
Vampire Antiqua

Feb 11th, 2019
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  1. It was a cool crisp night in Ponyville. Overhead, the moon had arrived bathing the town in moonlight as home windows glowed warmly and businesses closed for the night. The lights at Sugarcube Corner dimmed while, inside, Pinkie Pie turned the ‘Open sign around to ‘Closed’. It had been a busy day of deliveries, baking and sales while the Cakes tended to the little ones. Pinkie Pie was tired. Eager to bathe and hit the sack Pinkie Pie did one last check to make sure ovens were off and appliances were unplugged before heading for the stairs.
  3. Suddenly, a knock came from the front door. Pinkie sighed. Turning around, she trotted back down stairs.
  5. “Sorry, Sugarcube Corner is closed!” Pinkie announced, cheerfully “We open, bright and early, everyday at-”
  7. Fluttershy stood there. Dressed in a stark black overcoat and a white, poofy, undershirt that transitioned to a dress towards the haunches; The edges, distressed and slightly tattered. Pinkie looked at her friends unamused face, her eyelids a dark shade of purple and her eyelashes thick with mascara. Her ears were tapered near the tip, smoothing out and pierced three times with earrings, one a purple gemstone, one a skull the last one a band of metal that covered front to back.
  9. “Oh! Fluttershy, come on in. I'm surprised to see you out and about at this time of night, is everything alright?” Pinkie Pie asked.
  11. Fluttershy didn’t reply. Smiling at Pinkie’s invitation she glided across the threshold of the entrance and licked her lips.
  13. “A cold wind blows tonight. Is it just the unforgiving lash of a fickle mother nature or is it the slow, numbing of a blackened soul?” Fluttershy asked.
  15. “Oh…” Pinkie mumbled “This schtick again,”
  17. “In the end, it doesn’t really matter. A cold answer deserves an antipode reprisal. A warm response, a fiery reply,” Fluttershy answered herself.
  19. Fluttershy began to circle Pinkie. There was something off about Fluttershy, though Pinkie couldn’t quite put her hoof on it. It wasn't unusual for Fluttershy to slip into a character and forget to leave but it was unusual for her to talk like
  21. “Im gonna get Rarity,” Pinkie warned.
  23. “No need...The fuel for my fire lies nearby,” Fluttershy said, an empty grin splitting her lips. .
  25. The moment Pinkie spotted the difference a cold chill ran down her back and gripped her hoofs. Two matching fangs adorned Fluttershy’s toothy smile. Pinkie’s mind screamed run but her hooves felt frozen in place, before she open her own mouth to scream for help Fluttershy had already grabbed Pinkie by the back of the head and stuffed Pinkie between her jaws. The muffled scream resounded down her throat and in her cheeks but did little else to Fluttershy as she swallowed Pinkie further. Pinkie’s ears pinned back and her mane of bouncy pink curls were flattened, each muffled scream was accompanied by an attempt to pull away but swallow after swallow the resistance proved ineffective. Pinkie’s entire head lay constricted in Fluttershy’s throat, the stifling atmosphere and tight muscles sapping her strength. Stopping her screams, Pinkie placed a hoof on Fluttershy’s chin and her other hoof to the batty mare’s chest and pushed. When Pinkie felt her hoof was suddenly wet and the rippling pull of a swallow flowed over it did she realize her mistake.
  27. Fluttershy’s vampiric teeth dug deep into Pinkie’s neck and a bat wing spread out and around Pinkie’s haunches. Cradling Pinkie’s backside, Fluttershy, astonishingly, opened her jaws wider and swallowed half of Pinkie in one go; the sloppy sounds of thick gulps overpowering the stomping of hooves backing up. Pinkie’s struggles grew more desperate and when her back legs left the floor, Pinkie kicked the air for a time before, it seemed, she had finally given up the fight. With no resistance left, Fluttershy used her bat wing to push the mare into her gullet, her lips following behind her fangs as she claimed each succulent pound of meat Pinkie’s rump and thighs had to offer.
  29. A series of bulges in her throat slid out of view from the world, disappearing into a continually undisturbed belly that only became thick and pudgy. Fluttershy’s waistline grew and her own hips and thighs fattened while her body processed Pinkie into belly chub. When finally the last of Pinkie’s poofy tail was following the rest of her down Fluttershy’s throat she merely looked at the time and burped; her recent meal already a memory.
  31. “The night is still young and will persist,” Fluttershy said, her stomach growling “Will it persist like this cold, gnawing hunger?”
  33. Fluttershy left Sugarcube corner, looking up lovingly at the full moon in the sky and her cyan eyes deepened, changed in hue to a brilliant red before she binked. Fluttershy ran her tongue over her teeth, finding her fangs had grown longer and looked around, the light of her friends cutiemarks shining in her deep, red eyes like beacons of light in the night sky.
  35. “To see darkness is to see all the colors mixed together,” Fluttershy said “Those lights must go,”
  37. Fluttershy spread her wings and her eyes focused in on the second brightest light in sky before they changed back to cyan. Taking to the air, Fluttershy licked her lips, eager to fill her cold stomach with some warm light and flew in the direction of Rainbow Dash’s cloud house.
