
5/7/19 Convo PMs Kaisumi/Op4l

May 7th, 2019
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  1. [2019/03/04 15:39:39] Kaisumi pets your cat
  2. [2019/03/04 15:42:26] OPAL (op4l): and he purrs :)
  3. [2019/03/04 15:42:32] Kaisumi: \o/
  4. [16:52:55] Ⓐⓟⓟⓛⓔⓢⓐⓤⓒⓔ (kaisumi): Hi!
  5. [16:53:12] OPAL (op4l): hey :)
  6. [16:53:58] OPAL (op4l): are you a mentor? hein ask you to write?
  7. [16:54:38] Ⓐⓟⓟⓛⓔⓢⓐⓤⓒⓔ (kaisumi): I am a Mentor, and MOD In training, I poked you to gather information on what was going on. And Potential issues.
  8. [16:56:24] Ⓐⓟⓟⓛⓔⓢⓐⓤⓒⓔ (kaisumi): May I ask who all was involved and for logs?
  9. [16:56:24] OPAL (op4l): i am making a NC of the scene
  10. [16:56:37] OPAL (op4l): as i am confused as to why i needed to roll for the cat to escape
  11. [16:56:55] OPAL (op4l): it was sylvi and misanthrpisim.. something like that lol
  12. [16:57:57] Ⓐⓟⓟⓛⓔⓢⓐⓤⓒⓔ (kaisumi): Ah, I know these two. But Logs are a huge help. :)
  13. [16:58:47] OPAL (op4l): yeah as she came and after a couple posts.. he shows up
  14. [16:59:05] Second Life:
  16. [16:59:22] Ⓐⓟⓟⓛⓔⓢⓐⓤⓒⓔ (kaisumi): And do you have OOC/PMs logs as well?
  17. [16:59:24] OPAL (op4l): but i just wanted to know why Cat could not escape as we did not enter battle..
  18. [16:59:36] OPAL (op4l): no we did not ooc talk much
  19. [16:59:56] Ⓐⓟⓟⓛⓔⓢⓐⓤⓒⓔ (kaisumi): This all happened in chat?
  20. [17:00:15] Ⓐⓟⓟⓛⓔⓢⓐⓤⓒⓔ (kaisumi): Give me a moment to read up on this. <3
  21. [17:01:03] Second Life: OPAL (op4l) has given you this notecard:
  22. Fey'Anne- harbor scene
  23. Do you want to keep it? "Mute" will block all future offers or messages from OPAL (op4l) .
  24. [17:01:12] OPAL (op4l): i sent you a new one with our OOC convo
  25. [17:01:19] OPAL (op4l): i did not talk to the drkku
  26. [17:01:24] Ⓐⓟⓟⓛⓔⓢⓐⓤⓒⓔ (kaisumi): Thank you very much.
  27. [17:01:36] OPAL (op4l): no worries.. i am going afk a few.. while you read :)
  28. [17:01:43] Ⓐⓟⓟⓛⓔⓢⓐⓤⓒⓔ (kaisumi): Of course. Tyt.
  29. [17:05:16] Ⓐⓟⓟⓛⓔⓢⓐⓤⓒⓔ (kaisumi): The only person you spoke with was Silvy? Misa was just a witness ?
  30. [17:05:25] OPAL (op4l): in IM yes
  31. [17:05:36] Ⓐⓟⓟⓛⓔⓢⓐⓤⓒⓔ (kaisumi): Alright, give me a moment.
  32. [17:06:04] OPAL (op4l): of course
  33. [17:23:21] Ⓐⓟⓟⓛⓔⓢⓐⓤⓒⓔ (kaisumi): Alrighty, Miss Opal. So from what I was reading- the moment the dice started to roll, Combat was initiated, and if Cat was involved with it, NPC wise, you DO have to roll to get out of combat for BOTH yourself/NPC that was involved.
  34. [17:23:35] OPAL (op4l): ok but
  35. [17:23:45] OPAL (op4l): from the im. she told me i had to roll for cat
  36. [17:24:00] Ⓐⓟⓟⓛⓔⓢⓐⓤⓒⓔ (kaisumi): Yes. Cat is the NPC involved correct?
