
Miscast - Chapter 7

May 26th, 2012
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  1. >Day 9 in Equestria
  3. "3...2...1...HIYA!!!"
  4. >You bust out a straight kick that would knock someone's teeth out.
  5. >Unfortunately all this killing machine energy is taken out on a tree.
  6. >Your heel collides with the bark, shaking the tree to it's core.
  7. >Apples fall from the tree and land nicely in the baskets you have laid out.
  8. >Another perfectly bucked tree.
  9. >Well, almost.
  10. >A few apples remain dangling.
  11. >You climb the tree to get the stragglers.
  12. >"Anon, you climbing trees again?"
  13. >Peeking out of the leaves, you see Applebloom, AJ's little sister, staring up at you.
  14. >"You know how weird that looks."
  15. >You sit on a branch, apple in hand.
  16. "You're just mad you can't."
  17. >She ruffles her brow.
  18. >"Yeah, huh! Mah friends and I have a whole HOUSE up in a tree!"
  19. "Oh really?"
  20. >"Yeah, and it's better than that BARN you sleep in!"
  21. >Little girl wants to play, eh?
  22. "That's actually really cool!"
  23. >"And ano-"
  24. >Got her.
  25. >"Ya think so?"
  26. "Yeah! You guys built it yourselves?"
  27. >"Uh huh!"
  28. "I'm surprised that didn't give you your cutie ma-ohh..."
  29. >Critial hit, 200% damage.
  30. >"..."
  31. >Your comfy branch starts violently shaking.
  32. >Applebloom is pounding at the base of the tree.
  34. >You laugh so hard you almost choke on your apple.
  36. >"APPLEBLOOM!"
  37. >Busted.
  38. >"Applejack! He made fun of me for not having a cutie mark!"
  39. >You can feel the sting from AJ's glare.
  40. >Jumping down from the branch, you land next to Applebloom.
  41. "Well she said I was weird!"
  42. >"Well you ARE weird!"
  43. "No, YOU'RE weird!"
  44. >"ARE NOT!"
  45. "Are too~"
  46. >This is too much fun.
  47. >After a few more seconds of back and forth...
  48. >"Enough you two!"
  49. >You and Applebloom stop arguing.
  50. >"Applebloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo are here to see you."
  51. >Applebloom happily trots off, not before playfully sticking her tongue out at you.
  52. >You send that shit right back, no little girl gets the last laugh!
  53. >"And Anon, you should know better than to make fun of my sister."
  54. "But she started it!"
  55. >"Ah ah! No excuses."
  56. >Psh. Stupid Applebloom.
  57. >"Besides, she's right. Climbing trees is a bit weird."
  58. "You're. Just. Jealous."
  60. >You walk into the barn after a long day.
  61. >It didn't feel long, though.
  62. >These past few days, you've been really letting your personality out.
  63. >All the p0nies got over the shock of whatever the heck you are.
  64. >Well, all the p0nies you've met at least.
  65. >The p0nies in town were warned that a human existed, and were told not to freak out.
  66. >You haven't exactly been to town though.
  67. >Spending all your time on the farm was fine with you.
  68. >When not gathering apples, Granny was more than happy to have you babysit little Applebloom.
  69. >Who of course thought you were a monster at first.
  70. >She warmed up to ya, though, and now you two get along famously!
  71. >You were always good with little kids.
  72. >The stagnant feeling from being cooped up in Twilight's library is returning, however.
  73. >While the orchard is spacious, you still feel trapped.
  74. >Applejack and Applebloom chat with you constantly.
  75. >You haven't seen Big Mac since you met him a few nights ago.
  76. >At all.
  77. >Granny Smith still thinks you're a p0ny out to court her granddaugher, boy that going to be heartbreaking later.
  78. >You haven't seen the other p0nies in a few days though.
  79. >Maybe the shock of you being here wore off for them too.
  80. >Now that you aren't an oddity, they don't need to see ya.
  81. >WOW, that's depressing, snap the fuck out of it.
  82. >At least you haven't seen Pinkie.
  83. >Fucking weirdo.
  85. >Just as you lay on the world's comfiest pile of hay, you hear a knock.
  86. >Sweet, a visitor!
  87. >You get up, making sure you're still decent, walk to the door.
  88. >Opening it up, you see a pair of yellow eyes floating in front of you.
  89. >Staring at you...
  90. >...and the wall behind you.