  39. Tucked deep in her covers, Rainbow Dash lay sleeping, merely dreaming when suddenly there came a tapping, a gentle rapping on her front door. The sound was audible but nothing more and it failed to stir the sleeping pegasus, her snoring being the only sound allowed in her bedroom. Outside Rainbow’s window Fluttershy lurked, peering in at the source of her desire but unable to enter she tapped gently at the glass at first but as her hunger grew she banged on the glass but it made no difference.
  41. Fluttershy scowled. Desperate to fuel her stomach and find warmth Fluttershy looked to the forest, maybe an animal would warm her stomach. Fluttershy felt like she could kick herself when the idea came to her, she may not enter a home without invitation but forest animals had no such inhibitions. Taking to the forest, Fluttershy got her plan in motion.
  43. The night continued it’s cycle into day, uncaring for Fluttershy’s master plan. The gathering took time but soon all manner of flying critters were subdued by her stare and under her command. Fluttershy guided the swarm from the forest and with nothing more than a commanding point the swarm descended on Rainbow’s house. While her snoring was a sufficient guard from other noise, a owl landing on her face was another matter, Rainbow Dash woke with a start and squealed in fright.
  45. The room was overrun with bats and birds of every kind, flying at her, flying around her, screeching, cawing; all of it happening so suddenly, Rainbow Dash had only own thought in her head: Run. Rainbow Dash left a streak of color as she blasted through her house as quickly as she could in the night, screaming as loud as the invading critters. Bursting through the front door of her house Rainbow Dash was suddenly blinded, warm and wet.
  47. Fluttershy was launched backwards by the force of the impact, Rainbow Dash had nearly blown the front door off its hinges before planting herself in Fluttershy’s waiting, open mouth. Fluttershy moved to pressed Rainbow even deeper into her hungry stomach before, much to her surprise, Rainbow began squirming harder down her throat.
  49. “Just like any forest critter, even a pony can't help but worm its way to that sweet, ever-after,” Fluttershy thought.
  51. Rainbow Dash couldn't see, the space she was in was tight, wet and slimy; she knew what was behind her though. Stubborn as always, Rainbow muscled her way through the tight space; an action Fluttershy was all too happy to help with. Half the effort and a fraction of time Fluttershy watched as her friends lean flanks wiggle left and right, her strong thighs quickly squirming their way to the cusp of Fluttershy’s lips.
  53. Thick, full, gulps helped ferry Rainbow into Fluttershy’s gullet the mare inside unaware of what fate lie ahead. Swallowing down Rainbow’s cutiemarked haunches, all that remained were her kicking back legs and soon those too disappeared behind the mares sharp fangs. Again, Fluttershy's belly remained undistended all that Rainbow was was immediately converted to another layer of fat on the vampiric mare.
  55. “Such warmth. I almost feel full...almost” Fluttershy said, turning to the moon. “The morning cold heart must recuse itself for it cannot bear the light,”
  57. Fluttershy stood there, gazing at the moon as her eyes shifted, once more, from cyan to red.
  59. “It is a mystery why anypony would deny Princess Luna her just adoration for the night. While the day may bring warmth and light, the night brings beauty in the sky and ponies together against the cold. Though, one who dreams by night would see my horrible actions this night as the dénouement I, who dreams during the day, have plans that far outreach-” Fluttershy’s soliloquy stopped.
  61. Looking at her plump waistline, Fluttershy’s head swung around to scowl at her plump haunches, her leg lifting and the fat that was two friends jiggling softly from the motion.
  63. “Shut up you two,” Fluttershy commanded.
  65. Looking back to her belly pudge and scoffing, Fluttershy then looked back to her cutie mark and then to the same spot on her haunches.
  67. “I said ‘Shut. Up.’ I did you two a favor! Are you not warm? Are you not together? You have no right to complain!” Fluttershy yelled “Now shut up and let me be dark and brooding!”
  69. Fluttershy stood there for a moment and looked once more at her belly and her haunches before scoffing again. Scarlet eyes fixed themselves on the moon, standing there in its soft glow Fluttershy put her hoof to her chest and silently searched for the right words. Her eyes lost their scarlet color, fading back to the cyan.
  71. “Ooh...great...The moment is gone,” Fluttershy pouted, looking at the usual suspects once more.
  73. Fluttershy’s bat wings unfurled, spreading wider than ever before and, with a few heavy pumps, she was airborne and flying back home. The light of dawn was welling up on the horizon by the time Fluttershy got home, quickly landing at the land bridge Fluttershy balked only a moment at the stream of water below before quickly trotting across and into her house.
  75. Inside, Fluttershy sighed and discarded her dress on the stairs as she climbed to her room. Slipping under her covers she wrapped the comforter around herself and fell asleep in only moments. Dawn turned to morning and Fluttershy underwent changes, her ears kept the earrings but her ear changed back to a cute pony ear. Slowly, her fangs shortened and dulled, showing no sign of their former of ferocity. Her wings exchanged their leathery length for feathers and her coat shed its dull, desaturated color and brightened, smoothed, and shined with the morning light that found its way into Fluttershy’s room.
