
Tacosteady Session 3

Jan 23rd, 2014
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  1. [22:06] <Taco_DM> Alright so!
  2. [22:06] <Taco_DM> Last time you guys met what could be an incubutt dressed as a maid!
  3. [22:06] <Taco_DM> Then fought a gray ooze monster and killed it with fire
  4. [22:06] <Taco_DM> And are now taking a much deserved break, seemingly being tented by said maid incubutt.
  5. [22:07] <Kei> How long did we rest for, exactly?
  6. [22:07] <Taco_DM> For however long you wanted to.
  7. [22:08] <Boris> I would say just a hour or so.
  8. [22:08] <!Asina> Long enough for me to suck HF's dick.
  9. [22:08] <!Asina> And swallow.
  10. [22:08] <!Asina> Because Asina is a good girl.
  11. [22:08] <Taco_DM> Lewd
  12. [22:09] <Kei> Well I took at least an hour to meditate for my spells.
  13. [22:11] <Zevaron> Putting aside the... other activities, I made the arrows, so I'm set.
  14. [22:11] <!Asina> You shot something at me alright.
  15. [22:11] <!Asina> Right in the throat.
  16. [22:11] <!Asina> I could have died you know.
  17. [22:12] <Taco_DM> The maid imp brings a cart filled with...strangely normal looking food. He smiles at all of you and bows. "Here, a good maid must take care of guests after all. Oh, and if you do continue on going up the tower I do must warn you all. The master still has some...of his experiments going around so do be careful."
  18. [22:12] * Asina eats the food because being roofied is fun anyway.
  19. [22:13] <Taco_DM> The food is actually completely normal, it actually tastes decent. Maybe needs a bit of salt here and there though.
  20. [22:14] <@Claire> I'll.. pass on eating.
  21. [22:14] <@Claire> For her sake.
  22. [22:15] <!Asina> After eating I guess we'll continue up the tower.
  23. [22:16] <!Asina> I have to get all the mage loot before I destroy the place to free my incubutt.
  24. [22:16] <Kei> I cast Purify Food and Drink on the food.
  25. [22:16] * Boris takes five biscuits and starts eating them "Food is Boris approved."
  26. [22:16] <Zevaron> I'll pass on eating here.
  27. [22:17] <@Claire> Now that he's purified the food
  28. [22:17] <@Claire> can I eat
  29. [22:17] <Kei> Because >food in a wizard tower
  30. [22:17] <@Claire> ^
  31. [22:17] <@Claire> I may be stupid but I have common sense enough to know
  32. [22:17] <@Claire> wizards and food does not a very merry human make
  33. [22:17] <Taco_DM> Well more like an Incubutt
  35. [22:18] <Taco_DM> But not that it matters now...except for Emmy
  36. [22:18] * Claire slaps Taco through the fourth wall with sassy brown girl power.
  37. [22:18] <Taco_DM> But she might not see much of a change.
  38. [22:18] <Taco_DM> ...Maybe.
  39. [22:18] <Kei> ... oh god
  40. [22:18] <@Claire> Anyway
  41. [22:18] <Kei> what did it do.
  42. [22:18] <Taco_DM> Nothing, nothing..maybe.
  43. [22:18] <Boris> Oh dear.
  44. [22:18] <@Claire> I'll reluctantly start eating the purified food/drinking the pure water.
  45. [22:19] <Taco_DM> Anyway! After those that eat, eat, you guys continue going up the tower's other level. As you reach there is a half open door with cackling laughter and some shadows.
  46. [22:20] <!Asina> Am I a futa now?
  47. [22:20] <!Asina> Please?
  48. [22:20] <@Claire> I FUCKING CALLED IT
  49. [22:21] <Taco_DM> All in due time
  50. [22:21] <Taco_DM> ANYHOW! Cackling laughter and stuff!
  51. [22:21] <!Asina> "who wants to kick it down?"
  52. [22:23] * Claire shyly takes a step back and glances back and forth before covering her face
  53. [22:23] * Boris cracks his knuckles "Did someone say kick down door? Boris has solution!"
  54. [22:25] * Boris runs over to the door and jumps the rest of the way to try and kick it off it's hinges
  55. [22:27] <Taco_DM> The already half-opened door slams open the entire way. On the other side of the door is an tiny flying creature with a spade-like tail and two creatures that are best described as...moving mountains of flesh. In the middle of the three is a dog, or what seems like a dog on top of a table. The table having glowing runes that create a blue light that shines on the entire room.
  56. [22:28] <@Claire> roll 1d20 Knowledge Dungeoneering
  57. [22:28] <!Asina> Claire rolled 1d20 Knowledge Dungeoneering --> [ 1d20=14 ]{14}
  58. [22:29] <Taco_DM> The imp stops his cackling and looks at all of you for a moment and goes "Intruders! Master, master intruders! You two...and you too get 'em while I talk to the master!" The tiny creature says as he flies off and seemingly teleports from out of that room. The two piles of flesh give each other a dumb look then look at all of you and start moving. The dog starts rising..his eyes now glowing
  59. [22:29] <Taco_DM> a bright gray.
  60. [22:30] <@Claire> roll 1d20 Knowledge Dungeoneering
  61. [22:30] <!Asina> Claire rolled 1d20 Knowledge Dungeoneering --> [ 1d20=19 ]{19}
  62. [22:30] <@Claire> roll 1d20 Knowledge Dungeoneering
  63. [22:30] <!Asina> Claire rolled 1d20 Knowledge Dungeoneering --> [ 1d20=18 ]{18}
  64. [22:30] <@Claire> Sorry
  65. [22:30] <@Claire> meant for all
  66. [22:30] <@Claire> :X
  67. [22:30] <Taco_DM> Please! Iniative.
  68. [22:30] <@Claire> roll 1d20+8
  69. [22:30] <!Asina> Claire rolled 1d20+8 --> [ 1d20=16 ]{24}
  70. [22:30] <Kei> roll 1d20+7
  71. [22:30] <!Asina> Kei rolled 1d20+7 --> [ 1d20=5 ]{12}
  72. [22:30] == Kei has changed nick to Kei|12
  73. [22:30] == Asina has changed nick to Dice-cunt
  74. [22:30] <Taco_DM> You know what, I'll give you the mountains of flesh one. You know of them to be demons...that are immune to fire, but are fairly weak if you have silver.
