Guest User


a guest
Jun 13th, 2018
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  2. 2018-06-13 11:07:04.381 DEBUG [kallithea.lib.auth_modules.auth_internal] {
  3. "active": true,
  4. "active_from_extern": true,
  5. "admin": true,
  6. "email": "",
  7. "extern_name": 2,
  8. "firstname": "Kallithea",
  9. "groups": [],
  10. "lastname": "Kallithea",
  11. "username": "kallithea"
  12. }
  13. 2018-06-13 11:07:04.468 INFO [kallithea.lib.auth_modules.auth_internal] user kallithea authenticated correctly
  14. 2018-06-13 11:07:04.468 INFO [kallithea.lib.auth_modules.auth_internal] user kallithea authenticated correctly
  15. 2018-06-13 11:07:04.470 DEBUG [kallithea.lib.auth_modules] PLUGIN USER DATA: {'username': u'kallithea', 'active': True, 'groups': [], 'firstname': u'Kallithea', 'admin': True, 'lastname': u'Kallithea', 'email': u'', 'active_from_extern': True, 'extern_name': 2}
  16. 2018-06-13 11:07:04.470 DEBUG [kallithea.lib.auth_modules] PLUGIN USER DATA: {'username': u'kallithea', 'active': True, 'groups': [], 'firstname': u'Kallithea', 'admin': True, 'lastname': u'Kallithea', 'email': u'', 'active_from_extern': True, 'extern_name': 2}
  17. 2018-06-13 11:07:04.470 DEBUG [kallithea.lib.auth_modules] Plugin returned proper authentication data
  18. 2018-06-13 11:07:04.470 DEBUG [kallithea.lib.auth_modules] Plugin returned proper authentication data
  19. 2018-06-13 11:07:04.475 DEBUG [kallithea.lib.auth] Auth User lookup by USER ID 2
  20. 2018-06-13 11:07:04.475 DEBUG [kallithea.lib.auth] Auth User lookup by USER ID 2
  21. 2018-06-13 11:07:04.475 DEBUG [kallithea.lib.auth] filling <User('id:2:kallithea')> data
  22. 2018-06-13 11:07:04.475 DEBUG [kallithea.lib.auth] filling <User('id:2:kallithea')> data
  23. 2018-06-13 11:07:04.476 DEBUG [kallithea.lib.auth] Auth User is now <AuthUser('id:2[kallithea] auth:False')>
  24. 2018-06-13 11:07:04.476 DEBUG [kallithea.lib.auth] Auth User is now <AuthUser('id:2[kallithea] auth:False')>
  25. 2018-06-13 11:07:04.476 DEBUG [kallithea.lib.auth] Getting PERMISSION tree
  26. 2018-06-13 11:07:04.476 DEBUG [kallithea.lib.auth] Getting PERMISSION tree
  27. 2018-06-13 11:07:04.480 DEBUG [kallithea.lib.auth] checking VCS protocol permissions set(['repository.admin']) for user:kallithea repository:test2
  28. 2018-06-13 11:07:04.480 DEBUG [kallithea.lib.auth] checking VCS protocol permissions set(['repository.admin']) for user:kallithea repository:test2
  29. 2018-06-13 11:07:04.480 DEBUG [kallithea.lib.auth] Permission to repo: test2 granted for user: kallithea @ PermissionMiddleware
  30. 2018-06-13 11:07:04.480 DEBUG [kallithea.lib.auth] Permission to repo: test2 granted for user: kallithea @ PermissionMiddleware
  31. 2018-06-13 11:07:04.481 DEBUG [kallithea.lib.middleware.simplegit] Repository path is /mnt/data/test2
  32. 2018-06-13 11:07:04.481 DEBUG [kallithea.lib.middleware.simplegit] Repository path is /mnt/data/test2
  33. 2018-06-13 11:07:04.481 DEBUG [kallithea.lib.middleware.simplegit] Checking locking on repository
  34. 2018-06-13 11:07:04.481 DEBUG [kallithea.lib.middleware.simplegit] Checking locking on repository
  35. 2018-06-13 11:07:04.487 DEBUG [kallithea.lib.base] Repository <Repository('2:test2')> do not have locking enabled
  36. 2018-06-13 11:07:04.487 DEBUG [kallithea.lib.base] Repository <Repository('2:test2')> do not have locking enabled
  37. 2018-06-13 11:07:04.487 DEBUG [kallithea.lib.base] FINAL locking values make_lock:None,locked:False,locked_by:[None, None]
  38. 2018-06-13 11:07:04.487 DEBUG [kallithea.lib.base] FINAL locking values make_lock:None,locked:False,locked_by:[None, None]