  77. Angel Bunny woke up. Shaking, yawning and stretching Angel hopped out of his bed, next to Fluttershy’s own bed, and jumped up to the mare asleep above. The soft bed cushioned the bunnies foot falls as he ran up to the sleeping mare and hopped on top of the highest curve of the lumpy figure under the comforter. Positioning himself he raised up his foot and rapidly pounded it down on Fluttershy.
  79. Fluttershy still slept. Angel Bunny grimaced and jumped down to the mattress, went to the edge of the comforter and joined Fluttershy underneath. The decision was rewarded when Angel found his owner was far softer than the mattress she slept on. He started by squishing her love handles, moving down to her thigh before face planting his bunny face against her flanks and rubbing his cheeks back and forth across the chubby expanse of flesh. Angel knew Fluttershy was not this fat and soft yesterday but as he physically squirmed himself in the space between her paunch and her plump thighs he didn’t care; she was soft and warm and Angel loved it.
  81. Fluttershy felt something fondling her. Squishing her thighs, stroking them, patting and rubbing them. Waking with a start she moved the covers to reveal Angel, his face pressed firmly into her belly.
  83. “Angel! What are you doing?” Fluttershy asked, lifting the adoring bunny from her chub and cradling him “For that matter..”
  85. Fluttershy gently poked her firm belly fat before tapping it and watching shiver and shake.
  87. “Where did all this come from?” Fluttershy asked.
  89. Fluttershy set Angel down and jiggled her body around once more before Angel latched onto her haunches again.
  91. “What did I eat?” Fluttershy asked, “and since when are you so affectionate?”
  93. Fluttershy giggled and let Angel have his way as she stretched and made her way to her bathing room.
  95. “Gosh...I certainly slept well. I feel full of energy!” Fluttershy exclaimed “How about you Ang-”
  97. Fluttershy cut her voice short when her guts gurgled and a sudden look of urgency. Despite her new size Fluttershy bolted to her toilet room. Angel was dropped in the rush and could only sit outside the door and listen. Inside Fluttershy got to her toilet in time to sit her wide rear down, her fat laden butt spreading across the toilet seat and peaking over the sides.
  101. Pressure was released and refuse issued forth in long, thick, reeking rods from the plump mares anus. A potent series of splashes came from underneath Fluttershy as she barely needed to push to expel more and more, until the sound of filth slapping against filth prompted her to flush what was already piling up.
  103. “Ooh, oh my goodness!” Fluttershy moaned before another gurgle of urgency in her bowels made it clear she wasn't done.
  105. Having passed so much in such a little time, Fluttershy’s ponut was twitching, trying to close before another series of thick, brown muck came through and spread it open once more. Sweat began to bead on the mare's forehead, her mind and body fully committed to the task of voiding her bowels.
  107. “Never again,” Fluttershy whispered to herself “I need to stop... partying so hard at Pinkie’s,”
  109. It felt like the entire morning had been spent before relief finally came to Flutttershy. Leaning back on her “throne” she wiped the sweat from her brow, feeling the ache of her overworked hole. Fluttershy looked down at her belly, noting the smaller sized but how much softer it had become.
  111. “Silver linings...Angel will probably enjoy this,” Fluttershy said.
  113. Fluttershy cleaned herself and came out of the bathroom, resuming her original plan. Angel had left, far too bored to wait for Fluttershy to finish in the toilet, leaving Fluttershy to bath un-molested by her overbearing bunny. Bathed, brushed and preened Fluttershy began her morning only to stop once more when she came across the gothic dress, left hanging over the bannister.
  115. “...huh. I don't remember wearing this…” Fluttershy mumbled. “Didn't Rarity keep this dress after the Boutique fiasco?”
  117. “Angel!” Fluttershy called out while draping the dress across her back “Did I wear this last night? Angel!”
  119. The bunny rushed to her on command but offered no answer, instead he reclaimed his position at her haunches and continued to massage them.. Fluttershy looked at the dress and then to her tummy pudge before giving it a thoughtful rub.
  121. “I'm going to need this re-sized…” Fluttershy said, glancing at the black outfit.
  123. Fluttershy began her care of the animals. The more independent animals had taken care of themselves and, instead, helped Fluttershy catch up on her work. During the morning Fluttershy caught the glimpse of a rainbow streak right above her. Her eyes lit up, certain that her friend had stopped by for a quick visit and she looked skyward for her friend, Rainbow Dash; only the sky was empty when she looked, save a few clouds.
  125. “Oh, silly me. Right about now Dashie is at Wonderbolts training,” Fluttershy giggled.
  127. It was afternoon by the time Fluttershy arrived at Ponyville. Alive with the usual hustle and bustle, Fluttershy meekly did her daily errands unaware that, even while keeping her low-profile, her new sway was attracting attention. Stallion and mare alike would glance and do a double take, their gaze drawn by the delicious, soft rump jiggling left and right. Rarity arrived at her last stop for the day, Carousel Boutique, to have her gothic dressed re-sized.