  92. >The gray p0ny tries to say something, but there's an envelope in it's mouth.
  93. >You graciously relieve it of it's burden.
  94. "I'm sorry, what was that?"
  95. >"I saaaaaaaid, I brought you a letter!"
  96. >...
  97. "Oh, thanks!"
  98. >"Bye bye, hoo-men!"
  99. >She flies away in an awkward arc.
  100. >Something about that p0ny.
  101. >She seems...
  102. >Silly?
  103. >Clumsy?
  104. >Ahh, you'll think of something fitting later.
  105. >For now, YOU HAVE MAIL!
  106. >First time since being here that anyone's sent you mail.
  107. >Well, to be honest, only bill collectors sent you mail before...
  108. >Oh well, you tear that baby open and...
  109. >It's gibberish.
  111. >Well no fucking shit you don't know how to read their writing.
  112. >It's damned lucky you even speak the same language as them!
  113. >The thrill of recieving mail has quickly dissapated.
  114. >Maybe you can get Applejack to read this for ya.
  115. >You check the pile of borderline cosplay outfits, and manage to pull out more normal clothes.
  116. >A black button-down, with straight black pants.
  117. >You put a skip in your step as you go inside to have your mail read.
  118. >Applejack is sitting in the parlor.
  119. >"Oh hey, Anon. Whatcha need?"
  120. "Well, I got a letter, but I have no idea how to read your language."
  121. >"Ah gotcha. Give 'er here."
  122. >You give AJ the letter.
  123. >"Anon, tired of being cooped up in that musty barn? Come chill with the...*sigh*...most awesomest, radicalest mare in P0nyville."
  124. >Must be from Rainbow Dash.
  125. "Does it say where to meet her?"
  126. >"...nope. It ends at 'radicalest mare in P0nyville'."
  127. >Odd.
  128. "Well, that doesn't help much. Thanks anyway, AJ!"
  129. >"Ain't no thang, sugarcube."
  130. >You make your way out of the house and towards your barn.
  131. >Peculiarly, a blue p0ny is crouched in front of your door.
  133. >"Hehehe...he's sure to have gotten my letter by now..."
  134. >She chuckles to herself.
  135. >"He's gonna get it good!"
  136. >She's rearing back, ready to tackle the next thing to step through that barn door.
  137. >Which would normally be you.
  138. >Man, you are a master of circumstance.
  139. >Carefully sneaking behind her, you lean in close...
  140. >Closer...
  141. >CLOSER...
  142. >Until you're right next to her ear...
  143. >Take a deep breath...
  144. "WHATCHA DOING?!?"
  145. >"AAAAHH!!!"
  146. >Congratulations, you've committed your first p0ny murder!
  147. >No wait, she's still breathing.
  148. >Pretty sure her heart stopped though.
  149. >Do p0nies even have heart?
  150. >Shit that's cold, man.
  151. >Back to the p0ny in a shock coma on the ground.
  152. >You stand over her.
  153. "Yo Rainbow Dash...y'alright?"
  154. >"WHY...WOULD...YOU...DO...THAT..."
  155. >She's scared shitless.
  156. >Mission accomplished, 10 points to Anon house.
  157. "I dunno, there was this scary p0ny stalking outside my barn, and I wanted to check."
  158. >"Oh, you heard me?"
  159. >That's not Rainbow.
  161. >You turn around to a nearby bush.
  162. >You're fairly certain that bush isn't there normally.
  163. >Pinkie sticks her head out.
  164. >"HI!"
  165. >Fucking. Pinkie. Pie.
  166. "And just HOW LONG have you been there?"
  167. >"Doesn't matter!"
  169. >"C'mon Flutters, we haven't eaten all day!"
  170. >Pinkie Pie picks up the bush, and starts carrying it away.
  171. >Where she was, a Fluttershy remains.
  172. >"....eeeeee...."
  173. >With a small squeak, she runs after Pinkie.
  174. >...
  175. >Fucking stalker extorting p0ny, you swear.
  176. >Bet she roped Fluttershy into joining her.
  177. >In any case, you have a Rainbow to attend to.
  178. "So, what were we gonna do tonight?"
  179. >Rainbow gets over the shellshock from your grand entrance and starts flying happily.
  180. >"You seem like a dude who can handle his drink."
  181. "What, you mean alcohol?"
  182. >You haven't had more than a beer or two at one time.
