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Mar 26th, 2019
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text 101.57 KB | None | 0 0
  1. 0.001 2019-03-26 17:27:59; Factorio 0.17.20 (build 44066, win64, steam)
  2. 0.001 Operating system: Windows 10 (version 1803)
  3. 0.003 Program arguments: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Factorio\bin\x64\Factorio.exe" "--mod-directory" "C:\Users\Drame\AppData\Roaming\Factorio\KevTech"
  4. 0.003 Read data path: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Factorio/data
  5. 0.003 Write data path: C:/Users/Drame/AppData/Roaming/Factorio [266472/475950MB]
  6. 0.003 Binaries path: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Factorio/bin
  7. 0.010 System info: [CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6700K CPU @ 4.00GHz, 8 cores, RAM: 13443/65474 MB, page: 17451/67522 MB, virtual: 4329/134217727 MB, extended virtual: 0 MB]
  8. 0.010 Display options: [FullScreen: 1] [VSync: 1] [UIScale: custom (100.0%)] [Native DPI: 1] [Screen: 1] [Special: 00] [Lang: en]
  9. 0.041 Available displays: 4
  10. 0.041 [0]: \\.\DISPLAY1 - NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 {0x05, [0,0], 1600x900, 32bit, 60Hz}
  11. 0.042 [1]: \\.\DISPLAY2 - NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 {0x01, [-1600,0], 1600x900, 32bit, 60Hz}
  12. 0.043 [2]: \\.\DISPLAY3 - NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 {0x01, [-3200,0], 1600x900, 32bit, 60Hz}
  13. 0.044 [3]: \\.\DISPLAY4 - NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 {0x01, [-1601,-900], 1600x900, 32bit, 60Hz}
  14. 0.118 [Direct3D11] Display: 1, Output: 1, DisplayAdapter: 0, RenderingAdapter: 0; d3dcompiler_47.dll
  15. 0.246 Initialised Direct3D[0]: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080; id: 10de-1b80; driver: nvldumdx.dll
  16. 0.246 D3D Feature Level: 11.1, DXGI 1.5+, SwapChain: 1,discard,-,-,none
  17. 0.246 [Local Video Memory] Budget: 6873MB, CurrentUsage: 2MB, Reservation: 0/3638MB
  18. 0.246 [Non-Local Vid.Mem.] Budget: 29463MB, CurrentUsage: 0MB, Reservation: 0/15550MB
  19. 0.246 Tiled resources: Tier 2
  20. 0.246 Unified Memory Architecture: No
  21. 0.246 BGR 565 Supported: Yes
  22. 0.246 MaximumFrameLatency: 3, GPUThreadPriority: 0
  23. 0.294 Desktop composition is active.
  24. 0.294 Graphics settings preset: very-high
  25. 0.294 Dedicated video memory size 8086 MB
  26. 0.294 Graphics options: [Graphics quality: high] [Video memory usage: all] [Light scale: 25%] [DXT: high-quality]
  27. 0.294 [Max load threads: 32] [Max texture size: 0] [Tex.Stream.: 0] [Rotation quality: normal] [Color: 32bit]
  28. 0.365 DSound: Starting _dsound_update thread
  29. 0.365 DSound: Enter _dsound_update; tid=43080
  30. 0.683 Loading mod settings bobinserters 0.17.3 (settings.lua)
  31. 0.684 Loading mod settings Bottleneck 0.10.3 (settings.lua)
  32. 0.684 Loading mod settings dangOreus 1.5.7 (settings.lua)
  33. 0.685 Loading mod settings even-distribution 0.3.4 (settings.lua)
  34. 0.685 Loading mod settings Factorissimo2 2.3.1 (settings.lua)
  35. 0.686 Loading mod settings helmod 0.8.6 (settings.lua)
  36. 0.687 Loading mod settings Inventory Sensor 1.7.2 (settings.lua)
  37. 0.687 Loading mod settings nixie-tubes 0.17.3 (settings.lua)
  38. 0.688 Loading mod settings Noxys_StackSizeMultiplier 0.1.0 (settings.lua)
  39. 0.688 Loading mod settings omnilib 3.0.7 (settings.lua)
  40. 0.689 Loading mod settings Todo-List 17.2.1 (settings.lua)
  41. 0.689 Loading mod settings Warehousing 0.2.1 (settings.lua)
  42. 0.689 Loading mod settings WideChests 2.1.2 (settings.lua)
  43. 0.690 Loading mod settings bobores 0.17.1 (settings.lua)
  44. 0.691 Loading mod settings bobtech 0.17.2 (settings.lua)
  45. 0.692 Loading mod settings bobvehicleequipment 0.17.0 (settings.lua)
  46. 0.692 Loading mod settings Tapeline 0.3.1 (settings.lua)
  47. 0.693 Loading mod settings bobplates 0.17.2 (settings.lua)
  48. 0.694 Loading mod settings FactorioExtended-Plus-Storage 0.2.2 (settings.lua)
  49. 0.694 Loading mod settings bobassembly 0.17.2 (settings.lua)
  50. 0.695 Loading mod settings bobelectronics 0.17.2 (settings.lua)
  51. 0.695 Loading mod settings boblogistics 0.17.4 (settings.lua)
  52. 0.696 Loading mod settings bobmining 0.17.2 (settings.lua)
  53. 0.697 Loading mod settings bobpower 0.17.2 (settings.lua)
  54. 0.697 Loading mod settings deadlock-beltboxes-loaders 2.1.3 (settings.lua)
  55. 0.698 Loading mod settings angelsrefining 0.10.6 (settings.lua)
  56. 0.699 Loading mod settings bobmodules 0.17.2 (settings.lua)
  57. 0.701 Loading mod settings bobwarfare 0.17.2 (settings.lua)
  58. 0.702 Loading mod settings ElectricTrain 0.17.3 (settings.lua)
  59. 0.703 Loading mod settings InfiniteTech 0.4.3 (settings.lua)
  60. 0.704 Loading mod settings angelsaddons-warehouses 0.4.0 (settings.lua)
  61. 0.705 Loading mod settings angelspetrochem 0.8.2 (settings.lua)
  62. 0.706 Loading mod settings ShinyBobGFX 0.17.2 (settings.lua)
  63. 0.707 Loading mod settings omnimatter 3.0.1 (settings.lua)
  64. 0.709 Loading mod settings ShinyAngelGFX 0.17.1 (settings.lua)
  65. 0.710 Loading mod settings omnimatter_wood 3.0.2 (settings.lua)
  66. 0.711 Loading mod settings omnimatter_science 3.0.3 (settings.lua)
  67. 0.712 Loading mod settings MoreSciencePacks 0.1.6 (settings.lua)
  68. 0.714 Loading mod settings MomoTweak 0.17.13 (settings.lua)
  69. 0.715 Loading mod settings necro_painful_modpack 0.17.3 (settings.lua)
  70. 0.725 Loading mod core 0.0.0 (data.lua)
  71. 0.818 Loading mod base 0.17.20 (data.lua)
  72. 1.072 Loading mod AfraidOfTheDark 1.0.22 (data.lua)
  73. 1.166 Loading mod beautiful_bridge_railway 0.17.1 (data.lua)
  74. 1.287 Loading mod Big_Brother 0.5.0 (data.lua)
  75. 1.392 Loading mod Blueprint_Flip_Turn_017 1.0.0 (data.lua)
  76. 1.494 Loading mod bobinserters 0.17.3 (data.lua)
  77. 1.595 Loading mod boblibrary 0.17.0 (data.lua)
  78. 1.695 Loading mod Bottleneck 0.10.3 (data.lua)
  79. 1.783 Loading mod CJs_QoL_Research_Ver1 0.5.31 (data.lua)
  80. 1.878 Loading mod Enhanced_Map_Colors 1.4.8 (data.lua)
  81. 1.972 Loading mod even-distribution 0.3.4 (data.lua)
  82. 2.064 Loading mod EvoGUI 0.4.401 (data.lua)
  83. 2.156 Loading mod FactorioExtended-Plus-Core 0.2.0 (data.lua)
  84. 2.242 Loading mod Factorissimo2 2.3.1 (data.lua)
  85. 2.379 Loading mod Flow Control 3.0.4 (data.lua)
  86. 2.520 Loading mod FNEI 0.2.3 (data.lua)
  87. 2.663 Loading mod helmod 0.8.6 (data.lua)
  88. 2.798 Loading mod Inventory Sensor 1.7.2 (data.lua)
  89. 2.932 Loading mod more-minimap-autohide-017 1.0.0 (data.lua)
  90. 3.075 Loading mod nixie-tubes 0.17.3 (data.lua)
  91. 3.219 Loading mod omnilib 3.0.7 (data.lua)
  92. 3.372 Loading mod Robot_Battery_Research 0.1.2 (data.lua)
  93. 3.523 Loading mod stdlib 1.0.2 (data.lua)
  94. 3.690 Loading mod Texugo_TA-miners 0.17.1 (data.lua)
  95. 3.886 Loading mod Todo-List 17.2.1 (data.lua)
  96. 4.146 Loading mod Warehousing 0.2.1 (data.lua)
  97. 4.334 Loading mod WaterWell 1.0.20 (data.lua)
  98. 4.498 Loading mod bobores 0.17.1 (data.lua)
  99. 4.669 Loading mod bobtech 0.17.2 (data.lua)
  100. 4.827 Loading mod bobvehicleequipment 0.17.0 (data.lua)
  101. 4.994 Loading mod FactorioExtended-Plus-Equipment 0.2.1 (data.lua)
  102. 5.163 Loading mod FactorioExtended-Plus-Logistics 0.2.1 (data.lua)
  103. 5.317 Loading mod FactorioExtended-Plus-Power 0.2.2 (data.lua)
  104. 5.479 Loading mod FactorioExtended-Plus-Transport 0.2.4 (data.lua)
  105. 5.652 Loading mod FactorioExtended-Plus-Weaponry 0.2.2 (data.lua)
  106. 5.828 Loading mod Tapeline 0.3.1 (data.lua)
  107. 6.005 Loading mod bobplates 0.17.2 (data.lua)
  108. 6.198 Loading mod FactorioExtended-Plus-Machines 0.2.1 (data.lua)
  109. 6.411 Loading mod FactorioExtended-Plus-Storage 0.2.2 (data.lua)
  110. 6.582 Loading mod BigDrills 0.5.4 (data.lua)
  111. 6.749 Loading mod bobassembly 0.17.2 (data.lua)
  112. 6.956 Loading mod bobelectronics 0.17.2 (data.lua)
  113. 7.136 Loading mod boblogistics 0.17.4 (data.lua)
  114. 7.342 Loading mod bobmining 0.17.2 (data.lua)
  115. 7.516 Loading mod bobpower 0.17.2 (data.lua)
  116. 7.696 Loading mod bobrevamp 0.17.1 (data.lua)
  117. 7.874 Loading mod deadlock-beltboxes-loaders 2.1.3 (data.lua)
  118. 8.043 Loading mod angelsrefining 0.10.6 (data.lua)
  119. 8.230 Loading mod bobmodules 0.17.2 (data.lua)
  120. 8.400 Loading mod bobwarfare 0.17.2 (data.lua)
  121. 8.598 Loading mod ElectricTrain 0.17.3 (data.lua)
  122. 8.789 Loading mod InfiniteTech 0.4.3 (data.lua)
  123. 8.972 Loading mod angelsaddons-warehouses 0.4.0 (data.lua)
  124. 9.153 Loading mod angelspetrochem 0.8.2 (data.lua)
  125. 9.346 Loading mod angelsaddons-pressuretanks 0.4.0 (data.lua)
  126. 9.535 Loading mod angelssmelting 0.5.4 (data.lua)
  127. 9.741 Loading mod omnimatter 3.0.1 (data.lua)
  128. 9.743 Script @__omnilib__/prototypes/functions.lua:1092: Could not find crushed-omnite's prototype, check it's type.
  129. 9.743 Script @__omnilib__/prototypes/functions.lua:1092: Could not find pulverized-omnite's prototype, check it's type.
  130. 9.744 Script @__omnilib__/prototypes/functions.lua:1092: Could not find omnicium-plate's prototype, check it's type.
  131. 9.744 Script @__omnilib__/prototypes/functions.lua:1092: Could not find omnicium-plate's prototype, check it's type.
  132. 9.744 Script @__omnilib__/prototypes/functions.lua:1092: Could not find omnicium-gear-wheel's prototype, check it's type.
  133. 9.744 Script @__omnilib__/prototypes/functions.lua:1092: Could not find omnicium-iron-gear-box's prototype, check it's type.
  134. 9.744 Script @__omnilib__/prototypes/functions.lua:1092: Could not find burner-omni-furnace's prototype, check it's type.
  135. 9.744 Script @__omnilib__/prototypes/functions.lua:1100: Could not find burner-omni-furnace's prototype, check it's type.
  136. 9.744 Script @__omnilib__/prototypes/functions.lua:1100: Could not find burner-omni-furnace's prototype, check it's type.
  137. 9.744 Script @__omnilib__/prototypes/functions.lua:1092: Could not find omnicium-steel-gear-box's prototype, check it's type.
  138. 9.744 Script @__omnilib__/prototypes/functions.lua:1092: Could not find omnicium-brass-gear-box's prototype, check it's type.
  139. 9.744 Script @__omnilib__/prototypes/functions.lua:1092: Could not find omnicium-titanium-gear-box's prototype, check it's type.
  140. 9.745 Script @__omnilib__/prototypes/functions.lua:1092: Could not find omnicium-tungsten-gear-box's prototype, check it's type.
  141. 9.745 Script @__omnilib__/prototypes/functions.lua:1092: Could not find omnicium-nitinol-gear-box's prototype, check it's type.
  142. 9.745 Script @__omnilib__/prototypes/functions.lua:1092: Could not find __angelssmelting__/graphics/icons/ingot-iron.png's prototype, check it's type.
  143. 9.745 Script @__omnilib__/prototypes/functions.lua:1092: Could not find ingot-omnicium's prototype, check it's type.
  144. 9.745 Script @__omnilib__/prototypes/functions.lua:1092: Could not find __angelssmelting__/graphics/icons/ingot-iron.png's prototype, check it's type.
  145. 9.746 Script @__omnilib__/prototypes/functions.lua:1092: Could not find smelting-omnicium's prototype, check it's type.
  146. 9.746 Script @__omnilib__/prototypes/functions.lua:1092: Could not find __angelssmelting__/graphics/icons/molten-iron.png's prototype, check it's type.
  147. 9.746 Script @__omnilib__/prototypes/functions.lua:1092: Could not find molten-omnicium's prototype, check it's type.
  148. 9.746 Script @__omnilib__/prototypes/functions.lua:1092: Could not find liquid-molten-omnicium's prototype, check it's type.
  149. 9.747 Script @__omnilib__/prototypes/functions.lua:1092: Could not find __angelssmelting__/graphics/icons/plate-iron.png's prototype, check it's type.
  150. 9.747 Script @__omnilib__/prototypes/functions.lua:1092: Could not find molten-omnicium's prototype, check it's type.
  151. 9.747 Script @__omnilib__/prototypes/functions.lua:1092: Could not find molten-omnicium's prototype, check it's type.
  152. 9.747 Script @__omnilib__/prototypes/functions.lua:1092: Could not find __angelssmelting__/graphics/icons/processed-iron.png's prototype, check it's type.
  153. 9.747 Script @__omnilib__/prototypes/functions.lua:1092: Could not find processed-omnicium's prototype, check it's type.