  129. “Rarity!” Fluttershy called.
  131. “Fluttershy! Hello, darling,” Rarity responded.
  133. “I need something re-sized,” Fluttershy said, presenting the dress to her friend.
  135. “That old thing?” Rarity asked, raising her brow at the drab piece,
  137. “Yes, I found it on my stairs this morning,” Fluttershy said.
  139. Rarity looked the dress over once more and then looked Fluttershy over. The sudden change in figure hit Rarity as a hammer hits an anvil. A shiver blazed a trail up her back, leaving a growing heat in Rarity that showed in her cheeks.
  141. “My...Fluttershy!” Rarity exclaimed “ whatever did you eat?”
  143. “I don't know...whatever it was, it was certainly fattening,” Fluttershy replied, patting her tummy.
  145. “It certainly did. I'll re-size your dress, darling, but in return I'd like you to model some plus size designs for me,” Rarity said.
  147. “Deal,” Fluttershy said, giggling.
  149. “Excellent!” Rarity exclaimed, standing up and pulling “With your new assets I'll need to take your measurements for the dress,”
  151. “Oh...okay,” Fluttershy replied, as Rarity used her magic to pull her friend into her backroom.
  153. Standing on a platform and surrounded by mirrors Fluttershy watched Rarity approach with her fabric measuring tape, eyeing her with pursed lips and a raised eyebrow. Rarity got close, taking a moment to appreciate Fluttershy’s silky smooth coat before measuring her bust.
  155. “Oh Fluttershy, darling, you must tell me what your secret to such a silky coat is,” Rarity said, coping a feel of Fluttershy’s soft pudge by stroking her coat.
  157. “I keep telling you, it's all in a good night's rest,” Fluttershy stated.
  159. Rarity wrote the measurements down before motioning to Fluttershy to rear up on her hind legs. Doing as directed Fluttershy held the stance, allowing Rarity to measure her barrel. Wrapping her hooves around Fluttershy, Rarity slyly pressed her cheek to her friends belly chub. The soft surface cradled Rarity’s cheek, chin and cupped her ear giving her a listen to the soft gurgling inside but the look from below was what made the fashionista's heart flutter.
  161. “Perhaps Rainbow Dash could benefit from that advice. She was supposed to stop by this morning and model some athletic wear I was developing but she must have overslept,” Rarity griped, letting her touch linger on Fluttershy's side.
  163. “Oh! I think I saw her this morning heading to her Wonderbolt training,” Fluttershy said.
  165. Rarity made a noise of acknowledgement while writing down the next set of measurements. Looking at the pear shaped body in front of her, Rarity could feel heat building in her loins, the allure of her plus sized friend was getting to her and finally arriving at the main course of measurements, the waist and hips, wasn't helping. Keeping Fluttershy standing, Rarity began measuring this time placing her chin right under Fluttershy's navel and smelling the floral scent of her body wash.
  167. “Well...I will have to have a word with Rainbow Dash,” Rarity muttered choking back a moan.
  169. Fluttershy was none the wiser to Rarity's antics, only focused on standing on her hind hooves meanwhile Rarity had moved to Fluttershy's thighs. Her friends scent, her softness, her thick physique all of it and more had left Rarity's head awash in a lewd reverie. Wrapping Fluttershy's thigh in her fabric tape measure, Rarity began kissing the inside of the pegasus's thigh and trailing up to her crotch.
  171. “Umm….Rarity?” Fluttershy spoke.
  173. Rarity unwrapped the thigh and looked at its twin. Reaching up between Fluttershy’s legs, Rarity abandoned all reservations and cupped Fluttershy ass check, pulled close and measured it while gently groping the volumes of fat her friend had been blessed with. Fluttershy opened her mouth to protest Rarity's antics only to suddenly see her fashion forward friend move away, jotting down something on her notepad.
  175. “Thank you for your cooperation, darling,” Rarity said, “I'll have the dress done for you by tomorrow, no charge,”
  177. Fluttershy fell from her standing position, a heavy thud from her new found weight.
  179. “...Thanks, Rarity,” Fluttershy said.
  181. “Thank me when it's done, darling” Rarity said, with a wink.
  183. With little else said Fluttershy left the boutique and went about her day, spending time with Twilight, helping her sew some new book cozies for her favorite volumes and cooking a lovely lunch with Spike, and helping Applejack settle yet another land dispute with the local wildlife before getting some down home cooking for dinner. The day had gone by in a flash but Fluttershy noticed she hadn't seen Pinkie or Rainbow all day.
  185. “I don't remember the map lighting up, maybe they went on a friendship quest?” Twilight had said.
  187. “I dunno. Those two are a coupla pranksters. Prolly went to a prankin’ convention or sumthin’,” Applejack guessed.
  189. Fluttershy couldn't find comfort in those words. As she did her nightly routine she couldn't shake the feeling that something was off… Angel stayed attached to Fluttershy even as she climbed into bed that night. Hugging her bunny as close as he wanted Fluttershy went to sleep, feeling odd. As her mind fell deep into sleep her body made changes. Her mane and coat growing rough and shaggy and losing their soft luster. Her ears turned into something more conical, tapered at the edges, the shy pony’s wing feathers melded and grew leathery and nearly doubled in size.