  75. [22:30] <Zevaron> roll 1d20+4
  76. [22:30] <!Dice-cunt> Zevaron rolled 1d20+4 --> [ 1d20=12 ]{16}
  77. [22:30] == Claire has changed nick to Claire|24
  78. [22:30] <Boris> roll 1d20+3
  79. [22:30] <!Dice-cunt> Boris rolled 1d20+3 --> [ 1d20=2 ]{5}
  80. [22:30] <Taco_DM> Also they are really really dumb.
  81. [22:31] <Kei|12> >immune to fire
  82. [22:31] <Taco_DM> roll 1d20
  83. [22:31] == Boris has changed nick to Boris|5
  84. [22:31] <!Dice-cunt> Taco_DM rolled 1d20 --> [ 1d20=1 ]{1}
  85. [22:31] <Taco_DM> roll 1d20
  86. [22:31] <!Dice-cunt> Taco_DM rolled 1d20 --> [ 1d20=16 ]{16}
  87. [22:31] <Kei|12> ;___;
  88. [22:31] == Asina [webchat@25ea667f.21531281.14fd58ce.31b34b44X] has joined #CYOAsteady
  89. [22:31] <Taco_DM> roll 1d20+3
  90. [22:31] <!Dice-cunt> Taco_DM rolled 1d20+3 --> [ 1d20=17 ]{20}
  91. [22:31] <Asina> Sorry, not entirely together ATM
  92. [22:31] <Asina> roll 1d20+4
  93. [22:31] <!Dice-cunt> Asina rolled 1d20+4 --> [ 1d20=4 ]{8}
  94. [22:31] <Taco_DM> No prob Emmy
  95. [22:31] == Zevaron has changed nick to Zevaron|16
  96. [22:35] == Asina has changed nick to Asina|8
  97. [22:35] <Taco_DM> Claire, you are up
  98. [22:35] <Taco_DM> All three creatures are 20 feet away
  99. [22:35] <Asina|8> "Demon's without dicks are so useless."
  100. [22:35] <@Claire|24> How far behind me do I have?
  101. [22:36] <@Claire|24> and can I discern where vitals are on the demon?
  102. [22:36] <Taco_DM> Unfortunately, these demons flesh moves constantly, so even if you knew it would move somewhere else
  103. [22:36] <Taco_DM> And you have an entire stair case behind you
  104. [22:37] <@Claire|24> I..don't really know what the hell to do against these things and I don't want to make a move so can I take a defensive position by Asina?
  105. [22:37] <Taco_DM> Sure, though with your roll you should know. Hitting these things will probably kill them.
  106. [22:38] <@Claire|24> I'll just...walk up to one and attack it with my greatsword
  107. [22:39] <Taco_DM> Roll please
  108. [22:39] <!Dice-cunt> Taco_DM rolled please --> error: malformed expression
  109. [22:39] <@Claire|24> roll 1d20+7
  110. [22:39] <!Dice-cunt> Claire|24 rolled 1d20+7 --> [ 1d20=9 ]{16}
  111. [22:39] <Taco_DM> That hits
  112. [22:39] <Taco_DM> Roll yo damage
  113. [22:39] <!Dice-cunt> Taco_DM rolled yo damage --> error: malformed expression
  114. [22:39] <@Claire|24> roll 2d6+4
  115. [22:39] <!Dice-cunt> Claire|24 rolled 2d6+4 --> [ 2d6=5 ]{9}
  116. [22:40] <Taco_DM> Though some of its flesh mounts catches some of your attack. The rest goes through, making the thing howl in pain.
  117. [22:40] <Taco_DM> The dog meanwhile barks and jumps to attack Boris with its sharp teeth!
  118. [22:40] <Taco_DM> 1d20+4
  119. [22:40] <Taco_DM> roll 1d20+4
  120. [22:40] <!Dice-cunt> Taco_DM rolled 1d20+4 --> [ 1d20=7 ]{11}
  121. [22:40] <Taco_DM> And misses completely
  122. [22:41] <Taco_DM> Zev your turn!
  123. [22:42] <Zevaron|16> Hm.
  124. [22:42] <Asina|8> Is the dog breathing fire or snorting smoke?
  125. [22:42] <Asina|8> If not Zev should tame it.
  126. [22:42] <Asina|8> So I can fuck it.
  127. [22:42] <Taco_DM> No, at least not yet.
  128. [22:43] <Zevaron|16> Would I actually be able to tame it?
  129. [22:43] <Asina|8> He can't answer that.
  130. [22:43] <Asina|8> We don't know what it is.
  131. [22:43] <Zevaron|16> Well, I mean, in general
  132. [22:43] <Asina|8> If it's a regular dog you can subdue it with wild empathy.
  133. [22:43] <Asina|8> If it's a hell hound it'll have no effect.
  134. [22:44] <Zevaron|16> Hm. Well, it's in a mages tower, so I guess it might be better not to try.
  135. [22:44] <Asina|8> Unless you roll a nat 20 anyway.
  136. [22:44] <Asina|8> Awww... no red rocket for Asina.
  137. [22:44] <Asina|8> ;_;
  138. [22:44] <Zevaron|16> I'll shoot at the dog
  139. [22:44] <Taco_DM> Please roll
  140. [22:44] <Asina|8> ... yet.
  141. [22:44] <Zevaron|16> roll 1d20+7
  142. [22:44] <!Dice-cunt> Zevaron|16 rolled 1d20+7 --> [ 1d20=18 ]{25}
  143. [22:44] <Taco_DM> You hi-actually isn't that a crit for you?
  144. [22:45] <Zevaron|16> I don't know. Never went over crit stuff.
  145. [22:45] <Asina|8> He doesn't have improved crit, even if he did it owuldn't be. Bow's are 20/x2 I think.
  146. [22:45] <Taco_DM> Well whatever, roll damage!
