
Midnight Musings

Apr 4th, 2020
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  1. ===> COH <===> 4/3/2020, 9:25:51 PM <===
  2. Botanica Los Cruces - Storeroom(#11211RU)
  4. Botanica Los Cruce's storeroom seems somehow impossibly large, given the small footprint of the shop above. In this space below, one finds a round table and chairs, along with a few cots, all of which serve as basic amenities. A surveillance feed on a closed circuit TV near the entrance provides a look at whatever's going on upstairs in the shop.
  5. It's clear that the botanica's storeroom primarily serves as a unique site for the performance of religious culture - Palo Mayombe! The main practice of Palo focuses upon the religious receptacle or altar known as "la Nganga", "el caldero", "nkisi" or "la prenda". This is a consecrated vessel which serves as a microcosm. Each Nganga is dedicated to a specific mpungu - the altar down here? It is dedicated to Nkuyu, equivalent to Elegua or Eshu in Yoruba religion and associated with the Holy Infant of Atocha.
  10. (This room needs an Umbra desc. @mail building staff if you want to provide one.)
  13. (This room needs a Wraith desc. @mail building staff if you want to provide one.)
  15. Contents:
  16. Latona
  18. *** Nightzone ***
  20. Obvious Exits:
  21. Botanica <Bo>
  23. Cen and his spirit mentor are just back here doing what an old spirit and his young dhampir mascot would do in such places of worship like this. Black magic! After a fashion. Or at the least? Preparing for ritual and the like - Palo Mayombe necromancy. Wanga.
  25. Latona makes her way into the backroom of this botanica, informed however she was of the nature of this place. That some random white woman showed up back here and doesn't seem totally lost probably fills in several blanks about her. And perhaps another by the fact that her blue eyes not only linger on Ceniza for a few moments when she sees him, but upon his unseen guide as well. Still, beyond the brief look-over, she doesn't seem to acknowledge the spirit as of yet, instead turning her attention upon the more corporeal inhabitant.
  26. "Hey there... I'm not interrupting something, am I?" she greets and questions, taking note of the ritual preparations. A hand rests upon her hip as she takes in the various occult paraphernalia, not seeming particularly perturbed by the sight.
  28. <WRAITH> The spirit that accompanies Cen speaks to the youth, in a rich low baritone of a voice, the accent foreign. "We have a guest, Victor."
  30. Cen blinks, having been caught up in his ritual preparations. Then he arches an eyebrow and looks over a shoulder, "Oh, hey. No. No, not at all. C'mon in, make yourself at home. I'm Cen. My companion here is Nkuyu."
  32. "Huh," Latona intones at the brief exchange between Ceniza and one that should be unseen. She offers a friendly smile as she returns the greeting, "Alright, if you're sure. I'm Latona. A pleasure to meet you." Her eyes flicker to the spirit briefly, before returning. "And your companion as well. And thanks. You've got a pretty nice place set up here. It's, uh, pretty close to the border though. Are you okay out here?"
  34. Cen dusts off his hands, and then makes his way over to pull out a chair for Latona, and then one for himself. "Have a seat. And yeah, totes, man. Right on the edge of the motherfucking Sword. Keep a low profile. Ain't no Tower gonna come looking too hard 'round these parts."
  35. "An' if they DO? Well, I can see'em before they see me. 'm just another hoodoo working nobody." A pause from Cen, "I mean, other than the markings from Baron Cimitière. But mundy sorcerers got all kinds of mojo markings, y'know?"
  37. "Thanks," Latona replies to the offered chair as she moves to sit down. She shrugs with uncertainty at his reply. "Well, I guess at least you don't have to worry about the Cammies coming out here too much, if you're more concerned than them. The Sword doesn't like to keep to itself though, so be careful." She goes on to nod at his elaboration, however. "Fair enough, I guess. You probably don't have to worry as much about them just immediately making you out, but I wouldn't be surprised if some bold shovelheads tried to gain a foothold across the border now and then." She tilts her head relentingly for a moment as she notes, "I guess I can't say I don't understand the idea, though. I've set up a few miles to the north, in Chula Vista. A bit more breathing room, and a lot more going on. But I guess it is a lot more plausible for the Cam to poke around up there than here."
