
Big trouble in Little Crafthold

May 31st, 2018
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  1. [21:07] Zenkichi rolled his eyes, seemingly taking no note of the whole prisoner thing outside of telling Bune to stop shaking the poor girl. He takes note of Eiphraems words, mulling them over a little bit... before deciding that he has absolutely no fucking clue what he's on about. Zenkichi wasn't the type to think about things deeply. Not at all. All these big words and shit were just confusing! He didn't have time for any of this garbo!
  3. "---What? Point is! Uh... I have no clue what you're on about, man."
  4. (Zenkichi Wvelven)
  5. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  7. [21:12] Evander gives a long glance up towards the Nagual on the ridge, head tilting!
  8. (Evander Boldizsar)
  9. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  11. [21:12] Carmine seems rather excited at the sight of the snake Archon.
  12. (Carmine Bravo)
  13. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  15. [21:13] Lotlhuitl stood on a precipice. ...literally and figuratively.
  17. The Nagual's booted feet pressed into the ground at the cliff's edge. A hand shaded her face as she scanned those present. Eiphraem was who she was truthfully seeking. Upon identifying the serpentine Archon, the Nagual almost leapt forward. In fact, her presence likely would have been obvious to those present at the beach steps: the Nagual jingled as she adjusted, and a flash of electricity darted across her willowy form.
  19. But then she saw him.
  21. Atoli. The spitting image of his father.
  23. And for once in her life, the Nagual's footing failed her. Or was it that her knees went weak?
  25. And she failed to jump as intended, but rather... Fell. No: plummeted. Landing on the beach on all fours with a -CRACK- of thunder. Sand turning to glass beneath her.
  26. (Lotlhuitl)
  27. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  29. [21:14] "... You need-"
  31. The serpent sighs sadly, tail lashing to and fro for a moment.
  33. And then, he tries to AGGRESSIVELY buzz Zenkichi's mind with telepathy, images, and concepts instead.
  35. You need to consider telling a runewriter, to make CONDUITS/PATHS/CHANNELS/FLOW from YOUR SKIN/FLESH to make heat GO ALONG THE CHANNEL/NOT BURN YOU and ALLOW YOU TO MAKE YOUR FINGERTIPS/BLADE EDGE [light up/take the fire/fwshhshshsh].
  37. The mental image of fire springing out from Zenkichi's blade from sworling about his arm is given.
  39. I suggest using INK AND TEMPORARY MEASURES(this means NOT A PERMANENT tattoo) and using it as a TRAINING MEASURE until you can do so consistently.
  41. Bzzzz.
  43. "... Is that clearer?"
  44. (Eiphraem Kang)
  45. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  47. [21:16] Eiphraem - upon delving into Zenkichi's mind finds it to be just about as wonderful of a wasteland as one probably anticipated it. He was a simpler man from a simpler time and that was putting it eloquently.
  49. But he gets the picture. A sudden look of realization washing over his face as he kind of 'gets it'.
  52. (Zenkichi Wvelven)
  53. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  55. [21:17] As Eiphraem telepathies Zenkichi to death, Peacekeeper sadly swings his wine around in a circular fashion. It ever-so-slightly swishes around, audible from this short distance.
  57. "I suppose now isn't the best time to get drunk, then."
  58. (Peacekeeper)
  59. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  61. [21:18] Evander Boldizsar says, "Um- Want me to take care of it, Peacekeeper? The wine, I mean. I can take care. Of the wine. Safely. Yes."
  62. [21:18] Evander ever-so-carefully edges away from the Nagual nearby. Bad bad bad bad bad.
  63. (Evander Boldizsar)
  64. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  66. [21:18] Peacekeeper says, "I'm fairly sure your mother would be very angry about you getting drunk."
  67. [21:19] The smirk on Maximilius's face slightly faded, his arm actually getting kinda tired of being streached towards the sun, holding a bottle of wine.
  69. Wait, wine goes bad at the sun and heat...
  71. SHIT!
  73. Quickly realizing it, he pockets the wine once more upon his satchel, still following Peacekeeper. Looks like Operation Drunken Snake Demon didnt go acording to plan.
  74. (Maximilius)
  75. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  77. [21:19] The droid snapped back to the present. It did take note of the large kaor's attitude, which prompted it to head down to the beach. If the droid recalled, it lost a battle long before against the large demon, which meant now was the time to test itself after its previous engagements.
  78. (Gearshift)
  79. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  81. [21:20] Evander Boldizsar says, "I-"
  82. [21:20] Lotlhuitl bared her teeth at Evander as he backed away, tail flicking..
  83. (Lotlhuitl)
  84. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  86. [21:20] Gearshift says, "I'll entertain you demon."
  87. [21:20] Evander Boldizsar says, "I wouldn't DRINK it, Peacekeeper! I'm not some hooligan."
  88. [21:21] Evander Boldizsar says, "... one sip wouldn't hurt, anyway- oh jeez."
  89. [21:22] Quiet watching them unsure how to approach. Not wanting to have the snake man freak out like last time. Breathing in and out thinking it over and then.
  91. Flashing their mana towards the Archon. Hoping that would be enough. A weaklight not very threatening but perhaps holding attention and certainly having grown if Eiphraem or any there payed up attention to them originally. Right leg twitching feeling the scar acting up as their mana flows through their circuits.
  93. Waiting to see if they will respond.
  94. (Carmine Bravo)
  95. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  97. [21:24] Zenkichi's problem had briefly ensconced Eiphraem's attention! Three point five, not one.
  99. The demon's eyes slide away, breaking contact with the Wvelven. For a moment, he opens his mouth, to respond to the swishing wine held by Maximillian and Peacekeeper. His earfins flap, eyes trying to glance off to his right-
  101. And Lotlhuitl's balance fails her, he breaks away from everything- Something tiny, living, breathing, and fast was FALLING. Lotlhuitl's form is a blur with an audible motion as she loses her footing. A massive, muscular hand reaches out, to assist her in her landing. Lightning crackling out, or no.
  103. It is almost instinctive-
  104. (Eiphraem Kang)
  105. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  107. [21:24] - To pounce.
  108. (Eiphraem Kang)
  109. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  111. [21:24] Lotlhuitl landed, likely within Eiphraem's grasp with pursues like that..
  112. (Lotlhuitl)
  113. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  115. [21:26] Peacekeeper's gaze follows Eiphraem, and his body with it -
  117. he ends up bending at a completely unnatural angle, seemingly defying gravity with the way that his spine arches and twists. The skeleton's back nearly touches the ground, but his feet remain planted upon the ground.
  119. "Impressive, Eiphraem."
  120. (Peacekeeper)
  121. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  123. [21:27] Evander ducks as the snakeman pounces, eyes wide. "Don't like that. Not a fan."
  124. (Evander Boldizsar)
  125. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  127. [21:30] Evander Boldizsar whispers something.
  128. [21:30] Peacekeeper whispers, from his position in the uncomfortably unnatural bend. Evander might notice his voice is coming from below, and not from above!
  129. (Peacekeeper)
  130. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  132. [21:31] Peacekeeper whispers something.
  133. [21:31] Evander Boldizsar whispers something.
  134. [21:31] Peacekeeper whispers something.
  135. [21:32] Maximilius whispers something.
  136. [21:32] Evander Boldizsar says, "<*Averts his gaze from Peacekeeper, aggressively not acknowledging the twisted position."
  137. [21:32] Peacekeeper rotates at his hips, flipping his upper body around and turning his vision right-side-up. This... is not any better of a position, really.
  138. (Peacekeeper)
  139. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  141. [21:33] For a good moment, the Nagual STARED at Atoli.
  143. A hand gripped her.
  145. Lotlhuitl's breath caught in her throat, her green eyes large as she stared up at Eiphraem. The serpentine Archon had caught her. Reflexively, electricity had crackled and rolled across the Nagual's willowy frame -- the sand beneath her feet had distinctly shifted into glass.
  147. "Eiphraem," Lotlhuitl said, voice threatening to crack. The Nagual felt off balance, surprised. She felt SPOOKED.
  149. Lotlhuitl cleared her throat, forcing her gaze now upwards. To look Eiphraem in the eyes.
  151. "I--"
  153. She was struggling to speak. Her breathing uneven, unsteady, uneasy. What came next was said barely louder than a whisper.
  155. One got the sense that it was difficult to say.
  156. (Lotlhuitl)
  157. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  159. [21:33] Evander Boldizsar whispers something.
  160. [21:34] Lotlhuitl whispers: I need help.
  161. [21:34] Maximilius stares at Peacekeeper and his utterly stupid position, slaping him harmlessly on the back of his skull.
  163. "Dont be a dunce and quit annoying the kid."
  164. (Maximilius)
  165. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  167. [21:37] Peacekeeper's body cracks in several places as he rises up from the abominable composition of bone locations. At first, his legs are facing away from the scene of Eiphraem and Lotlhuitl, but a few more terrible, disgusting motions have him set rightly.
  169. "Sometimes I forget other people can't do that. One of the blessings, I guess."
  170. (Peacekeeper)
  171. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  173. [21:38] Maximilius whispers something.
  174. [21:38] Evander glares intently now at his... 'relative', sky-blue eyes full of an intense grudge! "Blessing for you, curse to look at, I swear. Urhgrghh. Deeply, DEEPLY unsettling."
  175. (Evander Boldizsar)
  176. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  178. [21:39] Eiphraem's tail is a silvery flash through the air.
  180. He whistles slightly, the mirror bright shards refracting the light, he swishes through the air with a powerful bound. His musculature and physique were designed for whipcord motions and incredible speed, constrictive or no.
  182. "... Apologies. You startled me." He's able to speak so clearly, calmly, and slowly. But, the dialated pupils and faint dip of his fangs into his lips, alongside the puffs of air from his gills, speak otherwise as to the exertion.
  184. As people putz before them, he slowly eases down, letting her grounding go through, ensuring that she was gently set down on both feet, rather than upon all fours as she was almost forced to. "Were you caught in my telepathy? I was trying to aim it, I did not mean to startle any onlookers." He seems oblivious as to where her gaze was directed, as his voice flutters, the twist of air through his extremity respiratories still leaving an almost flutelike impression when he speaks.
  186. "As to the others- Perhaps wine is not the best at the moment. I do have... Much to attend to." Eyes go beyond, towards Amoxtli...
  188. "Of course, I am always willing to speak."
  189. (Eiphraem Kang)
  190. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  192. [21:39] Isaiah Dawn exclaims, "Eiphraem!"
  193. [21:40] Maximilius says, "And there we have it Sir Peacekeeper. Wine for later."
  194. [21:40] Isaiah Dawn exclaims, "I got the prisoner to join Crafthold!"
  195. [21:40] Isaiah Dawn exclaims, "I need you to make it official!"
  196. [21:41] Randy says, "I give 'er a week 'fore she runs back ta Ardent."
  197. [21:41] Maximilius says, "Still, do keep it and dont annoy the kid sir. Azrael bless you sir Peacekeeper."
  198. [21:41] Amoxtli tenses up as she's looked at. She, however, leans on the wall, staring down at Lotlhuitl for the time being. It seems the Nagual had her full attention.
  199. (Amoxtli)
  200. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  202. [21:41] Atoli says, "...."
  203. [21:41] Eiphraem Kang says, "Clarify."
  204. [21:42] Isaiah Dawn says, "I convinced her to join Crafthold."
  205. [21:42] Atoli says, "I..."
  206. [21:42] Isaiah Dawn says, "I'm extremely charismatic."
  207. [21:42] Amoxtli says, "People's loyalties tend not ta' bend in one converstation."
  208. [21:42] Randy exclaims, "Or she's playin' ya like a fool. One or the other!"
  209. [21:42] Randy says, "N'the end it's just sum kind. She's like fifteen or summin'."
  210. [21:43] Isaiah Dawn says, "Anyways, I said to wait for you to go seal the deal."
  211. [21:43] Isaiah Dawn says, "You might be able to read her better then I did."
  212. [21:44] Evander Boldizsar whispers something.
  213. [21:44] Evander Boldizsar whispers something.
  214. [21:44] Iris Gwyn whispers something.
  215. [21:44] Iris Gwyn whispers something.
  216. [21:44] Evander Boldizsar whispers something.
  217. [21:45] Kantyi whispers something.
  218. [21:45] Kantyi whispers something.
  219. [21:45] Iris Gwyn whispers something.
  220. [21:45] Telepathy?
  222. Lotlhuitl's lips pursed. She gave a light shake of her head. "No, I wasn't startled by your telepathy."
  224. The Nagual looked away. "I wasn't startled at all." A lie.
  226. There were suddenly even more people here. Once Eiphraem released her, the Nagual proceeded to brush her hand -- her right hand, her arm left was still injured -- against where he had touched her. As if trying to rub away the memory of the contact.
  228. Her green gaze lowered to the sand beneath her feet, expression decidedly miserable.
  229. (Lotlhuitl)
  230. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  232. [21:45] Kantyi whispers something.
  233. [21:45] Kantyi whispers something.
  234. [21:45] Raegan looks over at Kantyi questioningly.
  235. (Raegan Illarian)
  236. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  238. [21:45] Evander Boldizsar whispers something.
  239. [21:46] Gently making sure to kick a small rock as they came down with a small smile. Hearing the man say that with a blink behind them. Biting their lip needing to approach they finally had the chance and they had to ask.
  241. They had to try now. They needed this chance this opportunity. This abilty for work and an abilty to feed themselves. They needed a job and this had been reccomended over and over again. Shaking finding excitement fill them their dedication towards this goal.
  243. Making their leg ache a slight limp making their leg drag in the sand. Leaning up and their deep voice coming out.
  245. "Eiphraem, May I talk with you? I've um been trying to for the past few weeks to get in contact with you."
  247. Hoping that they can finally get some sort of confirmation. A answer of some sort to this goal. Whether they would succeed or not and it all resided on the hope they would speak with them or would give them the opportunity now or have perhaps some time of appointment or another time for a meeting to take place being given.
  248. (Carmine Bravo)
  249. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  251. [21:46] Peacekeeper whispers something.
  252. [21:47] Evander Boldizsar whispers something.
  253. [21:47] Evander Boldizsar whispers something.
  254. [21:47] Evander Boldizsar whispers something.
  255. [21:47] Isaiah Dawn says, "Anyways, back to my post! "
  256. [21:47] Peacekeeper whispers something.
  257. [21:49] Evander Boldizsar whispers something.
  258. [21:49] Evander Boldizsar whispers something.
  259. [21:49] Taking the long way around to reach her house, Kayeliun paused by the beach- peering down the cliff with a light tilt of her head, curiosity coloring her eerie blue eyes.
  261. Wings snapping open, the feathered drakanite perched herself up on the cliffside, content to watch- for now, she was content to watch. Her own gripes with the woman could be settled in time, there was no longer any real rush. Her lips quirked... satisfied.
  263. A voice rang out, picked up on the screeching soundwaves that Kayeliun was fond of, and her feathers rustled behind her.
  265. Gliding down in a smooth arch, she came to land behind Carmine- reaching a taloned hand down to yank their hair in a rough and rather violent manner.
  267. "Do you not see that matters are being handled that are far, far above your pitiful importance?" the words were hissed, violent and dark as her talons gripped tighter in their hair, "Consider, next time, having better timing."
  269. With that- she would fling Carmine aside and into the cliffside walls- should they not to try to escape her grip.
  270. (Kayeliun)
  271. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  273. [21:49] He didn't know how to handle this situation.
  275. He didn't know what to do, when face to face with the woman who birthed him. It's a crowd -- There's enough people here that it's stifling and he'd want to run regardless, but --- It's her. It's her. It's the reason that his life is like this, the reason his brother is dead, the reason--- for everything, for everything. His vision blurs in a panic and it feels as if a clawed hand clutches around his heart in his chest, squeezing hard and wrapping it with thorned vines. The pit of his stomach swirls into a burning feeling he doesn't know the word for and his lungs refuse to pull in air, no matter how many times he gasps in.
  277. What does he do, here -- ? What does he do?
  278. (Atoli)
  279. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  281. [21:50] Gearshift asks, "So how about it demon?"
  282. [21:50] Nara says, ". . . ."
  283. [21:50] Durohan says, "Of course."
  284. [21:51] Gearshift says, "Alright then."
  285. [21:51] Evander watches Kayeliun with interest- Well, really, he's trying to watch everything. The winged woman is easily the most interesting feature here so far, save perhaps the Archon...
  286. (Evander Boldizsar)
  287. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  289. [21:52] Cherimoya says, "...Mmh."
  290. [21:53] "... I apologize. Are you well? You seem unwell. Have I caused you further bother? I do not intend to." His tail slides about, circling Lotlhuitl. "Please, I try to remain aware of most things within my domain."
  292. There was an unpleasant predatory arch and flick to his tail. "Or is it something I should be aware of? Would you prefer that I leave you? My apologies." He sure does do that a lot! "You simply appear to be in distress. I do not enjoy seeing my realm in distress. You have been present for some time."
  294. "I am aware of what my Lady is doing, if that is your concern. Do you think I am to devour you, based on our prior conversation?" Glass crunches underneath his scales- The tongue within his more humanoid tongue, forked, thin, and small, tastes the air. "I do not intend to create discomfort, but I have noticed that ignoring details like individuals falling or showing harmed demeanors causes me issues."
  296. "Thus, I am inclined to persist."
  297. (Eiphraem Kang)
  298. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  300. [21:53] The machine gripped hold of the large sword's handle, swinging the blade off to the side. Like before, he channeled his rieka through concentration, causing it to activate by fluctuating. However, instead of manifesting a green aura, the droid's visional frames highlighted to a vibrant green.
  301. (Gearshift)
  302. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  304. [21:53] Oooooh.
  306. Peacekeeper doesn't have the context to know why this situation is about to become something very, very awful, but the way that Kayeliun's voice bites through the air, and the way that she throws Carmine aside -
  308. that, more than anything, steals his attention. What was here that would draw her into such a state?
  310. . . .
  312. His vision slowly drifts to Eiphraem and Lotlhuitl.
  313. (Peacekeeper)
  314. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  316. [21:53] Durohan seemed as if in a short daze for the first few seconds. Apparently going catatonic when there are too many sources of sound and conversation nearby is generally a bad thing.
  318. With a shake of her head, the spectral Kaor raised up their Occult sword from the resting position and allowed it to point at a diagonal angle towards the ground. Shadow drained at the world in Durohan's direct vicinity, leaving blackened sand behind on the beach wherever it wandered.
  320. "Come, then."
  322. Heiroglyphic barriers popped up in a defensive or counter-attacking stance.
  323. (Durohan)
  324. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  326. [21:57] From on high the masked thief stares down upon the gathering, but it is not the commanding presence of Kayeliun nor Ephraem that catches the bloodied focus of the Siren.
  328. No, it falls squarely upon Lotlhuitl.
  330. Softly the tongue of the man clicks, irritation mounting behind the foxed visage.
  332. She still owed debt to him.
  334. Debt that may soon be rendered unpaid.
  336. Arms fold from the cliff's ridge, silently gazing in disdain.
  337. (Pasis)
  338. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  340. [21:57] Raegan wiggles on the stairs, aiming to plant her chin atop of Iris' head as she watches in fascination. Someone got their hair snatched, someone was getting circled by Eiphraem.
  342. Well, she was glad she didn't just walk up and ask Kantyi's question for them!
  344. Even then, the look of intrigue lingers in her eyes. She was just a curious little murder puppy, really.
  345. (Raegan Illarian)
  346. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  348. [21:59] Evander Boldizsar whispers something.
  349. [22:00] Peacekeeper whispers something.
  350. [22:00] Durohan dashed about with a twirl of the Kaor's blade, slashing Occultism through the air and sand intermittently. Swirling, burning patterns of runes popped up whenever an attack glanced off her opponent.
  352. At first, Duro managed to get Gears to stumble, but for whatever reason (Stupid Time Magi and their movement ricks), the second round went a lot closer than normal. Fortunately for her, Gears went down in that same round after a wave of Occultism traded blasts with Gears' final assault.
  354. The Shadows refused to dissipate on Durohan's end, even as the Demon forced their downed opponent up with a hastily-made heiroglyphic barrier.
  356. Durohan was left to silently contemplate over her foe's general combat patterns for a moment 'til Gears spoke again.
  357. (Durohan)
  358. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  360. [22:01] Evander Boldizsar whispers something.
  361. [22:02] That was.. Unexpected- yet to be expected at the same time. Watching Kayeliun move to.. Well.. Grab the kid by her scalp and raise her off of the ground. There was a moments hesitance and pause before he suddenly moves to 'intercept' so to speak! Hoping to catch the Drakanite's attention before she tossed the child into a wall.
  363. "Choosen o'the Third Eye." He speaks as quickly as he possibly can! Even so, he might actually be in the way if she chose to throw the child into said wall- which would still be quite painful for Randy. "Reckon it's my fault aye- She's my charge, an' I let her go without explainin' how things work 'round here. If anyone should be punished for a lack of diligence in not teachin' a child our ways, it should be me."
  365. He shifts his weight quietly- though uncertain if Kayeliun would accept or reject the offer. His head hung low as he bows. "Please, I beseech you. Instead of punishin' the wee lass for her improper timin', I will take it instead."