  154. 9.747 Script @__omnilib__/prototypes/functions.lua:1092: Could not find molten-omnicium's prototype, check it's type.
  155. 9.747 Script @__omnilib__/prototypes/functions.lua:1092: Could not find molten-omnicium's prototype, check it's type.
  156. 9.748 Script @__omnilib__/prototypes/functions.lua:1092: Could not find smelting-omnicium's prototype, check it's type.
  157. 9.748 Script @__omnilib__/prototypes/functions.lua:1092: Could not find processed-omnicium's prototype, check it's type.
  158. 9.748 Script @__omnilib__/prototypes/functions.lua:1092: Could not find __angelssmelting__/graphics/icons/ingot-iron.png's prototype, check it's type.
  159. 9.748 Script @__omnilib__/prototypes/functions.lua:1092: Could not find __angelssmelting__/graphics/icons/pellet-iron.png's prototype, check it's type.
  160. 9.749 Script @__omnilib__/prototypes/functions.lua:1092: Could not find pellet-omnicium's prototype, check it's type.
  161. 9.749 Script @__omnilib__/prototypes/functions.lua:1092: Could not find smelting-omnicium's prototype, check it's type.
  162. 9.749 Script @__omnilib__/prototypes/functions.lua:1092: Could not find pellet-omnicium's prototype, check it's type.
  163. 9.749 Script @__omnilib__/prototypes/functions.lua:1092: Could not find __angelssmelting__/graphics/icons/ingot-iron.png's prototype, check it's type.
  164. 9.750 Script @__omnilib__/prototypes/functions.lua:1092: Could not find smelting-omnicium's prototype, check it's type.
  165. 9.753 Script @__omnilib__/prototypes/functions.lua:1092: Could not find burner-omniphlog's prototype, check it's type.
  166. 9.753 Script @__omnilib__/prototypes/functions.lua:1100: Could not find burner-omniphlog's prototype, check it's type.
  167. 9.753 Script @__omnilib__/prototypes/functions.lua:1100: Could not find burner-omniphlog's prototype, check it's type.
  168. 9.951 Loading mod ShinyAngelGFX 0.17.1 (data.lua)
  169. 10.147 Loading mod omnimatter_wood 3.0.2 (data.lua)
  170. 10.148 Script @__omnilib__/prototypes/functions.lua:1092: Could not find omnimutator's prototype, check it's type.
  171. 10.148 Script @__omnilib__/prototypes/functions.lua:1100: Could not find omnimutator's prototype, check it's type.
  172. 10.148 Script @__omnilib__/prototypes/functions.lua:1100: Could not find omnimutator's prototype, check it's type.
  173. 10.149 Script @__omnilib__/prototypes/functions.lua:1092: Could not find omniwood's prototype, check it's type.
  174. 10.149 Script @__omnilib__/prototypes/functions.lua:1092: Could not find omniwood's prototype, check it's type.
  175. 10.345 Loading mod omnimatter_science 3.0.3 (data.lua)
  176. 10.345 Script @__omnilib__/prototypes/functions.lua:1092: Could not find __base__/graphics/icons/production-science-pack.png's prototype, check it's type.
  177. 10.345 Script @__omnilib__/prototypes/functions.lua:1092: Could not find omnipack-tech's prototype, check it's type.
  178. 10.345 Script @__omnilib__/prototypes/functions.lua:1092: Could not find omni-pack's prototype, check it's type.
  179. 10.542 Loading mod MoreSciencePacks 0.1.6 (data.lua)
  180. 10.736 Loading mod MomoTweak 0.17.13 (data.lua)
  181. 10.931 Loading mod necro_painful_modpack 0.17.3 (data.lua)
  182. 11.124 Loading mod base 0.17.20 (data-updates.lua)
  183. 11.332 Loading mod AfraidOfTheDark 1.0.22 (data-updates.lua)
  184. 11.545 Loading mod beautiful_bridge_railway 0.17.1 (data-updates.lua)
  185. 11.745 Loading mod Big_Brother 0.5.0 (data-updates.lua)
  186. 11.952 Loading mod bobinserters 0.17.3 (data-updates.lua)
  187. 12.155 Loading mod Enhanced_Map_Colors 1.4.8 (data-updates.lua)
  188. 12.361 Loading mod omnilib 3.0.7 (data-updates.lua)
  189. 12.566 Loading mod WideChests 2.1.2 (data-updates.lua)
  190. 13.327 Loading mod bobores 0.17.1 (data-updates.lua)
  191. 13.862 Loading mod bobtech 0.17.2 (data-updates.lua)
  192. 14.394 Loading mod bobvehicleequipment 0.17.0 (data-updates.lua)
  193. 14.971 Loading mod Squeak Through 1.3.0 (data-updates.lua)
  194. 15.487 Loading mod bobplates 0.17.2 (data-updates.lua)
  195. 15.489 Script @__boblibrary__/module-functions.lua:12: Recipe polishing-wheel-synthetic does not exist.
  196. 16.022 Loading mod bobassembly 0.17.2 (data-updates.lua)
  197. 16.562 Loading mod bobelectronics 0.17.2 (data-updates.lua)
  198. 17.110 Loading mod boblogistics 0.17.4 (data-updates.lua)
  199. 17.115 Script @__boblibrary__/technology-functions.lua:24: Technology character-logistic-slots-8 does not exist.
  200. 17.115 Script @__boblibrary__/technology-functions.lua:24: Technology character-logistic-slots-9 does not exist.
  201. 17.115 Script @__boblibrary__/technology-functions.lua:24: Technology character-logistic-slots-10 does not exist.
  202. 17.115 Script @__boblibrary__/technology-functions.lua:131: Technology character-inventory-slots-3 does not exist.
  203. 17.603 Loading mod bobmining 0.17.2 (data-updates.lua)
  204. 18.126 Loading mod bobpower 0.17.2 (data-updates.lua)
  205. 18.628 Loading mod bobrevamp 0.17.1 (data-updates.lua)
  206. 19.146 Loading mod deadlock-beltboxes-loaders 2.1.3 (data-updates.lua)
  207. 19.644 Loading mod angelsrefining 0.10.6 (data-updates.lua)
  208. 19.651 Script @__angelsrefining__/prototypes/generation/resource-builder.lua:728: "iron-ore"
  209. 19.651 Script @__angelsrefining__/prototypes/generation/resource-builder.lua:728: "copper-ore"
  210. 19.651 Script @__angelsrefining__/prototypes/generation/resource-builder.lua:728: "stone"
  211. 19.670 Script @__angelsrefining__/prototypes/generation/resource-builder.lua:841: {
  212. ["angels-fissure"] = 8,
  213. ["angels-natural-gas"] = 9,
  214. ["angels-ore1"] = 2,
  215. ["angels-ore2"] = 3,
  216. ["angels-ore3"] = 4,
  217. ["angels-ore4"] = 5,
  218. ["angels-ore5"] = 6,
  219. ["angels-ore6"] = 7,
  220. coal = 0,
  221. ["crude-oil"] = 1
  222. }
  223. 19.670 Script @__angelsrefining__/prototypes/generation/resource-builder.lua:843: "regular_resource_count = 10"
  224. 19.670 Script @__angelsrefining__/prototypes/generation/resource-builder.lua:844: "starting_resource_count = 5"
  225. 19.670 Script @__angelsrefining__/prototypes/generation/resource-builder.lua:845: "starting_size = 150"
  226. 19.670 Script @__angelsrefining__/prototypes/generation/resource-builder.lua:846: "region_size = 1344"
  227. 20.189 Loading mod bobmodules 0.17.2 (data-updates.lua)
  228. 20.688 Loading mod bobwarfare 0.17.2 (data-updates.lua)
  229. 20.689 Script @__boblibrary__/recipe-functions.lua:76: Recipe gun-cotton-synthetic does not exist.
  230. 20.692 Script @__boblibrary__/module-functions.lua:12: Recipe gun-cotton-synthetic does not exist.
  231. 21.213 Loading mod deadlock-integrations 2.0.6 (data-updates.lua)
  232. 21.711 Loading mod ElectricTrain 0.17.3 (data-updates.lua)
  233. 22.213 Loading mod angelsaddons-warehouses 0.4.0 (data-updates.lua)
  234. 22.711 Loading mod angelspetrochem 0.8.2 (data-updates.lua)
  235. 23.235 Loading mod ShinyBobGFX 0.17.2 (data-updates.lua)
  236. 23.244 Script @__ShinyBobGFX__/prototypes/robots.lua:17: construction-robot zz44
  237. 23.244 Script @__ShinyBobGFX__/prototypes/robots.lua:17: bob-construction-robot-2 zz44
  238. 23.244 Script @__ShinyBobGFX__/prototypes/robots.lua:17: bob-construction-robot-3 zz44
  239. 23.244 Script @__ShinyBobGFX__/prototypes/robots.lua:17: bob-construction-robot-4 zz44
  240. 23.244 Script @__ShinyBobGFX__/prototypes/robots.lua:17: bob-construction-robot-5 zz44
  241. 23.244 Script @__ShinyBobGFX__/prototypes/robots.lua:156: logistic-robot zz44
  242. 23.245 Script @__ShinyBobGFX__/prototypes/robots.lua:156: bob-logistic-robot-2 zz44
  243. 23.245 Script @__ShinyBobGFX__/prototypes/robots.lua:156: bob-logistic-robot-3 zz44
  244. 23.245 Script @__ShinyBobGFX__/prototypes/robots.lua:156: bob-logistic-robot-4 zz44
  245. 23.245 Script @__ShinyBobGFX__/prototypes/robots.lua:156: bob-logistic-robot-5 zz44
  246. 23.245 Script @__ShinyBobGFX__/prototypes/roboports.lua:40: roboport zz99
  247. 23.245 Script @__ShinyBobGFX__/prototypes/roboports.lua:154: bob-robochest zz99
  248. 23.245 Script @__ShinyBobGFX__/prototypes/roboports.lua:185: bob-logistic-zone-expander zz99
  249. 23.245 Script @__ShinyBobGFX__/prototypes/roboports.lua:209: bob-robo-charge-port zz99
  250. 23.245 Script @__ShinyBobGFX__/prototypes/roboports.lua:258: bob-robo-charge-port-large zz99
  251. 23.245 Script @__ShinyBobGFX__/prototypes/roboports.lua:40: bob-roboport-2 zz99
  252. 23.245 Script @__ShinyBobGFX__/prototypes/roboports.lua:154: bob-robochest-2 zz99
  253. 23.245 Script @__ShinyBobGFX__/prototypes/roboports.lua:185: bob-logistic-zone-expander-2 zz99
  254. 23.245 Script @__ShinyBobGFX__/prototypes/roboports.lua:209: bob-robo-charge-port-2 zz99
  255. 23.245 Script @__ShinyBobGFX__/prototypes/roboports.lua:258: bob-robo-charge-port-large-2 zz99
  256. 23.245 Script @__ShinyBobGFX__/prototypes/roboports.lua:40: bob-roboport-3 zz99
  257. 23.245 Script @__ShinyBobGFX__/prototypes/roboports.lua:154: bob-robochest-3 zz99
  258. 23.245 Script @__ShinyBobGFX__/prototypes/roboports.lua:185: bob-logistic-zone-expander-3 zz99
  259. 23.245 Script @__ShinyBobGFX__/prototypes/roboports.lua:209: bob-robo-charge-port-3 zz99
  260. 23.245 Script @__ShinyBobGFX__/prototypes/roboports.lua:258: bob-robo-charge-port-large-3 zz99
  261. 23.245 Script @__ShinyBobGFX__/prototypes/roboports.lua:40: bob-roboport-4 zz99
  262. 23.245 Script @__ShinyBobGFX__/prototypes/roboports.lua:154: bob-robochest-4 zz99
  263. 23.245 Script @__ShinyBobGFX__/prototypes/roboports.lua:185: bob-logistic-zone-expander-4 zz99
  264. 23.245 Script @__ShinyBobGFX__/prototypes/roboports.lua:209: bob-robo-charge-port-4 zz99
  265. 23.245 Script @__ShinyBobGFX__/prototypes/roboports.lua:258: bob-robo-charge-port-large-4 zz99
  266. 23.750 Loading mod angelssmelting 0.5.4 (data-updates.lua)
  267. 24.281 Loading mod omnimatter 3.0.1 (data-updates.lua)
  268. 24.282 Script @__omnilib__/prototypes/functions.lua:1092: Could not find smelting-omnicium-steel's prototype, check it's type.
  269. 24.282 Script @__omnilib__/prototypes/functions.lua:1092: Could not find molten-omnicium-steel-alloy's prototype, check it's type.
  270. 24.283 Script @__omnilib__/prototypes/functions.lua:1092: Could not find smelting-omnicium-iron's prototype, check it's type.
  271. 24.283 Script @__omnilib__/prototypes/functions.lua:1092: Could not find molten-omnicium-iron-alloy's prototype, check it's type.
  272. 24.283 Script @__omnilib__/prototypes/functions.lua:1092: Could not find smelting-omnicium-aluminium's prototype, check it's type.
  273. 24.283 Script @__omnilib__/prototypes/functions.lua:1092: Could not find molten-omnicium-aluminium-alloy's prototype, check it's type.
  274. 24.284 Script @__omnilib__/prototypes/functions.lua:1092: Could not find smelting-omnicium-tungsten's prototype, check it's type.
  275. 24.284 Script @__omnilib__/prototypes/functions.lua:1092: Could not find molten-omnicium-tungsten-alloy's prototype, check it's type.
  276. 24.289 Script @__omnilib__/prototypes/functions.lua:1092: Could not find omnic-water-purification's prototype, check it's type.
  277. 24.790 Loading mod ShinyAngelGFX 0.17.1 (data-updates.lua)
  278. 25.290 Loading mod omnimatter_wood 3.0.2 (data-updates.lua)
  279. 25.781 Loading mod MoreSciencePacks 0.1.6 (data-updates.lua)
  280. 25.782 Script @__MoreSciencePacks__/functions.lua:349: Technology stone-walls does not exist or requires no prerequisite.
  281. 25.782 Script @__MoreSciencePacks__/functions.lua:349: Technology turrets does not exist or requires no prerequisite.
  282. 26.289 Loading mod MomoTweak 0.17.13 (data-updates.lua)
  283. 26.817 Loading mod AfraidOfTheDark 1.0.22 (data-final-fixes.lua)
  284. 27.345 Loading mod BigLab 0.0.2 (data-final-fixes.lua)
  285. 27.854 Loading mod even-distribution 0.3.4 (data-final-fixes.lua)
  286. 28.505 Loading mod nixie-tubes 0.17.3 (data-final-fixes.lua)
  287. 29.092 Loading mod Noxys_StackSizeMultiplier 0.1.0 (data-final-fixes.lua)
  288. 29.627 Loading mod omnilib 3.0.7 (data-final-fixes.lua)
  289. 30.227 Loading mod tree_collision 0.5.1 (data-final-fixes.lua)
  290. 30.782 Loading mod Warehousing 0.2.1 (data-final-fixes.lua)
  291. 31.259 Loading mod FactorioExtended-Plus-Transport 0.2.4 (data-final-fixes.lua)
  292. 31.750 Loading mod bobplates 0.17.2 (data-final-fixes.lua)
  293. 32.257 Loading mod bobelectronics 0.17.2 (data-final-fixes.lua)
  294. 32.790 Loading mod angelsrefining 0.10.6 (data-final-fixes.lua)
  295. 33.251 Loading mod deadlock-integrations 2.0.6 (data-final-fixes.lua)
  296. 33.717 Loading mod angelspetrochem 0.8.2 (data-final-fixes.lua)
  297. 34.202 Loading mod angelssmelting 0.5.4 (data-final-fixes.lua)
  298. 34.694 Loading mod omnimatter 3.0.1 (data-final-fixes.lua)
  299. 34.696 Script @__omnilib__/prototypes/functions.lua:1092: Could not find burner-omnitractor's prototype, check it's type.
