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a guest
Oct 19th, 2018
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  2. COD: Cod
  3. DOLPHIN: Dolphin
  4. DROWNED: Drowned
  5. PHANTOM: Phantom
  6. PUFFERFISH: Pufferfish
  7. SALMON: Salmon
  8. TROPICAL_FISH: Tropical fish
  9. TURTLE: Turtle
  10. BAT: Bat
  11. BLAZE: Blaze
  12. CAVE_SPIDER: Cave spider
  13. CHICKEN: Chicken
  14. COW: Cow
  15. CREEPER: Creeper
  16. DONKEY: Donkey
  17. ELDER_GUARDIAN: Elder guardian
  18. ENDER_DRAGON: Ender dragon
  19. ENDERMAN: Enderman
  20. ENDERMITE: Endermite
  21. EVOKER: Evoker
  22. GHAST: Ghast
  23. GIANT: Giant
  24. GUARDIAN: Guardian
  25. HORSE: Horse
  26. HUSK: Husk
  27. IRON_GOLEM: Iron golem
  28. LLAMA: Llama
  29. MAGMA_CUBE: Magma cube
  30. MULE: Mule
  31. MUSHROOM_COW: Mushroom cow
  32. OCELOT: Ocelot
  33. PIG: Pig
  34. PIG_ZOMBIE: Pig zombie
  35. PARROT: Parrot
  36. PLAYER: Player
  37. POLAR_BEAR: Polar bear
  38. RABBIT: Rabbit
  39. SHEEP: Sheep
  40. SHULKER: Shulker
  41. SILVERFISH: Silverfish
  42. SKELETON: Skeleton
  43. SKELETON_HORSE: Skeleton horse
  44. SLIME: Slime
  45. SNOWMAN: Snowman
  46. SPIDER: Spider
  47. SQUID: Squid
  48. STRAY: Stray
  49. VEX: Vex
  50. VILLAGER: Villager
  51. VINDICATOR: Vindicator
  52. WITCH: Witch
  53. WITHER_SKELETON: Wither skeleton
  54. WOLF: Wolf
  55. ZOMBIE: Zombie
  56. ZOMBIE_HORSE: Zombie horse
  57. ZOMBIE_VILLAGER: Zombie villager
  58. GENERAL:
  59. PREFIX: ''
  60. CURRENCY: $
  61. YOU_KILLED_AN_ENTITY_AND_EARN_MONEY: '&7You killed a(n) entity (&a{0}&7, &a{1}&7).
  62. You earned &a${2}&7. Your damage was: &a{3}'
  63. YOU_KILLED_AN_ENTITY_AND_LOSE_MONEY: '&7You killed a(n) entity (&a{0}&7, &a{1}&7).
  64. You lost &a${2}&7. Your damage was: &a{3}'
  65. YOU_PICKED_UP_MONEY: '&7You picked up &a${0}&7.'
  66. CONFIGS_ARE_RELOADED: '&7Configs are reloaded'
  67. LIMIT_REACHED: '&aLimit reached. &7Limit will be reset after {0}'
  68. YOU_KILLED_A_PLAYER: '&7You killed a player (&a{0}&7). You earned &a${1}&7. Your
  69. damage was: &a{2}'
  70. YOU_KILLED_BY_PLAYER: '&7You were killed by players (&a{0}&7).'
  72. SET_NEW_MULTIPLIER_VALUE: '&7You set multiplier to &a{0}x&7. Time left: &a{1}'
  73. GET_CURRENT_MULTIPLIER: '&7Current multiplier value is &a{0}x&7. Time left: &a{1}'
  74. CANCEL_CUSTOM_MULTIPLIER: '&7You cancelled custom multiplier value. Set it to default
  75. value (&a1x&7)'
  76. THERE_IS_NOT_CUSTOM_MULTIPLIER_SET: '&7There is not custom multiplier set'
  77. THE_MULTIPLIER_MUST_BE_GREATER_THAN_ZERO: '&7The multiplier must be greater than
  78. 0'
  79. THE_MINUTE_MUST_BE_GREATER_THAN_ZERO: '&7The minute must be greater than 0'
  80. INVALID_VALUE: '&7Invalid value: Multiplier and minutes must be a positive number
  81. and greater than 0'
  83. SHARED_THIS_COMMAND_ONLY_USABLE_BY_PLAYER: '&7This command is only usable by player'
  84. SHARED_THIS_COMMAND_ONLY_USABLE_BY_CONSOLE: '&7This command is only usable by console'
  85. SHARED_YOU_HAVE_NOT_ENOUGH_PERMISSION: '&7You have not enough permission (&a{0}&7)'
  86. SHARED_INVALID_VALUE: '&7Invalid value: Must be on or off'
  87. KM_MESSAGES_ENABLED: '&7Kill messages &aenabled&7.'
  88. KM_MESSAGES_DISABLED: '&7Kill messages &cdisabled&7.'
  89. KM_MESSAGES_CURRENTLY_ENABLED: '&7The kill messages enabled. You can disable it
  90. with &a/km enable-messages off'
  91. KM_MESSAGES_CURRENTLY_DISABLED: '&7The kill messages disabled. You can enable it
  92. with &a/km enable-messages on'
  93. KMADMIN_LIMIT_RESET: '&7You reset all limit values to 0.'
  94. KMADMIN_COMMAND_MULTIPLIER_USAGE: '&7Usage: &a/km multiplier &7<&aset&7, &aget&7,
  95. &acancel&7>'
  96. KMADMIN_COMMAND_MULTIPLIER_SET_USAGE: '&7Usage: &a/km multiplier set &7<&amultiplier
  97. value&7> <&aminute&7>'
  98. KMADMIN_COMMAND_LIMIT_USAGE: '&7Missing parameter. Usage: &a/km limit reset'
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