
monk class tree dragonlands

Jul 30th, 2022
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  1. 1.3.5:custom:0:Monk class (Windwalker):Monk tree:TTM Note__cl____n__Due to tree changes loadout has been revalidated and one or more skillset was invalidated!__n____n__:49:0;0:Soothing Mist:Heals the target for (900% of Spell power) over 20 sec.__n____n__While channeling__cm__ Vivify are instant cast__cm__ and will heal the soothed target without breaking the Soothing Mist channel.:0:1:1:1:0:0::10,4:soothingMists.png,default.png;1:Rising Sun Kick:Kick upwards__cm__ dealing [(143.8% of Attack power) * [(Attack power * 0.98)][((Attack power + Offhand attack power) * 2 / 3)] -- 2H__cm__ DW / Attack power] Physical damage:0:1:5:1:0:1::5,11,4:risingSunkick.png,default.png;2:Fortifying Brew:__n__Turns your skin to stone__cm__ increasing your current and maximum health by 15% and reducing damage taken by 15% for 15 sec.:0:1:9:1:0:0::5,6,7:FortifyingBrew.png,default.png;3:Spinning Crane Kick:Spin while kicking in the air__cm__ dealing [4 * (10% of Attack power) * [(Attack power * 0.98)][((Attack power + Offhand attack power) * 2 / 3)] -- 2H__cm__ DW / Attack power] Physical damage over 1.5 sec to all enemies within 8 yds. Deals reduced damage beyond 5 targets.:0:1:15:1:0:1::8,9,14:Spinningcranekick.png,default.png;4:Healing Elixir:Drink a healing elixir__cm__ healing you for 15% of your maximum health.:0:3:3:1:0:0:1,0:10,11,16:healingElixir.png,default.png;5:Spear Hand Strike:Jabs the target in the throat__cm__ interrupting spellcasting and preventing any spell from that school of magic from being cast for 4 sec.:0:3:7:1:0:0:1,2:12,18,11:spearHandStrike.png,default.png;6:Enough to Share,Fortifying Ingredients:Fortifying Brew affects party members at 50% effectiveness.,Fortifying Brew grants you a shield equal to 25.0% of your maximum health for 15 sec.:2:3:9:1:0:0:2:12:enoughToShare.png,fortifyingIngredients.png;7:Tuck and Roll,Roll Out:Roll reduces fall damage taken by 40% for 2 sec.,During Roll and Chi Torpedo__cm__ you are immune to roots and snares.:2:3:11:1:0:0:2:12,13:tuckandRoll.png,exitStrategy.png;8:Disable:Reduces the target's movement speed by 50% for 15 sec__cm__ duration refreshed by your melee attacks.:0:3:13:1:0:0:3:13,20:disable.png,default.png;9:Rushing Jade Wind:Windwalker / Brewmaster__n__After you Spinning Crane Kick__cm__ summon a whirling tornado around you dealing 50% of the damage of your previous Spinning Crane Kick over 6 sec to all enemies within 8 yards. If this effect is reapplied__cm__ any remaining damage will be added to the new Rushing Jade Wind.__n__Deals reduced damage beyond 5 targets.__n____n__Mistweaver__n__After you Spinning Crane Kick__cm__ summon a whirling tornado around you__cm__ healing 50% of the damage of your previous Spinning Crane Kick over 9 sec to up to 6 allies within 10 yards. If this effect is reapplied__cm__ any remaining healing will be added to the new Rushing Jade Wind.:1:3:17:1:0:0:3:21:rushingJadeWind.png,default.png;10:Chi Wave,Chi Burst:A wave of Chi energy flows through friends and foes__cm__ dealing (14.2015% of Attack power) Nature damage or (42% of Attack power) healing. Bounces up to 7 times to targets within 25 yards.