Guest User


a guest
Sep 26th, 2017
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  1. <?php
  3. /*******************************************************
  4. NOTE: This is a translatable file generated by IP.Board 3.1.4 (31007) on Thu, 28 Jul 2011 20:00:23 +0000 by Thom@s
  5. PLEASE set your text editor to save this document as UTF-8 regardless of your board's character-set
  6. *******************************************************/
  10. $lang = array(
  11. 'unapproved_title' => "Gestion des liens non approuvés (%s) ",
  12. 'tab__links' => "Annuaire",
  13. 'linksubs_title' => "Gestion des liens regardés",
  14. 'catsubs_title' => "Gestion des catégories visionnées",
  15. 'general_prefs' => "Préférences",
  16. 'manage_unapproved' => "Gestion des liens non approuvés (%s) ",
  17. 'no_member_links' => "Ce membre n'a pas proposé de liens",
  18. 'cur_link_subs' => "Notifications du lien actuel",
  19. 'cur_cat_subs' => "Notifications de la catégorie actuelle",
  20. 'default_delete_reason' => "Astuce : Cliquez ici pour entrer une raison du refus de %s ou laissez vide pour ne spécifier aucune raison.",
  21. 'delete_links' => "Supprimer les liens",
  22. 'backto' => "Retour au %s",
  23. 'links_comments' => "Commentaire des liens",
  24. 'pp_tab_links' => "Annuaire",
  25. 'search_title' => "Annuaire",
  26. 'f_from_7' => "Depuis : 7 jours",
  27. 'f_from_today' => "Depuis : Aujourd'hui",
  28. 'f_from_5' => "Depuis : 5 jours",
  29. 'f_by_rating' => "Ordre : Note ",
  30. 'f_by_hits' => "Ordre : Nombre de vues",
  31. 'f_by_comments' => "Ordre : Commentaires",
  32. 'f_by_link_submitter' => "Ordre : Lien soumis",
  33. 'f_by_link_submitted' => "Ordre : Lien soumis",
  34. 'f_by_link_title' => "Ordre : Titre du lien",
  35. 'f_by_comment_poster' => "Ordre : Dernier commentaire posté",
  36. 'category' => "Catégorie",
  37. 'categories' => "Annuaire",
  38. 'links' => "liens",
  39. 'hits' => "clics",
  40. 'comments' => "commentaire(s)",
  41. 'link' => "Lien",
  42. 'by' => "par",
  43. 'affiliates' => "Partenaires",
  44. 'by_with_col' => "Par :",
  45. 'affiliate' => "Partenaire",
  46. 'random_link' => "Lien Aléatoire",
  47. 'top_5_by_hits' => "Top 5 par nombre de clics",
  48. 'top_5_by_rating' => "Top 5 par vote",
  49. 'last_5_links' => "5 derniers liens soumis",
  50. 'links_stats' => "Statistiques de l'Annuaire",
  51. 'tot_comments' => "Commentaires",
  52. 'last_link' => "Dernier lien",
  53. 'using_system' => "%s membre(s) en train de parcourir l'Annuaire",
  54. 'link_back' => "Envie de faire connaitre notre annuaire ?",
  55. 'link_back_code' => "Voici un code que vous pouvez copier et coller sur votre site.",
  56. 'link_back_image' => "N’hésitez pas à utiliser une de nos images ci-dessous",
  57. 'cannot_submit_link' => "Vous ne pouvez pas soumettre un lien.",
  58. 'filter_options' => "Afficher les options de filtrage",
  59. 'filter_sort_by' => "Trier par :",
  60. 'go' => "Go",
  61. 'browsing_category' => "%s utilisateur(s) parcourent cette catégorie",
  62. 'category_legend' => "Légende de la catégorie",
  63. 'legend_unread' => "Lien ou commentaire non lu",
  64. 'legend_read' => "Lien lu",
  65. 'legend_unread_hot' => "Lien populaire non lu",
  66. 'legend_read_hot' => "Lien populaire lu",
  67. 'add_comment' => "Ajouter un commentaire",
  68. 'cannot_add_comment' => "Vous ne pouvez pas ajouter de commentaires.",
  69. 'link_info' => "Information du lien",
  70. 'link_rate_votes' => "%s Votes",
  71. 'link_rate_my_vote' => "(Vous avez voté %s)",
  72. 'description' => "Description",
  73. 'confirm_del_link' => "Etes-vous certain de vouloir supprimer ce lien ?",
