoadFromBuffer: got } in key in file materials/models/weapons/v_physcannon/v_physcannon_sheet.vmt
  2327. VertexLitGeneric,
  2328. KeyValues Error: RecursiveLoadFromBuffer: got } in key in file materials/models/weapons/v_physcannon/v_physcannon_sheet.vmt
  2329. VertexLitGeneric,
  2330. Attempted to create unknown entity type info_ladder!
  2331. Can't init info_ladder
  2332. Attempted to create unknown entity type info_ladder!
  2333. Can't init info_ladder
  2334. Attempted to create unknown entity type info_ladder!
  2335. Can't init info_ladder
  2336. Attempted to create unknown entity type info_ladder!
  2337. Can't init info_ladder
  2338. Attempted to create unknown entity type info_ladder!
  2339. Can't init info_ladder
  2340. Attempted to create unknown entity type info_ladder!
  2341. Can't init info_ladder
  2342. Attempted to create unknown entity type info_ladder!
  2343. Can't init info_ladder
  2344. Attempted to create unknown entity type info_ladder!
  2345. Can't init info_ladder
  2346. Attempted to create unknown entity type info_ladder!
  2347. Can't init info_ladder
  2348. Attempted to create unknown entity type info_ladder!
  2349. Can't init info_ladder
  2350. Precache called on a point_template that has no templates: respawn_downtown_shopstorefront01
  2351. GLib.Resources : Compressing resource Pointshop2/settings took 289.79 µs (468.00 B to 292.00 B).
  2352. GLib.Resources : Compressing resource Pointshop2/outfits took 224.96 µs (4.00 B to 21.00 B).
  2353. GLib.Resources : Compressing resource Pointshop2/dynamics took 246.48 µs (325.00 B to 170.00 B).
  2354. [BATM] Finished loading Blue ATM entities.
  2355. [Amethyst] Precache Complete
  2356. [Blue's Slots] No map data found for DOUBLE OR NOTHING entities. Please place some and do !saveslots to create the data.
  2357. [jReservio] Loaded reserve data for 39 players!
  2358. [jReservio] Loaded reclaim data for 0 players!
  2359. Nav File is wrong or something (1)
  2360. Initializing Steam libraries for secure Internet server
  2361. [S_API FAIL] SteamAPI_Init() failed; SteamAPI_IsSteamRunning() failed.
  2362. No account token specified; logging into anonymous game server account. (Use sv_setsteamaccount to login to a persistent account.)
  2363. Unknown command "yhlog"
  2364. Unknown command "sbox_allownpcs"
  2365. Unknown command "sbox_plpldamage"
  2366. Unknown command "sbox_playergod"
  2367. Unknown command "sbox_maxspawners"
  2368. Unknown command "sbox_maxturrets"
  2369. 'banned_ip.cfg' not present; not executing.
  2370. VCMod: Preparations started. Server needs to have atleast one player on it for preparations to continue.
  2371. NextBot tickrate changed from 0 (0.000ms) to 2 (0.091ms)
  2372. [HUDHive] All scripts will be getting an official update soon, keep checking for a release of this script.
  2373. [Amethyst] All scripts will be getting an official update soon, keep checking for a release of this script.
  2374. Connection to Steam servers successful.
  2375. Public IP is
  2376. Assigned anonymous gameserver Steam ID [A-1:1351413762(11008)].
  2377. (Daemon) Server marked as ON
  2378. VAC secure mode is activated.
  2379. Client "DcD Adam" connected (
  2380. [Prometheus] DB Connection succesful
  2381. ServerLog: AWarn: Message Table Exists
  2382. ServerLog: AWarn: Player Data Table Exists
  2383. ServerLog: AWarn: Offline Player Data Table Exists
  2384. [ERROR] addons/guncraft/lua/guncraft/database.lua:168: bad argument #1 to 'JSONToTable' (string expected, got no value)