__n__,Hurls a torrent of Chi energy up to 40 yds forward__cm__ dealing (46% of Attack power) Nature damage to all enemies__cm__ and (94.5% of Attack power) healing to the Monk and all allies in its path. Healing reduced beyond 6 targets.:2:5:1:1:0:0:4,0:15,16:chiWave.png,chiBurst.png;11:Niuzao's Resolve:Increases Versatility by 2%.,Increases Versatility by 4%:1:5:5:2:0:0:1,5,4:18,17,16:niuzaosResolve.png,default.png;12:Leg Sweep:Knocks down all enemies within 6 yards__cm__ stunning them for 3 sec.:0:5:9:1:0:0:5,6,7:18,19:legSweep.png,default.png;13:Detox:Removes all Poison and Disease effects from the target.:0:5:11:1:0:0:8,7:24,20:detox.png,default.png;14:Measured Strikes:Windwalker / Brewmaster__n____n__Reduces the energy cost of your Tiger Palm by 5.__n____n__Mistweaver __n____n__Reduces the mana cost of your Rising Sun Kick 5%.,Windwalker / Brewmaster__n____n__Reduces the energy cost of your Tiger Palm by 10.__n____n__Mistweaver __n____n__Reduces the mana cost of your Rising Sun Kick by 10%.:1:5:15:2:0:0:3:26,21,20:pressurePoints.png,default.png;15:Gift of the Jade Serpent:Chi Wave has a 10% chance per bounce to spawn a Healing Sphere next to the lowest health ally within 40 yards.__n____n__Chi Burst has a 5% chance to spawn a Healing Sphere next to the lowest health ally within 40 yards.__n____n__If allies walk through it__cm__ they consume the sphere__cm__ healing themselves for (140% of Spell Power). Maximum of 5 Healing Spheres can be active by the Monk at any given time.:1:7:1:1:0:0:10:27:giftoftheSerpent.png,default.png;16:Expel Harm:Expel negative chi from your body__cm__ healing for (120% of Spell power) and dealing 10% of the amount healed as Nature damage to an enemy within 8 yards.__n____n__Brewmaster __n__Draws in the positive chi of all your Healing Spheres to increase the healing of Expel Harm__n____n__Mistweaver __n__May be cast during Soothing Mist__cm__ and will additionally heal the Soothing Mist target__n__ __n__Windwalker__n__Generates 1 Chi.:0:7:3:1:0:0:10,11,4:22:expelHarm.png,default.png;17:Healthy Appetite:Increases maximum Health by 5%.:1:7:5:1:0:0:11:23,28:heartyAppetite.png,default.png;18:Ring Of Peace:Form a Ring of Peace at the target location for 5 sec. Enemies that enter will be ejected from the Ring.:0:7:7:1:0:0:5,12,11:23:ringofPeace.png,default.png;19:Tiger Tail Lasso,Dizzying Tumble:Increases the range of Leg Sweep by 2 yards and pulls all enemies to your current location.,Targets affected by your Leg Sweep deal 15% less damage for 8 sec.:2:7:9:1:0:0:12:23,24:legSweep.png,dizzyingTumble.png;20:Paralysis:Incapacitates the target for 1 min. Limit 1. Damage will cancel the effect.:0:7:13:1:0:0:8,13,14:25,24,26:paralysis.png,default.png;21:Tiger Strikes:You have an 8% chance on each attack to proc a 50% attack speed buff and 4 extra attacks.:1:7:17:1:0:0:9,14:26:tigerstrikes.png,default.png;22:Chi Shroud,Expelling Detox:Expel Harm grants an absorb shield for 10% of the amount healed.,Expel Harm removes 1 harmful Poison or Disease from you.:2:9:3:1:8:0:16:28,27:chiShroud.png,expunge.png;23:Spinning Jade Blossom,Song of Chi-Ji:Deals (105% of attack power) Nature damage to your target.