  39. Cen nods, "Yeah, I looked at some spots up in Chula. Thought real hard about it. Came /this/ close," he says, as he holds up thumb and index finger, really close together, "to dropping anchor there. But then, like lightning, this idea came to me and I moved on it." He leans back in his chair, "So. WHat's your story, morning glory?"
  41. Latona smirks as her shoulders shrug. "Too bad, although I guess we're still pretty close to each from here. Whatever suits you best. As for myself... Well, I came here from out east a couple years ago, with a group. We arrived in Prospect, made a huge mess- especially among ourselves. And now, those of us left are in Chula Vista. And I, at least, am pretty certain I shouldn't show my face in Prospect again any time soon. If I can help it, at least."
  43. Cen nods. "Well, you're welcome down here any time. Mi casa es su casa," he offers. "Nkuyu woulda said something already if he didn't like you. Where's your spot up in Chula? And 'm from out east myself. Well, Florida, anyway."
  44. "But Baltimore, originally. Been making my way west slowly."
  46. "I'm from Illinois, originally. Around Chicago," Latona offers, before her eyes ficker briefly upon the unseen once again. "And I'm happy to hear that. Anyways, I don't really have a safe place to meet secured up there quite yet. I'm working on somewhere up in Main Street, but I guess I should try to convince someone to open a bar or something. Seems like that's about the only sort of place most of us can agree to meet," she notes with a grin.
  48. "Ah, right? Rawlins has a swanky little joint up in, ah. Del Mar? But the crashpad he's got set up there is like, top notch. He was the first I ran into, out in Laughlin." Cen considers Latona thoughtfully. "So what sorta projects you got going on? Anything you need help with?"
  50. "Yeah, I've been there, actually. Last week, I think it was. That's where I met Rawlins," Latona replies. "It's a pretty nice setup out there, all things considered. Anyways, I do plan on trying to secure Chula Vista as a whole, for the movement. Not alone, obviously. Like I said, I have a couple of others with me. So far, we don't really have our own actual domain in the area. But lately, I've been busy with a bit of an emergency that's popped up." Her smile begins to fade at the change of topic. "A bit of a nasty one. I could actually use help with it, if you're up for it. It's going to be dangerous though. But..." She glances at the spirit briefly. "Somehow, I think you might be interested."
  52. <WRAITH> The spirit that accompanies Cen speaks to the youth, in a rich low baritone of a voice, the accent foreign. "Ask her! The road calls us forward!"
  54. Cen arches an eyebrow, then his brow furrows and he mutters at the spirit in Swahili. Returning his attention to Latona, he gives a nod. "Always happy to help out a comrade. Me and Nkuyu, danger is our middle name." A pause. "Sorta."
  56. Latona's blue eyes lock upon Cen's as she nods with a more serious expression. "Alright. I won't blame you if you decline. So, I suppose I'll start from the beginning..." Her eyes turn away for a moment in recall. "So, I started investigating a trail I picked up on suggesting something infernal going on around this little border town in the desert. At first, I thought it might have been some Sabbat messing with things they shouldn't. A comrade and I went out to check things out in person to try to get a better idea of what's going on, and turns out it's much worse. Baali. Three of them... From our investigation, an elder eighth generation, and two childer. There's a wound in the spirit world in a cavern underneath the town, which they've set up in. As best as we've gathered, they're trying to wake it up and bring it through. They've been sacrificing immigrants to it every week. Worst part is, it seems they've convinced most of the immigrant population taking refuge there that the demon's God." Her lips part as she offers an exasterated grin. "A lot to take in, I know. We're planning on hitting them soon, if you're still in... Next sacrifice is Sunday."
  58. Cen listens, expression impassive. Then an eyebrow arches. He looks back over his shoulder, exchanging a look with Nkuyu, then looks back to Latona. "'m happy to help how I can. Me and Nkuyu, we're scouts, mostly. Wanderers on the road an' such. But whatever we can do to help, we'll do."