  2385. 1. JSONToTable - [C]:-1
  2386. 2. SpawnNPC - addons/guncraft/lua/guncraft/database.lua:168
  2387. 3. unknown - addons/guncraft/lua/guncraft/database.lua:182
  2388. Timer Failed! [Simple][@addons/guncraft/lua/guncraft/database.lua (line 180)]
  2389. VCMod: Preparations are complete, handshaking API.
  2390. Your server is using the latest mysqloo9 version
  2391. ServerLog: AWarn: Your server info has been updated to the online statistics tracking
  2392. VCMod: Handshake successful.
  2393. VCMod: Handshake finished.
  2394. Client "[E-N] Tie" connected (
  2395. VCMod: Contacting preload API.
  2396. VCMod: Initializing preload.
  2397. VCMod: Preload finished. Initializing addons.
  2398. VCMod: Started loading serverside.
  2399. VCMod: Loaded Main v1.7721 serverside.
  2400. VCMod: Loaded ELS v1.1395 serverside.
  2401. VCMod: Loaded Handling editor v1.102 serverside.
  2402. VCMod: Finished loading serverside.
  2403. VCMod: All repair man NPC's have been placed on the map.
  2404. [SPC] Patching Adv Dupe 2 Model-Scale Crash Exploit!
  2405. Spawning textscreens...
  2406. VCMod: Scanning for potentially incompatible hooks.
  2407. VCMod: No incompatibilities found.
  2408. VCMod: General vehicle data is up to date.
  2409. Client "mlsthomas1" connected (
  2410. ServerLog: [FAdmin] [E-N] Tie (STEAM_0:0:49630897) is Authed
  2411. ServerLog: [FAdmin] [E-N] Tie (STEAM_0:0:49630897) Spawned for the first time
  2412. ServerLog: [FAdmin] [E-N] Tie (STEAM_0:0:49630897) Spawned
  2413. [SECUREGMOD]: Preventing JIT from being disabled
  2414. [bLogs] [Discord] Enabled
  2415. [bLogs] SQLite Database initialised
  2416. ServerLog: [FAdmin] [E-N] Tie (STEAM_0:0:49630897) Attempted to pick up a idinv_pickup
  2417. ServerLog: [FAdmin] [E-N] Tie (STEAM_0:0:49630897) Attempted to pick up a keys
  2418. ServerLog: [FAdmin] [E-N] Tie (STEAM_0:0:49630897) Attempted to pick up a weapon_physcannon
  2419. ServerLog: [FAdmin] [E-N] Tie (STEAM_0:0:49630897) Attempted to pick up a gmod_camera
  2420. ServerLog: [FAdmin] [E-N] Tie (STEAM_0:0:49630897) Attempted to pick up a gmod_tool
  2421. ServerLog: [FAdmin] [E-N] Tie (STEAM_0:0:49630897) Attempted to pick up a pocket
  2422. ServerLog: [FAdmin] [E-N] Tie (STEAM_0:0:49630897) Attempted to pick up a weapon_physgun
  2423. ServerLog: [FAdmin] [E-N] Tie (STEAM_0:0:49630897) Attempted to pick up a weapon_keypadchecker
  2424. Attempting to get time... (4 times remaining)
  2425. [SECUREGMOD]: attempting for 42
  2426. [IDInv] Data loaded for player: [E-N] Tie (STEAM_0:0:49630897).
  2427. A2S Cache: buffing stats
  2428. VCMod: Player [E-N] Tie has loaded and is waiting for a temp-key.
  2429. [[E-N] Tie|3|STEAM_0:0:49630897] Lua Error:
  2430. [ERROR] lua/autorun/client/cl_minimal.lua:123: bad argument #1 to 'oldnetwritestring' (string expected, got nil)
  2431. 1. oldnetwritestring - [C]:-1
  2432. 2. send_module_name - lua/autorun/client/cl_minimal.lua:123
  2433. 3. RunString - lua/autorun/client/cl_minimal.lua:313
  2434. 4. onsuccess - addons/hudhive/lua/autorun/_hudhive_load.lua:295
  2435. 5. unknown - lua/includes/modules/http.lua:29
  2436. [[E-N] Tie|3|STEAM_0:0:49630897] Lua Error:
  2437. [ERROR] lua/autorun/client/cl_minimal.lua:123: bad argument #1 to 'oldnetwritestring' (string expected, got nil)