  300. 34.696 Script @__omnilib__/prototypes/functions.lua:1100: Could not find burner-omnitractor's prototype, check it's type.
  301. 34.696 Script @__omnilib__/prototypes/functions.lua:1100: Could not find burner-omnitractor's prototype, check it's type.
  302. 34.696 Script @__omnilib__/prototypes/functions.lua:1092: Could not find omnitractor's prototype, check it's type.
  303. 34.698 Script @__omnilib__/prototypes/functions.lua:1092: Could not find omnitractor-1's prototype, check it's type.
  304. 34.698 Script @__omnilib__/prototypes/functions.lua:1100: Could not find omnitractor-1's prototype, check it's type.
  305. 34.698 Script @__omnilib__/prototypes/functions.lua:1100: Could not find omnitractor-1's prototype, check it's type.
  306. 34.701 Script @__omnilib__/prototypes/functions.lua:1092: Could not find omnitractor-2's prototype, check it's type.
  307. 34.701 Script @__omnilib__/prototypes/functions.lua:1100: Could not find omnitractor-2's prototype, check it's type.
  308. 34.701 Script @__omnilib__/prototypes/functions.lua:1100: Could not find omnitractor-2's prototype, check it's type.
  309. 34.703 Script @__omnilib__/prototypes/functions.lua:1092: Could not find omnitractor-3's prototype, check it's type.
  310. 34.703 Script @__omnilib__/prototypes/functions.lua:1100: Could not find omnitractor-3's prototype, check it's type.
  311. 34.703 Script @__omnilib__/prototypes/functions.lua:1100: Could not find omnitractor-3's prototype, check it's type.
  312. 34.705 Script @__omnilib__/prototypes/functions.lua:1092: Could not find omnitractor-4's prototype, check it's type.
  313. 34.705 Script @__omnilib__/prototypes/functions.lua:1100: Could not find omnitractor-4's prototype, check it's type.
  314. 34.705 Script @__omnilib__/prototypes/functions.lua:1100: Could not find omnitractor-4's prototype, check it's type.
  315. 34.707 Script @__omnilib__/prototypes/functions.lua:1092: Could not find omnitractor-5's prototype, check it's type.
  316. 34.707 Script @__omnilib__/prototypes/functions.lua:1100: Could not find omnitractor-5's prototype, check it's type.
  317. 34.708 Script @__omnilib__/prototypes/functions.lua:1100: Could not find omnitractor-5's prototype, check it's type.
  318. 34.908 Script @__omnilib__/prototypes/functions.lua:1092: Could not find omniphlog-1's prototype, check it's type.
  319. 34.908 Script @__omnilib__/prototypes/functions.lua:1100: Could not find omniphlog-1's prototype, check it's type.
  320. 34.908 Script @__omnilib__/prototypes/functions.lua:1100: Could not find omniphlog-1's prototype, check it's type.
  321. 34.909 Script @__omnilib__/prototypes/functions.lua:1092: Could not find omniphlog-2's prototype, check it's type.
  322. 34.909 Script @__omnilib__/prototypes/functions.lua:1100: Could not find omniphlog-2's prototype, check it's type.
  323. 34.909 Script @__omnilib__/prototypes/functions.lua:1100: Could not find omniphlog-2's prototype, check it's type.
  324. 34.910 Script @__omnilib__/prototypes/functions.lua:1092: Could not find omniphlog-3's prototype, check it's type.
  325. 34.910 Script @__omnilib__/prototypes/functions.lua:1100: Could not find omniphlog-3's prototype, check it's type.
  326. 34.911 Script @__omnilib__/prototypes/functions.lua:1100: Could not find omniphlog-3's prototype, check it's type.
  327. 34.912 Script @__omnilib__/prototypes/functions.lua:1092: Could not find omniphlog-4's prototype, check it's type.
  328. 34.912 Script @__omnilib__/prototypes/functions.lua:1100: Could not find omniphlog-4's prototype, check it's type.
  329. 34.912 Script @__omnilib__/prototypes/functions.lua:1100: Could not find omniphlog-4's prototype, check it's type.
  330. 34.913 Script @__omnilib__/prototypes/functions.lua:1092: Could not find omniphlog-5's prototype, check it's type.
  331. 34.913 Script @__omnilib__/prototypes/functions.lua:1100: Could not find omniphlog-5's prototype, check it's type.
  332. 34.913 Script @__omnilib__/prototypes/functions.lua:1100: Could not find omniphlog-5's prototype, check it's type.
  333. 35.421 Loading mod ShinyAngelGFX 0.17.1 (data-final-fixes.lua)
  334. 35.891 Loading mod omnimatter_wood 3.0.2 (data-final-fixes.lua)
  335. 35.894 Script @__omnimatter_wood__/data-final-fixes.lua:43: Arse
  336. 36.375 Loading mod ShinyIcons 0.17.1 (data-final-fixes.lua)
  337. 36.857 Loading mod omnimatter_science 3.0.3 (data-final-fixes.lua)
  338. 52.773 Loading mod MoreSciencePacks 0.1.6 (data-final-fixes.lua)
  339. 52.775 Script @__MoreSciencePacks__/prototypes/recipe/recipe-dynamic.lua:37: difficulty 8 is Hardest
  340. 52.775 Script @__MoreSciencePacks__/prototypes/recipe/recipe-dynamic.lua:75: MSP: prerequisite tech is: nil for item: more-science-pack-1. / set to nil
  341. 53.575 Script @__MoreSciencePacks__/functions.lua:42: Technology shotgun-shell-damage-1 does not exist. Failed to insert MoreSciencePacks.
  342. 53.575 Script @__MoreSciencePacks__/functions.lua:42: Technology shotgun-shell-speed-1 does not exist. Failed to insert MoreSciencePacks.
  343. 53.575 Script @__MoreSciencePacks__/functions.lua:42: Technology gun-turret-damage-1 does not exist. Failed to insert MoreSciencePacks.
  344. 53.575 Script @__MoreSciencePacks__/functions.lua:42: Technology bullet-damage-1 does not exist. Failed to insert MoreSciencePacks.
  345. 53.575 Script @__MoreSciencePacks__/functions.lua:42: Technology bullet-speed-1 does not exist. Failed to insert MoreSciencePacks.
  346. 53.575 Script @__MoreSciencePacks__/functions.lua:42: Technology shotgun-shell-damage-2 does not exist. Failed to insert MoreSciencePacks.
  347. 53.575 Script @__MoreSciencePacks__/functions.lua:42: Technology shotgun-shell-speed-2 does not exist. Failed to insert MoreSciencePacks.
  348. 53.575 Script @__MoreSciencePacks__/functions.lua:42: Technology gun-turret-damage-2 does not exist. Failed to insert MoreSciencePacks.
  349. 53.575 Script @__MoreSciencePacks__/functions.lua:42: Technology bullet-damage-2 does not exist. Failed to insert MoreSciencePacks.
  350. 53.575 Script @__MoreSciencePacks__/functions.lua:42: Technology bullet-speed-2 does not exist. Failed to insert MoreSciencePacks.
  351. 53.575 Script @__MoreSciencePacks__/functions.lua:42: Technology shotgun-shell-speed-3 does not exist. Failed to insert MoreSciencePacks.
  352. 53.575 Script @__MoreSciencePacks__/functions.lua:42: Technology bullet-speed-3 does not exist. Failed to insert MoreSciencePacks.
  353. 53.575 Script @__MoreSciencePacks__/functions.lua:42: Technology flying does not exist. Failed to insert MoreSciencePacks.
  354. 53.575 Script @__MoreSciencePacks__/functions.lua:42: Technology shotgun-shell-damage-3 does not exist. Failed to insert MoreSciencePacks.
  355. 53.577 Script @__MoreSciencePacks__/functions.lua:42: Technology grenade-damage-1 does not exist. Failed to insert MoreSciencePacks.
  356. 53.577 Script @__MoreSciencePacks__/functions.lua:42: Technology grenade-damage-2 does not exist. Failed to insert MoreSciencePacks.
  357. 53.577 Script @__MoreSciencePacks__/functions.lua:42: Technology shotgun-shell-damage-4 does not exist. Failed to insert MoreSciencePacks.
  358. 53.577 Script @__MoreSciencePacks__/functions.lua:42: Technology shotgun-shell-speed-4 does not exist. Failed to insert MoreSciencePacks.
  359. 53.577 Script @__MoreSciencePacks__/functions.lua:42: Technology gun-turret-damage-3 does not exist. Failed to insert MoreSciencePacks.
  360. 53.577 Script @__MoreSciencePacks__/functions.lua:42: Technology gun-turret-damage-4 does not exist. Failed to insert MoreSciencePacks.
  361. 53.577 Script @__MoreSciencePacks__/functions.lua:42: Technology flamethrower-damage-1 does not exist. Failed to insert MoreSciencePacks.
  362. 53.577 Script @__MoreSciencePacks__/functions.lua:42: Technology bullet-damage-3 does not exist. Failed to insert MoreSciencePacks.
  363. 53.577 Script @__MoreSciencePacks__/functions.lua:42: Technology bullet-damage-4 does not exist. Failed to insert MoreSciencePacks.
  364. 53.577 Script @__MoreSciencePacks__/functions.lua:42: Technology bullet-speed-4 does not exist. Failed to insert MoreSciencePacks.
  365. 53.577 Script @__MoreSciencePacks__/functions.lua:42: Technology grenade-damage-3 does not exist. Failed to insert MoreSciencePacks.
  366. 53.577 Script @__MoreSciencePacks__/functions.lua:42: Technology laser-turret-damage-1 does not exist. Failed to insert MoreSciencePacks.
  367. 53.577 Script @__MoreSciencePacks__/functions.lua:42: Technology flamethrower-damage-2 does not exist. Failed to insert MoreSciencePacks.
  368. 53.577 Script @__MoreSciencePacks__/functions.lua:42: Technology combat-robot-damage-1 does not exist. Failed to insert MoreSciencePacks.
  369. 53.577 Script @__MoreSciencePacks__/functions.lua:42: Technology rocket-damage-1 does not exist. Failed to insert MoreSciencePacks.
  370. 53.577 Script @__MoreSciencePacks__/functions.lua:42: Technology rocket-speed-1 does not exist. Failed to insert MoreSciencePacks.
  371. 53.577 Script @__MoreSciencePacks__/functions.lua:42: Technology grenade-damage-3 does not exist. Failed to insert MoreSciencePacks.
  372. 53.577 Script @__MoreSciencePacks__/functions.lua:42: Technology laser-turret-damage-1 does not exist. Failed to insert MoreSciencePacks.
  373. 53.577 Script @__MoreSciencePacks__/functions.lua:42: Technology flamethrower-damage-2 does not exist. Failed to insert MoreSciencePacks.
  374. 53.577 Script @__MoreSciencePacks__/functions.lua:42: Technology combat-robot-damage-1 does not exist. Failed to insert MoreSciencePacks.
  375. 53.577 Script @__MoreSciencePacks__/functions.lua:42: Technology rocket-damage-1 does not exist. Failed to insert MoreSciencePacks.
  376. 53.577 Script @__MoreSciencePacks__/functions.lua:42: Technology rocket-speed-1 does not exist. Failed to insert MoreSciencePacks.
  377. 53.577 Script @__MoreSciencePacks__/functions.lua:42: Technology laser-turret-damage-2 does not exist. Failed to insert MoreSciencePacks.
  378. 53.577 Script @__MoreSciencePacks__/functions.lua:42: Technology combat-robot-damage-2 does not exist. Failed to insert MoreSciencePacks.
  379. 53.577 Script @__MoreSciencePacks__/functions.lua:42: Technology rocket-damage-2 does not exist. Failed to insert MoreSciencePacks.
  380. 53.577 Script @__MoreSciencePacks__/functions.lua:42: Technology rocket-speed-2 does not exist. Failed to insert MoreSciencePacks.
  381. 53.577 Script @__MoreSciencePacks__/functions.lua:42: Technology grenade-damage-4 does not exist. Failed to insert MoreSciencePacks.
  382. 53.577 Script @__MoreSciencePacks__/functions.lua:42: Technology shotgun-shell-damage-5 does not exist. Failed to insert MoreSciencePacks.
  383. 53.577 Script @__MoreSciencePacks__/functions.lua:42: Technology shotgun-shell-speed-5 does not exist. Failed to insert MoreSciencePacks.
  384. 53.577 Script @__MoreSciencePacks__/functions.lua:42: Technology laser-turret-damage-3 does not exist. Failed to insert MoreSciencePacks.
  385. 53.577 Script @__MoreSciencePacks__/functions.lua:42: Technology gun-turret-damage-5 does not exist. Failed to insert MoreSciencePacks.
  386. 53.577 Script @__MoreSciencePacks__/functions.lua:42: Technology flamethrower-damage-3 does not exist. Failed to insert MoreSciencePacks.
  387. 53.577 Script @__MoreSciencePacks__/functions.lua:42: Technology bullet-damage-5 does not exist. Failed to insert MoreSciencePacks.
  388. 53.577 Script @__MoreSciencePacks__/functions.lua:42: Technology bullet-speed-5 does not exist. Failed to insert MoreSciencePacks.
  389. 53.578 Script @__MoreSciencePacks__/functions.lua:42: Technology combat-robot-damage-3 does not exist. Failed to insert MoreSciencePacks.
  390. 53.578 Script @__MoreSciencePacks__/functions.lua:42: Technology rocket-damage-3 does not exist. Failed to insert MoreSciencePacks.
  391. 53.578 Script @__MoreSciencePacks__/functions.lua:42: Technology rocket-speed-3 does not exist. Failed to insert MoreSciencePacks.
  392. 53.578 Script @__MoreSciencePacks__/functions.lua:42: Technology cannon-shell-damage-1 does not exist. Failed to insert MoreSciencePacks.
  393. 53.578 Script @__MoreSciencePacks__/functions.lua:42: Technology cannon-shell-speed-1 does not exist. Failed to insert MoreSciencePacks.
  394. 53.578 Script @__MoreSciencePacks__/functions.lua:42: Technology grenade-damage-5 does not exist. Failed to insert MoreSciencePacks.
  395. 53.578 Script @__MoreSciencePacks__/functions.lua:42: Technology grenade-damage-6 does not exist. Failed to insert MoreSciencePacks.
  396. 53.578 Script @__MoreSciencePacks__/functions.lua:42: Technology shotgun-shell-damage-6 does not exist. Failed to insert MoreSciencePacks.
  397. 53.578 Script @__MoreSciencePacks__/functions.lua:42: Technology shotgun-shell-speed-6 does not exist. Failed to insert MoreSciencePacks.
  398. 53.578 Script @__MoreSciencePacks__/functions.lua:42: Technology laser-turret-damage-4 does not exist. Failed to insert MoreSciencePacks.
  399. 53.578 Script @__MoreSciencePacks__/functions.lua:42: Technology laser-turret-damage-5 does not exist. Failed to insert MoreSciencePacks.