  147. [22:45] <Taco_DM> Yeah you're right, I'm looking at it now
  148. [22:45] <Zevaron|16> roll 1d6
  149. [22:45] <!Dice-cunt> Zevaron|16 rolled 1d6 --> [ 1d6=6 ]{6}
  150. [22:47] <Taco_DM> Great
  151. [22:48] <Taco_DM> Now is the flesh thing's turn! He looks at all of you with a dumb look, then looks at Claire...then back at the rest..then goes to attack Kei
  152. [22:49] <Kei|12> ;_;
  153. [22:49] <Taco_DM> roll 1d20+2
  154. [22:49] <!Dice-cunt> Taco_DM rolled 1d20+2 --> [ 1d20=8 ]{10}
  155. [22:49] <Taco_DM> And misses terribly!
  156. [22:49] <Asina|8> It has to move past me to get to him.
  157. [22:49] <Asina|8> I'm making an AoO
  158. [22:49] <Taco_DM> Roll it!
  159. [22:49] <!Dice-cunt> Taco_DM rolled it! --> error: malformed expression
  160. [22:49] <Asina|8> roll 1d20+6 with my punching dagger
  161. [22:49] <!Dice-cunt> Asina|8 rolled 1d20+6 with my punching dagger --> [ 1d20=10 ]{16}
  162. [22:49] <Taco_DM> Hits!
  163. [22:49] <Taco_DM> Roll damage
  164. [22:49] <!Dice-cunt> Taco_DM rolled damage --> error: malformed expression
  165. [22:49] <Asina|8> Is it immune to crits?
  166. [22:49] <Asina|8> Of course it is.
  167. [22:49] <Taco_DM> Nope
  168. [22:50] <Asina|8> It's an outsider.
  169. [22:50] <Asina|8> Well then that's a sneak attack.
  170. [22:50] <Taco_DM> Yeah but it's not immune to crits
  171. [22:50] <Taco_DM> So roll it woman!
  172. [22:50] <Asina|8> roll 1d4+4+2d6
  173. [22:50] <!Dice-cunt> Asina|8 rolled 1d4+4+2d6 --> [ 1d4=4 2d6=5 ]{13}
  174. [22:51] <Taco_DM> Please, describe how you kill it
  175. [22:51] <Asina|8> "Don't touch my fiery hot healy snuggle."
  176. [22:51] * Asina|8 stabs it in the face/facial glob area
  177. [22:52] <Asina|8> But it's all cool and such.
  178. [22:52] <Asina|8> KUROSSU COUNTA
  179. [22:52] <Asina|8> only with a knife on my fist.
  180. [22:52] * Asina|8 huggles Kei.
  181. [22:52] <Taco_DM> The blob of flesh stops and just seemingly spreads its fleshy goodness on the grown
  182. [22:52] <Asina|8> Don't worry I'll protect you, if you die nobody can heal me."
  183. [22:52] <Taco_DM> Speaking of
  184. [22:52] <Taco_DM> Kei! Your turn!
  185. [22:52] <Kei|12> Hmm.
  186. [22:53] <Taco_DM> ground even.
  187. [22:53] <Kei|12> How far are the other flesh thing and the dog.
  188. [22:54] <Taco_DM> The dog is 5 ft, the other flesh thing is engaged with Claire and at 20
  189. [22:55] <Kei|12> Did we find out what the flesh things were?
  190. [22:55] <Taco_DM> Flesh demons
  191. [22:56] <Kei|12> ... welp, time to see if holy water does anything to them. Any way I can move past the dog without triggering an AoO?
  192. [22:56] <Asina|8> I got a flesh demon for you.
  193. [22:57] <Kei|12> I have holy water.
  194. [22:57] <Kei|12> In my pants.
  195. [22:57] <Asina|8> Just... throw it.
  196. [22:57] <Asina|8> It's like across the room...
  197. [22:57] <Kei|12> It has a ranged increment of 10ft.
  198. [22:57] <Taco_DM> Well
  199. [22:57] <Asina|8> Throw it harder.
  200. [22:57] <Taco_DM> You could move in a way that doesn't incure AoO
  201. [22:57] <Taco_DM> So yeah you'll be fine
  202. [22:58] <Kei|12> ... I could, I suppose. But penalties suck dogdicks.
  203. [22:58] <Asina|8> So would I if it was friendly.
  204. [22:58] <Asina|8> ;_;
  205. [23:00] <Taco_DM> Anyhow
  206. [23:00] <Taco_DM> Just roll
  207. [23:00] * Kei|12 hoists one of the flasks of holy water in hand and moves closer to the flesh demon to lob it.
  208. [23:00] <Kei|12> roll 1d20+5
  209. [23:00] <!Dice-cunt> Kei|12 rolled 1d20+5 --> [ 1d20=2 ]{7}
  210. [23:01] <Asina|8> WIFFED IT!
  211. [23:01] <Taco_DM> ...
  212. [23:01] <Kei|12> ... at least it's holy water.
  213. [23:01] <Taco_DM> You got poor Claire wet
  214. [23:01] <Taco_DM> With holy water
  215. [23:01] <@Claire|24> ;_;
  216. [23:01] <@Claire|24> Whyyyyyyy
  217. [23:01] <Asina|8> I do it every night.
  218. [23:01] <@Claire|24> it's so chilly now...
  219. [23:01] <Asina|8> I can see your brown nipples.
  220. [23:01] * Asina|8 licks her lips.
  222. [23:01] <Taco_DM> Anyhow, now it is the one
  223. [23:01] * Claire|24 covers her chest and screams
  224. [23:01] <Kei|12> It's okay, I'm a human heater anyways.
  225. [23:01] <Taco_DM> THE ONLY
  226. [23:01] <Taco_DM> BORIS
  227. [23:01] <Asina|8> My turn to wreck shit?
  228. [23:02] <Taco_DM> Ah wait no
  229. [23:02] <Taco_DM> Asina
  230. [23:02] <Asina|8> Because AoO doesn't count against my turn.