  366. (Randy)
  367. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  369. [22:03] Nara chuckles
  370. (Nara)
  371. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  373. [22:03] Nara says, "how sweet..."
  374. [22:04] Nara says, "no....let me punish him... ill take him back to the temple like last time... you did not return to me carmine...you didnt come home.."
  375. [22:04] Evander Boldizsar whispers something.
  376. [22:05] Peacekeeper whispers something.
  377. [22:05] Evander Boldizsar whispers something.
  378. [22:05] Randy says, "It ain't sweet lad, jus' my mistake fer not teachin' this tiny child 'ow ta properly request n'audiance. Or how ta wait fer the proper time."
  379. [22:05] Iris Gwyn says, "Idiot."
  380. [22:05] Evander Boldizsar whispers something.
  381. [22:06] Raegan Illarian says, "Mmh."
  382. [22:06] Iris more mumbles it than says it clearly, staring intently towards the scene ahead.
  383. (Iris Gwyn)
  384. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  386. [22:06] Peacekeeper whispers something.
  387. [22:07] Evander Boldizsar whispers something.
  388. [22:07] Pasis seems to almost reflexively draw his sword at the empty space behind Iosefka before fixating back upon the scene.
  389. (Pasis)
  390. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  392. [22:08] The droid never felt so alive! No matter what the reasoning, it was always fun to fight a demon for the descendant of bloody-thirsty warriors. However, no amount of strength gained from experience bested the large creature throughout their battle.
  394. In fact, it ended up the same - the Oscuri forced to defeat after taking on the full brunt of a powerful, fully charged occultic beam. And in the end, its left to struggle to stand with the sword supporting it.
  395. (Gearshift)
  396. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  398. [22:08] Poor Carmine.
  400. Lotlhuitl did not intercede. The Nagual might have flinched, if her willowy frame hadn't gone completely stiff at the realisation that Kayeliun was here.
  402. Corruption hung in the air around the Sin of Envy. Pale green shards of mirrors.
  404. Of course Kayeliun was HERE. Kayeliun LIVED here. It was completely unreasonable to come to Crafthold and expect to not run into the woman for whom admiration had shifted into the bitterest envy.
  406. Heck. Kayeliun could've been standing, watching, for who knew how long. Lotlhuitl's attention having solidly been divided between Eiphraem, and, well, the small child who stood on the cliff who happened to look an awful lot like a certain long dead Warchief of the Coalition.
  408. The Nagual's skin was prickling. Her tail bristling. Her ears pricked forward, as her lips parted and she exhaled shakily. Regarding Eiphraem with deadly seriousness. Each word the Archon spoke distinctly made Lotlhuitl more and more uncomfortable. No. More and more alarmed.
  410. "No, I--!"
  412. Lotlhuitl swallowed. Shuddered as her gaze descended to Eiphraem's tail as it slithered around her.
  414. "If my preference mattered, I don't prefer that you leave." Her voice was soft, her jaw squared. Heart hammering in her chest.
  416. She refused to look up.
  417. (Lotlhuitl)
  418. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  420. [22:08] Iosefka puts a hand up towards Pasis. Like, woah man. Chill, it's cool.
  421. (Iosefka)
  422. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  424. [22:09] Lotlhuitl therefore failed to notice all the people who may or may not have been staring at her and who may or may not still possess her damn mask... PASIS.
  425. (Lotlhuitl)
  426. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  428. [22:09] Carmines scalp was tight in the archons hand. Rosegold hair gleaming in the sun. Glasses tilted a gasp leaving their lips as their tiny frame is lifted off the ground. As their slitted eyes widen as their body shakes.
  430. An anger filling them. Their leg pulsing hands tightening and truthfully. So close to their goal? So close to it all. To their chance of finally doing it after weeks. To have the ability to sustain themselves.
  432. It was Randy's voice that made them go limp. That made the mana flaring in the small being. Truly looking like a child despite their age stop. Breathing out a sigh as they listened.
  434. Clearly still distraught. But the fight having left them choosing to remain silent. Even if they had wanted to fight as they thought about it? All it would take to end it is a mere slash of their mouth or a covering of it with their hand and they would be helpless.
  436. Their mana was not strong enough and their word arts far to slow to fight an opponent of this caliber as Nara showed. Who Carmine was really trying hard to avoid the gaze of right now.
  437. (Carmine Bravo)
  438. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  440. [22:10] Durohan says, ". . ."
  441. [22:10] Gearshift says, "... It's still difficult to go up against you."
  442. [22:10] Durohan says, "You've already learned my main attack pattern."
  443. [22:11] Gearshift says, "Yes, but it's not enough."
  444. [22:11] Raegan reaching a finger around, Raegan pokes against Iris' cheek as if to prompt her to speak louder!
  445. (Raegan Illarian)
  446. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  448. [22:11] Durohan says, "Spacing is fine. Power throughput is fine. Your combat lead is fine. I'm not sure what's wrong."
  449. [22:12] Evander Boldizsar whispers something.
  450. [22:12] Peacekeeper whispers something.
  451. [22:13] Gearshift says, "Hmm, I'll find it. The battle at least helped me know what level I'm at."
  452. [22:13] Iris Gwyn whispers something.
  453. [22:14] Durohan says, "Hmmh."
  454. [22:14] Aspen stares at Evander as if he could hear what he was whispering from this far away and just. nods.
  455. (Aspen)
  456. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  458. [22:14] Evander Boldizsar whispers something.
  459. [22:14] There was too much noise, and it all felt like static to her.
  461. Kayeliun kept her grip on the teenager's hair despite the buzz of a gnat in her ear. Her gaze shift, slowly, away from Eiphraem and Lothlhuitl and the conversation she could barely comprehend, and settled on Randy with an eerie blue glow.
  463. Her gaze was barely human as she looked over the source of the annoyance, the words whispering around her in echoes as it took her time to comprehend what was being said. Bright blue talons gripped tighter in Carmine's hair, scraping at the teen's scalp.
  465. With a derisive scoff, she flung Carmine into Randy- with less force than she would have originally flung away the irritation, but enough to knock them both over.
  467. More importantly, it would get them out of the way.
  469. With the burdent out of her hands, Kayeliun rolled her shoulders back to full height. From her perch on the cliff she practically towered over Lothlhuitl and Eiphraem. Each ofthem got a glance. Her head tilt to the side, slowly.
  471. "Capture her," she spoke simply, "Anti-magic collar. Prison. I will speak with her in there."
  473. Her gaze lingered on Lothlhuitl for a moment, before she appeared to dismiss the woman outright in favor of Eiphraem.
  475. "Tragedy wishes for her death. She is a traitor, scheming against us."
  476. (Kayeliun)
  477. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  479. [22:15] Raegan Illarian whispers something.
  480. [22:15] Gearshift says, "But I'm not satisfied. I still want to continue despite the pain."
  481. [22:16] Durohan says, "Good. Good. Not everyone has - Or had, in my case - Natural talent."
  482. [22:16] Evander Boldizsar whispers something.
  483. [22:16] Evander Boldizsar whispers something.
  484. [22:16] Zenkichi leans in real close
  485. (Zenkichi Wvelven)
  486. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  488. [22:16] Zenkichi Wvelven whispers something.
  489. [22:16] Evander Boldizsar whispers something.
  490. [22:16] Gearshift asks, "Another round then?"
  491. [22:16] Peacekeeper whispers something.
  492. [22:16] Durohan says, "If you wish."
  493. [22:17] vines would attempt to grab them mid air
  494. (Nara)
  495. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  497. [22:18] Another irritated click of Pasis' tongue echoes softly into the valley.
  499. At the mention of Tragedy does the Amulet of Illyotha around his neck tighten, a perpetual reminder of who holds his employ.
  501. Inconvenient.
  503. Slowly, the Siren leans into the Neries...
  504. (Pasis)
  505. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  507. [22:18] Pasis whispers something.
  508. [22:18] Iosefka whispers something.
  509. [22:19] Pasis whispers something.
  510. [22:19] Iosefka whispers something.
  511. [22:19] Iris Gwyn says, "I have a collar and remote, if you need one."
  512. [22:19] Iosefka whispers something.
  513. [22:20] Pasis whispers something.
  514. [22:20] Pasis whispers something.
  515. [22:20] Durohan says, "..."
  516. [22:20] Iosefka whispers something.
  517. [22:20] Isaiah Dawn exclaims, "Boo!"
  518. [22:21] Iosefka is unfazed, currently staring at the dangerous altercation below.
  519. (Iosefka)
  520. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  522. [22:21] Iosefka whispers something.
  523. [22:21] Being thrown to the side as they felt their scalp be grazed. Squirming and then panicking as they were thrown towards Randy. Lacking in the sort of magic to soften a fall. To prevent any sort of fall and instead it was looking like Randy would have to catch them.
  525. Robe and cloak being held tight. Bundeling in the leather in hopes it would prevent any chance of them being harmed and also allow them to be a bigger target to pursue. Before the vines pushed forth and grappled them.
  527. Their body being constrained held up in the air by them due to their light weight nature. Stiffening terror filling their bones their being. Struggling shaking trying not to cry throat feeling dry and choked.
  529. Unable to bring themselves to speak.
  530. (Carmine Bravo)
  531. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  533. [22:21] Pasis nods, seemingly content. Any irritation fades from the masked figure as if it were a ghost now excised.
  534. (Pasis)
  535. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  537. [22:21] The demon seems mildly surprised!
  539. "..." Eyes flick up, and then down, bristling. His mouth opens to speak, but nothing emerges, as his head dips, immediately. Kayeliun's words hold weight-
  541. But rather than grip at the woman harshly, Eiphraem's head dips, and one of those massive hands, palm upturned, offers itself to the nagual. As though inviting her to join him in dance. His golden eyes lock, as he pauses before her.
  543. "Certainly, Lady Kayeliun."
  545. However, a trickle of a touch buzzes against Lotlhuitl's neck, creeping into her mind.
  548. (Eiphraem Kang)
  549. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  551. [22:21] Eiphraem Kang whispers: Please do not resist. I will investigate this. Thank you for showing distress. If you are alarmed, please do not panic. I will have to catch you.
  552. [22:21] Isaiah Dawn whispers something.
  553. [22:21] Eiphraem Kang whispers: If you have done nothing wrong, you will be fine within my realm.
  554. [22:22] Pasis turns sharply to gaze upon Isaiah...
  555. (Pasis)
  556. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  558. [22:23] Evander Boldizsar whispers something.
  559. [22:23] Peacekeeper whispers something.
  560. [22:24] Evander Boldizsar whispers something.
  561. [22:24] Isaiah stares back. But she's got a mask on, so he can't really stare.
  562. (Isaiah Dawn)
  563. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  565. [22:24] Evander Boldizsar whispers something.
  566. [22:24] Peacekeeper watches the scene with interest - eyes focused almost solely upon Eiphraem, but drifting from him to Lotlhuitl and to Kayeliun from time to time. He sibilantly whispers to Evander from time to time.
  567. (Peacekeeper)
  568. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  570. [22:25] Tezoxochel whispers something.
  571. [22:25] Peacekeeper whispers something.
  572. [22:25] Tezoxochel whispers something.
  573. [22:25] Evander Boldizsar whispers something.
  574. [22:25] There goes a small child, being flung at him like a rock- ill prepared, needless to say as the small lass was about to hit him, he moves to.. Try and at least soften the blow! Off his feet he goes!
  576. And of course is caught by vines to remain from falling face first. He blinks a few times, looking a little on the.. Perplexed side, all things considered.
  578. He only mutters one thing under his breath!
  579. (Randy)
  580. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  582. [22:26] Evander Boldizsar whispers something.
  583. [22:26] Randy whispers something.
  584. [22:26] Isaiah Dawn whispers something.
  585. [22:26] Iosefka whispers something.
  586. [22:26] Carmine Bravo whispers something.
  587. [22:32] Isaiah Dawn whispers something.
  588. [22:33] Iosefka whispers something.
  589. [22:33] Iosefka whispers something.
  590. [22:33] Tezoxochel whispers something.
  591. [22:33] Iosefka whispers something.
  592. [22:34] Tezoxochel whispers something.
  593. [22:34] Nara is a bit distracted watching lotlhuitl's interaction with the snake archon. although he could hear the whispers of carmine and the mumbling of randy he did not bother to glance instead he kept his eye on the conversation the two had.
  596. a scratch of his neck and randy would be released from the grip of his vines
  599. carmine however would be getting slowly crushed only stop to let him have bits of small breaths.
  601. looking down at the interaction nara would speak in a soft tone.
  604. " insolence..... I told you , you are mine...and mine alone..... do not get your self killed doing stupid childish things.... thus we return to the temple … and make another sacrifice... "
  605. (Nara)
  606. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  608. [22:34] Iosefka whispers something.
  609. [22:34] Evander Boldizsar whispers something.
  610. [22:36] Tezoxochel whispers something.
  611. [22:37] Tezoxochel whispers something.
  612. [22:37] Tezoxochel whispers something.
  613. [22:37] Iosefka whispers something.
  614. [22:37] Iosefka whispers something.
  615. [22:37] Tezoxochel whispers something.
  616. [22:38] Iosefka whispers something.
  617. [22:39] Atro glances from atop the cliffs, twitches, but makes no further movements for now. Only listening.
  618. (Atro Gwyn)
  619. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  621. [22:39] Capture her.
  623. Lotlhuitl's expression shifted into defiance. Her green eyes narrowing as she finally STARED up at Tragedy's apprentice.
  625. Iris offered the anti-magic collar. That, more than anything, was what truly shocked her.
  627. "Iris, I only wanted to--"
  629. Lotlhuitl swallowed bitterly, hands clenching and unclenching out of fists. Her green eyes had taken on a decidedly pale green glow as her pulse began to race.
  631. By all the spirits in the highest realms, she was frightened. The knowledge that Kayeliun scared her was almost worse than the fear itself. The corruption within her threatened to tear her apart.
  633. The Nagual exhaled, though her feet remained strangely rooted in the sand. Surely Eiphraem would not betray her. A hope the Nagual held onto, despite deep down feeling that it was likely foolish.
  635. It was clear that Eiphraem's three words, Certainly, Lady Kayeliun, were enough to shatter that illusion. The strange reflections cracked and flickered out of existence one by one as Lotlhuitl's eyes narrowed and she hissed, "No."
  637. But for whatever reason, the Nagual did not attempt to flee.
  638. (Lotlhuitl)
  639. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  641. [22:40] Lotlhuitl whispers: Please, Eiphraem. I didn't mean this.
  642. [22:40] Pasis whispers something.
  643. [22:40] Eiphraem Kang whispers: What did you do?
  644. [22:40] Eiphraem Kang whispers: She is very wroth with you.
  645. [22:40] Lotlhuitl whispers: I tried to take Iris to Cruxati.
  646. [22:40] Eiphraem Kang whispers: Oh, dear...
  647. [22:40] Eiphraem flicks his earfins. The demon seems to be responding to MANY difficult to detect distortions.
  648. (Eiphraem Kang)
  649. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  651. [22:40] Eiphraem Kang whispers: ... Twice?
  652. [22:40] Kayeliun holds out her hands, expectantly.
  653. (Kayeliun)
  654. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  656. [22:41] Shaking at this point. Feeling the air being crushed out of them. Trying to breath eyes watering tears flowing down thier face trying not to sob. Remembering the earlier sacricifice shuddering struggling weakly trying to escape to break free.
  659. Moving the vines being pushed as they still held them. Breaking free of a few feet trying to touch the ground trying to resist. Managing to speak to scream at them. Shaking their body quivering their being quivering.
  661. "Let go! Now Nara!"
  662. (Carmine Bravo)
  663. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  665. [22:41] Raegan Illarian whispers something.
  666. [22:41] Tezoxochel whispers something.
  667. [22:41] Lotlhuitl whispers: ...no. Not twice.
  668. [22:41] Kayeliun pauses, dropping her hands.
  669. (Kayeliun)
  670. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  672. [22:41] Tezoxochel whispers something.
  673. [22:41] Kayeliun whispers something.
  674. [22:41] Iosefka whispers something.
  675. [22:41] Eiphraem Kang says, "-- Amoxtli. Please handle that. I am making this function."
  676. [22:41] Lucan Illarian whispers something.
  677. [22:41] Eiphraem Kang whispers: Only once?
  678. [22:42] Eiphraem Kang whispers: Are you very sure?
  679. [22:42] Lotlhuitl whispers: I.. I just-- I wanted what Kayeliun has.
  680. [22:42] Kayeliun whispers something.
  681. [22:42] Lotlhuitl whispers: And.. and she's torturing her.
  682. [22:42] Lucan Illarian whispers something.
  683. [22:42] Lotlhuitl whispers: She threw the girl off a cliff. Twice.
  684. [22:42] Tezoxochel whispers something.
  685. [22:42] Tezoxochel whispers something.
  686. [22:42] Iosefka whispers something.
  687. [22:42] Lotlhuitl whispers: Only once, I swear.
  688. [22:42] Tezoxochel whispers something.
  689. [22:43] Iosefka whispers something.
  690. [22:43] Iosefka whispers something.
  691. [22:43] Iosefka whispers something.
  692. [22:43] Lotlhuitl whispers: I didn't realise that Tragedy would.. care.
  693. [22:43] Tezoxochel whispers something.
  694. [22:44] Eiphraem Kang whispers: Oh, no... My Lady cares for her wards, she would care. Lots.
  695. [22:44] Tezoxochel whispers something.
  696. [22:44] Iosefka whispers something.
  697. [22:44] Iosefka whispers something.
  698. [22:45] Eiphraem Kang whispers: That is a very problematic thing you have done.
  699. [22:45] Eiphraem Kang whispers: Do you think you can speak to Lady Kayeliun without dying?
  700. [22:45] Eiphraem Kang whispers: I will assist.
  701. [22:45] -- Silence, he watched in silence.
  703. Arms folded behind his back as crimson irises found themselves staring down towards both Archon and Nagual. Disappointment above all else filling such as his glance lingered upon Lotlhuitl, such a woman once deemed useful now finding themselves at the mercy of those who didn't quite understand her mind in the ways he did.
  705. "... Lotlhuitl has made mistakes. She has acted on a whim that was not my own, twice now and consistently she does not learn from this." His words a vile hiss as his eyes remained locked upon this woman. Voice booming all the same with a sense of authority ringing throughout it all the very same, this Dread Lord continued on.
  707. "However, Lord Eiphraem, she is still mine. I request you hand her over to me, as you already know this to be fact. I will punish her as seen fit for acting against my will, against my progress."
  709. His request, given in that moment.
  710. (Lucan Illarian)
  711. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  713. [22:45] Tezoxochel whispers something.
  714. [22:45] At her mother's insistence, Iris steps forward, trailing frost through the sand as she approaches Eiphraem and Lotlhuitl.
  716. Her eyes narrow towards the Nagual, and as she rifles through her bag to find the collar she'd mentioned previously, she whispers something.
  718. "I hate you."
  720. When her hand grips around the collar, she cracks her wrist to the side, making sure Lotlhuitl had a chance to see it.
  722. "You're not my teacher, and I'm not some kind of thing to be traded. I hate you."
  724. ...And yet, she stops once more, peering back to her mother on the cliff for approval.
  725. (Iris Gwyn)
  726. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  728. [22:46] Nara whispers something.
  729. [22:46] Freed from his fall, he brushed himself off. Offering Nara a nod of thanks. Eyes slowly trained back towards the Nagual and the Archon. He shifts at first, keeping the expression narrowed in concentration. Yet he says not a word. It's as if he's merely waiting for anything to.. Happen.
  731. Instead of course, he's distracted again! This time by Carmine's little shout. He abruptly turns to face the two, blinking as he stares at the girl struggling agains.. Well.. Vines.
  733. "Y'know, you can let her go now." He grunts towards Nara, shaking his staff in the direction of his vines.
  735. "Deep breaths, Carmine. Yellin' right now won't help... Trust me." He said it firmly this time. "Let off 'er, will ya?"
  736. (Randy)
  737. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  739. [22:46] Peacekeeper's vision slides from Eiphraem, up to Lucan. He offers a very, very small correction.
  741. Maybe it's a little hard to hear over the noise, but he leans in, looks straight up at Lucan, and lets it rip.
  743. "Lady Kayeliun herself just asked for Lotlhuitl's capture. You might be out of your jurisdiction, Lucan."
  745. After which, he straightens up to observe the scene once more.
  746. (Peacekeeper)
  747. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  749. [22:47] Randy says, "If Tragedy's choosen demands it. Than she shall be taken."
  750. [22:47] Nara whispers something.
  751. [22:47] Evander Boldizsar asks, "... What'd she do?"
  752. [22:48] Nara whispers something.
  753. [22:48] Tezoxochel whispers something.
  754. [22:48] Lucan Illarian says, "She attempted to take Iris."
  755. [22:48] Peacekeeper whispers something.
  756. [22:48] Lucan motions towards the Drakanite.
  757. (Lucan Illarian)
  758. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  760. [22:48] Evander Boldizsar whispers something.
  761. [22:48] Nara whispers something.
  762. [22:48] Peacekeeper whispers something.
  763. [22:48] Kayeliun says, "To the point where Tragedy had to stop her. She objects to Tragedy and her reign."
