
Andrea's Craft - Layout

Oct 25th, 2020 (edited)
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  260. <!--like to meet-->
  261. <html>
  262. <body>
  263. <div class="container">
  264. <h1>Andrea's Craft</h1>
  265. <div class="leftSide">
  266. <img src="" class="siteImage">
  267. </div>
  269. <div class="rightSide">
  270. <div style="width: 207px; height: 110px; background: white; padding: 20px; font-family: 'Playfair Display'; font-size: 12px; text-align: justify; overflow: auto; margin-bottom: 10px;">
  271. <h2>Welcome</h2>
  272. Welcome message will go here and what not. Welcome message will go here and what not. Welcome message will go here and what not. Welcome message will go here and what not. Welcome message will go here and what not. Welcome message will go here and what not. Welcome message will go here and what not. Welcome message will go here and what not. Welcome message will go here and what not. Welcome message will go here and what not. Welcome message will go here and what not. Welcome message will go here and what not. Welcome message will go here and what not. Welcome message will go here and what not. Welcome message will go here and what not. Welcome message will go here and what not. Welcome message will go here and what not. Welcome message will go here and what not. Welcome message will go here and what not. Welcome message will go here and what not. Welcome message will go here and what not. Welcome message will go here and what not. Welcome message will go here and what not. Welcome message will go here and what not. Welcome message will go here and what not. Welcome message will go here and what not. Welcome message will go here and what not. Welcome message will go here and what not. Welcome message will go here and what not. Welcome message will go here and what not. Welcome message will go here and what not. Welcome message will go here and what not. Welcome message will go here and what not. Welcome message will go here and what not. Welcome message will go here and what not. Welcome message will go here and what not. Welcome message will go here and what not.
  273. </div>
  274. <div id="updates">
  275. <div style="width: 207px; text-align: right; margin-top: -17px; margin-bottom: 10px;"><a href="#close" style="font-family:Playfair Display; color:#000; font-size:12px;">x</a></div>
  276. <h2>site updates</h2>
  277. <b>00.00</b> the update will go here <br>
  278. <b>00.00</b> the update will go here <br>
  279. <b>00.00</b> the update will go here <br>
  280. <b>00.00</b> the update will go here <br>
  281. <b>00.00</b> the update will go here <br>
  282. <b>00.00</b> the update will go here <br>
  283. <b>00.00</b> the update will go here <br>
  284. <b>00.00</b> the update will go here <br>
  285. <b>00.00</b> the update will go here <br>
  286. <b>00.00</b> the update will go here <br>
  287. <b>00.00</b> the update will go here <br>
  288. </div>
  290. <div id="owner">
  291. <div style="width: 207px; text-align: right; margin-top: -17px; margin-bottom: 10px;"><a href="#close" style="font-family:Playfair Display; color:#000; font-size:12px;">x</a></div>
  292. <h2>site oiwner</h2>
  293. owner welcome message here and what not. owner welcome message here and what not. owner welcome message here and what not. owner welcome message here and what not. owner welcome message here and what not. owner welcome message here and what not. owner welcome message here and what not. owner welcome message here and what not. owner welcome message here and what not. owner welcome message here and what not. owner welcome message here and what not. owner welcome message here and what not. owner welcome message here and what not. owner welcome message here and what not. owner welcome message here and what not. owner welcome message here and what not. owner welcome message here and what not. owner welcome message here and what not. owner welcome message here and what not. owner welcome message here and what not.
  294. </div>
  296. <div id="orders">
  297. <div style="width: 207px; text-align: right; margin-top: -17px; margin-bottom: 10px;"><a href="#close" style="font-family:Playfair Display; color:#000; font-size:12px;">x</a></div>
  298. <h2>current orders</h2>
  299. <b>customer</b> - talk about the order will go here. <br>
  300. <b>customer</b> - talk about the order will go here. <br>
  301. <b>customer</b> - talk about the order will go here. <br>
  302. <b>customer</b> - talk about the order will go here. <br>
  303. <b>customer</b> - talk about the order will go here. <br>
  304. <b>customer</b> - talk about the order will go here. <br>
  305. <b>customer</b> - talk about the order will go here. <br>
  306. <b>customer</b> - talk about the order will go here. <br>
  307. <b>customer</b> - talk about the order will go here. <br>
  308. <b>customer</b> - talk about the order will go here. <br>
  309. <b>customer</b> - talk about the order will go here. <br>
  310. <b>customer</b> - talk about the order will go here. <br>
  311. <b>customer</b> - talk about the order will go here. <br>
  312. <b>customer</b> - talk about the order will go here. <br>
  313. </div>
  315. <div style="width:247px; height:40px; background:#fff;">
  316. <a href="#updates" class="tabLinks">updates</a>
  317. <a href="#owner" class="tabLinks">owner</a>
  318. <a href="#orders" class="tabLinks">orders</a>
  319. </div>
  320. </div>
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  324. <a href="/home.php" class="navigationalLinks" style="margin-top:2px;">home</a>
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  327. <a href="/view_member_blog.php?member_id=" class="navigationalLinks">content</a>
  328. <a href="#affies" class="navigationalLinks">affies</a>
  329. </div>
  330. </div>
  333. <div id="affies">
  334. <h2>Affiliates</h2>
  335. <a href="/" class="affiliateLinks">affiliate name</a>
  336. <a href="/" class="affiliateLinks">affiliate name</a>
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  340. <a href="/" class="affiliateLinks">affiliate name</a>
  341. <a href="/" class="affiliateLinks">affiliate name</a>
  342. <a href="/" class="affiliateLinks">affiliate name</a>
  343. <a href="/" class="affiliateLinks">affiliate name</a>
  344. <a href="/" class="affiliateLinks">affiliate name</a>
  345. <a href="/" class="affiliateLinks">affiliate name</a>
  346. <a href="/" class="affiliateLinks">affiliate name</a>
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