  231. [23:02] <Taco_DM> I had it written down here incorrectly
  232. [23:02] <Taco_DM> Yah yah
  233. [23:02] <Taco_DM> Go Emmy go!
  234. [23:02] <Asina|8> Okay.
  235. [23:03] <Kei|12> "... I swear that wasn't on purpose. Damned holy water." Kei groans.
  236. [23:03] <Asina|8> "C'mere puppy!~ C'mere! Who's a good boy?~ Who wantsthe huggle wuggles?~" Asina says as she baby talks as the dog and calls for it ready to striek if it charges her.
  237. [23:03] <Asina|8> at* strike*
  238. [23:03] <Asina|8> Can I like... blind charisma check to see if the doggy is a good doggy or a bad doggy?
  239. [23:04] <Taco_DM> Sure
  240. [23:04] <Asina|8> "Did the mean ol Zev gib you an owwie? Yes he did, c'mere mommy will fix it.~"
  241. [23:05] <Asina|8> roll 1d20+4
  242. [23:05] <!Dice-cunt> Asina|8 rolled 1d20+4 --> [ 1d20=15 ]{19}
  243. [23:05] * Asina|8 makes kissy faces.
  244. [23:05] <Taco_DM> You can tell he is a good doggy, just very confused and possibly fiddled around with magic.
  245. [23:06] <Asina|8> "Come here boy..." I'll say as I slowly approach him.
  246. [23:06] <Taco_DM> The dog stays on his guard a bit, showing his fangs but not actively attacking
  247. [23:07] <Taco_DM> You feel with a bit more time you might be able to calm him down.
  248. [23:07] <Asina|8> I'll try to keep him calm for now.
  249. [23:07] <Asina|8> I won't get any closer but I'll keep baby talking him and holding my arms open to show I'm not a threat.
  250. [23:08] <Asina|8> Next round.
  251. [23:08] <Taco_DM> While that happens, BORIS's turn!
  252. [23:08] <Asina|8> Oh yeah.
  253. [23:08] <Asina|8> Forgot.
  254. [23:08] <Boris|5> Hmmm.
  255. [23:10] <Taco_DM> Boris? Whatcha gonna do?
  256. [23:11] * Boris|5 tries to aim his hits so that he might try to knock out the dog that had attacked him (Flurry of Blows )
  257. [23:12] <Taco_DM> ROLL 'EM
  258. [23:12] <!Dice-cunt> Taco_DM rolled 'EM --> error: malformed expression
  259. [23:12] <Boris|5> roll 1d20+4
  260. [23:12] <!Dice-cunt> Boris|5 rolled 1d20+4 --> [ 1d20=1 ]{5}
  261. [23:12] <Boris|5> roll 1d20+4
  262. [23:12] <!Dice-cunt> Boris|5 rolled 1d20+4 --> [ 1d20=18 ]{22}
  263. [23:12] <Boris|5> Well....that just happened.
  264. [23:13] <Asina|8> .....
  265. [23:13] <Asina|8> You're going to attack the dog that I'm trying to calm down?
  266. [23:13] <Taco_DM> Your first fist hit nothing but dog teeth, he almost thinks you're playing with him
  267. [23:13] <Asina|8> Time for you to learn a lesson about being in a party with a chaotic neutral character.
  268. [23:13] <Taco_DM> Until you punch him right in the muzzle
  269. [23:13] <Boris|5> I'm technically going to knock out the dog so we can train him later.
  270. [23:14] <Asina|8> Doesn't matter, Asina doesn't see it that way.
  271. [23:14] <Taco_DM> Roll damage
  272. [23:14] <!Dice-cunt> Taco_DM rolled damage --> error: malformed expression
  273. [23:14] <Asina|8> He has to move past me to get to the dog right?
  274. [23:14] <Boris|5> Nope
  275. [23:14] <Taco_DM> No, the dog attacked him before.
  276. [23:14] <Boris|5> Dogs in melee with me.
  277. [23:14] <Asina|8> ....
  278. [23:14] <Taco_DM> So he was in range.
  279. [23:14] <Asina|8> Okay.
  280. [23:14] <Boris|5> roll 1d6+4
  281. [23:14] <!Dice-cunt> Boris|5 rolled 1d6+4 --> [ 1d6=3 ]{7}
  282. [23:14] <Asina|8> I'm going to kill him in his sleep tonight.
  283. [23:14] <Asina|8> Hope we find enough money for a ressurection.
  284. [23:15] <Taco_DM> Well with all of that out of the way
  286. [23:15] <Taco_DM> And he goes to swip swipe at the wet claire
  287. [23:15] <Taco_DM> roll 1d20+2
  288. [23:15] <!Dice-cunt> Taco_DM rolled 1d20+2 --> [ 1d20=4 ]{6}
  289. [23:15] <Taco_DM> And misses!
  290. [23:15] <Taco_DM> NEW ROUND
  291. [23:15] <Taco_DM> SO FROM THE TOP
  292. [23:15] <@Claire|24> Question
  293. [23:15] <Taco_DM> Claire-yes?
  294. [23:15] <@Claire|24> Because it's in melee with me
  295. [23:16] <@Claire|24> and I'm soaked in holy water
  296. [23:16] <@Claire|24> may I tap it as a free action
  297. [23:16] <@Claire|24> Literally just tap it.
  298. [23:16] <Asina|8> Still ahve to make a touch attack.
  299. [23:16] <Taco_DM> It'd be a touch attack
  300. [23:16] <Taco_DM> Yawp
  301. [23:16] <Asina|8> And it counts as an attack action.
  302. [23:16] <@Claire|24> Okay fine
  303. [23:16] <@Claire|24> I'll punch it.
  304. [23:16] <@Claire|24> roll 1d20+7
  305. [23:16] <!Dice-cunt> Claire|24 rolled 1d20+7 --> [ 1d20=6 ]{13}
  306. [23:16] <Taco_DM> You hit!
  307. [23:16] <Taco_DM> At this point, you don't even have to roll damage
  308. [23:16] <Taco_DM> Just describe how you kill it please
  309. [23:16] <Asina|8> Is the dog still awake?
  310. [23:17] <Taco_DM> Yup
  311. [23:17] <Asina|8> Okay.