  60. Latona nods, a relieved smile reappearing upon her lips. "Thank you. We've been scrying them out over the past few days to plan things out... At this point, I think all we really have left to do is plan and, well... Go take them out." She tilts her head. "And then figure out how to un-fuck things. The spirit worlds near that place are massively fucked, and I really don't want whatever this demon is managing to get through. We have enough problems in the area as it is without literal demons running around." She glimpses at the ritual preparations nearby. "I was assuming I'd have to figure it all out myself, but maybe you could help me with that as well?"
  62. Cen nods, "I'm a wangateur. You familiar?" He looks at Latona thoughtfully, trying to take her measure, but not really coming up with anything. "I mean, you practice magic? You're obviously no stranger to the spirit worlds."
  64. "Conceptually, at least. I know what you mean. But I can't say I'm particularly very familiar with that form of sorcery," Latona replies, gazing back at Cen. "But yeah, I am a blood sorceress. I've been familiar with the spirit worlds to a degree before, well, 'all of this' as well. It's pretty inconvenient most of the time." A small smirk forms on the corner of her lips.
  66. Another nod from Cen. "Also? Just so we're clear?" A pause as he considers. "Dunno if Rawlins shared yet or not, but. I ain't kindred. I'm half-blood. Daywalker." A pause, "You comprende?" A small shy smile. "Just to ah, manage expectations."
  68. Then he perks up again, as if he remembered something. "An' so long as we're sharing, seeing as you got me helpin' fumigate a nest o' demon bootlickers? I'm Samedi folk, to boot." There. Cen's said his part. He watches thoughtfully.
  70. Latona blinks, looking a bit surprised. "Huh. No, he didn't say anything about you, although we didn't talk for very long," she replies, looking him up and down. "Alright, then... I don't think I've ever seen one of your kind before. But yes, I understand what you're saying. You might not be Kindred, but if you know how to fight I'm sure you could help us. The more we have, the better of an edge we have on them." The second part doesn't dismiss her curiosity. "Really? That's... Well, I didn't think the first of your kind I met would be from the Samedi. That also explains..." Her eyes divert as she thinks better than to finish that sentence.
  72. Cen nods "Baron Samedi loves himself his Maman Brigitte, yeah," he offers. Ewwwww, Samedi sex?! "And it does, yeah. But that's the least o' the marks o' the blood." A shrug from the youth, as he doesn't elaborate further unless asked.
  74. Latona seems undaunted by the comment, instead offering a small smile once again. "I can imagine, but I won't pry. I suppose I should ask... You do know how to fight, right? If you don't, I'm sure you could help otherwise. Or, we could probably manage to get you a weapon, if you need one."
  76. Cen considers. "Nkuyu's supposed to be teaching me knife-work. Elegba Eshu the Powerful Knife is his orisha name. But we haven't gotten 'round to that just yet." He reaches beneath the table, and then produces what looks like some sort of blowgun. "We dhampir, we're not hardy like y'all. Mostly, I've just mixed it up with mundies, where poisons and such make a difference." A shrug, "Like I said, Mr. Nkuyu and I, we're wanderers onna road, breachers of gateways and explorers of crossroads."
  78. Latona nods along, seeming to take a fair degree of interest in his words as evidenced by the occasional glance at the spirit in question. However, she focuses on Cen himself at the topic of his durability. "Ah, I see... Hrm..." Her head tilts to the side as her eyes shift in the same direction. "Do you know how to use a gun? My comrade, Farai, might be able to get ahold of one quickly enough. Not nearly as effective as it is on a 'mundie', but a shotgun will still do the job. They don't seem 'that' tough, at least not the childer. I managed to get the jump on one and run him through when we were scouting."
  80. Cen smiles, "I can make a point to learn. I'm a quick study." A pause, "I'm ah, just getting my start in the world. Mr. Nkuyu was sent with me by my folk to help me find my footing and stuff."
  82. Latona hums in agreement. "Alright, I'll give him a call later and see if he can get something on this short of notice." Her lips curl upwards into a bittersweet grin as she says, "Well, welcome to the world here. I wish that I had something a bit less dreadful to welcome you, but hopefully afterwards will be much smoother sailing."
  84. Cen nods, and offers another small shy smile. "Yeah, man. No worries. Maman, she didn't raise no fool. And Mr. Nkuyu is doing a good job about schooling me in the ways of the wicked world. Eggs, omelets and stuff, right?"