__n____n__If Spinning Jade Blossom is cast on a target ouside of melee range__cm__ the damage is increased by 50% and you root the target for 1.5 sec.,Conjures a cloud of hypnotic mist that slowly travels forward. Enemies touched by the mist fall asleep__cm__ Disoriented for 20 sec.:2:9:7:1:8:0:18,19,17:28,29:spinningJadeblossom.png,songofChiji.png;24:Sparring:Increases the range of your melee attacks by 3 yards.:1:9:11:1:8:0:13,19,20:34,29:sparring.png,purge.png;25:Deadly Reach,Perpetual Paralysis:Increases the range of your Paralysis spell by 10 yards and removes the energy cost.,Paralysis range reduced by 10 yards__cm__ but spreads to 2 new enemies when removed.:2:9:13:1:8:0:20::deadlyReach.png,paralysis.png;26:Fortune Charm:Increases critical strike chance by 2%.,Increases critical strike chance by 4%.:1:9:15:2:8:0:21,14,20:31,30:fortuneCharm.png,default.png;27:Harm Denial:Increases the healing of your Expel Harm and Chi Spells by 15%__n____n__Increases maximum number of Healing Spheres active by 1.,Increases the healing of your Expel Harm and Chi Spells by 30%.__n____n__Increases maximum number of Healing Spheres active by 2.:1:11:1:2:8:0:15,22:42,32:soulDance.png,default.png;28:Deft Manuevering:Increases Avoidance and Dodge chance by 2%.,Increases Avoidance and Dodge chance by 4%.:1:11:5:2:8:0:23,17,22:33,32:deftManuevering.png,default.png;29:Dampen Harm,Diffuse Magic:Reduces all damage you take by 20% to 50% for 10 sec__cm__ with larger attacks being reduced by more.,Reduces magic damage you take by 60% for 6 sec__cm__ and transfers all currently active harmful magical effects on you back to their original caster if possible.:2:11:9:1:8:0:23,24:34,39,33:dampenHarm.png,benediction.png;30:Celerity:Reduces the cooldown of Roll by 2.5 sec.,Reduces the cooldown of Roll by 5 sec.:1:11:15:2:8:0:26:35:shaohao.png,default.png;31:Exit Strategy:__n__Rolling grants you 10% Avoidance for 2 sec. Taking non-periodic damage in this time reduces the cooldown of Roll by 5 sec.:1:11:17:1:8:0:26::exitStrategy.png,default.png;32:Zen Meditation:Reduces all damage taken by 60% for 8 sec. Being hit by a melee attack__cm__ or taking another action will cancel this effect.__n____n__:0:13:3:1:8:0:28,27:37,36:zenMeditation.png,default.png;33:Teachings of the Broken Temple:Tiger Palm now deals damage 1 additional time.__n____n__Blackout Kick now also deals an additional 5% damage over 6 sec.__n____n__,Tiger Palm now deals damage 2 additional times.__n____n__Blackout Kick now also deals an additional 10% damage over 6 sec.__n____n__:1:13:7:2:8:0:28,29:38,37,39:blackoutKick.png,default.png;34:Healing Elixir:Drink a healing elixir__cm__ healing you for 15% of your maximum health.:0:13:11:1:8:0:24,29:39,40:healingElixir.png,default.png;35:Chi Torpedo,Tiger's Lust:Torpedoes you forward a long distance and increases your movement speed by 30% for 10 sec__cm__ stacking up to 2 times.,Increases a friendly target's movement speed by 70% for 6 sec and removes all roots and snares.__n__:2:13:15:1:8:0:30:41,40:chiTorpedo.png,tigersLust.png;36:Fundamental Observation:Zen Meditation has 50% reduced cooldown and is no longer cancelled when you move or when you are hit by melee attacks.:1:15:3:1:20:0:32:42,46:innerStrength.png,default.png;37:Eye of the Tiger:Tiger Palm also applies Eye of the Tiger__cm__ dealing (28.1736% of Attack power) Nature damage to the enemy and (28.1736% of Attack power) healing to the Monk over 8 sec. Limit 1 target.:1:15:5:1:20:0:33,32::eyeoftheTiger.png,default.png;38:Transcendence:Split your body and spirit__cm__ leaving your spirit behind for 15 min. Use Transcendence__cl__ Transfer to swap locations with your spirit.:0:15:7:1:20:0:33:43:transcendence.png,default.png;39:Celestial Bond:Windwalker__n__Abilities that activate Combo Strikes reduce the cooldown of Invoke Xuen__cm__ the White Tiger by 0.2 sec.