  312. [23:17] <@Claire|24> I punch it in the face, and I assume my holy water soaked fist melts it.
  313. [23:17] <@Claire|24> or makes it explode.
  314. [23:17] <@Claire|24> either way
  315. [23:17] <@Claire|24> holy water
  316. [23:17] <Taco_DM> Well since you leave it to me!
  317. [23:18] <Taco_DM> The flesh demon explodes, flesh bits hitting Claire, the ceiling, walls and windows, and his dumb looking face hits Kei right in the face.
  318. [23:18] <Kei|12> ...
  319. [23:18] <@Claire|24> ...pfffahahahaha
  320. [23:18] <Taco_DM> And now the dog's turn!
  321. [23:19] <Kei|12> "..."
  322. [23:19] <Taco_DM> Which growls at Boris for fucking him in the face
  323. [23:19] <Taco_DM> And goes to bite his face off
  324. [23:19] * Claire|24 covers her mouth as she snickers under her breath at Kei
  325. [23:19] <Taco_DM> 1d20+4
  326. [23:19] <Taco_DM> roll 1d20+4
  327. [23:19] <!Dice-cunt> Taco_DM rolled 1d20+4 --> [ 1d20=3 ]{7}
  328. [23:19] <Taco_DM> And misses!
  329. [23:19] <Taco_DM> Zev! Your turn!
  330. [23:20] <Zevaron|16> Well, if it is a good dog, I should at least try to tame it.
  331. [23:20] <Asina|8> Too late now, Boris has it aggroed.
  332. [23:21] <Asina|8> You can pass your turn if you'd rather watch to see how things turn out than act.
  333. [23:21] <Taco_DM> Or you can delay it
  334. [23:21] <Asina|8> Realistically there's little you could do other than kill it.
  335. [23:21] <Taco_DM> Or you can shoot it
  336. [23:21] <Taco_DM> Either or
  337. [23:21] <@Claire|24> old yeller ;_;7
  338. [23:22] <Zevaron|16> Alright. I guess I'll try to put an end to the fight then, if nothing can be done.
  339. [23:22] <Asina|8> ....
  340. [23:22] <Asina|8> Man you guys are fucking up big time.
  341. [23:22] <Asina|8> Carry on though.
  342. [23:23] <Zevaron|16> I'd want to save it if possible, but...
  343. [23:23] <Kei|12> I'm just there standing with a demon's face... on my face.
  344. [23:23] <Taco_DM> It smooches at you Kei
  345. [23:23] <Taco_DM> Smooch smooch
  346. [23:23] <Kei|12> I'm burning this tower down.
  347. [23:23] <Asina|8> That's the plan!
  348. [23:23] <Kei|12> Starting with this fucking face.
  349. [23:24] <Taco_DM> Smoooooooooooooooooooooch
  350. [23:24] <Kei|12> ;_;
  351. [23:24] <Taco_DM> Anyhow!
  352. [23:24] <@Claire|24> ECCHI SHIYOUZE
  353. [23:24] <Taco_DM> HF, what do you do?
  355. [23:26] <Taco_DM> F
  356. [23:26] <Zevaron|16> I really don't want to kill an animal that wasn't evil to start with, so I'll pass. I can do that, yeah?
  357. [23:26] <Kei|12> You can stare at the fact there's a face on my face. Or something.
  358. [23:26] <Taco_DM> Yawp
  359. [23:26] <Kei|12> Either way I'm taking it off my turn.
  360. [23:26] <Taco_DM> So Zev is delaying
  361. [23:26] <Taco_DM> Well that's your move
  362. [23:26] <Taco_DM> What else do you do?
  363. [23:26] <Asina|8> Delay.
  364. [23:26] <Asina|8> You'll need to heal someone shortly.
  365. [23:27] <Asina|8> Call it a hunch.
  366. [23:27] <Kei|12> Hmm..
  367. [23:28] <Kei|12> Yeah, I'm just going to stand there stomping the face on the ground.
  368. [23:28] <Asina|8> My turn?
  369. [23:29] <Taco_DM> Yawp
  370. [23:29] <Asina|8> roll 1d20+6 to stab Boris as she screams "Don't touch my fucking dog!" with extra-strength crazy eyes.
  371. [23:29] <!Dice-cunt> Asina|8 rolled 1d20+6 to stab Boris as she screams "Don't touch my fucking dog!" with extra-strength crazy eyes. --> [ 1d20=17 ]{23}
  372. [23:29] <Taco_DM> Welp
  373. [23:29] <Asina|8> He's also flanked since he's in melee with the dog.
  374. [23:29] <Taco_DM> The dice gods are stong
  375. [23:29] <Taco_DM> Roll damage please
  376. [23:29] <!Dice-cunt> Taco_DM rolled damage please --> error: malformed expression
  377. [23:30] <Asina|8> roll 1d4+4+2d6 as I drive my punching dagger between his ribs.
  378. [23:30] <!Dice-cunt> Asina|8 rolled 1d4+4+2d6 as I drive my punching dagger between his ribs. --> [ 1d4=3 2d6=7 ]{14}
  379. [23:30] <Asina|8> Now.
  380. [23:30] <Asina|8> Somebody restrain me immediately.
  381. [23:30] <Asina|8> Or I'll do it again next round.
  382. [23:30] <Taco_DM> Welp
  383. [23:31] <Taco_DM> Speaking of someone!
  384. [23:31] * Kei|12 repeatedly brings his heel to the demon's face before noticing the ensuing fight.
  385. [23:31] <Taco_DM> Zev, Kei, you two delayed, wathca gonna do?
  386. [23:31] <Asina|8> It's more of a prison shanking really.
  387. [23:32] <Kei|12> ... Yeah, I'm the only one who can heal so you might wanna hold her back HF.
  388. [23:32] <Zevaron|16> I suppose that would be for the best.
