
4760 - Attacks in the past

Mar 20th, 2022
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  1. Dark: There, in the background. Who is that?
  3. Anderson: We believe that's some sort of manifestation of the Kalysto unit's sense of self, a way to anchor itself in the moment. It's unobtrusive, and-
  5. Dark: Can they see it?
  7. Anderson: (Hesitates) Not, uh, that we know of, no. It's just something on the-
  9. Obadiah Dark gets up from his chair and approaches the subject. Anderson steps forward to intercept him but it pushed to the ground by the larger man. Dark steps in front of SCP-4760-B. He grabs the entity by the shoulders and leans in towards its face.
  11. Dark: Ulysses Sate. You can see him, I know you can. We met once, years ago. Find that moment. Find it.
  13. SCP-4760-B shudders. Anderson calls out, but a member of Obadiah Dark's security detail hits him in the face with the butt of a rifle. Dark takes an uneasy step backwards and grabs the edge of the stage for leverage. The ground begins to hum again. A member of the security detail coughs. In the background, something drops out of the sky.
  15. Another voice, identical to the second unidentified person from the previous activation event albeit slightly younger, is heard from the television.
  17. Unidentified Person 2: We're anticipating being able to load it onto my ship. You don't see any reason we would have issues with that, would you?
  19. Unidentified Person 3: It will be more than sufficient, I believe. As long as you keep clear of the coastline, I would not anticipate any issues.
  21. Unidentified Person 2: I'm glad to hear it, we're hoping to get this-
  23. ***
  25. There is movement on the screen, and Dark takes another tentative step backwards. He is noticeably breathing heavily. From the television the sounds of choking can be heard.
  27. Unidentified Person 2: Sate? Sate?! What's happening?
  29. Dark: Get out of the way, you dumb fucker! Let him die! Let him suffer! He deserves it for what he did, for-
  31. There is a distinct cracking sound from the television. Two of the armed guards on-screen collapse and begin twitching on the ground. More shapes, identified later as birds, continue to fall from the sky. Anderson is rolling on the ground, grabbing at his face.
  33. The scene on the television apparently changes. As it does, Obadiah Dark begins to shake.
  35. Dark: What is this- no, wait, that's- mother? She's- that's- me, no, wait, no, no no no, not like-
  37. SCP-4760-B begins to shake violently. The rest of the security detail drops to the ground, their bodies shaking and smoking and fluid beginning to seep from cracks forming in their skin. Raw red flesh is visible beneath the cracks, and it also smokes and sizzles as it is exposed to open air.
  39. Dark lunges for SCP-4760-B, but stumbles after taking one step. There is a loud, wet sound followed by a scream on the television, and then another wet pop. On the ground, Dark seizes.
  41. Dark: Not- no! No! No!
  43. His body flashes white briefly, and then both the audio and video cut out.
  45. ***
  47. SCP-4760
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