  191. Angel was abruptly pulled from his slumber when Fluttershy stood up on her bed. The dark figure exuded a cold aura, a growling hunger filled the air and red eyes could be seen in contrast to the soft blue of the moonlit room. Angel slunk off the bed slowly, careful not to draw the unwanted attention of the beast before him, to no avail though; Fluttershy knew Angel was there, the heartbeats of every living thing around her thundered in her ears and the light of three cutiemarks in the distant darkness.
  193. “As the night returns, so do I. Oh, the cruel chains of daylight that bind me. My one wish in my dark life is to carry the cowl of night, a blanket of darkness to warm me just as my meals warm my stomach,” Fluttershy said, patting her stomach “Darkness hungers. Tonight I will feast. However, to have a feast I need cooks…”
  195. Walking from her room and walking towards the stairs, Fluttershy stopped momentarily at the door to the toilet room door.
  197. “Rainbow Bite. Drinkie Pie. Your mistress calls to you. Rise and feast for me,” Fluttershy voice called, stern and light.
  199. The toilet made a groaning noise, as if there was air in the water line, the water tank rattled and the toilet lid began to jiggle up and down. Water erupted from the bowl, spraying water everywhere, the cap on the water tank blew off, shattering in mid air from the force of a blue hoof thrusting from inside.
  201. Rainbow Bite rose from the water tank, an unseen force lifting her and revealing her rainbow mane tied back in a ponytail, the sides shaved down in a buzz cut style. Her neck, and front hooves were adorned with spiked collars. She spread her fore legs and spread her navy blue bat wings to show off a tank top saying plainly “Minor Threat” with the outline of a Ursa Minor underneath, her scarlet eyes opened and she smiled wickedly, her lip piercing complimenting the two in her eyebrow.
  203. The lid of the toilet bowl opened, spewing forth water and mist in the area. The horns of a black and white checkered jester’s cap was the first seen before Drinkie Pie revealed her painted clown face; a bone white color with pitch black markings of a star and diamond around her eyes. Spreading her maroon wings she brought her hooves skyward, as if presenting herself as the last act in a show only she was privy to. Her dramatically collared purple overcoat was checkered pink and black on the inside and held closed by a comically wide waist sash adorned with the embroidery of a laughing mask and crying mask with vampiric teeth.
  205. Stepping off the toilet, Drinkie and Rainbow approached Fluttershy and bowed.
  207. “Rainbow. Go bring that light to me,” Fluttershy commanded, pointing in the direction “Drinkie. That light...I need to go...get dressed.”
  209. “You got it,” Rainbow said, her eyes fading from their scarlet hue to her magenta color.
  211. “Okie Dokie Lokie,” Drinkie chirped.
  213. Rainbow flew out the window and into the night sky while Drinkie opted to spring down the stairs and pronk out the door before taking to the sky with a flourish of loop-de-loos and barrel rolls. Fluttershy crawled out her window and fixed her eyes on her destination before her eyes lost their hue and she took off to the boutique.
  216. Rainbow Bite landed atop the weathervane on Applejack’s barn, her black silhouette casting a long shadow across the ground. The light was here, inside the dark house before her. Sniffing the air, the smell of fresh apple cider acted as a guide and as she floated across the yard and to the window of Applejack. Rainbow licked her lips, and tapped on the window and could barely contain her glee when it carelessly opened. Refusing to cross the threshold, Rainbow looked at her sleeping meal and swallowed.
  218. “Applejack…” Rainbow called, “Psst...Applejack!”
  220. The mare jerked, stirring from her slumber.
  222. “Yo, wake up. I need to ask you something,” Rainbow said.
  224. Applejack looked at Rainbow, bleary eyed and still tired before kicking the covers off.
  226. “Can I come in?” Rainbow asked, watching Applejack get up.
  228. Applejack stumbled from her bed and across the room, shaking her head. Rainbow watched as the apple farmer closed the window harshly on Rainbow, hitting the vampiric pony in the nose, before locking it and walking back to her bed. Rainbow scoffed, her lips pursing in anger when she floated down to the ground. Rainbow’s stomach growled, her body feeling colder by the second.
  230. “Come on Applejack! I only want to talk! Maybe grab a late night snack! What the hay is wrong with you!” Rainbow yelled, her voice echoing in the yard. “Aren’t you my friend? I thought you were, but if your just gonna be selfish and stay cooped up in your house I guess I’ll have to find somepony else to hangout with!”
  232. The window to Applejack’s bedroom remained dark but all the corrupted ponies caterwauling had gotten the notice of at least one resident. A light in another room flicked on and when the window opened Applebloom popped her head out to look at Rainbow with the same tired eyes Applejack had.
  234. “Applebloom! Hey squirt, think maybe you could send your sister out here for me?” Rainbow asked.
  236. A boot flying at her was Rainbow’s answer, Quickly dodging the projectile, Rainbow scowled at the filly.
  238. “What was that for?!” Rainbow yelled.