  39. 2018-06-13 11:07:04.487 DEBUG [kallithea.lib.middleware.simplegit] HOOKS extras is {'username': u'kallithea', 'scm': 'git', 'repository': u'test2', 'make_lock': None, 'ip': '', 'locked_by': [None, None], 'server_url': '', 'action': 'push', 'config': '/home/kallithea/kallithea/my.ini'}
  40. 2018-06-13 11:07:04.487 DEBUG [kallithea.lib.middleware.simplegit] HOOKS extras is {'username': u'kallithea', 'scm': 'git', 'repository': u'test2', 'make_lock': None, 'ip': '', 'locked_by': [None, None], 'server_url': '', 'action': 'push', 'config': '/home/kallithea/kallithea/my.ini'}
  41. 2018-06-13 11:07:04.488 DEBUG [kallithea.lib.utils] settings ui from db: [hooks] changegroup.repo_size=python:kallithea.lib.hooks.repo_size
  42. 2018-06-13 11:07:04.488 DEBUG [kallithea.lib.utils] settings ui from db: [hooks] changegroup.repo_size=python:kallithea.lib.hooks.repo_size
  43. 2018-06-13 11:07:04.488 DEBUG [kallithea.lib.utils] settings ui from db: [hooks] changegroup.push_logger=python:kallithea.lib.hooks.log_push_action
  44. 2018-06-13 11:07:04.488 DEBUG [kallithea.lib.utils] settings ui from db: [hooks] changegroup.push_logger=python:kallithea.lib.hooks.log_push_action
  45. 2018-06-13 11:07:04.489 DEBUG [kallithea.lib.utils] settings ui from db: [hooks] prechangegroup.pre_push=python:kallithea.lib.hooks.pre_push
  46. 2018-06-13 11:07:04.489 DEBUG [kallithea.lib.utils] settings ui from db: [hooks] prechangegroup.pre_push=python:kallithea.lib.hooks.pre_push
  47. 2018-06-13 11:07:04.489 DEBUG [kallithea.lib.utils] settings ui from db: [hooks] outgoing.pull_logger=python:kallithea.lib.hooks.log_pull_action
  48. 2018-06-13 11:07:04.489 DEBUG [kallithea.lib.utils] settings ui from db: [hooks] outgoing.pull_logger=python:kallithea.lib.hooks.log_pull_action
  49. 2018-06-13 11:07:04.489 DEBUG [kallithea.lib.utils] settings ui from db: [hooks] preoutgoing.pre_pull=python:kallithea.lib.hooks.pre_pull
  50. 2018-06-13 11:07:04.489 DEBUG [kallithea.lib.utils] settings ui from db: [hooks] preoutgoing.pre_pull=python:kallithea.lib.hooks.pre_pull
  51. 2018-06-13 11:07:04.489 DEBUG [kallithea.lib.utils] settings ui from db: [extensions] largefiles=
  52. 2018-06-13 11:07:04.489 DEBUG [kallithea.lib.utils] settings ui from db: [extensions] largefiles=
  53. 2018-06-13 11:07:04.489 DEBUG [kallithea.lib.utils] settings ui from db: [largefiles] usercache=/mnt/data/.cache/largefiles
  54. 2018-06-13 11:07:04.489 DEBUG [kallithea.lib.utils] settings ui from db: [largefiles] usercache=/mnt/data/.cache/largefiles
  55. 2018-06-13 11:07:04.489 DEBUG [kallithea.lib.utils] settings ui from db: [web] push_ssl=false
  56. 2018-06-13 11:07:04.489 DEBUG [kallithea.lib.utils] settings ui from db: [web] push_ssl=false
  57. 2018-06-13 11:07:04.490 DEBUG [kallithea.lib.utils] settings ui from db: [web] allow_archive=gz zip bz2
  58. 2018-06-13 11:07:04.490 DEBUG [kallithea.lib.utils] settings ui from db: [web] allow_archive=gz zip bz2
  59. 2018-06-13 11:07:04.490 DEBUG [kallithea.lib.utils] settings ui from db: [web] allow_push=*
  60. 2018-06-13 11:07:04.490 DEBUG [kallithea.lib.utils] settings ui from db: [web] allow_push=*
  61. 2018-06-13 11:07:04.490 DEBUG [kallithea.lib.utils] settings ui from db: [web] baseurl=/
  62. 2018-06-13 11:07:04.490 DEBUG [kallithea.lib.utils] settings ui from db: [web] baseurl=/
  63. 2018-06-13 11:07:04.490 DEBUG [kallithea.lib.utils] settings ui from db: [paths] /=/mnt/data
  64. 2018-06-13 11:07:04.490 DEBUG [kallithea.lib.utils] settings ui from db: [paths] /=/mnt/data
  65. 2018-06-13 11:07:04.491 INFO [kallithea.lib.middleware.simplegit] push action on Git repo "test2" by "kallithea" from
