
tired so enjoy farting girls

Mar 15th, 2021 (edited)
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  1. It was a beautiful day at Nat's expensive garden near her mansion and Blair decided to drop by because she wanted to spend yet another day with her richer in riches and fiber gal pal; of course the latter is what made them such good friends because both of them were notorious for being capable of having such a bad case of fart gas that they could cause a building to collapse if they wanted!
  3. "Man do you have such disgusting gas." Nat complained for she was starting to become sick of smelling the fumes of her good friend in light of having rancid reeking rippers herself.
  5. "You're 1 to talk; I can just hear those poots pooping right out of you!" Blair teased for she was having quite the laughing fit of which was because her farting acted like laughing gas for her.
  7. Nat squinted her eyes upon adjusting her hat while her stomach grumbled loudly. "Don't you mean popping-"
  9. "Well yes but I actually did mean exactly what I said!" Blair laughed while brushing back her long brown hair that very easily matched the color of her panties.
  11. Blair and Nat were just hanging out but both of them overate on the salads that were provided by the rich girl; and oh did they let loose. The plump cheeks were reeking from both gassy girls, and it didn't help that they were incredibly sweaty upon which was a virtue of their flatulence being ever so powerful. Indeed the wet sweat was making the pungent stench even more powerful than it already seemed and with the females already being quite the stinkers it made their insidious farting all more impactful with the rumps roaring with rage and violently vibrating the slabs of smelly meat as a result of their methane making.
  13. "We're going to have to do a lot of shopping." Nat sighed for she felt the urge to be y'know in the bathroom taking a nice big dump on a solid toilet for her to accidentally wreck. "I'm not sure if my poor panties could handle this..."
  15. "That sounds pretty good to me!" Blair responded upon which she noticed her brap blaster starting to sound sloppy. "...Ooh that definitely sounds like fudge coming up real good from my oven!"
  17. "I just can't fathom why we're just brapping beasts..."
  19. "Because beauties like us were built for this!"
  21. Nat grunted for she felt the need to get up, with her leaving the chair that practically broke after she stood up; she was quick and immediate to bent over and release a bunch of doodoo that left quite an enormous stain on her pooped pants; Blair watched this with glee for she felt the urge to take a shit in her jeans, wrapping her arms around both of her legs and grunting for she felt a slew of plopping poop slap right onto her pouched pant clothing; it was quite a sensational feeling since if there was 1 thing that Blair would take joy in it was the fact that she liked seeing how messy she could get by virtue of being a figurative and literal dirty girl and oh was it ever the case where she was thankful for laundry since it gave her more chances to let loose.
  23. "Woo; geeze is that gonna leave a lingering stench!" Blair laughed while causing more poots to emerge out of her literal dump truck.
  25. Nat was groaning for her stomach kept grumbling in pain while she filled her pooped pants with more foul fudge. "Ugh I should have never asked to binge on those salad dressings if I knew this was going to happen-"
  27. "Oh lighten up you overdramatic fatty; I'm just as much of a smelly fat ass and you don't see me complaining!"
  29. "That's because you don't have to worry about standards being placed on you!" Nat snapped for her sloppy sharting was making tears form in her eyes. "You know how much it stinks to be so rich that people would get the wrong idea if they see you in a certain state?"
  31. "...Eh." Blair responded with a shrug upon lifting her legs to have her burping big butt blast more bassy notes to go with her brownies. "Personally the mud pie in my pants right now is much more valuable than any money in the world."
  33. Nat suddenly felt that she might have accidentally peed her pants all while doing her flatulent release. "Maybe we should stop-"
  35. "Let's do the opposite of that yes!" Blair responded while bouncing her crapping cheeks since she was too much in tune with her gas blasting body.
  37. Nat adjusted her sunglasses upon feeling her stomach rumble and in turn her burping butt fart out more rancid odors that was causing the plants nearby to wilt. "But don't you feel that we might be getting a bit too-"
  39. "You're letting the stink get to you without embracing it." Blair responded with her fat arse ripping directly in her fellow farting female's face. "Let my veggie diet incite you to think otherwise...!"
  41. Nat's face turned green upon not being able to handle the retched fumes from Blair's bakery, prompting to have her oven go directly into the gassy girl's face to provide why it wasn't such a good idea for her letting out sharts in her completely messed up pants; however the joke was on Nat because literally Blair liked that kind of shit.
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