  764. [22:48] Nara whispers something.
  765. [22:48] Lotlhuitl says, "T-that's not true! "
  766. [22:49] Lucan Illarian says, "Lotlhuitl, silence."
  767. [22:49] Kayeliun says, "She tells my daughter stranges lies. She tells all of you strange lies."
  768. [22:49] Nara 's vines would retract back into the ground
  769. (Nara)
  770. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  772. [22:49] Iris Gwyn says, "Do you need a - fucki-"
  773. [22:49] Cho says, "< *Her gaze flutters to Nara, o-oh dear.* >"
  774. [22:49] Evander Boldizsar says, "A-ah. Thank you. My apologies for speaking out."
  775. [22:49] Iris cuts herself off. Before finishing it, anyway.
  776. (Iris Gwyn)
  777. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  779. [22:49] Iris Gwyn says, "A - muzzle. Those."
  780. [22:49] Lotlhuitl says, "..."
  781. [22:50] Lotlhuitl whispers: Forgive me, Eiphraem.
  782. [22:50] Iris Gwyn whispers: ...You put those on horses, right?
  783. [22:50] Carmine seems to recoil the fight leaving their body as the vines retract. Tears leaving their eyes and staining their face as they meekly moved away to the cliff face. Looking like they were about to break down again.
  784. (Carmine Bravo)
  785. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  787. [22:50] Kayeliun says, "ATRO."
  788. [22:51] Kayeliun says, "HERE. NOW."
  789. [22:51] At the mention of muzzles and upon seeing the collar, the Nagual woman panicked and attempted to bolt. Aiming to leap back up the cliff. Aiming to flee.
  790. (Lotlhuitl)
  791. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  793. [22:51] Evander Boldizsar whispers something.
  794. [22:51] While trying to keep distance he looms impatiently, surely he wasn't required? Not at all?
  796. He's called forth to see the-
  797. (Atro Gwyn)
  798. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  800. [22:51] Gives chase.
  801. (Lucan Illarian)
  802. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  804. [22:51] Iris, too, bolts right after behind. This isn't slipping away from her, even as she's swinging this stupid collar around.
  805. (Iris Gwyn)
  806. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  808. [22:51] The opportunity Lotlhuitl tried to take to escape. Unfortunately Atro is quick.
  809. (Atro Gwyn)
  810. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  812. [22:51] It was the wish of Tragedy, and Kayeliun to capture the Nagual. He had no knowledge of who she was, but he.. Tries to keep up.
  813. (Randy)
  814. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  816. [22:52] Launches herself off into the air after Lotlhuitl.
  817. (Kayeliun)
  818. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  820. [22:52] Lucan Illarian whispers something.
  821. [22:52] Peacekeeper tries to step in and stop Lotlhuitl from doing something she regrets. Hopefully he's faster than all the rest, because he has the gentlest grip.
  822. (Peacekeeper)
  823. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  825. [22:52] Kayeliun whispers something.
  826. [22:52] would attempt to grab loht
  827. (Nara)
  828. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  830. [22:52] She just follows the others, why not?
  831. (Cho)
  832. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  834. [22:52] Durohan wasn't really pursuing anyone, but she wanted to keep up with the scene anyway.
  835. (Durohan)
  836. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  838. [22:52] would make attempt
  839. (Tezoxochel)
  840. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  842. [22:53] Follows, refusing to miss this!
  843. (Evander Boldizsar)
  844. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  846. [22:53] Eiphraem's body moves in a smooth, sinuous motion.
  848. His fluid form, that had just caught her so gingerly, slides along the cross stone, bounding gently-
  850. And he tries to catch her by hooking into the back of her dancer's clothes, with a single, long talon.
  852. "My lady has reconsidered. Please. Please. Do not resist. If you resist, I cannot help you."
  853. (Eiphraem Kang)
  854. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  856. [22:53] Lucan Illarian says, "... In any event."
  857. [22:53] Lucan Illarian says, "My point remains true."
  858. [22:54] Lucan Illarian says, "She is my property, I wish to choose who kills her."
  859. [22:54] Atoli says, "..."
  860. [22:54] Kayeliun says, "Fine."
  861. [22:54] Lotlhuitl says, "Fuck you, Lucan. I'm no man's property."
  862. [22:54] Kayeliun says, "I do not care, so long as she dies."
  863. [22:54] Lucan Illarian says, "Yes, yes."
  864. [22:54] Atoli says, "..."
  865. [22:54] Iris Gwyn says, "Oh, shut up."
  866. [22:54] Lucan Illarian exclaims, "Very good!"
  867. [22:54] Iris Gwyn says, "Shut up."
  868. [22:54] Eiphraem Kang says, "... I-"
  869. [22:54] Lucan Illarian says, "... Eiphraem."
  870. [22:54] Lucan Illarian asks, "Do you object?"
  871. [22:54] Raegan lifts a hand up and scrathces at the back of her head.
  872. (Raegan Illarian)
  873. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  875. [22:54] Eiphraem Kang says, "I-"
  876. [22:54] Eiphraem Kang says, "I object."
  877. [22:54] Lucan side-eyes the snake...
  878. (Lucan Illarian)
  879. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  881. [22:55] Kayeliun says, "Step aside, Eiphraem."
  882. [22:55] Randy squirms with indecision.
  883. (Randy)
  884. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  886. [22:55] Iris Gwyn says, "...Lucan will make the right call, don't worry."
  887. [22:55] Atoli opens his mouth--- ... But, nothing comes out, and he closes it again in silence.
  888. (Atoli)
  889. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  891. [22:55] Durohan says, "...This isn't a wedding."
  892. [22:55] Evander goes wide-eyed. The archon... objects...?
  893. (Evander Boldizsar)
  894. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  896. [22:55] Iris Gwyn asks, "Right, Lucan?"
  897. [22:55] Lucan Illarian says, "It could be."
  898. [22:55] Lucan Illarian says, "Of course I will."
  899. [22:55] That was fast, but not quite fast enough to stop Peacekeeper from making the attempt, regardless. His bony hand ends up in the air, approximately half an instant of movement beyond the point where Eiphraem catches her.
  901. It grips empty space. Oops...
  903. "Well, I tried, Eiphraem."
  904. (Peacekeeper)
  905. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  907. [22:55] Durohan says, "I didn't know you were like that."
  908. [22:55] Lucan Illarian says, "I already have the perfect candidate in mind."
  909. [22:56] Nara whispers something.
  910. [22:56] Evander Boldizsar whispers something.
  911. [22:56] Kayeliun whispers something.
  912. [22:56] Kayeliun whispers something.
  913. [22:56] Evander Boldizsar whispers something.
  914. [22:57] Atro Gwyn whispers something.
  915. [22:57] Kayeliun whispers something.
  916. [22:57] Atro Gwyn whispers something.
  917. [22:57] Nara whispers something.
  918. [22:57] Randy hops off the cliff, he stands nearby Peacekeeper and Eiphraem silently.
  919. (Randy)
  920. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  922. [22:58] Isaiah Dawn exclaims, "*hops off the cliffs as well. If Eiphraem was making a choice to help someone who was going to be killed... Then he'd be by their side as well!"
  923. [22:58] Carmine Bravo whispers something.
  924. [22:58] Carmine Bravo whispers something.
  925. [22:59] Evander does quite the opposite- he makes himself small and ignorable, huddling against the cliffside and watching in silent contemplation, eyes flicking between Eiphraem and Kayeliun.
  926. (Evander Boldizsar)
  927. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  929. [23:00] Tragedy waddles over with a fat walkie talkie in hands and FROWNS at all
  930. (Tragedy)
  931. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  933. [23:00] Kayeliun tenses visibly.
  934. (Kayeliun)
  935. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  937. [23:01] Iosefka :zoomeyes:
  938. (Iosefka)
  939. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  941. [23:01] Evander gulps.
  942. (Evander Boldizsar)
  943. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  945. [23:01] Carmine looks absoloutly miserable to say the fucking least.
  946. (Carmine Bravo)
  947. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  949. [23:01] Lotlhuitl was caught.
  951. Everyone who was watching might as well have lurched forward, but who caught her was perhaps predictable. Eiphraem. She was held by the snake Archon.
  953. "Ng.." Lotlhuitl had hissed softly, tail flicking back and forth before she exhaled.
  955. Futile. A desperate attempt from a suddenly desperate person. Caught by the back of her clothes.
  957. Fine. She wouldn't resist. It was useless. The Nagual didn't even struggle as she was held in place.
  959. "I defended you, Lucan."
  961. She expected Eiphraem to hand her over.
  963. The Nagual swallowed, Ears flicking backwards as she realised that her son was watching. That he was going to, likely, watch his mother die after seeing his brother die.
  965. Her green gaze tracked up to Atoli, and Lotlhuitl stared at him.
  966. (Lotlhuitl)
  967. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  969. [23:03] Nara whispers something.
  970. [23:05] -- Consistent, consistent failures.
  972. Slamming his blade into the ground the very earth cracked at the sudden impact shown. Hands folded perfectly to grip the pommel of this weapon as his attention shifted back towards Lotlhuitl. She was foolish, someone who believed she could abuse what few others had ever come to gain from him.
  974. "You held my trust. Yet, you walked to Ardent and got captured. You acted not for the interest of myself or even you. This is a kindness, death given by those who I deem fit." His words rolling from his tongue in a vicious snap. Gaze drifting back towards Eiphraem now, with a visible glare.
  976. "... Now, Eiphraem. Why?"
  978. The simplest and shortest question he could ask this snuncle.
  979. (Lucan Illarian)
  980. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  982. [23:05] Carmine Bravo whispers something.
  983. [23:06] Tragedy says, "Eehhhhmmm."
  984. [23:06] Lucan Illarian says, "... Kayeliun has given me the right, Tragedy."
  985. [23:06] Lucan Illarian says, "If that's what you're concerned about..."
  986. [23:06] Tragedy says, "Eeeeeeeeehhhm..."
  987. [23:06] Eiphraem Kang says, "My Lady has asked."
  988. [23:06] Kayeliun nods! She nods!
  989. (Kayeliun)
  990. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  992. [23:06] Carmine Bravo asks, "Y-Yes?"
  993. [23:06] Eiphraem Kang says, "I."
  994. [23:07] Nara whispers something.
  995. [23:07] Tragedy says, "I keep telling you people. To organise this into a duel. Not some shoddy execution."
  996. [23:07] Raegan lolls her head from side to side as she silently observes, eyes trained on Iris. It seems that she actually may care about what happens to her Drakan!Friend. Shocking.
  997. (Raegan Illarian)
  998. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1000. [23:07] Tragedy says, "Is there fear reflecting in your gaze, Kayeliun."
  1001. [23:07] Durohan says, "..."
  1002. [23:07] Kayeliun says, "There are many who want her head."
  1003. [23:07] Eiphraem Kang says, "Have seen her, many times. She was here, when I did not even have the tower. And she was pleasant. Unlike many others. And talked to me, rather than attacking me, or- Causing a fuss."
  1004. [23:08] Carmine Bravo whispers something.
  1005. [23:08] Eiphraem Kang says, "My caretaker has spoken of her. She has attended to my companion's wounds..."
  1006. [23:08] Peacekeeper says, "I, ah. Can attest to her well-meaning nature, at times."
  1007. [23:08] Kayeliun asks, "She is manipulating you. How many times do I have to say that?"
  1008. [23:08] Tragedy says, "She tried to kidnap and sacrifice Iris. Has nobody pointed this out yet."
  1009. [23:08] Iris Gwyn says, "...She also tried to kidnap me, and dragged me halfway through the swamps before Tragedy stopped her."
  1010. [23:08] Pasis crosses his arms, biting his tongue almost literally.
  1011. (Pasis)
  1012. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1014. [23:08] Tragedy says, "Yes, that one."
  1015. [23:09] Kayeliun says, "Yes. I have mentioned."
  1016. [23:09] Peacekeeper says, "I think someone mentioned that. I am more than a little confused why anyone would try to do such a thing."
  1017. [23:09] Peacekeeper says, "It sounds suicidal."
  1018. [23:09] Zoldak whispers something.
  1019. [23:09] Iosefka whispers something.
  1020. [23:09] Fool whispers something.
  1021. [23:09] Iris Gwyn says, "Because she's fucking brain-damaged."
  1022. [23:09] Fool whispers something.
  1023. [23:09] Lucan Illarian says, "She supposedly acted with Sibri."
  1024. [23:09] Lotlhuitl says, "I.. I did not. I acted alone."
  1025. [23:09] Zoldak whispers something.
  1026. [23:09] Randy says, "Tryin'.. To sacrifice the daughter of Tragedy's Choosen.."
  1027. [23:09] Iris Gwyn says, "Shut up."
  1028. [23:09] Pasis whispers something.
  1029. [23:09] Lucan Illarian asks, "... Do you doubt the report given by Tragedy, Peacekeeper?"
  1030. [23:09] Tragedy says, "The nature of sin is self destructive unless controlled."
  1031. [23:09] Fool whispers something.
  1032. [23:09] Peacekeeper says, "Uh."
  1033. [23:09] Peacekeeper asks, "No?"
  1034. [23:09] Pasis whispers something.
  1035. [23:09] Eiphraem Kang says, "... I. I simply want to. See her contained. I agree with Lady Iris' comment, though not intentionally."
  1036. [23:09] Eiphraem Kang says, "I."
  1037. [23:09] Lucan Illarian says, "Then, we're fine."
  1038. [23:09] Zoldak whispers something.
  1039. [23:09] Iosefka whispers something.
  1040. [23:09] Eiphraem Kang says, "I have a use for her! There is something. I wish to test."
  1041. [23:09] Iosefka whispers something.
  1042. [23:09] Fool whispers something.
  1043. [23:09] Tezoxochel whispers something.
  1044. [23:09] Eiphraem Kang says, "That can only be tested upon a sin mage."
  1045. [23:09] Lucan Illarian asks, "That use being..?"
  1046. [23:09] Kayeliun waves her hand.
  1047. (Kayeliun)
  1048. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1050. [23:09] Zoldak whispers something.
  1051. [23:09] Peacekeeper says, "Oh."
  1052. [23:09]
  1053. Just as any vulture would, the Kitsune would have looked terribly close to the scene at hand- her body becoming deathly still, her breathing stopping if only for the moment. She seems intent on the ending, extremely so...However, when one speaks of fear and things of that nature, Cho's gaze flutters- her ears flattening slightly.
  1055. These people are silly. Especially Lohthuitl and Sibri for even showing their faces in the city after pulling such a stunt.
  1056. (Cho)
  1057. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1059. [23:09] Peacekeeper says, "Ooooooh."
  1060. [23:09] Zoldak whispers something.
  1061. [23:09] Fool whispers something.
  1062. [23:09] Kayeliun asks, "Envy. Why did you say I was the one who killed Zahhual?"
  1063. [23:09] Tragedy says, "My favourite carrion crawler is here. Cho. Do you happen to have a spire shard on hand."
  1064. [23:10] Lotlhuitl says, "Xoconan told me that you ordered it so."
  1065. [23:10] Zoldak whispers something.
  1066. [23:10] Fool whispers something.
  1067. [23:10] Iris Gwyn says, "He's like twel- wrong Xoconan."
  1068. [23:10] Cho asks, "< *Her gaze flutters in thought, hand pressing lightly against her cheek* > Afraid not, but why do you need one?"
  1069. [23:10] Atoli says, "..."
  1070. [23:10] Zoldak whispers something.
  1071. [23:10] Tragedy says, "Oh, I was just wondering about the merits of resurrection."
  1072. [23:10] Kayeliun says, "Hatsune was the one to suggest it."
  1073. [23:10] Kayeliun says, "Zahhual was "corrupted". A wraith."
  1074. [23:11] Zoldak whispers something.
  1075. [23:11] Cho asks, "Mmmn, well..What would you like to know?"
  1076. [23:11] Kayeliun says, "Though I do not feel the need to explain myself."
  1077. [23:11] Tragedy says, "Nothing for now."
  1078. [23:11] Atro Gwyn says, "Eiphraem, the last time I let you throw someone in a prison cell they escaped."
  1079. [23:11] Peacekeeper says, "Maybe it would be best to move this all out of public..."
  1080. [23:12] Lucan Illarian says, "No."
  1081. [23:12] Eiphraem Kang says, "I have gotten better."
  1082. [23:12] Zoldak whispers something.
  1083. [23:12] Cho says, "< *Her hands fold behind her back, a brief nod* > I see. "
  1084. [23:12] Tragedy says, "So tell me. Who has a claim against the woman."
  1085. [23:12] Atro Gwyn says, "No. <*states bluntly.*>"
  1086. [23:12] Zoldak whispers something.
  1087. [23:12] Atoli says, "..."
  1088. [23:12] Kayeliun says, "Lucan has claimed her as "his"."
  1089. [23:12] Pasis softly raises a hand.
  1090. (Pasis)
  1091. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1093. [23:12] Lucan Illarian says, "Mhm."
  1094. [23:12] Atoli glances away.
  1095. (Atoli)
  1096. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1098. [23:12] Lucan Illarian says, "I don't intend to let her live, obviously."
  1099. [23:12] Lucan Illarian says, "She went against The Archons."
  1100. [23:12] Iosefka exclaims, "Oh, this guy does!"
  1101. [23:12] Tragedy looks at Pasis. "Oh. Right.
  1102. (Tragedy)
  1103. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1105. [23:13] Kayeliun asks, "...I question, though. Are you having sex with her, Lucan?"
  1106. [23:13] Evander Boldizsar asks, "... Why was she kind? Just to deceive?"
  1107. [23:13] Lucan Illarian asks, "No?"
  1108. [23:13] Lotlhuitl says, "No."
  1109. [23:13] Pasis says, "Lotlhuitl has become indebted to me. Whatever is done, I expect the debt to be repaid."
  1110. [23:13] Iris Gwyn says, "He doesn't MATTER. None of you -"
  1111. [23:13] Pasis says, "That is all, Tragedy."
  1112. [23:13] Randy asks, "If.. It's as simple as a disagreement of whom she belongs to... Than why not have them challenge one another?"
  1113. [23:13] Iris Gwyn exclaims, "Shut up!"
  1114. [23:13] Iris Gwyn exclaims, "Just let her die!"
  1115. [23:13] Iris Gwyn exclaims, "Go away!"
  1116. [23:13] Kayeliun says, "Curious. Men do not often claim women...."
  1117. [23:13] Evander COVERS HIS EARS.
  1118. (Evander Boldizsar)
  1119. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1121. [23:13] Lucan Illarian says, "I claim those useful to my pursuit of power, a sin is a beacon of chaos."
  1122. [23:13] Durohan says, "..."
  1123. [23:13] Cho says, "..."
  1124. [23:13] Lucan Illarian says, "However, I have no more use for her. Death is a simple push to me."
  1125. [23:14] Peacekeeper says, "This."
  1126. [23:14] Carmine purity lessens more and more everyday.
  1127. (Carmine Bravo)
  1128. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1130. [23:14] Lotlhuitl stared at Lucan, eyes narrowing.
  1131. (Lotlhuitl)
  1132. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1134. [23:14] Peacekeeper says, "Situation, is becoming a little stranger by the second."
  1135. [23:14] Tragedy says, "Kayeliun, Atro. One of you. Go and duel her already. Unless you are afraid."
  1136. [23:14] Lucan Illarian says, "Oh..."
  1137. [23:14] Lucan Illarian says, "Tragedy..."
  1138. [23:14] Lucan Illarian says, "Ruining my fun..."
  1139. [23:14] Raegan glances over her shoulder toward Ruby, knitting her brow.
  1140. (Raegan Illarian)
  1141. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1143. [23:14] Atro Gwyn says, "I will-"
  1144. [23:14] Lucan frowns.
  1145. (Lucan Illarian)
  1146. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1148. [23:14] Reacting to something imperceptible, the demon's claw twitches, eyes darting to and fro. His earfins flick, and his gaze ends up downcast.
  1149. (Eiphraem Kang)
  1150. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1152. [23:14] Zenkichi just loudly states-
  1154. "Alright! This is where I hop off. Wvelven clan out. You guys can go ahead and bone eachother, kill eachother, whatever. Not my problem. Occultists, demons, Lucan --- WHATEVER. Done with it. Going back to my ninja shit!"
  1155. (Zenkichi Wvelven)
  1156. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1158. [23:14] Iris Gwyn says, "Go away."
  1159. [23:14] Zenkichi Wvelven says, "Yeah-"
  1160. [23:14] Zenkichi Wvelven says, "Excuse me. Coming through"
  1161. [23:14] Iris Gwyn asks, "What makes him think he matters enough to get a parting message?"
  1162. [23:14] Lucan Illarian whispers something.
  1163. [23:14] Iris Gwyn exclaims, "He doesn't matter!"
  1164. [23:14] Lucan Illarian says, "Iris."
  1165. [23:14] Atro Gwyn whispers something.
  1166. [23:14] Iris Gwyn says, "Shut u-"
  1167. [23:14] Iris Gwyn asks, "What?"
  1168. [23:14] Zenkichi Wvelven says, "I give myself a parting message. So like. Whatever."
  1169. [23:14] Lucan Illarian asks, "Do you want to kill her?"
  1170. [23:15] Lotlhuitl whispers: I will face Atro or Kayeliun in a duel.
