
What used to be Sophia Valmont

Feb 12th, 2017
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  2. <html>
  3. <body><br>Name: Sophia Valmont
  4. <br>Age: 1,529 (Appears in late twenties)
  5. <br>Race: Ancient Vampire
  6. <br>Status: Mated to Issac Magram
  7. <br>Hair: Brunette
  8. <br>Eyes: Emerald
  9. <br>Height: 5ft 7
  10. <br>Weight: 130lbs
  11. <br>Children: Five: Two females and three males.
  12. <br>Sire of children: Sir Issac Magram.
  13. <p>
  14. <b>Personality</b>
  15. <Br>Sophia is a very brave and skillful warrior who don't hesitate to fight in the first line with her soldiers. Sophia is a just and righteous ruler who cares for her people, who in return love and respect her. Of the three Elders she was the most noble and benevolent. As a mother, Sophia is found to be highly protective of the brood of she and Issac, yet quite devoted to her children who take after their father in their wolfen traits. Regardless of being a vampire and her children having taken blood of wolf, she adores them, teaches them and protects them with her life while their father is off fighting monsters. As a mate, Sophia is ever so very devoted and loyal to Issac. Don't bother attempting to hit on the woman, for she's quite skilled with a crossbow and would sooner skewer you through the eye with one of its arrows than let you touch her. .
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