  37. [17:24:06] OPAL (op4l): yes
  38. [17:24:21] OPAL (op4l): what i am saying is.. i was told I HAD to roll for cat to escape
  39. [17:24:33] OPAL (op4l): when battle was not inititated yet
  40. [17:25:35] OPAL (op4l): and really i am not arguing over the scene.. it is over.. i am just wanting to learn
  41. [17:26:48] Ⓐⓟⓟⓛⓔⓢⓐⓤⓒⓔ (kaisumi): I understand, and you are NOT in trouble. I am just trying to help you. :)
  42. [17:27:32] OPAL (op4l): haha.. i did not think i was in trouble.. :P and i appreciate it .. next time this comes up i will know what to do
  43. [17:29:33] Ⓐⓟⓟⓛⓔⓢⓐⓤⓒⓔ (kaisumi): Of course. I was just letting you know. That I am indeed trying to help you. That is what we are here for.
  44. [17:30:04] OPAL (op4l): :) i am happy. ty
  45. [17:30:19] Ⓐⓟⓟⓛⓔⓢⓐⓤⓒⓔ (kaisumi): But as I am reading, Misa tried to kick your cat?
  46. [17:30:26] Ⓐⓟⓟⓛⓔⓢⓐⓤⓒⓔ (kaisumi): Which requires Dice rolls.
  47. [17:30:36] OPAL (op4l): ok but that was after the fact
  48. [17:31:14] OPAL (op4l): so my first post was opening the door for cat to run off.. but then she posted to get in front of me... so then i try to send cat out the window
  49. [17:31:20] OPAL (op4l): i was told then .. i had to roll
  50. [17:31:32] OPAL (op4l): my question is why at this time did i have to roll for him to escape
  51. [17:31:41] OPAL (op4l): we had not initiated battle yet
  52. [17:37:23] Ⓐⓟⓟⓛⓔⓢⓐⓤⓒⓔ (kaisumi): Staring a times.
  53. [17:37:38] Ⓐⓟⓟⓛⓔⓢⓐⓤⓒⓔ (kaisumi): And Apparently I just ate half my comment.
  54. [17:37:51] Ⓐⓟⓟⓛⓔⓢⓐⓤⓒⓔ (kaisumi): I apologize for late responses. Bare with me!
  55. [17:38:09] OPAL (op4l): please please.. it is no stress. tyt
  56. [17:40:16] Ⓐⓟⓟⓛⓔⓢⓐⓤⓒⓔ (kaisumi): Okay. So. If Cat/You were in combat- YES Both of you have to roll to get out. / If You were not in combat - you do not have to roll to leave a roll play.
  57. [17:40:39] OPAL (op4l): that is what i am saying. we were NOT in combat
  58. [17:41:27] OPAL (op4l): at 15:51 i went to the door to let cat out. her NEXT post after me.. was she stepped in front of me to keep me from letting cat out.. but really i already had
  59. [17:41:36] OPAL (op4l): then my next post.. was i sent cat to the window
  60. [17:41:45] OPAL (op4l): that is when she told me i HAD to roll
  61. [17:42:08] Ⓐⓟⓟⓛⓔⓢⓐⓤⓒⓔ (kaisumi): If you weren't in combat no you do not. If you were in combat YES you do.
  62. [17:42:28] OPAL (op4l): she said. in her IM to me
  63. [17:42:31] OPAL (op4l): as soon as she stepped to me we were in battle
  64. [17:42:57] OPAL (op4l): not so to me. i would think you have to do an action rather than you walked to me. and your heat was felt?
  65. [17:43:33] OPAL (op4l): i am so sorry. i just want to understand :).. as I said the scene will stand
  66. [17:43:49] OPAL (op4l): just moving forward i wish to know
  67. [17:44:37] Ⓐⓟⓟⓛⓔⓢⓐⓤⓒⓔ (kaisumi): You are fine, that is part of learning, I am just letting you know. ----- If Combat was initiated- Any Player/NPC involved needs to Roll to Escape.
  68. [17:44:44] Ⓐⓟⓟⓛⓔⓢⓐⓤⓒⓔ (kaisumi): If there is no Combat.
  69. [17:44:49] Ⓐⓟⓟⓛⓔⓢⓐⓤⓒⓔ (kaisumi): No Rolls are needed.
  70. [17:44:55] OPAL (op4l): ok so in this scene
  71. [17:45:00] OPAL (op4l): was combat initiated?