__n____n__Brewmaster__n__Abilities that grant Shuffle reduce the cooldown on Invoke Niuzao__cm__ the Black Ox by 0.3 sec.__n____n__Mistweaver__n__Abilities that activate Gust of Mist reduce the Cooldown on Invoke Yul'on__cm__ the Jade Serpent by 0.3 sec.,Windwalker__n__Abilities that activate Combo Strikes reduce the cooldown of Invoke Xuen__cm__ the White Tiger by 0.4 sec.__n____n__Brewmaster__n__Abilities that grant Shuffle reduce the cooldown on Invoke Niuzao__cm__ the Black Ox by 0.6 sec.__n____n__Mistweaver__n__Abilities that activate Gust of Mist reduce the Cooldown on Invoke Yul'on__cm__ the Jade Serpent by 0.6 sec.:1:15:9:2:20:0:34,33,29:47,44:celestialBond.png,default.png;40:Power of the Emperor:Crackling Jade Lightning deals 25% more damage and may now be channeled while moving.,Crackling Jade Lightning deals 50% more damage and may now be channeled while moving.:1:15:13:2:20:0:34,35:44,45:protectionoftheEmperor.png,default.png;41:Tumbling Technique:Blackout Kick has a 5% chance to grant a charge of Roll.__n____n__,Blackout Kick has a 10% chance to grant a charge of Roll.__n____n__:1:15:17:2:20:0:35:45:tumblingTechnique.png,default.png;42:Chi Orbit:Every 5 sec__cm__ an orb of energy forms__cm__ and rotates around you until it impacts an enemy__cm__ dealing (24.57% of Attack power) damage to all nearby enemies. Maximum 4 orbs.__n____n__When an orb detonates it spawns a Healing Sphere.:1:17:1:1:20:0:27,36:46:chiOrbit.png,default.png;43:Escape from Reality,Swift Transference:After you use Transcendence__cl__ Transfer__cm__ you can use Transcendence__cl__ Transfer again within 10 sec__cm__ ignoring its cooldown.,Transcendence__cl__ Transfer increases your movement speed by 30% for 5 sec.:2:17:7:1:20:0:38:47:escapefromReality.png,swiftTransference.png;44:Celestial Dynasty:Increases the size__cm__ health__cm__ and duration of your Celestial(s) by 50%.:1:17:11:1:20:0:39,40:47:celestialDynasty.png,default.png;45:Touch of Death:Deals damage equal to 35% of your maximum health against players and stronger creatures under 15% health__n____n____n__ Brewmaster__n__Reduces delayed Stagger damage by 200% of damage dealt__n____n____n____n__ Windwalker __n__Spawns 3 Chi Spheres__cm__ granting 1 Chi when you walk through them__n____n____n____n__ Mistweaver __n__Increases the Monk's Physical damage by 15% for 10 sec:0:17:15:1:20:0:41,40:48:touchofDeath.png,default.png;46:Ascension:Windwalker__n__Increases your maximum Chi by 1__cm__ maximum Energy by 20__cm__ and your Energy regeneration by 10%.__n____n__Brewmaster__n__Increases your Stagger by 5%__cm__ maximum Energy by 20__cm__ and your Energy regeneration by 10%.__n____n__Mistweaver__n__Increases your maximum Mana by 20%__cm__ and your Mana regeneration by 10%.:1:19:3:1:20:0:42,36::ascension.png,default.png;47:Invoker's Delight,Constellation Star-Chart:You gain 33% haste for 20 sec after summoning your Celestial.,Invoking any Celestial now summons all 4 of them.:2:19:9:1:20:0:44,43,39::invokersDelight.png,constellationStarchart.png;48:Fatal Flying Guilllotine ,Fatal Touch:Touch of Death strikes up to 4 additional nearby targets.,Touch of Death now does 100% of your maximum health against stronger creatures under 15% health.__n____n__Reduces the cooldown of Touch of Death by 60 sec.:2:19:15:1:20:0:45::fatalflyingGuillotine.png,touchofDeath.png;
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