

Feb 5th, 2019
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  1. You hear the door to the north being unlocked.
  2. The door to the north is opened from the other side.
  3. Toz arrives from the north.
  4. He is followed by a mahogany warhound.
  5. Toz closes the door to the north.
  6. Toz locks the north door.
  8. Toz removes a masked, gold-laced helm with a cracked horn.
  10. Toz leans in close and lightly kisses his lips to yours.
  12. Toz gives a simple book to you.
  14. Toz Aquila-Seirath says, "There's more I didn't get to yet, but I didn't want you thinking I forgot."
  16. You smile wryly.
  18. You lean over and lightly kiss your lips to Toz's.
  20. Toz tenderly reaches out to cup your cheek in his hand.
  22. You have emoted: "Thanks." Tatia murmurs while turning her glance back towards the fire until her face is touched.
  24. With a nod to you, Toz lifts his hand up and rests it on your shoulder, squeezing tight. "You okay?"
  26. You have emoted: Tatia pushes a smile forward and nods up at Toz, clutching the book to her side. "Always." she tells Toz, swaying her hip to bump Toz lightly.
  28. Hand dropping from your shoulder to your far hip, Toz keeps you against him a moment. He nods and leans in, kissing your cheek first, then you lips, before straightening.
  30. You have emoted: Tatia smiles softly at the kiss to her cheek, returning the soft kiss to her lips. As Toz straightens, she exhales lightly. "Plans for the rest of you week?" she asks softly.
  32. "Going to rest soon," Toz admits to you. "I'm...tired, lately." He makes a face, frowning slightly, but shakes it off, continuing to linger beside you. "Maybe you'll tuck me in?"
  34. You have emoted: Tatia squints her eyes up at Toz's frown, tilting her head slightly but not pressing. "Of course I will." she tells Toz, leaning over slightly to wrap her arms around him.
  36. With a nod to you, Toz leans down and presses more firm of a kiss to you lips, turning and pulling your form in against his own, both hands holding your hips.
  38. You have emoted: Tatia tilts her chin up to meet Toz's lips with her own, her eyebrow lifting slightly after it breaks. "Are you okay?" she wonders to Toz.
  40. "I am," Toz assures you, pulling back to meet your gaze with a soft smile. "Just a lot going on. I'm going to be fine." He squeezes your hips, bumping against you lightly.
  42. You have emoted: Seeming a bit reluctant, Tatia eventually nods slowly up at Toz, mirroring the small smile. "Cryptic." she says with a slight smirk. "We are just a lively pair this week." she adds with a soft laugh, tensing her grip around Toz's waist briefly.
  44. Chuckling a little, Toz tells you, "You missed me being lively, with all the neckdragging I've been doing." He winks and clacks his teeth at you, leaning down a little towards you neck, straightening soon after. "Emir also started a war with the Dominion, I suspect."
  46. You have emoted: Tatia sighs loudly and drops her head forward so her forehead rests against Toz's chest. "Great. What does that mean for Spinesreach?" she questions with her head still down. "You'll have to give me a repeat performance to show me your neckdragging prowess." she adds on, lifting her head just enough so her icy gaze peers up at Toz.
  48. Grin turning distinctly toothy, Toz reaches up to ruffle at your hair, briefly, turning the touch into a slow, kneading massage of your scalp after. "Personal conflicts with a non-treatied organization?" he tells you, with glee barely buried, "I don't see how that's the city's problem."
  50. You have emoted: Tatia grumbles under her breath while Toz's hands kneed at her scalp. "For now, at least." she mutters quietly, her eyes falling closed and her head shifting back to rest against Toz's chest. Abruptly, she softly mentions, "The Sciomancer vote will be split considering my opponent."
  52. "I'm less pleased by the prospect of working with her," Toz concedes to you, lips twisting to one side. "I don't know how Teani will go. But I hope your work will speak for itself." He continues to knead at your hair, touch a little firmer, and he continues on, "It's good the city has choices, though."
  54. You have emoted: "I wished her luck all the same." Tatia reveals quietly. "I just want the city tended to and to thrive." With that, she lifts her head to look at Toz and smile. "The city will decide for themselves... I seem to remember having this conversation in reverse once upon a time."
  56. "Aye, well. I don't think the city has complaints, but that is going to change one of these days," Toz tells you with a crooked smile. He raises both of his hands and cups your cheeks, leaning in to peck at your lips once, very softly, before he draws back. "I think it's time I rested, my love."
  58. You have emoted: Tatia tilts her cheek in Toz's right hand as they both grip her cheek. She smiles warmly after the peck to her lips and nods. "Climb in bed and I will tuck you in proper." she says softly, nudging Toz lightly with her hip.
  60. With a nod and a fond smile, Toz moves back and steps to the bed. He tosses his coat aside, peels off his shirt, and then moves to settle into the bed, tossing a layer of furs over himself. He stretches out onto his back, chest lifting and shoulder blades pressing against the bed as he stretches. Once he goes slack again, he looks towards you expectantly.
  62. You have emoted: Tatia climbs up on the bed alongside Toz, crawling over him and leaning down to press her scarlet lips to his. She rests her weight against his chest in her usual place and smiles. "Pleasant dreams, Bam. I love you." she murmurs softly, leaning forward to nuzzle her face against Toz's neck.
  64. Tilting his head a little to welcome the touch, Toz cradles the back of your head. "Rest well when you go, Tat. I love you too," he tells you softly, eyes shutting peacefully and his hand falling away as he drifts off.
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