  72. [17:45:05] OPAL (op4l): by her stepping to me?
  73. [17:45:32] OPAL (op4l): will brb..afk
  74. [17:45:38] Ⓐⓟⓟⓛⓔⓢⓐⓤⓒⓔ (kaisumi): [16:12] Fey'Anne Ardel gold and silver you paid" holding up her finger with a glint in her eye, "but no more" looked to the man as he opened his book, "indeed right down how naughty I am" finding quiet amusement. "Indeed this is a business within Myrrine and under protection. Besides who is threatening whom?" eyes of steel will looking at him and back to Kara, "Now, are we done here?"
  77. [16:13] [CoL] Hud v2.0: Op4l Resident has rolled... 67 on a d100
  78. [16:13] [CoL] Hud v2.0: Silvy Dean has rolled... 30 on a d100
  79. [16:13] [CoL] Hud v2.0: Misanthropisme Resident has rolled... 98 on a d100
  80. [17:45:44] Ⓐⓟⓟⓛⓔⓢⓐⓤⓒⓔ (kaisumi): Can you explain those for me ^
  81. [17:46:03] Ⓐⓟⓟⓛⓔⓢⓐⓤⓒⓔ (kaisumi): And of course. Tyt. I am just trying to understand/help you better.
  82. [17:55:30] OPAL (op4l): ok the roll was because she told me I HAD to roll for the escape of the cat
  83. [17:56:18] OPAL (op4l): 16:13 she wrote me in IM i had to roll for the cat
  84. [17:56:37] OPAL (op4l): [16:13] Silvy Dean: you're going to have to roll for the cat.
  85. [17:57:07] OPAL (op4l): [16:15] OPAL (Op4l Resident): why am i rolling for cat? we have not entered a battle
  86. [16:17] Silvy Dean: oh no we were in battle the moment she tried to step out the door.
  87. [16:18] OPAL (Op4l Resident): ? how is that
  88. [16:18] Silvy Dean: because she made it very clear she wasn't going to let the woman step out the door without a refund.
  89. [16:18] OPAL (Op4l Resident): and she was not trying to leave.. she was opening the door to usher you out lol
  90. [17:57:10] Ⓐⓟⓟⓛⓔⓢⓐⓤⓒⓔ (kaisumi): Okay, So Combat was started when Kara- Silvy Deans character threw a punch at [16:17]
  91. [17:57:22] OPAL (op4l): right
  92. [17:57:31] Ⓐⓟⓟⓛⓔⓢⓐⓤⓒⓔ (kaisumi): Combat didnt start when you had gotten stepped infront of.
  93. [17:57:35] OPAL (op4l): so before that.. me sending the cat i did NOT have to ROLL
  94. [17:57:43] Ⓐⓟⓟⓛⓔⓢⓐⓤⓒⓔ (kaisumi): Correct.
  95. [17:57:46] OPAL (op4l): YAY
  96. [17:57:49] OPAL (op4l): i did not think so
  97. [17:57:51] Ⓐⓟⓟⓛⓔⓢⓐⓤⓒⓔ (kaisumi): :)
  98. [17:58:00] OPAL (op4l): but i feel she may have done more battle than me
  99. [17:58:14] Ⓐⓟⓟⓛⓔⓢⓐⓤⓒⓔ (kaisumi): She did. So I read. Lol.
  100. [17:58:48] OPAL (op4l): ok so from now on.. unless an action has happened toward a player that initiates a battle.. cat can run off
  101. [17:58:49] OPAL (op4l): LOL
  102. [17:59:39] Ⓐⓟⓟⓛⓔⓢⓐⓤⓒⓔ (kaisumi): Mhm. IN combat- Yes Roll. OUT OF Combat- No.
  103. [18:00:11] OPAL (op4l): okies. ty
  104. [18:01:39] Ⓐⓟⓟⓛⓔⓢⓐⓤⓒⓔ (kaisumi): Of course, if anything happens again, have any questions, ect.. just poke the mentor page, or contact us on the website. :)
  105. [18:01:48] Ⓐⓟⓟⓛⓔⓢⓐⓤⓒⓔ (kaisumi): That is what we are here for. <3
  106. [18:02:00] OPAL (op4l): perfect thank you so much :)
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