
Maybe, in a previous life

Jan 19th, 2014
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  1. [19:48] <~Deedles> Taishin lifts a hand as Mingxia storms off, but lowers it again as she swiftly exited the house to the backgarden. He sighs and then turns to Shen "Could you go after her?" he asks
  2. [19:52] <Shen> Shen looks back at the man for a moment then silently nods. He still wasn't too fond of the man, but for now he understood. He gets up from his seat and walks the path that Mingxia took to exit the house.
  3. [19:53] <~Deedles> Shen would find Mingxia sat on a stone bench in the small garden, her face lowered towards the ground as her hands rested on her lap, clenched rather tightly into fists.
  4. [19:55] <Shen> Shen slows as he exits the house and sees Mingxia on the bench. At first he doesn't say anything, but with a short, noiseless sigh he approaches the young woman and takes a seat next to her. "Are you alright?" he asks her quietly.
  5. [19:56] <~Deedles> Mingxia sighs, relaxing her hands a bit as she shakes her head "No..." she answers honestly
  6. [19:58] <Shen> Shen nods, appreciating the upfront answer. "Are you concerned for Taishin?" he asks, just as honestly.
  7. [20:00] <~Deedles> "Yeah." She replies, shifting her face towards him slightly. "He's looked out for me this entire time, and yet I can do nothing to help him... I feel so useless." she confesses, her eyes watering.
  8. [20:03] <Shen> "So far, myself and my comrades have ventured from one side of the country to the other and you are by far the kindest person I have met." he consoles, not in an attempt to cheer her up but it was something he had been wishing to express to her for a while. "The way I heard it, you've treated Taishin in the same way as Jian." he twists his head slightly as he meets her gaze. "I'd say that's something."
  9. [20:05] <~Deedles> Even though it wasn't meant to cheer her up his words make her smile faintly "It's the least I can do." she says, one of her hands coming up to push back some of her hair. "I just... feel really uncomfortable with the idea that I'm gonna be taken somewhere where I'll be nice, snug and safe, while he..." she trails off as she blinks away some tears.
  10. [20:08] <Shen> Shen chuckles a little at the idea. "And yet, do you really think Taishin is the kind of person to sit still and live a quiet life?" he asks her. "Just as you are the kindest I have met, he is by far the most able when it comes to looking after himself... even moreso than myself." he admits a little reluctantly.
  11. [20:10] <~Deedles> "I know... Even if he could come to the village I know that he wouldn't like it there, he goes stir-crazy when he stays in one place too long." Mingxia admits, laughing slightly even though she doesn't look happy about it. "I just have to trust that he'll be okay, but knowing about how powerless he is before the Emperor.... I worry everytime he has to go to Jinlong."
  12. [20:14] <Shen> Shen's face turns a little grim at the subject. "It is true that the Emperor must be powerful to exist for such a time and to hold control of a nation, but sometimes when one becomes arrogant they become clouded, they fail to see the things closest to them. You are right to believe in him."
  13. [20:14] <Shen> his face sheds the grim demeanor and flourishes with a spark of resolve so common to Shen. "If anything, do this for Taishin so we can eventually free him from his father."
  14. [20:17] <~Deedles> Mingxia glances at Shen, studying his chi, and the emotions it radiate, before she smiles and nods. "I will. Taishin's told me many times that keeping me safe is the only way he could ensure that his father can be overthrown and destroyed. I know he wants me to go, so I will..." she bites her lower lip.
  15. [20:30] <Shen> "I can't imagine the burden you must hold." he says sympathetically. "...but now that we've found you, the Storm Dragons will return to your side. For that I am truly thankful." he places a gentle hand on her back. "Just being safe brings hope to many people and in time we'll slowly restore the world. Whoever you wish to protect, we will do so. Without question... Even Taishin."
  16. [20:35] <~Deedles> Mingxia blinks just sitting there speechless for a moment before she leans in to hug him tightly, leaning her forehead against his shoulder "Thank you, so much..." she says quietly "I've always known of my heritage, but now when it's all getting moving I... I'm just so scared. I don't know how to lead people, only heal them." she confesses
  17. [20:40] <Shen> "Maybe you will find that both things are not so different. This world needs healing and so do its people." he says as he chuckles at her sudden hug, patting her on her back awkwardly in silence. "As for politics... Let's say that's not exactly my specialty, but the elders will know what to do, they will teach you what you need to know. It will be up to you to decide what you wish to fix, what you wish this world to become."