  74. 'confirm_unapprove_link' => "Etes-vous certain de vouloir désapprouver ce lien ?",
  75. 'delete' => "Supprimer",
  76. 'approve' => "Approuver",
  77. 'edit' => "Modifier",
  78. 'comments_title' => "Commentaires",
  79. 'leave_comment' => "Laisser un commentaire",
  80. 'editing_link' => "Modifier un lien dans %s",
  81. 'editing_comment' => "Modifier un commentaire dans %s",
  82. 'link_title' => "Titre du lien",
  83. 'link_desc' => "Description du lien",
  84. 'link_image' => "Image du lien",
  85. 'link_has_image' => "Actuellement, ce lien possède déjà une image. Vous pouvez l'écraser en envoyant une nouvelle ci-dessous. Image actuelle : ",
  86. 'auto_resized' => "Les grandes images seront automatiquement redimensionnées.",
  87. 'default_img_used' => "Si vous ne mettez pas d'image, celle par défaut sera utilisée :",
  88. 'cancel' => "Annuler",
  89. 'comment' => "Commentaire",
  90. 'hits_title' => "Clics",
  91. 'hidden_links' => "Liens cachés",
  92. 'links_submitted' => "Liens soumis",
  93. 'link_marked_read' => "Le lien a été marqué comme lu",
  94. 'cat_marked_read' => "La catégorie a été marquée comme lue",
  95. 'f_by_last_comment' => "Ordre : Dernier commentaire",
  96. 'f_from_10' => "Depuis : 10 jours",
  97. 'f_from_15' => "Depuis : 15 jours",
  98. 'f_from_20' => "Depuis : 20 jours",
  99. 'f_from_25' => "Depuis : 25 jours",
  100. 'f_from_30' => "Depuis : 30 jours",
  101. 'f_from_60' => "Depuis : 60 jours",
  102. 'f_from_90' => "Depuis : 90 jours",
  103. 'f_from_all' => "Afficher : Tous",
  104. 'f_from_last_visit' => "Afficher : Depuis la dernière visite",
  105. 'f_dir_desc' => "Z-A",
  106. 'f_dir_asc' => "A-Z",
  107. 'comment_added' => "Votre commentaire a été ajouté",
  108. 'comment_modified' => "Le commentaire a été modifié",
  109. 'comment_deleted' => "Le commentaire a été supprimé",
  110. 'confirm_del_comment' => "Etes-vous certain de vouloir supprimer ce commentaire ?",
  111. 'dest_cat' => "Destination de la catégorie",
  112. 'link_moved' => "Le(s) lien(s) a été déplacé",
  113. 'links_deleted' => "Le ou les liens ont été supprimés",
  114. 'links_status_changed' => "Le statut du lien a changé",
  115. 'main_breadcrumb' => "Annuaire",
  116. 'default_page_title' => "Annuaire",
  117. 'hookOurAffiliates_title' => "Nos partenaires",
  118. 'hookOurAffiliates_none' => "Nous n'avons actuellement aucun partenaires.",
  119. 'hookLatestLinks_title' => "Derniers Liens",
  120. 'hookPopularLinks_title' => "Liens populaires",
  121. 'prefs_noti_links_type_email' => "Email",
  122. 'prefs_noti_links_type_pm' => "Private Message",
  123. 'prefs_noti_links_type_none' => "No Notification",
  124. 'prefs_noti_links_type' => "Choose how you wish to be notified:",
  125. 'prefs_noti_links' => "Notify me when my links are approved or rejected",
  126. 'prefs_auto_reply' => "Watch every link I reply to",
  127. 'prefs_auto_type' => "If enabled, choose default notification type:",
  128. 'prefs_use_default' => "Use default",
  129. 'prefs_auto_submit' => "Watch every link I submit",
  130. 'prefs_comments_pp' => "Number of <strong>comments</strong> to show for each link page:",
  131. 'prefs_notification' => "Notification Preferences",
  132. 'prefs_links_pp' => "Number of <strong>links</strong> to show for each category page:",
  133. 'prefs_subs' => "Subscription Preferences",
  134. 'prefs_display' => "Display Preferences",
  135. 'watch_link' => "Watch Link",
  136. 'unwatch_link' => "Stop Watching Link",
  137. 'my_links' => "Links I've Submitted",
  138. 'watch_category' => "Watch Category",