  1171. [23:15] Iris Gwyn says, "Yes."
  1172. [23:15] Atoli says, "..."
  1173. [23:15] Lotlhuitl whispers: I will die on my feet.
  1174. [23:15] Lucan Illarian whispers something.
  1175. [23:15] Atoli says, "No."
  1176. [23:15] Eiphraem Kang whispers: Are-
  1177. [23:15] Eiphraem Kang whispers: Are you certain?!
  1178. [23:15] Atoli says, "She's-"
  1179. [23:15] Eiphraem Kang whispers: Are you mad?
  1180. [23:15] Atoli says, "That's not fair."
  1181. [23:15] Iris Gwyn whispers: You haven't earned that.
  1182. [23:15] Iris Gwyn whispers: Why do you get to go out the way you want to?
  1183. [23:15] Iris Gwyn whispers: You don't care about anyone else.
  1184. [23:15] Lotlhuitl whispers: I don't want my son to see his mother dying like some--
  1185. [23:15] Durohan says, "Hmmh."
  1186. [23:15] Evander Boldizsar says, "She kidnapped her, that... sounds fair to me."
  1187. [23:15] Lotlhuitl whispers: Perhaps so, Iris.
  1188. [23:15] Tragedy says, "One thousand coin bounty on that ninja idiot."
  1189. [23:15] Iris Gwyn whispers: Let him watch you die how you lived.
  1190. [23:15] There was so, so much to be learned from this debacle. With extremely curious eyes, the young Idris' gaze is divided amongst the people present, but most notably the alleged Sin of Envy, then Eiphraem, and finally Tragedy. Was this the result of selfishness? Foolishness? Maybe both. Yet, the Gehennan learned that even though he'd acquired a decent grasp of emotions, feelings and human nature-- there was would always be more that revealed itself.
  1192. The study of human societies, culture and their development; anthropology.
  1194. He smiled softly, amused by the scene, but he didn't say a word. "Hush", he thought, for there was no reason to interrupt a situation already burning with intensity.
  1195. (Idris Bly)
  1196. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1198. [23:15] Iris Gwyn whispers: Some spineless, manipulative coward.
  1199. [23:15] Pasis says, "Well."
  1200. [23:16] Isaiah Dawn whispers something.
  1201. [23:16] Lotlhuitl says, "I am no coward."
  1202. [23:16] Iris Gwyn whispers: Go away.
  1203. [23:16] Iris Gwyn whispers: You don't matter.
  1204. [23:16] Isaiah Dawn whispers something.
  1205. [23:16] Iris Gwyn says, "Shut up."
  1206. [23:16] Atoli says, "It's-- It's her fault! It's her fault for everything! "
  1207. [23:16] Iris Gwyn asks, "Who are you?"
  1208. [23:16] Iris Gwyn says, "Shut up."
  1209. [23:16] Lotlhuitl says, "I--"
  1210. [23:16] Isaiah Dawn says, "I'm Isaiah Dawn, that's who I am."
  1211. [23:16] Atoli exclaims, "That I'm here- That he isn't!"
  1212. [23:16] Lotlhuitl stared at Atoli.
  1213. (Lotlhuitl)
  1214. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1216. [23:16] Iris Gwyn says, "Isaiah Dawn, please - get out."
  1217. [23:16] Iris Gwyn says, "Get lost."
  1218. [23:16] Iris Gwyn says, "You don't matter."
  1219. [23:17] Ruby just shrugs a little bit at the glance spared in his direction, only ever pausing to pull out yet another, smaller fish from under his cloak, lifting it to munch upon.
  1220. (Ruby)
  1221. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1223. [23:17] Isaiah Dawn asks, "And who DOES matter?"
  1224. [23:17] Eiphraem Kang whispers: Isaiah.
  1225. [23:17] Eiphraem Kang whispers: ISAIAH.
  1226. [23:18] Iris Gwyn says, "The people who're actually part of this, dude."
  1227. [23:18] Evander Boldizsar asks, "T-the Archons? P-probably?"
  1228. [23:18] Iris Gwyn says, "Her, and everyone who wants her head."
  1229. [23:18] Eiphraem Kang whispers: Hghk. Please. Hghk.
  1230. [23:18] Pasis returns with said Ninja idiot, silently holding out a hand to Tragedy.
  1231. (Pasis)
  1232. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1234. [23:18] Iris Gwyn says, "You're just NOISE."
  1235. [23:18] Iris Gwyn says, "You don't matter."
  1236. [23:18] Isaiah Dawn whispers something.
  1237. [23:18] Eiphraem Kang whispers: Later.
  1238. [23:18] Randy whispers something.
  1239. [23:18] -- Clap!
  1241. This situation had suddenly become far easier than anything else occurring here and now. His glance being directed back towards this demon that now stood to block his path, to block the path of this child he had hoped to see prosper. Boots clanking against the ground beneath him as arms pushed outwards upon either side of him.
  1243. "I believe we can come to a deal, Archon! I would crush her, as would Atro and Kayeliun! But Iris, little Iris! My student? Well..." His words trailing off as hands clasped infront of him. Grin crooked all the very same as that hatred in his gaze still burned with a passion akin to fire itself.
  1245. "I find it only fitting she be given the chance to honor duel Lotlhuitl, no? Should the Nagual win, she may be put to use as you deem fit."
  1247. Fair, more than fair in his eyes.
  1248. (Lucan Illarian)
  1249. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1251. [23:18] Tezoxochel whispers something.
  1252. [23:18] Tragedy says, "Before you leave Zenkichi. Tell me the appropriate crime for somebody trying to kidnap and murder a child."
  1253. [23:18] Zenkichi is here. He's not happy to be here. But he is.
  1254. (Zenkichi Wvelven)
  1255. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1257. [23:18] Kayeliun whispers something.
  1258. [23:19] Iosefka whispers something.
  1259. [23:19] Zenkichi Wvelven says, "I don't know, to be honest! I never read any law books."
  1260. [23:19] Lucan Illarian whispers something.
  1261. [23:19] Tragedy says, "So why are you leaving."
  1262. [23:19] Kayeliun whispers something.
  1263. [23:19] Carmine trys to get up and head down to the beach behind everyone.
  1264. (Carmine Bravo)
  1265. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1267. [23:19] Lucan Illarian whispers something.
  1268. [23:19] Zenkichi Wvelven says, "I don't want to watch this."
  1269. [23:19] Lucan Illarian whispers something.
  1270. [23:19] Kayeliun makes a garbled, staticky sound.
  1271. (Kayeliun)
  1272. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1274. [23:20] Tragedy says, ".. If you insist. But it would harden your heart."
  1275. [23:20] Lucan smirks! Smug as ever.
  1276. (Lucan Illarian)
  1277. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1279. [23:20] Tragedy handed over some coin to Pasis...
  1280. (Tragedy)
  1281. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1283. [23:20] Lotlhuitl just STARED at Lucan. Angry.
  1284. (Lotlhuitl)
  1285. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1287. [23:20] Pasis smiles widely!
  1288. (Pasis)
  1289. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1291. [23:20] Pasis says, "Much obliged, Tragedy."
  1292. [23:20] Lucan Illarian says, "... Lotlhuitl, I am given you a fair fight."
  1293. [23:20] It was expected already and how could Atro reject ana order.
  1295. He had no choice, like being leashed without one placed. It was an annoyance that continued to tug as his throat, he wasn't given it...
  1297. And yet was order to do so.
  1299. A twitch, and his hands inch closer towards his blade- A quick frown and twitch, a student. There was a simple answer.
  1301. "No." He draws the blade and radiates a golden aura. "As stated by Tragedy, I'll duel her."
  1302. (Atro Gwyn)
  1303. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1305. [23:20] Lucan Illarian says, "Show some respect.-"
  1306. [23:20] Nara crossed his arms watching carmine before starring down on the situation once more
  1307. (Nara)
  1308. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1310. [23:20] Lucan Illarian asks, "You would deny even your own flesh and blood a right?"
  1311. [23:20] Atro Gwyn says, "Yes."
  1312. [23:20] Zenkichi sighs, shaking his head.
  1314. "...You don't get it. I don't want to think of people dying as normal. You guys do you think, but this?" He looks out to the beach... a clear look of discontent on his face. "This ain't me. This ain't me at all."
  1315. (Zenkichi Wvelven)
  1316. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1318. [23:20] Lucan Illarian says, "How very selfish."
  1319. [23:20] Lotlhuitl says, "I'll not duel a CHILD, Lucan."
  1320. [23:20] Lucan Illarian asks, "Fear?"
  1321. [23:20] Iris Gwyn says, "But you'll try to kill one."
  1322. [23:20] Iris Gwyn says, "I got it."
  1323. [23:20] Lucan Illarian says, "Precisely."
  1324. [23:20] Lotlhuitl says, "W-what? "
  1325. [23:20] Iris Gwyn asks, "Why haven't you stopped talking, yet?"
  1326. [23:20] Randy says, "He is doin' his duties fer his Archon. It ain't selfish.."
  1327. [23:20] Tragedy asks, "It's not normal. But if you cannot handle it here. Then how will you handle it in battle?"
  1328. [23:20] Cho says, "< *She breathes in and then out.* >"
  1329. [23:20] Lotlhuitl exclaims, "I didn't want to *kill* you!"
  1330. [23:21] Isaiah Dawn asks, "I'm... I'm with Zenkichi here. Zenkichi- Can I come with you?"
  1331. [23:21] Nara whispers something.
  1332. [23:21] Cho whispers something.
  1333. [23:21] Cho whispers something.
  1334. [23:21] Zenkichi Wvelven says, "I dunno. Maybe I won't."
  1335. [23:21] Iris Gwyn says, "Leave. Both of you, leave."
  1336. [23:22] Iris Gwyn says, "Get out."
  1337. [23:22] Iosefka exclaims, "Zenkichi, Isaiah! Move on out! Check up on the prisoner!"
  1338. [23:22] Peacekeeper's gaze falls upon Lotlhuitl -
  1340. pitying, almost. No doubt, she can taste it on the air as he looks at her. For the undead, it's clear that regardless of how this all resolves...
  1342. "Lotlhuitl. I find it extremely likely that death will come for you. When you look it in the eye - know that beyond the threshold, there is no pain.
  1344. The grip of oblivion heals all wounds just as much as it extinguishes all hopes. Take solace in that."
  1346. The undead swivels at his hips, a full 90 degrees to the right, before offering a hand out to Evander. A finger curls, beckoning him onward, as his head swivels the other 90 degrees.
  1348. "If you would like to leave, now would be the time. This might not be what you're used to, little Neries."
  1349. (Peacekeeper)
  1350. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1352. [23:22] Lotlhuitl says, "I will duel Atro."
  1353. [23:22] Lucan Illarian says, "Ohhhh."
  1354. [23:22] Zenkichi answers in a low tone-
  1356. "Trying to." Was the only response he could offer. Before turning heel and trodding away.
  1357. (Zenkichi Wvelven)
  1358. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1360. [23:22] Lucan Illarian says, "Fine."
  1361. [23:22] Lucan Illarian says, "Ruin the fun."
  1362. [23:22] Iosefka exclaims, "That means you too, Isaiah!"
  1363. [23:23] Lucan Illarian exclaims, "Fighting Atro for the right to fight you would be, way too confusing!"
  1364. [23:23] Durohan says, "<...Then she'll die. Not a very fun match.>"
  1365. [23:23] Randy looks towards Eiphraem, waiting for his approval.
  1366. (Randy)
  1367. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1369. [23:23] There was far too much static, in the air. Kayeliun's blood was ice. Her head felt like it was pounding.
  1371. Her hand twitched but didn't go for her sword- she watched, waiting for something else to happen to sway her, to sway whatever was gripping her heart. Tragedy's presence made her stiff, her reactions delayed.
  1373. "...let Iris do it," she spoke slowly, her static-tained voice slithering around those present, "It was Iris who she struck against. It will be Iris who brings her down. I want to know if she can defend herself."
  1375. Her lust for Lothlhuitl's blood had faded already- her curiosity for her daughter's training at a new high.
  1377. "Iris. Will. Fight. Should she win, she will kill. Should she lose...."
  1379. A glance down, at Eiphraem.
  1381. "I will allow Eiphraem to take custody of the Sin."
  1382. (Kayeliun)
  1383. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1385. [23:23] Lucan Illarian exclaims, "Aha!"
  1386. [23:23] Durohan says, "..."
  1387. [23:23] Cho says, "Mn."
  1388. [23:24] Atro grinds teeth.
  1389. (Atro Gwyn)
  1390. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1392. [23:25] Atro Gwyn whispers something.
  1393. [23:25] Kayeliun whispers something.
  1394. [23:25] Kayeliun whispers something.
  1395. [23:25] Lucan Illarian whispers something.
  1396. [23:25] Nara whispers something.
  1397. [23:26] Lucan Illarian whispers something.
  1398. [23:26] Atro Gwyn whispers something.
  1399. [23:26] Lucan Illarian whispers something.
  1400. [23:26] Carmine Bravo whispers something.
  1401. [23:26] Lucan Illarian whispers something.
  1402. [23:26] Lucan Illarian whispers something.
  1403. [23:26] Nara whispers something.
  1404. [23:26] Kayeliun whispers something.
  1405. [23:26]
  1406. She was expecting slaughter- but it seems that Kayeliun had decided against the notions of having Atro fight Lothuitl. In a strange way, there is an odd amount of respect for the drakanite. But in another fashion, if Iris fails, then it would most certainly be a vicious blow to her mentality. All in all....
  1408. This entire thing seemed to be getting worse by the second. Or maybe, it is the long drawl of others 'staking claim to the sin' that make matters even more cringe worthy. Regardless, she's just about ready to see this finally come to an end.
  1409. (Cho)
  1410. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1412. [23:26] Kayeliun whispers something.
  1413. [23:26] Cho whispers something.
  1414. [23:26] Atro Gwyn whispers something.
  1415. [23:27] Kayeliun whispers something.
  1416. [23:27] Nara whispers something.
  1417. [23:27] The demon stares, unfocused, for a moment longer. His breath catches when Atro pulls out his challenge. He lets Lotlhuitl down to the sands, however, just as Kayeliun's voice rings out.
  1419. His eyes go to to the overseer of the Coalition, pivoting on his waist immediately, tail coiling in a perfect, fluid motion.
  1421. And he bows. Deeply. His forehead almost touches the sands, his fins drooping, flopping almost against his cheeks, as black hair falls over his face, a hand folding across his chest. His eyes simply close, as his facial features barely flutter.
  1423. "I am honored by your consideration, Lady Kayeliun." His voice remains that even, unafflicted trill; Calm. Placid. Empty.
  1425. He slithers back, out of the way- With but two words to Lotlhuitl.
  1426. (Eiphraem Kang)
  1427. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1429. [23:27] The teenaged Neries, still so young and boyish, merely stares up at Peacekeeper and his hand. It's... hard, to force himself to look at Lotlhuitl, and understand the whole situation- Too many factors, too many things to try and work out.
  1431. But it felt, perhaps on instinct, that maybe this was supposed to happen.
  1433. Evander shakes his head quickly after a moment, frowning. "No. I'll stay. I- I gotta get used to... stuff like this."
  1434. (Evander Boldizsar)
  1435. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1437. [23:27] Eiphraem Kang whispers: Take it.
  1438. [23:28] Atro scowls and winces.
  1439. (Atro Gwyn)
  1440. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1442. [23:28] Atro Gwyn whispers something.
  1443. [23:29] There's too many people. It's not fair. He hates this.
  1445. He hates her---
  1447. It's her fault that his life is the way it is, that that man killed his brother right before his eyes, that he's living here, that he's like this --
  1449. Looking around, that feeling in his stomach bubbles and burns again. Who are these people, these people watching ... ? They just want to see something entertaining. Why are they here, why won't that stupid man with the stupid red hair let this be taken somewhere, anywhere else -- ?!
  1451. It's not fair. It's not fair, he hates this--...!
  1453. It shouldn't be Iris. It should be him -- She just kidnapped Iris but she ruined him, it's not fair --- The way this is ending isn't fair and it isn't fair how he needs to choke back tears in the middle of a crowd this large as not to embarrass himself because he wants to end this chapter himself, not watch the book be closed by his 'sister'.
  1454. (Atoli)
  1455. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1457. [23:30] Zoldak whispers something.
  1458. [23:30] Atro Gwyn whispers something.
  1459. [23:30] Zoldak whispers something.
  1460. [23:30] Amoxtli whispers something.
  1461. [23:30] Randy whispers something.
  1462. [23:30] Zoldak whispers something.
  1463. [23:30] Eiphraem Kang whispers something.
  1464. [23:30] Eiphraem Kang whispers something.
  1465. [23:30] Evander Boldizsar whispers something.
  1466. [23:30] Eiphraem Kang whispers something.
  1467. [23:30] Randy lets out a soft, sigh of relief. The tension in his shoulders released as he nods.
  1468. (Randy)
  1469. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1471. [23:31] Randy whispers something.
  1472. [23:31] Evander Boldizsar whispers something.
  1473. [23:31] Carmine Bravo whispers something.
  1474. [23:32] Eiphraem Kang whispers something.
  1475. [23:32] Randy glances at the scene momentarily, he turns around and looks at Carmine, giving her a brief wave of his hand to beckon the girl to follow.
  1476. (Randy)
  1477. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1479. [23:32] It... wasn't what she expected, given all the noise surrounding the duel from Tragedy herself. She expected it to be Atro, or Kayeliun -
  1481. For all of her anger directed at voices in the crowd, she fell silent when the was selected by her mother. The mist around her - her wings, particularly - grew more palpable.
  1483. "...I - I accept. Why wouldn't I accept?! I want to tear her apart - "
  1485. Her voice cracks, towards the end of it, and she abruptly cuts a threat off to avoid further embarrassment.
  1486. (Iris Gwyn)
  1487. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1489. [23:32] Nara whispers something.
  1490. [23:32] Weakness.
  1492. The Archon pursed her lips. Of course he was weak, and of course Iris would lose. It was a scene built upon the frailty of mortals and, it seemed, demons as well.
  1494. "Eiphraem, you pitiful creature. How weak you've become. How you think justice carries out- but no. A soul still yearns for vengeance. I wonder how you will satisfy them."
  1496. Attuned to the arcane, the great bitterness of Atoli was obvious to her. She turned away.
  1497. (Tragedy)
  1498. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1500. [23:32] Amoxtli whispers something.
  1501. [23:32] Zoldak whispers something.
  1502. [23:32] Evander Boldizsar whispers something.
  1503. [23:32] Peacekeeper slightly inhales - slightly exhales, a mist of acrid cyan gases that rise up from his collar, spilling and rolling over his skull. His fingers curl into his palm, before he turns Eiphraem's way. His face, unfortunately, cannot express the emotions it wishes to.
  1504. (Peacekeeper)
  1505. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1507. [23:34] Pasis glances between the scene and Tragedy; he too begins tiring of it all (for vastly different reasons). If she died? Well--the Archons can always be sent a bill...
  1508. (Pasis)
  1509. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1511. [23:34] Durohan simply folded her arms in the background with a sly smile. No Kaor is going to just barge in on another group of Demons' business with mortals without reason.
  1512. (Durohan)
  1513. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1515. [23:34] Drapeda would remain quiet as she listened and looked around, doing her best at figuring out what was going on.
  1516. (Drapeda Sterling)
  1517. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1519. [23:34] Cho whispers something.
  1520. [23:34] FLAP.
  1522. His earfins go practically prone along his head.
  1524. He's completely stiff under Tragedy's rebuke, his head locking downwards. His eyes can inspect the fine grains of sands, the sounder of the waves. Everything else suddenly blurs out, and the demon responds to almost nothing.
  1526. He does not reply, stiff, arms locked at his side- There are no fists, however, his hands completely open.
  1527. (Eiphraem Kang)
  1528. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1530. [23:34] Cho whispers something.
  1531. [23:34] The chicken remained a chicken, observing the comotion and the happenings with a rather simple look upon it all.
  1532. (Eggstein)
  1533. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1535. [23:34] Cho whispers something.
  1536. [23:35] Drapeda Sterling whispers something.
  1537. [23:35] Kayeliun says, "That chicken is obviously a magi. Someone apprehend it."
  1538. [23:35] Cho says, "< *She smiles silently to Drapeda, nodding* >"
  1539. [23:35] Eggstein exclaims, "Bagawk!"
  1540. [23:36] Raegan stands on her toes to continue watching . She begins to move closer to the edge of the cliff, standing a bit off to the side.
  1541. (Raegan Illarian)
  1542. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1544. [23:36] Evander Boldizsar exclaims, "... Okay!"
  1545. [23:36] Evander rushes at the chicken.
  1546. (Evander Boldizsar)
  1547. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1549. [23:37] The chicken begins rushing away on its stubby legs, yelling chicken noises as it goes!
  1550. (Eggstein)
  1551. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1553. [23:37] Eiphraem Kang whispers something.
  1554. [23:38] Eiphraem Kang whispers something.
  1555. [23:38] Peacekeeper whispers something.
  1556. [23:38] Durohan decided to leisurely stroll up and attempt to pick up the chicken.