  86. Latona's smile widens a bit at the answer, and she nods. "Yeah, exactly. I'd like to try to recruit one or two more to the cause, but we'll go in with just the three of us if it comes to it. We should be able to handle it, and there is at least one person in the town who's armed and willing to help us. She's on the chopping block Sunday if we're not successful, so she has nothing to lose. Then, there's one more who, well... I'm not really sure what to make of him." Her brows furrow. "He seems to have some sort of agreement with the Baali, but I don't think he really knows quite what they're up to. I think he's made it under duress, but I could be mistaken. The weird part is, I'm not quite sure /what/ he is..." She shrugs her shoulders. "He's, well... I'm fairly certain he's possessed by /something/. I'm not sure what it is, but surprisingly it doesn't even seem malicious, let alone demonic. Honestly, I'm not really sure what to make of him."
  88. "Hnh," comes the small noise from Cen as he does his best to take it all in despite drinking from the firehouse, as it were. "Who the heck makes an agreement with those types? I mean, I guess someone under duress?" You can almost see the curiosity burning a hole in his imagination. "Possession it's not a good thing. It's not like when you invite the orishas to ride you."
  90. "The desperate, the ignorant, or those nearly as bad. The question is, which is he?" Latona replies, her shoulders slowly rising in a shrug. She nods with a bit of hesitation, her brow furrowing. "I'm pretty well aware of that. I've had to face... possessed things that were once people before. It wasn't pretty. But this case seems far less malicious, especially by comparison. I'm wary to trust him, obviously. And I'd prefer avoid him if we have the choice. Still, definitely someone to keep in mind."
  92. A nod. "I'm working on learning how to speak with the voice of command of Eshu, y'know? Have the orishas and lesser spirits bend to my will. But 'm not quite there yet." Another smile. "This is all very exciting, and good experience. Thank you for inviting me!"
  94. A chuckle escapes Latona's lips as her mouth widens into a toothy smile. "I mean, it might be a pretty big learning experience, but if anything I should be thanking you. This is a pretty serious and dangerous matter." Her head tilts curiously as the man describes the magic he's learning. "Huh, interesting," she says with a nod. "That, I know how to do. And then some. Worst comes to worse and they manage to pull anything through, I can probably deal with it."
  96. Cen's eyes widen a little, with no small amount of awe as she sums up her confidence in her ability to deal with the larger threat at hand. "Well, then, the road that brought us here was a lucky one indeed, to be able to work with you." A pause, "By us, I mean me and Mr. Nkuyu. Buuuut, you probably already knew that."
  98. "I certainly hope you feel that way on Sunday," Latona replies, perhaps seeming a bit amused at the reaction. "And yes... Although I suppose I may as well let you know, I don't need magic for that. 'That', I've had since I was a child." She glances over where the spirit is, no longer bothering to be subtle about being able to perceive him. "If nothing else, I can pretty much guarantee this will be quite the experience. Not necessarily a good one... I've never encountered the Baali myself before, but I've heard plenty of stories." And her smile fades with that. "And the fact that all of the Otherworlds I can see look almost identical in that place pretty much confirms them."
  100. Cen nods. "Yeah, me neither. Just the stories, I mean, y'know? El cucuy and all that stuff. But Samedi folk are made of our own scary stern stuff." A pause. "I got your back, no worries. See you Sunday." He rises out of his chair. "Rally 'round the family with a pocket full of shells and all that, right?"
  101. Cen nods. "Yeah, me neither. Just the stories, I mean, y'know? El cucuy and all that stuff. But Samedi folk are made of our own scary stern stuff." A pause. "I got your back, no worries. See you Sunday." He rises out of his chair. "Rally 'round the family with a pocket full of shells and all that, right?"
  103. Latona rises out of the chair and nods. "That's the idea. Hopefully others feel the same way. Also... Ideally we wanted to launch the attack Saturday, if possible. Better that we're not racing the clock to save the world action-movie style, right?" The corner of her lips curls upwards once again. "Oh right... Let me give you my number."
  105. Cen nods and grabs a pad and pencil ,passing them over.
  106. ===> Log ended by user <===> 4/4/2020, 12:54:23 AM <===
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