  400. 53.578 Script @__MoreSciencePacks__/functions.lua:42: Technology laser-turret-damage-6 does not exist. Failed to insert MoreSciencePacks.
  401. 53.578 Script @__MoreSciencePacks__/functions.lua:42: Technology laser-turret-damage-7 does not exist. Failed to insert MoreSciencePacks.
  402. 53.578 Script @__MoreSciencePacks__/functions.lua:42: Technology gun-turret-damage-6 does not exist. Failed to insert MoreSciencePacks.
  403. 53.578 Script @__MoreSciencePacks__/functions.lua:42: Technology flamethrower-damage-4 does not exist. Failed to insert MoreSciencePacks.
  404. 53.578 Script @__MoreSciencePacks__/functions.lua:42: Technology flamethrower-damage-5 does not exist. Failed to insert MoreSciencePacks.
  405. 53.578 Script @__MoreSciencePacks__/functions.lua:42: Technology flamethrower-damage-6 does not exist. Failed to insert MoreSciencePacks.
  406. 53.578 Script @__MoreSciencePacks__/functions.lua:42: Technology bullet-damage-6 does not exist. Failed to insert MoreSciencePacks.
  407. 53.578 Script @__MoreSciencePacks__/functions.lua:42: Technology bullet-speed-6 does not exist. Failed to insert MoreSciencePacks.
  408. 53.578 Script @__MoreSciencePacks__/functions.lua:42: Technology combat-robot-damage-4 does not exist. Failed to insert MoreSciencePacks.
  409. 53.578 Script @__MoreSciencePacks__/functions.lua:42: Technology combat-robot-damage-5 does not exist. Failed to insert MoreSciencePacks.
  410. 53.578 Script @__MoreSciencePacks__/functions.lua:42: Technology rocket-damage-4 does not exist. Failed to insert MoreSciencePacks.
  411. 53.578 Script @__MoreSciencePacks__/functions.lua:42: Technology rocket-damage-5 does not exist. Failed to insert MoreSciencePacks.
  412. 53.578 Script @__MoreSciencePacks__/functions.lua:42: Technology rocket-damage-6 does not exist. Failed to insert MoreSciencePacks.
  413. 53.578 Script @__MoreSciencePacks__/functions.lua:42: Technology rocket-speed-4 does not exist. Failed to insert MoreSciencePacks.
  414. 53.578 Script @__MoreSciencePacks__/functions.lua:42: Technology rocket-speed-5 does not exist. Failed to insert MoreSciencePacks.
  415. 53.578 Script @__MoreSciencePacks__/functions.lua:42: Technology rocket-speed-6 does not exist. Failed to insert MoreSciencePacks.
  416. 53.578 Script @__MoreSciencePacks__/functions.lua:42: Technology rocket-speed-7 does not exist. Failed to insert MoreSciencePacks.
  417. 53.578 Script @__MoreSciencePacks__/functions.lua:42: Technology cannon-shell-damage-2 does not exist. Failed to insert MoreSciencePacks.
  418. 53.578 Script @__MoreSciencePacks__/functions.lua:42: Technology cannon-shell-damage-3 does not exist. Failed to insert MoreSciencePacks.
  419. 53.578 Script @__MoreSciencePacks__/functions.lua:42: Technology cannon-shell-damage-4 does not exist. Failed to insert MoreSciencePacks.
  420. 53.578 Script @__MoreSciencePacks__/functions.lua:42: Technology cannon-shell-speed-2 does not exist. Failed to insert MoreSciencePacks.
  421. 53.578 Script @__MoreSciencePacks__/functions.lua:42: Technology cannon-shell-speed-3 does not exist. Failed to insert MoreSciencePacks.
  422. 53.578 Script @__MoreSciencePacks__/functions.lua:42: Technology cannon-shell-speed-4 does not exist. Failed to insert MoreSciencePacks.
  423. 53.578 Script @__MoreSciencePacks__/functions.lua:42: Technology cannon-shell-speed-5 does not exist. Failed to insert MoreSciencePacks.
  424. 53.579 Script @__MoreSciencePacks__/functions.lua:42: Technology cannon-shell-damage-5 does not exist. Failed to insert MoreSciencePacks.
  425. 53.579 Script @__MoreSciencePacks__/functions.lua:42: Technology grenade-damage-7 does not exist. Failed to insert MoreSciencePacks.
  426. 53.579 Script @__MoreSciencePacks__/functions.lua:42: Technology shotgun-shell-damage-7 does not exist. Failed to insert MoreSciencePacks.
  427. 53.579 Script @__MoreSciencePacks__/functions.lua:42: Technology laser-turret-damage-8 does not exist. Failed to insert MoreSciencePacks.
  428. 53.579 Script @__MoreSciencePacks__/functions.lua:42: Technology gun-turret-damage-7 does not exist. Failed to insert MoreSciencePacks.
  429. 53.579 Script @__MoreSciencePacks__/functions.lua:42: Technology flamethrower-damage-7 does not exist. Failed to insert MoreSciencePacks.
  430. 53.579 Script @__MoreSciencePacks__/functions.lua:42: Technology bullet-damage-7 does not exist. Failed to insert MoreSciencePacks.
  431. 53.579 Script @__MoreSciencePacks__/functions.lua:42: Technology combat-robot-damage-6 does not exist. Failed to insert MoreSciencePacks.
  432. 53.579 Script @__MoreSciencePacks__/functions.lua:42: Technology rocket-damage-7 does not exist. Failed to insert MoreSciencePacks.
  433. 53.579 Script @__MoreSciencePacks__/functions.lua:42: Technology cannon-shell-damage-6 does not exist. Failed to insert MoreSciencePacks.
  434. 53.579 Script @__MoreSciencePacks__/functions.lua:42: Technology grenade-damage-7 does not exist. Failed to insert MoreSciencePacks.
  435. 53.579 Script @__MoreSciencePacks__/functions.lua:42: Technology shotgun-shell-damage-7 does not exist. Failed to insert MoreSciencePacks.
  436. 53.579 Script @__MoreSciencePacks__/functions.lua:42: Technology laser-turret-damage-8 does not exist. Failed to insert MoreSciencePacks.
  437. 53.579 Script @__MoreSciencePacks__/functions.lua:42: Technology gun-turret-damage-7 does not exist. Failed to insert MoreSciencePacks.
  438. 53.579 Script @__MoreSciencePacks__/functions.lua:42: Technology flamethrower-damage-7 does not exist. Failed to insert MoreSciencePacks.
  439. 53.579 Script @__MoreSciencePacks__/functions.lua:42: Technology bullet-damage-7 does not exist. Failed to insert MoreSciencePacks.
  440. 53.579 Script @__MoreSciencePacks__/functions.lua:42: Technology combat-robot-damage-6 does not exist. Failed to insert MoreSciencePacks.
  441. 53.579 Script @__MoreSciencePacks__/functions.lua:42: Technology rocket-damage-7 does not exist. Failed to insert MoreSciencePacks.
  442. 53.579 Script @__MoreSciencePacks__/functions.lua:42: Technology cannon-shell-damage-6 does not exist. Failed to insert MoreSciencePacks.
  443. 53.579 Script @__MoreSciencePacks__/functions.lua:42: Technology grenade-damage-7 does not exist. Failed to insert MoreSciencePacks.
  444. 53.579 Script @__MoreSciencePacks__/functions.lua:42: Technology shotgun-shell-damage-7 does not exist. Failed to insert MoreSciencePacks.
  445. 53.579 Script @__MoreSciencePacks__/functions.lua:42: Technology laser-turret-damage-8 does not exist. Failed to insert MoreSciencePacks.
  446. 53.579 Script @__MoreSciencePacks__/functions.lua:42: Technology gun-turret-damage-7 does not exist. Failed to insert MoreSciencePacks.
  447. 53.579 Script @__MoreSciencePacks__/functions.lua:42: Technology flamethrower-damage-7 does not exist. Failed to insert MoreSciencePacks.
  448. 53.579 Script @__MoreSciencePacks__/functions.lua:42: Technology bullet-damage-7 does not exist. Failed to insert MoreSciencePacks.
  449. 53.579 Script @__MoreSciencePacks__/functions.lua:42: Technology combat-robot-damage-6 does not exist. Failed to insert MoreSciencePacks.
  450. 53.579 Script @__MoreSciencePacks__/functions.lua:42: Technology rocket-damage-7 does not exist. Failed to insert MoreSciencePacks.
  451. 53.579 Script @__MoreSciencePacks__/functions.lua:42: Technology cannon-shell-damage-6 does not exist. Failed to insert MoreSciencePacks.
  452. 53.579 Script @__MoreSciencePacks__/functions.lua:455: MSP: -- Starting Mod Integration Engine! --
  453. 54.719 Script @__MoreSciencePacks__/functions.lua:455: MSP: -- Starting Mod Integration Engine! --
  454. 54.719 Script @__MoreSciencePacks__/functions.lua:456: Second pass of integration engine: skipping print of all tech-tree logging because spam is unnecessary.
  455. 56.543 Loading mod MomoTweak 0.17.13 (data-final-fixes.lua)
  456. 56.544 Script @__MomoTweak__/data-final-fixes.lua:44: MTKL => no standalone category for angels chem.
  457. 56.544 Script @__MomoTweak__/prototypes/sci/vial-recipe.lua:26: MTKL => finished add vial
  458. 56.545 Script @__MomoTweak__/fix.lua:41: MTKL fix gem group complete~
  459. 56.545 Script @__MomoTweak__/fix.lua:47: MTKL fix EQ group complete~
  460. 56.545 Script @__MomoTweak__/fix.lua:53: MTKL fix water bore tech complete~
  461. 57.051 Checksum for core: 2666023966
  462. 57.051 Checksum of base: 1967292039
  463. 57.051 Checksum of AfraidOfTheDark: 3234853960
  464. 57.051 Checksum of beautiful_bridge_railway: 1848061007
  465. 57.051 Checksum of BigLab: 576559041
  466. 57.051 Checksum of Big_Brother: 2324121264
  467. 57.051 Checksum of Blueprint_Flip_Turn_017: 3610832871
  468. 57.051 Checksum of bobinserters: 985220932
  469. 57.051 Checksum of boblibrary: 1591833824
  470. 57.051 Checksum of Bottleneck: 3138809866
  471. 57.051 Checksum of CJs_QoL_Research_Ver1: 3129412096
  472. 57.051 Checksum of dangOreus: 4132734215
  473. 57.051 Checksum of Enhanced_Map_Colors: 852423496
  474. 57.051 Checksum of even-distribution: 13940297
  475. 57.051 Checksum of EvoGUI: 3279161307
  476. 57.051 Checksum of FactorioExtended-Plus-Core: 810350191
  477. 57.051 Checksum of Factorissimo2: 2435265800
  478. 57.051 Checksum of Flow Control: 3821924777
  479. 57.051 Checksum of FNEI: 3393476267
  480. 57.051 Checksum of helmod: 111155820
  481. 57.051 Checksum of Inventory Sensor: 90842808
  482. 57.051 Checksum of more-minimap-autohide-017: 149315223
  483. 57.051 Checksum of nixie-tubes: 3879749584
  484. 57.051 Checksum of Noxys_StackSizeMultiplier: 4287107912
  485. 57.051 Checksum of omnilib: 3770880087
  486. 57.051 Checksum of Robot_Battery_Research: 3384545753
  487. 57.051 Checksum of stdlib: 68667574
  488. 57.051 Checksum of Texugo_TA-miners: 1892960159
  489. 57.051 Checksum of Todo-List: 3182550957
  490. 57.051 Checksum of tree_collision: 3231141521
  491. 57.051 Checksum of Warehousing: 1492909043
  492. 57.051 Checksum of WaterWell: 4254977431
  493. 57.051 Checksum of WideChests: 1747782738
  494. 57.051 Checksum of bobores: 3626124899
  495. 57.051 Checksum of bobtech: 4164274838
  496. 57.051 Checksum of bobvehicleequipment: 2728567119
  497. 57.051 Checksum of FactorioExtended-Plus-Equipment: 972909093
  498. 57.051 Checksum of FactorioExtended-Plus-Logistics: 2684941232
  499. 57.051 Checksum of FactorioExtended-Plus-Power: 30336005
  500. 57.051 Checksum of FactorioExtended-Plus-Transport: 3363438980
  501. 57.051 Checksum of FactorioExtended-Plus-Weaponry: 1056291079
  502. 57.051 Checksum of Squeak Through: 3677677690
  503. 57.051 Checksum of Tapeline: 3846263796
  504. 57.051 Checksum of bobplates: 4004719936
  505. 57.051 Checksum of FactorioExtended-Plus-Machines: 1203996264
  506. 57.051 Checksum of FactorioExtended-Plus-Storage: 749124387
  507. 57.051 Checksum of BigDrills: 2513112171
  508. 57.051 Checksum of bobassembly: 24878518
  509. 57.051 Checksum of bobelectronics: 1833912833
  510. 57.051 Checksum of boblogistics: 4065682039
  511. 57.051 Checksum of bobmining: 1214531256
  512. 57.051 Checksum of bobpower: 3196011748
  513. 57.051 Checksum of bobrevamp: 2595430217
  514. 57.052 Checksum of deadlock-beltboxes-loaders: 1671176402
  515. 57.052 Checksum of angelsrefining: 2505664441
  516. 57.052 Checksum of bobmodules: 20345667
  517. 57.052 Checksum of bobwarfare: 92452554
  518. 57.052 Checksum of deadlock-integrations: 1599960556
  519. 57.052 Checksum of ElectricTrain: 3758536293
  520. 57.052 Checksum of InfiniteTech: 978405253
  521. 57.052 Checksum of angelsaddons-warehouses: 3231986341
  522. 57.052 Checksum of angelspetrochem: 2236791270
  523. 57.052 Checksum of ShinyBobGFX: 638529601
  524. 57.052 Checksum of angelsaddons-pressuretanks: 1932015836
  525. 57.052 Checksum of angelssmelting: 3236474957
  526. 57.052 Checksum of omnimatter: 146930828
  527. 57.052 Checksum of ShinyAngelGFX: 2616363950
  528. 57.052 Checksum of omnimatter_wood: 3140946769
  529. 57.052 Checksum of ShinyIcons: 746880307
  530. 57.052 Checksum of omnimatter_science: 658642790
  531. 57.052 Checksum of MoreSciencePacks: 529483091
  532. 57.052 Checksum of MomoTweak: 1488993452
  533. 57.052 Checksum of necro_painful_modpack: 161139529
  534. 57.354 Warning EnergySourcePrototype.cpp:81: emissions in prototype definition, use emissions_per_second_per_watt (proposed value 2.5e-06) as emissions will be not used soon: ROOT.furnace.electric-furnace-mk2.energy_source
  535. 57.354 Warning EnergySourcePrototype.cpp:81: emissions in prototype definition, use emissions_per_second_per_watt (proposed value 2.5e-06) as emissions will be not used soon: ROOT.furnace.electric-furnace-mk3.energy_source
  536. 57.354 Warning EnergySourcePrototype.cpp:81: emissions in prototype definition, use emissions_per_second_per_watt (proposed value 4e-06) as emissions will be not used soon: ROOT.furnace.clarifier.energy_source
  537. 57.354 Warning EnergySourcePrototype.cpp:81: emissions in prototype definition, use emissions_per_second_per_watt (proposed value 4e-06) as emissions will be not used soon: ROOT.furnace.angels-flare-stack.energy_source
  538. 57.354 Warning EnergySourcePrototype.cpp:81: emissions in prototype definition, use emissions_per_second_per_watt (proposed value 4e-06) as emissions will be not used soon: ROOT.furnace.valve-converter.energy_source
  539. 57.356 Warning EnergySourcePrototype.cpp:81: emissions in prototype definition, use emissions_per_second_per_watt (proposed value 1.05263e-05) as emissions will be not used soon: ROOT.boiler.boiler-mk2.energy_source
  540. 57.356 Warning EnergySourcePrototype.cpp:81: emissions in prototype definition, use emissions_per_second_per_watt (proposed value 9.52381e-06) as emissions will be not used soon: ROOT.boiler.boiler-mk3.energy_source
  541. 57.357 Warning EnergySourcePrototype.cpp:81: emissions in prototype definition, use emissions_per_second_per_watt (proposed value 1.66667e-06) as emissions will be not used soon: ROOT.boiler.angels-electric-boiler.energy_source
  542. 57.495 Warning EnergySourcePrototype.cpp:81: emissions in prototype definition, use emissions_per_second_per_watt (proposed value 0.0001) as emissions will be not used soon: ROOT.assembling-machine.water-well-pump.energy_source