  1557. (Durohan)
  1558. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1560. [23:38] The chicken evaded the capture of the yound child again, utilizing its superior wings and agility...
  1562. Before being scooped up by a demon and morphing back into the good old Maximilius, staring straight into the demon and speaking only one word.
  1564. "...Bagawk!"
  1565. (Eggstein)
  1566. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1568. [23:38] Durohan says, ". . ."
  1569. [23:38] Durohan says, "You're terrible at this."
  1570. [23:38] Peacekeeper whispers something.
  1571. [23:39] Evander Boldizsar whispers something.
  1572. [23:39] Maximilius says, "Yes, I indeed am. Blame a mortal for being so dreadfully bored he imitates chickens for fun."
  1573. [23:39] Peacekeeper whispers something.
  1574. [23:39] Maximilius says, "Once infiltrted Ardent Jail as a chicken."
  1575. [23:39] Evander Boldizsar whispers something.
  1576. [23:39] Maximilius says, "Fun times."
  1577. [23:39] Eiphraem reaches out with an almost crushing grip- Missing Peacekeeper's hand, he simply grabs the skeleton by his forearm and retreats towards the cliffside, almost yanking the undead off his feet. The combatants would need room, after all.
  1578. (Eiphraem Kang)
  1579. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1581. [23:39] Durohan asks, "Nice accomplishment. Why don't you fight people to alleviate that boredom /instead/?"
  1582. [23:40] Nara whispers something.
  1583. [23:40] Maximilius says, "Already have, quite a bit. Sir Peacekeeper is one of my prefered partners but he seems...busy."
  1584. [23:41] Peacekeeper gets rather harshly dragged, but he's tough. It's no big deal, all things considered. He opens up his inner compartments and slides something out for Eiphraem's examination. Not quite visible to the ones up on the cliff, thanks to the angle.
  1585. (Peacekeeper)
  1586. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1588. [23:41] Durohan asks, "Weeeellllll. Will you refrain from imitating chickens for a while if we beat one another to a pulp?"
  1589. [23:41] Peacekeeper whispers something.
  1590. [23:41] Eiphraem pushes it back, hand very lightly vibrating.
  1591. (Eiphraem Kang)
  1592. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1594. [23:42] Eiphraem Kang whispers something.
  1595. [23:42] Durohan puts Maximilius, no longer chicken-ified, back down on the ground with a sweep of their arms.
  1596. (Durohan)
  1597. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1599. [23:43] Maximilius says, "Frankly, Im good for today. I have already been chased by children, but the last one who did chase me was more so...a azraelite jester who controls her own shadow and wants to brutaly murder Jianghese leaders and kill their lineage."
  1600. [23:43] Peacekeeper weakly inhales, then weakly exhales - another puff of cyan mist. He re-stores whatever the object had been, before setting his eyes upon Iris and Lotlhuitl.
  1601. (Peacekeeper)
  1602. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1604. [23:43] Maximilius says, "Im good on entertainement, thank you."
  1605. [23:43] Durohan says, "Hmmh, yes, i've met that particular one. A shame."
  1606. [23:44] Maximilius says, "Mayhaps later."
  1607. [23:44] Durohan says, "...Hmph."
  1608. [23:44] Eiphraem Kang whispers something.
  1609. [23:44] Eiphraem Kang whispers something.
  1610. [23:44] Joanne Stiller whispers something.
  1611. [23:45] Peacekeeper whispers something.
  1612. [23:46] Too many noises.
  1614. She hid her fear behind a prickly mask of defiance. Her eyes narrowed, teeth bared as she stared at Atro. She had accepted, despite whatever the serpentine Archon had said to her. Surely, it was ill advised.
  1616. But the mob had turned against her. They would see her lynched. Death in battle was preferable to being torn apart by a mob. She had been uncertain how she would meet death, but in this moment she decided to embrace bravado.
  1618. She almost imagined she could taste jasmine on her tongue.
  1620. And then Kayeliun decreed that she would fight Iris.
  1622. What?
  1624. What was this? Mercy, on Kayeliun's part?
  1626. No. The bitch sought to humiliate her.
  1628. Lotlhuitl's face burnt. She wanted to decline: Iris was a CHILD. Her ears pinned back, her hands clenching into fists. Iris was a child. A child. A child. A child.
  1630. "Fine. Child or not, I accept."
  1632. Humiliating.
  1634. What the hell was the deal with this crowd. Turning into chickens now? This wasn't some show. It didn't require halftime entertainment.
  1636. "Entertainment?" She hissed at Maximilius. "I'm so glad that you're entertained. That's obviously what is at stake here."
  1638. The Nagual unslung her mana rifle from over her shoulder.
  1640. She couldn't look at Atoli.
  1642. After all, she knew he hated her.
  1644. And yet, try as she might to not fixate on the lad, in the strange pale green glow that surrounded the woman, one could almost swear that the young man's reflection repeated endlessly.
  1645. (Lotlhuitl)
  1646. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1648. [23:46] Eiphraem Kang whispers something.
  1649. [23:46] Peacekeeper whispers something.
  1650. [23:47] Cho says, "< *She moves from her position, getting closer.* > "
  1651. [23:48] Tanka Wakes up stretching
  1652. (Tanka)
  1653. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1655. [23:51] Aziza Maru whispers something.
  1656. [23:51] Aziza Maru whispers something.
  1657. [23:52] Aziza Maru whispers something.
  1658. [23:53] Tanka whispers something.
  1659. [23:53] Iris broke away, letting a gust of wind catch the collar from her hand and carry it off. She did her absolute best to look angry! Angry like... angry like Kayeliun, really - she was her best example to work from.
  1661. "I'll - I'll kill you! I hate you!"
  1663. She drew a solid black box from her bag, setting it onto her shoulder. It's probably unclear what exactly it is, right up until her finger wraps around its trigger.
  1665. An oversized mana cannon, too big for a normal person, let alone someone as small as she is. It's more fit for a tower.
  1667. ...And yet, she still stops to take her doll from her other shoulder, setting it onto a tiny seat atop the cannon.
  1669. "I'll... I'll do it, I promise!"
  1670. (Iris Gwyn)
  1671. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1673. [23:55] Peacekeeper whispers something.
  1674. [23:55] Evander Boldizsar whispers something.
  1675. [23:55] Evander Boldizsar whispers something.
  1676. [23:55] Eiphraem Kang whispers something.
  1677. [23:56] Peacekeeper whispers something.
  1678. [23:56] Peacekeeper whispers something.
  1679. [23:56] Peacekeeper whispers something.
  1680. [23:56] You learned the spell Meteor Dash.
  1681. [23:56] You learned the spell Field of Ice.
  1682. [23:56] Evander Boldizsar whispers something.
  1683. [23:57] Eiphraem Kang whispers something.
  1684. [23:58] Tanka whispers something.
  1685. [23:58] Peacekeeper whispers something.
  1686. [23:58] Eiphraem Kang whispers something.
  1687. [23:58] Peacekeeper whispers something.
  1688. [23:58] Peacekeeper whispers something.
  1689. [23:59] Peacekeeper whispers something.
  1690. [23:59] Evander Boldizsar whispers something.
  1691. [23:59] There's perhaps an uncomfortable sort of shift as she watches Iris gear up to begin trying to fight this strange, Nagual woman. From all that she had seen of the race, they were all vastly different. Glancing over toward Cho, she'd maintain her silence though, casting her green eyes back over in the direction of the others.
  1693. An itch to help the other, but this was what they called something about 'honor'. So, really, all she could do was lift her fingers up toward her mouth, biting at the already whittled down nails, chewing on even the skin there upon her fingers.
  1695. Here was to hoping the Drakanite could get what she wanted.
  1696. (Raegan Illarian)
  1697. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1699. [00:00] Aziza Maru whispers something.
  1700. [00:00] Anta whispers something.
  1701. [00:00] Anta whispers something.
  1702. [00:00] Evander watches intently, his eyes narrowed. This needed understanding. No looking away, even if it was uncomfortable to... think about.
  1703. (Evander Boldizsar)
  1704. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1706. [00:01] Anta whispers something.
  1707. [00:03] Tanka whispers something.
  1708. [00:08] "You shouldn't promise what you cannot deliver, child." Pity the Nagual so rarely heeded her own advice.
  1710. Lotlhuitl drew back the bolt on her own rifle, discharging it once as if to check if the contraption was working. The Nagual made a show of briefly checking over the piece of magi-tech. Avoiding casting her gaze at those who watched the scene. At those who may take entertainment out of this.
  1712. It was an attempt to appear calm. Though, anyone who looked closely would see that the Nagual really wasn't. Her hands were shaking. Though, admittedly, now what caused Lotlhuitl to tremble wasn't purely fear, but anger and well, adrenaline. Her tail bristled. Her ears were so far pinned back that they were pressing against her head.
  1714. Lotlhuitl retrieved an elegant mithril mask which had been hanging off her belt: Dmex's mask. And, with a flourish,she slipped it over her face.
  1716. A pale green glow, like a shard of a mirror or a pane of glass, hung in the air between Lotlhuitl and Iris. And for a second, it reflected the teenager's image. It wasn't real. Reality lurched around this power, twisted. It felt wrong.
  1718. Iris may well have had the sickening feeling of someone looking at secrets, at hidden elements of their being. That something integral to their essence had been COPIED by the Sin.
  1720. Corruption roared forth from Lotlhuitl. And as she dashed forward, smashing through the reality-bending translucent strange reflections to attack the child, it would be obvious that she'd made some copy of Iris' power and was reflecting it back at her.
  1721. (Lotlhuitl)
  1722. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1724. [00:11]
  1725. {LOAD GAME}
  1727. [00:11] Qiao drops the flag......
  1728. (Qiao)
  1729. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1731. [00:11] Tragedy says, "Good."
  1732. [00:11] Cho says, "Tragedy, you can't just adopt a child for me."
  1733. [00:11] Kayeliun says, "M-Master... is that child really...."
  1734. [00:11] Tragedy gave her the 'that's where you're wrong' stare
  1735. (Tragedy)
  1736. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1738. [00:12] Evander is physically resisting the urge to snort aloud.
  1739. (Evander Boldizsar)
  1740. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1742. [00:12] Qiao stares vacantly at being... put up for adoption without even a say on the matter. Okay.
  1743. (Qiao)
  1744. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1746. [00:12] Tragedy says, "It's not adoption it's babysitting."
  1747. [00:12] Tragedy says, "Silly dramatic humans..."
  1748. [00:13] Tragedy says, "I'll be sleeping, use the walkie talkie if you need me..."
  1749. [00:13] Drapeda Sterling says, "<What's a walkie talkie?>"
  1750. [00:13] Evander Boldizsar says, "What"
  1751. [00:13] Tanka says, "< she been around these people to long>"
  1752. [00:13] Evander Boldizsar says, "- is a walkie talkie..."
  1753. [00:13] Kayeliun says, "Nothing."
  1754. [00:13] Evander Boldizsar says, "Understood."
  1755. [00:17] Evander Boldizsar whispers something.
  1756. [00:21] Was something being stolen? Iris felt herself reflected in that green glass, the swirl of corruption around Lotlhuitl.
  1758. And she hated it. She hated the Nagual, hated whatever Sin drove her, and hated herself for being a target for her.
  1760. Not going to happen again.
  1762. Ice and wind swirled around her, sailing her through the air at extreme speeds - motioning as she passed by for water and her other magical forces to take the occasional swipe.
  1764. It's almost like a game of hit-and-run between the both of them.
  1766. Against Kantyi, she'd struggled to find the trigger of her cannon - not again. Not this time, not with so much more at stake.
  1768. As she skidded to a stop in the sand, she felt her blood fighting against her. No, no. Not this time. Barely, her finger wrapped around the trigger, and pulled.
  1770. She launched forward, her full weight - as well as the weight of that oversized cannon, more importantly - crush into Lotlhuitl's chest, the impact throwing the both of them apart.
  1772. "See?! I told you to - I told you I'd kill you!"
  1774. No time for boasting. She's gotta catch her breath.
  1776. And throw a glance off towards her mother on the cliff's edge, hoping to see some brief flicker of approval.
  1777. (Iris Gwyn)
  1778. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1780. [00:24] Evander Boldizsar whispers something.
  1781. [00:24] Eiphraem Kang whispers something.
  1782. [00:24] Peacekeeper whispers something.
  1783. [00:24] Peacekeeper whispers something.
  1784. [00:25] Eiphraem Kang whispers something.
  1785. [00:25] Eiphraem Kang whispers something.
  1786. [00:25] Eiphraem Kang whispers something.
  1787. [00:25] Peacekeeper whispers something.
  1788. [00:26] Eiphraem Kang whispers something.
  1789. [00:29] Peacekeeper whispers something.
  1790. [00:30] Xeke Remira whispers something.
  1791. [00:30] Eiphraem Kang whispers something.
  1792. [00:30] Eiphraem Kang whispers something.
  1793. [00:30] Eiphraem Kang says, "<*whips his head towards Xeke, clearly taken off guard."
  1794. [00:30] Eiphraem whips his head towards Xeke, clearly taken off guard.
  1795. (Eiphraem Kang)
  1796. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1798. [00:30] Xeke Remira whispers something.
  1799. [00:30] Xeke Remira whispers something.
  1800. [00:30] Eiphraem Kang whispers something.
  1801. [00:31] Xeke Remira whispers something.
  1802. [00:32] Cho says, "Ah, Xeke, please step away."
  1803. [00:32] Eiphraem Kang whispers something.
  1804. [00:32] Xeke Remira whispers something.
  1805. [00:33] Eiphraem drags the skeleton closer with a sharp, unyielding yank, not unlike Iris' own handling of her doll.
  1806. (Eiphraem Kang)
  1807. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1809. [00:33] Cho whispers something.
  1810. [00:33] Ina whispers something.
  1811. [00:34] Xeke Remira whispers something.
  1812. [00:34] Cho whispers something.
  1813. [00:34] Xeke Remira whispers something.
  1814. [00:34] Cho whispers something.
  1815. [00:34] Evander Boldizsar whispers something.
  1816. [00:34] Cho whispers something.
  1817. [00:34] Peacekeeper consents to the rather rough handling, but follows it up with a sibilant whisper. His attention flicks from the battle to Eiphraem during said whisper.
  1818. (Peacekeeper)
  1819. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1821. [00:34] The rifle Lotlhuitl was using threatened to melt. She was no energy magi, and well.. in her anger, the Nagual had been channelling vastly more electricity through the gun than it could convert into energy blasts.
  1823. The Nagual screamed. Blood and lightning lashing out at Iris, to find herself pushed back. The child collided with her chest. And the two of them were pushed apart, great gouges carved out in the sand as Lotlhuitl dug in, attempting to stop herself.
  1825. Sand turned to glass beneath her feet.
  1827. Lolthuitl refused to be so weak, so pathetic, that a mere CHILD would be the one to kill her. Let alone the child of her hated enemy!
  1829. A sudden kind of blind rage rose up within her, seeing Iris look back to Kayeliun. Oh, she recognised it for what it was. A desperate search for approval.
  1831. All she wanted was for a child, her child, to look at her like that.
  1833. "She doesn't deserve you, Iris." Lotlhuitl spat venom. Bitter. Her blood had splattered across the sand, sizzling and hissing as she drew on her powers to vaporise it. To cover the field in a red haze. And the Nagual raised her rifle up, dispensing with the finesse of pointing and shooting, instead attempting bludgeon the child with it.
  1834. (Lotlhuitl)
  1835. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1837. [00:34] Cho whispers something.
  1838. [00:34] Peacekeeper whispers something.
  1839. [00:35] Eiphraem Kang whispers something.
  1840. [00:35] Eiphraem Kang whispers something.
  1841. [00:35] Peacekeeper whispers something.
  1842. [00:37] There was quite a lot of approval in Kayeliun's eerie blue eyes.
  1844. Her lips twitched into a smirk, slow and smug. It was a better result than she would have gotten over Atro doing the deed himself- and out of this, she'd gained favor with Eiphraem, as well.
  1846. It was, so far, a success. She could feel the envy that tore through the nagual, the chaos that thrummed in the air making her sigh contently. The venom spat from Lotlhuitl's mouth only made Kayeliun more smug, her lips twitching with amusement.
  1848. Tilting her head at the continuing fight, Kayeliun merely watched-
  1850. -but it did not matter how well Iris was performing.
  1852. The hatred that oozed out of her was enough.
  1853. (Kayeliun)
  1854. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1856. [00:38] Xeke Remira whispers something.
  1857. [00:38] Ina whispers something.
  1858. [00:38] Ina whispers something.
  1859. [00:38] Cho whispers something.
  1860. [00:38] Kayeliun glances sidelong at Ina, but dismisses it.
  1861. (Kayeliun)
  1862. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1864. [00:38] Xeke Remira whispers something.
  1865. [00:39] Lucan Illarian whispers something.
  1866. [00:39] Lucan Illarian whispers something.
  1867. [00:39] Kayeliun whispers something.
  1868. [00:40] Lucan Illarian whispers something.
  1869. [00:40] Lucan smirks.
  1870. (Lucan Illarian)
  1871. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1873. [00:40] Lucan Illarian says, "Keheheh."
  1874. [00:40] Kayeliun whispers something.
  1875. [00:40] Aziza Maru whispers something.
  1876. [00:40] Lucan Illarian whispers something.
  1877. [00:40] Lucan Illarian whispers something.
  1878. [00:41] Lucan Illarian whispers something.
  1879. [00:41] Tanka would swish his tail with amusement.
  1881. "My my she is giving our little kin a battle. Little girl is quite strong."
  1883. He would say with a eye filled of enjoyment from the battle. Good this what he liked. Though Lotl was his kin. Battle was battle. Tanka was a extremist when it came to such matters. So he at the moment just gazed.
  1884. (Tanka)
  1885. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1887. [00:41] Kayeliun whispers something.
  1888. [00:42] Lucan Illarian whispers something.
  1889. [00:42] His hands ball into knuckle-white fists at his sides, his nails dig enough into his palms to pierce his skin, to draw blood that falls against the cobbles below him with a soft plip.
  1891. That should be him.
  1893. It should be him, fighting that woman to the death.
  1895. His throat constricts with rage and with jealousy and tears prick at the corners of crimson eyes, his bottom lip swollen in how his teeth worry it.
  1897. It's not fair, he thinks, again and again and again.
  1899. ------Kayeliun's words naught hours ago echo to him.
  1901. 'She is nothing to you, Xoconan.'
  1903. Nothing. She's nothing --- is that why she thinks this is fair - ? Is that why she's allowing Iris who was merely whisked away instead of shattered by this woman to end her life ... ?
  1905. His gaze flicks up to his 'mother' upon the cliff, before darting away. Hoping she doesn't notice, he chokes back a sound as he wipes away tears on his sleeve.
  1906. (Atoli)
  1907. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1909. [00:44] THOCK.
  1911. Lotlhuitl hit Iris in the head with the butt of her rifle. Cosmic energies swirled around her as she delivered the blow, sending Iris flying.
  1913. And then the girl was ignored. Her green eyes cast up at Kayeliun as she STARED. Teeth bared, visible behind the domino-style mythril mask.
  1915. She hated this.
  1917. HATED THIS.
  1919. "Are you happy, yet?" Lotlhuitl screamed, before turning, making definite assumptions as to where Iris was based on her previous trajectory, and summoned down a tremendous bolt of electricity.
  1920. (Lotlhuitl)
  1921. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1923. [00:44] It's horrible to watch. Not like friends duelling, or spars, or- anything. No fantasy novel had contained such... horrible feelings to every single heartbeat of the battle, nothing that could've prepared the little Neries for a real, gruesome fight- And frankly, he wasn't taking it terribly well.
  1925. His composure is poor, nervous, almost queasy looking- Every few moments there's the beginning of the motion to turn away in his neck and head. Why was it so... hard to watch this? Was it just the bloodshed?
  1927. The killing intent?
  1928. (Evander Boldizsar)
  1929. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1931. [00:45] Amoxtli inhales, bare feet digging into the sand as she'd attempt to turn and walk away from the scene.
  1932. (Amoxtli)
  1933. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1935. [00:46] Eiphraem's skeletal doll watches onward as the fight continues, with a face completely unmoved by any passion. He offers small rumbles of discontent from time to time, but otherwise remains silent and motionless. Stalwart, steadfast - hollow.
  1936. (Peacekeeper)
  1937. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1939. [00:47] There was no sound that escaped a sound magi.
  1941. Despite his best attempts to hide it, Kayeliun noticed her "son"'s distress at the fight. She couldn't even imagine what he was feeling, or what sort of emotions she'd instilled in him- she had no idea what her second Xoconan thought of the woman who had borne him.
  1943. With a glance at Lotlhuitl, with a growing, smug smile, Kayeliun lowered herself to crouch against the cliffside, reaching down a hand to pet Atoli-Xoconan on the head.
  1945. As though she were comforting him.
  1947. But she whispered no words of encouragement, and she made no soothing sounds- instead, her gaze lift slowly to the fighting nagual.
  1949. "Very much so," she replied, "Remember: you brought this all on yourself. You could have let it go...." she pet her hand through Xoconan-Atoli's hair again, a continued movement.
  1951. And with that, the female nagual was dismissed once again- in favor of her daughter. Kayeliun's eyes gleamed bright, a fierce glowing blue as she grinned maliciously at Iris.