  183. "Of course."
  184. >Lying fuck.
  185. >"Good, then we're going out toni~ght!"
  186. >You have a sinking feeling this is going to go wrong FAST.
  188. >You walk alongside a flying Rainbow Dash.
  189. >Some p0nies walking around at this time o' night give you some odd looks...
  190. >Others point, like children asking their parents what you are.
  191. >Feels bad man.
  192. "So, what possessed ya to come get me?"
  193. >"Listen, I've know Applejack for a while. I'm not letting you get bent out of shape due to all that farm-work."
  194. >What a bro.
  195. "All work and no play makes Anon a dull human?"
  196. >"You got it, friend. And tonight, we're gonna PLAY!"
  197. >Awesome. Though you have no clue what she's taking you to.
  198. >"HERE WE ARE!"
  199. >You look ahead of you. It looks like a...
  200. >Bar.
  201. >Nothing more, nothing less.
  202. >Ah well, what were you expecting?
  203. >Some super magical p0ny activity?
  204. >...maybe.
  205. >What a wuss.
  206. >Fuck off.
  207. >"I'll meet ya inside!"
  208. >Rainbow dashes towards the bar, flying in the doorway and out of sight.
  209. >Better follow her in-
  210. >"Hey, human..."
  212. >You turn around and look down.
  213. >Hey, it's that turquoise pony that saw you before!
  214. >And it's absolutely terrified.
  215. >"H-hello..."
  216. >My god it's shaking.
  217. >This isn't embarassment or shyness.
  218. >This is true fear.
  219. "Hey."
  220. >Your word makes it tremble.
  221. >"I j-just wanted to apologize for the other day..."
  222. >Ain't that thoughtful.
  223. "Oh, no problem. I understand where you were coming from."
  224. >"Heh, won't happen again, I swear!"
  225. >Better not.
  226. "Great!"
  227. >You give her an approving thumbs up.
  228. >She just stares at your hand, mesmerized.
  229. >That's right, they wouldn't know what a thumbs up is.
  230. >You quickly put it down.
  231. >She's still just staring at your hand.
  232. >Like it's fucking laser guided staring.
  233. >Getting creepy.
  234. "Well, uh, it was nice to talk with you."
  235. >She snaps out of it.
  236. >"Oh..yeah! Yeah it was! I'll, uh, see you around?"
  237. >She awkwardly shuffles her hooves for a moment, then runs off.
  238. >These p0nies and their awkward tendencies.
  239. >Maybe it's a species thing.
  240. >You shrug it off and walk into the establishment.
  242. >Holy fuck is it ever a bar.
  243. >You walk in and the smell of alcohol wafts by.
  244. >P0nies, of all colors, races, sizes, sitting at tables.
  245. >Some are gambling, some are watching the on-stage entertainment.
  246. >How the fuck are they holding those cards?
  247. >They aren't even unicorns.
  248. >Whaddafuck.
  249. >You decide it might be best if you left...
  250. >"Hey Anon! Ya made it!"
  251. >Oh fuck Rainbow saw you.
  252. >And with that, every head in the place turns towards you.
  253. >Rainbow what the flying fuck.
  254. >Suddenly, from the center of the crowd, a large figure rises.
  255. >Largest p0ny you've ever seen.
  256. >Well, almost. Big Mac is about that bi-
  257. >Oh fuck it's Big Mac.
  258. >He walks at you from his table of mares.
  259. >What a pimp.
  260. >He stands in front of you, tall and strong.
  261. >He's eye level with you without trying.
  262. >For a p0ny, that's pretty fucking big.
  263. >You look at him silently.
  264. >He just stares back.
  265. >What the fuck did you get into.
  267. >He holds up his hoof.
  268. >Oh man. OH MAN.
  269. >You've been preparing for this your whole life.
  270. >You ball your fingers into a concentrated fist of courage and resolve.
  271. >Hand and hoof collide into a brofist that may have very well shook the foundation of the entire bar.
  272. >He puts his hoof down, satisfied with the level of bro-itude, and turns back to the bar.
  273. >...
  274. "..."
  275. >"Eeyup."
  276. >The bar explodes into fanfare, and you're welcomed down to a table with Rainbow.
  277. >"Welcome to P0nyville, Anon."
  278. >She slides you a cider.
  279. >You lift the glass, raising it to them all.
  280. >"Cheers!"
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