  240. “I can’t believe it...Again?” Applebloom muttered before closing her window.
  242. The light remained on and Rainbow Bite paced back and forth in front of the rustic fortress. She knew she couldn’t enter without permission but she needed to get Applejack...Her eyes lit up and Rainbow looked at her surroundings before spotting her tool of choice. Flying to a barrel of apples, Rainbow wrapped her forehooves around and lifted it with supernatural strength. Spreading her wings and taking to the sky once more Rainbow circled the barn a few times before turning and angling herself for Applejack’s window. Dive bombing the glass she pulled away but let the barrel continue course as it blew through the glass, The crash alerted Applejack’s dog, Winona, who started to bark like she had gone mad and all the lights turned on in the house.
  244. “That got their attention,” Rainbow said, taking refuge in a tree.
  246. “Dash! What in tarnation is wrong with you?!” Applejack yelled into the night as she came out of the house “You do some destructive things when this happens but nothin’ like this! Get out her and show yourself so I can tan your hide!”
  248. Rainbow didn’t comply, instead giving the applemare a rude gesture before plucking an apple from the tree she was in and drinking it dry. Applejack went to the barn and picked the rake up, holding at the ready to strike and began to walk to the tree line. Rainbow watched her meal as she entered the orchard, keeping to the canopy and hidden, draining another apple of it’s contents before holding it over the mare below.
  250. Applejack suddenly turned, throwing the rake up into the tree and nailing Rainbow in the chin with the flat part of the tool. Stunned, both her and the shriveled apple fell from the tree only one of them managing to correct themselves and land with any sort of grace.
  252. “” Rainbow began, glaring at the smirking farmer before the rake fell, catching the vampire pony, once more, in the skull with the sharp prongs of the tool.
  254. “Haha! Hoo-wee, ain’t that just the most damage I’ve ever done?” Applejack asked, rhetorically.
  256. Rainbow felt rage in her chest, breathing deep she spit the numerous apple seeds in her cheek at Applejack with all she had. Applejack’s boisterous laughing was cut short when she felt her skin getting pelted by high impact apple seed, each one feeling like a pin entering her skin. Rainbow closed in on her defensive prey as she tried to fight through the pain and find cover from the onslaught of seeds.
  258. When she was close enough Rainbow grabbed Applejack's tail and stuffed the end of it in her mouth. Rainbow slurped hard and pulled Applejack up off the ground and in to air as if she weighed nothing more than pasta noodle. Applejack’s back legs landed firmly in Rainbow’s gulle lt and a swallow brought the predator to the cusp of those thick, staunch thighs. Rainbow’s hooves clasped Applejack's hips and stuffed the mare down into her throat, her teeth digging into flesh and coat.
  260. “Ow! Con’sarnit Dash, could you be a little more gentle?” Applejack yelled.
  262. Applejack got her answer in the form of another heavy gulp and another bite right underneath her equally thick rump. Rainbow’s jaw hurt from the stretch she was putting it through but thankfully Applejack wasn't putting up that much of a fight, oddly enough most of the squirming seemed to be her finding a comfortable position. Rainbow growled and when she opened her jaws again and gulped down Applejack’s rump she switched her swallowing rhythm from heavy, long gulps to short, quick swallows, punctuating each swallow with a harsh bite. Applejack moaned in pain and grit her teeth. Applejack glared down at her dark friend and grabbed Rainbow by chin and ponytail.
  264. “Ya’ll wanna play rough? Alright, lets see how you like this!” Applejack said, tears of pain welling up in her eyes.
  266. With all her strength, Applejack yanked up on Rainbow and pushed herself into Rainbows throat and belly. The sudden expansion of her throat, the friction of flesh yet unladen with lubricating saliva and her rapid descent caused Rainbow to simultaneously convulse, scream in pain and fall over all at once. Applejack hit the ground with a thud and looked back at Rainbow, now up to her chest in the mares gullet. Rainbow recovered shortly after and bit down again.
  268. “Yeow! Rainbow, stop that!” Applejack demanded.
  270. A mouthful of pony gave the hungry mare no choice but to repeat the rude gesture from earlier and repeat her swallow and bite. Applejack had just about enough and stuffed her friends jaws full of her front hooves, leaving just her shoulders and head outside the maw. Rainbow could feel the hooves moving around in her maw, finding purchase just behind her teeth. Rainbow was forcibly dragged up the rest of Applejack’s body, as if Applejack was were slipping into a wet, warm sleeping bag and subjecting Rainbow to another round of painful feeding.
  272. “There, how do you like them apples?” Applejack sounded off from the entrance of Rainbow’s throat.
  274. Tears welled up in Rainbow’s eyes as she laid on her expanding belly. Her throat felt like it was on fire and Applejack’s malicious compliance with being food wasn’t making it any better, feeling the apple farmers continued rush to squirm down her throat and onto her hips. Rainbow rolled over onto her back, her belly sloshing and swaying with pudge. Her thighs were as every bit as blessed with thickness that Applejack’s were, if a little fattier. Swallowing a few times to try and reduce the burn in her throat, Rainbow looked at the moon and rubbed her pudgy gut idly.