  1953. "Finish her."
  1954. (Kayeliun)
  1955. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1957. [00:48] Evander Boldizsar whispers something.
  1958. [00:49] Peacekeeper whispers something.
  1959. [00:53] The blow to her head left Iris dizzy, thrown off-guard, as what magic she did command gradually disappeared.
  1961. Besides the pain and static that threatened to overwhelm her vision, she was starting to be overcome by nausea - not just due to the blood magic's work, the audience she was so desperately working in front of, or pain.
  1963. Hatred. Anger and hatred wracked her body, feeling foreign - at least, when given a genuinely murderous intent.
  1965. Electricity strikes her, jolting her back to her senses, giving her something more to fight through. As she returns to her combat position, aiming her massive cannon, she mutters something to Lotlhuitl.
  1967. "She deserves better."
  1969. Her ice-blue gaze met her mother's more fierce blue, and she gave a sharp nod, before setting her sights towards the Nagual.
  1971. "...You're not getting out of here,y'know? This just decides who kills you."
  1973. Iris laughed, nervously, and pulled the trigger.
  1974. (Iris Gwyn)
  1975. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1977. [00:53] ** Lotlhuitl has inflicted an injury upon Iris Gwyn. ("Permanent Injury", "Permanent Injury", "Permanent", "Severity: MODERATE (-20 Vit)") **
  1978. [00:53] Xeke Remira whispers something.
  1979. [00:54] Evander Boldizsar whispers something.
  1980. [00:54] Xeke Remira whispers something.
  1981. [00:54] Peacekeeper whispers something.
  1982. [00:54] Evander Boldizsar whispers something.
  1983. [00:54] Tizoc yawns and stretches his arms, he then starts floating up the cliff and back to the usual spot everyone stands in
  1984. (Tizoc)
  1985. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1987. [00:54] Peacekeeper whispers something.
  1988. [00:54] Peacekeeper whispers something.
  1989. [00:54] Xeke Remira whispers something.
  1990. [00:55] Tanka whispers something.
  1991. [00:56] Evander Boldizsar whispers something.
  1992. [00:56] Xeke Remira whispers something.
  1993. [00:56] Tanka whispers something.
  1994. [00:56] Xeke Remira whispers something.
  1995. [00:56] Evander Boldizsar whispers something.
  1996. [00:57] Aziza Maru whispers something.
  1997. [00:57] Peacekeeper whispers something.
  1998. [00:58] Anta whispers something.
  1999. [00:58] Anta whispers something.
  2000. [00:59] Aziza Maru whispers something.
  2001. [00:59] Anta whispers something.
  2002. [00:59] Aziza Maru whispers something.
  2003. [01:00] Tanka whispers something.
  2004. [01:02]
  2005. {LOAD GAME}
  2007. [01:02] Anta whispers something.
  2008. [01:02] Wandering back into Crafthold, Asin looked around the marketplace, seemingly confused. Almost immediately the lack of people around were noticed by the observant teen, though, he'd see where they were in a second. Crowds of citizens and warriors alike crowded the beach, all huddled around watching something with intense focus.
  2010. Being the curious person that he was, the lilac-haired teen shuffled through swarm and he'd spot two fighters squaring off against one another. Someone who looked to be around his and the other being a slightly older female.
  2012. The blond girl spoke briefly and afterwards..immediately fired off her cannon. What happened afterwards could only be described as an epic battle between water magi.
  2014. Whips, beams, tornadoes and shards of ice.
  2016. They were all tossed about with hostile intent as they tried to pick one another off with their spells. The battle looked to be close, but he could see that the blond was slowly being pushed into a disadvantageous position. A hand is brought up to his chin as it continues, only wondering what would happen afterwards.
  2017. (Asin Isolet)
  2018. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2020. [01:05] Lin Xiaohui says, "Woah."
  2021. [01:05] Lin Xiaohui whispers something.
  2022. [01:05] Lucan Illarian whispers something.
  2023. [01:05] Lin Xiaohui whispers something.
  2024. [01:05] Kayeliun whispers something.
  2025. [01:07] Lucan Illarian whispers something.
  2026. [01:07] Ina whispers something.
  2027. [01:07] Kayeliun whispers something.
  2028. [01:07] Lucan Illarian whispers something.
  2029. [01:08] Kayeliun glances idly at Ina.
  2030. (Kayeliun)
  2031. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2033. [01:08] Lin Xiaohui whispers something.
  2034. [01:08] Lucan Illarian whispers something.
  2035. [01:09] Lin Xiaohui whispers something.
  2036. [01:09] Asin Isolet whispers something.
  2037. [01:09] Lin Xiaohui whispers something.
  2038. [01:11] Lucan Illarian whispers something.
  2039. [01:18] Aziza Maru whispers something.
  2040. [01:19] Sand.
  2042. It was rough, and coarse, and it got everywhere.
  2044. It made the beach a deceptively difficult arena. The Nagual had been off balance, this entire time. Lacking her usual rhythm. A spirit dancer, who couldn't feel the call of the spirits. A blast from Iris' cannon hit her. Square. Centre of mass. And Lotlhuitl fell backwards, her hair streaming out behind her.
  2046. "--oof-"
  2048. She landed hard. A plume of sand rising up high above the battlefield.
  2050. '...You're not getting out of here, y'know? This just decides who kills you.' The Nagual reflected on Iris' words. Grit her teeth.
  2052. And when it cleared, Lotlhuitl was nowhere to be seen.
  2054. Or rather, suddenly, the field was nowhere to be seen. A haze of mist rose. Tinted distinctly pink. And all streamed towards Iris.
  2056. And suddenly, the Nagual, bloodied and scorched was standing over the young teenager. Defiant. Humiliated. Enraged. Oh, so bitter.
  2060. The field cleared. Though, one might note that the red haze streamed into young Iris' lungs, Lotlhuitl still standing with her hands gripping tightly around the girl's throat, lifting her off the ground.
  2062. Though, really. It wasn't clear whether she was being petty, injurying the child as she was, or really just distracted. It was with GREAT INTENSITY that she glared once more up at Kayeliun.
  2064. "Don't you DARE pet him. He's.. not some animal."
  2066. Lotlhuitl cast Iris aside. Discarding her, now that there was something very distinctly piquing her jealousy.
  2068. "Get your hands off my son."
  2070. She gestured, beckoned to Atoli, either ignoring the reality that the child hated her or not caring.
  2072. "Atoli. Come to me."
  2073. (Lotlhuitl)
  2074. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2076. [01:21] It's over.
  2078. The game is done.
  2080. Nestled away into the corner of the cliff wall and rejecting any contact outside of his possession, nursing his metaphorical wounds and trying to keep himself from getting overwhelmed by the roar of the crowd and the rush of combat. He was NOT comfortable, as evidenced by his death grip on the skeleton, and the occasional, violent lash of his tail.
  2082. It was, perhaps, not wise to goad the creature further than necessary.
  2085. The blasts from Iris' oversized cannon echo, but the shimmering, reflected and melted drips of ice, the splays of fractal glass that tear and mar the rent sands are slid over neatly as the demon is behind the nagual in but a flash
  2088. Xeke attempts to murmur, but Eiphraem shoots away quickly, darting fast as the mercury he controls. His skin prickles with goosebumps, and his scales flutter like a quicksilver wind.
  2090. don't attack don't attack don't attack Like a mantra ringing out unfortunately loudly, he is forced to let go of Peacekeeper- Interposing the skeleton between himself and any who might try to interrupt his approach as he slides behind Lotlhuitl.
  2092. The mask of emptiness slips over his face once more.
  2094. Whatever he whispers is only for the soft, large tapering ear of the nagual, murmured in that sonorous baritone-
  2096. And his massive, destructive hands go for her wrists, mid gesture towards the dancer's very own child.
  2097. (Eiphraem Kang)
  2098. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2100. [01:21] Eiphraem Kang whispers: You can't.
  2101. [01:21] Runs!
  2102. (Tanka)
  2103. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2105. [01:22] Lotlhuitl whispers: I want him!
  2106. [01:23] Eiphraem Kang whispers: It doesn't want you. Please. You are going to get hurt.
  2107. [01:24] Eiphraem Kang whispers: We-
  2108. [01:24] Eiphraem Kang whispers: You told me something.
  2109. [01:24] Eiphraem Kang whispers: You told me, you didn't want to be seen in that man's shadow.
  2110. [01:25] As Eiphraem rushes to Lotlhuitl, Peacekeeper places a hand upon the hilt of his weapon and files in behind the Archon, pivoting to face the spectating crowd as he reaches his intended position. The skeleton's eyes scan the onlookers while his grip faintly tightens, before he slides his gaze back to Lotlhuitl and the natural-born strangler she's carrying on a short conversation with.
  2112. Attentive, at least - it seems civil enough, so his grip loosens, and his gaze goes back to the crowd.
  2113. (Peacekeeper)
  2114. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2116. [01:26] Once again, he doesn't know how to respond to this. When Lotlhuitl speaks, it's like he's watching her through thick, thick glass. Her words are distant and distorted --- His name is distant, distorted.
  2118. He hasn't heard anyone call him 'Atoli' in years. He'd almost forgotten that was his name.
  2120. Instinctively, his feet move beneath him, he steps closer to her ---
  2122. --- And, then, he stops. He shakes his head hard, like trying to get something out of it.
  2124. "----I'm-"
  2126. ...He doesn't know what he intended to say. He doesn't know what he intended to do, here.
  2128. It's her fault. It's all her fault. It's her fault he's so torn apart and so broken and so hurt and it's her fault that everything happened. Those words and those thoughts repeat over and over and over in his head and his hands comeup to clutch it, he sinks down into a crouch, he buries his face into his knees and tries to make everything around him stop.
  2129. (Atoli)
  2130. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2132. [01:26] Evander realizes he is standing alone, and is just that much worse for it. Still, he refuses to look away.
  2133. (Evander Boldizsar)
  2134. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2136. [01:27] As they fought, a pink mist shrouded the field, and once it had cleared it was now known that Lotlhuitl was the victor of this match and she simply tossed the younger girl aside.
  2138. Asin sat atop the cliff, looking down at them and shook his head.
  2140. "That's just a shame."
  2141. (Asin Isolet)
  2142. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2144. [01:27] Evander Boldizsar says, "and then they kissed and made up and it was Beautiful."
  2145. [01:37]
  2146. {LOAD GAME}
  2148. [01:37] Iris fought hard - her cannon leading her to several more charges against the Nagual, flooding the beach with sharp shards of ice, small twisters and shockwaves leaving craters in her wake.
  2150. And for a moment, just a moment, as Lotlhuitl disappeared? She beamed with pride, knowing that she'd won.
  2152. Until it was snatched away from her.
  2154. Within seconds, hands were around her throat, red haze filled what few desperate breaths she could manage, and shredded the inside of her lungs.
  2156. Before she's thrown away, more like an obstacle than a threat, more of a brief nuisance than a person. She struggled to push herself back to a stand as her vision wavered, stare holding onto the increasingly blurry sight of Lotlhuitl and Atoli.
  2158. She scrambled her way to a proper breath, and failed miserably as overwhelming pain shut her efforts down. She couldn't breathe.
  2160. Iris wanted to beg for an explanation, if nothing else, on just what the hell had been done to her - but she just didn't have the air to manage, as she collapsed.
  2162. A failure.
  2163. (Iris Gwyn)
  2164. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2166. [01:37] -- Shameful, how very shameful.
  2168. His crimson irises had watched this conflict with little amusement to be found. In the end what he had expected to come from this, what he had hoped would arise from such a conflict now reduced to nothing but a joke. Blood spilled upon these sands, sizzling at the touch as fingers twitched only hidden by the mass of his body they were folded behind.
  2170. "... I have no intention to not hold up my end of the deal. Iris, lost." His words ringing clearly as flames spewed outwards from beneath his boots. Whatever happened next would be upon this Archon to decide, upon this hulking creation of power to use however they had come to deem fit. Lips, parting only to speak once more.
  2172. "However, your end was putting her to use, Eiphraem. Not let free, not at all."
  2174. Nodding, only as Kayeliun spoke.
  2175. (Lucan Illarian)
  2176. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2178. [01:41] Xeke Remira says, "I shal lderpart now.. Inform me of its ending please..."
  2179. [01:46] Aziza Maru says, "Good thing they made these rocky cliffs so easy to navigate."
  2180. [01:46] Xeke Remira says, "There you are."
  2181. [01:46] Xeke Remira says, "IT takes time, but you will get used to it."
  2182. [01:49] Tanka whispers something.
  2183. [01:49] Tanka whispers something.
  2184. [01:55]
  2185. Tinkerer doesn't have words to spare for the crowd, nor did he look particularly bothered by the small deal of events he witnessed. However, there was a purpose to his lingering; after the battle drew to a close, and they began to discuss the fate of Lotlhuitl he zips on by with a crack of brimstone and sulfur.
  2187. When he sets his feet down again, it's beside Iris. A tired look weaves from Lotlhuitl to the girl for a moment, looking for any notable signs of injury. He kneels down a moment later, provided no one attempts to intervene or disrupt the attempt.
  2189. "Can you manage to stand, Iris?"
  2191. The inquiry is brief, so as to pose as little a disruption to the proceedings as possible. It was clear he wished for things to proceed without interruption; perhaps it was interest, perhaps it was respect for Kayeliun.
  2193. "If not, grab on. Best someone treats your wounds before long."
  2194. (Tinkerer)
  2195. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2197. [01:56] Kayeliun glances towards Tinkerer and Iris.
  2198. (Kayeliun)
  2199. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2201. [01:57] Kayeliun says, "Only the best. For her."
  2202. [01:58] Her hands were grasped. Lotlhuitl turned her gaze, pupils dilated from adrenaline, up to regard the archon. Her entire body was stiff. It was clear her impulse was to try and wrench her grasp out of his own.
  2204. Her breathing was unsteady, as she looked to Atoli. Examined him, as if seeing him anew. Her fingers twitched. Her expression slowly shifting from anger, to disdain, to outright horror as she watched Kayeliun hold Atoli's hand.
  2206. "What did I ever do to you, Kayeliun?"
  2208. The words flowed from her lips before she'd even had a chance to reconsider.
  2210. "There was a time when I would have done anything for you."
  2212. From Lotlhuitl's point of view, Kayeliun was entirely at fault. She was the person who had started all of this. The greatest object of her envy, for the moment at least.
  2214. The Nagual seemed disinclined to tug away from Eiphraem, though, at Lucan's words she did let out a distinct hiss.
  2215. (Lotlhuitl)
  2216. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2218. [02:00] Lin watched the spectacle from the cliffs above with a somewhat curious look on her face. She didn't want to interject in a problem that had nothing to do with her but the idea of honor dueling between these two was interesting to say the least.
  2220. With the Gehennan appearing victorious, she expected her to be sentended to death but to Lin's surprise, she was offered one more shot at mercy. One last chance. Would Lotlhuitl take this mercy or sipt upon the face that offers her a second chance?
  2222. The brawler was rather surprised to hear the Gehennan's words as it gave her more context of the scene. She now assumed this was some kind of custody... honor battle? She didn't really know.
  2224. But boy was she loving the drama.
  2225. (Lin Xiaohui)
  2226. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2228. [02:02] Even the moments of consciousness were fleeting. The most she could manage was pained, half-breaths, actually speaking was wholly out of the question in her state.
  2230. She doesn't so much 'grab on' as Tinkerer had suggested, it's more like she just throws her weight against him, slumping.
  2232. Her vision faded intermittently, her other senses caught in a haze that left her feeling distant. It's probably best if Tinkerer shoulders this one.
  2234. It probably won't be long before she passes out again.
  2235. (Iris Gwyn)
  2236. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2238. [02:03] This situation made him sick.
  2240. It made his head hurt. It made his heart hurt. As Kayeliun speaks, her words penetrate that wall of glass that's been put around him, that barrier that muffles all sound and makes things hard to parse.
  2242. She's right.
  2244. It's her fault.
  2246. It's her fault for everything. That his brother is dead, that everything is like this. Kayeliun speaks the words aloud that have been swimming in his head and crashing against the walls of his skull ever since he saw his mother again.
  2248. ---No.
  2250. No.
  2252. That's not a word that he should use, for Lotluitl.
  2254. "...Let's-"
  2256. His voice dies in his throat, and his small hand grasps hard onto Kayeluin's.
  2258. "...Let's go, Mother."
  2259. (Atoli)
  2260. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2262. [02:04] Lucan Illarian whispers something.
  2263. [02:04] Lucan Illarian exclaims, "Ahahahaha!"
  2264. [02:04] Tanka says, "...."
  2265. [02:04] Lucan Illarian says, "Man, that one was good."
  2266. [02:05] Lin Xiaohui says, "Ouch."
  2267. [02:05] Tanka says, "< Damn and i thought i was a killer*"
  2268. [02:07] This is all just a little too personal for Peacekeeper's input. All that he can do is ensure it proceeds in a safe way, in a prompt manner, and hopefully without all too much needless violence.
  2270. ... which, given the violence has come to an end, he supposes is perfectly fine for now.
  2272. That line really hurt though, ouch.
  2273. (Peacekeeper)
  2274. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2276. [02:08] "... don't have the supplies on hand for the best, Kayeliun. I'll stabilize her and see what we can do after the fact."
  2278. Tinkerer's arms drift under the side of Iris, awkwardly attempting to situate what was likely a relatively heavy weight for a creature as physically weak as he. A sharp sigh follows as he hears of the conversation drawing on less than three or four meters away.
  2280. He did his best to continue on, morbidly interested as he way. A sharp grunt follows as he finally manages to acquire a relatively comfortable and un-intrusive grip before zapping back up the step wit a burst of yet more brimstone.
  2282. A brief delay follows, as if waiting to see if Kayeliun makes a further remark on what he said. Politely - and with a pause, as if unsure it were proper.
  2284. "Your permission to depart with Iris, Kayeliun?"
  2285. (Tinkerer)
  2286. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2288. [02:09] Anta whispers something.
  2289. [02:10] Anta whispers something.
  2290. [02:10] A slow and steady smile grew on her lips, as she squeezed Xoconan-Atoli's hand. This child... there was so much complete bitterness in him, so much hatred seething under the surface... so much more than his father-predecessor had. There was potential that went beyond looks.
  2292. Iris had it, too- though it had taken longer. With Xoconan-Atoli... it was innate, building from the moment his twin had been killed.
  2294. A glance was given to Tinkerer, again- though she dismissed micromanaging that, giving a curt nod of approval towards the Necromancer.
  2296. "You told me you had plenty of arcanium... no matter. Stabilize her and get her functioning again, we can improve it later. I am trusting you with this, Tinkerer. Do not fail me."
  2298. And, finally, her gaze settled on Lotlhuitl, Kayeliun tilt her head slightly to the side, her lips still curled in a small smile. The child's choice was obvious enough, and Kayeliun had no desire to rub it in further- the devastation was already palpable enough.
  2300. "Nothing," she informed her, a casual response to such intense despair, "You attempted to take my children from me. Multiple times. So I will give you the same advice I gave Sibri."
  2302. Her lips quirked into a slight smile.
  2304. "Make some new ones."
  2306. With that, she made to lead the little nagual away, over the sand and towards their beach house.
  2307. (Kayeliun)
  2308. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2310. [02:10] Tanka whispers something.
  2311. [02:11] Aziza Maru whispers something.
  2312. [02:11] Miridinn's eyes opened widely as he coughed and hacked out quite loudly. his nose was bleeding and there was blood coming out of his mouth as well. Miridinn lightly rubbed his finger against his nose, then turning around to see the huge crowd there. "How much time passed..? It's night now. Was I battling this spirit for that long?" he thought to himself.
  2313. (Miridinn)
  2314. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2316. [02:13] Kayeliun lifts up her free hand and squeezes it- Iosefka will feel an invisible force, squeezing her windpipe.
  2317. (Kayeliun)
  2318. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2320. [02:14] Iosefka chokes and gasps, nodding her head vigorously as her hand reaches up to her crushed windpipe. She gets it, she gets it!
  2321. (Iosefka)
  2322. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2324. [02:14] Kayeliun lets go.
  2325. (Kayeliun)
  2326. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2328. [02:14] "What tragic irony that Somnus had half of my stock on him when he died. Unfortunately, there isn't anything to be done about it."
  2330. That was that. Every further moment spent dawdling was another moment Iris was suffering; if nothing else, Tinkerer had enough empathy to consider getting her to the clinic now somewhat relevant. It's a brisk walk from the edge of the cliff to the east, taking them where treatment might be easiest.
  2332. No more glances were spared for the crowd or the conversation at hand. A plan shot in the foot, regardless; he'd have to take some time to reconsider his options after all of this was said and done. And -- that was that...
  2334. (Tinkerer)
  2335. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2337. [02:14] Iosefka wheezes, which soon breaks out into a soft, dry, quiet laugh. Still got it.
  2338. (Iosefka)
  2339. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2341. [02:15] Tanka whispers something.
  2342. [02:17] Anta whispers something.
  2343. [02:17] Iosefka whispers something.
  2344. [02:17] Iosefka whispers something.
  2345. [02:17] Anta whispers something.
  2346. [02:17] Bune whispers something.