  543. 57.496 Warning EnergySourcePrototype.cpp:81: emissions in prototype definition, use emissions_per_second_per_watt (proposed value 4.28571e-06) as emissions will be not used soon: ROOT.assembling-machine.oil-refinery-mk2.energy_source
  544. 57.496 Warning EnergySourcePrototype.cpp:81: emissions in prototype definition, use emissions_per_second_per_watt (proposed value 4.28571e-06) as emissions will be not used soon: ROOT.assembling-machine.oil-refinery-mk3.energy_source
  545. 57.496 Warning EnergySourcePrototype.cpp:81: emissions in prototype definition, use emissions_per_second_per_watt (proposed value 4.28571e-06) as emissions will be not used soon: ROOT.assembling-machine.chemical-plant-mk2.energy_source
  546. 57.496 Warning EnergySourcePrototype.cpp:81: emissions in prototype definition, use emissions_per_second_per_watt (proposed value 4.28571e-06) as emissions will be not used soon: ROOT.assembling-machine.chemical-plant-mk3.energy_source
  547. 57.496 Warning EnergySourcePrototype.cpp:81: emissions in prototype definition, use emissions_per_second_per_watt (proposed value 8e-06) as emissions will be not used soon: ROOT.assembling-machine.centrifuge-mk2.energy_source
  548. 57.497 Warning EnergySourcePrototype.cpp:81: emissions in prototype definition, use emissions_per_second_per_watt (proposed value 4e-06) as emissions will be not used soon: ROOT.assembling-machine.centrifuge-mk3.energy_source
  549. 57.498 Warning EnergySourcePrototype.cpp:81: emissions in prototype definition, use emissions_per_second_per_watt (proposed value 8.57143e-06) as emissions will be not used soon: ROOT.assembling-machine.oil-refinery-2.energy_source
  550. 57.498 Warning EnergySourcePrototype.cpp:81: emissions in prototype definition, use emissions_per_second_per_watt (proposed value 8.57143e-06) as emissions will be not used soon: ROOT.assembling-machine.oil-refinery-3.energy_source
  551. 57.498 Warning EnergySourcePrototype.cpp:81: emissions in prototype definition, use emissions_per_second_per_watt (proposed value 8.57143e-06) as emissions will be not used soon: ROOT.assembling-machine.oil-refinery-4.energy_source
  552. 57.499 Warning EnergySourcePrototype.cpp:81: emissions in prototype definition, use emissions_per_second_per_watt (proposed value 1e-05) as emissions will be not used soon: ROOT.assembling-machine.burner-ore-crusher.energy_source
  553. 57.499 Warning EnergySourcePrototype.cpp:81: emissions in prototype definition, use emissions_per_second_per_watt (proposed value 1.14286e-05) as emissions will be not used soon: ROOT.assembling-machine.ore-crusher.energy_source
  554. 57.499 Warning EnergySourcePrototype.cpp:81: emissions in prototype definition, use emissions_per_second_per_watt (proposed value 1.14286e-05) as emissions will be not used soon: ROOT.assembling-machine.ore-crusher-2.energy_source
  555. 57.499 Warning EnergySourcePrototype.cpp:81: emissions in prototype definition, use emissions_per_second_per_watt (proposed value 1.14286e-05) as emissions will be not used soon: ROOT.assembling-machine.ore-crusher-3.energy_source
  556. 57.499 Warning EnergySourcePrototype.cpp:81: emissions in prototype definition, use emissions_per_second_per_watt (proposed value 1.2e-05) as emissions will be not used soon: ROOT.assembling-machine.ore-sorting-facility.energy_source
  557. 57.499 Warning EnergySourcePrototype.cpp:81: emissions in prototype definition, use emissions_per_second_per_watt (proposed value 1.14286e-05) as emissions will be not used soon: ROOT.assembling-machine.ore-sorting-facility-2.energy_source
  558. 57.499 Warning EnergySourcePrototype.cpp:81: emissions in prototype definition, use emissions_per_second_per_watt (proposed value 1.25e-05) as emissions will be not used soon: ROOT.assembling-machine.ore-sorting-facility-3.energy_source
  559. 57.500 Warning EnergySourcePrototype.cpp:81: emissions in prototype definition, use emissions_per_second_per_watt (proposed value 1.2e-05) as emissions will be not used soon: ROOT.assembling-machine.ore-sorting-facility-4.energy_source
  560. 57.500 Warning EnergySourcePrototype.cpp:81: emissions in prototype definition, use emissions_per_second_per_watt (proposed value 1e-05) as emissions will be not used soon: ROOT.assembling-machine.ore-floatation-cell.energy_source
  561. 57.500 Warning EnergySourcePrototype.cpp:81: emissions in prototype definition, use emissions_per_second_per_watt (proposed value 1.2e-05) as emissions will be not used soon: ROOT.assembling-machine.ore-floatation-cell-2.energy_source
  562. 57.500 Warning EnergySourcePrototype.cpp:81: emissions in prototype definition, use emissions_per_second_per_watt (proposed value 1.33333e-05) as emissions will be not used soon: ROOT.assembling-machine.ore-floatation-cell-3.energy_source
  563. 57.500 Warning EnergySourcePrototype.cpp:81: emissions in prototype definition, use emissions_per_second_per_watt (proposed value 1.33333e-05) as emissions will be not used soon: ROOT.assembling-machine.ore-leaching-plant.energy_source
  564. 57.500 Warning EnergySourcePrototype.cpp:81: emissions in prototype definition, use emissions_per_second_per_watt (proposed value 1.42857e-05) as emissions will be not used soon: ROOT.assembling-machine.ore-leaching-plant-2.energy_source
  565. 57.500 Warning EnergySourcePrototype.cpp:81: emissions in prototype definition, use emissions_per_second_per_watt (proposed value 1.5e-05) as emissions will be not used soon: ROOT.assembling-machine.ore-leaching-plant-3.energy_source
  566. 57.500 Warning EnergySourcePrototype.cpp:81: emissions in prototype definition, use emissions_per_second_per_watt (proposed value 1e-05) as emissions will be not used soon: ROOT.assembling-machine.ore-refinery.energy_source
  567. 57.500 Warning EnergySourcePrototype.cpp:81: emissions in prototype definition, use emissions_per_second_per_watt (proposed value 1.2e-05) as emissions will be not used soon: ROOT.assembling-machine.ore-refinery-2.energy_source
  568. 57.500 Warning EnergySourcePrototype.cpp:81: emissions in prototype definition, use emissions_per_second_per_watt (proposed value 1.14286e-05) as emissions will be not used soon: ROOT.assembling-machine.ore-powderizer.energy_source
  569. 57.500 Warning EnergySourcePrototype.cpp:81: emissions in prototype definition, use emissions_per_second_per_watt (proposed value 1.14286e-05) as emissions will be not used soon: ROOT.assembling-machine.ore-powderizer-2.energy_source
  570. 57.500 Warning EnergySourcePrototype.cpp:81: emissions in prototype definition, use emissions_per_second_per_watt (proposed value 1.14286e-05) as emissions will be not used soon: ROOT.assembling-machine.ore-powderizer-3.energy_source
  571. 57.500 Warning EnergySourcePrototype.cpp:81: emissions in prototype definition, use emissions_per_second_per_watt (proposed value 1e-05) as emissions will be not used soon: ROOT.assembling-machine.electro-whinning-cell.energy_source
  572. 57.501 Warning EnergySourcePrototype.cpp:81: emissions in prototype definition, use emissions_per_second_per_watt (proposed value 1.2e-05) as emissions will be not used soon: ROOT.assembling-machine.electro-whinning-cell-2.energy_source
  573. 57.501 Warning EnergySourcePrototype.cpp:81: emissions in prototype definition, use emissions_per_second_per_watt (proposed value 1.33333e-05) as emissions will be not used soon: ROOT.assembling-machine.electro-whinning-cell-3.energy_source
  574. 57.501 Warning EnergySourcePrototype.cpp:81: emissions in prototype definition, use emissions_per_second_per_watt (proposed value 8.57143e-06) as emissions will be not used soon: ROOT.assembling-machine.crystallizer.energy_source
  575. 57.501 Warning EnergySourcePrototype.cpp:81: emissions in prototype definition, use emissions_per_second_per_watt (proposed value 8.57143e-06) as emissions will be not used soon: ROOT.assembling-machine.crystallizer-2.energy_source
  576. 57.501 Warning EnergySourcePrototype.cpp:81: emissions in prototype definition, use emissions_per_second_per_watt (proposed value 8.57143e-06) as emissions will be not used soon: ROOT.assembling-machine.filtration-unit.energy_source
  577. 57.501 Warning EnergySourcePrototype.cpp:81: emissions in prototype definition, use emissions_per_second_per_watt (proposed value 8.57143e-06) as emissions will be not used soon: ROOT.assembling-machine.filtration-unit-2.energy_source
  578. 57.501 Warning EnergySourcePrototype.cpp:81: emissions in prototype definition, use emissions_per_second_per_watt (proposed value 8.57143e-06) as emissions will be not used soon: ROOT.assembling-machine.liquifier.energy_source
  579. 57.501 Warning EnergySourcePrototype.cpp:81: emissions in prototype definition, use emissions_per_second_per_watt (proposed value 8.57143e-06) as emissions will be not used soon: ROOT.assembling-machine.liquifier-2.energy_source
  580. 57.501 Warning EnergySourcePrototype.cpp:81: emissions in prototype definition, use emissions_per_second_per_watt (proposed value 8.57143e-06) as emissions will be not used soon: ROOT.assembling-machine.liquifier-3.energy_source
  581. 57.501 Warning EnergySourcePrototype.cpp:81: emissions in prototype definition, use emissions_per_second_per_watt (proposed value 8.57143e-06) as emissions will be not used soon: ROOT.assembling-machine.liquifier-4.energy_source
  582. 57.501 Warning EnergySourcePrototype.cpp:81: emissions in prototype definition, use emissions_per_second_per_watt (proposed value 8.57143e-06) as emissions will be not used soon: ROOT.assembling-machine.hydro-plant.energy_source
  583. 57.501 Warning EnergySourcePrototype.cpp:81: emissions in prototype definition, use emissions_per_second_per_watt (proposed value 8.57143e-06) as emissions will be not used soon: ROOT.assembling-machine.hydro-plant-2.energy_source
  584. 57.502 Warning EnergySourcePrototype.cpp:81: emissions in prototype definition, use emissions_per_second_per_watt (proposed value 8.57143e-06) as emissions will be not used soon: ROOT.assembling-machine.hydro-plant-3.energy_source
  585. 57.502 Warning EnergySourcePrototype.cpp:81: emissions in prototype definition, use emissions_per_second_per_watt (proposed value 8.57143e-06) as emissions will be not used soon: ROOT.assembling-machine.salination-plant.energy_source
  586. 57.502 Warning EnergySourcePrototype.cpp:81: emissions in prototype definition, use emissions_per_second_per_watt (proposed value 8.57143e-06) as emissions will be not used soon: ROOT.assembling-machine.salination-plant-2.energy_source
  587. 57.502 Warning EnergySourcePrototype.cpp:81: emissions in prototype definition, use emissions_per_second_per_watt (proposed value 8.57143e-06) as emissions will be not used soon: ROOT.assembling-machine.washing-plant.energy_source
  588. 57.502 Warning EnergySourcePrototype.cpp:81: emissions in prototype definition, use emissions_per_second_per_watt (proposed value 8.57143e-06) as emissions will be not used soon: ROOT.assembling-machine.washing-plant-2.energy_source
  589. 57.502 Warning EnergySourcePrototype.cpp:81: emissions in prototype definition, use emissions_per_second_per_watt (proposed value 8.57143e-06) as emissions will be not used soon: ROOT.assembling-machine.barreling-pump.energy_source
  590. 57.502 Warning EnergySourcePrototype.cpp:81: emissions in prototype definition, use emissions_per_second_per_watt (proposed value 1e-05) as emissions will be not used soon: ROOT.assembling-machine.advanced-chemical-plant.energy_source
  591. 57.502 Warning EnergySourcePrototype.cpp:81: emissions in prototype definition, use emissions_per_second_per_watt (proposed value 1e-05) as emissions will be not used soon: ROOT.assembling-machine.advanced-chemical-plant-2.energy_source
  592. 57.502 Warning EnergySourcePrototype.cpp:81: emissions in prototype definition, use emissions_per_second_per_watt (proposed value 1e-05) as emissions will be not used soon: ROOT.assembling-machine.gas-refinery-small.energy_source
  593. 57.502 Warning EnergySourcePrototype.cpp:81: emissions in prototype definition, use emissions_per_second_per_watt (proposed value 1e-05) as emissions will be not used soon: ROOT.assembling-machine.gas-refinery-small-2.energy_source
  594. 57.503 Warning EnergySourcePrototype.cpp:81: emissions in prototype definition, use emissions_per_second_per_watt (proposed value 1e-05) as emissions will be not used soon: ROOT.assembling-machine.gas-refinery-small-3.energy_source
  595. 57.503 Warning EnergySourcePrototype.cpp:81: emissions in prototype definition, use emissions_per_second_per_watt (proposed value 1e-05) as emissions will be not used soon: ROOT.assembling-machine.gas-refinery-small-4.energy_source
  596. 57.503 Warning EnergySourcePrototype.cpp:81: emissions in prototype definition, use emissions_per_second_per_watt (proposed value 1e-05) as emissions will be not used soon: ROOT.assembling-machine.gas-refinery.energy_source
  597. 57.503 Warning EnergySourcePrototype.cpp:81: emissions in prototype definition, use emissions_per_second_per_watt (proposed value 1e-05) as emissions will be not used soon: ROOT.assembling-machine.gas-refinery-2.energy_source
  598. 57.503 Warning EnergySourcePrototype.cpp:81: emissions in prototype definition, use emissions_per_second_per_watt (proposed value 1e-05) as emissions will be not used soon: ROOT.assembling-machine.gas-refinery-3.energy_source
  599. 57.503 Warning EnergySourcePrototype.cpp:81: emissions in prototype definition, use emissions_per_second_per_watt (proposed value 1e-05) as emissions will be not used soon: ROOT.assembling-machine.gas-refinery-4.energy_source
  600. 57.503 Warning EnergySourcePrototype.cpp:81: emissions in prototype definition, use emissions_per_second_per_watt (proposed value 1e-05) as emissions will be not used soon: ROOT.assembling-machine.steam-cracker.energy_source
  601. 57.503 Warning EnergySourcePrototype.cpp:81: emissions in prototype definition, use emissions_per_second_per_watt (proposed value 1e-05) as emissions will be not used soon: ROOT.assembling-machine.steam-cracker-2.energy_source
