
Dr Stuart Lorimer - Initial Questions

Jun 28th, 2022
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  1. 1. What name do you prefer to be known by (when we meet you and/or in written reports)? Have you made an official name change? What pronouns do you use?
  2. 2. How old are you?
  3. 3. Have you used other gender services, private or NHS?
  4. 4. Are you living, day to day, as you'd like to live, gender-wise? Have you made a social transition? If not, what are the obstacles? What needs to change?
  5. 5. What do you do during the day (work, study, volunteering, social activity)?
  6. 6. Are those close to you (family, friends, partners, colleagues) aware of your gender circumstances? Do they support your plans?
  7. 7. Have you had any treatment for physical health conditions?
  8. 8. Have you had any treatment for mental health conditions? Have you ever harmed or tried to kill yourself?
  9. 9. Are you on any medication for physical or mental health conditions (including contraception)?
  10. 10. What is your objective in seeing me?
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