  2347. [02:17] Iosefka whispers something.
  2348. [02:17] Bune whispers something.
  2349. [02:18] Iosefka wheezes and coughs, still massaging her throat. She watches the situation resolve on Eiphraem's end before wandering away.
  2350. (Iosefka)
  2351. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2353. [02:18] Eiphraem remains on Lotlhuitl.
  2355. Those massive hands utterly dwarf hers- Almost twice the size of a normal human hand, capable of crushing, damaging, breaking, and snapping bone. Their grip FEELS like it will cut off the flow of blood, bring circulation to a halt.
  2357. The demon is trying so very hard, to be gentle, completely unironically.
  2359. Slowly, trying not to allow the potentially hysterical woman to wrench herself either free or harm herself, he slides- Trying to FORCE her to be unable to look at Kayeliun or 'Xoconan', twisting her away, to face from them.
  2361. "Shhh-" The demon's voice trills, flutters, rolls. "Please. Please... Remember that conversation." Though his words beg, his voice might make it sound almost like a mockery- Deadpan, empty, hollow.
  2363. "This isn't worth your life. It doesn't want you-" He repeats, slowly, his fins pinch, tightening. "Please."
  2364. (Eiphraem Kang)
  2365. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2367. [02:18] Bune whispers something.
  2368. [02:20] Iosefka whispers something.
  2369. [02:20] Iosefka whispers something.
  2370. [02:21] Anta whispers something.
  2371. [02:22] Aziza Maru whispers something.
  2372. [02:26] Mother, Atoli called Kayeliun.
  2374. The Nagual was STUNNED into silence for a moment.
  2376. What was this nightmare she was caught in? When would she wake up?
  2378. "...no." Some part of Lotlhuitl died right there. For a second, reality threatened to warp around the Sin of Envy -- one might have been forgiven if they'd thought they'd seen a crack suddenly appear in the Nagual, like she weren't made of flesh and blood but a creature of glass and strange reflections. Corruption spiked. But her hands remained contained within Eiphraem's.
  2380. In fact, the Nagual found herself gripping his hands. Her ears pinned back, her breathing shallow. Rapid, when she remembered to force herself to breathe.
  2382. Make new children? Lotlhuitl didn't want NEW children. She wanted what was owed her!
  2384. Kayeliun's words had cut Lotlhuitl even deeper. It was all she could do to try and will her face expressionless. To try and hide the agony, the turmoil running through her. She felt like she was going to be sick. Panic. Genuine terror threatened to overwhelm her.
  2386. She would not cry. She would not scream. She would not react.
  2388. Her gaze was focused on Kayeliun leaving. Her jaw squared. Her body stiff. Anger. She couldn't feel anything. Anything than the incredible depths of her own bitterness. Envy threatened to tear her apart.
  2390. A green light SHONE from within Lotlhuitl's gaze. Pale green and sickly. Reflections glimmering where no reflections ought to have done so.
  2392. And then she was forced to look away.
  2394. And suddenly, Lotlhuitl had something to focus on other than her intense, bitter hatred of Kayeliun.
  2396. Pain.
  2398. "Nn.." Lotlhuitl exhaled, letting her hair fall in front of her face. She muttered something. Face concealed, behind mask, behind hair.
  2400. A single tear shed. Falling to the beach.
  2402. "I remember."
  2403. (Lotlhuitl)
  2404. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2406. [02:26] Lotlhuitl whispers: What are you going to do with me, Eiphraem?
  2407. [02:27] Lotlhuitl whispers: I.. I came to you for help.
  2408. [02:27] Tragedy says, "Who"
  2409. [02:27] Iosefka whispers something.
  2410. [02:27] Eiphraem Kang whispers: ... I want to help you. I-
  2411. [02:27] Eiphraem Kang whispers: I do.
  2412. [02:28] Eiphraem Kang whispers: What did you come for help with. I need to keep you safe.
  2413. [02:28] Eiphraem Kang whispers: If you let me, I can make things better than they once were.
  2414. [02:30] Lucan Illarian says, "... Hum. This has been settled then."
  2415. [02:30] Tragedy says, "Eiphraem........."
  2416. [02:30] Eiphraem Kang says, "I-"
  2417. [02:30] Eiphraem Kang asks, "Yes?"
  2418. [02:30] He watched silently as the scene plays out. While he doesn't know all of the people involved personally, his heart goes out to the suffering Nagual. He had recognized her strength in battle and believed that she deserved to have what she wanted because of it.
  2420. But alas.
  2422. It wasn't his business to get involved here. Instead, he'd rise to his feet and walk away for the time being. Perhaps he could find her later to have a conversation. Now is just not the time.
  2423. (Asin Isolet)
  2424. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2426. [02:31] Tragedy says, "You're now responsible for this utterly doomed woman that Sibri will doubtlessly come for."
  2427. [02:31] Eiphraem Kang whispers: I cannot protect you from a duel. But I can correct. I can assist. I can avert this.
  2428. [02:32] Eiphraem Kang whispers: ... This is the bottom of where you will reach, Lotlhuitl.
  2429. [02:32] Eiphraem Kang says, "... Yes."
  2430. [02:32] Eiphraem Kang says, "Yes, I am. That is correct."
  2431. [02:32] Lotlhuitl swallowed slowly, once more not meeting anyone's gaze.
  2432. (Lotlhuitl)
  2433. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2435. [02:33] Eiphraem Kang whispers: ... Come. You need to sleep. Rest.
  2436. [02:33] Eiphraem Kang whispers: Tomorrow. I am going to place you in holding. It will be comfortable. I am told the music is soothing? Iosefi says it is soothing.
  2437. [02:35] Eiphraem leads her inside; Very gently, he attempts to let go of her wrists, to divest her of her weapon, carefully.
  2438. (Eiphraem Kang)
  2439. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2441. [02:35] {Item} You drop Valmasian Mana Rifle.
  2442. [02:35] Lotlhuitl gave up her weapon willingly.
  2443. (Lotlhuitl)
  2444. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2446. [02:35] Lotlhuitl gave up her weapon willingly.
  2447. (Lotlhuitl)
  2448. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2450. [02:36] Eiphraem Kang whispers: We will talk tomorrow. I promise. I have no intentions to see you hurt.
  2451. [02:36] Eiphraem Kang whispers: I am aware of what- May assist. You will scream in the morning, and nothing will feel very good.
  2452. [02:36] Lotlhuitl asks, "W-what do you mean?"
  2453. [02:36] Eiphraem Kang whispers: I will have someone here to speak to you, even if- I require rest during the day.
  2454. [02:37] Eiphraem Kang whispers: It is a human fact that sleeping on things does not make it better.
  2455. [02:37] Eiphraem Kang whispers: It allows it to sink in.
  2456. [02:37] Lotlhuitl says, "Ng.."
  2457. [02:37] Eiphraem Kang whispers: I am going to hazard a guess that you are currently exhausted and numb.
  2458. [02:37] Peacekeeper stands nearer the door, watching the whispered exchange take place. It's something he doesn't need to be present for, of course - but SOMEONE has to keep the horde from barging in, right?
  2459. (Peacekeeper)
  2460. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2462. [02:37] Lotlhuitl was indeed so.
  2463. (Lotlhuitl)
  2464. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2466. [02:37] Lotlhuitl says, "Please, Eiphraem. Please keep Lucan away from me."
  2467. [02:38] Eiphraem Kang whispers: ... Understood.
  2468. [02:38] Eiphraem Kang whispers: I cannot do anything immediately during the day, but-
  2469. [02:38] Eiphraem Kang whispers: I will have my people do their best to keep him from you.
  2470. [02:38] Lotlhuitl says, "I.. I came to you for a reason, Eiphraem. I.. I could have shapeshifted. Perhaps should have.."
  2471. [02:38] Eiphraem Kang says, "..."
  2472. [02:38] Eiphraem Kang asks, "What did you desire?"
  2473. [02:38] Eiphraem Kang says, "Tell me."
  2474. [02:38] Lotlhuitl says, "All of this could have been avoided, if.. But.. "
  2475. [02:38] Lotlhuitl says, "No, I.. I knew I was in danger here. I'd been.. informed."
  2476. [02:38] Lotlhuitl squirmed lightly.
  2477. (Lotlhuitl)
  2478. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2480. [02:38] Eiphraem Kang says, "It is alright. Go on."
  2481. [02:39] Eiphraem Kang says, "I am here to listen."
  2482. [02:39] Lotlhuitl whispers: Eiphraem, I adore Sibri. But.. I.. I'm older than him.
  2483. [02:40] Lotlhuitl whispers: I've seen things he hasn't. Just.. through experience..
  2484. [02:40] Lotlhuitl whispers: And when I told him what I'd heard, that Kayeliun wanted me dead.. his response was.. what one might expect from a young man.
  2485. [02:41] Lotlhuitl whispers: I'll be honest, I hate Kayeliun entirely.
  2486. [02:41] Lotlhuitl looked absolutely devistated.. worn out. Numb. As to be expected.
  2487. (Lotlhuitl)
  2488. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2490. [02:41] Lotlhuitl whispers: I don't know what I was thinking. I was hoping to avoid losing him.
  2491. [02:41] Peacekeeper says, "Apologies if my presence is making you uncomfortable, moonchild. Simply ensuring you two have privacy."
  2492. [02:42] Lotlhuitl says, "Ng.."
  2493. [02:42] Eiphraem Kang asks, "... Are you comfortable with my knight hearing?"
  2494. [02:42] Lotlhuitl says, "I am comfortable, I.. Peacekeeper saved my life, once."
  2495. [02:43] Peacekeeper feels his heart swell just a tiny bit. Knight? A hand goes to his heart. "Eiphraem, don't make me swoon..."
  2496. (Peacekeeper)
  2497. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2499. [02:43] Eiphraem Kang asks, "Thank you. Is it likely this will agitate violent retalliation, then? What is it you desire to occur?"
  2500. [02:44] Lotlhuitl says, "I don't know."
  2501. [02:44] Peacekeeper says, "By the way, it's fair to say that a woman named Calie Marie fixed your wounds."
  2502. [02:44] Peacekeeper says, "I have yet to see her since, so..."
  2503. [02:44] Lotlhuitl tilted her head.
  2504. (Lotlhuitl)
  2505. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2507. [02:44] Peacekeeper says, "I assume her to be dead. She said she would be dying soon."
  2508. [02:44] Lotlhuitl says, "Oh."
  2509. [02:44] Lotlhuitl says, "Death comes to us all."
  2510. [02:44] Lotlhuitl says, "Except when it doesn't."
  2511. [02:44] Peacekeeper says, "Right."
  2512. [02:44] Peacekeeper says, "Looks like you will be avoiding death this time. Possibly."
  2513. [02:45] Lotlhuitl says, "I.. want my people to survive, Eiphraem."
  2514. [02:46] Eiphraem gently, slowly- He guides her, lightly, to a seat. As adrenaline ebbs, his unpleasant, twisted hands at least manage an actual modicum of softness.
  2515. (Eiphraem Kang)
  2516. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2518. [02:46] Eiphraem Kang says, "That is... Understandable."
  2519. [02:46] Eiphraem Kang says, "The southern tribes have had their leaders-"
  2520. [02:46] Eiphraem Kang says, "Disintegrate."
  2521. [02:46] Eiphraem Kang says, "Before their very eyes."
  2522. [02:47] Lotlhuitl says, "If Sibri dies, it may be the end of our culture."
  2523. [02:47] Eiphraem Kang says, "... Katzan and the Atl survive."
  2524. [02:47] Lotlhuitl says, "Ng. I don't like Katzan."
  2525. [02:47] Lotlhuitl frowned softly..
  2526. (Lotlhuitl)
  2527. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2529. [02:47] Peacekeeper whispers something.
  2530. [02:47] Eiphraem Kang says, "... I find myself more positively inclined after subduing him."
  2531. [02:48] Eiphraem Kang says, "He is completely irrational in the grip of his curse, but eerily otherwise outside of it."
  2532. [02:48] Eiphraem Kang says, "I wish he was not so afflicted."
  2533. [02:48] Eiphraem Kang says, "Fascinating man."
  2534. [02:48] Peacekeeper mutters something under his breath, before walking his way over to Eiphraem and Lotlhuitl. He takes his stand next to Eiphraem's chair, leaning up against the Archon's side.
  2535. (Peacekeeper)
  2536. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2538. [02:49] Lotlhuitl says, "He wishes to turn himself into a strigoi."
  2539. [02:49] Eiphraem Kang says, "Isn't that what all the Atl wish for? "
  2540. [02:49] Eiphraem Kang says, "In theory."
  2541. [02:50] Eiphraem Kang says, "No, I understand why you wish to preserve Cruxati."
  2542. [02:50] Lotlhuitl says, "Ng. Perhaps. The.. Atl are not what I wish would survive of my people. "
  2543. [02:50] Eiphraem Kang says, "I merely comment."
  2544. [02:50] Eiphraem Kang says, "But-"
  2545. [02:50] Eiphraem Kang says, "I have immediately noticed that what he is doing- Sibri, that is."
  2546. [02:50] Eiphraem Kang says, "It will drive a faster one through the coalition than Katzan could in his grandiose ambitions."
  2547. [02:50] Eiphraem Kang says, "I am sure you understand my personal concern."
  2548. [02:50] Peacekeeper says, "New factions are cropping up during a time of the utmost uncertainty."
  2549. [02:50] Lotlhuitl stared at Eiphraem, hesitating. Plainly wanting additional explaination..
  2550. (Lotlhuitl)
  2551. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2553. [02:50] Peacekeeper says, "Such a thing tends to befit men of ambition who wish to break the bonds above them."
  2554. [02:51] Peacekeeper says, "It is more than reasonable to worry."
  2555. [02:51] Eiphraem stares her dead in the eyes, as he reaches out to the side- Pulling up Peacekeeper's flesh-flensed hand, and splaying the carpals.
  2556. (Eiphraem Kang)
  2557. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2559. [02:51] Eiphraem Kang says, "He will want to kill what is mine."
  2560. [02:51] Lotlhuitl understanding dawned in Lotlhuitl's green eyes.
  2561. (Lotlhuitl)
  2562. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2564. [02:52] Peacekeeper whispers something.
  2565. [02:52] Peacekeeper says, "I prefer to stay relatively alive, at least."
  2566. [02:52] Eiphraem Kang whispers something.
  2567. [02:52] Peacekeeper says, "Relatively."
  2568. [02:53] Eiphraem Kang says, "I cannot permit that. I have little interest in Valmasian fatalism or angelic ressurection nonsense."
  2569. [02:53] Peacekeeper whispers something.
  2570. [02:53] Eiphraem Kang says, "Religion, bluntly, disgusts me as it is."
  2571. [02:53] Idris Bly says, "Hello. Since I am an individual with absolutely no political connections or notable strength other than my relation with the Kang bloodline and my mother Effigy, I was asked to deliver a piece of parchment to someone of importance by my Chieftain Sibri."
  2572. [02:53] Peacekeeper raises his free hand and wiggles his fingers at Idris. "This is a bit of a personal conversation, stranger. You might be best walk-"
  2573. (Peacekeeper)
  2574. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2576. [02:53] Idris Bly says, "I do not mean to intrude."
  2577. [02:53] Eiphraem Kang says, "..."
  2578. [02:53] Peacekeeper says, "Yes, hello."
  2579. [02:53] Lotlhuitl blinked.
  2580. (Lotlhuitl)
  2581. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2583. [02:53] Peacekeeper asks, "For Lotlhuitl?"
  2584. [02:54] Peacekeeper asks, "Or...?"
  2585. [02:54] Idris Bly says, "I think it may have something to do with her, but he intended this for Kayeliun I believe."
  2586. [02:54] Eiphraem Kang asks, "... Chieftain...?"
  2587. [02:54] Lotlhuitl stood and attempted to snatch the letter from Idris' hands.
  2588. (Lotlhuitl)
  2589. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2591. [02:54] Idris Bly says, "Eiphraem is the only important individual that will take the time to acknowledge me, so I trust he can relay this information for me."
  2592. [02:54] Eiphraem raises his eyebrows.
  2593. (Eiphraem Kang)
  2594. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2596. [02:54] Idris cannot resist, for he is too pleasant.
  2597. (Idris Bly)
  2598. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2600. [02:54] Eiphraem does not stop her.
  2601. (Eiphraem Kang)
  2602. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2604. [02:54] Eiphraem Kang says, "Please do not destroy it."
  2605. [02:55] {Item} You picked up Letter to Crafthold.Dropped by Idris Bly. .
  2606. [02:55] Eiphraem Kang says, "If you destroy it, I will be very sad."
  2607. [02:55] Eiphraem speaks without a single hint of emotion.
  2608. (Eiphraem Kang)
  2609. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2611. [02:55] {Item} You drop Letter to Crafthold.
  2612. [02:55] Lotlhuitl read it, before handing it over.
  2613. (Lotlhuitl)
  2614. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2616. [02:55] Idris Bly asks, "Mister skeleton, what may your name happen to be?"
  2617. [02:56] Eiphraem Kang says, "Well."
  2618. [02:56] Eiphraem Kang says, "That was fast."
  2619. [02:56] Peacekeeper says, "My name is Peacekeeper. Hello."
  2620. [02:56] Lotlhuitl says, "Ng.."
  2621. [02:56] Eiphraem Kang asks, "Would you tell him Ar- Lotlhuitl, is not to be executed?"
  2622. [02:56] Eiphraem Kang says, "In the slightest."
  2623. [02:56] Eiphraem Kang says, "She was merely challenged to a duel."
  2624. [02:56] Eiphraem Kang says, "She has won, but is remaining here."
  2625. [02:56] Eiphraem Kang says, "... I would hope, of her own free will. That is my intention."
  2626. [02:56] Idris Bly says, "Peacekeeper? As in the keeper of peace? That is selfish of you. When you could've released the peace and freed mankind of death, you kept it on you with great avarice in mind--"
  2627. [02:56] Idris Bly says, "Yes, I can do that."
  2628. [02:56] Idris Bly says, "I am Idris Bly, nice to make your acquaintance, keeper of peace."
  2629. [02:56] Peacekeeper says, "yES."
  2630. [02:57] Lotlhuitl says, "... you're.. the child of Sima and Effigy?/"
  2631. [02:57] Peacekeeper says, "i KEEP THE PEACE SO OTHERS CAN NEVER HAVE IT."
  2632. [02:57] Eiphraem Kang says, "..."
  2633. [02:57] Idris Bly says, "I think."
  2634. [02:57] Idris Bly says, "They don't want to speak with me--"
  2635. [02:57] Idris Bly says, "Oh."
  2636. [02:57] Peacekeeper says, "In all seriousness, it's an old name I chose."
  2637. [02:57] Peacekeeper says, "Think little of it. I'll have a new one soon."
  2638. [02:57] Idris Bly says, "Keep it safe then."
  2639. [02:57] Idris Bly says, "Oh."
  2640. [02:57] Eiphraem lightly flicks the skeleton's arm about- Before abruptly stopping.
  2641. (Eiphraem Kang)
  2642. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2644. [02:57] Eiphraem Kang whispers something.
  2645. [02:57] Lotlhuitl says, "... very well, Idris, child of Effigy and Sima. Please tell Sibri that I am well."
  2646. [02:58] Idris Bly says, "Ok. But your name is not Arina."
  2647. [02:58] Lotlhuitl stared most SERIOUSLY at Idris.
  2648. (Lotlhuitl)
  2649. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2651. [02:58] Idris Bly asks, "Who is this for?"
  2652. [02:58] Eiphraem Kang says, "She is also 'Ariana'. Which I believe is a mispelling of Arina."
  2653. [02:58] Eiphraem Kang says, "Which is really, I-"
  2654. [02:58] Eiphraem Kang says, "I was lost a long time ago, but I am very certain this is she."
  2655. [02:58] Peacekeeper whispers something.
  2656. [02:59] Lotlhuitl says, "I am she."
  2657. [02:59] Eiphraem Kang whispers something.
  2658. [02:59] Lotlhuitl says, "..."
  2659. [02:59] Idris Bly says, "I am confused, but I will pretend that I understand and relay this information without delay."
  2660. [02:59] Lotlhuitl says, "Don't call me that name. It's a terrible name."
  2661. [02:59] Eiphraem Kang says, "Thank you."
  2662. [02:59] Idris Bly says, "May your bye......"
  2663. [02:59] Idris Bly says, "..."
  2664. [02:59] Idris Bly says, "..."
  2665. [02:59] Idris Bly says, "..."
  2666. [02:59] Lotlhuitl says, "..."
  2667. [02:59] Idris Bly says, "... be good."
  2668. [02:59] Eiphraem Kang says, "..."
  2669. [02:59] Eiphraem Kang says, "Now, he."
  2670. [02:59] Lotlhuitl says, "..."
  2671. [02:59] Lotlhuitl says, "..."
  2672. [02:59] Eiphraem Kang says, "He is going to get shot by my caretaker."
  2673. [02:59] Eiphraem Kang says, "That. Will be awkward."
  2674. [03:00] Eiphraem Kang says, "I will handle that when the time comes."
  2675. [03:00] Peacekeeper whispers something.