  18. [20:43] <~Deedles> Mingxia holds the hug for a bit, it's not so much affectionate as it is that she just needs the support. "That's a lot of responsibility..." she says quietly before she slowly pulls away. "I worry about choosing wrong, making bad decisions...But..." she straightens herself as she looks at him again. "As you said, the Elders should be able to help me understand better."
  19. [20:46] <Shen> Shen sighs as he thinks back to the village. "The elders can be troublesome, they are old and very stubborn, but they are also very wise. I have no doubt that when we come back with you they will lighten up a bit."
  20. [20:47] <~Deedles> "We can hope so..." Mingxia says before she tilts her head to the side "You looking forward to going home again?" she asks with a soft smile
  21. [20:50] <Shen> "Excited and nervous." he says after a few moments pause at the suprise of the unexpected question. "I have a lot to tell them, both good an bad." he sighs again looking around the garden as he thinks. "But there are others I wish to see again, both new and old faces. People I'm sure you'd get along with." he says, looking back at her with a smile.
  22. [20:53] <~Deedles> Her smile widens slightly "I'm sure I'll be fine. It will be nice to meet your family, not just because they're Storm Dragons though." she admits
  23. [20:58] <Shen> He leans back slightly at that. "I'd imagine you'd get along with my sister well. Just don't let her teach you any of her bad habits." he snuffed. "And my brother is a good man, even if he does take everything a bit *too* seriously." he laughs quietly as nostalgic thoughts creep into his mind. "As for my father..." he trails off, his expression retreats slowly. "Well, you'll meet him too."
  24. [21:01] <~Deedles> Mingxia lays a gentle hand on his shoulder "I take it you two don't see eye to eye?" she inquires, very carefully, making it obvious that she will drop it if asked.
  25. [21:05] <Shen> "It's complicated." he dismisses as he looks thoughtful. "But I think I am beginning to understand some things about him."
  26. [21:06] <~Deedles> She nods slowly, giving his shoulder a light squeze before she removes her hand. "That's good... I hope things will be better when you meet again." she tells him softly
  27. [21:38] <Shen> "Who knows." he replies with a hint of skepticism. "He's a busy man, and I am becoming the same." Regardless, his face forms a feint smile. "There's still a lot left to do."
  28. [21:47] <~Deedles> "There most definetly is..." Mingxia agrees, her expression turning contemplative "I'm sad that I can't help you in whatever comes next, but I guess I have my own things to do."
  29. [21:53] <Shen> Shen nods in agreement. "We all have our own part in this, one way or another. I'll find out the next step when we head back to the mountain, as will you. Though I know where I'm going will not be a place meant for you."
  30. [21:56] <~Deedles> "Yeah, I have my own path to walk." Mingxia looks down at her lap, her lips quirking into a smile as she tries not to look sad.
  31. [22:05] <Shen> Shen watches her for a moment, then pokes her in the side of the head. "There's no need to be sad, idiot." he sighs as the forced smile fails to convince him. "One of the strongest things about friendship and family is that even when you're away from them, you still carry them in your heart. Wherever you go, they are there with you."
  32. [22:09] <~Deedles> Mingxia blushes at that, her hands coming up to fiddle with one of her bangs as she laughs slightly "I know. I'll miss everyone though, and knowing what lies ahead of me..." she bites her lower lip "It feels... lonely, and yet, I feel stupid for feeling that way and pitying myself because I know Taishin's situation is so much worse."
  33. [22:27] <Shen> "Do not pity him, either. The decisions he has made up until now, the situation he is in, is because he wishes to protect you. That is his choice." Shen wasn't angry, but his voice was stern. "You owe him more than to pity him."
  34. [22:30] <~Deedles> "I don't, not really, I just worry, because I care. I wish I could help him, but up until now it's always been him helping me." Mingxia replies quietly
  35. [22:35] <Shen> "Because he has the strength to do so now." Shen replies, catching his stern voice and holding it back. "And one day you will too, maybe not in the same way, but much more so. You will be able to return the favour many times over, but not just for him, for everyone."
  36. [22:37] <~Deedles> Mingxia falls silent, contemplating his words before she nods slowly, a faint smile forming on her face. "I hope you're right. I really want to."
  37. [22:42] <Shen> "Maybe I am right, maybe I am not. It all depends on you." he glances sideways at her. "It is not just in battle that resolve defines a person. You must decide, deep within yourself what it is that you want. So deep that nothing in this plane of existence can get in your way." Shen chuckles faintly. "Like Taishin's resolve for protecting you."