  389. [23:32] <Taco_DM> Roll for da heals
  390. [23:32] <!Dice-cunt> Taco_DM rolled for da heals --> error: malformed expression
  391. [23:33] <Kei|12> roll 2d8+7 Cure Moderate Wounds
  392. [23:33] <!Dice-cunt> Kei|12 rolled 2d8+7 Cure Moderate Wounds --> [ 2d8=11 ]{18}
  393. [23:34] <Asina|8> Zev also needs to make a touch attack to initiate a grapple with me.
  394. [23:34] <Taco_DM> And yawp, so Zev roll!
  395. [23:34] <Asina|8> I get an AoO since he doesn't have improved Grapple.
  396. [23:34] <Asina|8> This is really gonna hurt HF, sorry.
  397. [23:34] <Asina|8> I am, but Asina's not.
  398. [23:34] <Asina|8> roll 1d20+6
  399. [23:34] <!Dice-cunt> Asina|8 rolled 1d20+6 --> [ 1d20=7 ]{13}
  400. [23:35] <Taco_DM> That misses
  401. [23:35] <Taco_DM> So Zev! HF! Roll Touch!
  402. [23:35] <Taco_DM> Cause you got the touch! YOU GOT THE POWEEEEEEEER
  403. [23:35] <Asina|8> She tried to stab him in the dick but he backstepped.
  404. [23:35] <Zevaron|16> Is it just a melee roll?
  405. [23:36] <Taco_DM> Yawp
  406. [23:36] <Zevaron|16> roll 1d20+5
  407. [23:36] <!Dice-cunt> Zevaron|16 rolled 1d20+5 --> [ 1d20=3 ]{8}
  408. [23:36] <Asina|8> My TAC is 14
  409. [23:36] <Taco_DM> So that misses
  410. [23:36] <Taco_DM> NOW!
  411. [23:36] <Taco_DM> BORIS!
  412. [23:36] <Taco_DM> YO TURN
  413. [23:36] <Taco_DM> Whatcha do?
  414. [23:36] * Asina|8 spins away and points a knife at Zev.
  415. [23:36] <Asina|8> Technically I'm not flanked by Boris and Zev.
  416. [23:37] <Asina|8> Unless the dog is still hostile towards him, then it's a 2/2
  417. [23:37] <Asina|8> And I'm just melee locked with Zev, Boris couldn't retaliate against me without getting AoO'd by the dog.
  418. [23:38] <Asina|8> My back is to him either way.
  419. [23:38] <Boris|5> Still going to try and knock out the dog.
  420. [23:38] <Boris|5> (Flurry of blows)
  421. [23:38] <Asina|8> As I'm now facing what in Asina's mind is another threat to be stabbed violently.
  422. [23:38] <Boris|5> roll 1d20+4
  423. [23:38] <!Dice-cunt> Boris|5 rolled 1d20+4 --> [ 1d20=20 ]{24}
  424. [23:38] <Taco_DM> Roll it please
  425. [23:38] <!Dice-cunt> Taco_DM rolled it please --> error: malformed expression
  426. [23:38] <Taco_DM> Dang
  427. [23:38] <Taco_DM> Non lethal right?
  428. [23:38] <Boris|5> roll 1d20+4
  429. [23:38] <!Dice-cunt> Boris|5 rolled 1d20+4 --> [ 1d20=10 ]{14}
  430. [23:38] <Asina|8> I'm still in melee and have Combat reflexes.
  431. [23:39] <Boris|5> Yep.
  432. [23:39] <Taco_DM> Roll it
  433. [23:39] <!Dice-cunt> Taco_DM rolled it --> error: malformed expression
  434. [23:39] <Taco_DM> The damage I mean
  435. [23:39] <Taco_DM> (Once cause the other miss)
  436. [23:39] <Asina|8> I'll take an AoO from Zev to shank Boris as he approaches the dog.
  437. [23:39] <Taco_DM> wait no
  438. [23:39] <Taco_DM> Both hit
  439. [23:39] <Kei|12> Can we fucking not.
  440. [23:39] <Boris|5> Roll 1d6+4
  441. [23:39] <!Dice-cunt> Boris|5 rolled 1d6+4 --> [ 1d6=1 ]{5}
  442. [23:39] <Asina|8> So the hit order should go Zev tries to grab me > if he fails I stab Brois > then Boris hit's the dog.
  443. [23:39] <Boris|5> roll 1d6+4
  444. [23:39] <!Dice-cunt> Boris|5 rolled 1d6+4 --> [ 1d6=4 ]{8}
  445. [23:40] <Taco_DM> Right
  446. [23:40] <Taco_DM> Welp
  447. [23:40] <Taco_DM> The dog slumps on the ground, clearly knocked out with, drooling a bit on the floor
  448. [23:40] <Asina|8> ... or you can ignore me completely.
  449. [23:40] <Taco_DM> Oh
  450. [23:40] <Taco_DM> Right sorry
  451. [23:40] <Taco_DM> Roll for your AoO
  452. [23:40] <!Dice-cunt> Taco_DM rolled for your AoO --> error: malformed expression
  453. [23:41] <Asina|8> roll 1d20+6
  454. [23:41] <!Dice-cunt> Asina|8 rolled 1d20+6 --> [ 1d20=15 ]{21}
  455. [23:41] <Asina|8> roll 1d4+4+2d6
  456. [23:41] <!Dice-cunt> Asina|8 rolled 1d4+4+2d6 --> [ 1d4=2 2d6=7 ]{13}
  457. [23:41] <Taco_DM> So Boris gets stabbed
  458. [23:41] <Taco_DM> Just as he knocks out the dog
  459. [23:41] <Taco_DM> NEW ROUND
  460. [23:41] <Taco_DM> Or actually no
  461. [23:41] <Asina|8> HF could have tried another grapple to stop me.
  462. [23:41] <Taco_DM> Combat is ovah
  463. [23:42] <@Claire|24> Can I rush to her and trip her?
  464. [23:42] <@Claire|24> Like, something?
  465. [23:42] <@Claire|24> I will trip her with the hilt of my halberd
  466. [23:42] <Taco_DM> You can grapple her, or trip her, up to you yeah
  467. [23:42] <@Claire|24> this is getting a little out of hand.