  2438. 1. oldnetwritestring - [C]:-1
  2439. 2. send_module_name - lua/autorun/client/cl_minimal.lua:123
  2440. 3. RunString - lua/autorun/client/cl_minimal.lua:313
  2441. 4. onsuccess - addons/amethyst/lua/autorun/_amethyst_load.lua:368
  2442. 5. unknown - lua/includes/modules/http.lua:29
  2443. VCMod: Sent API key to player [E-N] Tie. 99 keys left.
  2444. VCMod: Initializing player [E-N] Tie.
  2445. [[E-N] Tie|3|STEAM_0:0:49630897] Lua Error:
  2446. [ERROR] lua/autorun/impala.lua:54: attempt to call global 'VC_MakeScripts' (a nil value)
  2447. 1. unknown - lua/autorun/impala.lua:54
  2448. [[E-N] Tie|3|STEAM_0:0:49630897] Lua Error:
  2449. [ERROR] lua/autorun/sh_mistasspraypaint.lua:45: attempt to concatenate field 'length' (a nil value)
  2450. 1. unknown - lua/autorun/sh_mistasspraypaint.lua:45
  2451. [[E-N] Tie|3|STEAM_0:0:49630897] Lua Error:
  2452. [ERROR] lua/ulx/modules/sh/sh_overtheshoulder.lua:12: unexpected symbol near '='
  2453. 1. unknown - lua/ulx/modules/sh/sh_overtheshoulder.lua:0
  2454. [[E-N] Tie|3|STEAM_0:0:49630897] Lua Error:
  2455. [ERROR] addons/zvendor/lua/entities/weapon_vending/tdui.lua:927: attempt to index a nil value
  2456. 1. unknown - addons/zvendor/lua/entities/weapon_vending/tdui.lua:927
  2457. 2. include - [C]:-1
  2458. 3. unknown - addons/zvendor/lua/entities/ammo_vending/cl_init.lua:2
  2459. [[E-N] Tie|3|STEAM_0:0:49630897] Lua Error:
  2460. [ERROR] addons/zvendor/lua/entities/weapon_vending/tdui.lua:927: attempt to index a nil value
  2461. 1. unknown - addons/zvendor/lua/entities/weapon_vending/tdui.lua:927
  2462. 2. include - [C]:-1
  2463. 3. unknown - addons/zvendor/lua/entities/weapon_vending/shared.lua:11
  2464. 4. include - [C]:-1
  2465. 5. unknown - addons/zvendor/lua/entities/weapon_vending/cl_init.lua:1
  2466. ServerLog: "[E-N] Tie<3><STEAM_0:0:49630897><Citizen>" say "!ps2"
  2467. ServerLog: "[E-N] Tie<3><STEAM_0:0:49630897><Citizen>" say "!ps"
  2468. ServerLog: "[E-N] Tie<3><STEAM_0:0:49630897><Citizen>" say "!pointshop"
  2469. [[E-N] Tie|3|STEAM_0:0:49630897] Lua Error:
  2470. [ERROR] addons/libk/lua/libk/shared/sh_util.lua:252: attempt to index local 'dbginfo' (a nil value)
  2471. 1. dp - addons/libk/lua/libk/shared/sh_util.lua:252
  2472. 2. initSlots - addons/pointshop2/lua/kinv/client/cl_ditemscontainer.lua:13
  2473. 3. Init - addons/pointshop2/lua/ps2/client/tabs/inventory_tab/cl_dpointshopinventorypanel.lua:39
  2474. 4. Create - lua/includes/extensions/client/panel/scriptedpanels.lua:37
  2475. 5. Init - addons/pointshop2/lua/ps2/client/tabs/inventory_tab/cl_0_dpointshopinventorytab.lua:15
  2476. 6. Create - lua/includes/extensions/client/panel/scriptedpanels.lua:37
  2477. 7. Init - addons/pointshop2/lua/ps2/client/cl_dpointshopframe.lua:112