  66. 2018-06-13 11:07:04.491 INFO [kallithea.lib.middleware.simplegit] push action on Git repo "test2" by "kallithea" from
  67. 2018-06-13 11:07:04.493 DEBUG [kallithea.lib.middleware.pygrack] handling cmd ['git', u'receive-pack', '--stateless-rpc', u'/mnt/data/test2']
  68. 2018-06-13 11:07:04.493 DEBUG [kallithea.lib.middleware.pygrack] handling cmd ['git', u'receive-pack', '--stateless-rpc', u'/mnt/data/test2']
  69. 2018-06-13 11:07:04.519 DEBUG [kallithea.SimpleGit] Request time: 0.182s
  70. 2018-06-13 11:07:04.519 DEBUG [kallithea.SimpleGit] Request time: 0.182s
  71. 2018-06-13 11:07:04.520 INFO [kallithea.RequestWrapper] IP: to /test2/git-receive-pack time: 0.182s
  72. 2018-06-13 11:07:04.520 INFO [kallithea.RequestWrapper] IP: Request to /test2/git-receive-pack time: 0.182s
  73. 2018-06-13 11:07:04.525 DEBUG [kallithea.model.db] for repo test2 got [<CacheInvalidation('3:test2[False]')>, <CacheInvalidation('4:test2_README[False]')>] invalidation objects
  74. 2018-06-13 11:07:04.525 DEBUG [kallithea.model.db] for repo test2 got [<CacheInvalidation('3:test2[False]')>, <CacheInvalidation('4:test2_README[False]')>] invalidation objects
  75. 2018-06-13 11:07:04.525 DEBUG [kallithea.model.db] marking <CacheInvalidation('3:test2[False]')> key for invalidation based on repo_name=test2
  76. 2018-06-13 11:07:04.525 DEBUG [kallithea.model.db] marking <CacheInvalidation('3:test2[False]')> key for invalidation based on repo_name=test2
  77. 2018-06-13 11:07:04.526 DEBUG [kallithea.model.db] marking <CacheInvalidation('4:test2_README[False]')> key for invalidation based on repo_name=test2
  78. 2018-06-13 11:07:04.526 DEBUG [kallithea.model.db] marking <CacheInvalidation('4:test2_README[False]')> key for invalidation based on repo_name=test2
  79. 2018-06-13 11:07:04.535 DEBUG [kallithea.model.db] Creating instance of git repository from /mnt/data/test2
  80. 2018-06-13 11:07:04.535 DEBUG [kallithea.model.db] Creating instance of git repository from /mnt/data/test2
  81. 2018-06-13 11:07:04.555 DEBUG [kallithea.model.db] changeset_cache for test2 already up to date with 41c3690926d6aa43ccc97f75739e0fc5ae4c803e
  82. 2018-06-13 11:07:04.555 DEBUG [kallithea.model.db] changeset_cache for test2 already up to date with 41c3690926d6aa43ccc97f75739e0fc5ae4c803e
  83. 2018-06-13 11:07:04.934 DEBUG [kallithea.lib.middleware.simplegit] pathinfo: /test2/git-receive-pack detected as Git True
  84. 2018-06-13 11:07:04.934 DEBUG [kallithea.lib.middleware.simplegit] pathinfo: /test2/git-receive-pack detected as Git True
  85. 2018-06-13 11:07:04.935 DEBUG [kallithea.SimpleGit] Request time: 0.001s
  86. 2018-06-13 11:07:04.935 DEBUG [kallithea.SimpleGit] Request time: 0.001s
  87. 2018-06-13 11:07:04.936 INFO [kallithea.RequestWrapper] IP: Request to /test2/git-receive-pack time: 0.003s
  88. 2018-06-13 11:07:04.936 INFO [kallithea.RequestWrapper] IP: Request to /test2/git-receive-pack time: 0.003s
  89. 2018-06-13 11:07:04.940 ERROR [waitress] Exception when serving /test2/git-receive-pack
  90. Traceback (most recent call last):
  91. File "/opt/Kallithea/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/waitress/", line 337, in service
  92. task.service()
  93. File "/opt/Kallithea/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/waitress/", line 173, in service
  94. self.execute()
  95. File "/opt/Kallithea/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/waitress/", line 392, in execute
  96. app_iter =, start_response)
  97. File "/opt/Kallithea/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/paste/", line 34, in __call__
  98. response.gzip_start_response)
  99. File "/opt/Kallithea/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/paste/", line 130, in __call__