  2676. [03:00] Lotlhuitl says, "... yes. I.. was attempting to be friendly with Sima. He.. doesn't.. like seeing people who look like Effigy."
  2677. [03:00] Peacekeeper whispers something.
  2678. [03:00] Eiphraem thwacks the skeleton lightly with his own arm- Something the undead said, perhaps?
  2679. (Eiphraem Kang)
  2680. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2682. [03:00] Peacekeeper says, "While I am completely and totally ignorant of the context."
  2683. [03:00] Peacekeeper says, "I-"
  2684. [03:00] Eiphraem Kang says, "..."
  2685. [03:00] Eiphraem Kang says, "No, he does not."
  2686. [03:01] Eiphraem Kang says, "Lord Effigy's passing was-"
  2687. [03:01] Eiphraem Kang says, "He is bound to his past, due to his condition."
  2688. [03:01] Eiphraem Kang says, "Please forgive my caretaker."
  2689. [03:01] Lotlhuitl says, "... no, it was my fault."
  2690. [03:01] Peacekeeper thwacks his own arm lightly with the other arm. He thinks that this is the way to get back at Eiphraem. It's equivalent, right?
  2691. (Peacekeeper)
  2692. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2694. [03:01] Lotlhuitl says, "..."
  2695. [03:01] Lotlhuitl says, "Though, he did deserve it, a little."
  2696. [03:01] Lotlhuitl says, "He was very mean to me."
  2697. [03:01] Lotlhuitl says, "..."
  2698. [03:01] Eiphraem Kang says, "He does have quite a mouth, about the southern tribespeople. My apologies. I assume you know his history."
  2699. [03:01] Lotlhuitl says, "... our history has intersected."
  2700. [03:02] Lotlhuitl says, "My life with is. "
  2701. [03:02] Peacekeeper says, "You know."
  2702. [03:02] Eiphraem Kang says, "I will speak to him, if he may be a threat unto you."
  2703. [03:02] Peacekeeper says, "I miss the times when I couldn't leave the Valmasian borders without fear of dying to the first person who saw me."
  2704. [03:02] Peacekeeper says, "Good times..."
  2705. [03:03] Lotlhuitl says, "... he pities me."
  2706. [03:03] Eiphraem Kang asks, "... Does it insult you?"
  2707. [03:04] Lotlhuitl says, "It did."
  2708. [03:04] Peacekeeper asks, "I don't believe that was the question, was it?"
  2709. [03:04] Lotlhuitl says, "Before I saw how he reacted, thinking Effigy had come back to torment him."
  2710. [03:04] Lotlhuitl says, "I pity him."
  2711. [03:04] Eiphraem Kang says, "... Thank you."
  2712. [03:05] Lotlhuitl says, "It's just not.. possible, to envy someone who is that broken."
  2713. [03:05] Eiphraem Kang says, "... I am going to ask a blunt question."
  2714. [03:05] Lotlhuitl says, "And who will be like that even after the flesh rots from his bones."
  2715. [03:06] Eiphraem Kang says, "Please forgive me."
  2716. [03:06] Lotlhuitl says, "..."
  2717. [03:06] Eiphraem Kang asks, "Are you prepared?"
  2718. [03:06] Lotlhuitl asks, "... to die?"
  2719. [03:06] Eiphraem Kang says, "Oh-"
  2720. [03:06] Eiphraem Kang exclaims, "Oh!"
  2721. [03:06] Eiphraem Kang says, "No."
  2722. [03:06] Lotlhuitl says, "Dying is easy-- oh."
  2723. [03:06] Eiphraem Kang says, "I do not think you understand the immense effort of communion via telepathy to keep you alive. That would, in fact."
  2724. [03:07] Eiphraem Kang says, "Be something I would ask you not to prepare for."
  2725. [03:07] Eiphraem Kang says, "And to shriek very loudly if someone brought it."
  2726. [03:07] Eiphraem Kang says, "No."
  2727. [03:07] Lotlhuitl asks, "... wh.. what?"
  2728. [03:07] Eiphraem Kang says, "This-"
  2729. [03:07] Peacekeeper says, "Eiphraem, even I am confused by what you just said."
  2730. [03:07] Lotlhuitl looked bewildered.
  2731. (Lotlhuitl)
  2732. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2734. [03:07] Eiphraem Kang asks, "Curse of yours. Where did it start?"
  2735. [03:07] Eiphraem doesn't seem to catch the import, plunging onwards.
  2736. (Eiphraem Kang)
  2737. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2739. [03:08] Lotlhuitl says, "... I.."
  2740. [03:08] Lotlhuitl says, "I'm unsure. I got sick of having my place dictated to me."
  2741. [03:09] Lotlhuitl says, "I turned to my friends and.. found scorn and derision. I was weak."
  2742. [03:10] Lotlhuitl says, "I'd.. ended married to a man who only wanted me so long as I stayed silent and on his arm."
  2743. [03:10] Peacekeeper says, "So it was, in a word."
  2744. [03:10] Peacekeeper says, "Rejection."
  2745. [03:10] Lotlhuitl says, "No. That's. No."
  2746. [03:10] Lotlhuitl says, "I made myself strong."
  2747. [03:10] Peacekeeper says, "Everyone rejected you - and so did you. You rejected everything."
  2748. [03:10] Lotlhuitl says, "I.. I rejected nothing."
  2749. [03:11] Lotlhuitl threatened to become incredibly defensive.
  2750. (Lotlhuitl)
  2751. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2753. [03:11] Peacekeeper asks, "You didn't reject the place they tried to force on you?"
  2754. [03:11] Lotlhuitl says, "That's.. stop using my words against me."
  2755. [03:11] Peacekeeper tilts his head inquisitively. He seems QUITE curious, but also a mite bit confused.
  2756. (Peacekeeper)
  2757. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2759. [03:11] Eiphraem Kang says, "Peacekeeper."
  2760. [03:11] Peacekeeper asks, "I... didn't mean to?"
  2761. [03:12] Eiphraem Kang says, "He does not mean offense."
  2762. [03:12] Eiphraem Kang says, "He considers it a-"
  2763. [03:12] Eiphraem Kang says, "Positive thing."
  2764. [03:12] Lotlhuitl says, "Ng.."
  2765. [03:12] Peacekeeper says, "Thank you for translating for me, Eiphraem."
  2766. [03:12] Peacekeeper says, "As it turns out, translating thoughts from undead to demon to human is ridiculously effective."
  2767. [03:12] Eiphraem Kang says, "... I do not think what you have done is unreasonable."
  2768. [03:12] Lotlhuitl says, "I.. saw my past lives, Eiphraem. I'd been cursed, by the wraith that Zahhaul summoned."
  2769. [03:13] Lotlhuitl says, "And they were all prisoners."
  2770. [03:13] Eiphraem Kang asks, "Cursed?"
  2771. [03:13] Lotlhuitl says, "Repeating the same mistakes, over and over again."
  2772. [03:13] Lotlhuitl says, "Prisoners of fate."
  2773. [03:13] Lotlhuitl says, "Yes.. the soul rot."
  2774. [03:13] Lotlhuitl says, "O"
  2775. [03:13] Lotlhuitl says, "I'd wanted to serve the spirits. But I wasn't good enough."
  2776. [03:13] Lotlhuitl says, "Xitlalli was a better spirit dancer."
  2777. [03:13] Lotlhuitl says, "Noa was kinder, a.. better champion for Dmex."
  2778. [03:13] Lotlhuitl says, "My own patron preferred someone else."
  2779. [03:13] Eiphraem chokes slightly at the comment about Noa.
  2780. (Eiphraem Kang)
  2781. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2783. [03:14] Eiphraem Kang says, "Ssss. Mn."
  2784. [03:14] Peacekeeper whispers something.
  2785. [03:14] Eiphraem Kang says, "... I do not think that all is true."
  2786. [03:14] Lotlhuitl says, "It wasn't just Xoconan's shadow which I lived in."
  2787. [03:14] Peacekeeper whispers something.
  2788. [03:14] Lotlhuitl asks, "No?"
  2789. [03:14] Lotlhuitl says, "What is truth, Eiphraem."
  2790. [03:15] Eiphraem Kang asks, "What does Xitlalli do now? Noa, KIND?"
  2791. [03:15] Peacekeeper says, "Truth is something seen through a clear lens."
  2792. [03:16] Lotlhuitl says, "He.. was kind. Righteous.. and then.. ng. I fought him once, you know? He.. he kept telling me how pathetic I was. I made his blood rot."
  2793. [03:16] Lotlhuitl says, "And he refused to fight back."
  2794. [03:16] Eiphraem Kang says, "... Noa wouldn't understand kindness if it treated him for no repayment, tenderly, and held his hand through the pain. He would then sneer at it, and walk out to go k- Hmn, that particular analogy DOES head somewhere bad."
  2795. [03:16] Eiphraem Kang exclaims, "No!"
  2796. [03:16] Lotlhuitl says, "And Karma cast me out of Ezmara."
  2797. [03:16] Lotlhuitl says, "I was.. heavily pregnant at the time."
  2798. [03:17] Lotlhuitl says, "Xoconan was waging war against Ardent."
  2799. [03:17] Lotlhuitl says, "Er, perhaps not heavily pregnant. Pregnant enough that Noa laughed at me when I attacked him."
  2800. [03:19] SOMETHING about Noa had the demon riled.
  2802. His pupils dialate, a hand slapping against the stained wood.
  2804. "He was pathetic, Lotlhuitl. Karma? An ingracious worm, only suspended in any competency by his wife and ability to fight on Gehenna's front lines."
  2806. "Don't ACCEPT whatever that man says," His upper lip curls, fangs bared. "How does that waste of any considerable brain matter have any right to tell you what you are? He died. He died as he should have."
  2808. Slowly, the demon settles.
  2810. Some things from his kaordom DID die hard.
  2811. (Eiphraem Kang)
  2812. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2814. [03:25] Peacekeeper is quick to grab the hand that slaps against the wood. He entangles his bones in-between the meaty fingers of a mutated serial murderer. While he lacks the context to confirm or deny anything Eiphraem says or does here, seeing as he most certainly has never interacted with Noa - perhaps some comforting and a little curtailing is in order.
  2816. A softer, gentler voice -
  2818. "Eiphraem. There's no need to carry such strong feelings toward the dead.
  2820. You lived longer. You have won, and he has lost. It's fine."
  2821. (Peacekeeper)
  2822. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2824. [03:26] Tao takes a seat - he assumes for the comfort of those in the waiting room.
  2825. (Tsing Tao)
  2826. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2828. [03:27] "Yes."
  2830. "Yes, I did. As I do, all my enemies..."
  2832. A soft exhalation. That snarl mediates out, that raw fury seeping away just as quickly as Lotlhuitl's self comparison has made it froth to the surface, A deep breath- His nostrils flare.
  2834. "... Noa Huitzilopotchli was a reprobate who deserves no adoration."
  2835. (Eiphraem Kang)
  2836. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2838. [03:27] hatwiggles
  2839. (Tsing Tao)
  2840. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2842. [03:33] Lotlhuitl just stared. The Nagual didn't have any words, her tail twitching as Eiphraem and Peacekeeper spoke of Noa. Of Eiphraem's enemies.
  2844. "Noa was my friend."
  2846. She swallowed.
  2848. "I.. I hated him in the end. And then he was dead, before I could process it. Before I could prove to him that I'd become someone worthy. Someone he should feel jealous of."
  2850. She exhaled.
  2852. "I never got to make him feel how I did."
  2854. As for Karma? Lotlhuitl's tail twitched. "It's the greatest tragedy that Karma has failed to receive everything he deserves in life."
  2856. Poor Tao didn't receive a glance from Lotlhuitl, considering that her back was turned to the entranceway. The Nagual looked a little dishevelled, a little bloodied, but she was otherwise uninjured.
  2858. "I.. I don't understand what your point is, Eiphraem." A small frown. "Why.. why do I feel that you're going to try and do what Nerzan did to me?"
  2859. (Lotlhuitl)
  2860. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2862. [03:34] Lotlhuitl meant talk to her about how terrible she was, as that was what Nerzan had done.. But the exact meaning was perhaps unclear!
  2863. (Lotlhuitl)
  2864. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2866. [03:36] Tao didn't mind not receiving a glance. The longer he went unnoticed, the longer he could eavesdrop without risking being told to leave.
  2867. (Tsing Tao)
  2868. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2870. [03:38] "Noa treated his 'friends' like trash, save for Xoconan."
  2872. "... Isn't that why you hate him? Friends- Do not intentionally make you feel pathetic. I have learned this. Many accidentally do, on occasion. But, a- Friend." He explains, so patiently- Almost patronizingly, if not for perhaps the light, intense gleam in his eyes, patiently staring at her. "Is someone who comforts you. Who offers succor."
  2874. "Not once in seeing Noa Huitzilopotchli did I ever see him genuinely thank another sapient being. I apologize for your inopportunity to show him."
  2876. "... Many of those within the south ostracized and hated one another amidst the leadership. It is what lead to the breakdown, to the helplessness of Ezmara."
  2878. "What."
  2880. "Did Nerzan do to you."
  2881. (Eiphraem Kang)
  2882. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2884. [03:53] Lotlhuitl squirmed lightly. Jewellery jostling with the motion -- a motion stemming from intense awkwardness. She was finding listening to Eiphraem DIFFICULT. The Sin within her revolted, contorted at the idea that Noa wasn't someone to emulated.
  2886. "He was Dmex's favourite, in the end." A whisper, small words spoken to her lap. Expression tormented. Almost enough to make her wear Dmex's mask: anything to try and hide.
  2888. Lotlhuitl turned the mythril mask over and over in her hands. Fidgeting with it. If she reached out with her energy -- her own brand of corruption -- she could almost FEEL Dmex. She could almost FEEL that which her patron had convinced her was divine energy.
  2890. Convinced her? Tricked her. At the question of Nerzan, Lotlhuitl had (still not looking at Eiphraem or anyone else in the room) blinked. Her dark eyelashes rose andfell as she remembered Ardent.
  2892. "Spoke at me for hours about how selfish I am that I do not wish to be weak. How I would be somehow happy if I were to stop being a Sin Magi. He.. spoke at me as if I'd been happy before becoming a Sin Magi."
  2894. A low bitter laugh passed her lips. She still spoke into her lap.
  2896. "He seemed to believe that happiness isn't a luxury only the strong afford."
  2898. The mask was set on the table in front of her, as an unhappy smile tugged at her lips.
  2900. "I told him I'd rather remain selfish, miserable and strong. I think that's why he refused to hand back my effects. He wasn't pleased."
  2901. (Lotlhuitl)
  2902. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2904. [03:53] Lotlhuitl says, "Or.. I said something like that."
  2905. [03:56] Eiphraem Kang says, "He--"
  2906. [03:56] Eiphraem Kang says, "..."
  2907. [03:57] Eiphraem Kang says, "He knows nothing. "
  2908. [03:57] Eiphraem Kang says, "I want you to be happy, Lotlhuitl. I want to convince you that you are worth something."
  2909. [03:58] Eiphraem Kang says, "That man was- Ignorant. Completely wrong. He said I do not even have a soul- And how foolish is that? For a moment, I. Almost believed him."
  2910. [03:59] Eiphraem Kang says, "... Pretending that everything was ever fine is such a gross misunderstanding of what it is. Of course, you were not happy. Of course, you have- Had. Something, now. I have no interest in making you weak."
  2911. [03:59] Eiphraem Kang says, "... I was very serious. I have taken it as a challenge to ensure this is the lowest you will be."
  2912. [04:00] Eiphraem Kang says, "I do not lose."
  2913. [04:00] Eiphraem Kang says, "... Everyone whom I have seen with sin magic has has a life that was once miserable."
  2914. [04:00] Eiphraem Kang says, "Terrible."
  2915. [04:00] Eiphraem Kang asks, "Awful, within some twisted fashion, inflicted by other sapient beings. Why would you ever want to return to that?"
  2916. [04:00] The more Tao heard, the more he... approved. Eiphraem had Tao's respect before, but as he listened, he found he was actually growing to like the demon...
  2917. (Tsing Tao)
  2918. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2920. [04:02] Peacekeeper does his best to untangle his fingers from Eiphraem's big meaty scaly-paw, before raising his hand up to the Archon's shoulder and sliding it around to the other side. He pulls Eiphraem to him, leaning up against the snake demon as he performs what might possibly be the simultaneously most monstrous and awkward side-hug imaginable.
  2922. "I do so love your opinions, Eiphraem. They fill me with glee, even if I sometimes disagree."
  2923. (Peacekeeper)
  2924. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2926. [04:14] Nerzan knows nothing? "Knew nothing." Lotlhuitl exhaled. "Sima told me that he's naught but a body now."
  2928. The Nagual was still distinctly uncomfortable. Her ears flicked back. Lightly squirming in her seat, almost like she couldn't become comfortable. Her jewellery jingled and clinked. Her tail was wrapped tightly around her waist -- almost protectively -- but the very tip twitched rapidly.
  2930. But.. perhaps progress. As the serpent spoke, Lotlhuitl slowly turned her gaze upwards to look at him. Her ears pricking up ever so slightly.
  2932. "Do you want to know how Nerzan found me when I was in Ardent, attempting to take all their ill-gotten-treasures off them?" A rhetorical question. The clear extent of her anguish obvious to those who could now see her face. Her fingers twitched as she resisted going for the mask on the table in front of her. A laugh rolled from her lips. "He embraced me while I was shapeshifted. And instantly, he just.. knew!"
  2934. Lotlhuitl swallowed, a strange sort of smile pulling at her lips now. The Nagual really wasn't the smiling sort of person. And somehow? This smile she wore, perhaps in an attempt to seem a little less pathetic, a little less like she cared, why it just highlighted the fact that she very likely was a person who struggled to remember a time when she'd felt truly happy.
  2936. Aha. An awkward laugh rolled off her lips as she continued, speaking a little too quickly to seem... calm.
  2938. "While part of me wants to believe that Nerzan was just so jumpy he would have arrested his own mother if he'd come across her, it's hard not to feel there's just something so totally worthless about me that someone like Nerzan just could feel it in their bones."
  2940. She exhaled.
  2942. "That's why I haven't just.. taken some different form. And.. gone back for what should be mine."
  2944. A small frown.
  2946. "Among other.. reasons, I suppose."
  2947. (Lotlhuitl)
  2948. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2950. [04:42] "... Knew." He amends, slowly, not meeting her gaze.
  2952. "..." Silence, however, as he listens. The beasts eyes are a soft gold- With a light, almost catlike green ebbing to them at the very edges, on closer inspection. "Nerzan was a hound seeking blood. Perhaps there is something detectible about your form-"
  2954. "And I believe? You may be right."
  2956. A finger raises, interrupting that final, softly spoken word he made himself, to book no intervention.
  2958. "Because it is how you see yourself. Even in another's skin, you keep thinking of how miniscule, how unloved, how worthless you convince yourself you must be."
  2960. "Don't lust for that, Lotlhuitl. Don't reach for these broken shards of glass that cut your skin. You told us, right here- You weren't happy. You never were happy. What will happen, Lotlhuitl?" His voice presses, his soft, quavery voice perhaps dull of emotion, butever vibrant in pitch. "There is no desirable outcome. It lies to you, Lotlhuitl."
  2962. "If your past lives were truly bound in the same mistake-"
  2964. "Do you think that pursuing the remnants of all that made you miserable will protect you from it?"
  2965. (Eiphraem Kang)
  2966. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2968. [04:58] The squirming continued. A flinch, at the comment that Nerzan might be right.
  2970. "I.. I.. are you trying to imply that I will destroy myself?" Lotlhuitl just blinked. Staring. The end of her tail twitched once. Twice. She exhaled.
  2972. She considered the idea. It was tempting to just snap back a defensive, so what, and yet.. the Nagual truly did not desire destruction.
  2974. Lotlhuitl crossed her arms in front of her chest. Defensive once more. Her rich brown skin had flushed distinctly pink. "You.. mistake me. I don't want to be happy. Happy people are, for the most part, boring."
  2976. Was the Nagual serious? Even she wasn't completely sure. It was easier to believe what she was saying was true if she just didn't think about it. "At the end of the day, all that matters is that you cut other people down before they cut you." She laughed once more. Bitter. "It's just unfortunate that I'm terrible at vengeance, and even worse at causing people the agony that they so rightfully deserve."
  2978. She folded her arms.
  2980. "I do not 'pursue the remnants of that made me miserable.' " Her tone edged towards becoming acerbic, as a deep panic threatened to rise within her. "I merely want what I am entitled to. What fate gives freely to others, it.. cruelly has always denied me."
  2982. The Nagual shuddered.
  2984. "Something which fate might not, if I just became someone else."
  2985. (Lotlhuitl)
  2986. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2988. [05:12] Peacekeeper seems to decide to refrain from putting input into the discussions. Whether he lacks the ability to properly comment upon the social matter or simply lacks the interest to interface with it all may be beyond a surface observation.
  2990. Or maybe he just has nothing nice to say.
  2991. (Peacekeeper)
  2992. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2994. [05:15] Tao has to sneeze. It is AWFUL. And this muzak! Who thought putting the same song on a loop was a good idea?.. But he dare not leave. Lotlhuitl needed him, even if she didn't know he was here.
  2995. (Tsing Tao)
  2996. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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