  2478. 8. Create - lua/includes/extensions/client/panel/scriptedpanels.lua:37
  2479. 9. OpenMenu - addons/pointshop2/lua/ps2/client/cl_0_pointshop2.lua:7
  2480. 10. ToggleMenu - addons/pointshop2/lua/ps2/client/cl_0_pointshop2.lua:69
  2481. 11. unknown - addons/pointshop2/lua/ps2/client/cl_pointshop2view.lua:80
  2482. 12. unknown - [[E-N] Tie|3|STEAM_0:0:49630897] Lua Error:
  2483. [ERROR] addons/pointshop2/lua/ps2/client/tabs/inventory_tab/cl_dpointshopinventorypanel.lua:179: attempt to index field 'slotsScroll' (a nil value)
  2484. 1. unknown - addons/pointshop2/lua/ps2/client/tabs/inventory_tab/cl_dpointshopinventorypanel.lua:179
  2485. [[E-N] Tie|3|STEAM_0:0:49630897] Lua Error:
  2486. [ERROR] addons/pointshop2/lua/ps2/client/tabs/inventory_tab/cl_dpointshopinventorypanel.lua:179: attempt to index field 'slotsScroll' (a nil value)
  2487. 1. unknown - addons/pointshop2/lua/ps2/client/tabs/inventory_tab/cl_dpointshopinventorypanel.lua:179
  2488. [[E-N] Tie|3|STEAM_0:0:49630897] Lua Error:
  2489. [ERROR] addons/pointshop2/lua/ps2/client/tabs/inventory_tab/cl_dpointshopinventorypanel.lua:179: attempt to index field 'slotsScroll' (a nil value)
  2490. 1. unknown - addons/pointshop2/lua/ps2/client/tabs/inventory_tab/cl_dpointshopinventorypanel.lua:179
  2491. [[E-N] Tie|3|STEAM_0:0:49630897] Lua Error:
  2492. [ERROR] addons/pointshop2/lua/ps2/client/tabs/inventory_tab/cl_dpointshopinventorypanel.lua:179: attempt to index field 'slotsScroll' (a nil value)
  2493. 1. unknown - addons/pointshop2/lua/ps2/client/tabs/inventory_tab/cl_dpointshopinventorypanel.lua:179
  2494. ServerLog: "[E-N] Tie<3><STEAM_0:0:49630897><Citizen>" say "!vcmod"
  2495. ServerLog: [FAdmin] [E-N] Tie (STEAM_0:0:49630897) Disconnected
  2496. Dropped [E-N] Tie from server (Disconnect by user.)
  2497. [ACD] Successful cleaning decals on the map.
  2498. ServerLog: [FAdmin] mlsthomas1 (STEAM_0:1:29321945) is Authed
  2499. ServerLog: [FAdmin] mlsthomas1 (STEAM_0:1:29321945) Spawned for the first time
  2500. ServerLog: [FAdmin] mlsthomas1 (STEAM_0:1:29321945) Spawned
  2501. ServerLog: [FAdmin] mlsthomas1 (STEAM_0:1:29321945) Attempted to pick up a idinv_pickup
  2502. ServerLog: [FAdmin] mlsthomas1 (STEAM_0:1:29321945) Attempted to pick up a keys
  2503. ServerLog: [FAdmin] mlsthomas1 (STEAM_0:1:29321945) Attempted to pick up a weapon_physcannon
  2504. ServerLog: [FAdmin] mlsthomas1 (STEAM_0:1:29321945) Attempted to pick up a gmod_camera
  2505. ServerLog: [FAdmin] mlsthomas1 (STEAM_0:1:29321945) Attempted to pick up a gmod_tool
  2506. ServerLog: [FAdmin] mlsthomas1 (STEAM_0:1:29321945) Attempted to pick up a pocket
  2507. ServerLog: [FAdmin] mlsthomas1 (STEAM_0:1:29321945) Attempted to pick up a weapon_physgun
  2508. [IDInv] Data loaded for player: mlsthomas1 (STEAM_0:1:29321945).