  602. 57.503 Warning EnergySourcePrototype.cpp:81: emissions in prototype definition, use emissions_per_second_per_watt (proposed value 1e-05) as emissions will be not used soon: ROOT.assembling-machine.steam-cracker-3.energy_source
  603. 57.503 Warning EnergySourcePrototype.cpp:81: emissions in prototype definition, use emissions_per_second_per_watt (proposed value 1e-05) as emissions will be not used soon: ROOT.assembling-machine.steam-cracker-4.energy_source
  604. 57.504 Warning EnergySourcePrototype.cpp:81: emissions in prototype definition, use emissions_per_second_per_watt (proposed value 1e-05) as emissions will be not used soon: ROOT.assembling-machine.separator.energy_source
  605. 57.504 Warning EnergySourcePrototype.cpp:81: emissions in prototype definition, use emissions_per_second_per_watt (proposed value 1e-05) as emissions will be not used soon: ROOT.assembling-machine.separator-2.energy_source
  606. 57.504 Warning EnergySourcePrototype.cpp:81: emissions in prototype definition, use emissions_per_second_per_watt (proposed value 1e-05) as emissions will be not used soon: ROOT.assembling-machine.separator-3.energy_source
  607. 57.504 Warning EnergySourcePrototype.cpp:81: emissions in prototype definition, use emissions_per_second_per_watt (proposed value 1e-05) as emissions will be not used soon: ROOT.assembling-machine.separator-4.energy_source
  608. 57.504 Warning EnergySourcePrototype.cpp:81: emissions in prototype definition, use emissions_per_second_per_watt (proposed value 1e-05) as emissions will be not used soon: ROOT.assembling-machine.angels-electrolyser.energy_source
  609. 57.504 Warning EnergySourcePrototype.cpp:81: emissions in prototype definition, use emissions_per_second_per_watt (proposed value 1e-05) as emissions will be not used soon: ROOT.assembling-machine.angels-electrolyser-2.energy_source
  610. 57.504 Warning EnergySourcePrototype.cpp:81: emissions in prototype definition, use emissions_per_second_per_watt (proposed value 1e-05) as emissions will be not used soon: ROOT.assembling-machine.angels-electrolyser-3.energy_source
  611. 57.504 Warning EnergySourcePrototype.cpp:81: emissions in prototype definition, use emissions_per_second_per_watt (proposed value 1e-05) as emissions will be not used soon: ROOT.assembling-machine.angels-electrolyser-4.energy_source
  612. 57.504 Warning EnergySourcePrototype.cpp:81: emissions in prototype definition, use emissions_per_second_per_watt (proposed value 1e-05) as emissions will be not used soon: ROOT.assembling-machine.angels-air-filter.energy_source
  613. 57.505 Warning EnergySourcePrototype.cpp:81: emissions in prototype definition, use emissions_per_second_per_watt (proposed value 1e-05) as emissions will be not used soon: ROOT.assembling-machine.angels-air-filter-2.energy_source
  614. 57.505 Warning EnergySourcePrototype.cpp:81: emissions in prototype definition, use emissions_per_second_per_watt (proposed value 8.57143e-06) as emissions will be not used soon: ROOT.assembling-machine.angels-chemical-plant.energy_source
  615. 57.505 Warning EnergySourcePrototype.cpp:81: emissions in prototype definition, use emissions_per_second_per_watt (proposed value 8.57143e-06) as emissions will be not used soon: ROOT.assembling-machine.angels-chemical-plant-2.energy_source
  616. 57.505 Warning EnergySourcePrototype.cpp:81: emissions in prototype definition, use emissions_per_second_per_watt (proposed value 8.57143e-06) as emissions will be not used soon: ROOT.assembling-machine.angels-chemical-plant-3.energy_source
  617. 57.505 Warning EnergySourcePrototype.cpp:81: emissions in prototype definition, use emissions_per_second_per_watt (proposed value 8.57143e-06) as emissions will be not used soon: ROOT.assembling-machine.angels-chemical-plant-4.energy_source
  618. 57.505 Warning EnergySourcePrototype.cpp:81: emissions in prototype definition, use emissions_per_second_per_watt (proposed value 8.57143e-06) as emissions will be not used soon: ROOT.assembling-machine.induction-furnace.energy_source
  619. 57.505 Warning EnergySourcePrototype.cpp:81: emissions in prototype definition, use emissions_per_second_per_watt (proposed value 8.57143e-06) as emissions will be not used soon: ROOT.assembling-machine.induction-furnace-2.energy_source
  620. 57.505 Warning EnergySourcePrototype.cpp:81: emissions in prototype definition, use emissions_per_second_per_watt (proposed value 8.57143e-06) as emissions will be not used soon: ROOT.assembling-machine.induction-furnace-3.energy_source
  621. 57.505 Warning EnergySourcePrototype.cpp:81: emissions in prototype definition, use emissions_per_second_per_watt (proposed value 8.57143e-06) as emissions will be not used soon: ROOT.assembling-machine.induction-furnace-4.energy_source
  622. 57.505 Warning EnergySourcePrototype.cpp:81: emissions in prototype definition, use emissions_per_second_per_watt (proposed value 2e-05) as emissions will be not used soon: ROOT.assembling-machine.blast-furnace.energy_source
  623. 57.506 Warning EnergySourcePrototype.cpp:81: emissions in prototype definition, use emissions_per_second_per_watt (proposed value 2e-05) as emissions will be not used soon: ROOT.assembling-machine.blast-furnace-2.energy_source
  624. 57.506 Warning EnergySourcePrototype.cpp:81: emissions in prototype definition, use emissions_per_second_per_watt (proposed value 2e-05) as emissions will be not used soon: ROOT.assembling-machine.blast-furnace-3.energy_source
  625. 57.506 Warning EnergySourcePrototype.cpp:81: emissions in prototype definition, use emissions_per_second_per_watt (proposed value 2e-05) as emissions will be not used soon: ROOT.assembling-machine.blast-furnace-4.energy_source
  626. 57.507 Warning EnergySourcePrototype.cpp:81: emissions in prototype definition, use emissions_per_second_per_watt (proposed value 8.57143e-06) as emissions will be not used soon: ROOT.assembling-machine.angels-chemical-furnace.energy_source
  627. 57.507 Warning EnergySourcePrototype.cpp:81: emissions in prototype definition, use emissions_per_second_per_watt (proposed value 8.57143e-06) as emissions will be not used soon: ROOT.assembling-machine.angels-chemical-furnace-2.energy_source
  628. 57.507 Warning EnergySourcePrototype.cpp:81: emissions in prototype definition, use emissions_per_second_per_watt (proposed value 8.57143e-06) as emissions will be not used soon: ROOT.assembling-machine.angels-chemical-furnace-3.energy_source
  629. 57.507 Warning EnergySourcePrototype.cpp:81: emissions in prototype definition, use emissions_per_second_per_watt (proposed value 8.57143e-06) as emissions will be not used soon: ROOT.assembling-machine.angels-chemical-furnace-4.energy_source
  630. 57.507 Warning EnergySourcePrototype.cpp:81: emissions in prototype definition, use emissions_per_second_per_watt (proposed value 8.57143e-06) as emissions will be not used soon: ROOT.assembling-machine.casting-machine.energy_source
  631. 57.507 Warning EnergySourcePrototype.cpp:81: emissions in prototype definition, use emissions_per_second_per_watt (proposed value 8.57143e-06) as emissions will be not used soon: ROOT.assembling-machine.casting-machine-2.energy_source
  632. 57.507 Warning EnergySourcePrototype.cpp:81: emissions in prototype definition, use emissions_per_second_per_watt (proposed value 8.57143e-06) as emissions will be not used soon: ROOT.assembling-machine.casting-machine-3.energy_source
  633. 57.507 Warning EnergySourcePrototype.cpp:81: emissions in prototype definition, use emissions_per_second_per_watt (proposed value 8.57143e-06) as emissions will be not used soon: ROOT.assembling-machine.casting-machine-4.energy_source
  634. 57.508 Warning EnergySourcePrototype.cpp:81: emissions in prototype definition, use emissions_per_second_per_watt (proposed value 8.57143e-06) as emissions will be not used soon: ROOT.assembling-machine.powder-mixer.energy_source
  635. 57.508 Warning EnergySourcePrototype.cpp:81: emissions in prototype definition, use emissions_per_second_per_watt (proposed value 8.57143e-06) as emissions will be not used soon: ROOT.assembling-machine.powder-mixer-2.energy_source
  636. 57.508 Warning EnergySourcePrototype.cpp:81: emissions in prototype definition, use emissions_per_second_per_watt (proposed value 8.57143e-06) as emissions will be not used soon: ROOT.assembling-machine.powder-mixer-3.energy_source
  637. 57.508 Warning EnergySourcePrototype.cpp:81: emissions in prototype definition, use emissions_per_second_per_watt (proposed value 8.57143e-06) as emissions will be not used soon: ROOT.assembling-machine.powder-mixer-4.energy_source
  638. 57.508 Warning EnergySourcePrototype.cpp:81: emissions in prototype definition, use emissions_per_second_per_watt (proposed value 8.57143e-06) as emissions will be not used soon: ROOT.assembling-machine.ore-processing-machine.energy_source
  639. 57.508 Warning EnergySourcePrototype.cpp:81: emissions in prototype definition, use emissions_per_second_per_watt (proposed value 8.57143e-06) as emissions will be not used soon: ROOT.assembling-machine.ore-processing-machine-2.energy_source
  640. 57.508 Warning EnergySourcePrototype.cpp:81: emissions in prototype definition, use emissions_per_second_per_watt (proposed value 8.57143e-06) as emissions will be not used soon: ROOT.assembling-machine.ore-processing-machine-3.energy_source
  641. 57.508 Warning EnergySourcePrototype.cpp:81: emissions in prototype definition, use emissions_per_second_per_watt (proposed value 8.57143e-06) as emissions will be not used soon: ROOT.assembling-machine.ore-processing-machine-4.energy_source
  642. 57.508 Warning EnergySourcePrototype.cpp:81: emissions in prototype definition, use emissions_per_second_per_watt (proposed value 8.57143e-06) as emissions will be not used soon: ROOT.assembling-machine.pellet-press.energy_source
  643. 57.508 Warning EnergySourcePrototype.cpp:81: emissions in prototype definition, use emissions_per_second_per_watt (proposed value 8.57143e-06) as emissions will be not used soon: ROOT.assembling-machine.pellet-press-2.energy_source
  644. 57.508 Warning EnergySourcePrototype.cpp:81: emissions in prototype definition, use emissions_per_second_per_watt (proposed value 8.57143e-06) as emissions will be not used soon: ROOT.assembling-machine.pellet-press-3.energy_source
  645. 57.508 Warning EnergySourcePrototype.cpp:81: emissions in prototype definition, use emissions_per_second_per_watt (proposed value 8.57143e-06) as emissions will be not used soon: ROOT.assembling-machine.pellet-press-4.energy_source
  646. 57.509 Warning EnergySourcePrototype.cpp:81: emissions in prototype definition, use emissions_per_second_per_watt (proposed value 8.57143e-06) as emissions will be not used soon: ROOT.assembling-machine.sintering-oven.energy_source
  647. 57.509 Warning EnergySourcePrototype.cpp:81: emissions in prototype definition, use emissions_per_second_per_watt (proposed value 8.57143e-06) as emissions will be not used soon: ROOT.assembling-machine.sintering-oven-2.energy_source
  648. 57.509 Warning EnergySourcePrototype.cpp:81: emissions in prototype definition, use emissions_per_second_per_watt (proposed value 8.57143e-06) as emissions will be not used soon: ROOT.assembling-machine.sintering-oven-3.energy_source
  649. 57.509 Warning EnergySourcePrototype.cpp:81: emissions in prototype definition, use emissions_per_second_per_watt (proposed value 8.57143e-06) as emissions will be not used soon: ROOT.assembling-machine.sintering-oven-4.energy_source
  650. 57.509 Warning EnergySourcePrototype.cpp:81: emissions in prototype definition, use emissions_per_second_per_watt (proposed value 8.57143e-06) as emissions will be not used soon: ROOT.assembling-machine.strand-casting-machine.energy_source
  651. 57.509 Warning EnergySourcePrototype.cpp:81: emissions in prototype definition, use emissions_per_second_per_watt (proposed value 8.57143e-06) as emissions will be not used soon: ROOT.assembling-machine.strand-casting-machine-2.energy_source
  652. 57.509 Warning EnergySourcePrototype.cpp:81: emissions in prototype definition, use emissions_per_second_per_watt (proposed value 8.57143e-06) as emissions will be not used soon: ROOT.assembling-machine.strand-casting-machine-3.energy_source
  653. 57.509 Warning EnergySourcePrototype.cpp:81: emissions in prototype definition, use emissions_per_second_per_watt (proposed value 8.57143e-06) as emissions will be not used soon: ROOT.assembling-machine.strand-casting-machine-4.energy_source
  654. 57.509 Warning EnergySourcePrototype.cpp:81: emissions in prototype definition, use emissions_per_second_per_watt (proposed value 4e-06) as emissions will be not used soon: ROOT.assembling-machine.cooling-tower.energy_source
  655. 57.509 Warning EnergySourcePrototype.cpp:81: emissions in prototype definition, use emissions_per_second_per_watt (proposed value 1e-05) as emissions will be not used soon: ROOT.assembling-machine.burner-omni-furnace.energy_source
  656. 57.509 Warning EnergySourcePrototype.cpp:81: emissions in prototype definition, use emissions_per_second_per_watt (proposed value 1e-05) as emissions will be not used soon: ROOT.assembling-machine.burner-omniphlog.energy_source
  657. 57.509 Warning EnergySourcePrototype.cpp:81: emissions in prototype definition, use emissions_per_second_per_watt (proposed value 1.14286e-05) as emissions will be not used soon: ROOT.assembling-machine.omnimutator.energy_source
  658. 57.509 Warning EnergySourcePrototype.cpp:81: emissions in prototype definition, use emissions_per_second_per_watt (proposed value 1e-05) as emissions will be not used soon: ROOT.assembling-machine.assembling-machine-0.energy_source
  659. 57.510 Warning EnergySourcePrototype.cpp:81: emissions in prototype definition, use emissions_per_second_per_watt (proposed value 1e-05) as emissions will be not used soon: ROOT.assembling-machine.burner-omnitractor.energy_source
  660. 57.510 Warning EnergySourcePrototype.cpp:81: emissions in prototype definition, use emissions_per_second_per_watt (proposed value 1.14286e-05) as emissions will be not used soon: ROOT.assembling-machine.omnitractor-1.energy_source
