
Predator de-limbing Dillion

Mar 15th, 2024
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  1. The alien had leaped aside, and as the dust and leaves were flying in a hundred directions it activated its weapon, seeming to erupt it from its arm, then hurling the spear at Dillon. It slashed easily through the black man’s upper arm, severing it above the elbow. The bloody appendage, its nerves tingling as if it were still attached to his body, landed on the ground ten feet away. It flinched and jerked, and the hand still gripping the trigger fired a last round of bullets into the sky.
  3. Dillon screamed in agony as blood gushed from the stump left dangling from his shoulder. Yet with his good arm he still managed to fire the second gun, shouting crazily as he swung it in the direction of the creature. Yet his vision was blurred by the pain, and like Hawkins before him he hit nothing but trees. Even as he fired uselessly the alien recoiled its weapon and hurled it at Dillon’s abdomen, which burst open as if sliced by a samurai sword. Eyes popping, with one last gasp of frustrated rage, Dillon lurched over dead. His smooth manicured bureaucrat’s finger uncurled from the trigger, and no one at Langley would ever know that their desk man had died in heroic combat.
  6. The Predator (1987 novelization), chapter 15
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