  2509. ServerLog: [FAdmin] DcD Adam (STEAM_0:1:105874999) is Authed
  2510. ServerLog: [FAdmin] DcD Adam (STEAM_0:1:105874999) Spawned for the first time
  2511. ServerLog: [FAdmin] DcD Adam (STEAM_0:1:105874999) Spawned
  2512. ServerLog: [FAdmin] DcD Adam (STEAM_0:1:105874999) Attempted to pick up a idinv_pickup
  2513. ServerLog: [FAdmin] DcD Adam (STEAM_0:1:105874999) Attempted to pick up a keys
  2514. ServerLog: [FAdmin] DcD Adam (STEAM_0:1:105874999) Attempted to pick up a weapon_physcannon
  2515. ServerLog: [FAdmin] DcD Adam (STEAM_0:1:105874999) Attempted to pick up a gmod_camera
  2516. ServerLog: [FAdmin] DcD Adam (STEAM_0:1:105874999) Attempted to pick up a gmod_tool
  2517. ServerLog: [FAdmin] DcD Adam (STEAM_0:1:105874999) Attempted to pick up a pocket
  2518. ServerLog: [FAdmin] DcD Adam (STEAM_0:1:105874999) Attempted to pick up a weapon_physgun
  2519. ServerLog: [FAdmin] DcD Adam (STEAM_0:1:105874999) Attempted to pick up a weapon_keypadchecker
  2520. [IDInv] Data loaded for player: DcD Adam (STEAM_0:1:105874999).
  2521. A2S Cache: buffing stats
  2522. VCMod: Player mlsthomas1 has loaded and is waiting for a temp-key.
  2523. VCMod: Sent API key to player mlsthomas1. 98 keys left.
  2524. VCMod: Initializing player mlsthomas1.
  2525. [mlsthomas1|4|STEAM_0:1:29321945] Lua Error:
  2526. [ERROR] lua/autorun/client/cl_minimal.lua:123: bad argument #1 to 'oldnetwritestring' (string expected, got nil)
  2527. 1. oldnetwritestring - [C]:-1
  2528. 2. send_module_name - lua/autorun/client/cl_minimal.lua:123
  2529. 3. RunString - lua/autorun/client/cl_minimal.lua:313
  2530. 4. onsuccess - addons/amethyst/lua/autorun/_amethyst_load.lua:368
  2531. 5. unknown - lua/includes/modules/http.lua:29
  2532. [mlsthomas1|4|STEAM_0:1:29321945] Lua Error:
  2533. [ERROR] lua/autorun/client/cl_minimal.lua:123: bad argument #1 to 'oldnetwritestring' (string expected, got nil)
  2534. 1. oldnetwritestring - [C]:-1
  2535. 2. send_module_name - lua/autorun/client/cl_minimal.lua:123
  2536. 3. RunString - lua/autorun/client/cl_minimal.lua:313
  2537. 4. onsuccess - addons/hudhive/lua/autorun/_hudhive_load.lua:295
  2538. 5. unknown - lua/includes/modules/http.lua:29
  2539. [mlsthomas1|4|STEAM_0:1:29321945] Lua Error:
  2540. [ERROR] lua/autorun/impala.lua:54: attempt to call global 'VC_MakeScripts' (a nil value)
  2541. 1. unknown - lua/autorun/impala.lua:54
  2542. [mlsthomas1|4|STEAM_0:1:29321945] Lua Error:
  2543. [ERROR] lua/autorun/sh_mistasspraypaint.lua:45: attempt to concatenate field 'length' (a nil value)
  2544. 1. unknown - lua/autorun/sh_mistasspraypaint.lua:45
  2545. [mlsthomas1|4|STEAM_0:1:29321945] Lua Error:
  2546. [ERROR] lua/ulx/modules/sh/sh_overtheshoulder.lua:12: unexpected symbol near '='
  2547. 1. unknown - lua/ulx/modules/sh/sh_overtheshoulder.lua:0
  2548. [mlsthomas1|4|STEAM_0:1:29321945] Lua Error:
  2549. [ERROR] addons/zvendor/lua/entities/weapon_vending/tdui.lua:927: attempt to index a nil value
  2550. 1. unknown - addons/zvendor/lua/entities/weapon_vending/tdui.lua:927
  2551. 2. include - [C]:-1
  2552. 3. unknown - addons/zvendor/lua/entities/ammo_vending/cl_init.lua:2
  2553. [mlsthomas1|4|STEAM_0:1:29321945] Lua Error:
  2554. [ERROR] addons/zvendor/lua/entities/weapon_vending/tdui.lua:927: attempt to index a nil value
  2555. 1. unknown - addons/zvendor/lua/entities/weapon_vending/tdui.lua:927
  2556. 2. include - [C]:-1
  2557. 3. unknown - addons/zvendor/lua/entities/weapon_vending/shared.lua:11
  2558. 4. include - [C]:-1
  2559. 5. unknown - addons/zvendor/lua/entities/weapon_vending/cl_init.lua:1
  2560. [mlsthomas1|4|STEAM_0:1:29321945] Lua Error:
  2561. addons/libk/lua/libk/3rdparty/glib/loader/loader.lua:127: attempt to index a nil value