  139. 'unwatch_category' => "Stop Watching Category",
  140. 'reply' => "Reply",
  141. 'use_full_editor' => "Use Full Editor",
  142. 'post_submission' => "Post",
  143. 'unapproved_links' => "Unapproved Links",
  144. 'watch_cat_desc' => "Please choose your notification method. <br />You will receive a notification when a new link is posted in a category you are subscribed to. Digests will also include updated links.",
  145. 'cat_watch_none_title' => "No Email Notification",
  146. 'cat_watch_none_desc' => "This option will not send out any email notification but will retain the category in your subscriptions panel.",
  147. 'cat_watch_delayed_title' => "Delayed Email Notification",
  148. 'cat_watch_delayed_desc' => "This option will send out a notification if a new link has been submitted and you're not active on the board.",
  149. 'cat_watch_immediate_title' => "Immediate Email Notification",
  150. 'cat_watch_immediate_desc' => "This option will send out a notification immediately after a new link has been submitted, regardless of your activity.",
  151. 'cat_watch_daily_title' => "Daily Email Digest",
  152. 'cat_watch_daily_desc' => "This option will send out a daily digest showing all new links and all updated links for the day.",
  153. 'cat_watch_weekly_title' => "Weekly Email Digest",
  154. 'cat_watch_weekly_desc' => "This option will send out a weekly digest showing all new links and all updated links for the week.",
  155. 'watch_link_desc' => "Please choose your notification method. <br />You will receive a notification when a new comment is made on a link you are subscribed to.",
  156. 'link_watch_none_title' => "No Email Notification",
  157. 'link_watch_none_desc' => "This option will not send out any email notification but will retain the link in your subscriptions panel.",
  158. 'link_watch_delayed_title' => "Delayed Email Notification",
  159. 'link_watch_delayed_desc' => "This option will send out a notification if a new comment has been made and you're not active on the board.",
  160. 'link_watch_immediate_title' => "Immediate Email Notification",
  161. 'link_watch_immediate_desc' => "This option will send out a notification immediately after a new comment has been made, regardless of your activity.",
  162. 'link_watch_daily_title' => "Daily Email Digest",
  163. 'link_watch_daily_desc' => "This option will send out a daily digest showing all new comments for the day.",
  164. 'link_watch_weekly_title' => "Weekly Email Digest",
  165. 'link_watch_weekly_desc' => "This option will send out a weekly digest showing all new comments for the week.",
  166. 'subs_info' => "Subscription",
  167. 'show_links_from' => "Show links from",
  168. 'show_cats_posted_in' => "Show categories posted in the",
  169. 'subs_updated' => "Your subscriptions were successfully updated",
  170. 'its_not_you_its_me' => "It looks like you're deleting links that have never been approved. Some of these link submitters have opted to be notified when their links are rejected. If you're in a cheerful mood you can provide each member with reasons as to why you just totally shot their link down, or you can just throw caution to the wind and continue your trigger-happy deleting without providing any reasons. Personally I like to go with the \"It's not you, it's me\" approach, but it's up to you.",
  171. 'thumbnail' => "Photo",
  172. 'submitted_links' => "Submitted Links:",
  173. 'find_links' => "Find Links",
  174. 'links_hits' => "Link's Hits",
  175. 'viewing_links_sys' => "Viewing Links:",
  176. 'viewing_link' => "Viewing Link:",
  177. 'viewing_link_category' => "Viewing Link Category:",