  661. 57.510 Warning EnergySourcePrototype.cpp:81: emissions in prototype definition, use emissions_per_second_per_watt (proposed value 1.14286e-05) as emissions will be not used soon: ROOT.assembling-machine.omnitractor-2.energy_source
  662. 57.510 Warning EnergySourcePrototype.cpp:81: emissions in prototype definition, use emissions_per_second_per_watt (proposed value 1.14286e-05) as emissions will be not used soon: ROOT.assembling-machine.omnitractor-3.energy_source
  663. 57.510 Warning EnergySourcePrototype.cpp:81: emissions in prototype definition, use emissions_per_second_per_watt (proposed value 1.14286e-05) as emissions will be not used soon: ROOT.assembling-machine.omnitractor-4.energy_source
  664. 57.510 Warning EnergySourcePrototype.cpp:81: emissions in prototype definition, use emissions_per_second_per_watt (proposed value 1.14286e-05) as emissions will be not used soon: ROOT.assembling-machine.omnitractor-5.energy_source
  665. 57.511 Warning EnergySourcePrototype.cpp:81: emissions in prototype definition, use emissions_per_second_per_watt (proposed value 1.14286e-05) as emissions will be not used soon: ROOT.assembling-machine.omniphlog-1.energy_source
  666. 57.511 Warning EnergySourcePrototype.cpp:81: emissions in prototype definition, use emissions_per_second_per_watt (proposed value 1.14286e-05) as emissions will be not used soon: ROOT.assembling-machine.omniphlog-2.energy_source
  667. 57.511 Warning EnergySourcePrototype.cpp:81: emissions in prototype definition, use emissions_per_second_per_watt (proposed value 1.14286e-05) as emissions will be not used soon: ROOT.assembling-machine.omniphlog-3.energy_source
  668. 57.511 Warning EnergySourcePrototype.cpp:81: emissions in prototype definition, use emissions_per_second_per_watt (proposed value 1.14286e-05) as emissions will be not used soon: ROOT.assembling-machine.omniphlog-4.energy_source
  669. 57.511 Warning EnergySourcePrototype.cpp:81: emissions in prototype definition, use emissions_per_second_per_watt (proposed value 1.14286e-05) as emissions will be not used soon: ROOT.assembling-machine.omniphlog-5.energy_source
  670. 57.521 Warning EnergySourcePrototype.cpp:81: emissions in prototype definition, use emissions_per_second_per_watt (proposed value 1e-04) as emissions will be not used soon: ROOT.mining-drill.mantle_extractor.energy_source
  671. 57.521 Warning EnergySourcePrototype.cpp:81: emissions in prototype definition, use emissions_per_second_per_watt (proposed value 1e-04) as emissions will be not used soon: ROOT.mining-drill.moho_extractor.energy_source
  672. 57.522 Warning EnergySourcePrototype.cpp:81: emissions in prototype definition, use emissions_per_second_per_watt (proposed value 1e-04) as emissions will be not used soon: ROOT.mining-drill.crust_extractor.energy_source
  673. 57.522 Warning EnergySourcePrototype.cpp:81: emissions in prototype definition, use emissions_per_second_per_watt (proposed value 2e-05) as emissions will be not used soon: ROOT.mining-drill.basic-mining-drill-mk2.energy_source
  674. 57.522 Warning EnergySourcePrototype.cpp:81: emissions in prototype definition, use emissions_per_second_per_watt (proposed value 6.66667e-05) as emissions will be not used soon: ROOT.mining-drill.pumpjack-mk2.energy_source
  675. 57.522 Warning EnergySourcePrototype.cpp:81: emissions in prototype definition, use emissions_per_second_per_watt (proposed value 6.3e-05) as emissions will be not used soon: ROOT.mining-drill.bucketw.energy_source
  676. 57.522 Warning EnergySourcePrototype.cpp:81: emissions in prototype definition, use emissions_per_second_per_watt (proposed value 5.3e-05) as emissions will be not used soon: ROOT.mining-drill.bucketw-mk2.energy_source
  677. 57.522 Warning EnergySourcePrototype.cpp:81: emissions in prototype definition, use emissions_per_second_per_watt (proposed value 4.3e-05) as emissions will be not used soon: ROOT.mining-drill.bucketw-mk3.energy_source
  678. 57.526 Warning EnergySourcePrototype.cpp:81: emissions in prototype definition, use emissions_per_second_per_watt (proposed value 1e-04) as emissions will be not used soon: ROOT.mining-drill.thermal-extractor.energy_source
  679. 57.604 Warning TilePrototype.cpp:157: ageing in prototype definition, use pollution_absorption_per_second (proposed value is the same) as ageing will be not used soon: ROOT.tile.out-of-factory
  680. 57.604 Warning TilePrototype.cpp:157: ageing in prototype definition, use pollution_absorption_per_second (proposed value is the same) as ageing will be not used soon: ROOT.tile.factory-floor-1
  681. 57.604 Warning TilePrototype.cpp:157: ageing in prototype definition, use pollution_absorption_per_second (proposed value is the same) as ageing will be not used soon: ROOT.tile.factory-entrance-1
  682. 57.604 Warning TilePrototype.cpp:157: ageing in prototype definition, use pollution_absorption_per_second (proposed value is the same) as ageing will be not used soon: ROOT.tile.factory-pattern-1
  683. 57.604 Warning TilePrototype.cpp:157: ageing in prototype definition, use pollution_absorption_per_second (proposed value is the same) as ageing will be not used soon: ROOT.tile.factory-wall-1
  684. 57.604 Warning TilePrototype.cpp:157: ageing in prototype definition, use pollution_absorption_per_second (proposed value is the same) as ageing will be not used soon: ROOT.tile.factory-floor-2
  685. 57.604 Warning TilePrototype.cpp:157: ageing in prototype definition, use pollution_absorption_per_second (proposed value is the same) as ageing will be not used soon: ROOT.tile.factory-entrance-2
  686. 57.604 Warning TilePrototype.cpp:157: ageing in prototype definition, use pollution_absorption_per_second (proposed value is the same) as ageing will be not used soon: ROOT.tile.factory-pattern-2
  687. 57.604 Warning TilePrototype.cpp:157: ageing in prototype definition, use pollution_absorption_per_second (proposed value is the same) as ageing will be not used soon: ROOT.tile.factory-wall-2
  688. 57.604 Warning TilePrototype.cpp:157: ageing in prototype definition, use pollution_absorption_per_second (proposed value is the same) as ageing will be not used soon: ROOT.tile.factory-floor-3
  689. 57.604 Warning TilePrototype.cpp:157: ageing in prototype definition, use pollution_absorption_per_second (proposed value is the same) as ageing will be not used soon: ROOT.tile.factory-entrance-3
  690. 57.605 Warning TilePrototype.cpp:157: ageing in prototype definition, use pollution_absorption_per_second (proposed value is the same) as ageing will be not used soon: ROOT.tile.factory-pattern-3
  691. 57.605 Warning TilePrototype.cpp:157: ageing in prototype definition, use pollution_absorption_per_second (proposed value is the same) as ageing will be not used soon: ROOT.tile.factory-wall-3
  692. 57.605 Warning TilePrototype.cpp:157: ageing in prototype definition, use pollution_absorption_per_second (proposed value is the same) as ageing will be not used soon: ROOT.tile.clay-bricks
  693. 57.731 Warning EnergySourcePrototype.cpp:81: emissions in prototype definition, use emissions_per_second_per_watt (proposed value 0) as emissions will be not used soon: ROOT.pump.factory-circuit-input.energy_source
  694. 57.731 Warning EnergySourcePrototype.cpp:81: emissions in prototype definition, use emissions_per_second_per_watt (proposed value 0) as emissions will be not used soon: ROOT.pump.pump-mk2.energy_source
  695. 57.994 Loading sounds...
  696. 58.105 Info PlayerData.cpp:69: Local player-data.json unavailable
  697. 58.105 Info PlayerData.cpp:72: Cloud player-data.json available, timestamp 1553620183
  698. 58.311 Initial atlas bitmap size is 16384
  699. 58.331 Created atlas bitmap 16384x16384 [no-crop]
  700. 58.351 Created atlas bitmap 16384x16384 [none]
  701. 58.354 Created atlas bitmap 16384x15720 [none]
  702. 58.355 Created atlas bitmap 16384x2116 [decal]
  703. 58.356 Created atlas bitmap 16384x5760 [low-object]
  704. 58.356 Created atlas bitmap 16384x1824 [mipmap, linear-minification, linear-magnification, linear-mip-level, no-crop, no-scale]
  705. 58.357 Created atlas bitmap 16384x6960 [terrain, mipmap, linear-minification, linear-mip-level, no-crop]
  706. 58.357 Created atlas bitmap 16384x480 [smoke, mipmap, linear-minification, linear-magnification]
  707. 58.358 Created atlas bitmap 16384x3136 [not-compressed, mipmap, linear-minification, linear-magnification, linear-mip-level, no-crop, no-scale]
  708. 58.358 Created atlas bitmap 16384x748 [alpha-mask]
  709. 58.360 Created atlas bitmap 16384x13936 [shadow, linear-magnification, alpha-mask]
  710. 58.360 Created atlas bitmap 16384x1264 [shadow, mipmap, linear-magnification, alpha-mask]
  711. 58.368 Texture processor created. GPU accelerated compression Supported: yes, Enabled: yes/yes. Test passed. YCoCgDXT PSNR: 35.83, BC3 PSNR: 33.82
  712. 60.168 Parallel Sprite Loader initialized (threads: 7)
  713. 69.197 Sprites loaded
  714. 69.263 Generated mipmaps for atlas of size 16384x5760
  715. 69.284 Generated mipmaps for atlas of size 16384x1824
  716. 69.306 Generated mipmaps for atlas of size 16384x6960
  717. 69.317 Generated mipmaps for atlas of size 16384x480
  718. 69.328 Generated mipmaps for atlas of size 16384x3136
  719. 69.339 Generated mipmaps for atlas of size 16384x1264
  720. 69.355 Custom inputs active: 34
  721. 69.400 Factorio initialised
  722. 69.421 Game is running on selected version branch on Steam.
  723. 139.638 Info UDPSocket.cpp:27: Opening socket at (IP ADDR:({}))
  724. 141.606 Info UDPSocket.cpp:210: Closing socket
  725. 141.606 Info UDPSocket.cpp:240: Socket closed
  726. 141.606 Info UDPSocket.cpp:210: Closing socket
  727. 141.607 Joining game IP ADDR:({})
  728. 141.607 Info UDPSocket.cpp:33: Opening socket
  729. 141.608 Info ClientMultiplayerManager.cpp:572: UpdateTick(4294967295) changing state from(Ready) to(Connecting)
  730. 141.826 Connection refused
  731. 141.826 Info ClientMultiplayerManager.cpp:189: Quitting multiplayer connection.
  732. 141.826 Info ClientMultiplayerManager.cpp:572: UpdateTick(4294967295) changing state from(Connecting) to(Disconnected)
  733. 141.828 Info HttpSharedState.cpp:54: Downloading
  734. 141.991 Info AuthServerConnector.cpp:138: Received key from auth server.
  735. 141.993 Info UDPSocket.cpp:210: Closing socket
  736. 141.993 Info UDPSocket.cpp:240: Socket closed
  737. 141.993 Joining game IP ADDR:({})
  738. 141.993 Info UDPSocket.cpp:33: Opening socket
  739. 141.993 Info ClientMultiplayerManager.cpp:572: UpdateTick(4294967295) changing state from(Ready) to(Connecting)
  740. 142.093 Info UnparsedNetworkMessage.cpp:91: Invalid packet (type ConnectionRequestReply) received from IP ADDR:({}): invalid state (WaitingForAccept) for packet type
  741. 142.227 Connection refused
  742. 142.227 Info ClientMultiplayerManager.cpp:189: Quitting multiplayer connection.
  743. 142.227 Info ClientMultiplayerManager.cpp:572: UpdateTick(4294967295) changing state from(Connecting) to(Disconnected)
  744. 142.230 Info UDPSocket.cpp:210: Closing socket
  745. 142.230 Info UDPSocket.cpp:240: Socket closed
  746. 147.429 Joining game IP ADDR:({})
  747. 147.429 Info UDPSocket.cpp:33: Opening socket
  748. 147.430 Info ClientMultiplayerManager.cpp:572: UpdateTick(4294967295) changing state from(Ready) to(Connecting)
  749. 147.658 Info ClientSynchronizer.cpp:35: Initialized Synchronizer local peer(1) latency(32).
  750. 147.658 Info ClientMultiplayerManager.cpp:572: UpdateTick(4294967295) changing state from(Connecting) to(ConnectedWaitingForMap)
  751. 147.658 Info ClientRouter.cpp:224: ConnectionAccepted
  752. 149.459 Info ClientMultiplayerManager.cpp:744: Received mapReadyForDownload
  753. 149.459 Downloading file C:\Users\Drame\AppData\Roaming\Factorio\temp\ (20981449 B, 41713 blocks)
  754. 149.468 Info ClientMultiplayerManager.cpp:572: UpdateTick(4294967295) changing state from(ConnectedWaitingForMap) to(ConnectedDownloadingMap)
  755. 153.410 Finished download (3 s, 20.9 MB, 5.3 MB/s)
  756. 153.452 Info ClientMultiplayerManager.cpp:724: updateTick(4294967295) map download finished creating scenario
  757. 153.452 Info ClientMultiplayerManager.cpp:572: UpdateTick(4294967295) changing state from(ConnectedDownloadingMap) to(ConnectedLoadingMap)
  758. 153.453 Loading map C:\Users\Drame\AppData\Roaming\Factorio\temp\ 20981449 bytes.
  759. 153.496 Loading level.dat: 67028783 bytes.
  760. 153.500 Info Scenario.cpp:161: Map version 0.17.20-0
  761. 155.739 Loading script.dat: 777211 bytes.
  762. 155.742 Checksum for script C:/Users/Drame/AppData/Roaming/Factorio/temp/currently-playing/control.lua: 1848333929
  763. 155.743 Checksum for script __AfraidOfTheDark__/control.lua: 2322376383
  764. 155.748 Checksum for script __Big_Brother__/control.lua: 2263127322
  765. 155.748 Checksum for script __Blueprint_Flip_Turn_017__/control.lua: 3983432184
  766. 155.751 Checksum for script __bobinserters__/control.lua: 2636244137
  767. 155.752 Checksum for script __Bottleneck__/control.lua: 1724301457
  768. 155.753 Checksum for script __CJs_QoL_Research_Ver1__/control.lua: 0
  769. 155.755 Checksum for script __dangOreus__/control.lua: 20343975
  770. 155.756 Checksum for script __Enhanced_Map_Colors__/control.lua: 599745780
  771. 155.757 Script @__even-distribution__/framework.lua:72: 0 [ED] Initializing framework... DEBUG = false
  772. 155.757 Script @__even-distribution__/framework.lua:72: 0 [ED] Registering custom scripts...
  773. 155.757 Script @__even-distribution__/framework.lua:72: 0 [ED] Script: metatables
  774. 155.757 Script @__even-distribution__/framework.lua:72: 0 [ED] Script: util
  775. 155.758 Script @__even-distribution__/framework.lua:72: 0 [ED] Script: helpers
  776. 155.758 Script @__even-distribution__/framework.lua:72: 0 [ED] Script: setup
  777. 155.758 Script @__even-distribution__/framework.lua:72: 0 [ED] Script: drag
  778. 155.759 Script @__even-distribution__/framework.lua:72: 0 [ED] Script: cleanup
  779. 155.759 Script @__even-distribution__/framework.lua:72: 0 [ED] Registering default event handlers...
  780. 155.759 Script @__even-distribution__/framework.lua:72: 0 [ED] Registering custom inputs...