  2562. VCMod: Player DcD Adam has loaded and is waiting for a temp-key.
  2563. [DcD Adam|2|STEAM_0:1:105874999] Lua Error:
  2564. [ERROR] lua/autorun/client/cl_minimal.lua:123: bad argument #1 to 'oldnetwritestring' (string expected, got nil)
  2565. 1. oldnetwritestring - [C]:-1
  2566. 2. send_module_name - lua/autorun/client/cl_minimal.lua:123
  2567. 3. RunString - lua/autorun/client/cl_minimal.lua:313
  2568. 4. onsuccess - addons/amethyst/lua/autorun/_amethyst_load.lua:368
  2569. 5. unknown - lua/includes/modules/http.lua:29
  2570. [DcD Adam|2|STEAM_0:1:105874999] Lua Error:
  2571. [ERROR] lua/autorun/client/cl_minimal.lua:123: bad argument #1 to 'oldnetwritestring' (string expected, got nil)
  2572. 1. oldnetwritestring - [C]:-1
  2573. 2. send_module_name - lua/autorun/client/cl_minimal.lua:123
  2574. 3. RunString - lua/autorun/client/cl_minimal.lua:313
  2575. 4. onsuccess - addons/hudhive/lua/autorun/_hudhive_load.lua:295
  2576. 5. unknown - lua/includes/modules/http.lua:29
  2577. VCMod: Sent API key to player DcD Adam. 97 keys left.
  2578. VCMod: Initializing player DcD Adam.
  2579. [DcD Adam|2|STEAM_0:1:105874999] Lua Error:
  2580. [ERROR] lua/autorun/impala.lua:54: attempt to call global 'VC_MakeScripts' (a nil value)
  2581. 1. unknown - lua/autorun/impala.lua:54
  2582. [DcD Adam|2|STEAM_0:1:105874999] Lua Error:
  2583. [ERROR] lua/autorun/sh_mistasspraypaint.lua:45: attempt to concatenate field 'length' (a nil value)
  2584. 1. unknown - lua/autorun/sh_mistasspraypaint.lua:45
  2585. [DcD Adam|2|STEAM_0:1:105874999] Lua Error:
  2586. [ERROR] lua/ulx/modules/sh/sh_overtheshoulder.lua:12: unexpected symbol near '='
  2587. 1. unknown - lua/ulx/modules/sh/sh_overtheshoulder.lua:0
  2588. [DcD Adam|2|STEAM_0:1:105874999] Lua Error:
  2589. [ERROR] addons/zvendor/lua/entities/weapon_vending/tdui.lua:927: attempt to index a nil value
  2590. 1. unknown - addons/zvendor/lua/entities/weapon_vending/tdui.lua:927
  2591. 2. include - [C]:-1
  2592. 3. unknown - addons/zvendor/lua/entities/ammo_vending/cl_init.lua:2
  2593. [DcD Adam|2|STEAM_0:1:105874999] Lua Error:
  2594. [ERROR] addons/zvendor/lua/entities/weapon_vending/tdui.lua:927: attempt to index a nil value
  2595. 1. unknown - addons/zvendor/lua/entities/weapon_vending/tdui.lua:927
  2596. 2. include - [C]:-1
  2597. 3. unknown - addons/zvendor/lua/entities/weapon_vending/shared.lua:11
  2598. 4. include - [C]:-1
  2599. 5. unknown - addons/zvendor/lua/entities/weapon_vending/cl_init.lua:1
  2600. atraxy_aff9cff4:~$
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