
FEF10: Levi van de Aardemar (GiglameshDespair)

Jun 26th, 2022 (edited)
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  1. Name: Levi van de Aardemar
  2. Class: Anima Trainee -> Tactician -> summin
  3. Character Specific Skill: Charisma
  4. Affinity: Thunder
  5. Personal Fault: Demisight: -15 eva at range 1
  6. Personal Skill: Storm Butterfly: At range 3, +2 MAG
  7. //Personal Skill: Tempestous Sky: +10 Hit and EVA against flying
  8. ////Personal Skill: TBD
  10. Preferred Stats: SKL, MAG
  12. Weapon profs: Anime (E)
  14. Level: 3
  15. Total: 3
  17. Progression spent: 330%
  19. HP: 16 (40%)
  20. STR: 0 (0%)
  21. MAG: 4 (50%)
  22. SKL: 5 (50%)
  23. LCK: 2 (40%)
  24. DEF: 2 (50%)
  25. RES: 5 (50%)
  26. SPD: 4 (50%)
  28. CON: 3
  29. AID: 2
  30. MOV: 4
  32. Character creation: +2 DEF, +2 RES
  33. Trainee lvl2: +MAG, +DEF, +SPD
  34. Trainee lvl3: +MAG, +LCK, +SPD
  36. Current Stats:
  38. HP: 16 (40%)
  39. STR: 0 (0%)
  40. MAG: 6 (50%)
  41. SKL: 5 (50%)
  42. LCK: 3 (40%)
  43. DEF: 5 (50%)
  44. RES: 7 (50%)
  45. SPD: 5 (50%)
  47. CON: 3
  48. AID: 2
  49. MOV: 4
  51. Inventory:
  52. Name Type () RNG MT WT CR Hit QL
  53. Wind Wind (E)2-3 3 4 0 90 30/40 [E]
  54. Elthunder Thnr (D)1-2 7 7 5 65 35/35
  55. Vulnerary (1)
  56. Tonic (3)
  57. Concoction (3)
  59. Battle Stats (Wind):
  60. AT: 9
  61. Hit: 101
  62. AS: 6 - (4-{3+0}=1) = 5
  63. Eva: 13
  64. Crt: 2
  65. DG: 3
  67. Battle Stats (Elthunder):
  68. AT: 13
  69. Hit: 76
  70. AS: 6 - (7-{3+0}=4) = 2
  71. Eva: 7
  72. Crt: 7
  73. DG: 3
  75. Bio:
  77. A graceful - indeed, downright feminine - looking young man. Much of his face is typically hidden by a hat pulled down low and bandages, hiding a grisly patch of scar tissue that left him blind in one eye.
  79. Born to a Tatillian baron, as a third son he had little chance of inheriting anyway, even if he wasn't considered as an unworthy heir for his fragile nature, complete lack of skill with the swords of nobility, and accidental disabling. As a child, he gravitated towards books and magic rather than the heavy armour and couched lances favoured by his father and brothers. This led to his accident - self-studying by himself, he accidentally caused a plume of flame from a fire tome, searing much of his face and burning down the family library.
  81. As a consequence, he was sent away. Seeing an oppotunity to kill two birds with one stone, he was fostered by the van de Wachttoren family to improve relations between the two noble houses. One might consider him a strange match for the vigorous, lively Cecilia, but they matched surprisingly well, Levi providing at least part of her reputation for forming strange friendships. As children, Levi often came up with the escapades they got into - and Cecilia provided the trouble.
  83. Now they're older, but their friendship has remained tight. With his father having little interest with him returning, he's stayed at Cecilia's side, doing his best to ignore any rumours that have started as a result.
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