  276. “Well...that sucked,” Rainbow said in a rough voice.
  280. Outside of Twilight’s castle, Drinkie Pie lurked. A crazed grin spread across her face, Drinkie flew across to each window, looking for any sign of Twilight in her castle and squealing loudly when she saw her in her study, the noise immediately drew Twilight’s attention.
  282. “Pinkie?” Twilight asked, spotting the hovering mare just outside her third story window “Oh! It’s that time of year again isn’t it?”
  284. Drinkie watched as Twilight approached the window and opened it, giving her vampiric friend a spot to land. Face to face, Drinkie looked quizzically at Twilight’s confident smirk and only returned it.
  286. “Twilight!” Drinkie said, drawing out the silence afterwards “I want to show you a neat trick...may I...come in,”
  288. “Please do,” Twilight answered, stepping to the side and waving the obvious threat in.
  290. Drinkie flew in, twisting in air and landing on top of a bookshelf. Looking at Twilight and licking her lips and spotting spike in the corner sleeping.
  292. “So, Pinkie. Do you remember anything before tonight?” Twilight asked.
  294. Drinkie didn’t answer and Twilight looked up to where she had landed only to find that her guest had disappeared. Twilight quickly scanned the room and reached for a bag next to her stand; it was, after all, dangerous to let a predator out of your sight for too long.
  296. “Yoo-hoo! Twilight! Ready for the trick?” Drinkie called, drawing Twilight’s attention to the corner where Spike lay sleeping.
  298. Twilight watched as Drinkie produced a black and white striped blanket from the sleeve of her coat before tossing it over the sleeping dragon. Waving her hooves in a mocking, mystical fashion Drinkie looked at Twilight with a crazed grin.
  300. “Ooogey, boogie one, two, three!” Drinkie chanted before grabbing the checkered blanket.
  302. In the blink of an eye, the basket was revealed to be empty and Drinkie erupted into hysterical laughter.
  304. “Neat trick, ain’t it? Haha-urp!” Drinkie cried, belching and smacking a belly that was a little rounder.
  306. “Seen it…” Twilight said.
  308. Drinkie stopped laughing.
  310. “What?”
  312. “ do this every year. Fluttershy goes all batty, eats you, eats Rainbow then you come here and eat me then feed me to Fluttershy. When Fluttershy comes to the castle to claim her ‘throne’ the Tree of Harmony gets wiggy and separates all of us from Fluttershy,” Twilight explained. “It’s been happening for...what? Six years now?”
  314. Drinkie was stunned.
  316. “’ve seen my act before?” Drinkie asked.
  318. “Yes,” Twilight answered.
  320. “So...the grand finale-”
  322. “Would be pointless to do...It’s not a surprise, you aren’t special, what your are going through is just a phase,”
  324. “It’s not a phase Twilight! This is who I am!” Drinkie snarled.
  326. Drinkie leapt at Twilight, mouth open and fangs bared. Twilight flung herself to the side, dodging the hungry mare and opened the bag she was holding, flinging the contents inside at Drinkie. Sprinkles showered Drinkie, the colorful decorations catching her attention as the spilled across the floor. The array of colors awoke a compulsion in Drinkie, the little confection toppers were numerous but how numerous was the only question in Drinkie’s mind. Twilight was delighted when she saw Drinkie’s attention drawn hopelessly to the sprinkles, picking each individual one up and gathering them into a pile.
  328. “One...two...three...four…” Drinkie counted, unable to break her concentration on the task of counting.
  330. “About time I found a weakness...How about we try something different this year?” Twilight said.
  332. Licking her lips, Twilight lifted Drinkie with her magic and watch her scrabble in mid-air. Drinkie’s attention was so riveted on the sprinkles that she didn’t even give a moment of notice to Twilight as she began eating her, her hind hooves sliding effortlessly into her mouth. The constant fidgeting to escape her magic was troublesome but as more and more of Drinkie was fed into Twilight’s mouth, she passed her grip from magic to muscle. Thighs squished together as they passed across Twilight’s mouth and bulged out her throat and still Drinkie couldn’t break her fixation on counting the sprinkles on the floor.
  334. “Thirteen. Thirteen. Thirteen,” Drinkie droned, even as a crawling warmth reached her cinched belly.
  335. Twilight revved up her magic and shred Drinkie’s costume, noting how fat Spike had made her when her belly was no longer confined by the decorative cinch. All the same, Drinkie was stuffed, swallowed and eaten, her belly filling out as inch after inch of the vampiric mare was packed into the growing belly of the princess she was meant to eat. The curls of Drinkie’s mane were flattened and her sight of the sprinkles were framed by a row of teeth above and below.
  337. “Thirteen. Thirteen. Thirteen.” Drinkie continued before Twilight swallowed a few more times.
  339. Kicking her head back and muffling Drinkie’s chanting, Twilight finished devouring the gothic clown. Her belly was large, stuffed and lumpy, a muffled sound emanating from within the princess.
