
Roblox Environment

Feb 9th, 2019
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Lua 2.84 KB | None | 0 0
  1. DockWidgetPluginGuiInfo : table: 0CBF9F08
  2. warn : function: 06451428
  3. CFrame : table: 0CBF8F78
  4. gcinfo : function: 06EBBD88
  5. userdata: 0288FC58 : function: 1D3505D0
  6. os : table: 0CBF9E48
  7. tick : function: 06450CA8
  8. UDim : table: 0CBF9518
  9. pairs : function: 0CC4A1C8
  10. NumberSequence : table: 0CBF98D8
  11. assert : function: 06EBBDB0
  12. tonumber : function: 06EBC328
  13. Color3 : table: 0CBF99C8
  14. Enum : Enums
  15. load : function: 064518D8
  16. Stats : function: 06451680
  17. _G : table: 0CBF8438
  18. UserSettings : function: 064517E8
  19. coroutine : table: 0CBF80D8
  20. NumberRange : table: 0CBF9A88
  21. userdata: 0288FCA0 : function: 1D350090
  22. PhysicalProperties : table: 0CBF9668
  23. userdata: 0288F198 : function: 1D350448
  24. userdata: 028BF0C0 : function: 1D350480
  25. PluginManager : function: 06451450
  26. ColorSequence : table: 0CBF9FF8
  27. tostring : function: 06EBC2B0
  28. loadstring : function: 06451478
  29. NumberSequenceKeypoint : table: 0CBF9AE8
  30. Version : function: 06451DD8
  31. PluginDrag : table: 0CBF9CF8
  32. version : function: 06451978
  33. Game : Game
  34. delay : function: 06451748
  35. spawn : function: 06451860
  36. stats : function: 06451608
  37. string : table: 0CBF81C8
  38. CellId : table: 0CBF9458
  39. typeof : function: 06451810
  40. Delay : function: 06451590
  41. LoadLibrary : function: 06451798
  42. _VERSION : Lua 5.1
  43. settings : function: 064515E0
  44. printidentity : function: 06451888
  45. Workspace : Workspace
  46. UDim2 : table: 0CBF9938
  47. table : table: 0CBF83D8
  48. TweenInfo : table: 0CBF9C08
  49. ypcall : function: 064514F0
  50. require : function: 06451400
  51. Vector3 : table: 0CBF9578
  52. Wait : function: 064516A8
  53. Vector3int16 : table: 0CBF93F8
  54. setmetatable : function: 06EBC648
  55. next : function: 06EBC5A8
  56. wait : function: 064513B0
  57. Region3int16 : table: 0CBF9038
  58. elapsedTime : function: 06450DE8
  59. ipairs : function: 0CC4A4D8
  60. time : function: 06450D20
  61. shared : table: 0CBF9B48
  62. rawequal : function: 06EBC3C8
  63. Vector2int16 : table: 0CBF9068
  64. collectgarbage : function: 06EBBF68
  65. game : Game
  66. newproxy : function: 0CC4A200
  67. Spawn : function: 064515B8
  68. Random : table: 0CBF9C68
  69. Region3 : table: 0CBF9338
  70. utf8 : table: 0CBF8768
  71. xpcall : function: 06EBC4E0
  72. Faces : table: 0CBF9428
  73. rawset : function: 06EBC670
  74. PathWaypoint : table: 0CBF9F98
  75. Vector2 : table: 0CBF9758
  76. userdata: 02898720 : function: 18C57080
  77. print : function: 06450C80
  78. workspace : Workspace
  79. unpack : function: 06EBC3F0
  80. math : table: 0CBF7E68
  81. ColorSequenceKeypoint : table: 0CBF9DB8
  82. pcall : function: 06451518
  83. getfenv : function: 06EBBE00
  84. userdata: 028AF840 : function: 18D11648
  85. type : function: 06EBC378
  86. Instance : table: 0CBF95D8
  87. ElapsedTime : function: 06451310
  88. select : function: 06EBC260
  89. getmetatable : function: 06EBBF90
  90. Ray : table: 0CBF9728
  91. rawget : function: 06EBC710
  92. debug : table: 0CBF8258
  93. Rect : table: 0CBF90F8
  94. BrickColor : table: 0CBF95A8
  95. setfenv : function: 06EBC288
  96. dofile : function: 06451720
  97. Axes : table: 0CBF97B8
  98. error : function: 06EBC198
  99. loadfile : function: 064518B0
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