  468. [23:42] <Taco_DM> Point is, combat is over
  469. [23:42] <@Claire|24> That's fine
  470. [23:42] <Asina|8> If you all gang up on me you can hold me down.
  471. [23:42] <Asina|8> No rolls needed.
  472. [23:42] <@Claire|24> roll 1d20+7 Trippan
  473. [23:42] <!Dice-cunt> Claire|24 rolled 1d20+7 Trippan --> [ 1d20=3 ]{10}
  474. [23:42] <@Claire|24> Oh that's
  475. [23:42] <@Claire|24> not gonna work
  476. [23:42] <@Claire|24> at all
  477. [23:43] <Taco_DM> (You all get 300 xp from that by the by)
  478. [23:43] <Asina|8> All the while I'm screaming profanities and swearing to mercilessly slaughter Boris for hurting my puppy.
  479. [23:43] <Kei|12> Can I just move Boris to safety... or something.
  481. [23:43] <Asina|8> Not even a little.
  482. [23:43] <@Claire|24> Goddamn it you're so complicated.
  483. [23:43] <Taco_DM> Sure
  484. [23:43] <Taco_DM> Right
  485. [23:43] <Taco_DM> SO!
  486. [23:43] <Asina|8> In Asina's mind Boris is now an enemy because he attacked something she was trying to befirend, which to her already made it her friend.
  487. [23:43] <Taco_DM> Boris, you gonna try to hold her down too?
  488. [23:44] <Asina|8> This caused her to fly into a psychotic homicidal rage and try to hill him.
  489. [23:44] <Asina|8> Because she's insane
  490. [23:44] <Taco_DM> Cause so far we just have poor Zev
  491. [23:44] <@Claire|24> COMBAT IS OVER THERE ARE NO ROUNDS
  492. [23:44] <Taco_DM> And Claire
  493. [23:44] <Boris|5> More like i'm going to disarm her.
  494. [23:44] <@Claire|24> CAN WE JUST TACKLE HERE
  495. [23:44] <@Claire|24> HER
  496. [23:44] <@Claire|24> ALL AT ONCE
  497. [23:44] <Taco_DM> You can
  498. [23:44] <@Claire|24> HOLY FUCK
  499. [23:44] <@Claire|24> JUST
  500. [23:44] <@Claire|24> PLEASE
  501. [23:44] <Taco_DM> That's why Im asking
  502. [23:44] <@Claire|24> EVERYBODY PILE ON THE GIRL
  503. [23:44] <@Claire|24> NOW
  504. [23:44] <Boris|5> SO yes.
  505. [23:44] <Taco_DM> Right
  506. [23:44] <@Claire|24> And make sure I'm directly on her that way she snaps the fuck out of it from my face
  507. [23:44] <@Claire|24> that was she's not going stupidly insane after the fact
  508. [23:45] <@Claire|24> I will throw myself at this bitch and then EVERYONE jump on top of me
  509. [23:45] * Kei|12 attempts to move Boris away from the scene, "... I'll patch you up, just... we really ought to get you AWAY."
  510. [23:45] <@Claire|24> that's how we're doing this.
  511. [23:45] <Taco_DM> Sounds good
  512. [23:45] <@Claire|24> Like I'll take a wound and everything.
  513. [23:45] <@Claire|24> I just need someone else I do have 18 strength.
  514. [23:45] <Taco_DM> Naw, you won't take a wound, you all hold her down pretty effectively
  515. [23:45] * Asina|8 grits her teeth and seethes but stops struggling when held down by multiple people.
  516. [23:46] * Claire|24 glares into the struggling girl's eyes and grabs her by the chin, digging her fingers into her skin.
  517. [23:46] <Asina|8> Also Brutus sweety my weapon is a punching dagger, it's not like you can just take it away.
  518. [23:46] <Asina|8> It's fixed into my glove.
  519. [23:47] <Asina|8> Irrelevant but something to take note of.
  520. [23:47] <Kei|12> ... did I get Boris out of the immediate area?
  521. [23:47] <Taco_DM> You did
  522. [23:47] == Kei|12 has changed nick to Kei
  523. [23:47] <Asina|8> "Heal the dog." Asina mumbles under her breath.
  524. [23:47] <Taco_DM> And as you did, you find...cages
  525. [23:48] <Taco_DM> Rows and rows of cages
  526. [23:48] == Zevaron|16 has changed nick to Zevaron
  527. [23:48] <Kei> converting one of my burning hands into cure light wounds.
  528. [23:48] == Asina|8 has changed nick to Asina
  529. [23:48] <Taco_DM> Inside the cages are all kinds of animals, from dogs, to cats, to even hippos.
  530. [23:48] == Boris|5 has changed nick to Boris
  531. [23:48] <Taco_DM> There are even some jars with centipedes
  532. [23:48] <Kei> roll 1d8+5 CLW onna Boris
  533. [23:48] <!Dice-cunt> Kei rolled 1d8+5 CLW onna Boris --> [ 1d8=4 ]{9}
  534. [23:49] <Asina> Just to clarify /I'm/ not upset at all, that was just role playing.
  535. [23:49] <Taco_DM> Oh I know
  536. [23:50] <Asina> I know you know, that was directed at Brotius since he seems to think I was being a cunt.
  537. [23:50] <Kei> No no, I don't.
  538. [23:50] <Kei> Kei on the other hand.
  539. [23:50] <Kei> He's not going anywhere NEAR Asina.
  540. [23:51] <Boris> Question: Is there a window in the room?
  541. [23:52] <Taco_DM> In the room where you fought the flesh demons? Yes. The room you're in with the rows of cages? No.
  542. [23:52] <Taco_DM> Also said room is now covered with fleshy bits!
  543. [23:53] <Zevaron> I want to search the room the enemies were.
  544. [23:53] <Asina> As long as Claire holds me down it's fine.
  545. [23:53] <Asina> If she let's go though I'll immediately try to kill Boris and force Kei to heal the dog.
  546. [23:53] <Asina> She probably knows that.
  547. [23:54] <Taco_DM> Roll search!