  341. “Note to self,” Twilight said, “Put Spike on a diet,”
  343. Twilight pulled a few books down from her shelves and began to look through them while her meal got comfy in her belly.
  345. “Now...where was that spell?” Twilight said.
  350. Rainbow Bite flew down to Carousel Boutique and landed in front of the open door. Fluttershy came out, meeting her spawn with a thicker, heavier frame. Her dress was open at the midriff, allowing her now swinging gut to sway side to side as she walked, the length of the dress was shortened, the tattered edges redone in favor of silken ruffles. Her victorian blouse was gone, a more high class design that left her breast bare for all to see her next meal slide down with no hindrance.
  352. “ much that get up run you?” Rainbow asked.
  354. “A one way trip to belly,” Fluttershy answered, slapping her hanging gut.
  356. “Sounds like a deal,” Rainbow commented, wryly.
  358. “You would know...did you get me my light?” Fluttershy asked.
  360. “Darn right I did,” Rainbow replied, drawing close to her mistress.
  362. Rainbow locked lips with Fluttershy, letting out a soft sigh of contentment. The kiss deepened, Fluttershy grabbing Rainbow by her ponytail and leaning her back aggressively while Rainbow cradled and stroked her mistresses thick gut that continued to grow. Rainbows own figure slimmed out as she fed the vampire lord her catch, the weight gain undeniable as Fluttershy fattened, her own weight a bit too heavy for her to carry. With a heavy thud, Fluttershy sat down as the warmth of Applejack flowed into her body, five friends all in one, all together. When all of Applejack was locked away in her final place Fluttershy broke the kiss and let Rainbow fall backwards.
  364. “You are dismissed, Rainbow Bite. Your hard work rewarded with joining your friends in my belly,” Fluttershy said.
  366. “Thank you, mistress,” Rainbow said.
  368. Rainbows body glowed with a blue hue that engulfed her form in only seconds. Bursting into a blue fire, a tendrils of fire leapt to Fluttershy's engorged gut and streamed into it, though no weight was gathered on the vampire lords form like with the others. Inside Fluttershy could hear the voices of all her friends, talking. The warmth built in her center was comforting, as if she had gathered her friends around a campfire that had only been a few embers last night. Rubbing all her chub she tried her best to discern which part of her body the voices were coming from but finding it difficult.
  370. “Well...aren't you looking husky they Fluttershy,” Twilight said.
  372. Fluttershy snapped her attention to Twilight who was looking a little hearty herself, Drinkie was little more than a pair of love handles and ass fat on the princess of friendship. Fluttershy's eyes turned red and she launched herself forward only to find her weight was more of an impediment than she bargained for.
  374. “Aww...too heavy? Probably from gorging on my friends. Pinkie Pie is terribly fattening you know. It's all the cupcakes she eats,” Twilight said.
  376. Fluttershy tried to move quicker, her unholy strength only doing so much for a mare whose original strength was pitiful. Twilight took to the air and kept her distance, looking down at the fat vampire.
  378. “Did Rarity crawl down your throat again? I bet she did. I bet she seasoned herself for you too. Was she tasty?” Twilight taunted “She probably went right to that rump of yours…”
  380. Fluttershy tried to take to the air, her leathery wings spreading wider than ever and fangs bared, each one like a butcher's knife in her mouth. Flapping hard only lifted the rotund mare a few feet before coming to a stumbling landing. Twilight watched as attempt after attempt was made by the vampire pony to fly, meanwhile she charged her own spell. Pulling energy from around her and from within, Twilight concentrated on the way the spell would be cast.
  382. “This will be the last year we end up in Fluttershy's belly,” Twilight silently swore.
  384. The beam of light the erupted from Twilight's horn was bright enough to light up the street and then some. Fluttershy was lifted and drawn upwards to Twilight, her form stretched and spaghettified as every ounce of her was absorbed into the source the spell, Twilight's horn. The effects on Twilight were quickly noticeable. Her thighs, belly, rump and more fattened as the weight of all five if her friends and Spike was added to her own.
  386. When the spell finished and the light faded all that was left was a red hot point at the tip of Twilight's horn and very plump, very tired princess. Twilight landed and her pendulous gut tapped the ground with its weight, and she breathed out a sigh of relief.
  388. “Alright...let's get back to the castle,” Twilight said, waddling forward a few steps “and let's get the Tree of Harmony to do its thing,”
  390. The trip back home was slow but the occasional use of a teleport made it easier to get Twilight to her destination. It was hours before Twilight made it to the map room of the castle and with one more well placed teleport she dropped, rump first, into her marked chair and rubbed her portly belly before leaning back and looking up.
  392. “Now...just gotta wait and let the...Tree of Harmony…” Twilight said, yawning and nodding off.
  394. When next Twilight woke she was greeted with purple expanse of her wide gut. Twilight sat up and looked around at the empty map room the horrible realization dawning on her as she looked back at her churned up friends and then at the empty chairs.
  396. “You gotta be a vampire-pony,” Twilight muttered, face-palming.
  398. Twilight sat silent, idly rubbing her gut, her failure as heavy her figure.
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