  781. 155.759 Script @__even-distribution__/framework.lua:72: 0 [ED] Input: inventory-cleanup event: on_inventory_cleanup
  782. 155.760 Script @__even-distribution__/framework.lua:72: 0 [ED] Successfully initialized
  783. 155.760 Checksum for script __even-distribution__/control.lua: 506301549
  784. 155.763 Checksum for script __EvoGUI__/control.lua: 759905060
  785. 155.768 Checksum for script __Factorissimo2__/control.lua: 2053293567
  786. 155.769 Checksum for script __Flow Control__/control.lua: 894715649
  787. 155.779 Checksum for script __FNEI__/control.lua: 2036981011
  788. 155.806 Checksum for script __helmod__/control.lua: 2588412743
  789. 155.807 Checksum for script __Inventory Sensor__/control.lua: 1936841053
  790. 155.808 Checksum for script __more-minimap-autohide-017__/control.lua: 247873891
  791. 155.809 Checksum for script __nixie-tubes__/control.lua: 146646077
  792. 155.811 Checksum for script __omnilib__/control.lua: 3418426453
  793. 155.816 Checksum for script __Todo-List__/control.lua: 3903973223
  794. 155.816 Checksum for script __Warehousing__/control.lua: 176086315
  795. 155.818 Checksum for script __WaterWell__/control.lua: 107213243
  796. 155.819 Checksum for script __WideChests__/control.lua: 83376244
  797. 155.820 Checksum for script __bobores__/control.lua: 3649119228
  798. 155.821 Checksum for script __FactorioExtended-Plus-Transport__/control.lua: 4116624298
  799. 155.829 Checksum for script __Tapeline__/control.lua: 1448713072
  800. 155.830 Checksum for script __bobplates__/control.lua: 2137047030
  801. 155.832 Checksum for script __boblogistics__/control.lua: 3110647072
  802. 155.833 Checksum for script __deadlock-beltboxes-loaders__/control.lua: 3384865240
  803. 155.834 Checksum for script __angelsrefining__/control.lua: 884011260
  804. 155.836 Checksum for script __ElectricTrain__/control.lua: 2558625458
  805. 155.837 Checksum for script __ShinyBobGFX__/control.lua: 4171740370
  806. 155.838 Checksum for script __omnimatter__/control.lua: 1818924982
  807. 155.839 Checksum for script __MomoTweak__/control.lua: 2888729126
  808. 155.840 Checksum for script __necro_painful_modpack__/control.lua: 2811889562
  809. 156.228 Info ClientMultiplayerManager.cpp:572: UpdateTick(21713935) changing state from(ConnectedLoadingMap) to(TryingToCatchUp)
  810. 156.243 Script @__helmod__/controller/Controller.lua:313: __helmod__/model/Player.lua:222: attempt to index upvalue 'Lua_player' (a nil value)
  811. 156.635 Info ClientMultiplayerManager.cpp:572: UpdateTick(21714119) changing state from(TryingToCatchUp) to(WaitingForCommandToStartSendingTickClosures)
  812. 156.775 Info ClientMultiplayerManager.cpp:572: UpdateTick(21714119) changing state from(WaitingForCommandToStartSendingTickClosures) to(InGame)
  813. 156.909 Info GameActionHandler.cpp:4019: UpdateTick (21714127) processed PlayerJoinGame peerID(2) playerIndex(0) mode(connect)
  814. 208.053 Error CrashHandler.cpp:409: Exception Code: c0000005, Address: 0x00007ff77246e2d9
  815. ModuleBase: 0x00007ff7717e0000, ImageSize: 0162d000, RelativeAddress: 00c8e2d9
  816. 208.053 Error CrashHandler.cpp:415: Access Violation: Read at address 0000000000000000
  817. 208.053 Error CrashHandler.cpp:429: Exception Context:
  818. rax=0000000000000000, rbx=000001bcb393cf48, rcx=0000000000000000,
  819. rdx=0000000000000000, rsi=000001bd714c8990, rdi=0000000000000000,
  820. rip=00007ff77246e2d9, rsp=0000007897bfdd00, rbp=000001bd714c8990,
  821. r8=0000000000000000, r9=0000000000000000, r10=000001bca99b7010,
  822. r11=0000000000000000, r12=0000000000000000, r13=0000000000000001,
  823. r14=0000000000000024, r15=0000000000000002
  824. 208.053 Crashed in C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Factorio\bin\x64\Factorio.exe (0x00007ff7717e0000 - 0x00007ff772e0d000)
  825. Factorio crashed. Generating symbolized stacktrace, please wait ...
  826. c:\cygwin64\tmp\factorio-build-m2mpqn\libraries\stackwalker\stackwalker.cpp (924): StackWalker::ShowCallstack
  827. c:\cygwin64\tmp\factorio-build-m2mpqn\src\util\logger.cpp (376): Logger::writeStacktrace
  828. c:\cygwin64\tmp\factorio-build-m2mpqn\src\util\logger.cpp (527): Logger::logStacktrace
  829. c:\cygwin64\tmp\factorio-build-m2mpqn\src\util\crashhandler.cpp (170): CrashHandler::writeStackTrace
  830. c:\cygwin64\tmp\factorio-build-m2mpqn\src\util\crashhandler.cpp (456): CrashHandler::SehHandler
  831. ERROR: SymGetLineFromAddr64, GetLastError: 487 (Address: 00007FF94677BDD0)
  832. 00007FF94677BDD0 (KERNELBASE): (filename not available): UnhandledExceptionFilter
  833. ERROR: SymGetLineFromAddr64, GetLastError: 487 (Address: 00007FF949943167)
  834. 00007FF949943167 (ntdll): (filename not available): memset
  835. ERROR: SymGetLineFromAddr64, GetLastError: 487 (Address: 00007FF94992B5E6)
  836. 00007FF94992B5E6 (ntdll): (filename not available): _C_specific_handler
  837. ERROR: SymGetLineFromAddr64, GetLastError: 487 (Address: 00007FF94993F7DD)
  838. 00007FF94993F7DD (ntdll): (filename not available): _chkstk
  839. ERROR: SymGetLineFromAddr64, GetLastError: 487 (Address: 00007FF9498AD856)
  840. 00007FF9498AD856 (ntdll): (filename not available): RtlWalkFrameChain
  841. ERROR: SymGetLineFromAddr64, GetLastError: 487 (Address: 00007FF94993E70E)
  842. 00007FF94993E70E (ntdll): (filename not available): KiUserExceptionDispatcher
  843. c:\cygwin64\tmp\factorio-build-m2mpqn\libraries\agui\table.cpp (1158): agui::Table::maximumVerticalSquashSize
  844. c:\cygwin64\tmp\factorio-build-m2mpqn\libraries\agui\widget\horizontalflow.cpp (243): agui::HorizontalFlow::maximumVerticalSquashSize
  845. c:\cygwin64\tmp\factorio-build-m2mpqn\libraries\agui\table.cpp (1155): agui::Table::maximumVerticalSquashSize
  846. c:\cygwin64\tmp\factorio-build-m2mpqn\libraries\agui\widget\horizontalflow.cpp (243): agui::HorizontalFlow::maximumVerticalSquashSize
  847. c:\cygwin64\tmp\factorio-build-m2mpqn\libraries\agui\widget\horizontalflow.cpp (243): agui::HorizontalFlow::maximumVerticalSquashSize
  848. c:\cygwin64\tmp\factorio-build-m2mpqn\libraries\agui\widget\horizontalflow.cpp (243): agui::HorizontalFlow::maximumVerticalSquashSize
  849. c:\cygwin64\tmp\factorio-build-m2mpqn\libraries\agui\widget\horizontalflow.cpp (243): agui::HorizontalFlow::maximumVerticalSquashSize
  850. c:\cygwin64\tmp\factorio-build-m2mpqn\libraries\agui\squashcalculator.cpp (124): agui::SquashCalculator::Item::Item
  851. c:\program files (x86)\microsoft visual studio\2017\buildtools\vc\tools\msvc\14.15.26726\include\vector (964): std::vector<agui::SquashCalculator::Item,std::allocator<agui::SquashCalculator::Item> >::_Emplace_reallocate<agui::GuiDirection &,agui::Widget &>
  852. c:\cygwin64\tmp\factorio-build-m2mpqn\libraries\agui\widget\verticalflow.cpp (195): agui::VerticalFlow::layoutChildren
  853. c:\cygwin64\tmp\factorio-build-m2mpqn\libraries\agui\widget\layout.cpp (64): agui::Layout::resizeToContents
  854. c:\cygwin64\tmp\factorio-build-m2mpqn\libraries\agui\widget\widget.cpp (1429): agui::Widget::resizeToContentsRecursive
  855. c:\cygwin64\tmp\factorio-build-m2mpqn\libraries\agui\widget\widget.cpp (1423): agui::Widget::resizeToContentsRecursive
  856. c:\cygwin64\tmp\factorio-build-m2mpqn\libraries\agui\widget\widget.cpp (1423): agui::Widget::resizeToContentsRecursive
  857. c:\cygwin64\tmp\factorio-build-m2mpqn\libraries\agui\topcontainer.cpp (28): agui::TopContainer::processTriggersToResize
  858. c:\cygwin64\tmp\factorio-build-m2mpqn\libraries\agui\gui.cpp (971): agui::Gui::orderToUpdateWidgetUnderMouse
  859. c:\cygwin64\tmp\factorio-build-m2mpqn\libraries\agui\gui.cpp (337): agui::Gui::getWidgetUnderMouse
  860. c:\cygwin64\tmp\factorio-build-m2mpqn\src\player.cpp (918): Player::syncGuiTooltipIf
  861. c:\cygwin64\tmp\factorio-build-m2mpqn\src\customgui\customguielement.cpp (101): CustomGuiElement::buildWidgetRecursively
  862. c:\cygwin64\tmp\factorio-build-m2mpqn\src\script\luaguielement.cpp (414): LuaGuiElement::luaAdd
  863. c:\cygwin64\tmp\factorio-build-m2mpqn\src\script\luabinder.hpp (341): LuaBinder<LuaEquipmentGrid>::callWrapper
  864. c:\cygwin64\tmp\factorio-build-m2mpqn\libraries\lua\ldo.c (319): luaD_precall
  865. c:\cygwin64\tmp\factorio-build-m2mpqn\libraries\lua\lvm.c (710): luaV_execute
  866. c:\cygwin64\tmp\factorio-build-m2mpqn\libraries\lua\lapi.c (1027): f_call
  867. c:\cygwin64\tmp\factorio-build-m2mpqn\libraries\lua\ldo.c (131): luaD_rawrunprotected
  868. c:\cygwin64\tmp\factorio-build-m2mpqn\libraries\lua\ldo.c (590): luaD_pcall
  869. c:\cygwin64\tmp\factorio-build-m2mpqn\libraries\lua\lapi.c (1053): lua_pcallk
  870. c:\cygwin64\tmp\factorio-build-m2mpqn\libraries\lua\lbaselib.c (399): luaB_pcall
  871. c:\cygwin64\tmp\factorio-build-m2mpqn\libraries\lua\ldo.c (319): luaD_precall
  872. c:\cygwin64\tmp\factorio-build-m2mpqn\libraries\lua\lvm.c (710): luaV_execute
  873. c:\cygwin64\tmp\factorio-build-m2mpqn\libraries\lua\lapi.c (1027): f_call
  874. c:\cygwin64\tmp\factorio-build-m2mpqn\libraries\lua\ldo.c (131): luaD_rawrunprotected
  875. c:\cygwin64\tmp\factorio-build-m2mpqn\libraries\lua\ldo.c (590): luaD_pcall
  876. c:\cygwin64\tmp\factorio-build-m2mpqn\libraries\lua\lapi.c (1053): lua_pcallk
  877. c:\cygwin64\tmp\factorio-build-m2mpqn\src\util\luahelper.cpp (3276): LuaHelper::pCallWithStackTrace
  878. c:\cygwin64\tmp\factorio-build-m2mpqn\src\script\luagamescript.cpp (878): LuaGameScript::runEventHandler
  879. c:\cygwin64\tmp\factorio-build-m2mpqn\src\script\luaeventdispatcher.cpp (543): LuaEventDispatcher::run<GameAction>
  880. c:\cygwin64\tmp\factorio-build-m2mpqn\src\script\luaeventdispatcher.cpp (413): LuaEventDispatcher::dispatch
  881. c:\cygwin64\tmp\factorio-build-m2mpqn\src\gameactiondispatcher.cpp (14): GameActionDispatcher::sendToListeners
  882. c:\cygwin64\tmp\factorio-build-m2mpqn\src\gameactionhandler.cpp (3032): GameActionHandler::guiClick
  883. c:\cygwin64\tmp\factorio-build-m2mpqn\src\gameactionhandler.cpp (324): GameActionHandler::actionPerformed
  884. c:\cygwin64\tmp\factorio-build-m2mpqn\src\input\inputhandler.cpp (61): InputHandler::flushActions
  885. c:\cygwin64\tmp\factorio-build-m2mpqn\src\net\networkinputhandler.cpp (164): NetworkInputHandler::flushActions
  886. c:\cygwin64\tmp\factorio-build-m2mpqn\src\net\networkinputhandler.cpp (114): NetworkInputHandler::tryToApplyNextTickClosure
  887. c:\cygwin64\tmp\factorio-build-m2mpqn\src\net\clientmultiplayermanager.cpp (473): ClientMultiplayerManager::updateMultiplayerInputInternal
  888. c:\cygwin64\tmp\factorio-build-m2mpqn\src\net\multiplayermanagerbase.cpp (174): MultiplayerManagerBase::updateMultiplayerInput
  889. c:\cygwin64\tmp\factorio-build-m2mpqn\src\mainloop.cpp (1096): MainLoop::gameUpdateStep
  890. c:\cygwin64\tmp\factorio-build-m2mpqn\src\mainloop.cpp (980): MainLoop::gameUpdateLoop
  891. c:\cygwin64\tmp\factorio-build-m2mpqn\src\util\workerthread.cpp (42): WorkerThread::loop
  892. c:\program files (x86)\microsoft visual studio\2017\buildtools\vc\tools\msvc\14.15.26726\include\thr\xthread (230): std::_LaunchPad<std::unique_ptr<std::tuple<void (__cdecl TransferSource::*)(void),TransferSource *>,std::default_delete<std::tuple<void (__cdecl TransferSource::*)(void),TransferSource *> > > >::_Go
  893. c:\program files (x86)\microsoft visual studio\2017\buildtools\vc\tools\msvc\14.15.26726\include\thr\xthread (209): std::_Pad::_Call_func
  894. minkernel\crts\ucrt\src\appcrt\startup\thread.cpp (115): thread_start<unsigned int (__cdecl*)(void * __ptr64)>
  895. ERROR: SymGetLineFromAddr64, GetLastError: 487 (Address: 00007FF9485C3DC4)
  896. 00007FF9485C3DC4 (KERNEL32): (filename not available): BaseThreadInitThunk
  897. ERROR: SymGetLineFromAddr64, GetLastError: 487 (Address: 00007FF949913691)
  898. 00007FF949913691 (ntdll): (filename not available): RtlUserThreadStart
  899. Stack trace logging done
  900. 209.622 Error CrashHandler.cpp:175: Map tick at moment of crash: 21717186
  901. 209.622 Error Util.cpp:97: Unexpected error occurred. If you're running the latest version of the game you can help us solve the problem by posting the contents of the log file on the Factorio forums.
  902. Please also include the save file(s), any mods you may be using, and any steps you know of to reproduce the crash.
  903. 238.366 Uploading log file
  904. 238.379 Error CrashHandler.cpp:197: Heap validation: success.
  905. 238.381 Creating crash dump.
  906. 238.718 CrashDump success
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