  100. return self.apps[-1](environ, start_response)
  101. File "/opt/Kallithea/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/paste/", line 379, in __call__
  102. app_iter = self.application(environ, start_response)
  103. File "/home/kallithea/kallithea/kallithea/lib/middleware/", line 43, in __call__
  104. return self.application(environ, start_response)
  105. File "/home/kallithea/kallithea/kallithea/lib/", line 312, in __call__
  106. return self._handle_request(environ, start_response)
  107. File "/home/kallithea/kallithea/kallithea/lib/middleware/", line 69, in _handle_request
  108. if not self._check_ssl(environ):
  109. File "/home/kallithea/kallithea/kallithea/lib/", line 257, in _check_ssl
  110. if str2bool(Ui.get_by_key('push_ssl').ui_value):
  111. File "/home/kallithea/kallithea/kallithea/model/", line 355, in get_by_key
  112. return cls.query().filter(cls.ui_key == key).scalar()
  113. File "/opt/Kallithea/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/", line 2215, in scalar
  114. ret =
  115. File "/opt/Kallithea/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/", line 2184, in one
  116. ret = list(self)
  117. File "/home/kallithea/kallithea/kallithea/lib/", line 83, in __iter__
  118. return Query.__iter__(self)
  119. File "/opt/Kallithea/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/", line 2227, in __iter__
  120. return self._execute_and_instances(context)
  121. File "/opt/Kallithea/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/", line 2242, in _execute_and_instances
  122. result = conn.execute(querycontext.statement, self._params)
  123. File "/opt/Kallithea/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sqlalchemy/engine/", line 1449, in execute
  124. params)
  125. File "/opt/Kallithea/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sqlalchemy/engine/", line 1584, in _execute_clauseelement
  126. compiled_sql, distilled_params
  127. File "/opt/Kallithea/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sqlalchemy/engine/", line 1698, in _execute_context
  128. context)
  129. File "/opt/Kallithea/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sqlalchemy/engine/", line 1691, in _execute_context
  130. context)
  131. File "/opt/Kallithea/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sqlalchemy/engine/", line 331, in do_execute
  132. cursor.execute(statement, parameters)
  133. DatabaseError: (DatabaseError) file is encrypted or is not a database u'SELECT ui.ui_id AS ui_ui_id, ui.ui_section AS ui_ui_section, ui.ui_key AS ui_ui_key, ui.ui_value AS ui_ui_value, ui.ui_active AS ui_ui_active \nFROM ui \nWHERE ui.ui_key = ?' ('push_ssl',)
  134. 2018-06-13 11:07:04.946 ERROR [waitress] Exception when servicing < connected at 0x7f06c5923e90>
  135. Traceback (most recent call last):
  136. File "/opt/Kallithea/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/waitress/", line 74, in handler_thread
  137. task.service()
  138. File "/opt/Kallithea/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/waitress/", line 368, in service
  139. request._close()
  140. File "/opt/Kallithea/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/waitress/", line 249, in _close
  141. body_rcv.getbuf()._close()
  142. File "/opt/Kallithea/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/waitress/", line 303, in _close
  143. buf._close()
  144. File "/opt/Kallithea/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/waitress/", line 110, in _close
  145. self.file.close()
  146. IOError: [Errno 9] Bad file descriptor
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