  38. [22:45] <~Deedles> Mingxia lifts a hand to push back her hair slightly "I..." she trails off, looking thoughtful. "I know what I want, and I will keep moving forward towards it. It's just daunting..." she confesses
  39. [22:48] <Shen> "You have to learn to conquer that fear." Shen nods, understanding exactly what she meant. "If you approach something with only half a heart, you will only betray yourself at the last moment. I have no doubt you are capable of it, the kindness you show to others is an example of that."
  40. [22:51] <~Deedles> She sits there for a moment before she turns to him slightly, smiling warmly. "Thank you. You're quite kind yourself, Shen." she pauses as she lifts a hand to her lip, giggling faintly. "It feels strange, I barely know you, and yet I feel like I can speak quite freely."
  41. [22:54] <Shen> Shen looked at her awkwardly, though he smiled. "Maybe once, long ago, our ancestors sat like this too and discussed many things. It is a strange feeling."
  42. [22:56] <~Deedles> "I'd like to hope so. I really do wish for us to be friends." Mingxia tells him sincerely with a hopeful smile.
  43. [23:08] <Shen> "We already are." Shen pipes with a laugh. "Though I'll warn you now, I have been known to be quite troublesome."
  44. [23:09] <~Deedles> Mingxia giggles "You? Troublesome?" she smiles "Somehow that doesn't surprise me." she says
  45. [23:15] <Shen> "What's that supposed to mean?" he objects, feigning indignation, though his demeanor full of humour.
  46. [23:17] <~Deedles> She smiles playfully "Taishin is the same, and you two are kind similar... Not to mention, from the way you spoke in the tea house I got the feeling you're a bit of a smartass." she says, prodding his shoulder as she laughs faintly in good-nature.
  47. [23:26] <Shen> "That may be so..." he sighs dejection as he leans back again on the bench. "I do have a talent for riling up the wrong people, but at least Taishin didn't bite." he hmphs. "Talking of the Tea shop, I'm thankful for what you did." he says soberly, almost out of nowhere. "It was reckless of you, but if you hadn't of stepped in when you did, who knows what state Jian would be in now."
  48. [23:30] <~Deedles> Mingxia blushes faintly, a hand coming up to rub the back of her head lightly as she bites her lower lip. "I couldn't just sit by when he was doing that to himself. I had to help... I could sense how quickly his chi was draining from him, and if Shin had fought him any longer, even though he attempted to pacify him and not kill him, Jian would of died as a consequence."
  49. [23:35] <Shen> Shen nodded faintly, more to himself than the blind one. "I know. I should of intervened much sooner rather than allowing you to risk yourself because of it." he rubs his sore eyes with one of his hands. "I was so focused on the task at hand that by the time I noticed what was happening it was much too late."
  50. [23:37] <~Deedles> "You shouldn't blame yourself, if you'd intervened he would of probably attacked you too, and felt much worse when he finally came to his senses. I had to use my own chi to calm him down. It was dangerous, but I wouldn't hesitate to do the same thing time and time again." Mingxia tells him with a gentle, but determined, expression.
  51. [23:41] <Shen> "You are right." he admits as he plonks a hand on his head. "And that's exactly why I believe in you so much." though he doesn't feel all too convinced. "My comrades mean a lot to me, maybe more than they will ever really understand, so if anything happens to them I will only blame myself for letting it happen."
  52. [23:46] <~Deedles> She tilts her head to the side as she smiles "Showing someone how much you care for them can be rather difficult." she entwines her fingers as her hands rest on her lap, adding in a soft tone. "Thank you though, for believing in me..."
  53. [23:53] <Shen> "We can't all be good at everything." he concedes with a faint, humourless chuckle as he leans forward with a stretch. "You should probably talk with Taishin, you know."
  54. [23:55] <~Deedles> Mingxia looks down at the ground as she nods "I know... I do want to talk to him before he heads off, and knowing him that'll be soon."
  55. [00:03] <Shen> "Then go and do so." he encourages.
  56. [00:05] <~Deedles> She nods before she slowly stands "I shall." she says, beginning to walk away before she pauses to turn back to him, smiling sweetly "Thank you, Shen. You're a really good friend."
  57. [00:08] <Shen> "You're not so bad yourself, your Highness." he quips back playfully, once again leaning back on the bench so that he can stare up at the sky.
  58. [00:11] <~Deedles> Mingxia blushes at the title "I guess... I'll have to get used to that." she says quietly before she heads inside.
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