
Dry Bowser and Toadette's Casino Slide

Oct 8th, 2018
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  1. Dry Bowser and Toadette were out treasure tracking together, with Toadette farting as usual while Dry Bowser was busy looking at a map, when the duo came across a floating casino table, with the mushroom girl looking interested in the neon lights as the skeletal reptile was not impressed, with said casino being high in the night sky as they were in a grassy meadow, with the table being above the light rain that was dousing the meadow in wet nutrients.
  3. "I'm sure there's some money elsewhere, kid, let's not get sucked into this." Dry Bowser explained as he continued looking through the map, with it getting soaked alongside his soaked bones from the constant rain. "It's just a time waster."
  5. "Oh come on, DB!" Toadette whined to Dry Bowser as she shook her arms while puffing up her face cheeks. "It's a casino table in the sky! You know how rare it was to find something like that when I went adventuring by myself?"
  7. Dry Bowser: (rolls his eyes) You're going to drag me into this regardless of what I say, aren't you?
  9. Toadette: You know it, bonehead! (giggles mischievously)
  11. Dry Bowser was then grabbed by the collar by an eager Toadette, with the two going into a cannon that blasted them into the casino table. Toadette was eager to take another cannon to blast to the top, with Dry Bowser opting to take the slow way up as he went on the right side, looking to his side to see Toadette sliding down the neon lit table bumping into the bumpers. Eventually reaching the top, Dry Bowser sighed and placed his map away as he joined in sliding down the table, collecting the shining jewels that were spinning in midair, with Toadette immediately jumping back into the cannon to go back at the top, waving at Dry Bowser below her.
  13. "Isn't this so fun, man?" Toadette laughed as she landed right at the top, getting up on her feet after letting out a cute little poot.
  15. Dry Bowser reached the end as he felt some of his bones going out of his bony body, sighing as he collected them. "No, it really isn't..."
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