  178. 'search_order_date' => "Date Link Submitted",
  179. 'search_order_title' => "Link Title",
  180. 'search_order_hits' => "Number of Link Hits",
  181. 'search_order_comments' => "Number of Comments",
  182. 'search_order_rating' => "Link Rating",
  183. 'subcategories' => "Subcategories",
  184. 'last_post_info' => "Last Post Info",
  185. 'stats' => "Stats",
  186. 'link_with_col' => "Lien :",
  187. 'submitted_by' => "Proposé par",
  188. 'no_categories' => "Unable to find any categories",
  189. 'no_affiliates' => "Unable to find any affiliates",
  190. 'no_links' => "Unable to find any links",
  191. 'no_members' => "Unable to find any members",
  192. 'top_submitters' => "Top Submitters",
  193. 'manage_hidden' => "Manage Hidden Links (%s)",
  194. 'tot_links' => "Total Links",
  195. 'tot_hits' => "Total Hits",
  196. 'tot_categories' => "Total Categories",
  197. 'using_system_details' => "%s members, %s guests, %s anonymous users",
  198. 'submit_new_link' => "Submit New Link",
  199. 'mark_cat_read' => "Mark this category as read",
  200. 'mark_link_read' => "Mark this link as read",
  201. 'filter_time_frame' => "Time frame:",
  202. 'filter_sort_direction' => "Sort direction:",
  203. 'remember_filters' => "Remember filters",
  204. 'search_category' => "Search Category",
  205. 'rate_link' => "Rate Link :",
  206. 'link_url' => "Link URL",
  207. 'on' => "on",
  208. 'link_to' => "Link To",
  209. 'report' => "Report",
  210. 'link_unpin' => "Unpin",
  211. 'link_pin' => "Pin",
  212. 'unapprove' => "Unapprove",
  213. 'submitting_link' => "Submitting a New Link in %s",
  214. 'submitting_comment' => "Adding a New Comment in %s",
  215. 'max_image_size' => "Maximum image size is %spx width by %spx height.",
  216. 'find_in_cat' => "Find in <strong>category</strong>",
  217. 'submitted' => "Submitted",
  218. 'rating' => "Rating",
  219. 'no_perm_hidden' => "You do not have permission to manage hidden links",
  220. 'rating_not_enabled' => "Link ratings are not enabled",
  221. 'member' => "Member",
  222. 'submitted_unapproved' => "Your link has been submitted and is awaiting approval from one of our moderators",
  223. 'submitted_approved' => "Your link has been submitted",
  224. 'link_updated' => "The link submission has been updated",
  225. 'link_redirecting' => "We are now taking you to the requested link. You are leaving %s",
  226. 'submit_edit_link' => "Submit Modified Link",
  227. 'submit_comment' => "Submit Comment",
  228. 'modified_comment' => "Submit Modified Comment",
  229. 'sys_offline_warning' => "IP.Links is currently offline. While you may continue to browse and use the system, others who do not have permission won't be able to access the system until it is turned back online.",
  230. 'unapproved_warning' => "This link hasn't been approved yet. Only members with moderator rights can view this link. To approve it click on the Approve link below the link details.",
  231. 'mod_pin' => "Liens épinglés",
  232. 'mod_unpin' => "Liens désépinglés",
  233. 'mod_move' => "Move Links",
  234. 'mod_delete' => "Delete Links",
  235. 'mod_unapprove' => "Unapprove Links",
  236. 'mod_approve' => "Approve Links",
  237. 'link_pinned_changed' => "The link(s) pinned statuses have been updated",
  238. 'sel_dest_category' => "Please select the destination category",
  239. 'moving_links_form' => "Moving links from category: %s",
  240. 'move_link_from' => "Move this link from <strong>%s</strong> to:",
  241. 'move_these_links' => "Move These Links",
  242. );
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