  548. [23:54] <!Dice-cunt> Taco_DM rolled search! --> error: malformed expression
  549. [23:54] <Boris> I'm going to look out the window to see if there is another one higher up
  550. [23:54] <Zevaron> roll 1d20+8
  551. [23:54] <!Dice-cunt> Zevaron rolled 1d20+8 --> [ 1d20=13 ]{21}
  552. [23:54] <@Claire|24> I'm sitting on your stomach glaring at you like an overbearing mother
  553. [23:54] <@Claire|24> Believe me, honey, you're not going anywhere.
  554. [23:54] == Claire|24 has changed nick to Claire
  555. [23:55] <Taco_DM> Zev, you find a pouch with 200 gold and...a mace.
  556. [23:55] <Zevaron> A mace, huh.
  557. [23:56] <Boris> Sounds "Amacing"
  558. [23:56] <Taco_DM> But yeah that's a heavy mace +1
  559. [23:56] <Kei> ...
  560. [23:57] <Kei> gib
  561. [23:57] <Kei> pls
  562. [23:57] <Taco_DM> As you look out the window
  563. [23:57] <Taco_DM> You see that there seems to be only one more floor
  564. [23:57] <Taco_DM> Which that has a window...right on the roof
  565. [23:59] <Boris> Okay.
  566. [23:59] <Boris> So
  567. [00:00] <Kei> SO we found a room of cages.
  568. [00:00] <Taco_DM> Filled with animals, yes.
  569. [00:00] <Kei> Do we notice any more of the dogs.
  570. [00:00] <Boris> How hard would you say it would be to try and climb to the roof?
  571. [00:01] <Taco_DM> Normally, it would be pretty easily
  572. [00:01] <Taco_DM> But this is a wizard tower, so who knows
  573. [00:01] <Asina> Can we rest in this room?
  574. [00:02] <Taco_DM> Seeing as how everythign is dead, just some bookshelves filled with some ingredients and caged animals
  575. [00:02] <Taco_DM> Yawp
  576. [00:02] <Asina> I'm fucking exhausted and Boris isn't fully healed, Kei also needs to recover his spells again.
  577. [00:02] <Kei> ... It doesnt matter how much I rest, I only get to chose spells after meditation
  578. [00:02] <Boris> Well I have 26 out of 30 health.
  579. [00:02] <Asina> I'll be sitting in a corner with the knocked out puppy quietly treating it's wounds.
  580. [00:02] <Asina> My back to literally everyone.
  581. [00:03] <Asina> I'll stay there completely silent with my hair covering my face.
  582. [00:03] <@Claire> I'll sit with you for completely obvious reason regardless of you being all emo bitch corner.
  583. [00:03] <Taco_DM> Right well as you guys rest for however long you do. Want to break it here for this session then?
  584. [00:03] <Boris> I am literally going to try and climb to the roof.
  585. [00:03] <Asina> You're mistaking quiet homicidal rage for emoness.
  586. [00:04] <Taco_DM> Well
  587. [00:04] == ants [webchat@a763dad.24785cc1.31478372.a9a2d23X] has quit [Ping timeout: 361 seconds]
  588. [00:04] <Taco_DM> If you are doing that
  589. [00:04] <Taco_DM> Then lets do et
  590. [00:04] <@Claire> No I understand quite well why my mistress is in the corner.
  591. [00:04] <Taco_DM> Roll it
  592. [00:04] <!Dice-cunt> Taco_DM rolled it --> error: malformed expression
  593. [00:04] <@Claire> I'm merely addressing it as I see it.
  594. [00:04] <@Claire> Believe me, I know what's going on in your head.
  595. [00:04] <Boris> roll 1d20+10
  596. [00:04] <!Dice-cunt> Boris rolled 1d20+10 --> [ 1d20=13 ]{23}
  597. [00:05] <Taco_DM> So as you try to climb up the tower, you go up and up and up...and up. The roof not getting any closer, in fact it seems its getting farther and farther away from you.
  598. [00:05] <Asina> Let this be a lesson to you guys about Chaotic Neutral. It's the hardest alignment to deal with for a reason, to Asina all of that was perfectly justified.
  599. [00:05] <Asina> Remember she's nutty as a fruit cake when deciding how to handle certain situations.
  600. [00:06] <Asina> Because if she would try to kill you, I have to try to kill you.
  601. [00:06] * Boris looks very confused "Boris does not understand. Must be silly magic things Boris thinks"
  602. [00:15] <Asina> So boris comes back inside after climbing for who knows how long and we all rest?
  603. [00:16] <Asina> And Kei is terrified of me now?
  604. [00:16] <Taco_DM> Yup yup
  605. [00:16] <Boris> Yep
  606. [00:16] <Asina> And Boris?
  607. [00:16] <Asina> Is Boris all nope mode about me now?
  608. [00:17] <Kei> He saw someone get stabbed repeatedly for trying to knifehand a dog. He's very reluctant to put his dick anywhere near.
  609. [00:18] <Asina> He also hasn't seen ehr naked yet.
  610. [00:18] <Asina> Just saying.
  611. [00:18] <Kei> Stabbed.
  612. [00:18] <Kei> Repeatedly.
  613. [00:18] <Asina> Don't underestimate the sex appeal of a psycho redhead.
  614. [00:18] <Boris> Nope. You are like angry ram from mountain. A few light wounds are nothing.
  615. [00:18] == Asina [webchat@25ea667f.21531281.14fd58ce.31b34b44X] has quit [Quit: Page closed]
  616. [00:18] <Kei> We'll see.
  617. [00:18] <Boris> Not worse than training with masters.
  618. [00:19] <Boris> master*
  619. [00:19] <!Dice-cunt> We'll see your dick inside me is what we'll see.
  620. [00:19] <!Dice-cunt> >:[
  621. [00:19] <Kei> One day.
  622. [00:19] <Kei> Probably.
  623. [00:19] == Dice-cunt has changed nick to DM-chama
  624. [00:19] <Taco_DM> Welp, same time next week everyone
  625. [00:19] <Taco_DM> Maybe earlier
  626. [00:19] <Taco_DM> Depending on Brotius
  627. [00:20] <Kei> ;_;
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