

Oct 2nd, 2016
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  1. appearance a sleeveless, fur-lined leather robe
  2. dropped A robe of leather and fur has been dropped here.
  3. examined This is a garment which is made for warmth, while also meeting specific needs of mobility, durability and fit. It has been crafted from sturdy leather that has been stained a rich, dark chocolate brown, and is of sufficient thickness that it ought to stand up to both roughhousing and washing. It has been lined with pale fur, hugging close to the body and providing a layer of softness and warmth. The robe is sleeveless in cut with a standing collar to cover the neck. Relatively fitted on the upper body, the garment closes in sleek, double-breasted fashion across the chest. Though the robe reaches almost to the ground and thoroughly enfolds the body when at rest, a combination of the way it wraps closed and infantry-pattern skirts ensures that absolutely no mobility is impeded, should the wearer need to make any sort of large or violent movement. Though largely without decoration, a thin band of embroidery depicting leafy vines follows each hem, using matching thread to the leather so as not to stand out unduly.
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